HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-01-21, Page 6- !�� ��,!w j�, - � ,
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- U. .1 .7 1 Is ere and now Iyd foun lodgings for Chick and me for twen . ty-five saying he - - From that hour she Tlle Matter of " Good -by." I —
L.r t vublawn�Wb um . � her.� `�T6railr4cif-v6 -1��-2 � _r prayers. I SEVENTY BELOW -,
- � � I t cto anytm-g! cents a night, and where I could have Chick wasawoman-a womaft before her time, - . �
. ,
I about the -yo e"t 'cents a day while I was though all her life had bee 'leading- up to it. in civilized life than our leave-taking for- The Effects of Intensely C - I- - amer is
- ...7- - ll� ,ung -Am, . - Amaay that ifl taken care of for ten n I Nothing is more ridiculous and tiresome
I I I gb back. to,*e city w . - ., I -
� -
� RT JOW HABBERTON. � #0�* other emi ' off at work., She had long times of sitting at mi feet and malities. Good-bye are either tortures or the Arctic us.
�� I- . - - - - 9TIELnts-they thou6to I 144 one of ther' Work ! I wanted to laugh at her when crying -not unhappily, for She Said it COm- platitudes. Whyshould we subject ourselves It waq in the Arctic r�gionu says ftmer"
Cherrittm and I were boys together in 0, crowd -7 -that they guessed they,d find some' s.he said that, for I hadn't done any work in fortect her a great deal to think how good or dur'friends to either one? . rick Sehwatka, the Arctic traveller, not far
big establishment where the wages were way of disposing Of-# there. - - , I
wg �gv ; years except loafing, though that's the very I'd been to her. I was afraid she would Everybody You meet tells you he 11 hates from Burk's Great Fish Riv
quite as large as our s6rviceWdeserved. On "Ali the way Q'wnto New yorC5 ft -ti hardestkind. I'thought about the luck I'd grow morbid made light of to say good -by. . lucting a homeward sledge' y` to
this=Cherriten disa,giiea with me, young one. kep ' and looney, so I Yet, if he sees you at 6 and ( ourxW
- '
.. t-throttlin me. 8 - ,-p had in. begging at the ferry house, but I all I'd done, and told her that I'd been re- You tell him
. , %% , . you are going away at 8, and Hudson Bay, in the depth of an ATa&Wwin-
Wd up -his deficiencies by borrow- asleep orio!i�*if WhWtan ' � . Aer couldn't work that racket again unless I put paid a thousand times, which .was true.
ing to Wch an extent that he found it down; s6di-did'�It b -` ' , . ., attempt to make an informal adieu then and ter, that an intense cold set in just before
� � 0 e ,so in ' al both of us back into our dirty rags again, and theret he says with repr istmas, the thermometer sinking do -OP.,
- . ..
I neceswx7 to disappear just after he received a fellow like me to i�h- I I - 0 , She was thoughtful for a few days, ov polite ess, Chri
I �
his pay on - a Saturday afternoon. As I was arms. Buf whene,v aVe a � his and I'd rather have killed myself than done then announced that she was going to be ', Oh, I shall call around abt& 7 and 11 say to 65 and'68 degrees below zero, and never
� �er; I t - --1 r -,,, �r&i that. Strange, what sudden changes come -eve thirigto me that Xcl been to her;
ng OW . I I.- 4r good, -b ."
. hiw�iiditor to-Ahe extent of eight cents, she woke up: and Viu' .� -1. S - --1 . ry Y getting above 60 ]),slow. We were having
which was a Im,go sum of money in those do yon suppose ' . . - � over a man sometimes, isn't it ? I told the she was going to take me in hand again and You thank him for his kindness, at the a very hard I time with our sledging along
happened at last hYf' woman I hadn't any regular job, and she give me �verythiug I had given her. 8ame tirne wishing he would not come. the river, our camps at night almost in
days; I declined to recognize him when we she got so tired that she- slept soun , if .
