HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-17, Page 8• t-4 A Fordwich. MAKET REPORT, Tuesday, Mar. 15th. R tReported fol. the GAZATTE bY Wilson Dros-1 Red and white wheat....$0 86 to 0 133. bu. :•:, Spring wheat 86 .................. 60 61 • Peas ................................ 29 31 Oats................................ es • Baines ..................40 The severe storm of Monday last pre- vented many from attending the lecture in the Methodist church who would otherwise have done so, yet the lecturer was on hand and gave a thoroughly pr pared address of an hour and a quarter to a small but appreciative audience which listened with rapt attention throughout while the lecturer dealt in eloquent language with the extent, re- sources and future destiny of the "British Empire." Seldom have we heard so much matter crowded into a lecture of equal length, the only fault being a too close attention to manuscript in its delivery. On Tuesday night Rev. T. A. Wright, of Gerrie, delivered an admirable and timely address to men and boys, in the Foresters' Hall, on the subject of "Social Purity." A large number of the sterner sex were present and gave un- divided attention to the warning and ad- vice givefl by the rev. gentleman. Dr. T. C. Spence occupied the chair and gave some telling remarks, emphasiz- ing what the lecturer had said. We are glad that he has undertaken so deli- cate a. task and has given so much time to the preparation and delivery of this lecture to save the community from the • licentiousness so evidently prevalent elsewhere. The whole community is much indebted to him for his manly endeavors. We understand he intends giving it in Gorrie. No man or boy should fail to hear it. Mrs. Philip, of Pehmerston, has been here visiting her daughter Mrs. J. W. Pring, for the -last two weeks and has bad in turn a visit from La Grippe. She left for her home this week. There will be a meeting of the "Scarlet Chapter" of the Orange Association in the Foresters' Hall next Monday night, March 21st, at 7:30, when several of the brethren will be raised to the Scarlet Degree. The Mayne Methodist church, which ter three weeks past has been closed for repairs will be re -opened on Sunday next at 10:30 a.m., when the pastor will preach. • Mr. L. C. Dicks i so busy that he has frequently to run his mill till after 10 e'sbck at night, in order to keep up his work. He is determined to make things go. He is a good workman and any one intending to build would do well to give him a call. and get his estimates. The subject of the sermon in the Methodist church next Stuully night is to be "David's estimate of God's house and his resolve in regard thereto." In the absence of Mr. Garrett, the organist of the Methodist church here, Miss Jennie Sanderson presided at the orgairlast Sunday and acquitted herself With credit. Mr. John Clegg, formerly of Gorrie, has moved to town and taken up his abode -in theeorner store owned by Mr. Thomas Downey where he intends to keep a grocery arrdboot and shoe store. We hope he will succeed in his enter- ' Prise— • here for the past month, returned to her hoM'o in Manitoba, on Tuesday. Miss Ferguson, of Orange Hill, was the guest of Miss E. Wiggins on Satur- day last. Lakelet. Mr. Gardner, of Clifford, occupied the pulpit here on Sunday last. Mr. Harry Holladay, a brother of our shoe man, paid friends in Lakelet a visit last week. We understand that he has a good situation as travelling salesman. A Gorrie constable was thinking of running some lodge members in, last Saturday night after lodge. J. P. Eaton, who has lately sold his farm, intends going to Manitoba this spring. Quite a number of our townsmen have been attending the law suit now in pro- gress in Clifford. They report having learned something about law. Jas. Horton is at present laid up with a sore leg. We hope soon to see him around. GORRIE MARKET REPORT. Fall wheat, $0 85 0 $0 86 if* bu. 85 0 86 27 0 22 " 58 ® 60 • 35 0 40 " ioc 10 " doz. 15 0 16 • lb. Lard 10 12i Tallow 5 6 • Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Eggs Butter SLANDER AND APOLOGY. A n action having been commenced by Alex. Yule against Adam Bradley, for slander, the following apology has been offered by defendant and accepted by plaintiff. Harriston, Feb.26, 1892. Mr. Alex.Yule Baker: Dear Sir.