HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-05, Page 8The f!sztette, Y• Tim election to 51l the vacancy m .Toronto caused.by the recent death of Mr. H. E. Clarke,.was held last. Friday :and resulted in the defeat of theeonser- yative ce ldidate, Dar. Bigelow having a ,majority of over 800. The vote was .very small, less than half the number .that voted at the municipal elections at -New Years. The defeat ,4f the Conser- vatives is (possibly) due to the fadt that they neglected to take the GAZETTE'S advice and b> inn out Mr. D. Creighton, of the Empire, as their candidate. An ,election was also held in Weiland last week at which a Reformer was returned rby a majority of about 350. An election contest is now going on in North Perth at which Mr. Grieve is again the Reform- candidate and Mr. .Scrimgeour, of Stratford, carries the banner for the Conservatives. It looks like a case of "which and 'tether" be- tween them, but the unseated candidate has a very good assistant in the "sym- pathy" appeal. Meetings are being held ,everywhere throughout the constituency and the personal canvass is a very .active one. In East York, too. polit}eiaris have their war -paint on. The death of the ?universally lamented, the late Hon. Alex- ander Mackenzie, has thrown that con• stitnency open, and both parties already :have candidates in the field, the Con- servative being lf. Maclean, and the Reformer Mr. Leslie. The date of the election is May 11, and the battle is already at fever heat. East York has always been a close constituency, even so strong a favorite as the late member being only able to secure e, small major- ity of less than 50, so that no one can give even a probable' ,propheiy as to which will win. Deeming the Australian murderer, -has been found guilty and sentenced to be hang. Besides murdering several of wives, he has confessed to having been the perpetrator of manyy of the 'Jack -the -Ripper" Whitechapel murders which horrified the world a year or wage. It is a credit to the Australia's govern:: scent that justice is being 'meted out without unnecessary delay to am terrible eaminal. In a case of thiskind our American cousins world haoe taken up at least two terms of court besides ,apgeals, etc., which almost allows their criminals -to live out their alloted" days by nature before tardy justiceovertakes them. The Bedistribtition Bill is not Ware the Dominion parliament. It l not a .very extensive measure, and iseithera "disgraceful- gerrymander" of a "very !equitable readjustment" aieee,Otg to ,the parte an proclivities of • the news- -paper you read. In Ontario, Monk and North Wentworth: are Wiped out ' and ,ceded to their neigllbors Gnat—these constituencies was Grib it.nd the other Tory. Two new Ridings have:, *In formed, by which Algoma and Toronto each send an additional' . mennber to parliament. Seviiii other smaller changes are proposed, but on the whole the measure is not nearly so extensive as tli: ane which preceded it. -Word ,owes lists England that 120 selected emigrants deft. Liverpool on April 15th for Canada under the auspices ,of - the Self Help Emigrant Society. .They were for the most part people ander 'SGyears of age iealthy-looking _young. men and comely women and girls :respectably dressed and of good physique. That is the class of etni- grants that Canada welcomes. Give us in hundreds then robust,. _ intelligent, earnest people., wi owantdto earn their ;,living, aid uncle Sam may have his mendicants, aihistiand outcasts in tthousaad Gorie Jewe1r Store argains are Flying and there is no .reason why YOU should not catch one Come and see them anyway ! We tqe pleasure in showing our elegant stock. Watches of all kinds. Clox of all kinds. Silverware of all kinds. Jewelry of ;all,kincs. Spectacles and Eye -glasses in endless variety. Repairing done in the neatest style. W_ DOI�_ --Second -Second Line Items. Mr. Eharles' Tide, who has „beeit goy 9oe 9 tanite, is slowly recover - Mr. Fred eche had In misfortune •of losing hiis year old colt. The colt had itot leg di to 'ted- by have it caught tb j400r of the stable. >r Mark Eves and**, piker have their . summer's • work of ne inasonblg near Paerston. Mr erhel1er`s' t 'tthee$e• banker, is :°a' baking prepay . 