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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-05, Page 1
L nne ro -OL. 1.` J. 1, TUCK, M. D. MEMBER of college of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GORBIE, OliT. EE. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Suron • GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary.Association. r3 Residence : Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORBIE, ONT. • LEI JAS, McLAUGHLIN, CAH DIRECTORY'. ORRIE, ONT., THURSDAY,MAY 5th, 189 l@ a011 tore ExLISM—He at at>b' r tete r a. , Rev. T. A. Wrighth f►rbz Unciter 4;30 lh. r r4. [mbe ►t. - Snitch, Schbol, one hour and s qid before each service. • METHODIST.-8eetiiees at lOEso b ipe.. Pled p. m. Orange Hill, it 2:30.P. m. Bev Torrance. pastor. Sabbath School (00 J.B. Wiuie,zne, ,$nperintendent. ; PRESBYTERLAN erTIces at Pordwieeh •a.m: at Gerrie:. p, m:: Bible Opj1 Fordwich in the - ensuing. Sabbath Scb_ ..... Gerrie 115 pan.Jaa,,ffieLatighlin, Superintended BAPTIST.--Serviees in Gerrie at 3 and T o e p. m. and at the' church oa the 2nd eo sion of Howick st 1f1:30a. m; Rep. J. A. Osborne pastor. MiTHODIST Serviresin the FordwicbM dist Church et 10:30 a. ill, &ed, 640 :Sabbath School at 22043. m.: prayer-ra 1 SAUER• OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No Thursday evenings at 1:$0. J. W. Pring, witnesses required. Office:—At my Residence, Genius. s, MISS O'CONNOR, REGISTEBBD -1rEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN t HARMONY Also Oil Painting. Residence --Methodist Parsonage, Gorrie. MISS GREGORY, (Late o1 Harriston.) DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER. APPREN tiees Wanted. Rooms over W. S. Bean's Store. Dr. Sinelair, M. D., M. A., L. C. P. S. O. M. C. P. -S. M., 1 Best Quality. ed with a we have ery latest N. other ENNELL'S OTOGRAFS OR ORTUNATE OLRS. 5/1:311ECCIALZFJ'i` TORONTO Specialist /or the treatment of all Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain and Nerve, Diseases of the Heart and Lungs. And Aiseases of Woe Weave', Treated snecesaft ilp. Jonathan Humbert, Lletowel, says :—i:After .pendjng all my money and property to ao,pur pose en medical -men. for what, they termed a h2ipel es ease Of consumption, Dr. Sinclair Cured me." Jist lio-Vely1 was the unan- imous ver- was our Show iluzes as we Silks, from 25c. are eaeeptidusl in ate with the Lat• are grand value. Hata are daisie8,_ lbs, of prunes fdr intend to devote what tell. So keep every time. market price. the Ore, WROXETER, Maple Syrup. ever saw prettier! dict of all the Ladies who ,dooms d our Millinery Opening. Our stock is still complete ft`gve given large repeat orders. FdII line of summer Pongee 'Per yard up. Our Prints and Dress Goods *yle, quality and price. Stock in all -departments replete eelin everything. Our Lace Curtains at 50c. pair -And our 40e. Soft Crush Felt ' 8lbs. of Raisins for $1; or 20 el. flood fruit. This column every week we to facts and figures. They are goer eye on it. Something new Produce wanted at highest NO trouble to show goods at Lion St .1. 4Q' SANDERSON. Wanted—a large quantity of Eggs for Hatching. PURE IMPORTED LIGHT iii& :.I 1S. Eggs for sale st 25 cents 'per setting -of 13 : ems'Apply to 'J. R. WILLIAMS,, Gorrie. Mrs. Diad Furlong, Woodhouse,saye:--"When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair eared me of fits " W. McDonald, iakefeid, eaye :—"1)r. Hitch* - cured me of CEA"' ' Gee..Ror►edrl5lyt3t6,4i►ya —"Dr 13itleiair Cffi`e6 me of heart disease sAatt dropsy, wheat al} otaer/ failed." Disease, of privatatintere b;esgtits fin -by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly eases. CONSULTATION FRET.' o the Stock, we hovels s. S. T. FENNELL, Irtoq,sorikt rtiA Capillary Abridger. Hirstute Vegetator. iilir:is Thregi Machines, Lawn iiowera lifers-VAIRWNEW r Conte in and sit down; 'V03.1'1NE3 ATeita ,I GreezlavI Mills. ps. Vt'rcsniretar, GYat. ROBERT BLACK, PROF. DR. SINCLAIR will be at iiia Seed Potatoes. 