—It is alleged that Ihave said you had and have a man working for you and delivering bread, who had the itch and scabs, and that I made other slanderous remarks. I now say that 1 have no recollection of having ever uttered or orcirculated any such words, but I do not dispute that I did so. The said words are wholly untrue. There is and was no foundation for any such statements. I exceedingly regret that any such words should have been uttered, and I hereby contradict the same and trust that you will accept this apology as the best amends it is in my power to make for the injury and annoyance I may have inadvertantly caused you. Yours truly, (Signed) ADAM BRADLEY. Witnesses { W. W. CUTTON. C. E. IRVINE. ;o: s sess,„ ss We have bought a large quantity of Sugar at very low prices and will there- fore give our customers the advantage of this purchase. Our spring Dress • Goods, Prints, Satteen, Tweeds, have arrived and they are dandies.•• Come in and see us and price our sugars. 1..11 az C0_, Published every Thursday —AT— Gorrie, Ont., The Newsiest Local Paper in North Huron. NATIR.OW]WilMle. A splendid staff of able cor- respondents in every part of this section. • -7 e' WHERE DO YOU' LIVE 'f.) 4t7, Half the people of our County don't know thes- position of one Township from another. They can now overcome this difficulty by consulting:. the. 414.0• 0 opER • ilt 414",. MAI) 0040. OF THE C 0 ILT 1NT Pir "V 0 V II IT 1 0 IV, Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which • makes it very distinct and effective. THE SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER NEEDS ONE, • THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE The most Suitable Holiday Present for Your Distant • Friend ! It gives him all the news from his old home. It tells him more home news than a private letter vrotsld. It loads him up with home news every week, and It is cheaper than.rletter postage, being • 014411..11r ,The new Dr. has been very busy since consk here. He is a hustler'• and will _make his mark. Mr. A. Wilson's youngest son, Georgie, has been taken sick in Detroit. . Darby Bros. have taken possession of ‘the hardware store and are pushing business to its ful'est capacity. They ,rippear tobe just the kind of men to "take" with the public. Fully 200 couples attended the wed- dingof Mr.RichardButchart, of Clifford, and Miss Aggie, eldest daughter of Stephen Brown, Esq., 9th con., Howick, which occurred at the house of the bride's parents on Wednesday of last week, 9th inst. Rev. Mr. Young, of Clifford, tied the nuptial knot. A mag- • nificent array of presents was displayed which must have aggregated over 6200 in value. A most enjoyable day was • petat by all. The happy couple went 'away on a trip to the_ Eastern States,' •-the best wishes of the entire community *going with them. Restmasfer Mahood returned on Thnrs- •s -day -last fro& Owen Sound where he I lieasattending the Orange Grand Lodge sessilsos, He states that Mr.Parkhill 'and others a ihe: erara Officarere enquir. ingseftnithabealth of ex -county 'master, Bro.11. Perkins. - A number of our R. T. of .T. purpose • visiting Lakelet lodge of I,O,G.T. aeon, Miss Arnistreng, of Perini, is at press matosisitins g hcr sister, Mrs, Wyness. 'Mr8 Montgomery, oiDarlington, who - has been visiting with her parents for the last few weeks, returned to herhome this wee1 i.