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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-04-28, Page 3
)1E,11. e oe the lye *triter as onelist undra, neat who had been published an he ti..,e, and e lately learn. of interest, men, passim gle, suddenle ly five or six running upon to catch hill hole which wild beast. ging, and nog yes, they re. to of the din• tart a fire a9 ke out its in. ight be. The y a large she- cattering the safety. She y, whom the m they now as evidently ut with the It'. He could t clothes, he he would eat ould lap his enclosure, he e day, and at Ing np bones he magistrate at Secunda, issionary so - received and ince been an he many who been taught es this awk- drrnk like a k and spoon. w flesh, and n to escape. a Iittle work, He has be- ingles freely in be has his rs well, and ich are told d a word or lough many him articu- dged, about head is low, nd his eyes, not an idiotic ude, and his His arms, of an ordin- s incidcntto he was first conscious of mpossible to e has shown sion of an nn- ith the death and of whom eral, as the ve, the poor ffin and then y wondering and other d dyin , and upward, the in him some which could ben sick him - eyes and has recently till living at first taken, e, which has nd also the hildren —two ilar circum- aracteristics, tion, though than a few heir are also ces of a simi- ries awaken e not easily e yet of the human, but y losing its nd takteg on human life ore natural e was led to n, the bride- ccording to rs, immersed nest and dis- pany at the s previously the Roman tering wheat fruitfulness, p of the god- gers among browing the on custom. s father de- , who touch. d, to denote custom was ble misinter- d weddings d festivity. to 'sell the arters of his return gifts oods. Hence g presents. sorry to heah en a fightin.' sorry myself, gas prayed to Fe, dat one oh Lewd heaps ,aken away— heah my prar gay, den I'se n and marry ha employer, eetiter. ' Are our pronun- Plied the boy ;bt to expect lee ' on a. sal - F ' '%tr :caches beating of a ether headed baby nt env hair :ice Indy. When Luein,'.. es aye, do shine .eke a ripe, rt e museladiue A.u'serb sticks out Ina tantalizin' pout I counts Lucindy minim Wham she droop-;'er eyes so shy, ` G Lak she gwi: ter pass me by, An' des afore she:pass Drap 'er hankoher on de grass, My courage rimae up high. When she sets up in de choir, An"er voice mounts higher an' higher, In unisorn wid Jim's, A-sinesin' o' de hymns, I sets back an' Puspire. When she lean down on 'er hoe, i.N' dig de ran' up wid 'er toe, An' look todes me an' sigh. I don't know w hoar ter could When she walkright down de aisle At de cake -walk wid a smile, An' AIle Retch han's anew noke de cake, I steam an' sizz an' bile,. When she claim me fur her bean, An' den donee de reel wid Joe ; An' when she swing me by I don know whe r or n' on o. Tell de trufe, Lncindy's ways Gets me so upset some days Dat, 'eep'n' dat I knew Dats des de way she do I'd some damage, 'raze Some days when she do de wiz, Ef 'twarn't dat I hates a fuss. An' loves 'er thoo an' thoo ie De ledetalI'd do'd l de b sh do, s. -Meth th McEnery Stuart, in Harper's for April The Coldness of Lake Superior. Lake Superior is acapricious mons ter, de- manding skilled seamanship powerful and staunch boats,, the majority the use of which are comparable with the vessels in our Atlantic coasting trade. The lake is a veritable womb of storms. They develop quickly there, and even more speedily the water'takes on a furious character. It is al- ways cold, and the atmosphere above and far around it -is kept cool all summer. 1 have been told', but cannot verify the state- ment, that the temperature of the water in the open lake never rises above 46'D Fah- renheit- As a rule, the men who sail upon it cannot swine. The lake offers no inducement to learn the art, and, alas 1 those who are expert swimmers could" not keep alive for any great length of time in the icy' water, When I was making inquiries upon this point, I found, as one almost always does, some who disputed' what the majority', agreed upon. I even found an old gentleman,' a professional man of beyond seventy years of had visited thate, whe said isiit d thelakeeachsummer=time, and that he had made it a practice to bathe in its waters nearly every day. It was chilly, he admitted, but he did not stay in eery long. But many sailors, among them some ship and steamship captains, confirmed my belief that few Lake Superior seamen have learned to swim, and that the •coldness of the water quickly numbs those who fall into it. I asked