1 4:gginfit On hand a supply of JAOE SQW Pots - 'toes, which I will sell at 41111. per b, s, 6ei. These potatoes are of a hardy, Southern vari- , have proven to be heavy, prolific yielders in *mate, and were almost entirely free from swoon. iyy is limited so come early. J. R. WILLIAMS, Gorda. Albion Hotel. err e, DENTISTRY. JEBOME. L. D. S., Win e' "dti- t•)orrie. a Fat and 3rd Monday of each ateadayr May 9tI month. Teeth extracted withoutpain. All work =Z °.warranted. aniatoagdCabbage en en aitts.forr :Sale: - `iomatos,- 25c :per doz. abate, JOHN BOWMAN, (At -W; G. Strong'sfarm.) GORmE. FITTED UP WITH HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. f Tin - kinds of hort no - .ssoDs. SEE1 S I • FIRST -%LASS FLOUR —FROM— MAN ITOBA 'W I-1_RT. o - •Highest Priee.peidfor Grain, Chopping 'Donn. ROBERT BLACK. Timothy, Condom Red, Mammoth and Alsike, Clover Seeds,_ a full supply, constantly kept on hand. - - Any farnxgr waisting any new seed WHEAT or OATS of any kind can save postage and freight by ordering the same through me, anstone Bros., WINCHAM Marble ,& Stone WORKS. cl;aughlri's Lt. r position fictions in ;his mag- mme cases Parties ju'zriee work in tJ3'e Rhove lines will do well,to call on use We carry a Iarge stock of marble and granite.: We guarantee to save yo -money and, give brat:class work, - Gull beio!repittehasilig elsewhere and. be convinced. MR T. ,T. WATsoNr represent :per qn .road, . R. H. FORTUNE, V.& C,B.C. HONOR Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, Fellow of . the Ontario Vet- erin&ry edical Aszoclatrioa. Under Graduate bf C.B.L'.M, Samiton ,successor to J Mastin,V.S. 'may s speoistty. Mee. Main st., Wrozie,er. BI for Service -meg rbc bkOd anlste. "BARNToN A BOT w servo 00wa of t 11 6 f • ;y o . aud'we1gfa es(_can be seen at the-resi, IgUMS; • at ot.aerviae. os $1.60 Local Affairs. The early closing movement has al- ready set in in Mount Forest. Rev. Mr. Johnston will preach in the Peesbyterian Church . here "en Sunday next. • n Several communications and half -a - dozen school reports are held over until p next week. ' Weenie --A good driving horse. Ap- ply to Dr. Armstrong, Gorrie. • Have vox Med McLaughlin & Co.'s 4lbs tea for el ? It's a T Sir. (Teaser.) We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Thos. Pomeroy is very ill at present. As the lady is quite aged her condition is not very hopeful. Mr. Gilbert Jardine is lying very ill at his residence in this village. At the time of going to press his recovery is dis- paired of. The old gentleman is over 90 years of age. Mr. John Hunt informs us that he has sold his fine trotting stallion "Gen. Cleveland," to Mr. Geo. Hardy, of Tees - water. The animal is to be delivered this week. - Fire was discovered in the engine room of Haiton's roller ._ mill,-Belmore,-r on Saturday afternoon last, . but by dint of hard work it was put out before doing any serious,damage. Loss about $25. An invitation was received by • the Union Base Ball Club to play a game of ball with the Brussels club for a purse of $50 in Walkerton on Jtme 15th or 16th, on which dates a great demonstration is to be held. Harriston and Brnssels are each pre- paring for Queen's birthday celebrations. At the Jatter place there will be a base ball competition, we understand. This would be a good place for the Unions to begin this season. Rey, Mr. Wilson, of Toronto, deli- vered a,. Ieotttre in the Presbyterian Church last Monday ,on_ the subject "Scotland's Martyrsn'tn a fairly . good house. The lecturer handled .his sub- ject well and was closely listened to.. Mr. L. Campbell has purchased .the hotel in Teeswater just: oppose the foundsy`kl d is moving there this week. " Laugbie " bas bad a long experience as a landlord - sad - is scare AO seek* things