HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-04-28, Page 5can-
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There is a great demand for tena-
ments in Wingham.
Crossley& Hunter, the famous revival-
ists, will commence a series of meet-
ings in Wingham on May 1st.
Bev. Mr. Hartley, of Blnevale, has
has been quite ill lately with la grippe.
lir Wm. Reith met with a fatal ac•
cident near Exeter last week. While
driving along the road his horse became
frightened and turning suddenly upset
the buggy throwing him ont and injur-
ing him internally so that he died the
next morning. Deceased had reached
the age of 74 years and was highly re-
Robt Morris, one of the pioneers of
Hibbert township, died two weeks ago.
Alex Craigie, a young man who left
Goderich a couple of weeks ago to take
a position as wheelsman on the steamer
John V. Moran, was hurt on Tuesday of
last week in Detroit while fitting out
the steamer. He was in the act of over-
hauling some anchor chains when he
slipped and fell into the chain bunkers
and hart himself so that he had to quit
work. He arrived home on Thursday,
and is doing as well as can be expected.
On Friday afternoon, 8th inst., Mr. B.
Herring on, of Hallett township, met
with a bad accident. They were run-
ning a turnip cutter, by horse -power, at
Mr. Little's, and for some reason or
other it did not work all right. Mr.
Herrington had casually come over, and
seeing that something was wrong, he
was trying to keep the belt from running
off, when, without any warning, the
machine flew into pieces, a, piece of the
knife striking Herrington on the arm
and indicting a severe flesh wound.
A very disastrous fire occurred on the
premises of Messrs. Ratz Brothers.
Khiva, on ' Tuesday 5th inst. On the
morning of the 5th there was every in-
dication of rain, and Mr. Ratz. thinking
to take advantage of it, set fire- to rub-
bish piles around the mill, expecting at
the same time the rain to prevent the
fire from spreading ; but unfortunately
the rain was light and a heavy wind
arose, carrying fire to the barn and
other small buildings on the premises,
which were soon a mass of ruins. Then
taking its course across the road it
ignited the barn belonging to Dennis
Collins, also the oat -buildings, and soon
all was burned to the ground, including
a_ team of horses, several pigs, buggy,
cutter, mower, bay, grain, in fact all
their contents.
attack of sisiatioa in his 66th year of age.
Rev.Dr. Torrance, late P: S. Inspector,
Guelph, was tendered on Thursday week
an address and a handsome cabinet
from the staff of the Collegiate Institute.j
and the local P. S. teachers.
Out of seven ewes belonging to Jas.
McNaughton, Guelph tp., . three of them
have had three Iambs each and the.
other four two lambs each making 17
in all this season, of the Oxford Down
The Wallace tp. assessor completed
this year's work over a week ago.
The Mt. Forest H. S. Board have
decided to charge a fee of one dollar for
the Entrance Examination.
A five-year old son of Andrew Brown,
Clifford, fell into the mill pond and was
rescued just in time to save life. One
minute more in the water would have
made it impossible to resuscitate him.
An elevator, school house, church,
and several dwellings will be erected in
Grand valley this summer. -
Mitchell will hold a grand demonstra-
tion on Queen's birthday.
On the basis of the census of 1891
Stratford is entitled to four additional
hotel licenses. Listowel and Milverton
will, owing to a decrease in population,
lose one each. The commissioners will
meet on Saturday, 23rd inst., to con-
sider the new applications.
Mr. Alexander Jaek, of Millbank, hap-
pened with a serious accident a few
days ago, while taking out timber for a
barn. Getting too close to another
chopper his axe struck Mr. Jack on the
arm, making a terrible gash. The
doctor was called and Mx. Jack is doing
as well as can be expected.
Mr. Adam Bell, of , the Dairy School,
Tavistock, and Mr. T. B. Miller, assistant
dairy inspector and instructor, were at
Elora cheese factory, Atwood, several
days last week, inaugurating the system
of milk tests by which the patrons are
to be paid for their milk according to
the butter -fat as shown on the Babcock
Rev. Wilfrid Lindsay has been for-
mally installed pastor of -the congrega-
tional Church, in Stratford.
There died at Milverton on Friday,
8th inst., Mr. Wm. Kerr, one of the best
known and most respected farmers of
the township of Mornington. Mr. Kerr
had always been in good health, and
was one of the last men who would have
been expeeted to take such a sudden
departure. 'Ile was just 42 on the
morning of his death, having died with-
in an hour of the time of his birth.
A petition has been filed against the
return of Wm. Pridham, M. P. for South
Hanover capitalists have subscribed
the stock necessary for the establish-
ment of a felt goods factory. Opera-
tion will be commenced at once.
Campbell Bros., of Collingwood,
have leased Clement's flour mill, Walker-
ton, and take possession May 1st.
A case of suicide occurred two miles
from Neustadt on Tuesday, 12th inst.
The victim, one Mrs. John Kaufman,
hanged herself with binder twine on a
hook in the ceiling above the kitchen
stove at 9 o'clock a. in. while alone in
the house. Her husband was splitting
firewood in front of the door. Mrs.
Kaufman has been ailing all winter.
Mr. Kaufman's first wife died suddenly
and mysteriously . 19 years ago this
month. This woman was her sister,
and was living with them at the time.
Immediately after the first wife's death
her sister married Mr. Kaufman.
The Sheriff has appointed Mr. Fred
Kleist Turnkey of the Walkerton jail.
The late John Erdman held the posi-
tion for 14 years. Germans evidently
stand well with the sheriff, his late
gaoler and turnkey were both Germans.
Mr. Kleish speaks both German and
English which will make him useful as
an interpreter both in jail and courts.
