HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-17, Page 5i*** tock 1. rnber anti - ,king new DS 'dcu- have t.& o so our for 200 will Cord roes NEWS - aATRERpi6$.w area deadbears, two cubss and'an -ilip#IGNSORSOOD OjIII,LND FitOM OUR I±1xCEANGES AND BOILED old one, w1€ere disiadg „ Dowty -FOR GAZETTE RrL »=ERs. 11 train- of five carloads: of HURON.• freight and;;abont seventy settlers passed u iia n = attenAn... over the Durham .brace o f the G. T. R., There were 480pp p Monday, :bound for ` . at the Wingham public schools during Manitobsi and the . klothweet. F@brnary. One day lest week Mr. Wm. W' An old man named W. H. Cooper son's child, of week Mr. dam- suicided at his home near Clinton on year and a -half, over 'aged about a the 3rd inst., by blowing his brains • outbalanced a high chair in which he was sitting and falling with a shotgun. on the stove burned the side of his face Messrs W. F. Brockenshire, Geo. Me- . ma Kenzie and John Richie, of Wingha . y' the chair holding the child on the ice of stove _ till released: The little one _ 'is have recently been appointed Just progressiing favorably, but will bear the the Peace.he playing in his father's_ barn one • mark of the.accident for Inspector Robb has been laid tip lately R„ .,many years. in East Wawa -nosh, with an' attack of day recently, thefour or five year old la 'grippe. son . of MrHu There are only seven vacant housesin Thompson, Arthur township, jumped from . a mow and Bluevale. alighg ting on the edge of the feed board The Presbyterians of Belgrave held a slanting into the, stable, fractured his very successful tea -meeting week before last, realizing the handsome sum of $%o, leg between the knee and the ankle. Turnberrycouncil are asking for The Shelburne Free Frees man not tenders for the erection of a new bridge only puts people's names in . his paper, but their pictures as well. That paper over the Maitland at Gemmill's bridge. is publishing from week to week sketches Maitland Presbytery met at Brussels, of the business mien of its village, ac: on Tuesday last. The Presbyterial g , coinpanied by well-exouted cuts of each Woman's Foreign Missionary Society man. Mr. F S. Silk, manager of the' also met at the same place on the sameg Shelburne branch of the Halstead & Co.'s date. Bank,_ was the subject of last week's The recount asked for by the Liberals sketch. -The Free Press is deserving of of West Huron, took place on Monday credit for its enterprise. last, before Judge Toms, and resulted in reducing Hon Mr. Patterson'sMajor- Att the `last meeting of- .;'the East Luther Connell a notice of moAion was sty by nine, leaving the coXXect majority, - given te the effect that in -future the -\e14 at sixteen. - method of performing statute labor :will The Clinton Rifle Club will. have to be done away with, and sixty -center; er ractiee or all the little=villages will do day accepted as an equivalent:for a- day?s them up in great shape. Homes`ville work. This will be levied on ' all• the has already beaten -them twice, andhey rateable property in the township This sax' that there ids. -rifle club' atiGranton . . s certainly a move in the right directiozr that would like to hear from them I The following facts are taken- from •aa the manner in which statute labor is the report of the Provincial Treasurer Performed in many townships:: besides for 1891, just issued : Hotel Licenses Luther is somewhat of a "farce. issuedin East Huron, 24 ; South Heron. The easterly part of the first division 89. ; West Huron, 40 ; 6 stop. licenses of part of lot,26, W. O. S. R, were issued, against it in 1889, and 38 containing ,i0 acres, better known as the in 1874. The municipalities in East Zaas farm, •has just been sold • by Mr. Huron received as their proportion of Jelley, on behalf of a Loan Co,, to , Mr. Jos. Buntson, postmaster, Yeovil. the license fees a total of $761. ; those in - South Huron received: #2,433.48 ; and those in West Huron, ,12,715:27 ; the dif- ference between the last two and the first being accounted for by thepresence of towns in them. The fines collected were : East Huron, $130; South Huron, $280 ; West Huron, $340. The e4m• m ittals forjdrunkenness in Huron,, were only 5, against 8 in 1890. PERTH. The Stratford curlers who went to Woodstock on Wednesday last to play a mated came-, out second . best .