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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-02-25, Page 8
I: ordwiCh. MARKET REPORT, Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. Vfleportedfor the GAZETTE by Wilson Bros.) Bed , white wheat8O 5t 82 to $0 88 i® bn. Spri85 Peas " 57 57 " Oats. 47 45 " Barley 690 6 10 Pork Grath's., Finder will be suitably re - Warded. --Eva MCGRATE. LOST. -1n Fordwich, or between there and Gorrie, vii 6th con., a dog -skin mitt. Please return it to the GAZETTE editor. Lakelet. Mr. Smith shot a brace of rabbits on Monday last. They are very plentiful around here. Lakelet : was deserted on Monday, people all being at Mr. J. P. Eaton's sale. Our enterprising townsmen Messrs. Smith, Holladay and Haskett have laid in ice enough to last them for the next season. It is of A No. 1 quality. The sickness in W. A. Cook's family is not through with yet. Mr. Cook and his eldest daughter are still under the doctor's care. Our teacher, Mr. Darroch, intends giving an examination and concert some time soon. Mr. and ° Mrs. Hepinstall who were sway attending the "Grange" meeting ligsdhden are again at home. Mev. J. W. Pring, who has been very M with la grippe, is somewhat better. He hopes to be able to take his work next Sabbath. The services in the Methodist churchcony - ducted on Sunday last were by two local Peter.Rowe in the morning, and Hepin- stall in the evening. The lecture delivered in the Methodist church last Thursday evening by Wni. Smyth, of Harriston, "Ireland and the Irish," was said by those who heard it to be simply grand --one of the finest pieces of eloquence and instruction to which it was ever their privilege to listen. It is a great pity the intelligence of the people does not assert itself in such fes t matters and crowd the building to on the dainties provided. Those who failed to hear it (if able) did their in- tellectual nature great injustice. Dr. T. C. Spence, of this village hal seta his place and business to Dr. Arm- strong Spence, of Mono Road, brother of John W. Spence, miller at Newbridge, and intends leaving in a few weeks for Prince Albert, N.W.T. While regret- ting that we are to lose the genial Dr. it is it'pleasnre to know that his business will be resigned to the care of a young gentleman who is so well and popularly known here. We understand too, that Dr. Spence has sold out the hardware buboes to Mr. Richard Darby, of this place and his brother, Mr. Darby, of Woodstock. -Mrs. Hogarth is said to be very ill, not expected to live. fieneral regret is felt at the prospec- tive removal of Rev. T. A. Wright. as incumbent of Trinity church, here, By his broad liberalviews of Christian unity and his brotherly courtesy extended to ,ministers and people of other denomina- tions, he has endeared himself, not only to his own, but to all the people. of this place. The prospects are that three new ministers will be stationed in this village during this summer. May they All succeed. The tea -meeting at Mayne eeently held Was a grand success. The provis- ion by the ladies ; speeches by Rev. J. A. and Rev. Mr. Torrance, of Borrie and Thomas Amey, of Listowel ; ,sad the singing by the improvised choir spf the church under the leadership of Mr. T. P. Perry, and with Miss Roe, of Gorrie as organist, were all that could be desired to make the hearts of the large audience ` glad. The house, was crowded, and from the tea and by sub - Sc iptiion over St© Was raised with which to repair the sacred edifice. Mr. Vit, ,A. Edwards, of Fordwich has been awarded the job. We have no doubt of the wisdom of the choice, as he is an ex- cellent workman on the lines hereinnd byAnirffils- suWilliam Ottaweil, ..of Walton, preached excellent sermons there, morn- ing and evening of the Sabbath before the tea -meeting. Big Bargains WHERE DO YOU LIVE ? [Half the people of our County don't know the position of one Township from another. They can now overcome this difficulty by consulting the. seditY • OP VOL. I. JA, TUC MEMBER of College of goons, Ont. Popular Dry Goods, Groceries, and Boots and Shop Store, `47147rosat®r, Oxat. Molesworth. Mr. Peter Stewart has rented his farm t a Mr. Emanuel Armstrong, who is married to one of Mr. Stewart's daugh- ters. Mr. S. has been a hard-working and successful farmer and now that his family has all grown up, and the sons are well-to-do in Manitoba, he richly deserves a long and happy life as et re- tired farmer. Mr. McKee intends erecting a fine brick residence next summer. A good deal of the material is already delivered on the ground. Mr. N. Armstrong has rented his farm to Mr. H. Grainger. .