It is likely that this was a considera-
tion with the Sheriff in giving him the
The citizens of Neustadt were greatly,
shocked on Tuesday morning to hear of
the sudden death of Mr. Gee. Kalbfieisch,.
retired merchant of that burg. The,
deceased had been ailing for some time
with an affection of the heart.
A young lady was standing on the
railroad track at the Chesley station
last Friday with her back to the engine
which was shunting at the time. Her
dangerous position was noticed by Mr.
R. B. Clement, of Walkerton, who made
a rush and snceeded in pushing her off
the track in front of him, the passing
engine brushing his coat as it thundered
Swamp Whisky.
On Wednesday morning of last week
A. Cavan, Collector of Inland Revenue
for Stratford District, and Constable F.
Scott, of Brussels, made a descent on,
the premises of Conrad Engel, 12th.
con., near Cranbrook, charged him with
having an illicit still in his cellar. He
pleaded guilty and the visitors secured
a still, built in brick, a copper worm,
several tubs, some ground malt, five gal-
lons of molasses and 20 gallons of
spirits. Engel had worked the still dur-
ing the past winter. He was arrested
and brought before Alex. Hunter and
John McCrae. J. P.'s Brussels, and was
fined $100 and costs and sentenced to
one month's confinement in Goderieh
jail with hard labor. Mr. Scott accom-
panied him to the county town on . the
forenoon train. A younger brother,
named Andrew, was arrestee d as an ac-
complice but the charges were with-
drawn and he was allowed his liberty.
It is supposed that other parties were
interested in the manufacture but their
names are not made public as yet. It
rather knocks the profits off the business
when Mr. Cavan's visit is paid for. En-
gel is a quiet, hard-working young fel-
low and was a most unlikely person to
be engaged in illicit distilling. He
would not say where he secured the
necessary apparatus. _ Bhuasele Post.
Mt: Forest :will have a.soda water
factory soon.
Dr. McWilliams, of Drayton, has lost
two brothers since Christmas, his
youngest. ,having died recently in Hes-
Andrew A. Goetz, for seven years
proprietor of the Queenshotel, Stratford,
has leased the American hotel there,
and takes possession May 1st.
Wm. Stubbs, for many years mall
earr4er between. ISrayton and Glenailan
died -recently after a leilg and -severe
The writ bas been issued for a new
election in East York, rendered neces-
sary by the death of the member, Hon:
Alexander Mackenzie. Nominations
will be held May 4th and election May
llth. Mr. John F. Davidson, merchant,
Unionville, has been appointed return-
ing officer.
James Crawford fell in a fit on the
Welland railway , track between St.
Catharines and Port Dalhousie on Sat-
urday night. His body was found on
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Gorrie, Ont.
Half the people of our County don't know the position of, one Township from
another. They can now overcome this difficulty by conssltiug
Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five -feet
mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which
makes it very distinct and effective.
Published by
PRICE, -$3.50.
W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Ont.,
Booksellers and Stationers
School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and
our traveler will call on you.
Ja�es Sttherlinis
(North 0 end of 0 the Leech Block.)
PfrRLE5R, EIIX, aid IflOK Stoles,
Special Value in Cook Stoves.
Special Value in Heaters.
Special Value in Drums.
Special Value in Cutlery.
Lavery Variety,
E�ic'2e Tr&igkin_
A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods
'Ugliest Cash Prize Paidfor HIDES wad SHEEP SKINS.
of every description, on HAND and made to ORDER
Repairing of all ifiat34 promptly done.
Given to every subscriber. new or old, of TUE
'1I:BKLf EMPIRE FOR 1891. Thousands of
dollars have been spent in its preparation. Its
SEceesa is y a.a w'ed: it is highly vatiued
souveuar e tfullthe greatest steateseraaeia and *duel Most
honored leader everkaowa do Craasadian history.
This beautiful Memorial Atheist contains 13
fail page illustrations of interesting omelet is
cpnnection with the kister9 ortsir Joke. and
presents to the thousands of admirers elm late
chief many new and valuable portraitures.
Fall -page Portraits of Sir Jolla dist
Rareness erdonald t liitr1 lame �
Join is tilitiotow t Portrait of Sir Jona
*hen a piling Baan : Portrait of Sir J a's
*Mother. the only one ever published; The
Did 'Homestead at Kingston.-oecapled by
Sir John daring the Rebellion of 183;;
-F.tiraseliffe. Sir John's Retsideace at Ottawa:
Interior of Senate Chamber; Ottawa. show-
ing the Guard or Honor and Body Lying to
'Mate; Exterior View of nooses of Parlia-
ment. with Funeral. Procession .forniitle le
the feregre7nd : View sr Enders Mork.
Parliament ;.nilrlinas. with Funeral. Pre•
eeasioa passina: Fine thew City MAIL Klitet-
ten. Draped in Maur aing. as it appeared
the day Sir JOhli°4 Body reached liittistoa
and Lay to State ; Grave at Cataragat Come- • s
tory, -with Floral Tributes from leis 'Piestut-
� ands of Followers ; View of wed I iter
Abbey, in which the lll•en•riat Servlee wan
held; interior Wiese of Westminster; tfieew of net. Patsy's t;atbeiira4 lift wifiieele a •*e •.
vial Tablet will lie Erected/0Sir Jolt*** Memory; Interior View of St. Pauls catftsdrlel.
- All these views Wit 'flue haif-toned Photogravures on 'heavy enameled paper, and attitahlY
bound. with an illuminated and embossed cover. A really valuable souvenir that wiii be a
fapitabie ornament on.parlor or library tablas. The demand for this wnrk prnmis es to be great.
sen4 in ynur orders sant"sic, warh O:1TE 9 OLLAR, and get SHE WEEKLY F11YIRE for on yea[
and this HrL AB
New sublrribers will receive _ _ !
Tie w$SSLv Emma fret fur balance ofthta Yeti T.