hum wherever he goes. Mr Frank ' Davidson, manager of Chief Engineer Preston's "Model Farm," on the 8th, con., a , few miles east of Ger" vie, hey , s eding done on Fri- day evelul* 111,414;So far as we can leans this ie $h# earliest for the season. LestarenterestesWedebana was held at a meeting of the Busy. Gleaners on Tues- day evening Iast on the subjeet,Resolved that women •wield a greater influence for good than.. • After a spirited con- test the decision -was glean 3n favor of the negafv@; - Rev. Mr. Carter received, by freight, a fine new covered cart yesterday. It is a light, -convenient. rig and just suited to his requireneents..; The rev. gentle- man should now: be happy having re- ceived not only a new cart but a lovely ow Carter within a week. 14ir, Taman,tailor, who was burned out last week, has reopened in the building n just north of Bean's general store. i The widow -of Mr. Jas.Hutchins,. who a died in thenorth-west last week returned A to her home in this' township to -day. s sh Crossley and Hunter, the _famous m Canadian evangelist •, are •holding rr.. vival meetings under the 'auspices of the four evangelical churches of Wing. hang. .They will continue the meetings to all this month. re "Gypsy Charley, fortune teller and olisher,"- honored Gorrie with a call this week. His lubricator claims to be egaally good" te.. polistz up a- set of har- ess or a piano.- • "George the Hatter," s expected any day ou his annual.tour s. he is making for this direction from rthur. It is said- that he caught a evere cold lately by sleeping in a wood- ed`ineteed of in his cfistomary. apart- enis under a rail and thus became verheated.; - The first annual meeting of the Gerrie Mechanics' Institute was held in the wn hail last Monday afternoon. The port of the auditors showed that the total receipts'oo the' Institute, so far,' have !aeon 4168.50, including the amount of the, governnxent grant. Of this sum $150 has been used in purchasing books,, $12.70,inr miscellaneous expense`s, and a balance of 80 cents .. remains in the treasury. ;The.libeariae's report shows that there are ih all.71 utembeis ,of the Institute. The .library contains 225 on volumes, - divided up - as follows: Biogra- phy, 41; fieti.44; hiatory,,29; rssiscella-: neons, 26; adventure, j18, science and arts 32; voyage and travels, 85. Up. to May 1'3t there: have been 205 books taken out by members. The reports were adopted, being . considered very satisfac t :.`' The'#6l16wing 'permanent afficeni twere then elected: Pident--Henry Harding. Yicd-fres:-.-Robt. Plow. •Sec.-=• S. T. Fennels. - T;els. W. Doig., DirecEors--N. 111cLa ughiin, A. Doan, W. J. Greer, Dr. -T k, Nut.. Clegg, Dr. Armstrong, W. J. Perkins,: J. R. Wil - llama, J. B. pbeli. Mr. J, A. Wilson, -son of Mr.Chas. Wil- son, of Howick, obtained his degree of M. D. in Toronto last week. The young Dr. has returned home and is enjoying a short rest after his hard work and well-earned honors. The C. P. R.. timetable hat. been .con. siderably changed this week. Trains now leave Gorrie as follows: goingeast, a.t.5.59 a. in.,. and 8.07 p. m.; going west af,12.49 p. m., and 10:14 p. _ M. All trains now run in toWingham station. The change was -made on Monday tart, A young man named Robt.. Jas. Cor- bett, who has 'sheen living with Me:;0. Jacques, on:the: 2nd concession, for some time past, was found dead in the barn rtn Monday -evening last. Ile had been subject to fits from his ratite up ,and his mind had become somewhat; deranged . in::consequenceand it. "is supposed he expired while. in one of these paroxysms He was a son of Mr. ohn Corbetton the ninth concession. Ilia remains. were interred 111 Fordwich tan-, *editeada r, - - No. 23. We are sorry to learn that Mrs.