HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-05, Page 5an -
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Otrs-'14taNtl....—rAgiom BoD
i)ow N FOR aket,tV,--11EADERS.
It is expected that 'tire pew Bank of
Hamilton bantling, ;` Wingham, will be
ready for e • u its in about two
A fisherman na2ned Jno. Goldie, died
at the Ocean House, Goderich, on Sun-
day, and on Monday the remains were
sent by the early train for Southamp-
ton. The deceased who was employed
on the fishing tug Arcadia, had not
been in good health for some time.
Mr. Wm. Band, an employe of the
Union furniture factory, Winghatn, had
the misfortune to have three fingers of
his right hand badly lacerated by a saw,
on Wednesday morning last.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Williams, Goderich,
celebrated their crystal wedding Tues-
day evening week by entertaining their
friends to the novelty of a fancy dress
dancing party at the Park House.
Rev. J. Ferguson, Londesboro, met
with an accident on Sabbath morning,
while driving to his appointment his
horse stumbling, threw him forward out
of his cart onto his face which however
did not keep him from doing his work'
for the day.
A bad accident happened in Brussels
on Wednesday afternoon. While the
freight train was working near the
station a brakesman named Thos. F.
Andrews fell under a car, the wheels of
which crushed his arm off. His re-
covery is yet doubtful.
A cross petition against M. C.Cameron,
the defeated candidate in West Huron,
has been filed at Osgoode Hall on be-
half of Hon. J. C. Patterson, by Messrs.
Meredith, Clark & Bowers.
Mrs. J. O'Neill, an old time resident
of Clinton, died on Sunday, 24th April,
aged 69 years, and was buried in Clin-
ton cemetery April 261h.
As Mrs. Wm. Swafdeld, accompanied
by Miss Swaffield of the Bayfield Road,
was driving into Goderich on Saturday,
the horse ran off the road and got the
buggy into a ditch upsetting it, the oc-
cupants being thrown out with great
$ force. Mrs. Swaffield was severely' in-
jured, but her daughter, escaped almost
unhu -t.
Oa Thursday, Mr. W. Kelly, butcher,
Blyth, met with rather a bad accident
by getting a bad gash in one of his`legs
with a draw knife whileedoing some
wood butchering. Three stitches were
put into the weenrled -parts.
On Saturday evening last the rest=
dente of Robert Marshall, of Porter's
Hill, was discovered to be on fire. The
alarm was at once given, but the flames
had obtained such a hold on the build-
ing that but little could be done to save
it or ithecontents, and in a very short
time what had been the cosy homestead
of Mr. Marshall,for many years was re-
duced to a smouldering heap of ashes:
A . defective stovepipe is supposed to
have been the cause of the disaster. Mr.
Marshall has the sympathy of the en-
tire community.
The Lornelacrosse club, of Mt. Forest,
will be re -organized this week. •
Henry Yarlett, for many years a resi-
dent of Mi: Forest; and an - ardent
cricketer in the old days, died last week.
A very sad accident occurred at. the
Arthur C. P. R. station at 11 o'clock on
Friday. night, 15th inst., whereby Albert
J. Pinkerton,a brakesnian, had a, very
narrow escape from instant death. His
train was approaching the -station and
he and another brakesmeu were en top
of the box cars setting the brakes. They
passed each other on acar and his corn -
rade turned around to say something t
Pinkerton. Just as he did so, he was
almost paralyzedtoSee .him fall between
the cars,: 'Quickly the remaining`brake-
man sigttalled the edgineer to stop the
train, but it was impossible tetring totit to
-' 'he Palmerston Telegraph says :-On
Thursday ia,st•the town Bell was tolled
for the funeral of Mr John Warren. At-
one time deceased owned a farm in the
township of Wallace, but unfortunately.
for him he was appointed collector of
taxes, and by a mistake in making a
seizure for taxes he was run so heavily
into debt for law costene to make a poor
man of him. For some months past he
had been living with his son -in-laws Mr.
Charles Agar, at whose house he died.
He was a devoted member of the Metho-
dist church and before the union used
to worship in the M. E. church, to
which he has given as mach as $50 a
year. His straitened circumstances of
late years compelled him to give little.
