HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-12, Page 3- , � I . � . L I ­ _-,� . . ..... � , 'I ;i2� z�Z - _. - - I - , - � , �,_ - �*(_ . NNW - ___ - - .�__rjaw�- GW- Nr. VV a. 13, kle. I w111 -1 ult-v: I'MrAon'lir its %4rill 0 Do'ckitt. " Lat Pekin, the pres ad Nankiu, the an - [y half so large as 0 , -how %ra ago Thc7. �ay. The more en- �ic individuals axe )ort,g, that offer a I moie conserva�tivq --a of the interior. Me., was building a � about to cut dowt � when he was --p- r French Canadianj lown that tree ?" -- ,r replied. " Well ,I F money ill there, Pulling out a care - the base he brou,ghl. th aold coins. 0 island of New Pro - Md important indug- [ sisal grass, which np for makina, rope 0 � plant, which wa3 � noxious weed, re- -p-ach maturity, and ' -res of the land ol ow' devoted to its ;hipment of it will h! kis year. iccurred in the Cath' mday. Bishop Tur. icourse on the laboui aker's remarks not ?proval, some mem. .. commenced a dis- c f which chairs Wert Is, and the chandel- � , persons were injur- , family were travel- oner near Palomas�, 10 "an in the wagon in ideutaJly. The ball i er, passed through a, �_ � gh the baby's head, of Mrs. Mary Rob - Young. Father and nded, the baby was rs. Roberts received �ssenger rates on the �nus of p have five ,=ma a mile � t i;ek e �p to that P4 _n , tL 0 r tr rtation � w the highest in A m� 'ri", gold for �old for see nd ;oud-clasa ama a Ion, of enty cents a mile, , the journalism of the brief period oi nt. Last year there es and in the city of seventeen political circulation of ovej week ly and mon th. to progress, sciencei .and social affairs, e very ancient and e one of the greal tries of the world. rton of the Imperial ave written a. book quake in the centre 10,000 persons and It has been pub - t the paper was pro - area. It contains . illustrating the shocks on the build- er -al surface of the nts of this earth - at least 500 shocks ands, too, are fre" le earthquake catas- o young women n the streets of a t such a thing oc- , the other day. I when Mr. Mar - d over the garden een all right, but and the bear follow - f the girls fell, and his " horrid nose" his pui suit of th4n refuge in a house. k the fun was spoils . Now the women Deming, N. M., y becausea violent Little incidents like nv6nience, distreag t easily compreh.end- caused by the mmia- , sandy prairie and e West. The storms sky is darkened as erything is envelop - f fine sand, and see - worst lasts for a few but for hours the a most -distressing it '. '0 On �turday si li�,� ei,,,,e u"ted on [The dama ,o done --,IW" markpi. One 11 serio�sly � ,pc�jured, I quay ' tor, i,1 dise Zred ke quantities of coffee .1 , !.L � I P �he "Her were it'. The r*11af J_� ,sa in 0:, g the � con- ts and all the were brought into wa- thus Iocalised. om the neighbour - as a precautionary . ITd 11okareff er namY racting , frnm thee I H!s neighbors told. I Idea and that he '- *8 - Ho' 'Or hi humble Al, from th%ains I h,: a nded to en - T 33a more than ,-d ttu='re �evoted awedr. The 1p has nearly doubled Ids of sunflowers are . VI se 8 which art _ ot o hie r h with - larga �elibi much � ties,t vercyommon I � � this country. . mer 500 feet long, to builtfor theWorld'; , ­ � '_ ,�_.,_f�--- ­ _­­Z�­­ .... .. --A-- _� . - N. �, - � I � :1 �� � �!__ _��­�." 1111 1, � , V , 1� - �C_ . � - , - ­ - __ -I'- " _kA EX���2, , �,,77�-�-�- - '. � �_­-, , , - � Z , �4 ­­_ �! � -'a.— L�� , , � I 5 !N� _�W_:,*1;t0_ � �, - .. - -14 - - , ­ — - _­__ � - � ­­ ­ __ - ,�� - , . __: _ - �_ - - ��� _� _... �� I I ­_ , t�, - -, ... ­ ­--_� 1. ,I I - -1 , :i- - �- , -­ ,� -,--. -, - "7- -, ��i '- �--- . 7� ­.�-, � - - � �, - �- �; - -. � - �, ,�.F,r � .-,- _�. , --;�, , - � _.�� . . . � � f %9W.- _�; � _X� �e �. , �, --- - - M . ___ __ �� , NO ____ _ - 7 I t - I .-�,�' ­�� .----' - , I �, , _ - , - � , � � � :, , ­ � - ,� :� 12:�,,� :7il­ , I � � � � . ,+ � . ., . - - - = , - �-- - ­ - . � . -`­ - , - , , � I . �� � � � , :, _ , - , - 7, � , ­- , ,i " -. ,, � � �,� - L -, - � �� - 1, � , L i I �, , . - - . � - . . , , -, �- � , ,_��n__ . - ,�� -� , � ��,__ - .,-. , �_. , , - , _ � - - -, - �,.­ ��Z _� . 17 �1�1� - - - ­ __ ­ -1 - � , _,�­ -� - - ��,v , , �i 7� , __ I I , � . 1. 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I , I u - - �� I - -11 � - I 11 __ I .1 - �_ ___ 11 - I , . - :�"_, . � - wimrX, �i� - - � - - ­ ... ­ �­7 - �­_ ,-1 - ­�,� - �i, <� , ��­,��­.,. �!L_ 1-�-,-�7�.��,�_,_ _e �,-�--� --.., -_-,, - �- �-V_F_.,,�,:­�? ��,;:��F._­�3t_ rw;�­i��-;�-:�_,�­ -L&-I-�:�:!�g�_, g, �,r_,­,5 �,_ _`Z - - ­_� .. ___, , i - . - � - � ­ I - , __ --- - - ­_­-, � - , "it--:� - ­�__,,�� �!o 1, �;� 11- " , _ - 2a �� �, . � - ­ - .1 , ,.; �-, , 4 - � , � `1'_� . � __ �7_ a_��"_ - - �,,.��, _, . _ . - � - - �, I_ _­�,_ _� , _____ __� ::;­i;::�:::� �*�_-_ .-, % -1 1_' , ,­�_ , ­ . . , 11 �_ _.__ - 7�� . ­ - ­ ,- - , - _� , - .� ­­_ - , . I - - - ­ ___ - - , -1 , .1 _____ - I - I - . . 1. I ­ I __ `�, � , "I __ - � , ,�:_ ; �_ -:i �_"__ .- - , . . - _� - `A�� ,�--_:"­ - _�____ .0- -1-k a - -, � - _- V - , - ffi*� ._ I ., ,�n � : : - ___ - ;� �1 '*­_ Fig, I - . . ,� _96 , . - I . - I - . - .-. - _�_��.,Z!�_, "FUNIN - I -1, I - I . �� - �_ _ .- p- -,-- *F' - "ft - . I '_ I - I I - !, �`, I 1. - A , , � - I 7 � . ­_­ - 7.., �-.-,�, -: �-..--�,,,,-_.�_� 0�� 1_-, - I -1 _. - ­ � I - . - _. . I ! - -1 . -1 - � - - ."7 � . 77, --- - �_L,_ __ � � I - -1- . -_1 - -.-, 1 � I � - ­ � _,�, I I -��__ - Z � � . __ . - f - -_ - % - - . - . Room � I . I-- 1 7 � _�� - I I ... !� _­ "�% -­ - , . - � - I \ � - �, - � .. � M,0: � - ­ r I I . � 1- - , , -, , -_ . - 11 - I ___ - , .- ­ �� - -11 .. _, _ ��_ _ �_ - -,__ _ . - -, 1. - - I. __ � - . . " � - I ". � I nl - - ,- I I I , , _ -11 __ �_ . - ,- . . . -_ - - ____ - -, - , I . , _1 - - - .. ­ � ��- ��- - - _ I ­ , 1. " - - . I -1 - - 1, - , � - - - - - � I � I V., 1:1% , . , - I - I- I , - . 1. .� 1, �_ �_ - � I - , - ­­ _ �, ­­ . - __ e . %. ­­ -_1 __ -_ .. __­,%f� - - - - ­ -, 'Z,- I `� �- - - ­­:�­__ ­!tl�!7___­t� . . . . . . . . . I, , �, __ ___ ----- - ____ .__ ____.