HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-02-18, Page 1,ock iber oat- cing new DS duc- TG, ,RS. ell at es. Si ave t o so our for 200 will rd ices 111 .7" VOL. I. GORRIE, 917. THU4SDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH, 1892. J. A. TUCK, M. D. XXXIIBIR of College of PhYsicians and Sur- gose, Ont. GOREIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon r:BADV ATE of Ontario Vetermary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary Association. ISir Residence : • Next to Methodist Parsonage, A.1.3R1T STREET, GORRIE, ON. JAS. McLAUGHLIN, j SKIM. OF' MARRIAGE LICENSES. witnesses required. Ocee—At my Residence, Gossis. MISS O'CONNOR, BEGIIIITBABD TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN & HARMONY • -A- Also Oil Painting. Residence—Methodist Parsonage, Gorrie. MISS GREGORY, (Late of Flarriston.) TvRESS AND MANTLE MAKER. APPBEN 4-# toes Wasted. Rooms over W. S. Bean's Store. O ENNELL'STOGRAFS OR ORTUNATE OLKS. - - - S. T. FENNELL, rz-Aofi 0 Artiir Capillary Abridger. - Hirstute Vecietator. p Ne. Threshing Machines La:Wit- iioviers er Meat -Axes usedi Come in and sit down; Ircnere Ne-t Greeilial4 Milis Werwramese.teers °ext. Beazer BLACK, PROP. FITTED UP WITH HUN-CARIAd ROLLER PROCESS. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR MANITOBA WHEAT. 0 Highest Price paid for Grain. gamins Dam ROBERT BLACK. 411----G0fRRIE---0 eat Market. FRANK COLES, HAVINO bought out -the Above business, late- ly carried on byM?. Geo. Horton, is pre- pared tic tarnish Mee public with the -6eigspr, orA Mit Milli lata P00, MVTT.OIS,IAIB ISS.SASSAIE ALWAYS -VI *ANL lain( liad eonelderable experienee at the bud-- aen hoed sonfident of - giving the beet of PA*. lastis•tcralFteho honor mewith theirpstrenage. 4 ifilittiliftenlitireer to -all parte ofd Village. Olt Itemeir:TregoWegoes to Wroxeter, every Mon Weiditeaday and Saturday; and -to Fordwich every Tina: and Friday. iceritsaab prise vitt ter suitsbIs fit mi- na& A. W. GLENN, rractical Graduate, with Diploma, of the famous • Cincinnati Cutting School, Has opened a Tailoring Busilless. Ix GrCemi, In the premises just vacated by Mr: Bradley, Baker. T HAVE had along experience ea a tailor and cutter in the very best shops, and feel confi- dent of being able to give perfect satisfaction to all who honor me with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED. measures -taken and clothes cut for parties who wishler make the garments up at home. Repairing Promptly Done. Your Patronage Solicited. A. GraeEINTIVe CHURCH DIRECTORY. NGLISH.—Servicesat Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; -1•-• et Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. Rev. T. A. Wright, Incumbent. Sunday School,, one hour and a quarter before each service. METHODIST.—Services at 1020 a.m., and 6:30 11-1- p. m. Orange Hill, at 220 p. m. Rev. Mr. Torrance, pastor. Sabbath School at 230 p. J. R. Williams, Superintendent. 1DR.ESBYTHRIAN.—Services at Fordwich at U -1- a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class at Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School at Gorrie125p.m.3as.MeLaughlin, Superintendent. pAPTIST.—Serviees in Gorrie at 2:30 and 630 p. m. and at the church on the 2nd conces- sion of Howie* at 1020 a. in. Rev. J. A. Osborne, METHODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho ILL diet Church, at 10:30 a. in. and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30. GOBBLE MARKET REPORT. Fall wheat, $0 84 @ $0 87 V bu. Spring Wheat 84 sa 87 " Oats 26(g 28 • Peas 56».t 59 " Barley 35 @ 40 • Butter... 15 (g 16 " Eggs 15 (4. 15 • 10 " 'Mow. 5 6 ° Pork 5 50 @6O'cwt Lard • , Local Affairs. Mr. Will Earngey, of Chesley,' was visiting his parents here this week. McLaughlin & Co. present a new ad- vertiSement to our readers in this issue. Mr. J. A. Croll, of Clinton, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Jas. W. Green in this village, at present. Martin & Adair's sawmill is now run- ning. The yard is well filled with logs and many more are being piled up there every day. Council met in Fordwich yesterday (Wednesday) but as there was barely a quorum present the meeting was ad- journed until Wednesday next when it will meet at the same place. For -the first time this winter trains on this branch of the C. P. R. were blocked so that the regular mails on