Some surprise has been expressed by
friends of his that no sermon was
preached on Sunday in memory of him,
and two reasons has -been advanced for
the omission. One that he was a poor
man, and the other that there is an ob-
jection now -a dap to preaching what is
known as a "funeral sermon." Probably
the latter is the true reason. .
A serious runaway accident occurred
on the farm of Mr. B. McAnany, Arthur
tp. on Saturday.. Mr. McAnany bad
just driven into his barnyard on the
way from working in the field to his
house for supper, and had his three
children, two egirls and a boy, on the
on the wagon with him. Arriving in
the yard, he jumped off the wagon and
threw down the. lines, and before the
children, who are all under ten years of
age, could get off the horses started.
Mr. McAnany managed to seize the boy
as the wagon.passed him and jerked the
lad to the ground, bruising him some.
The little girls were thrown off the
wagon, one of them being severely cut
and bruised about the back. Before
stopping, the team dashed into a seeder
standing in the yard, smashing it and
the wagon to which they were attached.
A doctor is now attending the children.
Conrad Ruhl, a machinist,:; was in..
stantly killed at Elmwood on Monday
evening of last week by the breaking of
the driving belt - while he was: malting:
repairs in the engine roomed the saw-
Owen Sound (Grey Co.) is entitled to
20 hotel licenses.
Mrs. Hellwig, elCarrick,• returned
home from Toronto hospital last week
where she haai.a : successful .operation
performed, the removal of a tumor from
her face.. t
Navigation -is now fairly open on the
northern lakes, boats are running regu-
larly from Owen Sound and :the Georgian
bay fishing season is commenced.
Wiarton has a chartered bank at last,
a branch of the UnienB&nk having been
opened there
Mr. David Porter, M. P. P. for North.
Bruce,- is dangerously ill with lung fever
at his father's borne near Torento.
William Sinith on Monday= the 18th
ult. had his boat up at _Parka's landing
and pulled it up on shore. ' Heand a
little -son of- Sarin: Moore's then went
down the shore a few yards away to eat:
their lunch, and when they ioaked
around they saw the boat .out on the
lake. Smith built a -'raft and started -
after the boat. The little boy watched
him till he could see himno longer.
The boy went home that night about six
o'clock:. and told his father,- who 'went
down to the shore that night but could.
See nothing of him. He went= down
again next morning and " saw where the
-boat left and ` where he, built his raft.
The wind was off irhore 'from -the iiorth
east,.: Mr. Smith came from Dungannon:
His father is now living in Chicago.`.
A young man in Stratford: went etvii1
his sfster to the station the "other, dlt
hadeher trunks ebe€skedt, to Toronto
a standstillbefore a< numEber `of th_a-cars =gave her the cheek's, thenbought `bear 3a
had passed. over Pinkerton e His 'tofu ti et d absent misdedly *41`"4b
ut it in #is'
rides ran - back expectingto find hiin octet ook, lea ins°�hts sieter t !fait
mangled beyond recognition; but, strange- 'without'it A 418886.P6°111,,,_,„...„1„
to say, oily his right leg.was-injured, e*master, ;sent dy: tie advcOf
cept a few slight bruises about the body. editor, to rtlzc conduc or, straightened-
He was carriedto the cab , which matters . out- howe`t*er*
was atteehed to the_eiigine,. and time _Licences have been - -gee -to the
was lost: in starting for 'Toronto:- -. Mr. foiowirighotel Listowel
Pinkerton was taken to the general P'; Oollison, Jas: inept �`
hospital as that place; and the doctors dish G illiaa;yRag`B Kiddy:
found it necessary `"ta a utate; tl e in- Andrew: Cress, J. G. Scott• Ehi fa
jured limb at the knee -joint. "The opera" A- 'Huggins, 'Monktan:.A. Wynn, 3NTei "
tion was successfullyPerformed : and the N. Coughlin; V. Ioerger, Atwood.
patient survived the shock wonderfully Conductor Snider is ruining ;on. the
well, and will soon be around once mole main, lice between ` Stratford- and.
It is only abozat three months 'ago that <Torotito.:
&Ir. Pinkerton'smarriage wasannonneed. Alex. McGregor, an old resident •of.
f " On Tuesday 18th inst., about 6 o'clock Perth, died in Texas • recently.. Retook;
p.m., the barn of Richard Gearns, On. a leadingpart in prozhoting.the division.
