HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-04-28, Page 8The East Huron :gazette. J Wroxeter. A ,large stock of bran, shorts and chop at the Greenlaw Flour Mills, Wroxeter. For sale cheap. Fine assortment .,of,fa*ry wall paper at Fox's Drug store,—and very cheap. Mr. Will Oliphant, of Corrie, is doing a lot of painting for various people and Arms here. ' On'Saturday last Mr. Cleggwas Ioad- ing oats from his elevator when the building gave way at one side from th pressure of grain within and about, 100 -bushels of wheat was precipitated into .the water of the mill -dam .which ap- proaches the elevator.on the south side. But for the prompt bracing up of the structure much more grain would have been lost. Rev. Mr. Osborne, Baptist minister, ,of Gorrie, preached a powerful sermon to a large congregation in the town hall here on Sunday last. Fox's wall paper still to the front. A call solicited. No trouble to show goods. Mr, W. C. Hazlewood, our enterpris- ing boot and shoe merchant, spent Tuesday last in Clifford, where his brother, Rev. Mr. Hazlewood, was visit- ing. The excavation for the new Presby- terian church was commenced here this week: The . contract has been let to Mr. Davidson, of Mt. Forest, brother of the pastor, for a -sum very close to $5,- 000, which sum includes nearly all the materia). Bim. Mr. Pring, of Fordwich, occupied the Methodist, pplpit here on Sabbath Mast preth►ig very acceptably. The Misses Perkins, of Gorrie, accom- panied by -Mr. Carter, paid Wroxeter a vi 'fast Saturday. e small boy is making the most of the fishing season, but the weather has been , too cold to make that sport all that a boy's heart is capable of yearn- ing for. The Oddfellows are renovating their hall and otherwise makingit look at- tractive. A narrow escape from a double drown- ing ccident occurred here on Tuesday evening.- Several lads were playing at the river side, jest below the bridge where :the water is very deep, when "Skiff" Robinson lost his balance and fell in. He was helped to _ shore by Master Thos. Rae and a _ son of Mr. Jones. A few minutes later young Rae slipped from a wet board and . went under the water, and after he was nearly ,drowned a son of Mr. Hemphill managed to get him safely to land. Howick Council. Fordwich, April 20th, 1892. /The .,ctenncil met to -day in Brown hotel,' pursuant to adjournment. Me bers all present; the reeve, in t chair. Minutes of last meeting read and proved. =r Moved by Mr. Ferguson, seconded. b Mr. Graham, that the following change be made in the pathmasters . and roa divisions, viz :--,Jas. Gibson instead B. Gibeon , B: Gibson instead of C -Walker R. Pyle inataad` of C. Roger and to have lot 19, eon - 7; ; J. Barn ..instead of T. Goggins ; d. Scott inste of John Anderson ; Ulric .'Angst -instea of C. Hallman ; A. Findlater instead A. Stewart.—Carried. ' Letter from Mr. W. S. Bean, of th ,trustee board of the Gerrie Methodic hurc,h, read, asking for the use_ Of th .township hall. Moved'hy `Mr: Ferguson, seconde -by Mr. Graham, that the . township Pian be granted free to the trustees - ,of tl}e Methodist chnrch as requested by them for Sabbath services until the new church is erected, by them furnish- ing coxal oil, fuel, eic:—Carried: Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Ferguson, that a culvert be put in at eat end of bridge, at Fordwich, and ;the reeve prepare plans as soon as pos- sible.—Carried: • . Tlia:following accounts were passed. —W. Stinson, • repairing Gerrie bridge, $1.50; M. Albrecht, wood for Mrs. Mc- Dermitt, e2.50 ; John Glenn; rep. New- bridge bridge, $20 ; 'Jas. Burns,. culvert, con. 14, 75 -cents; Wm. Leonard, repair- ing culvert; con. 7, 75 cents. Moved -by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr- Graham, that the council do now. adjonrn..te meet in the .township hall Gorrie;-on the third .Wednesday in May zzext. arried Wii. DANK ,. Clerk: 's he ap- bs os arcl ad: e t e d� •See the*:- qt.ictienide at.