HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-02-18, Page 8- - • 7 Last- Thursday's itleCtiOnS proved a tatitalde Sedan for the Reformers. Our nelighloor on _:the North—East Binge— folight a bitter contest which mided in the CenservatiVee wresting the emistitu- itiOes away from their opponents and islikeing J Cargill at -the heed of the polls WA majerity of 13_ (or possibly 9.) In the sit other contests which occurred on that day, five Conservatives were elected. Mi Ontario Legislature is now in tesadoltat Toronto, having commenced on Monday. The speech from the Throne haa been received by the House and is under discussion. Mo. 2 White has announced himself as an annexa- tionist lied was promptly repudiated by Mr. Meredith. Dominion government methods have come in for a, fair share of comment, but the members have not yet got down to solid Provincial work. Dominion Grange. A meeting of the Iknninion Grange -was held in Loreloe roe the :9th inst. 'Where were .$5 delegates present and a splendid meeting was held. The officers for the .coming year are as follows: 31ester—Peter Hepinstall, Fordwich. Overeeer-o-Wm. Pranglaw, St.Thomas. bt.-',W)Jkie, Blenheim. Treas.—ere°. good, Sunshine. Lecturer—E. J. Henry,Sombra. Chaplain --Geo; Lethbridge, Glencoe.' Steward—Jas. Skeoch, Corrunna. sia Stewart—J. W. Philp, Whitley. *atekeeper—L, Henry, Sombre. eens.—Si. etimine. Tonions--Sis. Ratter. Flora.—Sis. Robinson. LoA.S.—Sis. Lethbridge. Com.—Henry Glendinning, Maii- ; Jebel Robinson, Middlemarch. Failis, Newbridge; J. K. /Attie, Lambeth. The next meeting is to be held in -70_ront(O—Pont- - ,-.4110 POOP e • The nuptials of another of our respected citizens weecelebrated last Wednes- day at the home of the bride's father, Afr. McBride. The felicitous couple is Mr. Wm. Bridge and Miss McBride. They are spending the honeymoon in =Toronto. _ The L. ft. Y. B. concert which wets to have taken place here last Friday was postponed on aoritiunt of the inclemency .of the weather. Mrs. (Rot.) A. g. gtewart returned from Toronto last week. Yfe ere n4easecl to learn her mother is recovering. •mr.Geo. •Bninnerecenmenciateaching *ere- on Monday. A. Stewart, of Bolton, is visiting hisliiiiither the -Rev. A. C. Stewart. /fr. John Inglis, from Chicago, is 417ilitiag Oki* brethee's Mr, Thos. Inglis. There le' more excitement _over .the :elections in Brace, now than ever. At first it was thought Mr. Cargill was doe - Md. Then at the official count on Sat- iirday Mr. Truax was reported in by Aathey are having a re-count bVir4 to earwhioh wWbe in. Second Line Items. _ ...-- . . - .. . . , ....- _ . . . -- .`...---.''''' '''''" - ' ''''' ' ' '•''': ----..'.',- -:"-;-•.-5-v:i ...- _ --, . •:-.-- .."....- • ` .," - . - -•:.,•""-` --, ' a--:"..--,`••^4 `-'• ''.- ''''-'-'7:: '''' ' '''' trip to Germany where he will see her many friends. As Mr. A isa very highly esteemed young man we with them a pleasant trip. Mr. Alex. Montgomery, Jr. paid Neu- stadt a visit this week. Mr. Robt. Ferguson is very busy at present making preparations for his new house. Mr. John Padfield is going to draw milk next snramer. Mr. John Montgomery paid his friends at a distance a visit lately. Auction Sales. On Friday Feb. 19th, on lot 31, eon. 7, Howiek, farm stock and implements, the chattels of the late John Gibson. W. H. Newton, auctioneer. - On Monday, Feb. 22nd, on lot 21, con. 14, Howiek, farm stock, implements, etc. J. P. Eaton, prop. G. A. Bartom, auc- tioneer. On Wednesday, March 2nd, on lot 12, con. 1, Carrick, farm stock, implements, etc. Also the loom will be offered as the proprietor is moving away. Thos. McMichael, prop. G. A. Barton, auc- tioneer. Fordwioli Planing Mill. READYAGAIN! boy ante6. THE Planing Mill will be ready for work in a few days and I want GOOD LOGS OF ANT LENGTH AND SIZE, HARD OR Sort' WOOD, Dr= LIVERED iT ONCE, for which I will pay the best prices. Builders, Remember THAT the Fordvvich Planing Mill will be ready J. to furnish you with all kinds of House fur- nishings, and is prepared to give estimateand take contracts for all kinds of wood work. L. C. DICK: Big • Bargains W. Lee & Co's Popular Dry Goods, Groceries, and Boots and Shoe Store; NZSTI•c:satceettteStoare CS3rxte We have just received a large consignment