___1-___ . ­ ­ __ - , - �11­� - _�Z- _ ­ ­�_, _--�� - , ----� - - �Ia�____­_�__ " - _ , & 'P�_ - . �� != - - -, F � I ' � . _­ ��720= * ­_ ­ '. -, - _W.151= , X_* I Z - ".1. i - ­%- `;'� � , ti � , _,� " , , ­ * ARIM - INCIDENTS OF LIM - Temperance, had, afte - of helplessress and suffering. " The house FLE1bD1T1Wmy,*r*mtsti` ation Z 1070 , - , I . P0. a THE MHATOGA IMBE; , r four years of con � ... L - �W� '­ � - - _ . Stanttreattuentb the most -ensinent Caua- I stores the TapjAcion. - ,,- `_ - -_ ­L;;�_ __ — I . 11 � ­ , dian physicians, been prono" - _ - , -1, - -1 _��, � L'L 41- -f , ; - � - ... . _ ......... '. I - I I L 1_ !'L, � � � , I I ft - .. M�l - . ' - Pet,,-r's hospital, said -he found only that He=e I- . � " �`�__ - J, y )hYsiciaiii On consulting the records of St., ., The Rev. Dr. Parr, when perpetual curate 0 I �% w oqdincurable, . Ge ,,r-',',,, at GARw_=LD "TE& - I , � �. -, _M A Report of the foamaster.%len- of Hatton, Warwickshire, which living be Y.&Jt EX and paid the $1, - Charles ,A. AGENcY 31 L __;�, -1 ��� - ­, 5" , I FURTHER INVESTIGATED -B ' - 000 total disability claim Quant entered the hoi i' qA ,T�C4urc1h,S&,JT1,WOP1-_ � __-__ �1 11 � __ � ------ � � � � , _� , , , , __ - , - ,�, - 11 I " ; ew, held from 1783 to 17W, regularly smoked p tal - I ---- ��� � � -".- __ L . - _.. L - - ­ . ..- - _� - March 14th, 1890, was treated by Dr; GENTS WAATED-j I ID aps, __� - - - I I allqwed by. the ..order in such cases ror 1�.Ogt,of J lark- - " � ... ,�. _� 11- - -or Vy�LW'b)t - - - � _� . I .. ,;;�A I in the vestry wbile, the congregation werer f&ESS REfORTER. __ : � ouths after Mr. ,Marshall be - Ainto Light, or"the'story �::�,:�­. - -, ..., � I I Sofile in �gan � Henry. Han, assisted by Dr. Van Dervoer NZ I'--- '_i�,_11 I 1 4 ", _­ - - - - - - - - A �F�l RLL,,7 1110 lboi*,, %t -office, ZsingW19 lq� �,_, L JO - - ,I , L - ­ �_, �,:_, L - -g 4YjnbW-'tbose"-'_- the purpose I- - - f, ti-�afme F. Hess the - con"-* d- Pri-w-ftflitar i' �_ , - seph �� L', . _ Z - ­ , , , , , , , - I -,- :: . . � � , , , , - LLLLLL -age 'it swWob-ar or Pw .. -, . � COdne, ,o at with Dr Williams, who was then, 1890, at the head of the hos' L , ". 1� ' ' ' , -qi - loon-K66par - Th6 story of - his travels . I __ '' - " ated Fvit1f*o#i Ined. Pink Pill.'�and .fWi-Ltaking go -me 1.5 boxes: pital, and that his case being deemed n ___ - , __ I in 0 Th acts Al r St. " jtxittj�1�0 ;t,r. lt",,,m i iuedia6fy-beJdrk­r_4o�A"n. Thedoct r eF read., and Sa . I . -;, ._ . _4�,�, 1 1 4-, ;i��' ,_!g __ . I � - was - - li*rlrdl �, ­�' - , . - I 0 ! -ar - Ah"' iiW ­ _­ _ , , - �� - - VaAeoUvei�'A#---J�0WftVK* wonV, to ewblaft�-- . Ali.,-,]' Bople like -Interviews With Leadin t andth6litehaleX w--mmathrlDiat, , � �,­11 I - � �__: � - � _�_'_� - - �1 ` '.LLL '_ _Wy pi � a Uns I was' fully restored to heajth�. :1 thought- I possible of cure, be left the hospitat"aind page of fiet-on. -Sand for ci � ,-� ­ � us-Toron'to - L ' � - VML BitT, - r;ulars ,spd I ­ , -1 7;� - - I 15�0%jpubjighoj.,T - , ­ - -long ymfis, 4, -who Treated Quant -The MostMar. t!_T,M�; �­ � �_. -_ - - Furulshes-!�ther 16S'eji�est -'Amnount .of h � - 4 ,g pipe." I � would try them, and mi wife .'seu was taken to his home, as hes!Ipposed,to . I 1 6:6,��__ :�­ �� � - _# Ut I 044 , `16 - * t for two i0, oat � L , 7 _ , .1 - ,� vellons Case In The History of 3� '14- 1 dL* ', , _� I _ I - , , . . . , - _ L - �v , 4 . `mte!�f - -, �` - I worm�,�,to Vie Doari . �� L I boxes of the, pill ad I took them accordin le. I 1,� % ­ ­­ �­ -, 4 -it ; I 1� ­- 1p .- , ­ - '�� . I _ , - _T�-day'7W -_ � -�� r;-* to 9 ab , I � L� I-— - ft � � - a - _ , � i .4� 0 i6w, the boys7 � 83A � Bank-'sialls q�, "12_1 . xz �- , Medical SOmm -. , t -4 " , I I.", ps� , ��, 1-1 r � , - __ - - to. the directions on the wrapper on,each box, Such is the full history of th i ... I ,­_" - .11, ­ ai� OCIGre&��e: '9�c�cne is served - ' in . - is most re- - __1 RRAUTW; ­ .. - - -1 A few weeks ago an &r6elal',F � op' eare'd,' DOLAVAL i --1M- - ,- ..��­ ' The annu.il r6ikrt of the Postmaster- with two grains of quinine at 'i and ; af - Fo the first few days the cold baths were markable case of successful . - ,­ - I � - r , ' I I recovery from - . - *_ . -- , _.. , ­ ':.. � I morning � he Albany, N. Y. prit e oma?c � - ­­­-� .. . I -, I � I ­'. � - nightasa safeguard against the influenza., very weak, butIcon ble disease, -1 � � General was presented to Parliament to this paper copied from t tys vereasIwasso - a heretofore supposed incurs, 13juma S -PON-Mr. . -1 . ­_ I ­ �. .�� , ,,� ­ L, - � . Journal; giving the particulars of one otxhe- tinned to follow instruction as to taking the and after all the doctors had given him up, J. S. CARTER39- - SYMOUSE, N -Yo-,' L ­ - " __. �14 day. It states that the number of post- The drug is administered after prayers, and mcat remarkable cures, af,the 19th century. I L L I �­­� �. Ail- ' le . pills and the treatmeht, and even before I by the simple use of Dr. Williams' Pink I _, �'L.__�_ offices in the Dominio-L on July I last was the ceremony has thus a double -solemnity, The %rticle was ;_ L FAMADUS RENNET EXTRACT. I � , ,L- t� I � e� � _h'; Cd- '?'X had used up the two boxes of the pills I be- Pills for Ps�le People. Truly it is an inter. Chease and Butter 6610'r. _- , �%�_ , number ;_ � . ,�. out in single file they are Saratoaa Co. M e2� 66 rian to feel 1- A i 1 14. 4r- I- %4 - -1 � - 8,061, being an increase of 148 over the As the boys go C,e") d " - r ta on On the Ist July, met by the matro - ane ,.. rerm a oin i, em. y 5 .7 - mOsi, mi culous ,ure of a BAD CCCK MILK TESTP:Rs. _ � n, - who gives, eAch. oDp,his widespread comment that another Albany pains were not so bad, 1 foltmariner ; my *,- 1890. The mail routes have been augment- choice of."powdi-r or pill, � The,, c&DiceVJs dreadful disease by the simple use of this q6le Agent for danada, FlItANK iViU6N.1'2 ed'by 767 miles; and the annual mail travel made, the drug is swallowed, and so the paper -the Express -detailed a reporter to head felt better; my- food began to relish popular remedy. P rftuce Merchant. 