one captain howh long he supposed a man might, battle for life, or cling to a spar in the lake. He an- swered, very sensibly, h seemed tome, that some men could endure the cold longer than -others, and that the more flesh and fat a man possessed, to longer he could keep alive. " But," he added, " the only man •I ever law fall overboard went down like a shot before we could get to him. I always supposed he took a cramp." The bodies of the drowned are said not to rise to the surface. They are refrigerated, and the decomposition which causes the ascent of human bodies in other waters does not take tion to mylnotes is true, and thace. If one ere contribu- tion depths to which fishes do not descend, it is possible that many a hapless sailor -man and voyager lies as he died, a century back perhaps, and will ever thus remain, lifelike and natural, under the darkening veil of those emerald depths.—[Harper's Magazine, A Marvellous Criminal, Linking the various disclosures in the career of Deeming, the man under arrest in Australia for murdering his wife and ohi1d- ren, the police reports disclose the: -most marSincee criminallous starting ona systematic rcour e of crime at Sydney, N. S. W., the man>has operated succeissfulryatEathurst,"ItI. S. W.; Brisbane, Queensland ; Adelaide, Victoria ; Christchurch, New Zealand, where it has been discovered that he married udder the ,name of Delmart, and robbed and deserted his wife ; Wellington, N. S. W., where he married and robbed a girl and absconded ; Sydney, teo which city he then return - ban, Natal and�JohannesburCape g,ony Du e perpetrated successive swindles. where he cleared Durban with wwdles, He bique, thence transhipped for Mozam- bique, thence travelled bfor the British India, Sea to England, and operated inviaLondon, Hull and. Liverpool. From England he fled to Montevideo, Uruguay. Everywhere hit road hsiebeeit inatked b escapes have Y crwond fol P been cine to `the wonderful rapidityf-his "movements, -hie dash of ex ecuti onand'his prepetuar aliases and dis= guse. The.Scotland Yard authorities de- clare that from further study of doeumenta and facts in their possession they are ablelto. state positively. that Deeming couldi; zeo have been implicated in any of the Whittee- shape! or Jack -the -Ripper murders. The coroner's jury investigating the daths of the women and four children whos bodies were found i.'uried under the floor of Denham Villa at `"ant hill near Liverpool returned a erdict of wilful murder -against Deeming, • 7 Rightly !Bearded- " I've Quite concluded; dear, to wear Some ferm of beard," said he ,: "What style of whiskers do you think Would most becoming be ?" One glance at him, and instantly The maiden did declare_ " Why, ' mutton chops' of course, you know You've ruche. sheepish air" He Wasn't in Ii. "She's-wealaire oke?" "Dreadful," " She flirts with everybody, except Mr. Meke." "He's � w.117 doesn't she flirt with him?" her nanee, you know." Paltry affection and strained aIle• ions are easily attained by those who choose to wear them; but they are but badges of ignor- ance or stupidity when it would endeavor to please. --{Goldsmith. miteDoenments a -ed found,- On; soma; sof the dyne - miters , programme Madrid show that a.ter. gram,'ne of destruction wag to een-cOe tell! otit. Amongst the buildings to hDeputiet ave been 1<,.+.ewa up were the Chamber ofPalaces tum chapel of the Royal -Reasonable:: Request; The American spoertmgpapersappelr much interested.: in the siie883. of the petition to the Dominion government- to salmons etre-ms, protect our in an editorial on4he seb . ct headed " .st an& A Reason Reason- able Request,"_says ; Tsentiment in the movement to ecure mnothinorof e adequate protection for Canadian salmon rivby rs ; on the contrary, it is a step fully justified ordinary the rules which govern in iy business relations. The Dominion government Leases to Canadian and Ameri- can clubs and individuals a number of rivers for salmon fishing. It asks and re- ceives for these fishing privileges a sub- stantial rental Those who pay the rents are ouite reasonable when they demand that they shall receive that for which theetys`o ay This means pot- only fish iii'` bet'$sh in the rivers to fish for. Nor is fi� abatement of " unreasonable to ask the anagencies which interferenduly destructive ance of the fish sue pp with the maAs a ter of fact, the salmon have been decreasingeaid the fishing has been growing poorer and :poorer, until the -lessees. of many -streams. shave,naturally '`cgfie to feel that the Dominion Government is—unwittingly