met, and our relations -remain I put. her do�rn, On i . , and said I could get plenty of O'dd jobs right I I Well, she's been at it ever' sines. . She2s he is a friend you dearly prize, it robs the sight of those we had left in the morning, so
ed ,strained V seat, iiiakmg a sort o - I
for two or three years afterward, h; having pillow with the r I a- - near her place by hanging around for them twenty years old now, and being very Bmart parting of all sentiment to have it take close were they together and so slowly did
ggect cOat I had, amn th and keeping honest and sober. Work- naturally and having had every advantage place in the fusb and hurry of departure, we labor alung. Reindeer on which we wiKe
made several involuntary visits to Black- -I felt lonesome ! Yes, air !,I)d got so use honest -sober -,why, it sounded a hundred of education that good ad.visers co d 9- and this final ad eu relying for our daily supply of food were
well's Islandfor reasons which police justices to the-feelilig -c,i that * ' � ul an i but renders the agony
Child!s arms aroun times worse than I Ten dollars or ten days.' gest and money could buy, she know of art! .ng more lingering. If he is a mere not found near the river, but some haing
- - e to - u ta back from it,
thought sufficient. Both of us enlisted my neck that I couldn't wait for h r wake " I did, though. 'Twas hard and the pay great deal t it all. 8 al aeqp ain nee, it conipels you to hear and to .
when the civil war broke out, and although 'up again. I couldn't -and I'm being tangh seen some ten or fifteen miles .
4 was small, but I had Chick to go back to have to take music lessons, with her for reiterate some worn-out phrases which I determined to leave the river and strike
I escaped being in the same regiment with swore about it ' a6d when that didn't do any every night, and she paid me until I felt teacher; she makes we practice only �in amr,unt to nothing when said .- straight across the country for Hudson's
him, I chanced to hear from time to ti -me good I went to thinking about it. I never' richZr than any man in Wall street. She boar an'evening, as I have a long day in
that he was bravely living up to his old had any brothers or sisters, and as to m� " SO glad to have pe,t,,y,tDu " " ro e we Bay.
. was always good natured as a kitten and a business. I'm obliged to practice drawing shall meet again." 4 T. a � on w U �
reputation and making occasional business father. and mother -well I uppo the , puppy 11 � ave 2, We had been gone only three or four Zays,
S Be Y ro ed into one, and when she fell and a' ,udy languages while riding to and from pleasant journey." 'I Thank you; you are and as we ascended the higher levels the
for courts martial. Our...ways diverged didn't -find me very interesting when I was asleep 'twas always with her little arms home, aild ice on her while at home. very kind. 13 thermometer commenced lowering, anc! on
after the Civil war, and for years I ha -d for- a young one- Anyhow I sat there awake around my neck. In the course of time I . re belo
" prac' v1Dg And yet I hear people every day express- ,jn w
gotten Cherriten's existend6,bnt. one day in the car all night- lo I've got a good grip on German, ha i the 3d of January reached 71 deg -
ng, waiting for the found out -that the only ugly faces she ever plenty of chance to use it as fast as I learn in the most profound regret when they zero, the coldest we experienced in our
when I chanced to give my seat in a street child to waken, and every once in a while made was because she didn't like the smell it; but French -well, I've my opinion of the hav, missed an opportunity of " saying sledge journey of nearly a year in length,
car to a lady I was thanked in,a. voice which I'd ietl of its ' arms.,to see 'What -there wai of tobacco, so I stopped-chowing. Did you people who got up such Chatter. I won't gOOd-bY" to some one, I met a lady at the and the coldest, I believe, ever encountered
I recognized as Oat of Cherriten. about1bern-Oh, I -was puzifedenouigb to be ever try to stop chewing ? N ?
. 0 Well. show you any of my. sketches, but she will house of a mutual acquaintance one day,
I I You needn't be afraid to speak to me, cleap daft, 11 I by white men traveling out of doors; for that
-:- � it's harder than starving. I ought to know, if you stay long enough. We. were on our and the hostess mentioned her probable de- day we moved our camp fully twelve adles.
