HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-24, Page 811,10MT1xRIAL. Preparing for Spring. CARE OF LITE STOCK. Caring for live stock is the first duty of most farinersaat this season, it being inssa portant to keep domestic animals in such good beart that they will enter spring ip a thrifty condition. There should be no negs:: Islet in either stable, stall, or yard; and those who have failed to keep their animal " clean, warm, and well fed will needto take special pains to carry them through the winter. Liberal feeding, warmth, and good care aresessential faders in wintering stock. Provide ample protection from inclement weather and good conveniences for feeding -and`watering. - Horses need daily exercise, and blanket- ing when left standing in the cold. Steady work in winter will not injure a rnatare horse, provided he be well fed, groomed, and kept from undue exposure. When confined in close, warm stables, horses become tender and subject to colds, etc. ; hence the necessity of venti- lation. Cows due to come in early should have good shelter and a diet of dry hay, with a little bran, but no heating food (like corn or meal) for a few weeks before calving. As the calves are dropped select the best heifers for raising. All lice infested animals should be rulthed over with a mixture of equal parts Id sweet oil and kerosene. Sheep need an abundant supply of whole- some food plenty of pure air, a dry yard, apd, comfortable sleeping quarters. Pro- vide warm stables for ewes near lambing time and give them roots rather than grain. Remember that early lambs (as well as calves) are profitable, and see that none are lost or stunted for lack of timely t.are. Swine profits depend largely upon breed- ing and feeding—so see that both these fac- ha tots are right. Care well for breeding sows est and give them space for exercise. See that ▪ d store pigs are well housed and fed ; light and frequent meals best secure thrifty :growth. ' Poultry pays best when given the best attention. Look well after the fowls now, foreggs and broilers will soon bring good *ices. If you wish an abundant simply of eggs, keep the hens in warm, dry quarters give them plenty of both green and dry food, lime, gravel, and pure water. SEEDS AND FERTILMEMS. Good seeds are essential requisites to suc- cessful farming and gardening, as our fertil- izers in most localities, and both ought to be obtained or arranged for this month. The aim should be to procure the very best of seeds—pure in qualitygenuine as to variety and adapted to soil and climate. When seed is procured from a distance it is advisable to select carefully from the lists of reputable dealers. If a change in variety is desired make i %cautiously, giving preference to well tested and approved k inds over highly laud- ed hut uncertain novelties. A good fertilizer is often needed to make even the best of seeds produce well, and those wanting other than stable or barnyard manure shonld now arrange for a supply; or, what will be cheaper, purchase the ma- terials and mix them according to some re- liable formula—thine being mire of genuine fertilizer, and avoiding any deception on the part of manufacturers or dealers. Itis need- less to add that February is usuallya favor- able season for hauling muck, plaster, etc., or to urge that the matter should receive the attention of all soil cultivators who re- quire such factors of fertility. FARM HANDS. The hiring of farm help for the season is now in order and merits thoughtful atten- tion. The aim should be to secure not only Industrious and skillful men, but such as are of good habits, arid kaown totlae trust- worthy. This -rare coinbiliation Of -qualities may be difficult to find, but should be :ought. Whether he needs one or several men, the farmer who has a family cannot be too particular as to the moral character of whoever be employs. The better way is to ascertain fully as Tto tbe habits and ante- cedents of each main before engaging him, end hence it is well to commence looking for help early in the season. Some farmers never hire an assistant without an investi- , gation, eicept in an emergency—such as ibei.ng short handed in harvest—and hence ustially'retain help that is competent and • --satisfactory, Such a course is wise, and v orthy of imitation by all desiring the ser- vices of men who are alike efficient and trustworthy. • . TEAMS AND Toms. - Good teams and the most approved imple ments are essential factors in farming, and both should be provided before the busy sea- son opens. No farmer worthy of the name will begin his spring work with weak, crow - bait teams or, old etyle, sbackly machine. Therefore let t.wOrking.animale be put in good condition fortheheavy labor -they will soon be required to perform, and all farm :machinery -be prepared for use when wanted, Now, alai, is the time to -purchase or engage such new tools and implements as may be needed. Farmers who give these matters timely attention will be likely to make pro- agres.s lathe eight direction. - SHORT -STOP SUGGESTIONS. Close up the winter's work at the end of Felearery or early in Mara. "Gather un" your share of the ice crop. Plan and pre- pareor pIowingaand planting. Engage soli* and trustkfarnahelp. Dot down 4attasof ydoin.Layestigatenew amides_ cultUrteada Rase nadlichrub arnmala thin ear. ride* well after the I