• " Merriotairived in Manitoba Itadlound and the latest news re- ikirtiadm to be -still. unfrozen. Mrs. Qarters who has bean visiting Special Announcement. $1 Per YEAR Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse Tam in Et better position or less than 2c. a week. to do the undertaking of this community than before, and owingto reductions in the wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag- nificent Hearse free, that is to say my .charges will be no more and in some cases less than before. J. R. WILLIAMS, - •• Furniture Dealer and 'Undertaker. Member of Ontario School of Erabalmin • TIARY e Dona hy's PRICE, $3.50. Published by W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Ont., • Booksellers and Stationers School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and our traveler will call on you. James Sztherlan's TIN STOir We have a splendid 'minting outfit, including the very • la.test faces oftype, the most modern appliances, • Geneal_ Store Fast Job Presses, Pine Poter T? We can turn out Wedding Cards, Calling Cards, Business Cards, • Bill Heads, Letter Heads Blank Headings, Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, Circulars, • Posters, Streamers, or anything in the printing line in the neatest 'style of the art, and On the most reason- able Terms. (Opposite Brown's Hotel,) Regent Houe, - Fordwich. For anything in the line of • Clothing, Dress Goods, Flannels, Linens, • COTTONS, ETC., ETC. The finest article in the line of •13P0rS 4-44 -AT1) siicm, • RUBBERS, ,OVERSI-10WETC. Groceries -This Department is well sleeked with full shelves in everfline. CALL AND SEE IE. • NO TR,OUBLt- TO SIWW GOODS. Produce taken in Exchange. (North end 6- of the4-(v Leech 0 mock,) GOIE, o A FINE LINE OF PARLOR, BOX, aqd GOOK Stoves, JUST RECEIVED. Special Value in Cook Stoves. Special Value in Heaters. Special Value in Drams. Special Value in Cutlery. :0: 'IrONTE VILTRATIEftrUEM IN Ev-ery Variey. A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDES and SHEEP SEINS. i\TWA.= of every description, on HAND and made to ORDER Repairing of all kinds promptly done. THE GREATEST OF THEM. ALL • 18 THE NEW PREMIUM EstimatesFu.riiished j W. GREEN, Editor. Givrn to every subscrber. new or old. of =IS In t :.KLa ERIPlitE FOU 1592. Thousands at dollars have beenspent in ito preparegoa. • ItO success is fully assured: it is a highly- valuocl souvenir of the greatest statesman and the most honored leader ever knovre in C'annaien history. This besot Rol 'Memorial Allston coutains 1. full-page illustrations of interesting scenes in connection with the history of Sir John. and presents to the thousands of admirers of our into chief nmny new and valuable portraiture& - - READ THE LIST. Ft:01.page Portraits of Sir Jobs MR Baroness fillsedortaid Birthplace of ,atr John in Gistsgew ; Portrait sof Sir Jilin when a yonng man t Pertralt of Sir John's 1 !Welber. -the onlyone ever published; The Old Homestend at _Kingston. oecapied• bi sir John during the Rebellion of ISMS Earnscl life. air Jahns Residence at Ottawa; I nterlor or 5nate thausber. Ottawn.show• ing the Guard of !tenor .aod Body arias: lo • mtaesec; vr$Theripiatirn:raiw erTeeDoeloralesens roofrei,Pferarral; • the rorettrovot.; .V1ew of Eastern 1ent:1ilitinnc4.141ewni.4thityn2_.ilitter11.411EiPr.. Draed" in Mournng. as it' napenrett the day sir 'John'a Body reached 1:rdy,,Lajitilzu ralotreal TGrrrifialinest Ctratontratihil:17.otis. ands of Followers; View or waste/yter Abbey., in which the /tonsorial n'erire Was • IE,troer.17,41e=iirn:itoUrass•Tlirelvin:fry31;'1111:111:roarVin'tit"serr 4.1pitawures rah atkine.dellurag.. • All these views are hoe hlftored 13i1oogrtivur.s on h -ay, ennmoled pupe,and suitably • bound: illtiminAted Wirt embossed cover. A really vausible arinvezeir that wili be A ftuitabie ornament on porlor or library table. Tbe.demand for this work premses. to be Orest. ZnadailhfsymmEmar ViteirsAetaftrlyLitati•ttilt. ONE DOLLAR, and get TUE WEEKLY EMPIRE tor on* rear New anuse.ribers will reueive THE WEEKLY. EMPIRE free for baltmeeof tins year, • s