Monday last had to be cancelled for the day. Snow plows were put on, however, and on Tuesday trains were running again as usual. A novel concert, is to be held in the town hall, Gorrik next Thursday even. ing, Feb. 25th, being a two hours enter- tainment, the entire programme to -be furnished by asphonagraph placed on the platform. The andience-will from the, ordinary seats in the- hall, to Cappiiis -great Brass Band and some of the best speakers, singers, etc., on the continent. Posters will be out to -day announcing particulars. Mr. A, Smith, a former 0 boy, but who has spent the last seven years in the Temperance Colony, N.W. liters is vlsltinlg among friends here thisi week. Ririe at present engaged in :the_ mer- eanCale business, being a paFteer, in a general store at $askatoon Re reports theaasleny tcrbeinithopeful condition, the railroad now running through that _place. -BOUT the:fariners therehave not attempted toraise grain for export but. next Seasona be thinks, immense quauiaties will_ be , shipped from there. Areas- is the- seine genial genuine fellow he was always known. to be When here, and it goes wit/lent saying -that he ia - Miss Nellie Gregory is spending. • a week or so with relatives in Hirriston. Mr. Tuck, of Mount Forest, was visit- ing his son, Dr. -Tuck, therearly part of this week. Last Friday evening the residence of Mr. H. Perkins was the scene of an en- joyable social gotten up by the ladies of St. Stephen's Church. The house was crowded and a pleasant time was spent • The Pastor will (D.V.) preach- in the Baptist Church, Gerrie, on' Sunday eve- ning next at 6.80 o'clock taking for his subject "Excuses." There "Will also be a Service of Song, on the evening of Feb. 24th. A very pleasant social was held at the residence of Mr. T. H. Motaughlin oit Wednesday evening °fleet week. under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church. Notwithstanding the storm a large com- pany gathered and a nice suin was real- ized. ' Mr. Jas. Armstrong, V. 5., last week removed a tumor from a fine young thoroughbred bull belonging to Mr. Hunter. The operation,though difficult, was successfully _ performed and the animal will in a few days be restored to perfect health. Mr. T. P. Perry oceupied the Methos dist pulpit, morning and evening, last Sabbath, preaching brilliant and schol- arly sermons on both occasions. Mr. Perry is a young school teacher near Newbridge and .has, we feel sure, a bright future before him. Mr. Charlton Foster, of the 12th con., Howick, mot with quite a serious ac- cident while' cutting. wood. By' some mieb.ap be brought the axe sharply do4ii. upon his great toe, splitting it right through the bone from end to end so that one-half hung only by a short piesie of- the skin. Dr. Tuck was sent for and stitched the part i together, and has hopes to have the wound healed without resorting to Imputation. As an outcome of the letters which have appeared in the GAZETTE cancer's- ing the advisability of organizing a local union Sabbath • School Convention, a preliminari meeting will beheld to -day (Thuraday)414:30 p.ra., in the kethos •dist Church, Gierie. All the ministers in and on the borders- of Howick, to- gether with a layman from each Sunday School have been invited, and it is ex- pected that an Association will be formed on a broad and substantial basis, and which will give a fresh impetus to Sabbath School worls An extra work is required of the asses- sors, now about to begin their work, which should not be overlooked. Sec- tion No. 11 from the Compulsory School Attendance Act says: "The assessors of every municipality shall annually, when making their assessment, enter in a book to be provided by the clerk of the municipality, in the Form A, in the schedule of the Act, the name, age and residence of every child between the age of eight and fourteen years, resident in the municipality, and the name and residence of such child's parent or guardian, and return the said book to the clerk of the said nmicipelity, with the assessment roll foi the use of the truant officer. - On Monday last P. Lavin met with a bad accident which might easily have resulted fatal. He was out in Howick on business, called at S. Johnson's, tied his horse to a post and when ready to leave took the horse by .the head to turn it around. ' As the rain had caused a crest upon