HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-31, Page 8F_. ra e Fordemeh. MARKET REPORT, -M 22th, [Reported for the GameTrs by Wilson Bros.] Red and white wheat80 82 to $0 85 bn. Spring wheat 82 85 • Peas 57 58 • Oats 27 28 • "` Barley 45 50 • Watch out for our millinery opening. A. Wyness & Co. Mr. fTamilton, of Wroxeter, has pur- +chased Mr. F. Davidson's fat cattle, at a. :handsome figure. Mrs. A. Wilson has returned from Detroit where she has been visiting .with her children. Last Saturday Mrs. Honeymen's residence was noticed to be arefire. The ',fire brigade turned out to the call of Captain John Wilson, who quickly put out the flames. We understand that Mr. S. Bolton has disposed of the Arlington to Mr. Beirn's of Listowel, for a handsome figure. Mr. Young, the former manager intends taking his departure across the Mait- land to the Forsyth property. We wish him and also Mr. Beirns success in their new A -law suit took place Saturday be- tween Messrs. Hamilton and Jones for a matter of wages. Mr. Jones winning the case. R. T. of Templars was presented with a visit from the I. 0. G. T. of Lakelet, last Friday evening. After the usual business was gone through with, the ladies provided an excellent lunch which was done ample justice to. After which a grand programme was gone through pads et ood the with. When the r g g lodge expect to repay the visit. Two swells, hailing from Gorrie, paid Fordwieh a visit last week and for a while made things lively with some of the Fordwich boys. They displayed some pugilistic , tact, but one good feature in the case of the many collisions that took place was that no one was seriously hurt. Mrs. Strathy has deckled to go into the millinery business this spring. Mr. A. C Southern, received two car- loads of binders and send drills this week for delivery to the farmers to whom he :had already sold them. Mr. S. is a de- cided success as an agricultural imple- ment agent, as he is at everything else. The Secretary of the Fordwich Bible Society, Mr. Thos noggin, this week forwarded to head -quarters the hand- some sum of $60.91, $96.29 of it being free contributions and the balance being on account of sales at the depository. The drug store has been removed in- to neat quarters one door north of the hardware store. Darby Bros. are fitting up their store with fine effect, utilizing the space gained by a fine display of their stoves, etc., and are fitting up a handsome tinsmithing department at the rear.- ,The ear.•The Masons are to take possession of their elegent new, hall on April 1st. They intend to add a lot of new furni- ture and otherwise beautify the premises. A new 'bakery is to be started here soon, .we understand. The band boys are well pleased with their . present quarters and receive the best of- treatment all round, so cannot see the drift of your last week's corres- pondene rhe remarks about them. An old gentleman recently went to visit a well-to-do son out west,who went from less than a thousand miles from here a few years ago. Notwithstanding the fact that the father worked and made considerable . improvements upon his boys .premises the soncharged the told gentleman a good, round board bill. .The question is: is this son stingier than the man who used a wart on the back of his neck as a collar button! Wilson Bros. are turning out a lot of flour of late. Their large store room is almost packed with flour which is being shipped as rapidly as possible. Mrs. Shriever A artpd on aTuesday for Manitoba to visit with her two sons for a time. Her destination is. near Boisse- vain. Belmore. -The saw mill here is closed on account (of the accident which Ipened the engine last week, Mr. Ralph ,iikietenlik and Miss M. Marshall , week. Airs. Wi her furniture and brume old idensilsbypublic auction ,Jest Saturalaay, ..She kitioti going to Manitoba in Jae with -Mr. ai¢d Mrs. Lowry. Mr Geo. Bliorganized a lodge of LO,G.T. here:l st-_Wednesday. It is our; info linty to chronicle the Ydesti of It-3143%;ruglis, youngest son Me._ . . of Carrick, which rirent.loolulace on Tuesday last.. Bceased was a young man who ns. high esteem by all who knew r w shown by the largo number fiends :who; followed .his _ani to ..:Testing place Meinto6h's ay fast: .The ser- ` the fail empathy of the eommu ity in -this their third sad bereavement inside of a very short space of time. On Wednesday evening last about one hundred of the friends of Mr. Jas. Wenn, of Turnberry, assembled at his resi- dence to witness the marriage of his daughter to Mr. Colon Eadie. After the nuptial knot had been securely tied by Rev. A. C. Stewart of Belmore, all sat down to a sumptuous repast ; after this very important part of the proceed- ings had been gone through with, the tables were removed from the dining hall and the young