•siip.- Auction Sales. Published every Thursday —AT— Gorre, Ont., We have just received & large consignment Spring goods which we must make room for, and in order to do so, we are prepared to sell our remaining Winter Goods at prices to suit thu .The Newsiest Local Paper in customers. - Men's shirts at 90c. North Huron. Suits of first-class men's underclothing $1.40, Storm Collars, Muffs, and Ladies and Gents fur Caps, Clouds, Shawls, Overcoats, Boys' under- clothing, Yarns, Flanisels, Flannelettes, etc., at the lowest possible prices = - On Monday, Feb. 29th, on lot 24, con. 7, Howick, farm stock and implements. John Brown, proprietor. Jos. Cowan, auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 2nd, on lot 12, con. 1, Carrick, farm stock, implements, etc. Also the farm will be offered as the proprietor is moving away. Thos. McMichael, prop. G. A. Barton, auc- tioneer. - FarmWanted to Rent WANTED—To Rent a farm of 75 or 100 acres l V with good buildings and a fair percentag. of tillable land under grass. Address GauETTR OFFICE, Corrie, P. G OF THE C O U i OIC` I-3 1-O $, Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is . four feet - by, five- feet mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which makes it very distinct and effective. • THE SCHOOL SECTION:NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER NEEDS ONE; THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE, Published by W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Booksellers and Stationers PRICE, $3.50. JAMES AR Veterinary GRADUATE of Ontar and registered ineuib sryAssociation. Residence : Next to Methodi ALBERT STREET, A, splendid staff of able cor- respondents in every part of thin section. Our spring goods are of tile: best qlo, alit -y wick wease prepared to offer to our patrons the best goods going, and although we have been earlier than usual, still we do not intend to ehargdiigh- er prices than formerly, but the lowest we have ever offered for the same material and we want yon to come and inspect our goods, feeling as- sured that to see, is to buy. Our newPrints, Sateens, Cashmeres and Hosery are unsurpassed for quality and cheapness.' The most Suitable Holiday Present for Your .Distant Friend ! It gives heli all the news from his old home. It tells him more home news than a private letter would. It loads him up with home news every week, and It is cheaper than letter postage, being COATI.ilar We have also a fine stock of Boots and Shoes, LADIES' HIGH BUT LATE BOOT AT 81.00.- Fine line of Child's Shoes at 75e., running up to No. 10 ; The finest Ladies Kid Buttoned Boots, $2.00 ; Men's fine Lace Boots 81.25, usual price e2.00 ; Good Boys' Boots, ranging up to No. 5, 51.00 We can guarantee the best of value in all lines of boots. We are still giving 25 LBS. SUGAR for. ONE DOLLAR, LIGHTER in color than ever. fEA 4lbs .for $1.00. KEW PRUNES,- RAISINS, CURRANTS, PUREST OE SPICES, CANDIES,_ 10 OTS. -PER LB. EXCELLENT SOAP 6 BARS FOR 25C. BEST PRICE paid for all kinks ..of..PRODUCE. :' w V V �VEE �7� 1 0. JAS. McLA T Sf;CER.. OF 1.I.4itE1A^ witnesses required. Office:—At my Residenc MISS O'C School 'Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for price's` and our traveler will call on you. Joe REGIST TL#CHER OF PIANO. Also Oil Painting Residence—Methodist 1' Sutherland's MISS GR Late of H DRESS AND MANTLE tices Wanted. lloo Store. TIN STO-EH (North end 6 of 6 the 6 Leech 6 ELock,) GO1EA OFT. ENN OTO OR ORT OLKS SI. Per YEAR or leas than 2c. a week. A FINE LINE OF PARLDR, BOX, aqd 0801{ StoVes, J Peiritiq. JUST RECEIVED. We have a splendid printing outfit, including the very latest faces of type, the most modern appliances, :0: Special Value in Cook Stoves. Special Value in Heaters. Special Value, in Drums. Special Value in Cutlery. IA' IA' fro !li $.i.FE `,: )oYi6,1 Capillary Abri Hirst LET' No Threshing MacMeut Axe Come in and sit dot, :o: Fast Job Pressesi SIC 0 NM ILT]R1V1'rU IN -W,very Variety. ire e �a NAT rc of Ro FITTED At the last meeting of the L. 0. L. ,Ftardwith, the following resolution of teondolence was unanimously carried lby _a standing vote : Resolution of Coaolence to Mrs. John Goggin anti family. Moved by Bro. J. W. Pring, seconded • by Bro. Robert Mahood, that we, the members of L.O. L. No. 642, in meeting 'assembled, feel -keenly the great loss we - liaise sustained in the removal by death of one of our most honored and worthy tisratiers, Bro. John Goggin, who for so many years has occupied so prominent a place in, and done so much to promote the interests of our- beloved Christian brotherhodd, from the earthly meeting pf dip brethren to the scenes and ences of the life beyond. And we afifie to place on record our high ap- iisiclition of the many estimable qual- itieS that have -always distinguished hini liisassociationwith his brethren, and = *express our heartfelt sympathy with his widow and their family in their sore liereavement, and pray that the con- solations of. ottr Holy Religion may be iistth,haafed to them by our Heavenly tither, that the heartstrings so rah- lesisly snapped by the iron hand of death, and left bleeding and sore, mai lielealed:- by tte loving Saviour who td-i3ne lias power to sustain in so severe a trial, and that at last they may all be above, Signed, Loss's—On Monday, a -gold rings be - Special Annou.ncement. Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position to do the undertaking of this community than before, and owing to reductions in the wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag- nificent Hearse free, that is to say my charges will be no more and in some cases less than before. J. R. WILLIAMS, :0: Pine Poger Type. E0e Tecbgilin Spgeiiity _We can turn out Wedding Cards, Calling Cards, Bisiness Cards Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Blank Hea.dings, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Member of Ontario School of Embalming. TEA' • rei Dona Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters, or ar!_ything in the printing line, in the neatest style cif the art, and - On the most reason- able Terms. General Store A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDES and SHEEP SKINS. Of every description, on HAND and made to ORDER -}tOpairihg of all kinds promptly done. THE GREATEST OF THEM .ALL IS TEE NEW PREMIUM (Opposite Brown's Hotei,) Regent House, - Fordwich. For anything in the line of Clothing, Dress Goods, Flannels, 'Linens, COTTONS, ETC., ETC. The finest article in the line of RUBBERS, OVERSTiOES, ETC. *-G6 eat, Given to every subscriber, now or old. of TIM Tft F.! KEY EllIPIBE POW 1892. Thousands of dollars have Ulan spent in its preparation. Ito success is fully' &Mitred ; it is a highly valW4, souvenir of the greatest statesman and ther000t honored leader ever known in Canadian hiateelf-. This beaut iful Memorial Album contains 11.5 flail -page illustrations of ,interesting_ mental k connection with the history of Sir John. Mid presents to the thousands of adniirers Mar late chic( many hew and valuable pertraiturtil, READ TEE LIST. Frillspage Portraits of Sir John iiatt John In Ciastrow ; 1`,0•Iralt Of Sir Saba ben a young mon t !PO/41111f Of Sir iiihos's Bother, the °Pity one ever published Vas sir John daring :he //attrition of Wart Ea rune; Sir John's hesidestee at ettaim; Interior of Smote Chamber. Otitivrti. Ow". tug Ihr Board of flonor and Boar -Lititz lin woo ; Exterior View of Winoes -of Parliso ;neut. with funeral rrocessiou foriniltS isrlsre 1:10°I;;12eggt7Iivir aillmt4:1;n:;2771.iiin.x.ri.tat:"Ftsira.eaparlteatirrtt ees:steo-Lottsinfr• Floe View Citrnalls.011100 and Lay *V4 IC ; KraVe rainvinir A pA4a., a, ft,„. 1,,,if.inn; mr tires on h• a Vy inta.aa,14.41 pa per. gait i• tt• ::i.irnI;vvilel7th:e01.NrIly:EINILLAB. and get WEEKLY 1771EIR 41:1001' 7.1 vtiir Grocenes, every hne. This Department is well stocked with full shelves in CALL AN'D SEE ME. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. EstimatesFuripshed GREEN, FRANK AVING 'bought out t ly carried on by pared to furnish the pn ckoi,„-r EMS BEEF, VEAL, AND SAUSAGE A 'faction to all who honor Xeitt delivered free to Oar Meat -wagon goes day, Wednesday ard Sa every Tuesday and Frid - Highest eash price -.8 FR,AN