-The Woodstock team being vietor'ious by 10 - point§. The Perth Spring Assizes were opened in the court house l=ast, Monday, ";Chief Justice Armour presiding Very, few cases were on the docket. . County Master C. W. Cosens, Trow - bridge, and County Dir. of Ceremonies E. M. Alexander, Listowel, attended the annual meeting of the sOrange Grand Lodge at Owen Sound last week. Mr. Samuel Henry, of Ellie°, .while in the act of giving Mr,, ' Miichsel, • Fraser ,.lt a help to draw -his 1oadof potatoes alone a heavy piece of road infront-of Mt, Ed. McCaffrey's farm on Thursday last; had the misfortune to have one of his Horses slip and break its lig " - . Mr. J. Livingstone, jr., town agent C. P.R., reports the . following- passengers for -Manitoba and Brtiish Columbia ;. W' Campbell,•0. Knechtel, D. E Camp- 3*Il, ni Howiek, for.'•1 eepawa ;. Robert Wallace, Mrs Wallace, of. Wallace; Treesba €- ,- Do ald :mak,-Wallace, for Solsgnitli; Jas.`llnstoli;And Huston, John Paid, Mies -Janet Paul, W.' Pard, of Listowel, and M. Chapman,_ Eima; for Virden ; Fred Ellis, John Bayne, James Bayne W Thibiciean7 Listowel; and Jno Mclllro WH..:: �clllroy, :..ani, • LewisGabel, Wallaee,_Jor Griswold;.�CBas.• A. Spat►r, Wallace;. for fllenbe o ; Mrs, Sparrow, John°Barrows, Ha kisten,�for Hartney: ; .Samuel Ferguson; Mrs. Fer- guson, Waster W: Ferg#isoliiMfiss TeeU Ferguson;, Wallace ior•Mfopieniinz Man., D. S Hennessey, idrs Hennessey Mr d. Hen ase Pei ce, .fOi e V Wes .. `T£ Wale or BRUCE. A new hotel is being built in Lucknow. A. O: Brown, station agent at Tees - water; has been removed to Elora. On March 4th about noon a fatal accidcnthappened to John McCallum, fainter; of the 20th concession, Kincar- dine .township. It appears- that while in the act of loading sawlogs.he acciden- tally slipped, the log rolling over his .body.. Medicia aid was at once sum - ironed; but to no- : effect, death ensuing at 10 o'clock in the evening. Mr. T. Ii. St. John, the Arlington's:- popular clerk, Wiarton, will_ embark in the: hotel business on his own account at Lion's Head on May 1st.' "He is t good: all round hotel man. The News this' week regrets having to chronicle the death of Mr. James Nelson, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson, of Elsinore, and brother of :14fr. Robert Nelson, R'y mail clerk; of Wiarton,; the sad event occuring from an attack - of inflamation of the bowels, on the 2nd inst.-! Deceased had been a sufferer for many years from dyspepsia. , He was 43 years: of age, a . native of Ireland, : and had resided for 37 years in the township of Arran, Co. of Bruce, where he passed away. " Mr. Nelson was a councillor for Arran several years, and took consider- able' interest inpublic matters:: _Besides a large family connection, the deceased leaves` a widow and six young children- -7—one : son and five daughters. The funeral .was a large: one: :Joe.Caskanett, of Chepstow, succeeded in shooting a large black dear on Satur= day last. Mr. Armstrong, one of Car... 's lumbermen, droveliim out of his: Winter quarters in the Greenock. swamp; The boys turned out and caught him in �, , d . fulrass township after - a . three day's hunt. • He: Weighed over -300 pounds. General elections will take place in Manitoba in June The KeniUcky Legislatere has passed' the b411,prohrblting lotteries of"any kind in that state,.