peoplepresent began to trip the light fantastic to the very melodious strains of music which was furnished by _ 1Kr, Wm Fryfokle and Misses Eadie \ and Tucker. Pleasing features of the dance were the Scottish Reel by the bridegroom and the bride's father and the sword dance by the bride- groom. The young couple were the re- cipients of a great number of handsome and costly presents. Redgrave. Mr: James Stinson started on Tues- day of last week for Manitoba. Mr. Alexander McKenzie, who after spending some time in Dakota has settled among us again. Mr. Alva Stockton has moved to hi farm lately purchased near Clifford. Young Mr. and Miss Pritchard paid some of their Listowel friends a short visit last week. Redgrave can boast of one happy man because of a baby girl. (Our George.) Miss Minnie Stockton has gone to spend the summer with friends about Paris. Mr. Parr and wife, who has been visit- ing friends here the past winter is about to return to their home in - California. Rev. E. T. Carter will preach to young men on Sunday the 3rd of April. Sub- ject, "AChoice Young Man." Do not fail to hear him. Wroxeter. Every one who has had the pleasure of seeing our stock of spring prints say they are just lovely. Our Boys' suits, from $2 up, are what every boy wants, with a nice Hat to match at 50cts. Pn our excitement over spring goods we won't forget the Groceries, nor the boots or, shoes. A fine assortment in all lines, and cheap as the cheapest. W. Lee & Co. Full and well assorted line of the very latest designs of Canadian and American wall paper at Fox's.:brug Store. New stock of Wall paper just arrived at Fox's Drug store, from 5c. to 40c. per. roll. See them. Mr. R. H. Fortune, , who has: just graduated from the Toronto Veterinary College with honors, has opened an office here. See adv. elsewhere.:: Mr. Walter Green has accepted an' engagement at W. Lee & Co's. The Temperance hotel has closed Mr. Cooper moving to Galt. Mr. J. J. Rutherford has returned from Duluth. He intends to go to London this week. Mr. Gid: 01 Parkes left for Manitoba on Tuesday. The revival meetings are still drawing full houses. There has been much interest and a large number of converts. Five Dollars Challenge. Editor Gazette :—Inoticed that among the Second Line Items in your issue of 17th inst., reference is made to a chal- lenge thrown out by Rev. Mr. Osborne of the. Baptist Church, to give $5.00 to any`'t ne who could find "Infant Baptism" mentioned in the scriptures. This is rather a cheap way of advertising. It seems strange that as soon as men get docked under a little muddy water they are fired with an ambition to slay all those who dissent from their views. It is a great pity that bigotry forges so conspicuous a part in their general make-up, that they are unable to forego the pleasure ofslashing a few sheep who have strayed from another fold into their church expecting to hear the gospel of Christ preached. But they will not likely be so caught again. One such drubbing will have a lasting effect. A dogma that needs such constant bolstering up must be in a very bad con- dition. _ I am not very well posted ore this matter but it seems strange that a little church like the Baptist should arrogate to itself the sole ability to pro- perly understand the word of God— while all the larger bodies of Christians hold opposite views, queer is'nt it? In the same sermon ` Mr. 0... said that no one ooulld receive the. Holy Ghost with. ont beim baptiser This is strange -doctrine inface: of thea facts.Lookat Pentecost. Thedisciples°were waiting in the upper room when the Holy Ghost game on all. No mention is - made of Baptism. before or<aftei - But they re COO oly -phent- theut it, not, ,77 during -the operation. 'The same is true of those gathered in the house of - Cor- nelius (Acts X, 44, &c:). As Peter preached the Holy Ghost came and after they were filled with spirit they were permitted to receive the sign of the covenant of Grace. These two cases prove the worthlessness . f the opposite assumption. That some received him when they were baptised we admit, but that all did we deny. As to the $5.00 business, I thought it was wicked to gamble, and yet we are invited to it.