ainkrancl. et& eer Tse plea-it:of 4t,to intatab4e'sand sheds. • he mother -h 7e4tikthe beeaineithatot, unless knowkew Winn athet kind. "Get the best "Iateeds, planOaeand trees. Have yon obtained catalogues and selected what you need? Let amateurs try -high-priced and highly praisednoveltiess-- Vie no infer - for seeds or fertilizers. tin'purelintsing deal with priticis rather thiszragents. Resolve testa a reading, thinking, progressive farmer Get and Study gond rnral text-bephiii Mita netmeeting wliereingrrcultutial topics are -flOte: may ad mgt& . chronic -croaker, butwerk on cheerfully and hotfttity,,:sTinekoWilitz lailoiisiniareliable., pie , , Prior tothis tin:tithe ewes sh�uWj hkve- een 0644 Aqtk ibundance of exercise, and **Aka variety Ail() sattioefoodatatlihtlerepaited with- a en uflarlSenfflf,Jirakftr9Whistit 10:* '4 &thia time approaches' staluild- ; it - e e deaddvarini (atom - if*WIteverallittlei 10 eft-, Sad eaj aieieteninagon barri or eat- tleshedbysunpIfirringiaa On the inside of the studding with any kind of old boards and filling the vac* thus made with chaff or sawdust. 'A few poles -May be stretched across -overhead with some straw ot corn- stalks thrown upon them to aid in keeping thenpartment warm. „Care should be taken to ee-tht hhe'southern or eastern side the shed two pr three good sized window Sasheitbe Placed -tin Ordet to let inplenty of *aim eanlight. . This suggestion it fer thobenefit of those Wins mayenOtheible Or do not care to go to the catcall& of - fiirnieshing an expensive building with artificial heat for the lambing rooms. In fact the above described is about the only sort that is in use at present at Woodside, and it is found sufficiently itvarnaind comfortable for any lambs that are dropped naturally strong. At times it may be found necessary to take some weakly lamb into the kitehen and warm it by: the stove and stimulate it with a little toddy befere placing it again with its dam. In these quarters lambs should be allowed to remain until they are past a week old and have accumulated considerable flesh and strength. They can then be removed to an- other portion of the shed not quite so se- curely inclosed, and where they will receive more exercise. It is a very bad plan to keep these young lambs confined too closely on the start; they will take too much .food in proportion to thee.niount of exercise,and it will develop the same unhealthy tenden- cies that are too noticeable airiong young pigs when too closely confined to the pens early in the spring. A very convenient and effective way for inducing young lambs to take exercise when closely confined to the barns by inclement weather -is ter sti ak up two -or three planks or boards, one end of the plank resting on the ground and the other on the top of the hay- rack or any convenient point of support so that the lambs can take arun up and' down the planks. It will onlY=he necessary to place the planks.: the -Iambs will under - Stand what they are for ihside of twenty - minutes. Some Odd Notes, "What makes off' years in fruit bear- ing ?" asks a correspondent of the Vermont State Journal. "The trees are starved to death, that's more than half that makes' off years," he answers. The French have a system of fattening fowls that produces poultry superior in quality to that found, as a rule, in any ether country. There -is a practice of mixing with the ration certain spices and herbs that give a most delicious flavor to the flesh. That highly flavored foods impart some of tbeir agreeable qualities to flesh is shown in the ease of such of our own game birds as feed upon wild celery. Many a wonderful cow passes her whole life without her owner knowing what a prize he has, Simply because he has never tested her capacity. Two cows with the seine amount of feed may give the same amount of dairy product, when if you in. crease the feed, one will respond by an in- creased product, while the other will not. The one has reached her limit, while the other has not, and the careless feeder will continually be throwing away his feed on a cow of small natural capacity. It is not necessary or perhaps profitable to feed con- tinually to the highest limit of the cow, but each cow in the herd should be known by actual test. An old very observant farmer once told me to plant very few potatoes when the seed cost $1 a bushel in the spring; that they would be very gasp in the fall. I have found this to be practically true. When pota.toes are very high-priced in the spring many get very enthusiastic about potatoes; an unusually large area is pre- pared, and prviarechninsually well, and the plants are given extra good cultivation; the result is that there is a very large crop, potatoes are very cheap, and the next spring no one wants to raise potatoes at such prices. Result: Few planted, a short crop, and high prices. Thee fluctuations are scarcely, if any, less marked in 'some other crops. We had an 'unusually good yield of wheat this year that promised to bring a fair price. The result was that many farmers were anx- ious to sow an unueually large area of wheat, and would have clones° had -not the draught preventedthent. - This, the chances are, was really fortunate ; for if all the breadth de- sired had been put in wheat, a good yield would have of course, been equally unprofit- able. It was well that the drought enforc- ed conservatism- attwheat sowing time.