33 Peter St,, Molitreal, t make a thorough ihveistiption of the state- and agree with me; I could straighten up ; A further investigation revealed the fact C onsignments Solicited. - . - - __ .. . has been increased from -26,599,497 miles to� line is 96JUally -shortened. ments appeari�g in the Journal's article. the feeling began to come back into my that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a . I . 1.� 27,152,543 miles. The Northwest territo'r- How rich a country France is, and what The facts as elicited by the Express reporter about on MONEY,-, . I ms it can therefore carry, maybe a e 'en the,follo I I ies and Manitoba ;how the largest increase huge burde ` limbs ; I bqga�u'to be able to get patent medicine in the sense in which that MONEVI mondvi - in mail route, in those kovince i n Wing iirticlb *hich'ap'- crutches; my eye came back again as good term is usually understood, but are a scien. - '_ - " .1 a having in- inferred from the figures of the a r g 1v i that paper on April 16th, and asevier, and now, after the use of eight boxer, tific preparation successfully used in gen. ,. - s, British Col get just introduced in the Chamber of De- creased from 6,65.3 to 7,480. rinual bud- pea - d n re in 8 On, - ake , of the most interesting stories of the pills, at a cost of only $4 LONDON AND CANADIAN-' The receipts are estimated at ever related :- can with the help of a cane only, walk all offered to the public generally. They C � umbia also shows a considerable increase, puties. . 00 -see !-.i eral practice for many years before being � . tain in a condensed form all the elements ' 6" � the mileage in 1890 being 5,668, and in 1891, 3,348,258,325 francs, and the expenditures A few weeks ago there was publish- about the house and yard, can saw wood, Oil- LOAN AND A C E 'n"CY' TWU LT � 5,991. Ontario, natumlly, continues to at 3,347,681,375 francs. In -other words, ed the Albany Evening Journal the and on pleasant,days I walk down town. necessary to give new life and richness to � furnish the greatest amount of work for France purposes raising and expending in � story c" - ' Tr opt -remarkable-indeed so - re- My stomach trouble is gone; I have gained the blood, and restore shattered nerves. 103 Bay Street, Toroam � , the premier province on July 1,3,026 post- could not do if it,�l � !�.�­' I n marka ble as � to w ell, j uadfyr ifie, term " mir- 10 pounds; I feel like a new man, and when They are an unfailing specific for such dis capital ................ c..8510001000V , , the department. There were existing in 1892-93 nearly S670,000,000, a thilagAp , - - ­ ,-� -, td nc,t possess�,�k,--;,-­ aculous "�cure of a severe case of locomotor the'spring opens I expect to be able to re-- eases as locomotor at xia partial p raly i ' � �, offices as against 1,441 in Quebec. 11e trious and frugal'� I ' I a 5 a, sis, � people as can`�Ibe u A"i'd ataxia, or creeping paralysis ; simply b new ray organ and pi I cannot St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, ,heu. number of inhes of post route in Ontario in the world. !� , W 't ��`­ 1- . - tlF . - y iano agency. Money to Loan on improved farms. city.i. ` ,. - ; �1, - ,� the use cf Pink Pills for Pale People, and, speak in too..high terms of Dr. Williams' matism, nervous headache, the after efl�acts and town property on liberal terms 11 par- . - ­ . E6 - - - of, e �, - mentand AT LOWEST ( URRENT RATES. MUM was 19,675 ; in Quebec, 11,584 -, the annual The King and Queen oUGfe ' � - �;; - n in compliance with instructions, an Express pink Pills'for Pale People, as I know they of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pa e CIPAL DEBENTURES PL RCFFA ED. . � ; 16L - , rate of mail travel was 12,356,220 miles in married twenty-fivi yearns" tl--- ,r o reporter. bas )jeen devoting I , Ontario and 4),845,075 ... , _,sqmc tiiM6�, in a saved my life after all the doctors had giv- and sallow e mplexions, that tire(I feel- iu Quebec. -.TIhe Hvr,'fpi ea6 othep in go6a, - . I I , I . 0 Apply to local appraisers or to - . - I � . I � a i e critical idveiri Iga,li , estimated numb�r of letters' Ro'sted i1i'We affection. I � - -t on of the rea lfa6is Oi f t h e en me up as incurable." / ing resulting from nervous prostration ; all J. F. KUM Manager. - - , The QUeen, says a er e case. ' Such is the woudeiful story which the diseases depc;nding upon vitiated humo uitob I Dominion was 97,975,000 ; post - card, . . ra Choice farms forsale in Ont. &X% a I . - although she�kas brought The story of the waAerful cure of Express reporter has succeeded in secui�ing in the blood, such as scrofula, chro *c cry- I . 20,300.000 , newspapers, periodicalsi cir- a fatnily of se , u ' - �ven children h�s preserved 2 Charles A. Quant,_ of Galway, Saratoga verifi -cation, of in all its details, from the sipelas, etc. They are also a 33EAVER LINE S TE1AMi§1ftVS" I . culars, book acke P 8 fo I . - etc., 2�,&99,,- the grace pf, -early -,youth. Her r cheirming county, N.Y., as first told in I I The Jour- hospital records where Mr. Quant was treat- troubles peculiar to females, such as sup. Weekly Sailings Betvveen Montreal',' ts patterns, pec�, p Out . , r 000 ; of these aAo-­cun(ri6uted_53,000- smile softei4�_h'er Slavonic 6i'aiy, -Which nal," has been copied into hundreds if Eot ed and from the doctors who had the case in pressions, irregularities, and all forms Of amd Liverpool. Direct From Monti�ea2 ' 000 letters, i3,1 "i5,f�00 post cards, 15,700,- she inherits from her father, the Grand thousands of, other (Iddlyand, weekly -and­who, ,pr 000 newspapers, etc. � I I I ; I � - iiewa� hand- onounced him incurable. weakness. They build up the blood and re- every Wednesday at Daybreak. Pas - Duke Conbtance. . papers and bas"creatbd s6h a 'sensation Let it be remembered that all this. hospital store the glow of health to pate or sallow sengers embark after 8 p.m. Tuesday. E - ' Accommodation for SalooA �� In 1890, mails were carried over 11,812 A short time ago the Moorish Kaids gave throughout the entire country that it� was treatmejityft�wtWo�'Fati& threer yean ago' cheeks. In the case of men they effect a ate -and Steerage Passengem ,,t deemed,a� ditti d6 all �the feople ai�A es- while his cure, by the use of Dr. Williams radical cure in all cases arising !roni mental 1 Rates of Passage, Montreal to UvOrlwolk miles of railway. Last year the mileage the Sultan of Morbeco and his son a pres . I InStUneftiodri was 12,121 ; an increase of 309 miles.