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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-05, Page 4
Mr ©.boss* Reply. Ytiony to holiness. In order to be true to oiliflin4 meaning, end its vital Gerrie May Ilnd '83 selstioa to redemption through: Guist Benoit GezETrs. ` WWits WOuslwIlst olegalk b,aPtiaM Must be immersion. surprised to read in your issue of the alt., -a letter from Rev. J. W, Pring, who states, that on account of the step the Rev. W. J. Waddell has token, he:ims had his doubts removed and is now, fully convinced that the Pedob$ptt is impregnable awl the arguments-qn this side simply unanswerable. Not quite so I think as the following clip- pings will show "Mr. Nicholas Flood Davin, M. P,. the course of a eonversationa few WAS since, incidentally referred to the reply which he had at one time made to the request of a former Editor of the Baptist for his opinion on the meaning and use of the (Greek word Baptise, in the New Testament. Snowing that our readers would be interested in learning.the view of a gentleman of superior ietelloottea ability and of wide scholarshiP± not him- self a Baptist, we asked Mr..Davin to kindly repeat his reply. in .writing, with permission to publish. Following is his answer to our request : "I forget the exact words I used in my reply to the question by the editor of the Canadiian Bap trial. It was some. years ago. But as my opinion remains_ unchanged, it will be as.weit-togive the answer . I would make if the request were repeated. ," I hold, and have held even since I was in a position to have an opinio4s.on the subject, as both, as regards the 61101 of baptism and those who should be the etlbjeas-there0f. the Baptists hae the argument. As tothe: mere ii portant . question of the .two, the subjects the nature. of the_ case, the - order of the words 'believe _ and . be: baptised,' the apostolic pry . • most probably, that of the early church, bre on theeide of those who . hold that Christian baptism presupposes aonscions faith in Christ. The ancient fora oat- laved the departure from the -cis, rule. As to the subjects of baps and the messing of baptise. the. wel.: knowfl practice ot.the early centuriesrant the tate in old European cathedmake cathedra* a ease difficult to. overturn. not . to= speak of`St. Paul's argument in. the: 6th chapter of Romans, tire.. beast ant. appropriateness- of whick.is dost unless you bear in mind that Onion* form of baptism known to Paal.Was The literal and metaphoric*/ !lee it au word baptise in Greek writers. up countenance to sprIehling. sire dere 'bed as bileidised thea they bav been sunk. and -ween se- baptised With 'wine when,they have been slaked with it. In the first verse of the lIrkehaptor of Matthew Marne . , _ le only half translated. We get the English equivalent far the proper .nye but not for the cognoiue,;; :rase ,get<:je, the Greek word. The proper trance'. A. SPSWCE, M. D., tion would be, ."Johnti$epei,» Proprietor.:: meaning of several pies in; the New. estameut is obscured by the `timidity et the translators indealing wlfhbaptU and its derivatives. In the 11th :.verse =of the 3rd chapter of Matthew we- read, 'I indeedbaptise you with water:: unto repentance.' But. the Greek- ie, indeed dip you in: water into repentance. `- In the 5th verse we read that they flocked out to himendwere 'baptized; j confessing their sins.' The.restaiseie was not an end to be reached, through baptism;, they. were repentant before they were baptised. -If baptism led to - repentance, John would neyer have.:ad-: dressed the Pbarkiece and-saddoiiii>aa in vs. 7-10. What force in. ''•dipP in - Christ' as •corn ed with. - a***, with Chriot (Itom..vi:8), not to speak Why do you wi h to get rid of it? Emi- nent theologians have wasted their learning_ attempting to defend infant - sprinkling. Imposition is not exposi- tion. All the early defeudersof Christi- anity taap tt.that.nong buton wap baptism, and all the Greekor Oriental churches continue to immerse_ to this day. For myself I desire no amplerlarge- nese than the most precise obedience to the divine Christ. I think it is a most dangerous thing to attempt . to interpret Christ's mind against Christ's words.