it may be, but none the less ef- -tectsally perpetrating. an imposition on :them wheta it' takes their. money; and gives them no fair return of fishing op- portunities. The netting as now carried on, practically without intermission, is re• cognized as the des A V gA L MIRAGl After Seven Years of -Helpless.. ness, HeAlth is Restored. • Stat or the n'.:eit.rkzble *case of muss tiamuay as investigated By a Ilte- porter twee monde. Le Monde, April 1st, During the past year newspapers in vat i- ous parts of the country have chronicled ac- counts of marvellous cures from the use of a medicine known as Dr. Williams'pink Pills for Pale People. These remarkable cures'•, many of them in cases hitherto held by medical science to be incurable, were known as the Hamilton miracle, the Cape Breton miracle, the Detroit miracle, -the Saratoga C .miracle, etc:, and were vouched for by such leading newspapers as the Toronto Globe, Hamilton Times, Hamilton Specta- tor, Halifax Herald, Detroit News, Albany N. Y. Journal and others, whose high stand- ing left no, room to doubt that the facts were as stated. And now Le Monde is in aposi- tiou to add another laurel to the renown achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, by giving the facts of a nano and certainly a not fail to inter- s it._ is not only f a 'young lady in the district young lady who th and strength of kr. John . manufacturers airiest esteemed t 260 St. James Coursol street. emarkable ease e of Le Monde, etailed to make terest of nth r e Io w rue in their petition the lessees requeve stst at the he' s netters be required to raise their nets dur- a ing three successive days and nights of each g week, instead of for the interval from Sat- sir urday night until Monday morning, which So is now the regulation, whether or not the ha practice. As pointed out by the petition- a r ers, if such shall result in andincrease offish, this inea - immunity from netting an sure will benefit all alike --anglers and netters, while it is none the less certain that a continuance of the destructive system now ,in'force will Work growing harm to the interests of each alike and ultimately de- stroy them. The petition is not based on sentiment, but on common -sense, . It is reasonable, . It should be granted. The list of signatures is a notable register of i the salmon anglers, of ©apada-, end the Ignited States. Su • weight. We in- ister.of Marine and Fisheries will the'reoi- over ate the urgent necessity appreaf- leavi :natter, and- Will not hesitate to -apply the ctent in' this help remedy." bei thro emarkable one, which can st Montrealers inasmuch a cal, but gives the cure b ell known and -esteemed which she resides. The wes her restoration to heal Miss Ramsay, daughter amsay, .the well known ent, and one of -Montreal' izens, who does business a set, and resides at 14 me of the facts of this r ving come to the knowledg sports: of this paper was d investigation and in the in ferers, lay an accurate sta is as he found them, befo th Mr. Ramsay and his nd to be enthusiastic in Wiiliains'Pink Pills, and the reporter they had ex their enthusiasm. .At the Ramsay, my daughter w rea, more commonly know cel Chorea, it may he s fac Bo fou Dr. told for Mr. cho dan -Seeing.- the King. It was either in the time of George III. or IV. or maybe, :William IV. -,the old journal I take it " from doesn't say which that the following"episodes occurred '=-In one of the late King's excursions during the harvest, in the neighbourhood of Weymouth, he passed a field where only one woman was at work. As nearly all the work people had gone to Weymouth to have a glimpse at their Sovereign, his Majesty, from cur- iosity, rode into the field and asked her where her compaions were, and why she was alone. The woman, not knowing by whom she was interrogated, replied that they had all "made fools of themselves by going to see the King." y "And why," rejoined his Majesty, "did you not go to see the King ? " "Because," answered the woman, "I would not give a pin or three straws to see theKing, or every King, on earth all togeth- er. The fools that are gone to town will lose a day's wages, and the King won't give them anything in its place. I have five children to work for-" " Well, then," said his Majesty, putting money into the astonished woman's hand, " you can ' tell your companions who aro gone to see the -King that the King came to see you and gave you more than a day's wages for sticking to your work." On another occasion his Majesty was rid- ing toe " meet " of foxliunting gentlemen in a