— [John Stahl ha Wintry Gentleman. - M Girard, a French experimenter, believ- es that with good cultivation and suitable manures all soils can be fitted for the culti- vation of the potato, but he nevertheless lays considerable stress on the necessity of taking intoniecounathe natural fertility. On the preparation of the; soil he sums up the question by -saying that intensive cultivation of potatoes cannotbe followed except by deep cultivation, and he recommended the soil to be worked to a depth of 14 inches at least. °Peleo*. between the plants is given as about the proper distance along the rows. Early planting is important. The Strange Freak of a young Lady - Shortly before nine o'clock on Friday night "Mri'Bridger, of the Great Western Railway Gloucester (Eng.) received a wire from Mr. Evanson, handed Wat Shrewsbury, to the effect that his sistesIthe young lady who 'left lier„clothing in *gailWay 44,*.tiage near Qloneester, and dreSsid in ahoy's suit, was Overtaken and iwastinffe. 'f -After a fruitless journeyato Monmenith mf Thursday night, Mr. E•daitson, it seilifi; went on to Hereford, where, after inquiries, he discovered that she had slept there on Wednesday night. The landlady of the coffee tavern where she stayedwa.siquiteeeertaiii as to her identity, althouglithe you4lagiwas attired in boy's clothing, which the police have found had been purchased at Gloucester early on Wed- aesdey afterneeri, Mi tta Evaespprreatiarking it the time that She- requited them for ,eharity, Sheario viiitedalecalhairrdiestaer 41-,uctsfinte' askinialtod,theitarOkyt-dernand- ing that her hair should be cut 'Short. On Awing...remonstrated with, she replied that herthead was bad,and that a Reading lady bakadviSedheili-Olavejityhalr„cht. After -brttitlein a(lisi*etibkthl'A%711-iliaglitsinhe hadHereford,booked t heor Alireivibuii, evidently with the idea of ireaeliingLiveitpooL Since a child,it appears, she bas been imbued with the idea of go- ingto se‘andeoineyea:48,449 oihe.:attempt- ea_ similar freak tethat-wifich she has just fvtietlea r - The OP 2r- " De 1--bayt to Stickribrai stanv hee n137- Efelfl'?-aiked a, dude of itt the Post _ er4-411,-eaa one OA*. eftli " You it re InVil*etcfee.- a ire se and besides, t e - , tonere not first - 0*.e AlkW, - • • ealtattitfer 'ordinary QUEER FAOTB ABOUT RATS - Their Wonderful Tails—Their Fine Judg- ment as to Ivory—Rats with Trumpets. A rat's tail -is a wonderful thing. The great naturalist, Olivier, says that there are more muscles in this curious appendage than are to be found in that part of the human anatomy which is most admired for its in- genious structure—namely, the hand. To the rat, in fact, its tail serves as a sort of hand, by means of which, the animal is en- abled to crawl along narrow ledges, using it to balance with or gain a hold. It is pre- hensile, like the tailsof some monkeys. By means of it the little beast can jump up heights otherwise inaccessible, employing it as a projectile spring. It has often been said that the glove - makers' of Paris make use h1 their tiade'of the skins of rats that are caught in the sew- ers, but this has been , denied. Certainly the material would not be strong enough successfully to: counterfeit the kid, unless it were for thumb part only, which is general- ly of a thinner and different kind cf leather from the rest. Suggestion has been made that a trade might be opened with the Chinese for the skins of the rats which they_eat. A thrifty Welshman at one time exhibited himself publicly in England attired in a cos- tume composed from top to toe ef rat skins, which he had spent three years and a half in collecting. The dress was made entirely by himself. It consisted of hat, neckerchiefr coat, waistcoat, trousers, tippet, gaiters, and shoes. The nutnber or rats required to complete the suit was 570. Most curious of the garments was the tippet, composed en- tirely of rat tails. At one time a batch of several thousand - rat skins was imported from France into England for manufacturing purposes but they were found too small and too fine m texture to be useful. Dr. Buckland says that many of the ele- phants' tusks brought to London for the use of workers in ivory are observed to have their surfaces grooved into smallfurrows of unequal depth, as though cut out by a very sharp -edged instrument. This is done by rats, which are fond of the gelatine or ani- mal glue in the substance. The, ivory cutter selects for his purposes by preference those tusks which have been gnawed in this way, because they are the ones which contain the most gelatine and are therefote the best in material. Curiously enough the trade, while giving this much teeognition -to the rats' work, has not recognized him as the author of it, the common belief in the business being that the ivory has been thus gnawed by alligators. How it is imagined that alligators get a chance to chew elephants' tusks is a prob- lem. Rats are remarkably intelligent animals, as may be perceived from the difficulty that is experienced in catching them. They cap be taught many tricks. _Among other things it is possible .to make them learn how to beg, to temp through a hoop, to drag -a little cart in harness, and to carry sticks or money. Rats have never found favor as a delicacy for the table in Europe or in this