• Jos. Sanderson is quite ill at present. Prayer meeting will.ae' Rev.T.A.Osborne's,on Friday epening' 7;80. McLaughlin & Co. will sell yon 8,0s Japan Tea for $1. It's net worth 50. cents a pound, but its a good, orae just the same. Try it. • . The Wiarton News has reached its. first milestone, having been regularly issued since May -1st, 1891. Mr. 11. T. Butler, its editor, has made a' d'ecicted success of his newsy journal; notwitli- standing' that it started there as a third paper. Good Driving Horse Wanted. -AKA to J. H. Fortune, V. S. Wroxeter;._ < ; Wroxeter. school in Fordwich, to have our names erased." Miss Jennie Murdock, of Woodstock, is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. T. Darby in this village. The Masons are this week moving in- to their new rooms in the Masonic Block. Their room will soon be furnished `throughout with carpets, chairs, etc, D; D. G: M. Campbell will visit the Clodge at their next meeting. McVJohn Akins, of Orange 11111, paid Fordwfeh a visit on" Tuesday. TheRoyal Templars are preparing to _hula• a picnic•on May 24th. There will also -!be a'coneert in the evening. A large. stock of bran, shorts a ohop at. the Greenlaw Flour Mill Wroxeter. For sale cheap. „ -'„ Everybody is hunting angleworms. Small boys are saving their money t buy firecrackers. The young men and their sweetheai are preparing for the Queen's birthday The whitewash brush and papg hanging are the order of the day. . Mr. A. Paulin had a finger tirokbn Ali other evening, Mr. Thos. Miller started on Tuesd afternoon for t3ritish Columbia to t his fortune. He` is a genial, .popula gentleman and the entire eommuni join in wishing him well. „ Reeve Sanders has been on the sick list for a few days past, but is now able to be around again. Mr. John Ratans/ford left on Tuesday for Toronto 'where he intends to reside in futeen. • . ; r veteran agent, Mr. Jas. Gibbs, sgld no 108 than '.45 copies of "The.- Life o1 MrSpurg.eopJ, o..," in , this section. i y Ilton shipped wo aa loads of fat stock to Toronto '`Iasi. Friday. The edvance guard of the umbrella repairing brigade was here the other day,- ling very anxious for rain. He wars.: a- little "- too previous" ..in .: -his arrival, for had he waited until this wee!€ he would have had lots of business. Iter: ,eros. -Thompson, cooper; received a carte: df headings and other material from Teeswater the other day. He pro- poses to do his share towards 'making things hum.- Hamilton & Sanderson are shipping a car of hogs teethe eastern market this week. - A bran new baby boy came to gladden the house of Mr. Thos. Gibson, jr., on Wednesday evening last. —tee— . •• Fordwich. The following is from a Toronto daily 'of April 29th: - A pleasant event took place yesterday morning at 6:30 in the Gerrard St. Methodist church, when a large member. of young people assembled to ,mess the marriage of Miss Frances Wilkins, a member of the choir, and Sunday school worker in the above church, to Dr. A. M. Spence, of Fordwich, (ant: Miss M. A,, Wilkins. was bridesmaid and the Rein. E. J. Hart, B. A. groomsman. The ceremony was performed - Icy Rey;-. J. ltarkwell,, M: A.' The - heartiest good will goes with the happy pair and a shooter of ..rice that will not soon be forgotten. At the May business meeting of the. Methodist.' church, - : fifteen mombers- nd 8, 0 r ay r ty. being present the following resolution was passed : "That a vote of thanks be ,presented to the Rev. J. W. Pring, for his energetic mics' faithful labors among us as our Pastor during the past three years. ' And .also ourhest wishes for his. success 'iii 1ninr©' work. Carried un- animously. Mr. A. Hutchinson is having a' large addition built, to - his house...The .con- tracts are let to Messrs L. C. Dicks and A. Willis... The Fordwich Methodist church Sab- bath school circulated the following pledge, on the last Sabbath iii -April; and every officer and teacher belonging to the Sabbath School, "twelve in number, signed it, andfifty-one others, scholars and visitors : "We, whose names are hereunder written, -do` solemnly pledge ourselves to - abstain -from the use of tobacco and profane language. And we are in 'honor'bound to keep this pledge until we personally apply to the super:. igtendent of tl4e Methodist Sabbaths `tringham. - • .Messrs.. Req. Hunter. and Crossley be- gan their revival services here on Sun- day May let. On Sunday evening they were ;both in the Presbyterian church and such numbers went to see them ili`at 'there vas _ ;not -sufficient seating to Mold all. • ,They willremain in Wingham for some nekr. -lin efi Yemen of this place intends -ha•ring, a grand demonstration May 24th. Anprize,o£.$25--is :offered for a foot ball match, Any, -local team may enter. - The eon of Mr. ,Peter McLean, town- 4hip clerk.of,_Turnberry, died on Sunday eveniiinelast.-•• Mr: McLean receives the melt' earrneet 'sympathy of all in- this hie:sec,ond bereavement this spring as his vi4i8-die i only .a, short time ago. Mr::5Phippen, senior, .- who lives in Lower Wingham:has been lying at the point of .death- for the past two weeks, yet he.. is stilt very low and hopes are almost -perished. - • . Messrs ..Netterfleldi Cummings and Stewart have . all .•been • laid,. up with niedge'wl h they, • received while practig foot -ball. - - There is. some talk of a furnitnre factory. being stsrted:.up here by a. #irm from:Jdazrioton. - . HORN. fi On April 29th the wife of Rev. Mr. Carter, Gorrie, of 'a daughter. - On April-29th.the wife of Mr. ;Too. Gowdy, 17th con., Howick of a son., . On April 27th. the wife of Mr. Thos. Gibson, jr. Wioseter,of a son. - On April 30th,'therwife - of Mr. John Cooper, 2nd coli .Howiek. of:a sou, On Maly.gth, the wife -of Mr. Andrew Conning.. ham,12th con., Hawick, of a son. brogrammemliamimmiiimanworlasimare ' :. MARRIED. SAi•tc 4=yG u ir*, `At the Gerrard St. Chureh, Torontop on Thursday; April.Sth, by the Rev. E, J. Hart, Ds.:A.. M. Spence, of Fordwich; and Miss FrancesWilkin, of Toronto. BERSCHE—MEI -At the Parsonage, Gorrie, by the Rev':'A. Wright, on tke 4th inst., Mr. Chas. Be/toile;'of 'Clifford, to Miss H. Meier, of Howick. _ == The Whipping Post. - td - The inurnee ii Wham P." M. O'Loane senterieled to I two inonthi' n the county jail, at Stratford, and ten lashes in two instalments, for wig indecent assault on the daughter df a -respectable . .Morning- ton farmer, received his first instalment -on Friday niorriing tint: The `w1Vreeing was done in one of the corridors of the gaol. Dr. Shaver the gaol physician, was present 'aced pronounced= the boy's condition capable of ' landergoing the enaishmfeijt: The: young man listened with ivied ereneeVl fie the sentence was - being rea:1'0i .by Sheriff Hossie, and when told to remove his jacket and shirt he- • did it -quite -Sprightly. He walked 'briskly to the triangl d stood can uponetho "looth6ai'd withoiit`' the least six -of •fear. His feet were ` then fast- snedto thg'base,and llig •arms passed round the uprights and secured by a pair oflitedc :q. After the renten`ng was all secure A,`3,oitlg imam wearing a mask over his'fade 5t piled forward with the instrument 'of 'War' iii Yiisc hand=a short stick. ith lestiZ4r `thongs. attached to it. Afterfnisuriiig the distande with his weapon, Iiifi=llrtsflght'ft •_ down let quick succession on' rte back' of the unfortun- alke {rpp. T•fte`-flesh an -the back red- delied and was raised in "nriiierous ` ridges, bnt`ro -'1 iood 'frawni. He said nothing, :but when' "released he sobbed ocenettlitnely ancl' showed signs of biasidxe t4jle- suffermtg. -The young - Man 'Branolvefro ii -;St. Marys; who('is waiting trustier aFitilnilar offence wit- - nessed the -Hogging= of tl pey.—Tinea. L _ John Gs Lambert; bt-Mornington, who .dent reoennl i tb -oxboro; haw returned. Jacob :Watier,,:of Isistdenel = •wilt erect' . A . gem modiens n*itieltn..residence '-on l5ro1i6AT•g VftrnOenradlliller,