well-known hunting shire, when he overtook a genuine "Hodge," a laborer, trudging in the same direction. Knowing that unusual numbers of the country people attended those "meets" for the purpose of gratifying their curiosity by having a glimpse of royalty in red coat and " mahoganyI tops," his Majesty accosted the labourer thus- "Oi be here are you going to, my man ?" tement of the ! be told he be hunting the King; ire ou, hounds, re the public. so I toald mwi' the uld se im- if daughter were Oi wor to lose my bread an'er Oi cheese on ee him - if their praises of " Would it not be better you should stay from the story at your work and win your bread and cellent reasons cheese than trudge so many miles merely to age of 14, said see the King' who will not give you either as attacked by bread or cheese," remarked his Majesty. n as St. Vitus " Well, guvnor, that be very well ; but id, is a dis- Oi never seed a King, an' Oi'd loike to see aystem which what sort o'man he be," respond Hodge. .•constitution, " Well, then," said his Majesty, as he shoe or fright, reined in -his horse close by the road fence in _or less to facilitate Hodge's mounting behind him, f the limbo "get up behind me and I shall carr s brought on the ' meet. " y you to at titre which Hodge, delighted, took his seat behind , That was ( the King, who now and then asked him those seven questions about the country end the crops, old misery to in the course of which Hodge asked his in the worst Majesty by what means he should know the n€ Dr. Wil King among the large assemblage of gentle - nee seemed ' men. it. When "Oh," exclaimed his Majesty, "you will a but without lsician oll have his hat serve that every butleman t e King the `meet' e1t discour- have it on." g� who will othing un -1 Arriving at the t eased condition of the nervous result from feebleness of study, or front a ng the patient in a t less condition, control o g lost. The trouble wa igh a fright she received occurred in. our neighborhood more than reign wars ago, -and years have been filled with unt niy daughter. Her trouble was and until she began usi Pink Pills, medical seie to successfully core w"th as, attacked, I called in reated her for a long time, ast beneficial results. I f but determined to leave n at might tend to restore ccordingly called in anot atment seemed tee do her left for the States and s r o:d condition. I then tete care of another doe nt helped her, but she w d so weak that she c ve about. A year ago wanted to send- her to the doctors said she co s she was too far gone. I must set a nurse to tak that she must be kept i was all gone, and she oment. She lingered on, Ion until last when the doctor gave his permission toitake her to the country, and . she was away from the city frcm the first of June until the middle of September, when she came home much improved. But it did not last long, for in about a month she began to fail again ; bottle after bottle of medicine was taken which would stimulate her : a little, when elapse would come. About this win the 'papers the article telling se of Mr. John Marshall, of and I told her I would bring x. of Dr. William's Pink Pills. d that there was another pre - or me to get which the doctor I was now determined to give ills a trial and told her to say out it, but_to try two boxes of Before the first box was finished fter the second hox she improvement, notmlike thea d same woman at all. Would you believe it, when she had taken the fifth box she ac- ble so attend to her household was not a bit . the. worse for it. began taking the Pink Pills, if ed to sweep out her own room e utterly done out. What more favor of the wonderful merit iam's-pink pills ? Those _ who anghter, and have seen the re- ange which the use of Pink Pills ,ean-scarcely believe it, but it ari1Tat�shdiilc] Barry 1ma 'Sincerely "trust th` - y The Shah's T ?'Ba�Ait�. Sir Henry Drummond Wolff obtained permission for Mrs. Bishop, the author- ess, to view the Shah's "Museum," or: trea- sure -house. She says of it : " The proportions of the room are -per unab' feet. The floor is of fine tiles -of .exquisite she w coloring, arranged as mosaic. A`table is- who t overlaid with beaten gold, and chairs in 1 the le rowsare`treated-in the -same fashion. Glass aged, cases round the -room and'. on costly tables done th contain the fabulous treasures of the Shah and I a and many of the crown.jewels. His tre Possibly the accumulated .splendors of but he pearls, diamonds, rubies emeralds, sap- into he phires,.basins and vessels of solid gold,- an- under tient armor flashing