the snow it was somewhat difficult to turn:- From some reason the horse took, fright, jumped against Mr. Lavin, knocked him down and must have trampled upon hint and _drew the cutter over him also. Mx. Johnson wit- nessed the accident and at once assisted him into the house and afterwards drove himihome. Medical aid was soon called in when it was discovered that several ribs had been broken and his body and legs badly bruised. At last accounts he was doing well. The horse ram several miles and smashed the stutter before being eapturedal--Teibuave. The Winghapi Times of the 11th inst. says "Wingham has now', one of the beat markets in the county, there being fourbuyers onthe merket'.- You may put four -teen buyers on, Bro. Elliot, but you won't have as good a grain market. as, Gorrie mita siotraiIsy higher prices. On the Lith, Seem/mg- to the Titian fall wheat -was -bringing 830, to :S4c., while Gorrie was payjis-84e. to 86c. for the. same-; Wmghamon the. same date was haeing ag90.111ame-wg4?El fcminsr as..j paying pas (big,Itest) for spring' wheat, ffla179 gree. t9i *bat Bra* mei* tee Iter -f*, - -7/ --Pori The fact is Gerrie presents as good, (if not a better) market for produce as any of the neighboring towns, wbi.lewedoubt if any—place within driving distance Of Howick can produce finer stocks, or at finer cut prices than can our Gerrie business men whose advertisements ap- pear in this issue of the-- GAZETTE. It is not the size of a town that makes it the best market. Good, substantial business men, who can command the best cash advantages of the wholesale markets are the men who make a good lionsemarket, and the lively appearance .of Gosrie is a good indication that our village contains that desirable class of merchants. A committee appointed by the con- gregation of St. Jude's Church, Brant- ford, to confer with the iihOptif ITurrn regarding the appointment of a new Rector, have chosen the Rev. T. A. Wright, of our town, and we learn that the Bishop has been pleased to make the appointment. We understand that Mr. Wright has accepted. We regret his leaving very much. He has -labored in our midst for three and a half years, during which time our parish has made rapid strides forward. The old church in Fordwich, which for thirty years has been used for public worship, has been replaced by a new handsome brick, at a cost of over $2,500, and is now free of debt. A bell 1000 Ms in weight was placed during thetime in a, new belfry upon the Gorrie Church, the parsonage freed from debt and the whole raised from a mission drawing largely fromthe funds of the Diocese to that of a self- supporting parish. Mr. Wright is a systematical parish worker, and an earnest, practical preacher. His remov- al from our midst will be much regretted. We anticipate no fear for his success in Brantford nor for the prosperous state of St. Jude's under his ministry. He takes charge on May lst. Several communications have been received by us from parties who wish to refute "Honesty's" attempt to blacken the personal character of the editor of the GAZETTE, in last week's Vidette. While thanking our friends we much prefer not to publishtheir letters. There is nothing in our personal character, 'private or public, or in our political re- cord, which can be injured by such an - unmanly and cowardly attack as the person who should have signed "Die: honesty" appears capable of. If that- - would-be assassin of character wants to know why we left Gerrie and what became of our money, he canseasily find -out by callindatIhis office, althbugh, he knows very well it is none of his business and he only asked the question for the sake of the stab he thought he was in- flicting. The Reformers and Conserva- tives who associate with the editor of this paper are gentlemen whose charac- ters are mountain -high above dis-Honesty in every honorable respect, while "Anon" is not only a Conservative of the highest standing who wields a wide political influence in this section, but his person. al chatacter is such as to give him a prominent plabe in socialcircles. Then, it was not the Grits who brought usback to Gorrie, but Reformers and Conserva- tives alike joined in the effort when we were many miles away with not the faintest thought of returning; Conserva- tives and Reformers alike joined in "putting their hands in their pockets" I