of Spring goods which we must melte room for, and in order to do so, we are prepared to sell our remaining Winter Goods at prices to suit the customers. Men's shirts at 90e. Suits of first-class men's underclothing $1.40, Storm Collars, Muffs, and Ladies and Gents fur Caps, Clouds, Shawls; Overcoats, Boys' under- clothing, Yams, Flannels, Flannelettes, etc., at the lowest possible prices. Our spring goods are of tile best quality and we are prepared to offer to our patrons the best goods going, and although we have been earlier than usual, still we do not intend to charge high- er prices than formerly, but the lowest we have ever offered for the same material and we want you to come and inspect Our goods, feeling- as- sured that to see, is to buy. Our new Prints, Sateens, Cashmeres and Hosery are unsurpassed for quality and cheapness. • ave also a fine stock of Boots and Shoes, LADIES' HIGH OUT LATE sou AT $1.00. Fine line of Child's Shoes at 75e., running up to No. 10; The finest Ladies Kid Buttoned Boots, $2.00 ; Men's fine Lace Boots $1.25, usual prise $2.00 ; Good Boys' Boots, ranging up to No. 5, $1.00 We can guarantee the best of value ha aU lines' of.bocts. We are still giving 25 Lim SUGAR for ONE DOLLAR, LIGHTER in color than ever. TEA.4 lbs for $1.00. NEW. PRUNES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PUREST OF SPICES, CANDIES, 10 CTB. PER LB. EXCELLENT SOAP 6 BARS FOR 25C. BEST PRICE paid for all kinks of PRODUCE. (SV CO • Mr, Rolston Dunlop, of Chicago, is at present visiting his uncle, -Mr. Dunlop. Miss Lizzie Armstrong is the guest• pf Miss Ella Cooper at present. • 2 A pleasant party was held at the resi- dence of Mr. John Johnston,jr., on Wed- needay evening- last. 4n enjoyable time was spent in dancing and other • social -amusements, until an early hour in ihe-teorning, when all departed for home , highly delighted .with the way 14.J.I.s family had entertained them. There hasbeeu no curling on the rink here as yet this winter. This is no doubt accounted for by the unusual amottott of sickness which has prevailed hereabouts of late. Mr. John Doig, of the 2nd con., Car - .rick, hai-been. quite seriously 111 of late, leitis now, we are pleased to- say, im- yeroviegyieely. - *zit to. xichoisio now among those -wlirearaon.the sick list. • several Iftintiugfield people attended Abe viedding Mias Hicke, daughter of 3r.r.Sligeollacksovinch act at her &fiber's home, -in /Onto, a few miles east Foidwichson_WOdiescityt Feb 17th• lfus/licks isWell and frtvgralk kn�wg ma. 130° ..311.3411.7 WA* Intloh 711aRPte_*, - The Pew ite viireeP 'lavabo* but; •Yrofit.in the Iwo* 41 not retardad. Are partially -47 gQj9PO- Special Announcement. Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position to do the undertaking of this community than before, and owing to reductions in the wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag- nificent Hearse free:that is to say roy charges will be no more and in some cases less than before. •J. R. WILLIAMS, • Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Member of Ontario School of Embalming. . TE,"Y rod Donaghy 1 General Store (Opposite Brown's Hotel,) Regent House, - Fordwich. - :For enything in the line of Clothing, Dress Goods, Flannels, ',Linens, COTTONS, ETC., ETC. The finest article in the line of • !300ArS ANI) STIOUSe • , RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, ETC. .14 This Deputnient is well afrur Atil &eke, in =snub, every line cos. AND SEE ME NO OU TO HOW -GO in Exchangey „fr sou `C:" '•;•/ N`ol `..." . WHERE DO YOU LIVE _Bale the people of our County don't know the position of one Township from another. They can now overcome this difficulty by consulting the. Published every Thursday —AT--- Gorrie, Ont., The Newsiest Local Paper in North Huron. A splendid staff of able cor- respondents in every part of this section. The most Suitable Holiday Present for your Distant Friend ! It gives him all the news from his old home. It tells him more home news than a private letter would. It loads him up with home news every week, and It is cheaper than letter postage, being ONLY $1 Per YEAR or leu than 2c. a week, • • Jo6 Peintir? We have a s,plendid printing outfit, including the very latest faces 'of type, the most modern appliances, Fast Job Pressesi :0. Pine Potet Type. We can turn out Wedding Cards, • Calling Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, • Blank Headings, Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, Circulars, • Hand -Bills, Posters, Streamers, or anything in the printing line in the neatest style of the art, and On the most reasop.