- The of 200 male and female slaves to celebrate Pecially the thousands of similarly afflicted, Pink, Pills for Pale People, has been qffiected worry, overwork or excesses of what,ever Saloon $40 and $53 ... _. � According to daily service by bags over the big roads is the event of the ma,rriag,e of the heir that the statemenct ofthe case its made in since lait September, 1891. So it is beyond nature. as follows : Grand Trunk, 7,033 miles; C. to the Moorish throne. AlirI3 from lo " The Albany Journal" and copied into so Round Trip, $80 & $90 .... f Accom'od'n. F . � a d1bubt6vidbiA that his reco­v'er'yiswh lly' On further inquiry the writer found that The $40 and $W mtes� we per Lake Nepi-gon �Obly. , " P. R., 4,200 ; Intercolonial, 1,087 ; Prince to 13 years of age fetch alibut $80 to $120 many other newspapers should, if true, be du&to the tise' bif thesb"famous pills Xlclh� these pills are manufactured by the Dr. Intermediate, $SO. Steerage $ =_ :,f � Edward Island railway, 459; Canada At- each, and the slave me#cbants find the verified ; or, if false, expoeed as an ImPosi- have been found to have made such re- Williams' Medicine Company For father information apply to - . ]antic, 42-2; Canada Southern, 412. The females more o - lo to 2o, yea � Brockville, . , I I profitable A. n . � -1 , ra- tion upon public credulity. markable cures in this and othereases. N. Y., and are sold in bDxes (never in loose H. E. MURRAY, Gen. Mamager. - ,� , y age ' I - total daily service b bags in charge of of ; The result of the Express reporter's in Mr. Quanfplaced in the hands of the re- form by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents tA Th ;:,,iga ions an I 1 4 Custom House Square, - Montred ' company's servants is 15,706,miles. . longest span'of telegraph wires in the v t' ti tb orizes him in sayi r � r that porter his card of admission to Roosevelt a box, or six boxes for 82,50, and Or any Local Agent. I . " From tha l7th January, 1891, to 26th wcrld is to be found in Cochin China, cross- tory of Ch&rJes A. yaqt'shcure Jloc- hospital, which is here reproduced in further may be had of all druggists o -r direct by January, 1892, 61,375 letters passed be- I , 49 1 ing the river Mekong, and the longest span -tator ataxia by tttefisd of�PinKk Pills,for c6nfirmati6fi of his 9tatesments -- mail from Dr. Williams'Medicine C - I a, � - � �, - ompan oat -offices , e People, a popular remedy prepared and , . I , I I ,_ Y9 . . tween Vancouver and the three P of telephone wires in England. It happens from either address. The price at whic . � of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Yokohama put up by the Dr. Williams'Medioine Com- , I h to be a portion of the wire crossing the river , , I ' these pills are sold makes a course of treat- I . and 20,112 newspapers, the miscellaneous 0281n I" - t - packages amounting to 14,264. Dart, and connecting Dartmouth with ,the pany, Morristown, N.Y., and Brockville, 'J ment comparatiyely inexpensive as compar- . � Ontario, is true, and that all its statemen t medies or medical treat- , trunk hnesbetween-Torquayaiid Plymoutl� ts ROOSEVIPILT HOSPIT,AL.'�� ed. with other re + In January, 189D, there was inaugurate& I I is st�ted'to,be arerro - The, span of the'formei wire ­ , t (wlyrJVt1fi4'bup,yerif1-Wby -%hii' r ment. �� e y ­ . . I OUT-PATIENT. I - 2,560-feet�_anaofthe latter 2 fulteb dem ut' J th6jtitth_e�.�,'Jac ' . I - v, �� * een St. John, N j + a direct mail servic' 1;etw ' the West �' -0- - ro--A-0-37- Adn�itted.-_*A-_ It, �,o ,V R, and Demerara and certain of ,400 feet, !4014 - - 4 . - India -islands, by steamers subsidized by the In Germany, .the Smith, when finishing � the d"e' t� — A � -7 ' - vt6s) ,\v - Government. the shoe, ,punches a hole in the two ends, Perhaps the readers of the Express are- -��'- ,-....-.. I-----!-- The Woodstock, N. B., bridge. Which cost 0 uo; 4"Ok ..30 This b, ! Z--"�K.� is already been availed . cold he, taps in a screw I ....... Zl*­ _.. $40.000, was carried away the other day by 0 , ,,�, . � of to a considerable extent, and will un_ and when the shoe is not all of them fully familiar with the de- I Ag'_.�� ....... Bi'lhpl. .!�.­_.­ a freshet. I.. * I 10 91 I , , - tails of this miraculous restoration to health �_ , doubtedly be more so, akthe frequency and, thread and screws into thi ihoe, when on - . 1� ....'. j, ---'1-y-- 4 If ip dq� IV �. -; . - � foint-i ai sh-sip of a man wbo'iltgr weelfa"a'T nionths of . . " Very Hard Indeed. _ � Civil Condition . ... . ....... . . 4p, 0 1 tWi horke!s� -pointed stud. of an . I . I - I regularity of the rsbrvi6e-�rd increased. , . treatment by the most skillfnul doctors in occupatioa, � ........ &I * ....... * .... ... *"*****'* * - . 11 .0.4---v!*!*� ... ..... - I 1V +1 A . ,# V* - inch in length; and with �hoes thus fitted fteiidevcd _!;r,.4,a--y-�--...X-*- ­ There are so many things that appear un- 4b t + 'Q ' I TORONTO S STANDI.NG. horses can travel se rat two of the &st hospitals- ia the state I � ,'� , ,, '. I . � ' - - . . " curely over the wo -_ .. ., . ;4��, necessary, and which for the life of us5 we . Toronto, far beyond any other city in posible road, and have never been known to Now York -the Roosevelt hospital in New � I blondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I 4F ov, - _; - York city and St..Peter's hospital in Albany , . . -it of slip ; and 4 - . (09RA be corns are just one of those thorns in the I An% . . C"ada, furnishes the greatest amou - raught'horses are shod in het � �, I I we can see neither purpo�e nor e id. It may work- to the department. The weekly a. -.,r- same way. -_ -was dismissed from eac)-t 14s'ineurable, anck I - . age of letters, postcards and I 11 because the 6ame was,deeiiieh iiieura4le,.Ahi . � flesh the why and the wherefore of which : �! PaPbre - Withi& the' last few years the English in - - - �, de'- -1, , - -_ T� . To verity Mr. Quant's statement our re. we cannot see. Nevertheless thev are of ' an, was ilie( ,� *ioissibn intd. i4ivor ,; . delivered in T;;6tohari * been-32,e7w,,842 ; fti �Ov t in Egypt hasremitted taxes to Z, - . 