—" Ds. Wayland Hoyt, in the Exasaaner-. I might quote the testimony of other Pedol*ptista who all agree that there is: no Scripture warrant for "Infant Sprinkling.'" Yours for Truth. J sic A.;OsnoRNE. The O. T. R. return traffic for the week ending April 16th, 1892:—Passen- ger train earnings -1892, $132,748;1891, $117,854. Freight train e,arnings-1892 6244,697, 1891, n28,898. Total -:1892, 837'1,822; 1891, 8341,258. Inmate,- 1892 $860.70.. . Taman, the Tailor, Has removed to the 1VfcGill building, next north of Bean'sThe Newsiest Local Paper in store. North _Huron. Easy' fthrox1 GaaQrrQ. Adv. next wek. 18 .13!e.O. 8. cOpji AL3 nIVW. h©an: FORDWIC-II, ONT -O- Money to Loan on Farm- Se- curity at the Lowest rate of Interest. GOOD NOTES NOTES DISCOUNTED. dial Attention given . t CONVEYANCING: cooK, North of the Post. Office, FORDWICH. Forctvsrioh: Rolier • Mills. Wilcox Blum., Props.. First-class Manitoba Wheat ' Flour manufactured and always kept in. Stock and sold in any quantities. FLOUR per cwt: 1121 25 to n 50 BRAN.,per ton. 14 00 SHORTS per ton. 16 00 •Speeisi attention given to GRISTING, which is done on the shortest possible notice. Highest Price :.Paid. for Grain. The mill isfitted throughout. with the very, best roller : pro- cess machinery and appliances and we are confident of being able to give perfect satisfac tion. PATRONAGE SOLICITED.. WILSON BROS. 'ordwieh Drug Stox:-e,:.. of the impessibi ity of correct* -. trans. lating either the verb. or the preposition so. "The same word baptistsrioa . which Pliny used for sig:•batk,'t e Iles asti_eE4t meters Wet to the bap. tietery is * " N.: F,Dnver.. gins, .-W. T., Fab. 6 69g.. J. C. BErs, Manager. -- - - a rvi t UNE or Drugs and Druggists' ;Supplies,' Stationery and Fancy Goods n endless "variety and at every price. "It milks WO ;e tongit; .,Itben it is beingblowl ilieu , certain which Makes-it_c Cttsi tobold beet -it bewen to' attentiont a itaterneithithenownlect AIN Published every Thursday -AT-- Gorrie, Ont:, A .splendid staff of able , cor- respondents in every part of this section. $2 Pe: tio W; have a splendid pr,inting outfit, ineludirig the very latest faces Of type, the most modern ast Job Presses. ne Popret rilx? We can turn out Wedding Cards, Calling Cards; Business Cards, Bill- Heads, Letter Heads, Blank Headings, Insurance Pamphlets, Posters, ohu-.; rich I cuff, e1#C'`1 relillionsit44-k, .S013 It is a solid fact that can- nct be gainsaid that our facilities for buying goods are s3cond to none in the County. :0: It. is a solicl fact that we or shoddy' goods :in order to sell chealiVbi# -*e'.,alVitays aim at giv- pur :cus$0mets first - class '•-"O -0;t:i•*64i'd''' not afraid or atihamed to siand behind after they _ ate '6old' 4114 sell them as low. as possible consistent with living -prices. r anything iti;- the printing line in the neatest_ style, of the art, and Our motto is 100 cents worth of goods for the $ every time, we propose to both buy and sell this Our stock for the Spring is now fu4y assorted - and we shall be pleased to Oonitiare goods and prices with anything in the trade. wing illinery Opening is on April 5th, and foll, lowing days. Large, o or Gi Everybody tam be *at any eit Warm Fot‘ Boys, am prepared' to- CoMpete or country store in Western tie Otiel NT, It is expec nammreeo:nty7s.shfoerrmb a at the Oceau day, and on sent by the ton. The d on the fishin been in good Union furnitu the misfortun his right hand Wednesda Mr. and Mrs celebrated th day evening friends to th dancing part Rev. J. F with an acci while driviu horse stumbh of his cart ont did not keep for the day. on Wednesd freight train station a bra Andrews fell which crushe covery is yet A cross petit the defeated has been filed half of Hon. J Meredith, CI Mrs. J. of Clinton, di aged 69 years ton cemetery Was driving the horse ra, buggy into a force. Mrs. Blyth, met by getting a wood butche put into the deuce of Ro alarm was 'at had obtained ing that but it or ithe,:con time what h of Mr. Mars duced to a have been t Marshall h tire comtnu The Lorn will be re -or Henry Ya dent of M cricketer in A very Arthur C. P 'Friday nigh J. Pinkert° narrow esca train was a he and anot of the box c passed each rade turned Pinkerton. man sigma a standstill rades ran mangled be to say, only He was oa was attach was lost in Pinkerton hospital as found it n jured limb tion was sn patient su It is only a, well, andowil 10 "ka,rybor