HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-10, Page 8Belmore. Mr. W. McBride met with a bad acci- dent last Friday afternoonwhile cutting wood in Mr. Lowry's bush. As he was splitting a block the axe glansed and cut through the boot and deeply into his foot. It will be some time before he will be able to be around again. Mr. Jas. Hamilton sold his fine black team to Mr. Hooey last Friday. They are for the Manitoba market. Mr. C. Baker left for Manitoba, via Chicago, last Friday with Mr. Hooey who took over one of the finest car -loads of horses that has ever been shipped from these parts. The grist mill here still does a rushing business. Mr. Conday, one of the first settlers around here is visiting friends in this vicinity. Wroxeter. Lakelet.. The saw rpi11 started to run to -day. There are a Iota logs in and ' a steady 'run is expected. Mr. W. A. Cook has moved his stock and tools to a part of Mr. Carleton's blacksmith shop-, Jas. Horton having bought his old stand. The examination of pupils in S. S. No. 2 will takeplace on the 18th. A concert will be held in the evening which, if like its predecessors,- will be _a; grand success. Mr. Darroch, the teacher is the right man in the right place. C. Horton's blood trotter is again in good trim for the roads. MARKET REPORT, Tuesday, Mar. 8th, 1892. [Corected for the GAZETTE by R. Black, Miller.] Fall wheat $0 87 to $0 88 bu. Spring wheat. 87 90 Oats 60ss 660 . Peas • 40 50 Barley ted a Mr. D. Scott, of Gorrie, has aceep position at Sanders' harness shop in this village. Council meets next Tuesday evenings Miss Smith, milliner at J. W. Sander - son's is in Toronto at present attending the openings. The other day a couple of farmers met at tle_Greenlaw Mills, Wroxeter, to get work done, whose homes. were over 20 miles apart. They were attracted by the advertising and the excellent work turned out by Mr. Black. Mrs. Ann Thompson, sister of the late Wm. Porteous, was stricken with par- alysis last Saturday. As the old lady is 85 years of age, not much hopes of her recovery are entertained. Mr, Mills Hazlewood, of Clifford, visited friends and relatives here over Saturday last. Mr. Archie Houston, of Teeswater, spent Sabbath last with Mr. W. M. Iiobinson in this place. Grand -Master J. Ross Robinson de- Jivered a masonic lecture before a large .umber of the Brethern on Monday -morning last. He left here for Clifford immediately afterward in order to catch ,s, train for Southam*on that evening. Glenannan. - Mr. G. H. Blackwell, county organizer I. O. G. T, instituted a lodge of_ Good Templars here on Tuesday evening of last week., The lodge commences with a membership of 25, and is officered for the first quarter as follows: W. C. T.—Wm. Hastings. V. T.—Miss Bella Anderson. Chap.--Jno. Hastings. Sec.—Miss Clara Fortune. Treas.—Miss Maggie Scott. F. S.—Geo. Fortune. Marshal—Robt. Lewis. A. Sec.—Fred Lewis. D. M.—Miss Breen. Messrs. Brockenshire and Elliott, of Wingham, were present and assisted in the organization. Meetinge are to be held weekly, for the present in the church. - - Mr. John W. Green has rented the McBrayne farm and intends to settle down here. sumption, of their uncle Myles Young, formerly of this placer .` A box social will be held at the resi- dence of Mr. T. B..Carleto# on Tues- day evening, March 15th, commencing at 7 o'clock, p. m. A. pleasant time is ex- pected. _ Proceeds in aid of chiirchfund. Mr. Alex. Sangster started this morn- ing for the prairie country, Manitoba. He will be gone about a month. An accident which will probably ter- minate fatally, happened er-minatefatally,happened last week on the 155th con. Mr. Armstrong, an aged man, while stepping out of the door slipped and broke his leg. He has been in very poor health for some time past and owing to -this and his age it will be a serious matter. Messrs. A. W. Halliday and M. Scott were called away to Blyth by a telegram telling _theme of the death; from con- • SLANDER_.AND APOLOGY: An action having been commenced by Alex.: Yule against Adam Bradley, for slander, the following apology has been offered by defendant and accepted by plaintiff. Harriston, Feb.26,1892. Mr. Alex. -Yule, Baker: Dear Sir.