'Popter afew days ago, (.March Slat, 1892,)- the kind that are easily removed. Putnam's- . . - . , .,. ­ . Montreal i. has been 158,42-2, while Hamil- . ernmen . . othert, fe'Whfeft applicati;n was made in' called in''D, r. Alidri� giarr -,ut, his officei .No.�_ Painless Corn Extractor makes short work I I ton comes third with 57,553. th amount of $4,000,000 a year, and ye't his 6half. The Rtory as told by Mr. Quant 22 West Twen ty-eigh tht St., New York city. of them. Try it and see how nicely it coaxes I . I last year there was a surplus of $5,500,000. himself and published in the Albany J our- - , During the fiscal year the deposits in the The French, as usual, refused to allow the' nal, is a follows: - Dr. Starr ishoupe ,'physician -of the Roose- them out. Use none other than Putnam's - Post -office Savings Banks were in number, reduction of the taxes on poor land. 'It " Mv name is Charles A. Quant. I am 37 velt hospital, 'sittiated corner' -of Ninth -Corn Extractor. Sold, 4y druggists. . 147,672, and in amount, $6,500,372; and the would be a great evil if England should re- � avenue and Fifty-ninth street. In reply to ' FOR STRENCTH withdrawals 84,K3 in number and $7,875,- 'tire, from Egypt, - years old. I was born. in the village ol- inquiry he said he remembered the case of Some of the saw mills in St. John, N. B., ,e deposit- —WaY Mr. -Quant very well and treated 1�ini some . -ALMTZ) )77 in amount; the averaL � Gailway and excepting' while--triveling'6n � have commenced operations. UA 02 and the average witfi-drawat-892.67. . I business and a little while in Amsterdam, but that he was chiefly treated and under Nature's OreativePowers Surpass . . v. ha,ve-spent.my, Wbole'life here. Uptoabout the. more especial careofDr. Ware. He all the art& of man. Fearless of contr%di,- - NOURISHMENT Mre were 29J91 accounts opened and" Golden Thoughts for Every Da. I , 32,006 closed. The total number of accounts . eight ye -ars ago I had never been sick and d he cQmotor ataxia as incurable. In order � remaining open at the close of t Monday -We know, as if is our pride to was said he regar ed this case as he did all cases period thenin perfect health. I wasJully six of lo tion, St Leon mineral water has proved its due . that our reporter might get a copy of the it absorbs those secretions that quench life. was 1 1 l,'130, and the aggregate balauci know, that man is by his q,onstitution a re- feet tall, - ' superiority. Used freely as a table water . weighed 180 pounds and was very ;o depositors $21,738,648, making the aver- ligious animal; that atheism is against, not .Strong. For 12 years I was travelliug sales- . history of the case of Mr. Quaut from the rZ .A. :w_ M . only our reason, but..our instinQ1;s.;.,.adT . , -_ . ?.ge amount at the credit of each depositor, t,hat-it-&h n6t prevail I _,7ti4lF ' I gan compa Also St. Leon soothes, ieeds, and tones up � . . ong.7 � , manfor a - pianci� and-, r - ny, and hospital record he very courteously gave . . � PJ.,had to do, or t . Ai u in he following is a ;195.44. _ , U tj at least did do, a grea deal him a letter of which the nerve arid vital forces, is so fall of that A classification of #she deposits received momeikr of ftc�t, ah& in"a, druhilieu deli _' of heavy lifting, got my meals very irregu- copy :- t, mysterious life, sustaining fluid can be igrit- � I q alembic larly and slept in enough " spare beds" in ed. The charmed, refined feelings that I from the hot spirit drawn out of tk I itiring the year had been made, showing the of hell, whiel? in France is now so furiously -country houses to freeze any ordinary m,Au Dr. M. A. Starr, 22 West Forty-eighth fl. W steadily on when St. Leon is imb followin results; 53,217 fro etreet,. office hoursi 9 to 12 a. -m., New to ibed 11 9 in $1 up to boiling, we -should uncover our nakedness,' to death, or at least give him the rheuma- Y,rk',-'Ma`rcli '31at, 1892.- Dear Dr. bose only can tell who try it well. * 610; 26,427 from $11 up toS2;); 37,561 from 021 up to $50 ; 17,685 from $51 up by throwing off that Christian religion which tism. About eight years ago I began to feel V i�7tjj - -rf� -t Eave -any Guelph is tohavean $8,000 curling and I - to $100; has hitherto been our boast and comfort, distress in my stomach, and consulted sev- � Oug : yot er skating rink. I - 7,965 from $101 up to $2900 ; 4,091 from $201 nd-one great source of civilization among , locomotor ataxia by name of Quant, who z up to $400; 407 from '8401 up t .,_eral doctors about it.'� Th.6y,411�� . __. o $600; 147 a ,paid it was ��ays he came to the clinic 3 .or 4 years A Pros erous Compan N � 9, and among many other . nations, we-aie� dyap6psia­,-,a�-d-Jb` aA `­�- , a treat' P Y. - from $601 up to $800072 from $801 up to -u � r yapepsia I wa ed No. 14,037 of the iO. , D. Dept. , 11,000. - I akprehensive (being well aware'. that'Ahe, _ bi various,��doetors iii� diftrekt places -'a ago, � � - " - In a recent issue we plublished the annual ' - I Iii Roosevelt, sent tWme_fro�h­ Ware; Win you z . ,eport of the Western Assurance Company � For the year ending 30th June, I mind will not iiAuri a void) that some UD- took all the patent medicines I could' hear let the bearer know. If you have no record 891,tbe couth, pernicious and degrading supersti- of that claimed to be a cure for dyspepsia, which showed the affairs of that institution gross postal revenue was $3,374,887, being tion might take place of it.