HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-03-10, Page 3nen test awn become an- ain•s terra who maks and they f that city the policy tle strictea the Buffals al cry, be. f a few Ce. [amen were gling, and itrymen u remain is ed on right y there art nths since nisfortene. man named sing about tial friend t their con- ithout de - at answer. f intimated cgs. se smuggl- Butfalo ?" [mediately 1d that it been taken ice. His 7".y to hear couple of [to China- ;ake them e have not at. I know e Flowery go that a 10,000,000 a a. great 1 island in s said to .'ork ; but iss pian of made the an inter- ipany can ging it up .national ies about e Pacific. he island pany has —is about .,z. Both claim it. it was t control ,pened to to lease r Govern- dered by of own- . g on the he other W hen -11 be fit - gambling e Monte line of between he idea abolish- ople will money in as a new iseo 400 ide. At tic Rail - n dollar at enter- fornia's e of sar- ense of a e, a good a jewel, of mind r great, seem to .ether a, r:tinate ; ses any eavenly fitted to above it n in the govern - the dies gins in he more re he is to eeon- om Pari rs from urrenee d eville, n buried dhad Monday d. The mining e burial Whilst edigger . formed pres- e earth ound to nt that _ • antic became • snffo- gone t ; were off in in s dead. est. • that bout)— I have have I y•" y round F:ne that G1lIf31 HODG�9' . • The brok ofd Igaiads Ia markable among the books opthe.Bible tor -its interest and its valr+t. lire Bible is made tip of a con- siderable umber of books, some in p+ se and sore* in poetry, some history, some pro- verbs, some letters and some sermons. The book of Isaiah belongs among the sermons. The word prophet, we ought to keep in mind, means preacher. You can find an- oth6z': amfon in the di:etimizrr� >itd inrcorter inonfonire tion. the conjnnctiorrof Vanua - and iu§-' and Jupiter -is Metnavv givi,ngeechpetion tri what we are: accustomed to c l:nowadag s the exercise of prophecy. Prof. Totten, of Yale University, is a prophet. But this use of the word is quite a recent definition. The idea of. prediction has. been prominent in this old would onlysince some time ,iu fast `century. fn the days -whet Jeremy Tayloerwte-in ,defense of the 9' Liberty of -Propheiseeng,"•everybody understood. that. he ,was advocating- tits principle of free schhE:. - In the bible,. the prophet is a preacher-' We niay reed ie -good- many of the:writinge of the Old Testament '°prophets"yithout discovering any prediction at all. The prop - thee, is not a -fore -'teller, bpi a fore: )ler. He eia"the man who speakes for`God. And that' t'tl e'basinese of" every preacher- even tab: day. Thus God appointed Aaron, we read, to be the prophet of Moses. That is, he was to speak for Moses, he was to carry Moses' messages. .Isaiah , west preacher _r the book of Isaiah_. is a.iiook of ese nous. ` I want to say sonithing this morning about this prophet and his book about the preach- er and his sermons. I will begin with the preacher. Concerning the personal life of Isaiah we know little. The first verse of his book, which is a heading added by the men who gathered these sermons together sod fB1 volume, tells us that he lived in thettAs bf` Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. This means the eighth century before Christ. The eighth century before Christ was that day of national trouble among the little provinces of Palestine which saw the destruction of the Northern Ki• &o -fly the armies -of Assyria, and the fear of angels of the..Sbutheral K ntdotii before the same great enemy. Amos and Hosea were the great preachers in Israel during the youth of Isaiah. Isaiah preached in Judah. Isaiah was a man of education, culture and evident literary gifts. He belonged to a funa4y o 1ugli E�oolai position in the j�aariEto.