`the GGlas=< gow Idouse A a see it` -Wen Lord Sishoji Wilms: died at Quebec last eek A Y. P. S,4E pOiattfOrPeterboropgh. County has b -formed:. The French viljeyards have suffered Xmmese damage fr©m "f frost."anld` ms -,of Easter, orrie Jewelry ,Sore Bargains are Flyingand there is no reason why YOU should not :catch one ! Come and see them anyway take pleasure in showing oueleant stock. - Watches of all . kinds. Clox of all kinds. Silverware of all kinds. Jewelry of all kinds. Spectacles and Eye -glasses in endless variety. Repairing donein the neatest style. W. DOSC+_ ran to the Top! OVER 7 —OF 0 New all Paper Cheap, Dear, Light, Dark, Q adian, 'American, Micas, Gilts, with Borders to match, and Ceiling Decorations for Rich or Poor, Grit or Tory, Kitchen or Parlor. Any reasonable person can select. hat. he requires from our large stock. TAKE A LOOK T &H MY SAl5PI,E: BOOKS. Express Warrons We have a fine lot of wagons this season, made by best . makers. A good- iron -axle: wagon for $1.25; a heavier one for $1.50. Iron wheel wagon at $2 and $2.50. : Baby Cariage. oWe. sell these by catalogue this season. If you want to get ne come and examine my catalogue and prices. Will sell very close. Sewing Machine - Needles. Wena �,n reeeived a atoek of these so this line can be accommodated. Y Person wanting anything in �". 7'Z.AUGH1.1T1\7", Druggist, Gorrie. ENLARGED t6 -PACES 'T`Hi WEEKLY GLOB FOR 1892 AND BALANCE OF 1891 ONLY ONE DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE: NO FAKES! NO CHEAP BOOKS ! NO JACK-KNIVES ! SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS ! 3UT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER 'UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th" October THE WEEKLY GLOBE Will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its ;departments. Special pains will be taken with its ,Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT .READING FOR TUB IRAI4IILC SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 3114 DECEMBER, IS91, WILL HAVE THE PAPER WIT THEM UNTIL ;ELME QF 09i FOR. TPIE. ONE YEAR'S- SUBSCRIPTION. r5 -months of a i6 page,for $I to every one who subscribes now. _GENTS. WANTED IPI ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. Foy terlris address 1� a H E GLOBETQRoN biz) Y.GAIN! ante. THE -Planing Mill will be ready for work in a "fewdays and I want GOOD Lots OF ANY LENGTH AND size, HARD. OR SOFT Woon, DE- LIVERED AT ONCE, for which I will pay the best prices. Builders, Remember THAT the Fordwich Planing Mill will be ready to furnish yon with all kinds of House fur- nishings, and -is prepared to give estimates and take contracts fbr all kinds of wood work. L. C. DICKS. StraW for Sai! —0-0 0 The subscriber offers for sale 200 loads of -straw all the way from - cents per load up to $1. Just examine our south window. It will repay you. - And they are not all in the window by any means; they occupy a good deal of- ,the shoprom. o • —O—O-- t The Ladies who have been waiting patiently for the FflMe )3o,g' u i is to come in can now see an ex- cellent variety from $2 up. 2e Wroxeter. Get Your Spring Printing At the Gazetter: • GO TO CLAFGC1S arwarc Store, GORJIE, ON'T`, FOR AXES, FOR X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE. yi CLEGG —IF YOU WANT CHEAP— Groceries, Canned Goods, 151ScLt1tS1 COLTFMOrTIO WS. Call in at Arad I`oy49 • .ALT JASON'S, And You can Get Everything of the Best Quality. The Opening of OUR -MILLINERY Was a Grand Success. We commenced with a fine selection of goods which sold splendidly and we have Just received a fine lot of Choice Goods of the very latest Syles. A. B. ALLISON. STRAW HATS made over into anyother All kinds of produce taken. raMAIRIITY' PIRalCDS•. -�''ordwjch '41`. Hardware ee: e% Store. HLTAVING bought out Dr. Spence's hardware business, and made large additions to the Stock, we 1 _ are now prepared to furnish GENE ±;,. L HARD WARE, RE, Carpenters' and Farmers' Tools. Fence Wire, Barb Wire. A choice lot of Spades and Shovels Garden Tools and Seeds. Churns. . Spinning Wheel Heads. • - - Axle G-rease. , A new lot of Whips. - We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- Snnith'S Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Tinwaretice, and do ali kind of Repairing on short no- ., - Eave trough ing done to Order. DARBY BROS. pecial Announcement. Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse 1 am in a better position todo-the undertaking of this community than before, and owing to reductions in the wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag- ncenthan-tz i1eafore. rse free, that is to say my =charges will be no more and in some cases Tess . . J. R. "WILLIAMS, Furniture Dealer ,sand ITndertakgri Aralber Of Ontario School of Embalming,