country, but in many lands they are relished as an article of diet. The negro slaves in Jamaica used to regard them as a dainty, their masters not providing them with any other meat. Their method of cooking the tooth- some rodents was to impale each one on a long wooden skewer, after cleaning the ani- mal and cutting off the tail, turtling it brisk- ly round over the fire until the hair was all burned off. Then it was scraped until it was free from fur, and finally the end of the skewer was stuck into the ground, inclined toward the fire until it was toasted dry and crisp, thus being made ready for the meal. Rats may commonly be seen for sale in the markets of any Chinese town, split and pressed under a heavy weight, so as to look somewhat like dried fish.' In this shape the pig -tailed Oriental buys them, soaks them in water, and then boils, roasts, or fries them. When the French zouaves were first in Africa a new sort of rat made its appearance there. It was called the "trumpet rat," having a long proboscis. The sale of a specimen by one of the soldiers to an enthu- siastic naturalist gave rise to an action at law. Said the plaintiff in court: "This Zouave has cheated me out of 100 francs. He knows that 1 am much interest- ed in natural sciences. 1 have collections of fossils, of shells, of rare animals, of curi- ous plants. One day hecalled upon me and said: Sir, I have a kind of animal which has never been mentioned by any naturalist. Itis a trumpet rat, and has a trunk like an elephant's. It is alive and wellif you wish to see it you have only to come to my house." "1 was very anxious to behold this strange animal. We arrived at his house, and he showed me inn -cage au enormous rat, Vert lively and in good condition, which really had on its nose a slender execrescepee more than an inch in length. - The exechescenee was covered with hair like the body of -the animal, with vertebra in it, and (a. most ex- traordinary' tilieg) larger at the summit than at the base—the contrery to what it ought to be in the usual course of things. To convince myself that it was not a lupe and a mystification I stuck a pin into the trumpet. The animal cried out, and a drop of blood came from the prick. The experi- ment was conclusive. It was really a trmnpet, forming part of the rat. " I was amazed. I asked this man if he would sell his rat. He said yes, and I paid 50 francs for it. My friends and servants all admired it, and I was enchanted. My rat was a male, some one said to me that I ought to procure a female. I asked the zouave if he could procure me a female and he said he had t*o. I saw thern and bought one of them 50 francs. Some months after the female had young. I locked at them and they had no trumpets. 1 said to myself, they will sprout." I waited one month, two months, six months. Every day I look- ed at the noses of the rats, but the trumpets ne,v,elar a au pphTrseed.where I go frequently I made the acquaintance of an officer who had served a long time in Africa. I told him about my trumpet rats, and he laughed as though his sides would split. When he was lm again he told me that the trumpet was not a freak of nature, but an invention due to the leisure momenta of the Zouaves. This to is ,h,oywotuhtae a board, the nose of one close to the tail theymake ?wee them:rata and fasten their paws of the other. Then with a penknife or a lancet you make an incision into the nose of the rat which is hindermost and graft the tail of the first into the _nose; you tie firmly the muzzle to the tail and you leave the two rats in this position for forty-eight hours. At the end of that time the union has taken place and the rats are grown together; then you cut off the tail of theisrat ' which is in the front to the required length and let them go, but still keep the other fastened to the boa,rd, with his head loose, and give him something to eat: At the end of a fortnight 'the -wound is' perfectly beide& and the eye of the /optima investigator would not see sr- tinee of the grafting. This is the way the zonaves make rats with trumpets." - On the part of the defendant it was urged that he had certainly made up the rat as stated, but he affirmed that be had not sold them to the plaintiff as having been " born " with trumpets. Verdict for the zouave. Rats cause great annoyance on board of ships. Dr. Kane said that if asked what, after darkness, cold, and scurvy, were the three besetting curses -lit his arctic sojourn, he would say rats, rats, rats. Nevertheless. when indistress for other food, he was very glad to eat the pests. He writes ; "Through the long winter nights Hans used to beguile his lonely hours by shooting rats with bow and arrow. The repugnance of my associates to share with me this table luxury gaye me frequent advantage of fresh meat soup, which contributed no doubt to my comparative immunity from scurvy." Again he writes: "Our diet will be only a stock of meatbiscuit, to which I shall add fer myself a few rats chopped up and frozen into tallow balls." Bookkeeping for Farmers. if a farmer wishes to keep books only suf- ficient to show which way he is annually drifting, he can do it with very little book- keeping. Just let ham keep track of what he owes and what others owe him. At the openifig of the year let him take an inven- tory of his possessions. Place these items of property