- *antic t rciea: of the capital, Hee belong- ed in Jerusalem, and was m'naFa aboutthe'coitr , and was a personal friend of the greatest of the Jewish sovereigns of his lifetime, King Hezekiah. Isaiah, like St. Peter, was a married than. He had two sons. Is tiali's wife was called the prophetess, probably be- cause she helped her husband in his work by her sympathy, by her wise advice. Nobody knows how much of the family history of Isaiah is hidden away under that ancient_ title. There is°no record of the indebted- ness of Isaiah, and through him of all the religious world, to Isaiah's excellent wife. Perhaps he read to her the notes of these great sermons. Some of the critics, who are so much interested in making out that near- ly every chapter in the Old Testament was written by two or three different persons, may some day discover for us how many good things in Isaiah's sermons are due to the sug- gestions of his wife. Isaiah'.•, two sons had quite remarkable names. The Old Testament names have many of them a queer sound in our ears. Fathers and mothers do not often resort nowadays to the first five chapters of the First Book of Chronicles to get names for their children. $t#1t i aiah's boys..were burdened with nai*es which even in. hose side thelthronaaJnaieltl floated in the air choirs Of ante .ria beings with the wings which. ever since have had place in 'the pictures, expect that each of these had six wings, covering cher faces and their feet and spread for flighty enibiems. of rev-' rence, of;.hunnlity.:andaof prompt obedi- ence. Isaiah heard the angels singing, now one choir and now the other, answering each other in melodious strophe and anti - strophe, saying the words that are uttered: still in one of the supreme moments of the; greatest of our Christian services of adore - tient the holy gto-aeamMAtais, t'<, Roly holy,; holy, Lerd=-Go of pests,' eaven Vend earth are full of thy.glory.4_ ' Andthen the? hole great.Eeiirple_seemedd to reel and shake, and a great mysterious cloud of smoke, as of the incense of the prayers of Heaven, descended upon it. And Isaiah, standing by the,_ door, cried, " woe is meerfor1 have stsesistheKittgethe Lord of oats ; 'and Fans •a pian of unclean lips." And one: of the angelic beings.taking a coal from the flaruingaalteietbitehed_hie Ups( in token of forgiveness and of cleansing. And there came a •voi^_eeerying, morn shall _ I send, and who will go for us ? Anil 1 aiah answered, °'aHere nut Io send pie e" Thus his work began.' - • - Isaiah may be thought of as a statesman, as a reformer,as a theaologian.,., rt is = potable that ihe::firstthin ~wIneh titin w6nderful e€fminesstoned preaelfei .,.did An Interlude with Which the Piano had ,- r Nothing to Do. :.'�-, racie you—you don't think I come here too often, do you ?" was the anxious in - q icy of the ingenious, open-faced young man whostood leaningagainst the piano. " Certainly not, Frank," said the young lady sitting on the piano-stooL Lum-ti-tum-ti-tum-tum. R-r-r-r-r-r•tum- tum. Which the sagacious reader will un- derstand to be an interlude on the part of the piano. " I didn't know," pursued the young man reflectively, " but I had been overdoing it." R -r -r -r -rum -tum. Lum-ti-tum-ti-tum-tum•', R -r -r -r -rum -tum. " What made you think, so, Frank ?" " Why, it was the stipulation, you know, when you gave me the—the cold shake that I should come to see you occasionally as a friend, so as not to break off too sudden and get people to talking. Wasn't it ?'-' Lum-ti-tum tum. Piili-wills-Willi-wills• wills -wills. Ker -chug. Ker -chug. R -r -r -rum• tum. " Yes, I believe that was the understand - ")That's what I've been doing you know, Gracie. I've been coming occasionally. Once or twice a week is occasionally, isn't it ?" " Yes, I suppose you could call Use." " But when a fellow gets to coming three " or four times a week you know, it looks as was to go into politics. Isaiah was first of if he were getting off the occasional basis and trying to make a new deal. That's all a politician- He was a religious pouts- i „ cian. Isaiah made no separation in his what's worrying me. ilia ahs b eeli,th ch air) the State. " I wouidn t—r-r-r-rum-tum. Ker -chug lailitisottlikele die cater surer any let such a. thing as that—]um-ti tum-tum— inatitution as an institution whether: civil ;worry tree. or ecclesiastical. Isaia'lirsin erect w -as alto- it "it's all right, of course, to go on being gether in the people. His 1`iig`heatdesire friends, Gracie, hut it's going to take a long was to have the land full of good [nen and men. , tinte.tO break it to 'ezn gently if this occa- sional business gets any more—hem—occa- w Thus he concerned himself in whatever sional than it