HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-04-21, Page 5i"S" ' Ni,
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Mr. W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post,
is a candidate for the Reeveship of that
town. Good luck.
There were 1954 tons of freight
shipped from Blyth during the first
week in January.
There is to be a series of races on the
Brussels Driving Park on. May 24th.
Purses to the amount of $200 are offered.
R. Armstrong. jr., Morris, had his foot
badly cut while spliting wood in the
bush recently.
W. Routley, Ethel, was badly bruised
by falling from a high lumber pile one
day last week.
On the morning of April 7th, the
hostler at the Queen's hotel, Seaforth,
found on entering the barn the body
of a man lying dead upon the floor,
with marks of blood on the face and on
the floor. Several identified the body
as that of a man who had been seen
about town the previous day. He gave
his name as Hogg, and said he was a
carpenter. An inquest was held that
night, and from the medical evidence
given of tige result of a careful post
mortem examination, the following
verdict was rendered at an early hour
next morning:—That the deceased came
to his death from concussion of the
brain caused by violent contact with a
hard, smooth, slightly rounded surface,
but whether such injury was inflicted
by a weapon in the hands of some per-
son or by a fall, the jury cannot de-
termine from the evidence.
It begins to look as if the,Goderich
Signal has turned annexationist. That
journal has taken the recent election
adverses very seriously to heart. It is
only natural to feel badly over defeat,
but after all "Dan" is a good fellow,
and it is too bad that he should let his
moroseness lead him so far.
Editer Holmes, of the Clinton New
Era, delivered a temperance lecture in
Goderich last week, and the Sunday
previous he preached very acceptably
in Clinton. Huron can boast of two
tip-top preacher -editors.
Mr. McMahon, teller of the Bank of
Commerce at Goderich, has been re-
moved to the Montreal branch of that
The Wingham firemen are preparing
for a gala day on the Queen's Birthday.
A special feature of the day will be the
presentation of a beautiful gold watch
to the person holding the lucky ticket.
Mr. Harry Cooper, a brakesman on
the London freight, had the misfortune
to have the fingers on his right hand
badly smashed while in the act of coup-
ling cars in the Wingham yard on
Saturday last.
Mount Forest A. O. F. attended
church in a body in that town last
Harriston has a colored liveryman.
J. H. Edmison, of Rothsay, who has
been attending McGill Medical College
during the "past six months has just
returned from Montreal after having
passed successfully the examination re-
quired for the said University.
On Tuesday last Mr. John McNabb of
Luther met with a somewhat serious
accident. He was on the gangway en-
tering his barn and was about closing
the door from its fastenings the wind
suddenly seized it and it struck Mr.
McNab with great force inflicting a
severe cut upon his lip and bruising his
face. The services of a physician were and keep the arm, though no doubt
required to attend to the wound, but no should it heal it will be stiff, as the cut
serious results are anticipated. is at the joint.
A short time ago a gentleman who
had been associated with the Patrons
of Industry determined to remove to
the Northwest and concluded to take a
year's supplies with him. He was con-
versant with the prices at which his
organization purchased - but concluded
to try some of the local stores. With
this idea he dropped into an Arthur
business place, and before emerging
therefrom he had purchased goods to
the amount of $160. After the trans-
action was concluded he frankly ad-
mitted that in every instance the prices
were lower than those ;quoted to the
society, =while t' the same he had -the
advantages of personal choice. -Arthur
Master Leeson Corbett one of the
most widely known of Arthur youths,
left on Monday for Collingwood. On
the eve of his departure a number of
his friends presented him with a sub-
stantial token of their esteem. The
ceremony was performed at the Domin-
ion Hotel.
coming bye election, in the Conserva-
tive interests. Mr. Grieve has expressed
a willingness to be the Reform candi-
date again.
A young lad named Henry Stephens,
was up before the P. M. Stratford,
Monday, charged with breaking four
panes of glass in Shakespeare Ward
School. His Worship informed the boy
that his next offence would mean to
the Reformatory, and let him off with
$1 damage and $1 cost.
An accident occurred at the Classic
City Mills, Stratford, on Saturday morn-
ing, whereby Geo. B. Jones, an employe,
and a son of Ald. Jones, sustained a
painful injury to one of his arms. The
injured member was caught between a
belt and pulley, and though no bones
were broken, theflesh was badly bruised.
The members of the Listowel Lodge
No. 100, I. O. O. F., will celebrate
the seventy-third anniversary of the.
order, by attending divine service in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
afternoon the 24th inst., at which
the Rev. Bro. Dr. Isaac Campbell
will officiate. Invitations have been
sent to all the neighboring lodges,
so a large gathering of the order is ex-
As Wm. J. McKee, of Molesworth, and
his hired man, Geo. Bonnett, were
taking a fat steer to Listowel, the brute
got outrageous when half way and got
both men down three times in Mr. For-
far's field and would have killed Mr.
McKee but for the timely aid of men
and dogs that drove the brute off.