with amount of cash on hand and and all sums due him on one side of the page, and place all he owes on the other side. Strike a balance, and the difference will show how much he is worth. Let hint do exactly the same thing at the close of the vear. -rhen a comparison of the two balance items will show how much he has lost or gained. The yearly balance -sheet alone will give that much information, and its annual story is of'the greatest importance to those con- cerned; yet it can not answer the question -"Does farming pay ?" with any satisfac- tory degree of accuracy. For instance, a man may run a business which does not fairly pay, and yet through great economy, over-exertion,and various sacrifices crowd himself a lit -1e ahead every year. On the other hand it very frequently occurs that the one with a well -paying business, through extravagant expenditures, outside losses, accidents, much sickness in family, or an innumerablevariety of causes is compelled to close the year poorer than he began it It seems te me that this is an importantfact for that farmer to bear in mind. How he may come out at the close of the year is no fair indication how much the farm has done for him as compared with what he has done for it, and that is the gist of the query in hand. In order to determine just how well the farm pays one must keep a book of purely farm accounts. It may be done in a single book for that matter, but it must contain all the purchases and all the sales, whether cash or credit.- Begiii with the debtor page and write the present value of farm, stock, hay, grain, implements, etc. As the year ad- vances place all the farm expenditures on this page. On the credit page place all the incomes from the farm during the year. .At the close of the year take an inventory and place on- the credit page the newly estimated value of farm, stock, implements, etc. Now the difference between the sums of these debit and credit columns will give a full and strictly reliable result showing the profit or loss for the year. Here will be a result for which the farm or its management must stand responsible. It is an excellent plan to keep an account of household and miscellaneous expendi- tures, but I would keep such account in a separate book—on different pages—and not mix them with the farm accounts. They can then tell their story, annually, or as often as you consult them and their pre- sence in the book will add much to its value. Mr. Dunham says that the gliss ot beer and other foolish expenditures must go on the book, and I heartily agree with him. Only I do protest against their being placed among the farm items'there to cancel their cost value of pure, clean, God-given pro- ducts from nature's bosom. Let the beer bill have Re own column, by all means, and write the figures plain and clean. It alone might solve the problem for an occasional farmer and show wherein his farming ap- parently fails to pay. If The Necessity of Obedience. W hen we refuse to obey a command we refuse to do what the Lord hiniself com- mands. We are to act rightly because Jesus commands as, and we love to do his plea- sure; there can be no friendship without this. Oh for grace to serve the Lord with gladness. To close this first point, it ap- pears that our Lord would have us obey him out of a friendiy spirit. Obedience to Christ as if we were forced to doit under.pains and penalties would he of no worth as a proof of friendiship ; every one can see that. He speaks not of slaves, but of friends: he would not have us perform duties from fear of punishment or love of reward; that which he can accept of his friends must be the fruit of love. His will must be our law because his person is our delight. Some pi ofessors need to be whipped to their du- ties; they must hear stirring sermons, and attend exciting meetings, and live under pressure; but those who are Christ's friends need in spur but love. 'The love of Christ constraineth us.' When duty becomede- light and precepts are as sweet as promises, then are we Christ's friends, and Jot till then."—[Rev. Charles Spurgeon. Spends One day in Bed. A fanious English beauty, Lady London- derry, has a peculier and successfully system for keeping her youthful freshness. Al- thougb she is perfectly well she lies in bed one day in tem sleeping in the morning of this day of rest until she wakens naturally. After a hot bath and a light_ breakfast she goee back to bed and rests quietly in aidark- ened room until 6 o'clock, when she dresseet in a peignoir, dines in her room, and shit about idly until 10 o'clock, when she goes: to bed again. No social evept is ecnsideredi of Sufficient importance to cause the lady tr give up this periodical retirement from the hurry and excitement of modernliving - Equine Affection: A story of a remarkable instance of equine friendship comes from Portland. One of a pair of horses belonging to the horse -railroad company was Bald, _ where- - upon his mate, a blind hope, refuSed to be. comforted and so pined away that the general manager Went to the new owner of the other steed and asked for a loan of the animal for a visit to the suable. As SOOD--SS this horse was put in his old stall the blind. 