is now. And it'll be pretty ,concernedtjiem. And the chief concerns tough nu me to make it any less occasional. off s ti were o � ", ,4t cf n Lum•ti-ti-tum. Ruurtum. -Great., measures wP -t ti ct, at Some day, of course, 111 have to quit. perils impending. From the Eassttt the s- It'lias-been a pretty long time now since I syrian was every day getting a little closer have bored you, Gracie, with a word about to the West. In the NorthSyria and love—' Ephraim were allied against Judah. The `Alone time ?" exclaimed Gracie, pen - people were terribly afraid of Syria and sively. `'It's been an eternity, Frank !" Ephraim and were determined to ask the}- Yuen ! Vum ! Yum-yum ! Yum-yuni! koweve •, had stand to be an interlude with which the alliance" of- esyria. .Isaiah wits opposed to • Whichthe sagiciona reader will uuder- 'tliat. alliance. �,The;'people> their way. But no sooner had they allied piano had nothing whatever to do. themselves to Assyria than they repau ted : * * * * * * * and wished instead to join hands with And Frank is to go to see Miss Gracie one Egypt. !day next week with a regularly ordained Isaiah was all the time on the side of na- tionalminister, a new black suit and a marriage independence. These were great ]iceuse- gizsi`iiobs _'i'fletipreme need of the time, as indeed of every time, was a wise man and•a good man who could look at these critical questions from the religious point of view—that is to say, from the point of with which ladies may use the liquid view of deep and eternal principles. Isaiah fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all con - was that man. He saw no end of abuses, ditions make it their favorite remedy. It political and socias And he was conscious is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gen- of his own personal responsibility. He felt I tle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, that he had no right to stand by and see liver and bowels. these things go on. St. Paul, who was•a good judge of -relig- ious audacity, says' that Isaiah was very Too Nervous. bold. He was indeed. The boldest thing that a man can do is to denounce the sins of his own class. It is easy for the poor to re- vile the rich. The poor man who abuses the rich wins popularity among his peers, But when a rich man speaks his mind, and opposes himself to the opinion of his asso- ciates, he becomes a candidate for all sorts of martyrdom. Social ties, companionship, business association, shut men's mouths. This man stood in the midst of the court, a rich man, a man of social standing, a lay- man, ayman, too, with no allowance forprofessional zeal possible in his case, and spoke his mind about the iniquities of priest and prince. This is a man worth knowing. I want to introduce some of my-newspapeingre- gation to the prophet, Isaiah,whom 11160, The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety daystinuestehaes seei#ied grotesque, angular .they have perhaps heard, liut whom I and `aw are? i.n the, mouth. Onewas :am sure they do not knc r. br , good named S11Year,as]iub1, the other was Maher- man, a patriot, a hero,_ n�•lt tail tie e'writer ash baa e, T.hese names, we find, had of one of the sma1L uun ergot a i mely gtt� was advantageewhioh , mat' books of the torLd l4 n of many of the old names had over our modern action, whose splendicrexampl ou-•''t stili ones—they meant something. And the to be an i,ispiration to us. So we come to meanings of these names had an intimate the book. There are 66 chapters in this connection with the truths which Isaiah was book. They fall into two quite distinct preaching. divisions. The first chapter of the second Thus Shear-jashubmeans "a remnant will part is number 40. These two divisions remain." That, we will see presently, was are so different that a good many scholars one of the most notable of the doctrines think the' were written by quite different of Isaiah. Maher-shalal-hash-baz, . means men. Of the 39 chaptersof the first part '-',speedy prey, swift spoil: e That was what there inky be' made a 'three=fold division. ,Isaiah said when the politicians • of Judah In tiie first division; 12 chapters ; in the "T refused'to-fo-11 his advice Concerning the : aeeonsl,.15 ; its the third,:12 .again. The foreign re:ations_ of the thr ernment. He first and third 'divisions ares' coiiseeutive declared -that the :,kingdom ¶ould speedily :prophecies ; that is,, connected sermons. die deetre�red. _ = .