- • able Terms. EstimatesFurgis OP •Fb 4y, OF THE co -r 'Sr 0 V' Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which makes it very distinct and effective. THE SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER NEEDS ONE, THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE, PRICE, $3.50. Published by W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Ont., Booksellers and Stationers School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and our traveler will call on you. 41111111.•111011111011311•1111MOMOMIP Ines • erl nes• TIN ST.:0±4iE, (North 0 end 0 of 0. the 0 Leech 0 Block.) GOIE. ea OPT. A FINE LINE OF PARLOR, BOX, ald GOOK StoVes, JUST RECEIVED. :0: Special Value in Cook Stoves. Special Value in Heaters. Special Value in Drums. • Special Value in Cutlery. :0: STO-VE lqLTIR.INTITUJEZE • IN Every Variety. Spgel6kity •Ex,e Teobglain A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDES and SHEEP SKINS. TINWARE of every description, on HAND and made to ORDER Repairing of all kinds promptly done. W. pggx Editor._ . - TtIE GREATEST OF THEM ALL • IS THE NEW PREMIUM Given to every subseriber. new or old. ef TR it FAULT EMPIRE FOB IS8. Thousands of dollars have been spent in its preparation. Its success is fully awmted; it is a highly veined souvenir of t he greatest statesman and the most honored leader ever known in Canadian history. This beautiful Memorial Album contains 13 full-page illustretiens of interesting seems la connection with the history of Sir John. and presents to the thousands of admirers of onr lace thief many new and valuable portraitures. READ THE LIST. Full-page Portraits of Mr John mat Baroness finedonalel ; Birthplace of etr John in GinfirOW redraft or Sir_ -John when a younx num ; Portrait of Mr Jeka•o Mother. the only one ever published; jhe Old liamestend at Kingston, occupied by Mr John during „the Iliobet•ion of Will Ea reset Me. Mr John's Pestilence at Ottawas Interior of Senate Chamber. Ottawa. show'. ing the Guard of Honor and body Lytle% State ; Exterior View of Dostse-s of went. with Funeral Procession forming lip the teregratud ; View of Eastern cla.srslininimmpenef4stilintgralittlienzae taie•:(114.1ir armatine• tan. Draped In Mourning. as it appeared 1,11,!1(,!, dim! it it; r....tlitatitetitt'scirillamlveyatretiteh:ittaedrallife=iteet _ititirlitsbatteietrivoirtivbeie 1:7;iczminoer I vie; eaett.sm.ofraF:.1:474eithrseir:n7ine:.h-iresick ituthatitea num: to air Jobit's Yiernery; Interior View oi St. Paul's Cathedral. A &racy. ITEISCh the Memorial Service was tery. n tilt Floral Tributes From Mit Thaw eiewe arelfineuhalf-tettect Photogravures on heavy enameled piper. anti suitably ::::::+407-ilbx.ation.iiilAtin:ineteci and witnessed enver. A really vabiable motiventr, that will be auftabletrnatnent. on earlor leirare table. The demand for t hitt work pnaniw• to be street. L ;*tridin your,Ordere early wit I t ONE DOLLAR, and get TUE WEAKLY-1E11MM for one year • Auirfel, _tbSetibersTug EMPIRE' free for balanee:27_,..f this • VOL. 1. of College /"- goons, Ont. JAMES A Veterinar C_BADILITE of On s-••• and registered me toy AMPOCiatiOtl. 1 Residence: Next to Metho 11.1.B1CIT STREST, JAS. M ISSUER. OF witnesses required. Office:—A.; my Reside MISS 0' SSG ffiliACRER P 4" Also Oil Pa.knting. bosidance—Methodist MISS G TIMMS AND MANT - tires Weated. EN OTO OR ORT OLIK. • S. T. F Tor?orvi4i- Capillary Ab Hir --1111r lie Tbrosting Mat Cottle in and sit do V'coti9r Greerila V‘riron=ie• FITTED HUNCARI PRO FIRST -C MAN ITO Highest Pri Chopping ROB .1111 Mea. FRAN LT ATMS hongittOn " lyearried en b • paced torftwitiek like p NUM RW,. VEAL, • U$ SAIISAIII , • , pf Rambo bactimm4i4ars • amiateattlisoltu117:ernfkdwisfront: button to all who bon I• - da°11lrytWitisktoeditela-wag;anzigd • -• stew; Tuesday and 4 •• Wished sash wile z): qmauh. i: P • F...., .. ... ii I.. • * 5 . , • ,e et. — v4 -"o o„. . _ , ,