HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-02-04, Page 5awnship from eg the: • by five feet , which NEEDS ONE, Ont., or prices and dern: ) have seen of Ontario is rs to charge ay _ far more that such is its members, d that about , but today, of them alt thanking the equals any ets, Coffins, esu, and is a► y, pronnntiy f Wareroom ;. Under al a. d9s Block,) odes, utlery. • Goods n sesoseeitee enui.xD nolo oris g Nees ktatIloiMn Dowel FOR OAXRTFF` HURO . The annual meeting off Huron lwas held -in the Reform AssociationBrusses; Town Hall, on - ,idaYy :after - neat of last week. Tines=' ident, occupied the chair and after a :few hely remarks he coaled on W H. Kerr! Secretary, to read theminrites., Ac m mnnication was readfromT• W. Gibson, f Toronto, tendering his r'esigna- the past fivead Ka'stner at Sefnagaiiaa- - tete busniesBdn Mitehelld the late Henry Bits, The 'iiiaanng =friends. sf Miss Byrne,, of LOA* heard with ::sincero gret of her-nntiimelyademise, wbieh oc- curred oil We t esde f, *reek dee sed was --;only in. her .:."thirteenth year, being the third of the fadie=• at that age., • • The Mitchell Recorder: reports- the Firemen's ball` and supper in that town —gon as 2nd Vice PTesident, owing tohint' on Friday evening 16th Inst;, an a grno eat: removal from the Riding. A telegram success. About sixty conples werepuss• was also read from Dr. McDonald, NIP., ent . from Seaforth,,.. Strafford and Oa stating that he was unable to attend on aurrounding•seetio Ther:firemen Will- ; amount of an attack of la grippe. Oftice- have animal surplus over and aboveAll bearers were elected as followe for the expenses. current year:—President, Arch. Hision; let Vice President, S. Gracey; 2nd Vice The new rate of fere insnrance >e President, Thos. Strachan, Secretary- Wallcertoii, : on account : of the - water. Treasurer, W. H. Kerr. Chairmen of works, went into operation on Wednes- .: btnn'cipaliiies:—Howick, Thos. tlibson; day; =the 20th'�inst. It means' a swine MWroxeter, Wm. Robinson, Turnberry,, tion from , 1.25 '.per thousand . on''the3 Geo. Fortune; Wingham, Jas. A. Cline; front street to 80c- per thousand. Morris, Chas. McClelland sr.,; Brussels, John R. Smith; Grey, James Ferguson; T14e Vhesley Enterprise ,says :-Joh1►, deb oP, Geo. Mudie; Blyth, N. 11. Thompson3. of Chesley, and his. maids Young; Hallett, Robt, Scott. After a and housekeeper, Miss Scott, were' both general discussion on business matters seized with an, attack of la griPP@- of the Convention short speeches were Thompson lir anticipation t of his death_ Thos. Gibson, M.P.P., of Wrox- eter; made a will' bequeathing all -his effects eby to Miss : Scott. She, howeve r; mass the" Thos. Strachan, of Grey; and Wm. first to snecumb 'to the ravages: ofthe Irwin, of Gerrie. There were eighty resent at the meeting. disease -Mr. Thompson dying baro days; persons p afterwards. As:•he. had,.n-o relatives m ,las. Turnbull, B. A., who hasgresided , uz�iry everything Po Ws- co he left ev he e. over the Clinton Collegiate for the'.past .: at New Years and sealed to a lin Scotland, 20 years, resignedThe Grip :.re1atia prevails in nearly every will remove to Toronto. Last week he otherhouse iaxton,°`' : was made the recipient of a beautiful been it fatalin caWses yet. butSeveralthere peophasle; silver tea service by the congregation of have. had . "close sails," and present s Willis Church, of which he was a mem- `bleached' "arid . dried up appearance ben Large donee ' o£ - grannie ,tire used.. to The Canada Gazette .;contains the kiosk the gi`iplie out of the systema, and following 88rd Huron Battalion of lock then whiskey gators is popular to kilt off: try, Order,.