- .The middle; divisitasiii made Up iso) ted Thus Isaiab's boys had_aames theta were, pophecies, single sermons. The single andenseel seirmons- That shows how deep' sermons begintwith the thirteenth chapter the. prophet and the prophetess had their and end with the twenty-seventh. Theyv hearts in the great week. :they never tried are chiefly taken up with the affairs of other to get away from it, even in their hoine, nations. never shut the door upon it. It was the The whole world was of bitterest to Isaiah. whole of their life. Every interest they There was nothing narrow.';od >parochial had, even their children, was wrapped up about him. Babylon aud'oEgypt, Moab and included in this deepest and widest in- and Edom, Arabia and Tyre, had their terest, their interest in the church and in places in his sermons. The God whom the state. They gave their whole life to Isaiah believed in was the ruler of the their country. round earth, all the movements of the na- It is likely that Isaiah continued preach- tions were in_the ordering of his wide pro- ing 40 years 'Ii`e' nt ears in parr •videace. The conseca ive sermons of the ish. He wats,•praliablyr about 70 When he first; twelve.-chapters� begin with an are died. His death, according to old traditions, �raigatnentif tl Jewish nation for their poi - was by martyrdom in the reign of the bad itical transgressions. Then follow the ques- King Manasseh, when he is reported to have tions which rose out of -the war with Syria been sawn asunder with a wooden sword. and Ephraim. The consecutive prophecies .The call of Isaiah, the beginning of his of the third part deal with the invasion of hliniictry, is described in. :chapter which, .Serinachprib How far away -these old for some reason `whreh no'tne knows now, narnesLsot;nd 1.-> Andyet human usiture has is numbered in, the book not one, but sixa' not changed much. The cLuesiions that I'n' the sixth 'oi apter ^of Isaiah:. we learn Isaiah met are even: to -day conung,np again t , what it`waa that made this mama minister. for answer. It ought not'to-'be kagether It was.inot because he had tried twd orthree warsaed.time, .ii we go back yit1 `#sur. tisin- a.vocations and had not''succeededeery well teresf�d°anrl iiapreJiidice`d mutdsl� udy in`ani Of totem, that-4ie e�pu-ol'uded-to'try tllU they, ,; ;deride' pr cession 'Natter' =i a'ss''if on an- u. ' fe . ' 3' i :ount of the persuasion of his friends. Nor was it even in consequence of a deliberate 'site Fools slot alfl8ai8t decision made at the end of a serious en- Even a blind man can see that more clear- leaver to discover his duty. This man was ly than daylight, or else why should so many sailed to God. At ]east that is what he said continue to use ill smelling, oily, and ofte r. himself, who ought to know. useless preparations for the relief of pain, The prophets, indeed, are all unanimous when a preparation just as cheap, elegant, In the assertion that God called those. They IN powerful and penetrating as Nerviline !vera oing on about their ordinar ]business is can be purchased from any dealer in h y, and meho ne a: of :-„edaein. viline cit a .' ' •r in ,.�ixolu d them•4. And tiiiey-oeped, some-, and pains` `�rviline ri se t iplizstlnwillir a 'it-kind 1 f- wwoa-k,odisiiint pliedde ernaify ubdu t arnL tli' lie y R sheet vise and prudent man will preserve a dis deet silence. They were somehow impelled nto this ministry by some sort of influence romwithout. They were stopped, and sddny turned ,bout, and sent 46.a n age s ixsni Go(.. I'henceforth they wbrdg ttieys/Seek are Was* vords, " Thus saith the Lord" iwthe pre - ace to their sermon. There is something iotable in this constant affirmation of the 1d preachers that God called them. z . hes that ing Uzziah died, Iaa• ,le lvik He seemed in a dream 4 gl?e, only the tomp1 hundred times greater and fairer than he inti. ever seen it "fore. In the place of he mercy seat a ge .t throne was set up, ltd upon this throne sat One hidden by the t le folds of .' is i=mperial vestments. Be- p$ase,iii 3 rte. tee ese Farmer's Boy—” There's goin' to