HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-12, Page 4School- Reports. following is the report- of the department of tbei ,Fordwieh +ool foranonti3,. of April nasi are arranged in order of =snesit. ' Tberessdenote the -tuber `el marks obtained on a written exam- ination and the number of days present itui$ the month out of: the 19 school FIFTH -CLASS (Marks obtainable 1200.) Nnrk�. Attendance Wm. IL Rowe-, 1028 - 19 h a�uis Romig ;................. 960 -19 Herbert Braden.. . - 929 18 AggteWhite 777' 16 Ssiuoa FOURTH (Marks ob. 1000) Milton Carter; - - - 890 19 WilliamMoos' 886 19 - Aggie Harding 731 19 Edith Gibson ' 720 19 Junto* FOURTH (Marks o 7�.) 19 Robert Cool. 791 Allis Cole 775 18 Wardeth Fallis P 715 19 Etta Rowe 624 19 Gertie Davidson. 614 19 A. Rogers 13 David Robinson _ 15 SENIORTRIED (Marks Ob. 900.)on,T "Levi Dicks.80 Victor Wiggins . 785 Lavine Harding 773 Lavine McGrath 757 Maggie Hainstock 784 17. Maggie Braden 714 19 Tena Brown 683 -12 bussu Bowe ... 6V8.. 18 -Jennet Cook . 6W larzicraciatz*IBD (Marks ob. 700.) Agnes Baird.- .... 618 19 594 18 582 19 Mary White 576 19 Doretha Fields 573 17 Emma_ Carter .........:557 19 Anthony Holt 552 = 8 Alberta: Rowse 540 19 - Keil 503' 18.. Iva eet. :12 William- Carter " 559 19 Jud :Ma, (Marks ob700.) J'ainesdrown. 689 19 Fratib' wards " 640. 19 ' Wil oviney 619 19 EdritalAttliews. .... 610 19- Bla! k - . 585 19 -583 19 18 19 18 18 Frank, Donaghy Lizzie Brown ria 574 569 �..�.. .«. 552 y , 547 19 644. 12 ., did. not write- op all. the deli; marks are net given. liverage sttendt ce 51- Wic. WATTNaS. Teacher. 15 ' 16•. 19. 18 'The following pis the report of the WrozeteiiaPublic School for the month of Apra. The names arearranged in orrderofinerit. Average attendance 100.. e Jelin; number: 'of days sprese dig the month. FtirjaOLASS.--Ri. H. Moore, 15; ErT sit` Hatelwood,15: Elsie AUen, 14; Lydia. Hazelwood, 144; Richard Miller, 15.dlez. smith, 9i; Bessie Mitchell, 14; Alber* Smaie,- 15; Fred Funtson, 61; David 'Rae, 6. SENimi FouRTH.-Gertie Henry, 15; J. R. Rae, 14,3-; Laura Brawn, 15; Geo. Rae, 151 Jennie Miller;: 15; Mary San- derson, 15; an-derson,15; Lavine Barnard, 15; Letisha Morrison, 15: Robert Rae, 141; John Brawn, . 141; Sarah Allan, 10; Mary Miller,. 11; J. M. Thompson, 4; John Bray, 3; Renta Morrison, 1. - JUNIOa Fovi;Tn.-Letts Hazelwood, • 15; Byron Simmons, 134; Crosbie Leckie, lf; Willie Thompson,I31; Harry Brawn, 144; Wallace Leckie, 13; Willie McLeod, 12; Lottie Jones, 13. Samoa Timm -Kate Robinson, 15; -Mary Hazelwood, 15; Norman Henry, 15; Edith Gibson, 13; Fred Orr, 14; Azala Elliott, 10; Chas Lee, 15; Ennui Playford, 14; Allan Rae, 15; Wallace Weldon, 15, Robert Cameron, 14; Annie Martin, 1& May Davidson, 15. Chas. Saon,15; Alban Elliott, 9; Bert 314 eod 10; Maggie Willis, 14; Willie Sitith,1O .iJibbie Playford, 4; Alberta Wits, S•' JUNIOR TsiaD.--Elten Thyne, 15; Her- man Haielwood, 14;. Mable Miller, 15: PearNireland,14 Willie ° Rae, 15; --Her- man Mom" 15F.Geo Kaake, 14; fill Milly' Playford,: 14; "Jennie' Vogt, 18; d -.Y 11; :Maggie .'.Miller, - X14; . ?gaud Eddie Sage, 13; Deo. .114 -.ii', s. Sim -Saco:: Mie- Cameroi,. 14 -Fanny _Thempsoin, 14 Alice Thyne, ugh,Raef t2; ;Maw -10;- � Da 12; S es-� Ili: Henry Howard,. 14; l-- 1#k Eddie #cMester .8.