4ationsfor his work: :: Mr _moo Wade.: _ one • of .horses kiol #lie Tom. ' e lei boroen ltd .1 to the Top oNntva Mr "Srha.Parhorlier a s the• u' spine � �,.F�1 ftchetl /]Mc iratiler�_ ,onus for'theyn: While retnrnmg, aarmih titMight • I�Te�r Ut��.1:�. Pape Cheap, Dears Light, Dark, Canadian,nerican, Micas, Gilts, with Borders to match, and Cei1nr Decorations for .Rich or Poor, Grit oreary, Kitchen or Parlor. Anyieasoniage person can select what he requires from our large stock TRE A. Loos THROUGH MI SAMPLE BOOKS. Planing READTS 'A : bo0 te THfePlaning d ysBand I went will GOOD Lo Br oor in LENGTH AND SIZE, HARD OB .SOFT W(OD, DPI. LIVERED AT ONos, for which I will pay the best prices. season..made by beet. for $1.15 ; a heavier We have a fine I of : wagons this � -$press -Wagons.- makers. A g oa'iron•sale wagon. one for LW Iron wheel wagon at $2 and $2.50. BabyCarriages Weser these d catalogue this season. It you want to get Carriages. • ane come and examine my catalogue andprices. sill tell very Close • k of these so that any person wanting anything in :this line can be accommodated. • Sewing Machine Needles. We have received a stet Druggist, Corrie. ONLY ENIARCED 7'7' Y�BLOBE ONE . li PACES -11‘`)P11892 DOLLAR AND BAL4NOE OP 1891 THE Builders, Remember THAT the Fordwieh Planing MiA will be ready to furnish you with all kinds of House fur- nishings, and is prepared to give estimates and take contracts for all kinds of wood wbr" L. C. DICKS. Strav'J for Sale! —o—a-o— The subscriber offers for sal 200 loads of straw all the wa from 5 cents per load tip to $1. Just examine our south window. It will repay you, And they are not all in the window by any means ; they, occupy" a good _deal of :the shop room. GO TO TxT. F3. OLH'G ardware Stan GrOI J IE, ONT, FOR AXES, FOR X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE. W. GLIM —IF YOU WANT CHEAP— Groceries, Canned Goods, CO3Sfb' HCFiON _ Cal; in at --- Aird \T ,ISCN'S, And You can Get Everything of the Best Quality. = The Opening of OUR MILLINERY Was °a` -Grand Success. We commenced with a fine selection of goods which sold splendidly and we have just'received a fine lot of Choice Goods of the very latest Styles. - A. B. ALLISON. .STRAW HATS made over into any other shape. A11 kinds of produce taken. A.TRAEnr BROS_, Fordzxrieh ardware • Store. PING bought out Dr. Spence's hardware business, and made large additions to tho Stock, we t erenow.prepared to furnish GLNgliAL HARDWARE, The Ladies who have been Carpenters' and Framers' Tools. waiting patiently for the Fence Wire, Barb Wire. A choice lot of Spades and shovels Garden Tools and Seeds. MOST LIBERAL OFFER. EVER MADE. {I WO FAXES! NO CHEAP BOOKS 1 NO JACK-KNIVES t; SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS! FM: £ ,.W1 OLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPRia UPON ITS MERITS..: Comni Bing with- the issue of 7th October Tis Wino. Groas uontaun `sixteen pages ,instead -of twelve pages as heretofore,, making it:the largest and best familynewspaper in. Candy Every ;effort• will. , be . devoted to Making -k BRICSPri ACCURATE and INTERESTING itt all its part 110elal pains wig - '">tLhDABLI� .'be taken with Ag �icultuiral Paget; and. ' es n» T4 s 'Oa via *AMU Y. Tit] :Tf LIE - camas Alice se e'wllos }Wait s>axzl WILL 3UV8 Tali YAP _ 1g4 -fit g SUsaf:R3P`i'tO1s: L CICS QV _140 -TO*. a 5 months of a xl-page_foCi! ' eve one who st bac n bas r _Awur.ALL UNREPRESENTED_ .PIsratesar,;_ fine Bop S1 s) Churns. Spinning Wheel Meads. Axle Grease. A new lot of Whips. We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and. are : prepared to furnish all kinds of Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short no- tice. Eave troughing done to Order. DARBY BROS. • to come m can now see an ex- cellent variety from $2 up. Led Wroxeter. • Your Sprin Prtl bhe y aze special Annouflcemeflt. Havingpurchased a first-class full plate glass hearse I am in a better position a 40 undertaking of this community_tliata before. and owing to reductions in whnl®arl.le prices ri of goods I am ir. a potation to give the are of this -lnag- our tflce tt Hearse Iei, that is to say my charges will be no more and in soiree cases ,kits thiulbeforet J. R.PWILL„Ii,,,Aa.ur.1',Dealer Iind ertaker, . ctErdbslmin Vo J Veto Gxan r and arv•Associ 1 - Res, Ne ALBEL'T j TEACH:' .yIse 0 Iiesidencc D'Ess tic.es Store. Ig s. on,( Capillar La` No Tin: CJm3 in an V.C3 8 Gre F: KWIC FIST M F\ N i lEghe E %lopping D Vans Mart Parties re: 11neS will do We carry granite. We gua give first -eta Call before be, convince] MR. r