'horse showed signs of great delight anent -once began to receiver his appetite and bis health. The owner -of the other horse, lee, ing the love of the blind one for his frieti -bought him, too; 'and now drives doWn-to witha Span. _ - OHM ESE P211 ISHMEN TS. The Crirainal Gets Little Favor and Ills Trail is Not Delayed. According to Chinese papers, the execu- tdoner's.sword has been busy in the Flowery Kingdom lately in order to frighten would be conspirators from engaging in the rebel- lion which has broken out against the reign- ing dynasty. A recent issue of the Ostasia- titcher Lloyd contains a vivid description of the manner of administering Chinese jus- tice in the cases of political criminals. Before the end of the present uprising many men, in all probability, will suffer death at the bands of the State, for daring to oppose the government of his Imperial Majesty. " When a person," says the newspaper, 'is taken prisoner, charged with treason or rebellious conduct, he is bland in chains and placed in what is called a prisoner's cage—' Tsch'in lung'—and carried to the office of the nearest district judge. During the transport his tortures depend in great part upon the will of the guards, as they may remove the chains, give him good and wholesome food, and allow hina to sit down or he down in his cage. In case the prison- er be disobedient, or if his crime be thought especially heinous, both hands and feet are loaded with chains, and he is allowed only sufficient food to keep him alive for future torments. it is seldom that any one who appears in a criminal court in such a cage is allowed to go free, although he is always treated in a fashion that inspires him with hepe. As soon as he enters the gates of the court- house the guards deliver him to the assisp- ants of the judge before whom he is to be tried. They take him from the cage and conduct him to an inner hall containing a table, upon which are tempting viands and intoxicating drinks. The assistants invite him to eat, drink, and be merry, and com- mand the waiters to do his every bidding. The invitation is accompanied by the gate- keeper's congratulations upon the man's safe arrival at his destination, as well as EXPRESSIONS OF REGARD for his welfare. If the prisoner has hops of future freedom he often eats a hearty meal, hut if he has no such outlook he usually begs permission to rest awhile. After a few hours he is againapproached byone of theas- sistants who received him upon his arrival. The assistant's lieutenants again place chains upon the prisoner and take him be- fore the judge. "In time of peace no sentence of death can be executed without three trials or judicial examinations. The fix st is held be- fore the district judge, the second before the ?refect, and the third before the pro- vincial judge or the Governor of the pro- vince to which the criminal belongs. As soon as the sentence of death has been pro- nounced for the third time by the third and last judge the crimminal is incarcerated an ti chained by the feet to the flocs uf -the prison. Thus he remains to the day of his execution. "The number of days, weeks, or months which intervene between the sentence and its execution -depends upon the season. Ac- cording toThinese law criminals in time of peace can be executed only during the third month of autumn. If a man is sentenced to death in September he must be beheaded before Nov; 30 ; if in November, the execu- tion is immediate, but if the sentence is made in December he remains in prison un- til the following autumn. In the days of rebellion or sedition, as at present, this law is inactive, and the doomed man can be dis- posed of at once. "When the day of execution arrives the judge visits the prisoner sad orders his chains removed, An elaborate dinner is spread for hint and he is invited to all that he wishes. This 'execution meal' has vari- ous significations. It is intended to prove that the headsman is not unfriendly to the criminal, and is only the tool of the supreme power. It is also looked upon as a viaticum to facilitate the entrance of the spirit to the invisible world; the isver WORDS OF THE HEADSMAN to the criminal being: Eat until thou art satisfied, that thou mayst appear in hades as a shade well nourished." The Chinese also believe that the meal prevents the re- appearance of the dead in this world as a hungry spirit. "After the meal the hands of the criminal are fastened behind his back. Fastened to his back is also a light pole, eight or ten feet long, bearing a small white flag with the name of the doomed man and his crime in black or red colors. The end of the flag falls upon the criminal's head. Thus cap- arisoned he is led or carried in a basket to the place of execution, a large open field be- yond the city wails, and as near the north gate as possible. "As soon as the procession with the pris- oner arrives at its destinaticn the criminal is taken to the center of the field. Guards and assistants surround him and coinmand hirr to fall upon his knees. The headsman approaches the doomed matt from behind, removes the flag, and strikes the fatal blow which severs the head from the body. The officers then disperse. " In cases where the beheadee man has committed no crime against the State his relatives can claim the body. .As a rule, a shoemaker is present to sew the head to the body, and to prepare it for burial by the kinsmen. But this favor is never ac- corded to political criminals. The bodies of such men are thrown into a hole, or opea grave, where they become the prey of birds and beasts. The heads are placed in bas- kets, a,nd,later spiked upon long poles. In that condition they are planted at the west or north gate of the city, to serve as warn- ingstoa11 :nen who think of rebelling in agast the mild rule of the Son of Heaven." MDGE WETMORE DB2U.). One ofthe IlrIghtest Legal Lights of the Dominion Called AwaY• Joan, N. B., March 10.