Mr. Blogg%" said be, as our recognition be- - - When it did, awake, tiough I was worse for I've tried both. - wav home from,the fall exhibition at the parture within the week. The lady then The day was not at all unpleasant eit),er, I
came mutual. I I I'm not the sort of fellow off. How it did howl! It bugged me, jusi " Well, everything went bett,nr and bet. Ac�demv of Design when yon met us, and expressed all due regret at the thought of must say, until along toward nigbt� when a
I used to be. " Then he whispered, " That's the same as before, but once in a while it ter, until one Chriatmas Eve I took a drink I'd been obliged to weed out the pictures losing her society, and all necessary pleasure slight breeze Eprang up. It was the merest
h ean , " S 8 , 9 day kilad of a zephyr, and would hardly have
- - - - - .� -I -* man and when I went for Chick a d he aw me the dozen best,'and to her great delight- or two laterl chanced to r,�fer to . the stirred the leaves on a tree at home, but,
- mi chick -she that you gave yonr seat to. " would atoplong enough to look up-a� pie as and then another, and some more after that with my own eves and tell her which were at havin made her acquaintance A
was not sure what I I chick " mig t in if I'd been real unkind to it,, � Ast, n fact
in the vocabulary of the class to which whose wife put him up to it, came over to she wouldn't come to me, and the woman aDd mine, too, as to that -I was right in that she had gone, in t slight as it was, it out to the bone every
Cherriten had belonged when I knew him, me and said:- he presence of the ,
who took care of her by daylight called me most cases, according to the experts' re- lady. part of the body exinsed to it. This, for -
but I ventured to say) by way of congratu- ' I I Don't'yon got sense to know dat shild a brute. I started for the river to drown ports that, she had clipped from the news. " Gone! So soon ! and I never called to tunately, was only the face from the eye-
latiou, that any man with so pretty � a wife is hongry 9' i myself, but that wouldn't do, for who would papers. A3 I said, there's none of MY say good-by,J c brows to the chin. We turned our backs to
ought to think himself remarkably lucky. 99 1 ried the poor creature in
No, I hadn't, and when it came to nie I take care of Chick when I was gone? I sketcher, that I would think of showing you accents of heartfelt grief. it as much as possible, and especially after
'A Wife? No more my wife than she is wasn't much better off, for I hadn't anything walked the streets till I i we had reached camp and were at work
was sober, and I but there's one picture in the b Ouse that I Now, what possible pleasure could have
,yours. She's my chick -my child, I'm her to feed it with, and I didn't know whethet was praying and swearing all the time ; I want you to see, for a certain reason. A resulted to either party in a formal adieu 9 es and di,gging
dad -the only one she ever knew, though it ever had beenfed except in the first way. didn't exactly know where the p,taying left few years ago I found myself forgetting All had been said in the vrevious case thit* through the thick ice for water.
there's no relation between us. Let me in- And still the -Aild -kept on howling and I off and the swearing began, but td this day what I had been and I didn't want to -1 was necessary. After all, it is not so much the intensity
troduce you.' Then, before I could suggest kept ou� being sorr;y, for it. Queer, wasn't I think they were part and parcel of the Same waa - ted to keep my gratitude very lively as Imbued with the ridiculous idea that this of the cold as expressed in degrees on the
that a crowded.borse, car was,, so "�cely, the it? I'd he�rd thotisahrls of young ones cry thing, whichever it was. Christmas morn- 1ODg as I lived. So I asked my employer, form was necessary and expected of me, I the ometer that determiiies the unpleas-
I �
place to introduce any one to a young -we in my timi�-Pd tegs'ed dozens of them just in rm
than, he leaned forward and said '- to make them er g 1 went for Chick and she took to me whom I kn& was well up about pictures, waited half an boar 11 to say good -by 11 to a antriess of an'arctic winter -" is the force
" Chick, this is Mr. Blog . _y-y6t this one's voice tonk again, and she and I went house hunting, for who was a good arti I st in low life characters la,dyrecently. It was my dinner, hour, but and direction of wind, for I have found it
r, that,used ,U my heart�qU to �ik,60;jind just as I was be- by that time I had saved up a few dollars. -this was before Chick went into art. He as the lady was completing her trial pre. far pleasanter with the thermometer at even
work in the same place with meviviren I was in-'riliM9 W'flh&&-t-Alf rhad such a thipg We got board with a decent 'amily that h, d gave me a name and I put in part of my parations for travel and the carriage was at 70 degrees below zero, with little or no wind
' '
a boy, and beginning to be a regular tough, as a heart in me. ,' no Children of their own, and where the wo- summer vacation in having a pictaire paint- the door, I was obliged to wait. blowing, than to face a - -