be a minstrel show m Pinkertown next week: Can I—" Old Hayseed—" Gee Whittaker ! It,ain_'t a montlessenee you went to th' top of lite. bill to see tt1 'chpse of th' moon. D'yuh watite. v ibe aaways on th' go ?" Kitchen Mai (to Irish valet, who /MS just returned froth Italy with his master)- "Tell me, Pat, what is the lava I hear the master talking so much about ?" Irish m (facetiousli -'Onl a drop of the crater, 1SctI _ • o`asp ordPip_ `4 Oh, faithful pipe, untoward is thy fate : Full oft -debased are offspring of the great"; Yet still thy old age must it sadly fret That thou art grandma to the cigarette hes us e ap- ntense Golightly-" Girls make me weary !" Quidnunc—" Why ; what's the matter ?" Golightly—" They're so nervous and ex- citable." Quidnunc—" How do you mean ?" Golightly Why, I was engaged to a girl awhile ago, and the night before the wedding I went around and told her I guessed we'd better let it drop ; and hang me if the girl didn't get positively fidgety t' Jolly Good Health. Was born near the famous White Sulpher Springs, Virginia. In my experience of 40 years found these and other mineral waters to possess many good qualities, but among all found St. Leon the most powerful to regulate the system and promote jolly good health and pleasant feelings. St. Leon is really charming. J.H. GILL, Smith's Ready Reminder, Toronto. The only way to get a hen out of the garden is to go slow but shoo'er. It never fails. Adams' Wild Cherry and Licorice Tutti Frutti for a cough or cold. Sold by all druggists and confectioners ; 5 cents. A man full of spirits is not naturally given to sober reflection. Mothers, are, your daughters pale or sal- low ? Remember that the period when they are budding into womanhood is most criti- cal ; fortify their system for the change with Dr. William's Pink Pills, unsurpassed for the speedy cure of all troubles peculiar to fe- males. A trial of a single box will convince you. Beware of imitations and take no substitute. A knotty problem—the highest possible speed for ocean vessels. GIBBONS' Fsale by D�gistts Price 15c GUM A. P. 595 MLICH BETTER, Thank You! THIS ZS THE UNIVERSAL TESTI- MOL'Yof those who have suffered from. CIIRONIC BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, OR ANY FORM OF WAST- ING DISEASES, after they have tried SCOTT'S ULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES —Of Lime and Soda.— I2' 18 ALaf0ST AS PALATABLE AS MILS. IT IS A WONDERFUL FLESH PRODUCER. It is used and endorsed "by Physicians. Avoid all imitations or substitutions. Sold by all Druggists at 80c. and $1.00. SCUTT 130 fl E, Belleville. Multum in Parvo, Because a thing is small in size Think not 'twill pay to scorn it; Some insects have a larger waist, But lift less than the hornet. Some people may, perhaps, scorn, on ac- count of their diminutiveness, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. But a trial of them con- vinces the most scornful skeptic, that they will cure constipation, dyspepsia, sick and bilious headache, quicker and surer than their large waisted competitors, the old-style pill. The parcel clerk gives the business wrap - ed attention. The Queen Pawned Her Jewels. Queen Isabella of Spain, pawned her jewels to raise money to fit out the expedi- tion that discovered the new world. Her sacrifice was not greater than is made by many women of America, who deny them- selves many things in order to have money to buy Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery for their sick husbands or children, This " Discovery " is more important to them, than the one made in I492. For all diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Throat, or Stomach, the " Discovery " is a sovereign remedy. A trail convinces, its continued use cures. It purifies the blood, invigorates the liver and strengthens and builds up the whole sys- tem. Guaranteed to benefit or cure in every case, or money paid for it returned. Every man is sometimes a bait on some other man's hook. Not the Rizht Word. "No," said Bertha sadly, "':pain' doesn't TA EATON Co (LIMITED.) TORONTO, FEBRUARY. Merchandise of every class that goes well together, for all sorts of people, of every use and taste. That's a short and easy way to tell of the merchandise of such a store as this. It