—Judge Wet- -more of the Supreme 'Court, died this morning; 'aged 71. Before his appointment he wits 'perhaps the foremost nisi prius law- yercin thetproYince. Judge Wetmore was eleeted to the Legislature as an anti -con- federate its 1865, and helped to overthrow the :TillesaMitchel Government. He - was �ne of the many members who soon chang- ed thekardads.and accepted confederation. -He attas elected as a confederate in 1866, and aler copfederation became the _first Premier and Attpialey General of the province. He Nvie.-41-104. to the bench in 1879. Judge Wetniere's'kr-andfather was one Of the first -jutIgesi ofithieproVince. His father, at the Conimenrenient -of a brilliant career, was .101141kin-7.41itel. His son was leader of the _.-ItroVile—it.1 Opposition, and is new a judgo ni the Nerth-west provinces. What She Wanted- --" I want to buy some ".ant-youi t to wantwaht me 0—i"wDn *Avid. HOW TAME HA11-10- OBTAINED Much of it Comes rro e -As a rrela • raris. The best hair comes from France, where it is sold by the gramme at _prices which vary according to quality and color. the most expensive false tair is the silver white variety, which is in great demand and very difficult to find. This is due to the fact that men grow bald in a majority of cases before their hair reaches the silver white stage, and women, whether bald or not, are not disposed to sell their white hair at any price. They need it themselves. Still women growing bald must have white hair to match the scant allowance ad- vancing age has left them. rhe chemists have taken the matter in hand and are able to produce by ciecoloration of hair of any color a tolerable grade of whito hair, which, however, has a bluish tint not at all ap- proaching in beauty the silvery softness of hair which has been bleached by nature. False hair of the ordinary shades is ob- tained in two -vays. The better and more expensive kind is out directly from the heads of peasant women, who sell their silken tresses sometimes for a mere song and sometimes for a fair price, according as they have learned wisdom. Every year the whole territory of France is traveled over by men whose business it is to persuade village maidens, their mothers and their aunts to part with their hair for financial considerations. These men are known as "cutters," and there are at least 500 of them in the country always going from house to house, from farm to farm and through all the villages in all the department, seeking subjects for their scissors. A good cutter averages from two to five heads of hair a day, and he pays from 2f. to 10f. for each. It is estima- ted that a single head of luxuriant growth weighs about a pound. The false hair thus obtained—at the cost of the tears and regrets of many foolish maidens—is the f a ,st in the market, and sells for an exaggerated price, which puts it beyond the reach of the ordinary purchaser. Besides, it is evident that the supply of genuine "cutting" must fall far short of the demand for false hair. So the majority of this wavy merchandise is obtained—yes, ladies, I am exceedingly sorry, but it is the fact—from the rag pickers. These busy searchers of ash heaps and garbage barrels collect every day in the city of Paris alone at least 100 pounds of hair which some hun- dreds of thousands of women have combed out of their heads during the preceding twenty-four hours. The hair all mixed to- gether and soiled, one would think, beyond redemption, is sold to nair cleaners at from $2 to $1.50 a pound, which shows simply that the fair sex in one city alone grows an- nually about 300,0001. worth of hair, for which theyafterwardpay—and it is the same hair, mind—considerably over 1,000,000f. The cleaning of this refuse hair is an oper- ation which requires careful attention. After the hair has been freed from the dust and dirt and mud and other unpleasant things with which it has come in contact in gutters and slop buckets it is rubbed in sawdust until it shines once more with its pristine gloss and then the process of sorting is begun, in the first place skilled hands fix the individual hairs in frames, with the - roots all pointing the same way, 3.