with precious stones, , treatme shields studded with diamonds and rubies, down au scabbards andsword hilts incrusted with rely mo gems. helmets red with rubies golden trays mer I and vessels thick with diamonds,- crowns, try, but jewels, chains, ornaments (masculine solely) where a of every description, jeweled coats of mail me that dating back to the reign of Shall `Ishrriael, + her, and exquisite enamels of great antiquity, all in:her blood a profusion not to be described, have no I at any m counterpart on earth. They are a dream oft in this c splendor not to be forgotten. " Among the extraordinary lavish use of gold and gems is a golden globe, twenty inches in diameter, turning on a frame of solid gold. The stand and meridian are of solid gold set with rubies. The equator and elliptic are of large diamonds. The coun- tries are chiefly out Iined in rubies out Persia is in di�M�-a her health, crossroads ware r3 sting place, a large her delor, r li in Square, Hodge observed as his ob- her "guvnor" friend and himself approach - some good, ed, that aII hats were doffed while the tie relapsed "guvnor's" and his own, of course, remain - placed her ed on which mystified poor Hodge exceed - tor, whose ingly, as all run " Well, my man," said the King, "who is ould scar- the King now ? Do you see him ?" last sum- "Ecod, guvnor, Oi doan't knea what' to the coon- say said Hodge, as he looked wonderingly at uld go no the- uncovered crowd of equestrians bowing He " told ceremoniously in the the direction of Hodge e care of and his "guvnor" "So help me, but Oi n bed as think it must he either you or Oi, guvnor, might die for we're the only blokes that 'ave our 'ats however, ( on." by emeralds. As if e all thiswere not enougn is h, represented tianot e I r huge coins, each worth thirty-three so er- ofmthe s ca eigns, are heaped round its base. "—[Gall- Hamilton, gnani's Messenger. her a bo Trite gervio She replie The whole suns of this title -of life is ser- had scripleft tion f vice. Service to others and not to self. Self the Pink" P is a narrow space. I wish to speak to the ' nothing ab young hien who have just opened., the door +pills first. of life and to the old men -who are just be- ' we could fore the door that opens to a life beyond. Life is not an existence for self. It is this servicethat is the`' grand exponent of a suc- cessfullife. To determine what success a tuaily was a life may attain is to see how much a life I duties, -and may accomplish for the bettering of hu- i Before she manicy, I wish I had the powe ,toreon- ' she attempt vince everyone of my bearers' of` the' im- she Would b portance of service. In service you throw can be said in yourself into another life. The other life I of Dr. Will becomes part of yourself, you part of that know my d other life; you are one. You work together ' markable eh for the bettering of the world. Just so you ; have wrought enter into God and the divine Iife enters 1 is a soI into you. You do not surrender to pope, priesli =or church, . but still have your own mdeldendencer• You simply, surrender to God. " To make life as sOcessfal as -you can, you should notgo away by yourself and say :that you will Iead s good" life,d- then do nothing else; .To cherish selfthe 'Away to -do: -service; Tonmust.1cse_seff,•.. Make yoni's'elf`so' strongly' a part sof the' whole world that you influence all the other parts and the more strongly cement them tog ,• er. Take in some other Iife. Serve it n3 show it that there is a divine image hidden y it. Develop that image, and in s=o doing ou beautify year own life. Brown is a fellow who lovea to push himself terward meal; oceesions. Not long ago he engaged a stranger in conversation en a hotel -lobby, and after a few minutes "Excuse me, but your name, please r " Brown," replied the stranger gracious- " Ah, mine is Brown, also," he chirruped with a pleased smile. The stranger's face was imperturfial4e. " Pleasedzto meet yeti, Me. Also;# he said very quietly, and Brown wilted. A Frigid Reminder.: . "-The weather this morning rem- inds me of a certain South American republic," said the Snake Editor, as he came in, rubbing his " Alt!" replied the Horse Editor, with a‘ fine lack of intereet.' Theory Versus Practice. "Half of this bottle of -wine is gone. It seems to- me -that you should be able to sta.nci the temptations", said Pennybunker to hes entered servant. - "Dat ar am easier said dendone, besfee "At any rate, you should come out likes man and say that you stole the wine." "Dat e.r am easier done den said:boss." • ac , and my only