HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-31, Page 4Delasonlock, FORDWICM. :0: I have just opened out in premises with a large and varied stock of general p m y new erchandisb, including Choice Dress Goods, Flannels, Woolen Goods,Ready-Made Cloth- ing, Sealettes, Handkerchiefs, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc. A Large 1 Stock of =0 Seasonable 0 Goods. Can't 0 Enumerate 0 Them 0 All. v jY.�.v p rices in all lines are as Low as any House ; Lower than most of them. Yee me ,cordially invited to call and see me in my new quarters, and it will pay you to s y goods and prices before making your purchases. All kinds of Produce taken. Rememberplace: the p lace: Masonic Block, next door to Post Office, Fordwieh• A. WYNIfS$. Pathmastera. (Continued from last week.) Cons. 8 and '9. -Wm. Montgomery, from "B" inclusive to lot 5 and to work 12 days on "B" line ; J. J. Day, for sl. and 6; con. 10 ; C. Heibine, 6 to 10 ; J. Stewart, sl. 10 and 11, con. 9 and 10 ; R. L. Wilson, 11 to 15 ; J. R. Hunter, fors1.15 and 16, eon. 9 ; John Anderson, 16 to 20 ; D. S. Milne, for sl. 20 and 21, cons: 9 and 10, and all his own work; H. ,Collins, 21 to 25 ; M. McLeod, for si. 25 and 26, eons. 9 and 10 ; J. Campbell, 28 to 64 ; S. 1Iarding, for sl. 80 and 81, eons. 9 and 10 ; A. Barns, 31 to Minto and North- to blindline. Cons. 10 and 11.-T. Baird, from 1 to ; W. Buttery, for si. 5 and 6, cons. 11 and 12-; J. Barns, 6 to 10 ; R. Bennett, for s1.10 and 11, cons. 11 and 12 ; C. Irwin, 11 to 15 ; R. Millen, for sl. 15 and 16, cons. 10 and 11 T. Dane, 16 to 20 ; J. Gregg, for al. 20 and 21, cons. 11 and 12 ; A.. Spotton, 21 to 25 ; R. Caudle, for 25,and .26, cons. 11 and 12; R. Harding 26 to 80 ; J. Porterfield for si. 30 and 31, cons. 11 and 12, and East 29, con. 12 ; W. Pritchard, 31 to Minto and boundary North and South to blindline. Cons. 12 and 13.--B. Stafford, 1 to 5 ; A. Finley, for sl. 5 and 6, cons. 13 and 14; I1.. Cunningham, 6 to 10 ; I. Wade, for al. 10 and 11,, cons. 18 and 14 ; J Bell, 11 'to 15 ; W. Sanderson, for si. 15 and 16 ,.cons.• 12 and 13 ; W. Montgomery, 16 to 20 ;.J. Rolson, for sl. 20 and 21, cons. 13 and 14, and to have all A. Wright's work; ,C. Ho].lman, 21 to 25 ; H. Cowan, 26 to 80 andallGeo. Henry's work ; J. Porter- field, for si. 30 and 31, cons. 13 and 14 ; A. Hood, 31 to Minto and boundary North and South to blindline. Cons. 14 and 15.-D. Gallaway, 1 to 5; 0._ Wiley, for sl. 5 and 6, cons. 15 and 16; E. Rush, 6 to 10 J. Scott, lot sl. 10 and cons. 15 and 16 ; R. Twamley, 11 to 45 ; R. Ferguson, for sl. 15 and 18, cons. 14 and 15 ; J. Mahood, 16 to 20 ; P. Philips, 21 to 25 ; W. Krenger, for sl. 25 and 26, cons. 13 and 14 ; J. Zurkee, for Al. 25 and 26, cons. 15 and 16; C. Gedkie, 26 to 30 ; H. Demmerling, for si. 30 and 81, cons. 15 and 16 ; D. Zeigler, 31 to Minto,'and boundary North aid South to blindline.. DARBY BROS_, Fordwih Hardware 6 Store. HAVING bought out Dr. Spence's hardware business, and made Large additions to the Stock, we are now prepared to furnish GENERAL HARDWARE, Builders' Supplies, Paints, • Oils, Glass, etc. Box, Parlor and Cook Stoves in any style. A lot of Leather Mitts for sale cheap. We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short no- tice. Eave troughing done to Order. DARBY BROS. Hamilton for Lakelet from sidelines 15 to 20. Con. C. -W. Ball, 11 to 20 on north side and all Ireland's work ; G. ' Hyslip, 11 to 20 on south side ; R. Granger, 21 to 30 on north side ; H. Patrick, 21 to 30 on south side ; A. Doig, 1c s 29, 30, 31 and 32 and to work all on sideline ; Wm. Metee; 31 to 40 on north side ; M. Shar- pie, 31 to 40 on south side. Poundkeepers.