The East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-17, Page 4-Af _ - - • r .7; , . • --:o: have just opened out in my new premises with a large and varied stock of general merchandisb, including Choice Dress Goods, Flannels, Woolen Goods,Ready-Made Cloth- ing,-Sealettes, Handkerchiefs, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc. A Large Stock of Seasonable 41. Goods. Can't Enumerate Them All iviv prices in all lines are as Low as any House; Lower than most of them. You are cordially invitedto call and see me in my new quarters, and it will pay you to see my • goods and prices before making your purchases. All kinds of Produce taken. Remember the place: Masonic Block, next door to Post Office, Fordwich. -\YTY1\TS.S. More Voting. . Since our last issue there have been two elections for the Commons held in Ontario, and in both instances Conser- vatives have been returned from con- stituencies which were previously strong- ly Reform. In South Perth last Friday, Mr. Trow wasdefeated after a bitter struggle, by Mr. Pridhiim, the Conservative candi- date, by i.majprity of 26. At the general elections last year Mr. Trow's majority wai117. In Moncli,.-on Monday, the Reformers suffered another sad reverse in the de- feat of their candidate, Mr. -Boyle win- ning by the large Majority. of 628. Last March ar. Brown (Ref.) had 266 of a majoilty. The -Governments majority in the House is now made up as follows: Vitae* Conservatives. Oppositionists, • 58 84. _ .„ Quebec 33 32 Neve New Brunswick.. .14 edunibis - 6 Prince Etheurclisland.. 8 Kenitobs. 4 tbirthWest Tirriteries 4 _ - 137 78 This means a majority of 58.0n a, division, the speaker not being included. - Last- session ,the, majority was 28 or 90,theincrease being made upentirely fann constituencies wrested from the Oppositions in the byelections. • It is bard to account for the wave of Con- vatiie • 'victories which have swept the country °date, eicept on the grOund that the 1)e-4*e:refuse to follow the un- rnstricted reciprocity proposition. It is impossible to believe 'that voters are purchasable in such large numbers as would have been necessary to redeem all those constituencies, even, if the government were (as some radical jonrintiliclijna). "out on the market buy- ' '-`10g. "Noripan it be truthfully said that the sway)ng of the Roman Catholic vote -is-responsible, because in potting beoths here this' ota.ss of votes predominates .T?eri Atilt cIntrigee are noticeable since flad.c.,Cpokedgh.lin.L.0, Audi.vi�tl,tOrs'.re, port; be •te+try as last year. family during !!plity," as they called it, with an additional shilling for- each child. The masters, of course, had no reasonable objection to make, They lightheartedly and logically granted. that all work and,no play- would make Jack Collier a black boy, and as aren't of the proposed respite from the gait,– of the pits would only•be to get rid. of all the surface coal at greatly increased prices, and thus benefit them exceed- ingly, they .really cold not condemn the idea. .This looks to be fair enough, but what if outside coal conaes in to compete against the home article t. Should foreign coal once find a market in Eng- land it might be very difficult after- wards to dislodge it, and thus the price for labor be reduced in.. a way not agreeable to the "strikers" who are now willing to "built' the market at the ex- pense of the rich and poor millions who will . be so seriously affected by- the miners'and employers present unpre- cedented combination. Wallace Township Council. The municipal Council of Wallace met inthe Township hall, Gowantown,- on the 21st of February-, ,purstiant toad- journment. All -the Members present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes Of last session were read,-- and on motion aAopted. Bill Of Hart & Co. for Rolle; ▪ Jurors List, Aisessors Guide, Auditors declara- tions, 49.40 ;--Letter from' B. S. -Cook, late Reeve of Howick, re contract'ofi townline ;' Rill of F. Smith for road scraier,19,15 ; W. Bradley forsupplies to indigent, .2.76 ; C."E.' Cougfilin? for gravel, 90.60. .Moved by IL seconded by. A. liennedy.-that the -Reeve . ank Clerk be -authorized to. let the :Contract for Township printing. ---Carried. The Auditors submitted their report Moived by A. Kennedy, seconded by a year ago., Let us hone that the gov:., Moved. by FL Coghhn, seconded by ernmeut so le6sistew4h Wisci°112. Kennedy, that Thos. 0. Anderson be ;Mid prudence that - will Merit the caretaker hall, same enormous support which it hal received. }Ulf it:Million t'en.Stri ke. The felhiwleg-Orders *ere: At#eH sedH, - Hart & CO4-ASOrainent RoUs,eto.49.40; Last Saturday afternoon the :most -,mis..Pierkiip,;;Jitti,74:4$.; F. Siuith,rowl -pkipendous.Nita4ke" on record was in-: $9,45V, jai, .41811,jh, gravel, –,-auguratid,"wM.Ppghtea4ihich*ill-14aee 0145:;%-.