regret is I did not know of the wonderful med long ago. Since my daughter began to prove Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have used by many of our friends and neigh and I do not know of a single case in w they have not proved beneficial. The above are the _facts of the case as lated by Mr. Ramsay, soid they certa bear the strougest testinanny to the g curative properties of, Dr. Willia,ms' P The facts are also vouched for by ne bors including the family cf Mr. S. leandolph the well known Grand Tr conductor who also says that the pills h been of inestitnable value in his own fam. The remarkable and gratifying res from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill the case ot Miss Ramsay, show that t are a scientific preparation designed to rich and build up the blood and rest shattered nerves, and are a specifie for diseases arising from either of these can that they are also a specific for troub peculiar to females and all forms of wea ness. In the case ofyoung gielse who pale or sallow they speedily eerich t blood, and bring the bright, rosy glow health to the ekeeks. In fact there appea to be no disease dependent upon_ a vitiate condition of the nervous systena that vei not speedily yield to treetment with thes pills. These pills are manufactured by the Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. and Morristown N. Y., and are sold i boxes, (never in bulk by the hundred) at 5 create a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had,of all druggists eer direct hy from Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies, or medical treatment. that icine been hick re- inly reat igh- unk aye ily. ults s in hey en - ore all ses les are he of rs 0 Prince George is likely to choose as his wife one of the two women, Princess Victor- ia, daughter of Prince Christian, or Princess Victoria of Hesse,_ the -youngest daughter of Princess May. Both- are charming and The Sudbury Mine's. A powerful French syndicate has been or- ganized for the purpose of acquiring nickel lands in Algoma and carrying on mining, smelting and refining operations. A mem- ber of the syndicate, who occupies the high position of admiral, was last fall sent to make the preliminary investigations, and he has made a highly satisfactory report. Those enquiries were made as to the supply of coal'and coke from Sandusky and other American ports, and in consequence it has been decided to establish large refining works on the north shore of the Georgian Bay, where nickel steel will be manufac- tured on a Iarge scale. The iron will be obtained from the iron t eranes in the Port Arthur . Facili- sgwill be provided for treatingitthe ther ores produced by Ontario. This syndicate has been formed to compete with the Societe du Nickel, who own the nickel mines. New Caledonia ply four refineries—oneieneaGlasc w, Ste du Niekle cot - land; one at Islington, a few miles frorn Birmingham, England ; the third near Havre, in France,and the fourth at Eiser- Growing Too Fast become listless. fretful, without ener• gy, thin and weak. Fortify -7.nd build them up, by the use of ooTTis ULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Lime and Soda. Palatable as Milk. AS A PRETE/1TM OH CURE OF COUGHS OR COLDS, IN 130Th THE OLD AND RUM IT IS UNEQUALLED. Genuine made by Scott .1 Bonne, Belleville. Salmon Wrapper: at all Druggists, 60c, and To See a Bullet's Plight A late scientific authority states that by saturating a bullet with vaseline its flight may be easily followed with the eye from the time it leaves the muzzle of the rifle until it strikes the target. The course of its flight is marked by a beautiful ring of smoke caused _by the vaseline being ignited on leaving the muzzle of the gun. This smoke ring will remain suspended in the air, for some little time after the bullet strikes if the day is not too windy. Have Yon Thought of It 1' For four thousand years or more the world groaned, suffered, and fumed about its corns, for there was no positive relief— no certain and painless cure until Dr, Scott Putnam gave to the world his great Corn Extractoa if there is suffering now it is a result of carelessness, for the remedy is at hand. Try Putnam's Corn &tractor. It is tors, Kingston. Common sense is the measure of the possi ble : it is composed of experience and pre vision : it is calculation applied to life— Nature's Creative Powers Surpass all the arts of man. Fearless of contradic- tion, St. Leon mineral water has proved its superiority. TJsed freely as a table water it absorbs those secretions that quench life. Also St. Leon soothes, feeds, and tones up the nerve and vital forces, is so full of that mysterious life, sustaining fluid can be igeit- ed. The charmed, refined feelings that flow steadily on when St. Leon is imbibed those only can tell who try it well. Adversity has this effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain clormant.