-Ward No. 1, C.Wilson and J. Hooey ; Ward No. 2, G. Gregg and J. Rees; No. 3, J. Roe and G. Brown; No. 4, J. A. Putland and A. Edgar ; No. 5, J. J. Lamonby and W. Evans. Fenceviewers.-Ward No. 1, J. Spot - ton, J. Watters and J. Hamilton ; No. 2, E. Phair, G. Rusk and E. Harding ; No. 3, W. Wade, W. Gibson and Jas. Mc- Dermid ; No. 4, R. McLaughlin, J. Mc- Guire and E. Sparling ; No. 5, W. Galla- her, W. Weir and D. Rea. Sons. 16 and 17.-J. Ritchie, 1 to 5 ; W. Pomeroy, for sl. 5 and 6, cons.17 and 18._; J. Dennis, 6 to 10 ; A. Burnett, for sl. 10 and 11, cons. 17 and 18; J. Wright, ,11 to 15 ; F. ganger, 19 to 20 inclusive • and s1. 20 and 21 south to con 15 W. Nelson, ford: 15 and 16, cons. 16 and 17 and east to Lake, and all C. Wright's work ;. F. Dettman, 21 to 25 ; D. Camp- bell, for sl- 25 and 26, cons. 17 and 18 ; J. Baylis, for sl. 30 and 31, cons. 17 and 18 ; C, Hooper, 26 to Minto and bound - Ary North and South to blindline. - Con. 18.. J. Johnston, 1 to 5 ; W. ,nwi+ck, 6 to 10 ; J. - Wynn, 11 to 20 And to work on sl, 15 and 16, eon. 18, with to blindline ; A. Monroe, 21 to 26; A. Drummond, 26 to gravel road ; Wm. Fr-Ases, 81 to Minto, and to havelot 31, .and work on gravel road. Con. A. -P. Baker, 1 and 2 ; A. Fitch, 8 to. 6, and to work to blindline on con. II ;4. Neil, `I to_12,Yandto work to blind - line oil con. B ; Wm. R. Gallaher, 13 to 17, tip.4: to work on blindlino on _ con. D. Rae, 18 to 25, in 1nsive except J. Rea's work; W. Caaemore, for sl. 20 and 21, cons. A and B ; T. Gibson, 26, 27, 28 and_And 29 on cof B atid29 on con.A , R. f is,.82 to 40:43 ;`,,-151.14`; for sl 8s and ": m. A. 1, . S1'to 85;and<1 on 4011.1 and,8 , E r, S .fa ilk Lieut. -Col. Hodgetts died in London on Sunday. Another dynamite explosion occurred in Paris Sunday. Hon. Alexander Mackenzie has taken a decided turn for the worse. Mr. S. B. Harman, ex -mayor and ex treasurer of the City of -Toronto, died on Saturday. Prof. John Cairns, D. D., the United Presbyterian Edinburgh, is dead. The Grand Duke Ludwig IV. of Hesse- Darmstadt, husband of the late Princess Alice of England, died Sunday. Patrick Doyle, a desperado who has killed seven men in 10 years, was shot and killed by his nine-year-old son at his ranch near ' Big Muddy, Mont., on Saturday last. The father was chopping Wood, when the boy came out of the house with a rifle, and, taking deliber- ate aim; fired the fatal shot. *idiot- 1, bons` 8 and 4,:and st. 85 and 34 biro a of con Ait.lifehoi,1 to u jot 1, 4 n..17, and to.work N- 851* A- SteWart 7.t 1 and ot1,. -andlid liorktu l a..;-_ IiE.t1 sir i'2-f.A i7 a id tQ o off. E_ wunrz, p `J Leank25 and east 24.:and 25 M, A, , ad 5,: cons 1; J LL. D., of College in The annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association was held in one of the committee rooms at Ottawa, on -Thurs- day and Friday. Considerable business of interest alone to the graft, was trans- acted. The ; following officers were elected for the ensuing year: -President, H.'F More Free Press, Acton; First Vice President, Pirie, Banner, Dundas; Seaond Vice President, P. D. Ross, Journal, Ottawa; Secretary : Treasurer, J. E. Atkinson, Globe,- Toronto; Acsia- - tart Secretary, J. S. $ri$rl�; Journal, Thomas.. Executive committee -- .Shannon, New$, -Kingston; T. '11. liter, : Brantf©=iI; R. �, Clinton, L. G. Jack- dbItewnisrket;. C. H. Mortimer, 43. son, Era Electric WWr `4]ol#toi eeds. eels. RE1!