-4Edmund But I continued to grow gradually worse send hint to Roosevelt Hosp. an increase over the revenue of the . to be in a most satisfactory condition. The SILVER MINES - previous Burke. . - . Yours, STARR. . I year of$151,273. The expenditure forthe . for four years. Then I began to have pain assets exceed $1,550,000 and the income for Canadians have invested in 9-10 of the real oame period was $4,020,739, an increase of Tuesday- in my back and legs and became conscious- By means of this letter access to the re- 1891 amounted to $1,800,000. During the estate of the "w towas in Kootenay, while $80,044 over that of the year before. I Jesus meek and gentle ' that my legs were getting weak and my cords was permitted and a transcript of the present year the capital stock of the Com. Americans 9-10 of the mines. The succeis of The increase in the revenue is about four Son of God most higb, I , � . -step unsteady history of Mr. Quant's case made from them the towns depends on the suee-ess of the mines. � Pitying, IOA-ing Savior, -P �, - .:� K 11 and then I staggered when I 'A follow&:- I pany has been increased to $1,200,000, and The and a half per cent., but the increase in the Hear thy children's cry., , � i I I 1. iralked. Ha;hng receivod n6 4enefit, ivom. - this action can only be regarded as an evi- - , . l , 4 � "No. 14,037. Admitted September 16th dence . . , " 'Ihe use of, pitent inefficined, ind feeling of the directors' determination to ex. J&U expenditure is only a small fraction over 2 . Pardon our offenses, % I � 1889, Charles A. Quant, aged 34 years. 17- ote Day - Nining Invalment Cot per cent., so that the revenue continues to Loose our captive chains, I � that I was constantly growing worse, I. tend the operations of the Company and of . I increase in much greater proportion than Break down every idol then, upon advice, began the use of electric Born U. S. Married, Hoboken." their confidence in its future. represent four duly incorporated Silver Min - the expenditure. Which our soul detains. belts, pads and all the many different kinds 11 History of . the case --Dyspepsia for * Companies, owain�.- twelve min6s in Brit - In a large department like the postoffice, . - of electric appliances I could hear of, and past four orl�five yeln. ,About 14- 4 A Springfield mother calls her unweaned IN Columbia and two_ln Montana on the same Give us holy freedom, ` ' ' mont 8 but teething baby Sarcasm, because he's so ri with a business extending over not only the Fill'our hearts with love I -spent hundreds of dollars for them, but partial loss of'powerand numbness in lower ch belt, the richest inl tile world. great railway lines from the Atlailtic to the Draw us, holy Jesus, they did me no good. (Here Mr. Quant e,tremities, Girdling sensation about biting. a , . ThoyaZord the safest and most profitable - TO the realms above. abdomen. (November 29tb,' 1889, not im- 66WAR-NiNC." ask your Druggist for GIB. investracritin Canada. The first issue of kock Pacific, but Into the remotest se showed. the JourhAt, repor,te�, an electric and is I ttlement-in -_ - - BONS' TOOTHACHE GUM, take no places investers on the ground floor *he backwoods, and almostwto the shores of Lead us on our journay, suit Of u -d-, 24.) proved, external strobismus of left eye and - . nearly all taken up. The se-,ond issue wili be Be thyself the way, I n erwear, for which he paid $1 ' i substitute. Through terrestrial daiknm In the fall of 1838 the, � doctors advised a �lilitation of the left e ye' fficu � 25 par cent. to 51 per cent. higher. Til on its Q Arctic ocean, it becomes at once appar- . .1, ,.Som� d -Ity- - A. P. 604. advancement will be rapid o wing to greatet ent how greatly the success of its operations To celestial day. � - - change of climate, io I went to Alanta, Ga., in passing water at times; n,c headache but - development work, Now is the oij portumty. depends upon the cordial co-operation of � . . __ i'll -A�4nini6ds.- al,hd acted as ng nt for- the Estey Organ some dizziness; alternate diarrhoea and - Don't let it slip. It ii not often inves tors have I - '. - ­ " T'_ constination ; partial ptosis past two such a chance as thiFL Call at office, Board of . those to whom the supervision of these V� ednesday�Let us al�peal t-6 ourselves vompa While,-tbere I took a thorough . weeks MORONTO BISCUIT AND CONECTIONERY CO. Trade.Building, Toronto. operations is entr whether we are not more unwilling.to secret' elect- ic -,r %tinent"lAit'it-onii seeirfed to in left eye. I . -e the best goods. Try them and .*e, . mated, and for that cordial - - I . e. J I -- I � A- mak I. I co-operation, in its t Col closet, h6arty duty to God,'than to joinwith, aggravate my disease, and the only relief 1 "0rd.,?t.'F.­Bi'1Se'­- AS-0da.11 , � - ___ --- ' _ � I fullest exten ' ' could get fror � . These ae's "the MR0 " or -n , .1 -jenerli, others in some extemol service ;as ,if those n the sharp -a - - J, skii� er ex- . nd distressing _' - _' , 14pt w of-,-a-se- . AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS C - ___� v re casie"of"locomotor ataxia. M taught by Miss Chubb, general ageni . White, the deputy post. a �,,-Trixc KOOTENAY , ; ra of bot inward services- were a going to the Tack, pa na was to take morphine. e 11 And Dr. . I tends his thank� to the Nce h the The pain wa forOntari`o� 256.JTon_-eSt., Toronto, out. � . I and rather our penance than privile -,pq intense at t4nes that it seemed as thoui 8 StaV said a case with such marked symp. . inside and outside service. h — � - much service hath God in the * 'r t - ,­ ' 1 6ould not stand 'it, - and I almost longed toms could not be cured, and Quant who was - �� Z I DR. CLARKS CATAR . the same principle that vagra a ___r oi'mi' - r death as the only certain,relief. In Sep- receiving treatment in the ,out-pati-ent de- OATARRH 1111 c"RE (;ET l . - partment, was iven up as incurable. " never fails, 0 %C� THOSE DIRIGIBLE BALLOONS. their task in Bridewell. How g_lad,are tember 'of 18" my 4egs gave out entirely, 9 send 5c. in stamps CURED I . __ niany of evasions to back them in t4e'ne. and my left eye was drawn to one side, " There never was a case recovered in the or postage and we will mail you FREE ,, ONLY � , world A' -said-Dr.- 'Starr. 'And then -Said : a frectrial package. Clark Chenikal C9 - Vurther Reports of Flj_-ht* 3f Over One glect of the comamOds of God, of corr4t - so that I bad double sight and' Was d12zy, "Dr. 