to establish the GA.ZETTE; Conservatives and Reformers alike are now supporting it far beyond our anticipations. And not a solitary Reformer has even asked us -either to run the GAZETTE on Grit lines or to "turn Grit" individually. Theobject in establishing the GAZETTE was to have a paper published here which would do credit to the village and section, -andswiticlr-weald command a circulation that would enable advertisers to reach their patrons. It will be our aim to keep the GAZETTE up to the standard - which has brought to it the - unexpectedly large support already receiieds • The Postmaster is Wrong. Editor Gazette :—The postmoater,here will not let: th1etter of items for the GAZETTE g withat. one -cent stamp on! so I have to put on. the Other tif6 cents. He says anythingllaat is written that goes out of this office must pay three' cents, sealed or not I Would = like to know concerning the matter as Ido not - . pretend to be versed inthe.nostal regu- lations. Yisrirs . , [We withhold the erne of the post SOW ler the nresent. The pest office „„-z- No. 12 regulations distinctly say that unsealed letters containing newspaper manuscript goes at the rate of lc. for each two ounces. We are surprised that there is a pestmaster so ignorant in this section - of the country. We hope it will not be necessary for us to request the P. 0. In- spector to enlighten his benighted mind on the matter.—ED.] Gorrie Mechanics' Institute. A. largely attended meeting of the newly organized Mechanics' Institute was held in the town hall last ;Monday evening. • On motion Mr. Wm. Doig was- called to the chair, and explained the object of the meeting to be to formally organize .the Institute, and elect provisional offi- . cers and directors and place the society in working order. Mr. Fennell, the Secretary, read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted. The chairman read the new Act re- specting Mechanics' Institutes and also a letter from the Minister of Education explaining the matter more fully. After an earnest discussion of the question it was unanimously decided, on motion, to go on with the election - of officers so as to place the Society in a position to receive the government grant this spring. The election of officers resulted as follows: President—Bev. T. A. Wright. Vice -Pres. ---J. R. Williams. Sec.-Treas.--Wm. Doig. Directors—Messrs. R. Blow, N. Mc- Laughlin, W. H. Clegg, J. M. Kaine, W. J. Perkins, John B. Campbell, Dr. Tuck, Jas. Armstrong, V.S., W. J. Greer. It was then decidedsto leave the mat- ter of arranging the membership fee, dues; appointing collectors, etc., in the hands of the Directors and the meeting adjourned. There is a strong feeling in favor of the Society in this village and neighbor- hood, and it is likely that a large mem- bership will be secured. Wroxeter. MARKET REPORT, Tuesday, Feb. 16th, 1.892. [Corrected for the GAZETTE by R. Black.MMer.1 Fall wheat $0 84 to $0 87 313' bu. Spring wheat • 84 87 " Oats 26 28 Peas 58 59" Barley 35 40 ° Miss Annie Wanless, of Parkdale, who has been visiting at Mr. Robert Miller's the past week or so, returned to her home on Tuesday last. - Mr. Wm Wilson had his cutter .seme- what broken while turning the rig around at the gate after somd of. the ladies in his family had returned from a drive, the other day. Mr. A. Gofton is cutting ice on the dam this week. It is in splendid con- dition for cutting now.. M-. Geo. Thompson, cooper, was able to be out on Tuesday, after quite a For:- ous illness. Mr. Jas. S. Paulin, who has been laid up with the grip for the past three weeks, was able to be down town again on Monday last. ' Thos. Gibson, Esq., M.P.P., left for Toronto on Tuesday to attend the pres- ent lession of the Ontario Legislature. He was unable to go on Monday on ac - "count of the snow blockade. A meeting will be held in the Presby- terian church here next. Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m., to hear the report of the collectors, after which they will decide whether to go on with the erection of the new church. No site for the pro- posed edifice has yet been selected. Rev. Mr. Shaw has been invited back for another year by the Official Board of the Methodist church here. COIINCTL MEV5ING. The council -met on the evening of Feb. 16th, in the usual place. Members present, Messrs, Saunders, Vogt, Lee and Rae. Absent, Mr. Hemphill. The Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The following accounts were handed in and on motion by Wm. Lee, seconded by John B. Vogt, were passedi and de- bentures oraere&fothesame viz : Gore M. F. Lus. Oo.,I5suranceon lie.0 $ 750 Clerk, registering births. ete " 170 Clerk, half years salary ,37 50 W. J. Sanderson, ringing ben, hall yetii 12 50 The auditora" report, was Atm. taken up and examined and on motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by lir...RAct.:svas referred back to the Auditors' for explanation. - On motion of Mr: _Lee, seConded by Mr. Rae, the matter of the !Adam was laid over till next -meeting and the clerk instructed to »otify the Zmill -eymers to meet the council at said me,eting. On motion by Mr. Rae, seconded by Mr, Lee, the clerk was instructed to have the tin box for rolls enlarged. On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Rae, the council adjourned to meet on the third Tuesday of March or at the call of the Reeve. 1. COWAN, Clerk. Lakelet. Quite a little excitement was displayed here on Thursday last. The result of Bruce election. The returns were favorable. Where does the sorel mustang go every fe*nights ? is the query raised by not a few of our citizens. Mr. David S. Saunders is at present visiting at his father's. We understand he is not wehll. There is some talk of Mr. J. Horton exchanging property with some Mildmay man. The I. 0. G. T. had a spelling match last Saturday. A boundary miss carried off the flag, although it was hard fought for. Mr. Jno. Cook has a co' under the care of Mr. Jas. Hamilton, who is quite a vet. Mr. Geo. Beattie is improving slowly. Mr. W. A. Cook has been complaining from an attack of Grip. Mr. Cyrus Horton is still doctoring his colt's legs. Hope they will soon come all right. Mr. Geo. Horton is away in Gerrie most of his time butchering. Fordwich. MARKET REPORT, Tuesday, Feb. 16th. [Reported for the GAZETTE by Wilson Bros.] Red and white wheat....$0 82 to $0 87 V bu. Spring wheat 82 87 ° 57 57 • 26 28 36 40" 590 610 • Mr. Dicks' new mill is -now about ready for work. Large quantities of logs are being hauled in. An interesting debate was held at the last meeting of the R. T. of T. This Council is making its meetings quite enjoyable of late. Council met here on Wednesday but several members being absent no busi- ness. was done. Mr. Geo. Brown is able to attend to his hotel business again after his late serious illness. A phonograph concert isto be held in the Forester's Hall here on the evening of Wednesday next, 24th inst. The novelty of hearing some_ of the best pro- fessionals on the continent perform by proxy should bring out a full house. L-".1-' Mr. Hepinstall was in attendance upon the Dominion Orange meeting -held in London last week. Peas Oats Barley Pork Redgrave. Mr. Alva Stockton has sold his farm crf 50 acres for the sum of $8100 to his father. - The co-workers of the Congregational churches, of Listowel district, will hold their quarterly meeting in the ninth line church on Thursday the 18th commenc- ing at three o'clock. The Rev. E. T. Carter will address the meeting on train- ing the young. The Rev. Mr. 'Watson, of Wingham, will give a lecture in the evening en be- half of the mission work. It is rumored- thal this neighborhood is going to lose some of our fair sex. But what is our loss will be some of Manitoba's bachelors' gain. 'Mr. James Douglas is preparing to re- build his barn this summer. • Mr. John Campbell, of the ninth con., gave the yonng folks a large party on Friday evening last in honor of his- two brothers, from Manitoba, who are visit- ing just now, and are about to return to "the land of fortune. Mr. Richard Morrell gave a party to our young folks one evening last week. We believe they spent an enjoyable time. Mr. James Bacon has bought a house and lot in Harriston where he intends to go and live in the Spring. Farm Wanted to Rent IA/ANTED—To Rent a f,rm EA/5 or 100 acres VV with good buildings and a fair percentage of tillable land under grass, Address- AVE174 OPIaluE. Gorrie, P. O. On the 2nd con., Carrick, on Feb. 6th, the wife Mr. Copfersmidt, of a son. Ire Gorrie, on Friday, 12th, last, the wife of Mr. Geo.Bradley, baker, of a daughter. • On Friday, 12th hist., the wife of Mr. Jaq(gg, King, igui con., Howick, of a daughter,