HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-04-21, Page 8> l a ,t 5., The East Huron Gazette. Fordwich. A very pleasant affair took place in the hall at the residence of B. S. Cook, Esq., on' Friday night, April 15th, when a large number of the friends of Dr, and Mrs. T. C. Spence met together for the purpose of bidding them farewell as they are departing on Tuesday for the great north-west. The gathering included not only people of Fordwich but from Newbridge and beyond. When!arrange- wents had been completed, Mr. Robt. Mahood was called to the chair, and Mrs. Richmond Fallis and Mr. Jas. Fallis were despatched to bring the guests of the evening, Dr. and Mrs. Spence. As they entered the Hall, Dr. Spence es- corted by Mrs. Fallis, and Mrs. Spence by Mr. Fallis the company rose to their feet and amid applause the guests were placed in the chairs arranged for them. A very valuable gold -headed cane, beautifully ornamented and bearing the inscription—"Presented to Dr. T. C. S., April, 15th, 1892," was given to the Dr., and Mrs, Spence was made the re- cipient of a very handsome silver fruit bowl. Rev. J. W. Pring read the ad- dress to the Dr. and Mrs. J. Donaghy that to Mxs. Spence, while Mr. J. Dona- ghy and Mrs. Pring haiaded the presents to the Dr. and his wife respectively. The Dr. replied for both in felicitous terms expressing his thanks for the people's kindness and inviting all pres- ent to visit them in their Prince Albert home. Nearly all the gentlemen present made short speeches showing their es- teem for oar guests and regret at part- ing. The Band of the Royal Temple of this village were present and added to the interest of the occasion by playing admirably some very fine selections. Below is a copy of each of the addresses. Fordwich, April 15th 1892. DR. T. C. SPENCB, Dear Sir and Bro.—We, your many friends and - Brethren of the different organizations of which you are an honored member, have learned with deep regret that you are about to sever your connection with us and go to the far west to push your fortune there ; and have met together to -night in order to express our high appreciation of the many excellent qualities both of head and heart by which your inter- course with us has been distinguished since your coming amongst us. As a citizen you have always been interested in whatever was done for the public weal and have heartily joined in every enterprise the ob- ject of which was to advance the temporal and moral prosperity of the village in which you lived and carried on your chosen profession. As a member of a Christian Church, an Orangeman, Free Mason, and Canadian Forester, you have always shown yourself interested in whatever tended to the advancement of their principles and the promotion of that fellowship Which makes our association together so pleasant We shall miss your friendlycounsel, your wise judgment, your material assistance and your jovial companionship. As a physiein we desire to place on record our tenqualifted testimony to the skill, patience and ,kindness with which you have always attended to your duties. when sickness -invaded our homes and we required medical assistance, we feltein sending for you, that we were sending for one who was able to cope successfully with any ordinary disease, and who would do everything an his power to immediately relieve pain, save ;life and restore health ; and that we had not only the attention of a physician but a Christian gentleman aawell. The very large practice you have here gained will be a standing memorial -to your ability and Stirling worth. We ask you to accept this Cane as a tangible and lasting evidence of our regard for you and trust you will prize it as a reminder of the as- sociations of the past and the feelings of esteem and regret which mingle in our hearts on the eve of your departure from amongst us. We trust that in your distant home yon will have abundant success in your chosen profession and be long spared to employ your liberal talents in the alleviation of human suffering and the continuation of human life ; and that when your eventful career on earth is ended you may be Atfely gathered into everlasting happiness above. On behalf of your many friends PETER HEPINSTALL. J. W. PRING. B. D. WALLACE. JOHN DONAGHY. EDWARD WHITE. RICHARD BRIDE. - Louis-BECHER. B. S. COOK. THOsDOWNEY. WM. CARTER. JAS. SANDERSON. ROBERT MAHOOD. JAMES FAT.T,T9. RICHMOND FAT,T,IS. JOHN HOMEBEI.G. ROBERT HARDIN a. WM. MCKEE. JOHN CORBERT. ,JAS. FOSTER. JOHN CLEGG. EDWARD ARMSTRONG. A. S. STROME. Fordwich April 15th '92 ,Tan Mns. Dn. SPENCE. Dear Friend.