(24-_-15.taon,.pa#:tjUS1!eUti 'mot 600;000 oleo eintiloyinent, or vert, *5.Win.:SChuidert °rd stove they expressit themselves, givthem wood:$2;: : h�iiday.---; This_ strike is aiad, furnishing key, . imply an alhance f employe and em repurutg culvert, townlmo, 50c , ▪ Wm ist'Onneltyti:Oletid, -17k vood,.-wi&?78a.lieuch; this !nue prove pi?1,13,56.; nitichnioredisasteeintheemployes Howe, auditors! salary, . xpect. ,k brief ii$iiiiiii,Dethe'•faSs will merville, auditors": salarYi, Towards the.; close Moved by 'a COghlin; seconded , 'by pt tillIfiners*---, Federation,: A. Kennedy, that- - this _ ceucouncilsale_ tit t neube P,Offitl-iir*., as we have telneetion Satund 246th'Max°12' tic!s4tiP' 7506,006 haCanki ;-ttitthinest.e* - and to transact • s . 114 143' busine1447-79F110±- k ceived by the Grand Lodge froth primary lodges in any previous year in its his- tory. , GRAND LODGE onicras. -- .Owen Sound, March 9.—The Grand brikne LOdge of Ontario West -elected these officers to -day: Wm. .Nicholsien, grand master; J. L. Hughes, D. G. -; W. Lockhart, A. D. G. M. ; E. F. Clarke, grand Treasurer; A. Birmizigh,san, grand Secretary ; Rev. William Welch, grand Chaplain; •Charles H. Baillie grand Lecturer; Charles Polling, OED. of C: • -The inanagement of the Orange Mutual Benefit Society was discussed at length and taansfered to the Grand Lodge of British North America. The proceedings of the Grand Lodge came to a close at six o'cloek: °rano- ville was chosen as the next place of 'meeting. , • 44, On and after Tuesday, the 15th inst., civil service employes will have to . pay postage on private correspondance, and persons sending letters to members of the service at Ottawa also must -pay. The farmers in the county Tyrone, Ireland, have sustained severe losses through the heavi' snow storms that hive prevailed there. Thousands of - sheep have periSlied-in-thii: mountains. J H Taman . • rat1mai irekia.cor. HAS Removed to the new building which has been fitted up for him just opposite the Albion Hotel, Gorrie, where prepared to ineethis friends as usual, „and to attend to all or- ders given him. ' is a PzeoTtoAL WonxuAw andhas held positiona of trust in some of the best shops in the Do- minion ; has had a thorough training and experience in the Cutting ..Depart- ment, and will - • GUARANTEE ALL WORK. Cutting i44 • f!,173: p done to Order , - • A Call. SOlieRed. ONT. Se - Money to Loan on -Farm curity at the Lowest rate of Interest. We shall be busy taking stock for the balance of this month. Our discount sale for December succeeded quite equal to our anti- cipations, but while we are taking Stock and prior to getting in new GOODS We shallmakesweeping redcu- tions in DRESS GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, TWEEDS & FURS. We have a few odd lines that we will sell at less than one-half of Wholesale prices. Boots 0 decid ;N. e4t S 11 ft § #4t - IP II II II wing to want of room we have ed to go out of the Boot & rade, and in order to do so 1 sell the balance of our cost. So look out for First4lass - Manitoba Wheat Flout manufactured and always kept in Stia, and sold rn any quantities. riouR per cwt tr 25 bo *250 pertn, t400 $1301r114.4.4./lee ticCr. - 10 -011 eektatiesionlermAck otusaimg) *kakis done on,: the„IshOrtesi - I:D exchange • for goods. - 200 cords good. -hard wood, will aa limited quantity of Cord d. • .'Highest.- Market prices will be 3 -- FROM '1 DOWN -F-4 There wer at the Wingl February. An old Li suicided at 1 • the 8rd inst. with a shotg Messrs W Kenzie and - have reeent,1 the Peace. Inspector in East Wad la !grippe. There are Bluevale. The Presb • very success - last, realizin Turnberry tenders for over the Ma Maitland on Tuesdal Woman's F also met at date. The mot of West Hu] last, before in reducing ity by nine, at sixteen. The Clint " practigt lar them up in has already 4•,t that th4 _ that wadd /lio the report for 1891, j issued in E •81; West I] were issued, in174. T Huron recel the license South Huro those in W ference bet first being of towns in were : Ravi *230; Wee niittals for4 only 5, agai roTohdes t 0 eS tkr mateliditetocr Wtio pointe. The Pert, in the cour Justice Ar cases were County • bridge, awJ E. M. Alex annual me Lodge at C Mr. gam' the e. hetracttoof a heavy p McCaffrey the niisfor slip and L P.R., repo - Wallace, 4G-allCamp_ - 41, of Treesbank • IJLerhntoSIII::171 Virden ; mBayne,y7. ciuro Sparrow,erabeiair-tyn e Ha S ; • gliFewrgun'son, a. Hen Paul, rffects — Manitoba _ iereiL 'day ▪ whileot • beacan Y a e Mr. Wu -4 - and gni*: 'wiped vvi -f:Plge°1ric • t4biii 4"-