'Ware can tell you more about the Toronto, Ont - Hundred Allies. � reasonings from the flesh to waylay an 6ct My trouble so affected my whole nervous . case . as Quant was under,b* - . � � . - of obedience, and a multitude of excuses - to system that I bad to give up business. . is -more personal- o Has Germany really discovered the art of. r � I treatment. Iai��tir-pise�-ii�,he'�sa-id,-,"thai Do YOU KNOW that you are 4 . juiding balloons? blunt the edge of the- precept! -[Dr. Char- Then I returned to New York and went ,AGENTS wastinf,� time bymot" handling The art of war military nocL.. - the ni&n is alive,'--arf-I Wug ht he� " our fast ' ectric o t e oosevelt hospital, where for. four . selling novelt'ies: The E - Thursday --- �Religion is not confined to months I was treated by ,sip dead long ago." Push Button, Unique Suction Hook. zathorities agree, would in that case be re t h R must be' rolvitionized, and the discovery 'Would be ells and closets, nor restrained to sullen re- ,they pronounced my case e6ialists and Our reporter found Dr. Edward Ware at IdealPants Hanger, Magic .rcefleeting Lamp I . ne of the most imp,)rtant of the century. c locomotor his office, No. 162 Wegt-Ninety-tbird street Shade, the wonderful drawing device and fifty - TRUSS - 1� 61. I J other Novelties. Send locts. for sample an 111PRO I FWD THE LA 0 YEARS . It looks, indeed, as if the.revolution has be tirement. - These- are the gloomy -doctrines ataxia and incurabl. _� Affer_-I ha4- bee 4 . . of Superstition, by which she endeavors to s0nder treatment by Prof. Starr and D n New York., - He said.. - I I "ve­%,erV' dis- circulars of goods. Handled only by the gun. The Pall Mall Gazette thus su r. ­ 1 4 IL ' NOTHING BETTER UNDER THE SUN -.1 tinct rebollectfous of the'Qua - ' CANADIAN NOVELTY CO, 119 e4tou ., I mmaries break tho"Be chains of benerolence and social "Mare for four months, they told � me the , nt,case* Itwas what i4known thus far: y a very pronounced case. I treated him Toronto. . S S affection that link the welfare of ever � Dar- i me. Then I 96 It is reported that a captive balloon as_ 'had done all they could fo I *RUPTURE - - ticulaCwith that of the whole. Rem;r�ber , went to the New York hospital on Fifteenth about eight months. This was in the 0 -ends almost every evening from the for L - - early summer of 1890, 1 deemed hili _ kess of Thorn, some eight miles- from the that the greatest honor you can Pay to the street, where, upoh � ikaiuifia�ti6n, they said rn.in I ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. , 1rontier, thal; it dese Author of"Your being is by such cheerful, be. I was incurable and would not take me In. curable, and thought him dead bffipr6 "*.�, . SEND FOR QUESTION SHEET. AN RECEIPT OF ANSKRS ribes an are of a Imagine my surprise when I reed _- d -a let-' We are the'loading- firm in Canada. LET ME SELECT WHAT 18 REQUIRED. WILL SEND Y01 (!he balloon is furnished with powerfu circle, havior as discovers a mind being satisfied At,tbe Presbyterian hospital they examined other ii -n can compete with us. every Lim I elec- . . . � . � a ter fr hi two weeks sgvoe tell' for Comfort,, Fini,sh and Efficiency P810E. C0008 ARE SENT BY MAIL I . we . -1 I � - ing warrantmi . S RECISTERED. �ric search lights, Vith -which it I om 11m about est i the world. 'L . CORRECT AND CHEAP. I , examines with his diSpeLsations.-[John Ho � me and told me the same thing. In M reh, I me that he was alive tt, if equ al � Ape, t t3pecially the stron Friday. - 1890, I was takeft to'8X P4t6r'g "hospit lo 1, '� , . t F I as_g� 1119 Wwl and' � � - al in 11 �2 - I Sohd Stamp for illustrated Book ----�— I an ,- e . Prof. H., H. Hun- frankly ; ', W�at,,'�jo_yd�, 4 j , - , - , I , , . ghold of Alexandrovo, ' I b expected &A , re0ovAakCec1. . AUTHORS & COX, , the River Vistula and the villages of Osick Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways - " ss ,; tba-� lie ' I I . I - - I" 4039C.ALM. 4OXaWW3E3M , W m- , ) ' its the 121 CHURCH STREETO TORONTO. SURGIOAL MACHINIST, 134 KING STREEv W.. TORONTO %nd Yubit.sib, signaling with Trite absolution and release; , �, � -, 0 y - Y cai� W�s'fibpele' Alith '�- dodtor'wi And -bless -,U9, more than In po - co different color-- . , t daysi � 1 I o nothing for. me and Qiat she had . cause of his recovery." 91 fires the resilliff - Of Its _-� " � - ' WitYpurlty and inwar& peace. . 11 That is more thanI know. Quantsays I .. 0seNati, : Ion On _� I the evening of March ft the inhabitants of Through life's long day and deskth-V dark. i take e ba6k, hom4, aliA, 78 � " night. . &on -v' . But I wanted to make a ave my be has' been taking some sort of pill% and � Warsaw saw a balloon sailing in the air - t. trial of � SHIPMAN AND AGME ENGINES - - right over their city. 0 - Prof7Hun's famous skill and I remained that theyl-ave�ciiridlhitqj Vents gentle Jesus, be our ligh I I �, ..At 411 6 ., I � I The balloon cast rays I A* , -, ­ , , - . Labor is sweet, for thou hast toird * tinder his treatineat4or Oine,weeks, but -41- am-g;ad`th6`poor f6 low is gettihg well, for I Df light from an electric apparatus with I _ � . was a bad case and he was a gt�ekt4uftera AND BOILERS _' t, for thou has c=4 'A - , . . ,5e,7- ha�dte hl' ' -- - ' ` i TA -1. 2; -_ � .- - - . - - 1--n6yerl , ,�Mwl er. I . which the aeronaut was provided ,�� And care is ligh io'�Wil� �Afl thfiv,)Aef I_- �A,k . .1 -11 . ,� � � � , I et OurAvorks be soWW: .. ��_ R n . ' After, ­ '� & -0 .. �:�� - - - � �, , -- "', - P , g worse. I ha�j bicome �entqely I - - IU1513M JL - atio"ry uniff' ":"':�' .:-_--iF_, . strife, or bk deceit crishhkid, _hzi - 1, - 0excLit. 0A1 &CX3L- .V-x&Vk1 _11rQMa1Th � at � ,� . � I 1W .- � --g _ - ­ �- � A -��­ I jiralyzed fro " " Dr. Theodore R. Tuttle, of 319 West � i 9=144 U, 1-tiratign a's iong day and death in Mr-W418Y dowh und'had - in the'= I - rjj�hd ballo,effiLitook - lif - ­ � �; & k _-_ - .- -- 17-i-1. ,� j--�--T, - I I 1. ... . I I . I ,� --mg, V . , . . , "i . -previo �­A �A we i; fb r ­ -A - 1i IF my hands. The pain Eighteenth street, to whom qgr,-reporter is �L )o(— � ly COM's� Tfi&� ` -_ �- "" ie i esuspbe o . - .' -partly lost control w I r I 11 I _ _A - . *as terrible - my legs felt as though they IrO�, sai - "A"y ano'St. I �g -1 " __ . '_ urdebted t4 t, Oil - Wrv0d hoveffig r � _ con wa", pe- .