-�•ieutenant John' Pollocl�, 'the effects; ®f -the drug.. -The: influenaa Jas. No 7 Company, Second Lienteiian , doesn't =help the temperance . c'anse Henry Welles, No. 1 Company, and See News. and Lieutenant Nelson Thoinias Ritchie, No 2 Company, having failed to- attenrI.. WELLING'iQN. annual drill, their names are removed . on Thursday. there died in Palmers-. from the list of officers of the active , ston Mr. Hugh- Ross, who- had reached malaria. - the age of 87 years 6 months and 2 days. An unusual number of Burns' anniver Deceased was born it Glengarry Comity sary entertainments have been held Ont. He was Noise Married, there are throughout the country this year. - four children of ,the first marriage living, As Mr. John Williams and Mr. Lind- . one of them being. Mrs., Dobson, late of say were felling trees in Mr. Williams' Listowel. About 80 years ago he bush, Wawanosh, last week, a tragi in wedded Mrs. Blodgett, in Carlton Car nt e falling struck a stub, causing it to comae who survives- him.. Mr; and Mrs. Roes. back, striking Mr. Lindsay, killing him came to Palmerston from Listowel about instantly. seven years ago. Mr. Gideon Perrie, the famous athlete, • An awful instance of the uncertainty' is home on a visit in Grey township• of life occurred on *Monday of kat week; Robert J. Bell has leased B. Fralick's ` Mr. Wm, Webber bad -gone into the bush. farm in Morris for a- term'of `;Mars and in the morning -of that day to chop some will move there in a few months. wood for use in his residence iii Piet. winch, iii-fsll- Mr. John Brunsdon and son, , . of ' : having with him his son's hired a es; Londesboro, are prepaman,He had gat ti ring to take a car g lodged on a smaller one. , As it was load of horses and rigs to Manitoba next• .y Winer time he left its in that position month. until' he: had dined, and when he . re- The choir of the Methodist church; Brussels, spent a jolly time at the resi- deuce of Mr. John Hill, 9th concession, Grey, on Saturday evening, 16th inst, This -is an annual trip, and the absen- tee : on these occasions are few. - Mrs. Chambers, of Lochalsh, -wife of turned his companion- advised him not to strike the tree on the side on which` he was standing, but being 'w ell prac- tised in the art of chopping,. lie gave a blow or two with his axe, when suddenly the tree felt and a Raub struck him on the chin, breaking both jaws and:his Mr. Hugh Chambers, deputy -reeve of . neck. Ht deed must havebeei} instsn•: Ashfield,. died very suddenly on Wed- taneuns, for he did not utter p` sound. nesday evening, 13th inst. - At a social held at the residence of Mr. Thomas Jerkins, of Turnberry, under the auspices of the Binevale. Methodist church, Rev. I. B. Wallwhe was presented with a beautiful black dog skin coat. - Henry Miller, of Centralia, _ met with a sad misfortune on Tuesday last week by accidently getting his fingers caught in the jack of a grain crusher. The two middle fingers and the centre of his hand as far up as the wrist Were com- plet ly destroyed. Willie, ion., of Mr. Henry Kerr, of Wingham, 7iad an adventure on .Satnr- day afternoon, last week, which he may remember for some days- Hewes amus- ing himself -by hanging on to cutters and sleighs, with some other boys, and in being shoved off a cutter by its occupant his foot caught in theironworkaupportr- ing the runner and was dragged fonts distance before the gentleman in the cutter knew of his predicament:- F.or, tunately he was not serionsly ink*. Mr. John V'incenf has.fa shad :Arm of 100 acres, :. lot rest cession Td, Gre (�y��, /��to MQue Io of f 15,000. 