—Your many friends here, re- gretting your removal, desire to record on this - the eve of your departure, our regard for you. We admire the noble qualities of female charac- ter you have exhibited among us. As the wife of a praetical physician, your position has been by no means an ordinary one, and your -quiet un Assuming way of attending to the onorous duties ;evolving upon you has been noticed and ap- -preeiated. We have always been glad to see you in our omen. Your visits have been felt by as to be too rare, and your acquaintance too slow in idaking for the short while yon have been among ?piaYou have responded readily and cheerfully to aid in any enterprise when mutual effort was required whether for benefit or pleasure. Olt desire is that your future friends may be warm-hearted and true ; your future home as cosy and comfortable as your heart can wish; and that you may enjoy long life in the con- fidence of a loving husband and happy family. As a token that this is our wish and that you May have something to remind you of your j'riendsin Fordwich, we present you with this Fruit Bowl and wish you every comfort both now and hereafter. Signed by Mils. JOHN DONAGHY. MRS. J. W. PRING. MRS. Jake CLEGG. MRS. P. AFPINSTAT.T,. MRs. B. S. COOK. MRS. EDwARR. WHITE. Mas. L. BECHER. MRS. A. S. STRoain. M.As, B, Fatal% MRs. R. HARDISo; The Fordwich station wa,s crowded on Tuesday afternoon last by "parties who . bad gathered to bid adieu to: their friends - who were starting for various darts of theNorthwest and. Western States. =Attiring thosewho went by that main were. Dr' and Mrs Spenceand their two hhildren, Mr. Rothwell' and his soli Benj. and. daughters Mina and Hannah, Jas. S.; Spence, Will. James, -Strome, wife and : child,: all of whom were bolind for- Prince; Albert, N. W. - T Mrs.'£ Giampbell and fainly (eight m all) for "Boisevain, Mas, ; David Fennel, for Dakota; and -Mi. Holt, for Manitoba. ` §' Cook receive c1 a telegram. to effect that -his brother, : Mr. P. batl_d ed "siitddenlyat his Iloilo- in anApr iI 3rd ° ; lin account of ii {l i." .IIB W8 p1ial8 to attend the funeral which occurred on the 6th inst. Mrs. Cook is in Toronto undergoing treatment at the hands of specialists,- and hopes to return in a couple of weeks, much improved, if not fully restored to health. Mr. Cook spent Sunday last in the city with her. Mr. John Clegg is, busy unpacking the stock of groceries which he has just re- ceived at his store on the old Sweet - man corner. Mr. Benj. Rothwell had his leg broken by a kick from Dr. Spence's horse the other day. Both bones were broken but he was properly cared for and was able to accompany the party to the Northwest on Tuesday, although he had to be carried on a stretcher. On Monday evening last about twenty of the Brethren of Fordwich Lodge of Free Masons, accompanied by their ladies, made an impromptu call upon Bro. Dr. Spence, on the eve of his de- parture eparture for the " Northwest. After a short time spent in social converse Bro. Thos. Gibson was called to the chair and Bro. Wyness was ashen to read the following address : T. C. SPENCE, ESQ., M. D.: Dear Sir and Bro.-We, the undersigned, on behalf of the officers and members of Fordwich Lodge, No. 331, A. F. & A. M., wish to give expres- sion to, and place on record our regrets at your removal from amongst us to settle in a distant part of the Dominion. By your departure we lose a good citizen, a true Brother, a faithful and efficient officer, having discharged with fidelity your duties of Treasurer. When you settle in your new home we trust you will continue to exercise the grand principles and tenets of the Craft, maintain by word and life that Virture, Morality and Brotherly Love and Truth, are the enduring ornaments of our Brotherhood, daily consulting our great and only rule of faith, guided by the great lights of our Order. We pray that the Great Architect of the Uni- verse may keep, guide and protect you and those near and dear to you : and may the Grand Geometrician prosper you "as au ear of corn near a waterfall," encircling you with all tem- poral blessings; and may the Most High pour into your heart his Divine love and light, teach- ing the greatest of all lessons "how