-' Jinnoa-llscOM. Lyat Ireland, 1 'kat* Black, 1g;Mary Smith, 13; -Nettie', 4.NRol?tr -Montgomery, 14; ,-1-1k1U1slai Morison, 14; L ,il i . The following are the names of the most succesafuipupils in S. S. No 11 for the month of April. „The names are arranged m order of merit and only thosewho obtained over 75% of the total number of maks appear: Fifth Claes-Albert Dunlop.. "Fantth�.Classordie -Cooper, Levi Snyder, .IVilham Faust. SeriiorTkird-Oliver Reichard, Louisa Walker, Melinda Tilker. - Seeond Mary Self, Priscilla Gedcke, Robert Self; Mary Snyder. Junior Second -Lizzie Sanderson. Part II -Willie Walker, Lewis. Mc- Derniitt, John Tilker, Wellington Self. Part I -Melinda Gedcke, Effie San- derson. • The following is a report of the Union S. S. No' 13, Howick'& Tnrnberry, showing the names of the scholars who attended during the month of April,: also. the number of marks obtained by each scholar. Senior Fourth -Elsie McMichael, 400' lex Thomson, 391; David Weir, 150. Junior Fourth -Mary Hooey, 454; Cassie Barton, 419; ,Bella Underwood, 221. Third -Joe Underwood, 432; Lottie Hooey, 420; Lilly Fortune, 871; Frank Gemxn' ll, 286:. James Gemmill, 96; James Gemmill, 28. Second -Charlotte McMichael, 416; Melvin Willits, 359; Mattie Merkley, 347; Willie Abram, 201; Maggie Greenaway, 200; James Barton, 179; Jennie Palmer, 156; George Greenway, 130; Waldo Weir, 123. Part II Senior -Ralph Gemmill, 98; Jno. Underwood, 94; Thomas Fortune, 41. Part- II Junior -Jessie Hooey, 285; Minnie Hayes, 203; Mary Willits, 201; Fruda Dethnarm, 159: Fred McIntosh, 104; Wesley Palmer, 99; Robert Under- wood, 90. • B. J. HAZELWOOD. Teacher. . The following is the report of the S. S. No. 4, Howick, for the: month of April, based on regular attendance, punctuality, good conduct, perfect reci- taton and the result of a written exam- ination' Fuse CLASS. (Marks obtainable 800.) Allie Miller, 751. SENIOR Fotrarn.---John Bennett,648i. JUNIOR FouaTn.-Prudence Sander- son, 680; Rachael Dane, 663; John San- derson, 612; .4ggie Burns, 6091; Maggie. Miller, 340; Wm. Graham, . 885; Elliott Crookshanke, 830; . Mary Jackson, 330;.; Isaac Gailbraith, • 325; Chester Laird, 8.00, Fred Willits, 800. Samoa Tnrrw.---J.Bennett, 704; Mary -Day, 701: Ettie Graham, 672; Maggie Willits, -665; Annie' Strong, 643; . Cecil Day. 618; John Taylor, 588; John Sten. eraal, _ 574; Hessle Potter, 484; En_ .i17, , Potter, 865:. JUNI 'gym- pr Harry-Gottgh, Crooke - #tint e- Stewwrt, Niru Taylor 601;- Violin B Geo. With' s, 414. JUNIOR SECOND (Marks ob: 900) Nelly Day, 544; Ellie . Sanderson, : 508, LI rQ James Dane, 476; L6rne Laud; 456; Maggie Gallagher, 554; Wm: Caseinore, 440; Geo. Baker, 430, Nelson Stemma; 425; Mary Casemore, 420; Hannah Baker, 409; Minerva Laird, 409; Ruth Gal- braith, 351: Maggie Willits, 3503 Frank :Galbraith, x310: 'SEco'w PABT,(Mtirksol( 400') -George Diller, 354; Jemima Woolner,_830;.Mary Willits, 325; Sam Gengh, 850; Eddy Bennett 805 ; Geo. Galbraith, 305 -FIRST CLASS, (Marks ob', 800,)--lryin Geugh, 300 ; Albert Crookshanks 290-; Joe Sanderson, 2285 ; Thos Taylor, 280; Florence 'Steuerna1,.265: O•eo. Bennett, 240; Elsie Steuernal 240; -Martha Jack. son, 225; .- Gracie Miller, 225; Bessie Strong, 220;4Norman Wade, 220; Jennie Wade, 215; Sarah Willits, 205. JNO. KAINz. Teacher. F`ordwicsh Roller Mills. Wusoz Biros., Props. First-class Manitoba Wheat Fleur manufactured and always kept in Stock and told in any quantities FLOUR per cwt. $2 26 to 112 60 BRAN, per ton. 14.00 SHORTS.......per ton. 16 00 Special attention . given to GRISTING,. __ which is dons on the shortest possible notice. Highest Price Paid for ;Grain. The mill is fitted throughout with the very best roller pro- cess rocess "machinery and appliances and we are confident of being able to give perfect ` satisfac- tion. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. WILSON BROS. F�rdwich Drug Store A. SPENC E, -M. D., Proprietor. FULL LINE Oif •- J. C. BELL, - Manager. Drugs and Druggists' Supplies, Stationery and Fancy Coods, 'ALL PAPE In endless variety and at every price. HAZELWOOD �otand shoe virRazirrovirz. G zsries. The Newsiest Local- Paper in North Huron. Published. every Thursday --AT-- Gorrie, Ont., A splendid staff' of able cor- respondents in every part of this section. Per YEB or less than 2c. a week. slob Pt;atiqg. s, have a splendid printing outfit, including the very latest facesof type, the most modern appliances, . Our Millinery Department grows in popular favor every season. Wh Because ?y we keep the newest goods, made upin the most artistic styles. There .'Must be taste: or there'll be trash no matter what you pay for it. ew Goods for summer wear are coming forward. The choicest goods are taken first. ome early and- get the best. Dress Good. We have the newest shades and most popular effects in dress goods: We call especial attention to our black and colored all -wool Henriettas from 40c. per yard upwards. Fast,��b etc.. We show_the best goods and best values. If you want a spring suit or -overcoat you will make a mistake if you pur- chase without inspecting our stock. :o: ins PoAter We can turn out Wedding Card, Calling Cards, Business Cards, - Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Blank Headings, Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, Circulars, Hand=Bills, Posters, Streamers, or anything:: in r the print g._ line- in the thiT teirtett = ale of the art,'` and Sina nos rian at1+8`'Term$: Cotton Goods.. =Anticipating an advance in price in all lines of cotton goods as a result of the recent combination of manufactur- ers, we have bought largely in cottonades, denims, shirtings, grey and white cottons, etc.; we are .headquarters for these goods. - a • �rocerl es. Iii this line we keep the highest grades of • goods at the west "possible living prices. Teas. We give the Tea trade especial attention. Our Japan at 41 and 3 lbs. for $ i cannot be excelled. We have cheaper and dearer lines but these are leaders. ORD IN CONCLUSION : Some a think us dear because we will not COME DOWN in the price of our,goods. It is not our way of doing business. We mark all our goods in plain fges .and sell at one price, to all. The poor man's Cis as good to us as the rich man's. We. cannot see any other honest way of doing busi- nees. ' Our past experience convinces us that .a majority of the public appreciates fair dealing and goods as they are represented. The Highest Market Price Paid for Farm Prod=uce. `_ren,:. `or Gentlemen r : For Ladies. suited, I am prepared to compete village er _country store io Western ..•Y..•.•- :o•-.-....:.: ogiPgat flot�se, a•s CULLS 5 FE Dow W. storey fonndatio rent, alo for ten y fnrnitnre The to $640,315. than 51 Brusse paring fo A requ ment stoc other va in it. So saw -dust present suckers to take Crossle holding f in Wingh The re deaths fo issued. 1 and 704 perform Methodi Presbyter that year were and The Po 1891 give cerning th in this co ders issa ness of but this i postal rev 65; Bluev Brussels, Dungauno Fordwich, Gorrie, $ Pen, 5304. $390.96; • $917.65; Mr. Ro Usborne, dred-aere The farm paid was A distre on lot 22, Wm. Led that to day 222nd self to th through finding t purpose hanging Tempo financial remains w cemetery The gro heavy hail last week. " erg forth last looks as although h in the m The S Goderich starting o Brassels up $817,92 Seafo bussed $ surplus in A flock o Shonldice, no less t beats the -Folio weekly 7th to 14th $371,000; John Ke Large barn A move citizens' -Joseph iistowel's a former Press. An Enna whose cost W Mr. Th assigned. hope. his and leave a A corner cemtly snot _ The mane good �is The Co - destroyed The poli has been th The ann Teachers' Stratford o Henri Wil