/IOV EJD- J. H. Taman, PracticalTEilor HAS Removed to the new building which has been fitted up for ;him just opposite the Albion- Hotel, Gorrie, where he is prepared to meet his friends as usual, and to : attend to all or- ders given hien. He is a PRACTICAL WORKMAN and has held positions of trust in some of the best shops in the Do- minion; has had a thorough training and experience in the Cutting Depart- ment, and will GUARANTEE ALL WORK. eeds. eeds. SEEDS ! SEEDS ? 0.* It is a solid fact that can- not be gainsaid that our facilities for buying goods are second to none in the County. t ° Cutting and Repairing done to Order. A Call Solicited. Timothy, Common Red, Mammoth and Alsike, Clover Seeds, a full supply constantly kept on hand. Any farmer wanting any new seed WT -TEAT or OATS of any kind can save postage and freight by ordering the same through me, AT-- aaughirk s 03, s. OOP, edl E,s'd-re & Lorin FORDWICH, ONT. -o :o: It is a solid factthat we do not deal in low priced, inferior or shoddy goods in order to sell cheap, but we always aim at giving our customers first class goods that we are not afraid or ashamed to stand behind after they are sold and sell them as low as possible consistent with living prices. Money to Loan on Farm Se- curity at- the Lowest rate of Interest. o --- GOOD NOTES DISCOUNTED. o- Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. North of the Post Office, FORDWICH. FordwieIi Milis.- r0 WILSON BROS., Props. First-class Manitoba Wheat Flour manufactured and always kept in Stock and sold in any quantities. • FLOUR.........per cwt. _ 82.25 to 82 50 14 00 16 00 BRAN., SHORTS per ton. per ton: ;o: Our motto is 100 cents worth of goods for the $ every time, we propose to both buy and sell this way. Our stock for the Spring is now fully assorted and we shall be pleased to compare goods and prices with anything in the trade. Special attention given to GRISTING, which is done on the shortest possible notice. Highest Price Paid for Grain. The mill is fitted throughout with the very best roller_ pro:- cess ro-cess machinery andappliances and we are confident of being,' able to give perfect 'satisf'ac- tion. PATRONAGE SOLICITED' #: 0: Due notice will be given of our ring Millinery Opening. Watch for it. BW3E onii'edi tI0e, GORRIE, O:T, 6 q fBHBOR :CULLED FRO DOWN AnewH organized Blyth is a It is repo forth egg b this year. Canadian plan. Thi purchase of being by t be agreeab owenrs of to lay sma Fred Ha Jenkins' 1 accident t jammed b tree, whic • for some t A meet tees of bo of Huron in Canto for their institutes An exc swindler seising th a ridicule farmer ge of coffee navy baa' poured o J. Hoo: car load 4th inst., and land: in exCe On Tu: ton News Rattenb Rattenb stranger, evidentl drewar at White by Con Whitely charge Mr. Mc 820 and Cond special Toronto While was ass on Wed an uglv and fall The has dec this y Agrieul At th ineetin Brusse W. T. cabinet &c., a 1 plated the Sa depart The of Grey This is this se. On Gordo the ag: the ea Mr. is the which side of three recent The emplo was An tions hope A1. inten au „ !I it Ha Con centl W. Eliza in of th able - etc., Bra mar .dent 236 r9 chit ren. dang ] T. any() I?95 3,600 eece: a sib of M