--. -, 7�??% 1 ' _ �'.,_e�Z�L �,��'��_ " . . � _ jR__7??% .. _ 4�.­� �� I 04 - n cL)9f , 'tarties xequiring' Small Power, . 1$� locomotcw =00 W -hi, i�_had sev . frbin 1 -to 20 I --- AV - ­ - �, n- �,-IeP� 1� ��_ , �. . were freekkniand my sto'ffib,611-would not ID&TAIDIV ,�I,T 9 ogj4 - ,­ . - - - � i*-4;fin - I 11 e - th . - I I llnglaaer-­ - . � "I - .� `_;iMWUr_Va_ ­___ I ce I retain tood,and I fell away to 120 pounds. cases of 1W -disease ifi the course of my 1T.P. will find that for safety and durability � I a . A � - - . .1 habit can, in direct opposition to every con- In the Tra c I will not say that it is incur- our Engines are ahead of anything in the market. ,.. .. � I -!,� and the town ofKelefs. The vi of these viction of the mind and but little ai , ded by ,AlbanyjhospitaIthe3rp,nt17b' bu - rn& - emz . t Lnever knew of a came, to,,get , ;?.. . . on inyi. G" ;�"l A �,q Rb,pa � I 11, . .. b8dloons cause all the more sensation fron, � - 1, , if Te � - val .. . the elements of temptation (such as presen after , I , �Y, , 1 16 -, gines we hav,e 8, 1 . I I I . the fact that they are admirably stee t a OW, #1A1,JVM?WV- �u I � will say it isnot deemed- cuiable� b� In fore and aft Compound Eng I.. '.. . ,� .1 , � " . � red. pleasure, -etc.), induce a repetitton of the y _� - --profes- A5_and 22 H.P., with � i � d trieated me. *ith electricity, but I an reme ies known to the -medical woo,d;- coaL or coal -oil I �- �, �f; � �` ­ - - . . - Similarly from the localities of Sormovi y 4etions. jhf'i ­ - 'A i --worse rather than better ; 1 lost Sion- '; . I � �.: _� � �, . rs � ;; 1, most tinworth. . rum, is weak ot - , - . Strienieskitsy and Gorno-Dombroy I,- . ­ � - � boile 'as desired. . . . I . , We long be- control of my bowehr--an&_W&te­r,-dnd I , I � - wher� �k . Aftel' this successful -and confirmatory in- � �ave been receired annond a I- it"hasy4incAg & A t -0i � � . 1- ,�vepm y 'e9oftid as firm - vestigatiog inNe.w York-, ' I We also manufacture 69 Marsh Ste�in Ptimps 2) ; - ok & I ' I I I I fore AlIk ,) 11 upon aiivice ofthe doctor, who said there' - - _Ouk-TbPorter;'Si%t- i � balloons, coming f� - . I � - jja�41i rebtdrdd ,04h J ,'. seen over those locali onr 9fidsh, a . I Ls one that hag neve been Hi6ve'd. It is as was no hopeJor me, 1, was -4ou t home,. lurday, Apiil!ind. 1892, visited St. Peter's for boiler feeding and geneml -pumping. . . , - - . , -fix . I I ties toward the evenin thecaseofamoundof areservoir; ifthii where it w 0 1 ­ " and during -the ni ' . , apithdugfii�jlfst defth w4DUld soori Hospital,in-A aAy,'corneifpf,.A1ban 4� - - 11 - ght, PrOle0ting PowerfW comia,V , . _ Ferry stre � &t I a. ­ He- had�a_ ' ­_ , y Aild , -'Intendi- ` ptirchasers of Steam Laun'chei for t_� -Wand bas in one place been broken, what. o relieve me of my sufferings.. Last . courteous r6cep- Ing . . electric search lights ov ,�p �, , �_ . ers earlyso as .to prevent "' - - .1 11 i er a wide..extent ot aver care has been t4en, in I W. , 0eptem, I 192 should place ord ­ I I , I country _4 t te#h! , ber, V,hl4 * Ihis helpless and suffer- tion loySister Mary Philome I - - I _- It has, IT he , I _�W 4a, the'sistef We - & tlei;. he , � . nd 3e. stamp for Catalogue - _,-% C.Oserted that paired pat�g a's strong Aa � - a- ing cowit on superioi of St. Peter's hospital, and when balloons same rdmbdu stationary - 1 P. i' -, a lRei�A of mine in Hamilt -on, - - � t a bility, is that if it give way again,- it be Out.,c�lledmyattentio - � told'%the object of his visit, said she reme I _. gn�.heigitt for as lobg . , . I n to the statement of - - in- -aud Price list. � _1_ I FOH04 .as fart� :71 thdt place._[John Foster. . . . . .� oneJohripMa-h-11 1, _.� U .at, beredthe case 6fnoor Mr.-t-)uant ve- ,1;-: klMe- I 41 , �, � , �_ Z f . . _. - - L I � , . �L ; - I - . - I - IL L , ose, e a eenstmi- . � Said J, - I , . I I - ha�dL P � - � - I - 4 . � _ - larlto my own, and wb' tinctly. -she: "It was a -Fery die- , I % ­ __ ___________1W"_� . f L, 0 tressin-Y caio and excited my sympathies - ' I - . le, __ " "'49 - , ' --of the eo yt I - - - . � h - I been cured by JOHN GILLIES & OVY1 - "I , - - - e use of Di% Williams' Pink Pills !or Pale L 01 I . - I - - ? ' . � � . I - --- L esa,let Tda1el coa-tree of, the . :, ZA L - I 1, � I P11 � . - much., . Poorfellow, he couldn't be curPA I - C.A.M3 =X01V :P. �&C-M, - I . � ­ : &ME - - lt'li cfwfte. eag .�-_ � � -nuts. _' ­�h case Mr. Marshall,- who is a I . .. - OzTrm.4�.Rio. - -1 pBakEag a usin The, cc Maldive Islands & p e -__� - - ,=&much cheaper. - ,very month produces a cluster of - _�4 i�� R�yjlTemplars oi -to go home, in a terri le c � I I I . . � - I _. , , `;, - -1 I Vro� � - - - - M - I � - , . ­ I - f __ L � . I ­ _ ent ruber 6f *he - and had ­� L k , ondition - - . - I I .1 1� ,�-:. - - - , L . I L . -_ � ­ � - - - I - - _� - I r, - � � " , , � I . I- �� I � , , . I . - L - - , .I- L . - , -_ ,,, -- � . . �� . . .1 - - - - ­ - - . _�>­-- �, � - .1 ; - � - I . I . L -1 - I .- 1, I -1-1. , I I . : - ,1� r L _��L__ ---" - I ­ . � . - I I I . I I � � .- ­ - . - - L .- .. � . .. " I - �_ - �" -.:L - L �­� , I - � � . I I ­ I . : . , ,._,�, I _ ' _� I __ ,�,Z, L _-_� - L I . I I I - _ ­; _ _� __ _ _: _,�_ , ,�,_ I ­ � - I . I - L . - . . � L I I - - � - . , . L� - I I - --- _ �,��_ _ , i L _:'_ _­,Z�-'_ L- - -- __­ � , � I . � - - � - . � I I I . _ . - , , �- ��_� - � - ­,�.',­­ - I - ,� � � �% T - . -, , " ­ , 14 _ �­ ­ - � I., I - . I _ � - I _� . L . I . - - , - -;,�,,�, �,, '_� . .- ­ I - I . I -_ _ ��, - I � - . , - I '-'--F -"-: ­ , � - - , I ,._:� I I - . .1 � . I I 11 - ,_L L I ­ � I - . - . � � 1. L � - '. __� - -,�. � �� A� , , �- I,!, - - `_ - - I L - L L -, ; �� - � -1 . � -1 " L L ,L I � . 1". . I . . I I . ,-- .1', I - L . 1. ­ I r ,- . I ., . .­ _y - ��- � �­ , � - I - - - L . � - � L , -Zig§�,_ -:;'-,Z�Z-W_, �A J I I . � � , -, - _-, _ ___­ , I - - - . L , I L - -:" - ­ . , � I ... r - � �� ;_ : � ­ � - I ­ _ L . . � I - 11 ­ - I . . I � -. . . Z ' � _­ L ��__ ­�­__�',�­,`� ,.-� - - - , - _-L . I L . 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