differs from the ordinary store in that it is big enough to deal in most everything that people need; it can buy of the maker, use experts in every sort of gcods, provide the means of doing everything quickly, easily, cheaply, well— in a word—it has what the people want, and sells as they want to buy, Such a store—chosen by people from all over the coun- can try because it serves them express what I suffer at these times—it is ' simply ' anguish Y I know I ought to con well, means more than you bring myself to do it. Then, too, ' female diseases ' always seem so indelicate to ire, I can't bear to have any one know or speak of mine." "Yes, dear," answered Edith, "but don't you know youycan be cured without going kn0 Wm drawing the to a physician ," Send to any druggist for gall, fash- a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- I ion from the stuffs even when suit a physician, but I dread it so I can t think. It means getting the best the world over for the money, picking out the best without t ion and take it, and I warrant you'll .feel better in a very few days." The manufacturers warrant the medicine, too. They guarantee it to slo exactly what it claims, viz : to cure leucorrhea, painful irregularities, excessive flowing, prolapsus, inflammation or ulceration of the uterus, and the innumerable other "female weak- nesses." It so strengthens and builds up the uterine system, and nerves, that worn- out and run-down wives and mothers feel re= juvenated after taking it, and they are saved the painful embarrassment and ex- pense of a surgical examination and a tedi- ous, tiresome treatment. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases aro simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle of NASAL BALM. Be warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Sold by all druggists, or sent, post paid, on receipt of price (50 cents and $1) by addressing FULFORD & CO. Brockville. Ont. ROBUST : ',AND - HEALTH Y BEAUTY ENJOYED A.DA1VtS' TUTTI FRUTTI the fashion -prophet misleads ; having a choice for the women who change with every little breath of what's called "style," and suiting every customer, whoever they may be, and! whatever their wants. That's only a hundredth part of the merchandise of such a store! Writing for samples is sim- ! pie enough and we're always glad to send them, but some- tilnes.sonie people don't think. If you want a carpet, a new bonnet or a tooth brush we expect you to buy in person. Lots of merchandise can't be sampled. You can tell us just what it is you do want and the chances are you'd get it right. That's next best thing to not coming at all. " T. EATON CO'Y, (LIMITED) YONGE ST. 190,192,19:,191,198,200. QUEEN ST. 10 and 12 TORONTO. All under One Jtoof. We Want Name and Address of Every ASTHMATIC P. Narold Hayes,Y.D. BUFFALO, N.Y. AGENTS WANTED—For "Out of Darkness into Light, or the story of my Life' by Joseph F. Hess the converted Prize -Fighter and Saloon -Keeper. The- story of his travels Enhancedand the life he led are more thrilling than tit page of fiction. Send for circulars and terms. 1 AVM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto, Ont. ARTIFICIAL UM J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, 77 Northcote Ave., Toronto 5613n. HE GENUINZ KEEP youF‘ J AND gj,� ON THIS THE DOLLAP' KN/T TING MACHINE Ask your sewing machine ag't. for it, or send a .set. stamp': for particulars and prise list. THIS IEGET/ FOB f2. SE1iD' °8' to CRAN BROS.. illl',j'rs., Georgetown, Ont. DIRECT IMPORTER OF Fine Guns, Rifles, Shooting Suits, Hunting Boots, Etc. Loaded Cartridges, Artificial Birds and Traps a Specialty. 8 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. J461TEA°C7 BRANTF®RG MAN d1 FACTU R E� DRY PRESS & PLASTI G BRICK MACHINERY CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS. are the best in the market and have patented improvements not found in any other make, order one from your Carriage Maker. Take no other kind. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. LONDON AND CANADIAN LOAN AND AGENCY CO., LTD 103 Ray Street, Toronto. Capital $5,CO3,000. Money to Loan on improved farms, city and town property on liberal terms of repay ment and AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. MUNI CLPAL DEBENTURES PURCHA,ED. Apply to local appraisers or to J. F. SIRS, Manager. Choice farms for sale in Ont. & Manitoba i�77-7 mArIUF'ACt'R' � Coe4Svr10,, 0,,,_ .ACI�ov �RATcLfitThi WMUFTUFl QA6lRWAcY$ il VN ,rsdrot.gapc ... ---, sicyckEs C4aOHNSOSoUg.0I7GAYDEej-Tns A GCoOODS Ayfs •Y CZ055D yihtert YOU MAY RE'OCAA ASSGEox I!' POR iefS 1 Cis -y.FRANK$.TA4GAR'r aC __,8i KING gr._WEST TORONTO- I Gum 44444444444444444444044440444441444144444 NOW MANY - MILES PER HOUR4 RECOMMENDED BY THE HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES. AIDS DIGESTION, .INVIGORATES THE SYSTEM, STRENGTHENS THE VOICE, IMPROVES THE APPETITE. tar Sold by all Druggists and Confectioners, or Address— - The Tutti Frutti A. V. Co., 60 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont., for Box of assorted samples, which 7vi11 be sent by mail to any address ou receipt of 15 Cents. RONTO BISCUIT CU AND CONFECTIONERY CO J make the best goods. Try them and see. WANTED—By a Canadian House a Man with $5,t 00 to buy an interest in their business, and go to England and take charge, business contollred by then[. P.O. Box 513, Toronto. CARFIELp . TEA cures Constipation, Sick Flomache, restores the Comploxion. Get Free Sample at GARFIELD TEA AGENCY, 317 Church St., Toronto. YES Consumption and all Lanz Troubles has been cured by ARABIAN B4LM It -enriches and Vitalizes the Blood gives new Life and Health. Whole- sale by Evans -.t Co., (Limited.) Montreal. ASTHASTMM /� 1) TAFT'SASTHMALENE ,Va/ii UREDneverfrie trial your address and we will mail free trial bottle. DR. TAFT BROS., ROCHES. c R E E TER,N.Y.Canadian Dept.186 Adelaide(' St. W. TORONTO, CANADA. YOUNG MENLearn to cut—No better ■ trade. Thorough instruc- tion given at TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL, 123 Yonge St. Terms moderate. Write for particulars. ' Also agents for the McDowell Garment Drafting Machine. WATSON'S COUGH DROPS. Are the best in the world for the throat and Chest, for the voice unequalled. B. aft T. W. Stamped on each Drop. Containing a large percent- age of the flour of Oatmeal. It makes and keeps Lady's hands soft and smooth. It cures eczema and all dis- eases of the skin, Be Sure You Get the Genuine. Made by The filbert Toilet Soap .Company. • • A freight train is going east. at the rate of fifteen miles per hour. A rens east on the train at the rate of five miles per hour, and B west at the same rate, How much faster is A going through space than B ? Handsome, costly, and useful prizes will be given in order of merit to the first zoo, middia zoo, and last zoo persons sending correct answer to above question. The least costly prize in this selection is valued at $tz.00. To the person sending the first correct answer received and opened at Tat jousx.u. office, will be awarded a TJ OCTAVES KARN UPRIGHT PIANO . doubled veneered, rosewood finish; it is covered by a seven years° guarantee; net price $340.00. This piano is the same as those used at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and is now on exhibition in the show window of Messrs. Gourlay, Winter & Leeming, i88 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada. Each of the partiessending the middle and last correct answer opened at our office, will receive $teo.ee in cash. A solid gold hunting -case Watch will be given each day during this contest, except the days ea which the piano and the two $zoo.00 cash prizes are awarded, to the person sending first letter with correct answer opened at our office on that day. A valuable prize will be given daily to each person sending 's last correct answer each day. Each answer must be accompanied by sec., (postage stamps of tc., 2e. or sc. denomination mar be forwarded) for a six months trial subscription to EUREKA JoveNa . No letter must bear post mark later than May yth, 2892. Address: EUREKA''JOURNAL, - 19 VICTORIA STREET - TORONTO, CANADA N.B.—Save this notice if yon wish to compete. TrrallgnTI 111 RE YOUthernan we are looking for ? If so, we would urge 'you not to keep PUTTING OFF o mat- ter of so much importance. You will never meet with such another opportim- "r of INSURINC YOUR LIFE as is now presented by us. For full particulars write the Confederation Life, TOront or apply at any of the AGENCIES. 1