to live" that when you are summoned from this sub- limary abode to the Grand Lodge on High, the Grand Master of all may say "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into thejoy of thy Lord." We would ask you to accept of this ring to re- mind you of our fraternal intercourse, while the emblem thereon will bring to your mind the grand precepts of our Order, enabling you to discharge your masonic duties with fervency and zeal. GEO. WILSON, FRED DONAGHY, Secretary. W. M. Fordwich, April 18th, 1892. The Dr. was taken completely by sur- prise, yet expressed his gratification in well chosen words. The ring is a beauti- ful one, solid gold, with a single opaque upon which rests a Masonic emblem in gold. Lunch was served after which toasts, speeches, song and story followed each other in rapid succession until the time for parting came. Dr. Spence was an active member of the Fordwich lodge and the parting toast "Happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again," meets with an earnest response from all. The business of Toronto Type Foundry has now been made into a joint Stock company, and- Mr. T. M. Harris, of Brantford is one of the directors. Mr. J. T. Johnson, is man- aging director. There were "razors in the air" again in the southern part of London on Satur- day evening, and, as a result, John Harris (colored) is in the hospital, and Jakey Butts (plain) is in jail. -It is all the result of a "scrap" between the two men. Butte appears to have been the aggressor, but the other fellow was the first to pull a razor. Butts had one, too, and in the course of the slashing that followed Harris was badly cut, the white man tor once proving the most expert in the use of the weapon. BORN. In Fordwich on Monday, April 18th 1892, the wife of Mr. John Fields of a daughter. Torgato aid cabbage Plants for Sale. Tomatos, 25c. per doz. Cabbage, 25c. per 100. JOHN BOWMAN, (At W. G. Strong's farm.) GORRIE. E®rd'tioi1 Planing Mill. READYAGAIN! hos Administrator's Noticeto Creditors. N THE ESTATE of Robert John Gibson, late 1 of the Townhip of Howick, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Pursuant to R. S. O. Cap. 110, public notice is hereby given to all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Robert John Gibson, deceased, to send, on or before the 20TH A OF APRIL A.D, 1002 to A. G. Campbell, at Hamston P O., Solicitor for Jemima Gibson, the Administratrix of the estate of the said de, ceased, their Christian and Surnames and ad- dresses, full particu':srs of their claims, a state- ment of their accot:: duly verified, and the nature of the securities : i f any) held by them. And that after said .1.- to the said Administra- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto regard being had -only to the claims of which notice shall have been received as above required: and that she will not be liable for the assets of said estate or any part thereof to any person ar persons of whose claim or ciaimsnotice shall not have been received at the time of such distribu- tion. Dated at Harriston, this 15th day of March, A. D. 1892. A. G. CAMPBELL, Solicitor for the said Administratrix. lJon't! )Jon't! Wear that old Hat again this spring when ( PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE. GO TO W. H. CL HGG ardware Store, QORRIE, own, FOR AXES, FOR X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. you can get a nobby new one at the low price of 50 cents. Or a nice hard one for $1.00. —0-0-0— We have just received our spring . Hats and Caps for Men, Youths and Children. —0-0— anPecS. SUGARS I 1'HE Planing Mill will be ready for work in a few days and I want Goon LOGS of ANY LENGTH AND SIZE, HARD OR SOF1 WOOD, DE- LIVERED AT ONCE, for which I will pay the best prices. Builders, Remember '-HAT the Fordwich Planing Mill will be ready to furnish you with all kinds of House fur- nishings, and is prepared to give estimates and take contracts for all kinds of wood work. L. C. DICKS. Full to th OTE OF New Wall Paper Cheap, Dear, Light, Dark, Canadian, American, Micas, Gilts, with Borders to match, and Ceiling Decorations for Rich or Poor, Grit or Tory, Kitchen or Parlor. Any reasonable person can select what he requires from our large stock. TAKE A LOOK THROUGH MY SAMPLE BOOKS. ' We have a fine lot of wagons this season, made by best Express Wagons. makers. A good iron -axle wagon for $1.25; aheavier one for $1.50. Iron wheel wagon at $2 and $2.50. We sell these by catalogue this season. If you want to get Babe Carriages one come and examine my catalogue and prices. Will sell very close. We have received a stock of these so Sewing Machi.ne Needles. that any person wanting anything in this line can be accommodated. Ne T 'LATT HI.jI N , Druggist, Corrie. THE GREATEST Of THEM,ALL i x si Baroness bele+ienuid t Birthplace of • Johnin Glasgow ; Portrait of Sir John • vt lien n young man ; Portrait of Bir John's A Bother. ti:e Only one ever published; The etas fins;aestead at Kingston. occupied. by sir John during the Rebel/Ion of I811T; Ea rn%eiare. Sir John's Residence at.Otts#ra; liater:ar of Scums 4 I amber. Ottawa. show. lug the Guard of honor and Body Lying in aState; rxtertorView of Mouses of Pains. snout. with Funeral. Procession forming is the ineeg-rc►; nal View of iatatern 111411444 f'a+-ii tauten.: -a ll.lirgs4 with Funeral Pro- s -.D a``yi'"-•aLL =_a r y ces:s:naa Ex!"•Jin', Fine ViewCityMall.IItnga• Vit. Draped in Mounting,. as it appeared IS THE NEW PREMIUM Given to every snhseriber. new or old. of TDB 11 F.1=KLB' EMPIRE FOR IS32. Thousands 01 dollars have been spent in its preparation. Its success is fully assured; it hi a highly valued souvenir of the greatest statesman and the most honored leader ever known in Canadian history.: This beautiful Ilcnsor1al-Album contains 15 fail-p.ge illustrations of interesting scenes in connection with the history of Sir John. -and Presents to the thousands of admirers of our late thief many new and valuable portraitures • READ THELIST. Fail -page Portraits or Sir John and �= she day.1r John's -R)* retie-bedTingston and Lay iii State ; grave at Cataragni Cense- l' Coral } .:. eery, with Tributes frons his Thous- , --.,� .. •.- ass+ts of Follower.; view of Westminster . Abbey. in s;hieh the Memorial Service was siesta; i.cteritir ijer o Witatatlu ier; View off' -Mt. Paul's Cathedral; in -which a Meszto- .ri:ts T IR'rt hili be, E:ro tsa:S aSir John's ileetinry ;1n;error Esau o: et. Paul's Cathedr�ti Ah rhea s r •4; lire 11.ae�<. #i;;if-toner Nihil,: i+iteura5 on h •avy one melee! paper. and anitabty bound. wl h fta eliiniina C d.aind .embossed cover. A really val•taable 9CiuVenir;that wicl be a artit"bi,n,n,,at u= On rhsr,or library bible.. The demand fort his work oro mises to be great. w yone: liderae:,tsj , vein o%E DJLL.iR, and get TILE WEEKLY I:I:P4RE for one year and this 6Fi=33p},i€.LY��.yl:i�li.� - • Y! sul'cr> r Will ive 1`sta ti'&L&I.Y IAi free for balance 01 this year., You all know.that sugars are advancing, still you can get as much sugar for a dollar as ever. Please mentionZthis Paper. �Co Wroxeter. Get Your Spring Printing At the Gazette W. -1. LEEEI —IF YOU WANT CHEAP— Groceries, Canned Goods, Biscuits, COl\TPU-1 0'1'10 Call in at— Arid Tor, A. �. Ps_1,L,ISOl\T'S, And You can Get Everything of the Best Quality. The Opening of OUR 1VIILLINERY Was a Grand Success. We commenced with a fine selection of goods which sold splendidly and we have just received a fine lot of Choice Goods of the very latest Syles. A. B. ALLISON. STRAW HATS made over into any other shape. All kinds of produce taken. 2�AR.BY 131R,03_, • r "ord-wieh Hardwarettit,Store. HAVING bought out Dr. Spence's hardware business, and made large additions to the Stock, we are now prepared to furnish GENERAL HARDWARE, Carpenters' and Farmers' Tools. Fence Wiee, Barb Wire. A choice lot of Spades and shovels Garden Tools and Seeds. Churns. spinning Wheel Heads. Axle Grease. A new lot of Whips. We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short no- tice. Eave troughing done to Order. { DARBY BROS. eeial Announcement. Ravingpurchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position to do the undertaking of this community than before, and owing to reductions in the -wholes a prices of our goods t am m a position to give the use of this mag- . �. nifioent Hearse fres, that is to say my charges will be no more and in some cases lesswthan. before. J. R. WILLIAMS, efl r:of Ontario School of Embalming.- Furniture Dealer and_iUnderta,kea 11 O 0 0 . T TOTO Capillary y its Ne Thresh 1,± Come in and s Nr®ate ree FITT HUly;CAI PR FIRST -Ci MANITC Highest P Chopping Done. ROB ansa MarblE wi Parties regnirii lines,will do well' We carry a lard granite. We. giiaralatee t give first-class w< Call before pure be convinced. ,.T.11 represent us