—$5.00 to find two words! Think of it. Wages are high.. I presume the Rev. gentleman knew it was not there. If we were similarly disposed we would offer $5.00 to Mr. Osborne if he would fend us a command to admit women to the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper or to change the Sabbath from the last to the first day in the week. And yet he would not refuse to give his fair parishioners the elements which represent his Lord's body and blood or split his wood on Sunday, why ? And yet he would try to unsettle the minds of other young christians by throwing out the challenge above referred to, trying to make it ap- pear that because no mention is made of it in the bible therefore there is no authority. Why did he not like a man tell the people that as far as biblical authority goes "Infant Baptism" stands on an equal footing with the giving of the Sacrament to women or. keeping. the Sabbath on Sunday. But dealing in inuendoes and cheap challenges are more to his purpose. As I said before, I am_ not posted but some are and wherever- the question is fully threshed the combatants being equal, the narrow-minded, bigetted Im- mersionist theory gets left. Pardon me Mr. Editor for taking so much space. I have done. Yours for Candour. SECOND LINES. rrnP T1-i.e -a.st leitiron t Gazette. Lae 'sgeastSas...\ e Q O :8. ® � a 5 ACD CDna Fa• 0 al c co 5 fr› 0gi e„. pa 011 (- ;1. Hr.; CD FID1b. 1-1. 0 O Wag Ind 153a C P o P fD CD raj 0 • Administrator's :Netice to Creditors. TN THE ESTATE of Robert.JohnGibson, late of the Township of Howicl,„,,in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Pursuant to R. S. O. Cap. 110, public notice is hereby given to all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Robert John Gibson, deceased, to send, on or before the 20TH 92 to A. G. Campbell DAL/ OF APRIL, DAL/ g + �' at arriston P. 0., Solicitor for Jemima Gibson,, the Administratrix of the estate of the said de- ceased, their Christian and Surnames and ad- dresses, full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts duly verified, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And that after said date the said Administra trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to the claims of which notice shall have been received asabove required: and that she will not be liable for the assets of said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribu- tion. Dated at Harriston, this 15th day of March, A. D. 1892. A. G. CAIaPnELL, Solicitor for the said Administratrix. SLANDER AND APOLOGY. An action ha\ ing been commenced by Alex. Yule again ,t Adam Bradley, for slander, the following apology has been offered by defendant and accepted by plaintiff. Harriston, Feb.26, 1892. Mr. Alex. Yule, Baker: Dear Sir.—It is alleged that Ihave said you had and have a man working for you and delivering bread, who had the itch and scabs, and that 1 made other slanderous remarks.I now uttered that t 1 have no recollection of having e or circulated any such words, but I do not dispute that I did so. The said words are wholly untrue. There is and was no foundation for any such statements. I exceedingly regret that any such words should have been uttered, and I hereby contradict the as me and trust that you will accept this apology as t ie best amends it is in my power to make for the injury and annoyance I may have inadvertently caused you. Yours truly, (Signed) ADAM BRADLEY. Witnesses C. E. IRVINE. W. W. CUTTON. tl Don't! Dont! Wear that old- Hat again this spring when you can get a nobby new One at the low price of 5 0 cents. Or a nice hard one for $1.00. —o—o—o— WVe have just received our spring Hats and Caps for Men, Youths and Children. SUGARS! You all know that sugars are advancing, still 3 cu can get as much sugar for a dollar as ever. Please mention this Paper. ELOO 1511 Wroxeter. T`ordrich Planing Mill. READYAGAIN! Lio0 dnYe6. ''HE Planing Mill will be ready for work in.,a few days and I want Goon Loas orANy I,ENOTH AND SIZE,HARD OR SORT WpOD, DE LIVERED AT Cites, for,which 1 will pay the . bast prices. uiIders, R4 em GOPO TxT. I3. CT Ecci' arwae ta;o GOliticeIE ON'r, FOR AXES, FOR X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE. W. GLEN. Oranges, Lemons AND Confectionery. Wateh out for the Millinery Opening at 71 F$tol1 geo J Vete rRADII lS and ary.kasoc leer Ne Al sx T SSUER- 1. witne Office: TRA Also Reside TIMESS tice Store. TL3 City Boot and Shoe Store, -542v-ww§ow-rK. W. C. HAZLEWOOD Ifioots and tri Shos, For Children, For Boys, For Girls, For Gentlemen, For Ladies. Small, Large, Low-priced, High-priced, Fine, Coarse; Light, Stout. Everybody can be suited_ 1 am prepared to compete with any city, town, village or. country store in Western Ontario. COME AND GET A BARGAIN ! Capi Come HU 'THAT the Fordwich Planing hiitl will be ready. to furnish you With all kinds of: House fur- nishings, andis prepared to give,estirnate_s and take contracts for all kinds of wood work. L. C• DICK;;. Special Announcement. Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position to dolhe undertaking of this community than before, and owing to redactions in th'e wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag. *cent Hearse free, that is to say my charges will be no more and in some cases less, than before. J. R. WILLIAMS, °Mbar of Ontario School of Embalming. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Psr