— ' e oe _the beat known Dr seating, op _ St, Paul, Minn Th reer ears bf settle s' rnefdical men. tof Guelph, died while' f in a °}aa in ter Officio, opon effects aumpaiiecT tile- passengers for .dt#8± a > it ht Dfanitol►n.` �'� r: �� k � y ie ;1i cCor� formerly ' ConvaI scent zea of t -he ��� f'{Bta@vsrfdead 1n her' �1 ati th$ islc sos -hotel theme: on • 's° In this age, money saving is the great am- bition, -bition, and most people think it necessary to have a large . income, to save enough to keep them in their old age. `,But how many,, or_ rather how few, are fortunate enough to be thus situated: Better than:.Salary is` The Economical husband and the thrifty House -wife can steadily amass wealth without being stingy, but careful. Careful what you buy, where you buy, and what you pay for -it. Our advice in,regard to this•matter would be : Buy only what you need ; Buy it at the 'C Iasgew House and d you won't pay too much for it, We don't claim to be givibg: geode away, but we do claim to have as good value in all, and a great deal better. value in. some lines, than Our corn petitors. For .example - One dam �:� W.EL NGT.O . - Liitl erg re} }wbi�ie otoit,�'}x��C bl 1. - _,y *�ar° • .+ea+in ie'ru € :a3.i. iiK6itT • Mr.-Wn &itad��=Tnr. on Sa IE _ a petites to �e3ominioh: . askat alawiegassec 4 �y ee of> boa#' n n fag to tie _ aye asking t �t A k • o - a ns': w _i See our 50e. Cashmeres.. TheELEM. : usual verdict is,"Its the best goods for the money we have yet seen.' You win Say the same thing when -yon see the goods. W e have othet lines of Dress Goods which show good veins, also which would interest you. We also make e, speeiaity of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, SUITINUS, • AND OVERCOATINGS. GI LOIE , QNr, FOR AXES; FOR X -CT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, - FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. 'CALL AND SEE. Ii: yon:dre contemplat ig:piio chasing knit of Clothes, Spring•overeoat, or any£hint in then lie of (lints' Furnishings, don't make the mistake of purchasingelsewhere before seeing what you can do with ns.' Wekeep all qualities from the course fall cloth to 'the :finest broad cloth,- with .pricesringing. accordingly;- ALL WOOL tweed suitsmadeto-order, from $10 and up. When you see the Goods•the price win`suit`you. [' To those wlm have not yet f 'ored. ns with theirip t onege'we wculd say. "Its never too late to mend, Butthe-soonerthe better . We*ifI n 5t bete.enumetate Qrices. Yon,would Save our word for it:.:Come and see the geode. end price and judge for ypurselves Tf no eaiefactoTy, •dom't'buy. Remember the place : Next door to Drug Store. $ Highest price for all kinds of Marketable Produce • FOR • ENLARGED I6>PACES 'rF!F EKLY• GLOBE PO2 1892 BALANCE OF 1891 ONLY. a{ DOLLAR -44 THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER WOE NO FAKES I NOCHE_ AP P�OOKS�! N0 'JAMS -$NINE&! SOIssORs.- OR OATOH-PENNY OFFERS ! BUT - A OLW!, WHOLESOME _FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue ©f 7th October :TIS WEILIELIP GLOBE will contain_sixteen pages instead °'bf twelve page°as heretofore, making ,it the largest andbest family newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted ` making it BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING In all its departments. Special pants- will be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and ¥OAs.. ,SIACB_ WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING TOR T![5 FAMILY. Siskailins ` WHOSE ORBERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 3 t st DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE ,THE PAPER SENT TMBM UNTIL CLOS* Or 1892 , FOR 'TNE DNS- YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTLON. i s months of a Ib -page .for St to 1 U Eur S every one who subset'ibes now ...Ace (Ts WAN'T'ED I1( ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICT& For terms, -address .i E GLOBE, TORONTt . .Yo r a and influence is SO mmite For • 11 fret roIl Uazg