The Embro fair directors have al-
ready chosen Friday, Oct., 7th as the
date of the next show. It was decided
to make another effort to have a field
root competition.
The Municipal Council of Wallace met
at the town hall, Gowanstown, on the
26th of March, pursuant to adjournment;
all the members present, the Reeve in
the chair. A communication was re-
ceived from the Clerk of Division Court
re costs of appeal in the case of the
township of Minto v.- Corrigill et al.
under the D. and W. Act, $20.39, and
from the clerk of Minto in relation of
the same case. The following accounts
were ordered to be paid : John Hunt
for 60 yds. gravel, $3; N. Karges, gravel-
ling S. R. 6, 7, con. 1, $12; J. Simpson,
salary of collector, 1891, $60, and ex-
penses incurred in collecting, $2. By -
Law 297 appointing pathmasters, pound -
keepers and fenceviewers for 1892, was
read three times and passed. The
council adjourned to meet on the 2Sth
of May, to hold a Court of Revision—R.
G. ROBERTS, Clerk,
The following are the names of the
new applicants for licenses in North
Bruce :—Hotels—James M. Shackleton,
Colpoys, Albermarle ; Hugh McMillan,
Golden Valley, Albermarle ; Elizabeth
Freeborn, Lion's Head, Eastnor ; T. H.
St. Johns, Lion's Head, Eastnor; Mur-
dock McLay, Stoke's Bay, Eastnor ;
Donald Smith, Stoke's Bay, Lindsay.
Wholesale—Morgan L. Ely, town of
Wiarton. The total number of licences
issued during the current year is 32.
The total number of applications for
the ensuing year is 37.
A very sad accident happened last
week at C. H. Witthun & Co's saw mill,
when IV)r.H.Danket,Hepworth,nearlygot
his right arm severed at the elbow joint.
It was dressed by Drs. F. Campbell and
R. M. Fisher. It was feared at first
that the arm would have to be ampu-
tated above the elbow, but the patient
desired to run the risk himself and try
Wiarton News.—We have been shown
a, line of circulars sent to respectable
citizens of Wiarton by the class of peo-
plC Sir. Richard Cartwright wishes to
annex Canada to, in New York, offering
to sell bogus greenbacks in sums of
$4,000 for $350 ; $7,500 for $500 ; 618,-
500 for $650 ; and $28,000 for $1,000,
etc. The whole rascally formula is laid
down, and it is a disgrace to the criminal
laws of the United States, that the ras-
cals sending out these circulars are not
hunted down and jailed for, the balance
of their lives. - Anyone sending them
money or having any dealings with the
scamps areas bad as they aro.
The following are the revenues and
salaries of some of the post offices in
Bruce Co.: Walkerton—revenue, $4,785,
salary, $1,820 ; Teeswater — revenue,
61,655, salary, #850; Mildmay, revenue,
61,009, salary, $422 ; Lucknow, revenue,
$2,383, salary $912 ; Wiarton, revenue,
$2,839, salary $1,015 ; Chesley, revenue,
62,449, salary, $828 ; Tara, revenue,
$1,593, salary, $572; Kincardine,
PERTH. revenue; $3,919, salary,- $1,342.
Mr, David Scrimgeour, of Stratford, - soa- •
a; likely to be nominated, so the Times England has just experienceda, most
Ki $, to contest North. J'eFth ;n the l -terrific st4QW-stQrn1,
OST, Strayed or Stolen,
a flasher young lady,
height, 5 ft. 6 in., dark eyes
and hair, wears a black vel-
vet jacket, a fashionable
hat, carries a muff and cot-
ton umbrella, is very con-
ceited. Was last seen on
Tuesday night about eight
Any person giving such information as
will lead to her whereabouts will receive the
above reward from
Who have just received the Newest things in.
Gents' Furnishings,
Etc., Etc.
Where Your Money Goes the
Economical People do their
Half the people of our County don't know the position of one Township from
another. They can now overcome this difficulty by consulting the.
�OuTAT''r OV 1TFit. OAT,
Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet
mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which
makes it very distinct and effective.
Published by
PRICE, $3.50.
W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Ont.,
Booksellers and Stationers
School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices an
our traveler will call on you.
dames Sutherland's
(North end of 1# the = Leech . Block,)
GO 1E, 0 01 -VP-.
PflRLEIR, BOX, aid EOI3K Stokes,
Special Value in Cook Stoves.
Special Value in Heaters.
Special Value in Drums.
Special Value in Cutlery.
sT0'E T1 _ 1TuI i
F,vrry Variety.
Ekve T
A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods
Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDES and SHEEP SKINS.
of every description, on HAND and rnade to ORDER
Repairing of all kinds promptly done.
City Boot and Shoe Store,
wi oXim i .
Hoots • and o Shoes,
For Children, For Boys,
For Girls, For Gentlemen, For Ladies.
Small, Large, Low-priced, High-priced,Fine,
Coarse, Light, Stout.
Everybody can be suited, I am prepared to compete
with any city, town, village or country store in Western