—[Horace. "WARNING," ask your Druggiq for GIR- DOAls' TOOTHACHE GUM, take no sub - The geed are better made by ill, as odors crushed are sweeter still.—{Rogers. Those who school others oft should schoo ONTO =WOWS e method and res.ults when sure, painless, and prompt. Beware of 430th th - ;Syrup of Figs is taken- it is le Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle of Nasaz BALat. Be warned in time, neseected cold in head results in Ca.tarrla, followed by consumption and death. Sold by all druggists, or sent, post paid, on receipt of price A. P. 602 ripORONTO BISCUIT ND CONFECTIONERY 03 »lake the best goods. Try them and see. 311 taught 0-, Miss Chubb, general agen t AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS CUTTING, for Ontario. 2581 Voage St., Toronto. WANTED—By ft Canadian House a Man with $5., 00 to buy an interest in their business, and go to England and take charge, Tbuosrionuetsos,:contolired by them. P.O. Dot 513, CADFIELD TEA cures Constipation, Sick fl ilea,dache, restore the Complexion. Get, Free Sample at GARFIELD TEA AUENWT, 317 Church St., Toronto. YOUNG MEN Learn to cut—No better • tra,de. Thorough instruc- tion given at TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL, 123 Yongo St. Terms moderate. Write for particulars. Also agents for the McDowell Garment Drafting Machine. bPgtutr1ead. cirDeR.88' TaAndFTwEe RTS., ROCHES- mall free trial TER,N.Y.Canadian Dept.186 Adelaide FREE St. W. TORONTO. CANADA. into Ligh t. or the stor,y of my Life" by Joseph F. Hess the converted Prize -Fighter and Saloon -Keeper. She story of his travels and the life he led are MC re tbrilling than the page of fiction. Send for circulars and terms. WM. BRIOGs, Publisher, Toronto, Ont. See ant f,arite and Rciciress of Every TO STAY CITED E BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE CO., OF CANADA - Established for the prevention of steam boiler explosion by proper inspections. Sir Alexander President. Head office, Canada Life Build- ing, King St. W., Toronto, rooms 49 and 50 Solicitors of Patents. • DEO. C. ROBB, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER, Ser. and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habituai constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro. duced, pleasing to the taste and ae-- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthY and agreeable substances to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it' promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,, SAN rnAnrcisoo, CAL. LOUISVILLE, ET. NEW YORE, N. IC ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. We are the leading firm in Canada. No other firm eau comnete with us, every Limb warranted for Comfort, Finish and Efficiency, equal to the best in the -world. , 121 CHURCH STREET - TORUNTO MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. LONDON AND CANADIAN LOAN AND AdENCii CO., LTD 103 Ray Street. Toronto. Money to Loan on improved farms, city and Mwn property on liberal terms of repay ment and AT LOWEST CURREN7 RATES. Mcrisn Apply to local appraisers or to Choice farms for sale in Ont. ee Man itob,a. EASILY NESTED. A Food designed for Invalids and Convalescents, must possess this quality JOHNSTON'S FRO !JEFF DOES Besides supplying the STRONC; NOURISEEMENT of BEEF. CARRIAGE TOPS. are the best in the market and have patonVi improvements not found in any other Ina ce order one from your Carriage Maker. "Ira -4,1 no other kind. IS JUST WHAT YOU8A-RE LOOKINC F37. i a. 22 175 c' ct :13 ES 1 VS us i The only effective nesana of destroying itae 1 insects that are so injurious to Orchards and We menufacture the MOST COMPLETE line of PUMPS and WIND HILLS both for pumping Water and driving Machinery, of any firm in Canada. lt will pay you to send to? large illustrated catalogue before purchasing else - Awl 03 015 0 Containing a large percent; age of the flour of Oatmeal. It makes and keeps Lady's hands soft and smooth. \ It cures eczenaa and all dis- eases of the skin, Be 'Sure You Get th Gentlifie. Made by The Albert. Toilet Soap Company. CURED 'ice pre, send be. in stamps ver fails, for postage and we will mail you • a free trial package. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto. OA&