10 Maryboro, was destroyed by fire; -.ft of the United counties of Hurn, - Perth
contained: feed, seed, grain, and inple- and Brace in 1850=1-2, and . for hie.
ments. Loss, $2,000; insured in Water- services. he was appointed clerk of the
loo Mutual for $1,500. Fire arose -from county court and ,treasurer. of Perth
the six year son of the owner playing 'county. For some years he was siso
with matches. treasurer of Stratford and
Half the people of our County don't know the position of enc ToWWsbiP ftront
another.:, They can now overcome this-dif&+ulty w g'c0 g.the-
Thanks to the judgmentand taste of people
who appreciate style and quality
combined with value.
We wish to please our customers.
If ROCK BOTTOM PRICEs will do it
We can make you happy.
�e Sell Good Goods Only
and sell them Cheap
If you are not alread y a customer one visit to our store will
make .you one.
The Goods and Prices are simply Irresistible.
A. ming the many: offerings will be found :
r The best Factory Cot-!
ton ever sold for this money.
• Yon can hav cit for this money while
it lasts:
A white ,Fancy Scrim, 36in .:.
wide, Rix. same money.
A Flannelette which for weightand
quality cannot be equalled in the mark -
This is the price while it lasts
Also a -good washing and a nice Ging-
bane patterned. The Verdict is "cheap
at 10c."'
Ladies' Silk Vests. Usual price 15c.
Men's Cotton socks. Usual price 120.
Body Linen Glass- Towlets, _10o: pgr,
2 •
Ladies' Black Cotton - Hose, heavy
and stainless,
A large and choiceassortment of Dress
Oxford and Standard Shirtings (well
worth 15c.
Single -Fold, colored, all -wool Serge
Dress Goods, ' Usual price 20c.)
'Double. width Linen 'Tabling at the.
same money. (Worth 20c.)
Ladies' Heavy Black Stainless Hose,
the best article for the. money_in _ the
Ladies' All -wool Cashmere Hose.
A Pattern`tweed, (worth 60c.)
Also White Shirt Linen Fronts and -
White Cotton Coverlet. J Only a few
The Best pair Lace Curtains. 3• yds
long, in the market at this price..:_
txtra Value in all Lines of Dress Goods,
and a large stock of Latest Styles
to choose from.
We will not weary you with any more talki—come in and
see us.
Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet
mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which
makes it very distinct and effective.
Published by
W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Ont.,
Booksellers and Stationers
School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for- prices and
our traveler will call on you. ee-
James St 1
(-North end fo of. the Leech Block.)
G013116r.'' 0.QT.
PARLOR, BOX, aild CDOK Staies,
Special Value in Cook Stoves,
Special Value in Heaters.
Special Value in Drums.
Special Value in Cutlery.
E,very Vari_ety.
E0e Ttobgiain 4 Sprsciairy
A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods
Highest CasVPrice Paidior HIDES and SHEEP SKINS.
of every description, on HAND a'nd made to ORDER
Repairing of all kinds promptly done.
Given to every iiibseribar.- new or old. of Tin
VILKLV EMPIRE FOM ifint. Thousands of
,•• doilars have bean spent in its preparation. Its
souvenir of t he greattiat statesman and Ihe-Most
honored leader ever kno4vii in Canadian hi/tory.
This beautiful Memorial Albans contains 16
full-page Sinatra tietis of interesting scenes in
connection with the history of Sir John. and
pr”sents to the thriusands of admirer* of our labs
chic( many new and valuable portraitures.
Votbpage Portraits- of Sir -John iota
2killotker. the only one ever published ; The
liemestead at littrostoa. occupied by
tag *omens' Or Hinter and. Von, kink in
Wf.liaterjor,. Ifiew,,of Mouses of
Porliententinstlirlings. with Votteral Pro
Peftlitoi nue Virle MT_
stmt. rime& .114uptin-g. as it appeared
reached. lainKotea
4*Ismatof genie -
to kis Thum,
MI 1.h.ese view's are'ilne 11*IPstonki Phololfrovinvo on heal"' en -43"1 Bro.
'bound; with' an' illumineted-itii* *leer. A really. Valuable moo r tiOn.w1H be a
imitable ornament oupaihir or li b a. de:insulter:Ms work protnisto lt; be great.
Send in yiaur ardent earlY, WIWI! 'POLLAK, and get TMS WSSILLTEMPAIM ref one Yew