—It is alleged that 'have said ou and delivering had and have a man d brad, who had the itch andof s cabs, and that made other slanderous remarks. I now say that 1 have no recollection of having ever uttered or or circulated any such words, but I do not dispute that I did so. The said words aro Wholly untrue. There is and was no foundation for any such statements. • I exceedingly regret that any such words should have been uttered, and I hereby contradict the same and trust that you will accept this apology as the best amends it is in my power to make for the injury and annoyance I may have inadvertantly caused you. Yours truly, (Signed) ADAM BRADLEY. VVitneasea (C. E. IRVINE. 1 W. W. CUTTON. ;o: We have bought a large quantity of Sugar at very low prices and will there- fore give our 0 -us -burners the advantage of this purchase. Our spring Dress Goods,. Prints, Satteen, tweeds, have arrived and they are dandies. Come in and see ,us and price our sugars. (Sz d . Redgratve. Dame Rumor says that there is going 'to be a wediline in this place this week. Mx Hobert -Campbell, of. Plumb Creek, • -Manitoba,bet formerly of: this neighbor- hood, started on Tuesday of this week Jet his home in Manitoba, with a car- load of horses, and there is no doubt that per fair sex will miss him. Mr. Samuel Stockton had a very suc- cessful wood bee on, Wednesday of last week. A very large pile of wood was cut and the boys and girls spent a very en- joyable time in the evening. Mr. L. A. Mason had the misfortune to lose a -valuable horse one night last week. Strange to say the horse appeared all right in the evening when Mr. Mason saw him but died 'during the night. The members of Redgrave I. O. G. T. intend going to the Second ling of How - ick to help organize a Dodge there, Tuesday evening next, Mr. Christopher Erasman, who has been absent for the winter months, has taken up Ilii residence here again. Mr. Samuel Johnston has fully re- - covered from the grip. . We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm. -Brown is -lying very ill at present. We hope she will soon be restored .to good health again. has d' • farm to Lmn sol his Mr. -Janes _ . . Usskett, of Greenbush, 1Or a hand - Mane retire -His >3olne f and is going -sale. which _tom place -on- Friday last was attended 1* a nu nnber. of people. Published every Thursday --AT— Gorrie, Ont. The Newsiest Local Paper in North Huron. A splendid staff of able cor- respondents in every :part of this section. WHERE DO YOU Half the people of our County don't know the position of one To another. They can now overcome this difficulty by- consultin ateco(iplm, Wit MAP p from e. OF THE , ' c O iS i `r 'Y O II 11 W. 0 1NT, Which -has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which makes it very distinct and effective. TI-ir; SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, TH s. FARMER NEEDS ONE, THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE, PRICE, $3.50. The most Suitable Holiday Present for Your Distant Friend ! It gives him all the news from his old - home.• . It tells him more home news than a private letter would. It loads him up with home news every - week, and - - It is cheaper than letter postage, being ON L Special AnnounCemeflt. $1 Per YEAR Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am -in a better position. to do the undertaking of this community than before, and owing to reductions in the wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag- nificent Hearse free, that is to say my charges will be no more and in some cases less than before. . Tlo eiectito in 804th Perth J. R. WILLIAMS, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Member of Ontario School of Embalming. or loss than 2c. a week. fob Peiniir? We have a. splendid printing outfit, including -the very latest faces -of type, the most modern appliances, Geriral. tort (Opposite Brown's Hotel,) Regent House, - Ford Ver anything in the;line of Clothing,Il�eSS Goods, Flannels, COTTONS, ETC., ETC. The finest article in the line of wich. Published by W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Ont., Booksellers and Stationers School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and our traveler