'PERTH. - It is said that twomenr eve t sr • on.suspieion of iavingrobbe d the - Jewish padleu atTyrofl ' n tale 010t, of De ember 18t1t. Burglars eTh office oftheTavistocl • Sa:mday theirtroublewas and coppers 'No µtam The Liberals of "North - Wellington gave a banquet on the . 27th ntt , ui Arthur to Mr. James McMillen, their representative in the House of Coiinnion There : was a large attendance from ail over" the. country. The town was decor. ated with arches over the streets, colored streamers and flags. Messrs. Wham Mulock M:I'., James Innes, M. P., J. G. Grieve, M. P., Andrew Semple, M. P.; and Or, Lauderkin, M. P.; and Messrs. A. S. Allan, (I: MoKechnie and J. Kirk- wood, members` of the Legislature,at- tended to take partin the demonstration There were representatives from all parts of the riding. The town:band was, at the station to meet him, and a pro-- cessiei of sleighs headed by the -hang. escorated h m: toile- town and t i=gnglt the gala streets. The banquet 'wail' hi Vie Tons Hall, which was f lhsd' With banquete rs. - ." Fifty- young ladies of*, town waited on thetables,- and theveins l,Lir. J ' was asplendid onee . J. A. Halstead :was Ohairman of the day. The success Of the'demonsBtratior "was in targe part. due to'the iva enlont of Mr J son apd Mrs. Anderson• } a :wo s e er rind his wd'ell i► e, ,ao haver been nude going their Vie having dy} eight: ` womenf rom theirliomes and them _ eferiug-th 'sere sentenced :d+sath. edlennt z abanda>ted $reel, the faster, a pt tar go' without food for 52 days el d 47° oimde' assb-"5PP°e• a`Eie ►nnmittee -the x f' a 3 11111 :S'.. s • Winter Goods • • • • • - Cost for.. -Cash. Bargains in. aril; Lilies whi1ar.ta Stock. • • TOR FOR NAILL, F'OR& G1 t ASS,:. .. . FOR. IWITT 79R►, GROCERIES, FOR LAMP OQ . SEs RIGHT. - CALL AND SEE. GLEGG. OCE,117- B1OJ HT1 18 THE PLACE FOR Pure ; Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and everything in- that line. 0..000 FANCY GOODS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETC., IN ENDLESS VARIETY. '- arriston Bread kept constantly on hand.;. s A CHOICE LINE OF Confectionery, Biscuits, Cakes and Pastry in Stock, �rtee� Vrie of cdnne,; Goo4, CLAUS Made a Half -Hour's Call at ALLISON'S • • —The other day, and now' our shelves are Loaded with CHILDREN'S TOYS, CHILDREN'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BEAUTIFUL ALBUMS. (a large Stock.) BEAUTIFUL VASES. _ ENDLESS NOVELTIES. ALL KINDS OF DOLLS. CONFECTIONS. . This department it replete in Every Respect, and is in the charge of a first-class Milliner; Produce taken in Exchange. ENLARCEB 18 PAGES ..,.: THL LOBE ONE Foy is9a DOLLAR AND BALANOE Or - .1891 THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. • NO. FAKES! NO CHEAP BOOKS i NO JACK -K IIPES 1 SCISSORS . OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS 1 BUT A CLEAN,,. WHOLESOME MILY NEWSPAPER IIPOAT ITS MERITFA Commencing with the issue of zth.October THE WEEXLV GLOBE Will contain : sixteen pages . instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making itthe largest and best Family newspaper in Canada. Every" effort will be- devoted to making it BRIGHT, READABLE,. ACCURATE - and- INTERESTING in all its department& Special ` pains will be taken.,with its Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THS FAYtLY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE" ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 31st DECEMBER, I891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER ,SENT TIfEM =TM OF " T892 FOR THE ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. SEivAr Et 5 months of a 16 -page far $I to , 0 every one who subscribes. now.. . is AGENTS= WANVIID IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, adds E GLOBE, TORONTO., 'our pato a d luffuelice is Solioitsa Or_ 41