-nd then they are arranged according to color. Finally when a sufficient number of hairs of one color have been obtained—nor is this rum - her so immense as is generally supposed— they are made into the beautiful braids - which are shown so seductively in the win- dows of the fashionable coiffeurs. If, as the good book says, wisdom goes with hair, she who places on her head one of these conglo- merate braids might be said to receive a portion of the wisdom of hundreds of thou- sands of other women who had worn those hairs before her. It is said that the "cutters" in France have plied their trade so industriously that at present it is hardly possible in the whole republic to find a women who will sell her hair. The business has been done to death, and now the enterprising dealers in false hair are sending their representatives through Switzerland, Belgium, and Norway canvassing for unsophisticated lasses who will allow themselves to be robbed of their hair, which is half of their beauty, for a few pieces of silver. THIS HAPPENED 1N TIUNIDAD. Eggs That a Snake Had Swallowed Were Hatched into Chickens Afterward. "Some time ago Mr. Anderson, the pro- prietor of the tobacco plantation of Chsapi- annas, on the island of Trindad, was annoy- ed by being deprived of his usual breakfast egg day after day," an ophidologist remark- ed, beginning a story. "The loss was the cause of consideration disturbance, for the cook, a corpulent negro, had hinted her sus- picions that it was owing the thievery of Bibarri, the Hinder. butler. The latter, on a hint from a visitor, had constructed an ingenious nest to beguile hen into layiug three or four eggs a day, and he had been more than usually attentive to everyeackle, but instead of three eggs every day not an egg could be found, although the hen ca.ck- itehde"Msaesrr.vuAasnuntadsle'recrimination was loud and bit- rson was displeased, andamong ter. Biharri watched the cook and the cook watched Biharri, while the housemaid and the stable boy watched both, and were watched in turn. A little apart from the other buildings is the stable. In lurking places there Mr. Anderson, as ills rode into the yard one day, found the cook, the -house- maid, the stable boy, and Biharri. Each held up a band in mute appeal not to come nearer, while the cook in a stage whisper explained that the hen was on the nest Presently the joyous hen flew forth, cackling louder than ever. The watchers rashed from their hiding places, crowded around the nest, and plunged theirhands in to grab the prize. As they did so an enormous snake shot out, and while screatilitig in chor- us they rushed for the door. The cook fell overthesnalta, Biharri fell over the cook, and the stable boy and housemaid trick refuge in the kitchen. Mr. Anderson jumped from his horse and with his riding whip stretched the snake dead by a hlow on the head. "Then t'he servants Rathered round the dead -thief, and Biharri's wore the tri- um1Phdouanttinhisifi,. nian_knnfnnepelpYinpedin na pulethteeetaree, and nine fine eggs rolled ont front the caipa- cious stomach., They were inariied and placed Under a hen. Three -weeks after - Ward the incubation was finished and six young chickens burst their' Shelia The other three eggs -were --unproductive; owing perhaps to their longer eiposure to the se - tion of the powerful gastric juices of the snake. The snake wivathecribo, as the devourerof the young -of the- deadly fer de lance.:::80nsi:::trv. Jack —How did Miter Fite tante' faisal tiaxeleaseher? -• - Harry -The last time I d tlieitIier -- mother baked a delicious- eneton_piOindr.' asked her if she got it Iros.lai 14 stand Conde lie_ My only defence That you'll jus For remember 1 dark. Though forme Ele will fall man last In the sanshin o Fm boklene • fair., And give you That for the -pa I ant ready to You say that th Must be brave C answer that •,1 Must be a typ You say that ya A very prince look for a kini And not for a Tou require "a things tha IAIK for a wom And that is su You ask for a rn To live with h 1 ask for a worn For by faults 1 ask for a worn A higher for His comforter, As in the o,-ig A woman who Who finds life Who makes th And for other I will not requil In these lines I only pray that That God can For your heart, Are sacred th, Ano "Ili stake Who tever'I ot BEATS One Prisoner Jailland As Tairnk4 BB.ocKv rr,t,r , stranger, recoil egainet a youn caped from jail' Before lea.vin blankets of his and fastened t could reach froi When taken hold of this rop hand to the tor He is still at las Saturday mc Eaton, under burglary, attac a piece of the h the turnkey opi Eaton struck the head, infis Downey close( kept on saikin piece of iron, it _ A prisoner na cries came to prisoner. Dovoney's we Dr. Moore. III his condition is After Eaten and handc-uffed a rope made of A rope was al In his cell made The St At Heliopolis and the schools. "because the t znost accomplish Straho came hitl the house which here learned " ians." Papyri e -of obelisks." carried to Alexa set up before the to one authority Cleopatra; in ai acquired the lie and though the peered; they been placed—or until, in recent to London and One recites all to bring up tions which re, mind as one star column rising a Heliopolis. No in days which which are the jt man history ; yet polished this gra inscription; ages sort must have a - with the Central backward in an dates real. "Ho ed with the desi to ourselves. articles de Paris later.", But re rpliling the r's) agnitation WLII n stupidity by su - teaction, perha logy and Darw take breath. 1 • ill-ie Very s *ate, which he An ingenious purglai-proaf. T 1 -Of the fact, he p i.:ket, had himself 1 liberabl supply o epithet into the rive est -ye the the moue, tamed the door. _ .411 the blacksna tir.1am in town h ang, and heating a etssadth every kind el Imre known to seiei ett Re has 4 -whisper iat. he will make will -only let -Inte tartirent:ee rY4°codn. ceci2rnYearstwihal-1 itt'the iirancn be& -49its are to be xrta :keyhole s. dreproo ventor while the un k�b Itiidv.11o:;:iftignithiioa-reeremoetmetnarfshouthileheeraedatilefui"vompsdspatatiekNin.,:it:: evv-.4, Reader,t eist es,