will call on you. Fast Jo Presses:a :Linens, :o: Fine PoPet p :o: We: ,e u-; out Wedding Cards, Calling Cards, --Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Blank Headings, Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, . circulars, Hand -Bills, Posters, Streatners, or anything in the printing line in the neatest style_ - of the art, and , On the most reason- able Terris . RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, ETC,` De a incus is well stocked with_full ahelveu in This F Ye line e groceries � l© 1 ce� es E ME. CALL AND SE NO TROUBLE TO SHOW_ GOODS. I'fQduce _taken in Exchange; `I'II�T STOkh, Worth a end 8 of 8 the Leecb. Block,) EstmatBsFurilish J. W. _GREEN GOJFLor��. A FINE LINE OF PJRLL1R, BI5X, aqdGO[1K Stox/es, JUST RECEIVED. :0: Special Value in Cook Stoves. Special Value in Heaters. Special Value in Drums. Special Value in Cutlery. :o: TLTb'e 1`ruRE IN Every Variety. Ease Tc�gkin :o: A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDES and SHEEP SKINS. of every description, on HAND and made .to ORDER Repairing of all kinds promptly done. A THE GREATEST OF THEM.ALL IS THE NEW PREMIUM Given to every snbseribor. new or old. of TIRE IS i.i KL!- EMPIRE FOR 189=. Thousands err do: lai s have been spent, in its preparatd.n. Its rtnN-ess is fulls assured• it is a highly s-t,}ned souvenir okaf di ahre egvreeraknspt wsswteinaaaniadn ti.aKeco7 This been:if- Memorial Album cesttaitss Ori ▪ full -'age illostr,,tions o1 hucrestittg tier -nos in .� r .i + - o-1 connection with that history of Stir .h.h=i. sod `\ •:'\ a presents to t ho thousands r 1 admirers of nor situ \ � t�, ti chief many nlw and valuable portxaitnres. 1' 1�:`r READ TUE LIST. ,• � + Full-page -Portraits of Sir John tats! ,r -{Jr • Baroness li:cdonaid ; Eirlispl*ee of sir l\\� Jcbn in t.l:csstiow ; Portrait o: Sir .solus v• ben a young snap ; Portrait of Sir John's -Mother. the only one ever published; The • Uomesteod at Munition. oeenpted by air John during the Rebelilos of ISSi t Iarrnscliff..'Sir John's Residence at Ottawa; Enterior of Senate Cha-.iber. et:atm. st=ow. le.t =t. 1•i -ril e: Boit•,- :and Body LYin_ In S n.r 1 ♦ erto. View -If houses- or Partin• e!t'tat. t.i,b c crnt )'a'e,'••sums forntiva 'n ▪ y +p .4.1,,,.: `.sir ;r•, . u a 3t: is a '1a sera :lies tt. 3 8, .t's la F:ta.era1'!'o• •....•:•cstzs • `n°: t frit t'ii.r 7l:atL .-.�t- t u afir:.iir.i ; n ri.,,trr in- no is .y:.i.-•:er'11 ' . J,pr .;6903'7 t.ed" e•^gsb4' . K.n:,'.>a - a::ri b.<sy i t elate t Grow at i'a:nra t►U ileum• • tes'v, with Floral T3•iis+i:es f1'oe his 'rheass- an"iA of FotIDteera : View of We•stteiilT-e.40r Abbey. in which the Memorial serWta5i n: t r t tv i !x n b: '•c•� or R'e.tTsei!laSer; ><'lrts• of .'t.. 1et!•a fat8tr ra . t :drAl. laeid-; iuteriDr 61. • C'atb . ..•.-. W7s• St. ail x . r or *"Er 1' >< :.r i ;iaf Tablet t. iii t;.. 6 te.: tD Sir .lull t'a :ie° . v - . n I'•t,,: g ,+vol 0 On h rrc -•,-Ani.+d- paper. and tittably All the •• vi..iL 1' file limit e r _ 5ij1t b. o n RLL ii:an,pa'I d a,ari "'?n•ta ld,.�nrhr4. zip s,ifor t.i•r; ,,r;;aT}-e,:�rMc+ss'o lit• grin»;. Se dabla orniunent. on Uc '1•ir n=• li„n; Send in gnus orders :::ta•; � n•+� ,n re\i 11�L:.lit_. sutd•bt:t i -iii,;.. ii&'i:i�t.i .iSZPi:RB for on. year and this RliiAiO.'atA3 Jl:yL.•i. = : �lety subscribers wii- rr sive THE WEEKLY Eerier: free for balance of this -s= . -ry •• .Q' VOL. I. J. A. TUCI M MBER pf College of Leon, Ont. - JAMES ARh Veterinary G ri RADUATE of Onta and registered mem ary. Association. Ra' Residence : Next to Methodi ALBERT STREET, JAS. McLA ISSUER. OF MARRIAE witnesses required. Office:—At my Resident MISS O'C BEGI87T r&iOHER OF PIANO, Also oil Painting. Residence—Methodist I MISS GR (Late of DREGS AND MAI`TL1 Lice. wanted. Roo Ston. ENN1 OTOG OR ORTI OLKE 8. T. FE ;aetil>A Capillary Abri Hirs sir No Thrashing . Come in and sit dot V' ot1_'rE la' `i rromo®t FITTED HU-NCARI -PRO+ FIRST-01J� —F MPNITOE Highest Pric Chopping Dons. ROBE lea' IBJ FRAM 'LT LYING bought of ” ly wed on b pard ts furnish the I SewS iltl�Ra.�Ef, � iIEAI . WWI Having bad eonsiden DM 1 feel sonfideat ; hot Est &Reared free d u, Wed id y aron il eatery Tuesday and F Nigkast sash price •