like I've told, you so often." - I -.1 When she . rather still breeze
I At last I stood up in th&wx, ,feelin man was very motherly to Chick, but the ed -a picture of a tramp holding a shab- descended, preoccupied and flurried, she when the little indicator showed even 30
. 9
A face that was really charming tu-Ined real desperate, and I" ho,ited dftt:�- '� I little thing never took any of her heart awa,y by child whose arms were around his was obliged to shift her travelling wraps degrees warmer temperature. Even a white
toward me as I ra,ised iny hat, and a well , -c'Say �Aifi't -Wer-e-ar motheT--tolend"in from me, bless her I neck. I was the model f r the tramp. and parasol.from her right to the left hand !nan acclimated to Arctic weather and face -
modulated voice said: . here somewhere -one of the kind that can " Things went on well with us for two or It took a long time to find a cbild that before giving me the final hand -clasp. Then
" Papa never loses an opportunity to tell give a baby something to eat ? ing a strong wind at 20 or 30 degrees below
me that he used to be dreadf dlly bad when - . three years after that. I kept so straight would do, though, till the artist explained we both smiled, and she said, " So kind of zero is almost sure to freeze nose and cheeks,
- I " Nobodyahswered ; there weren't "vy and worked so hard that I got a steady job that the child'sfam would not showanyway. yout,ocall.11 Isaid,"Notatall; I hope
he was young. It really seems: to eive him awake, but at last an emigrant woman came and put all my savings in the bank. 6ther I brought the picture home and hung . it on you will have a pleasant journev." She and the thermometer does not have to go
� many degrees lower to induce the Eskimos
pleasure to give himself a bacl-ebaracter.' over and looked at the child, and then men that knew me and Chick would say I the wall, and Chick would gaze at it by the said, "Thank you -so kind -good -by." I themselves to keep within their snug snow
4; I do it so as to keep her in mind of the brought a little cup Of Milk aDd a spoon and ought to marry again -they didn't know I hour. I never told her the story of it until said 11 Good -by. houses under the same eirc-imatatives unless
great lot ofgood she hasdone me." Cherriten fed it two or thre . " Then she entered the
I e mouthfuls and left me to was a bachelor -so as to have a. mother the night when she learned she was not my carriage and said "Good -by" from the door, absolute need of food forces them Outside.
explained, as both of us resumed erect posi- finish the job. -1 wasipretty. awkward, ag for the child. I rathei�,.,t �-ygh
tions. She's been the making of me. She puts .. . � t my: daug)x ; evqu-.tb&ji,Ltol1 her only to quiet andI walkedaway and looked over my I' is one of the consoling things about
you 7nay imag got'there overy self that the � ,
ittheotherway-she hasn't cost me anything, t ine, but Chick 1A.0hing'cip t -� ' . 'V - Arctic weather that the intensely low tem -
g V16 have, a,., h e r, "i ih - he � '' - nparison, what shoulder and said
" _ I . Qwl-� T4 �-col I " Good -by, "and she drove
I ime I gav-.e-.h,er a fair show with the spoon.!, better chance an*1 ia&A-'Vkh,.her abou't� Ae bad�- ,.�� 's the picture." peratures are almost aiways awompanied
but money, and goodness knows tbat's easy ,, en'. . .- W1. I'll . done f6i * offand I went home to a cold dinner.
- �
. . Wh we got to New York some of the it, for she was aboutfburi' - a old, � d ---- w spqke,1461arose and drew a C I ould anything be more ridiculous ? And by calms, or if there is a breeze it is a very
t0f7, - vear an - .� .4s Ch�em4te .' �
enough to get if a man is willing. tO work, emigrk�nwtx -�-Qld �6rtain4hlch A h4. . '
I . plained to &.,kind -looking', seemed abou tir huh4red7 wfinever.-",ke 'notigo on entering the lightone.
� - - yet We ate doing it daily.
- iinice on man -a city missionary, I believe -about talked serionsly*bb"u,t�,"Anytalbg-�,*��"B"I t& I 14�0�xn. ,�'The`. - -Oihi�.rv-- -,,
but she has had to spend enough pafi .. -
me to set old Job . . I - . $At- , % , Mt ,I] i64 a three-quarter With the exception of a very few quiet
- - -, , , - � - 11 .- - - A lady I know visits twice a year in
' ' -
up in business. Honest, Uhi,k and me, and he told me of a place said, I Don't wan't any Moth - n t a days during the warmept summer -weather
efk-� & 'w'aftt lefigi ' I 5" deVef'aftist and the grin- , family �i nine " The ordeal of say -
but ; -th, by a very c J _ people, of the polar summer these clear, quiet, cold
now, Mr. Bloggs-I'm not fishing for com- where they'd take it in, and I walked i � nobody papa.' Now imagine -but. cipal figare was an offensively reali-stic ing good -by to all these persons separately
pliments, but from what- you can see Off there, for I hadn't -the price of a car fare.� 1:ishaw ! you can't -nobody can. tramp. stares me in the face for two or three days ones of the Arctic winter are about the oul
, .
hand don't I seem something of an improve- Lots of folks that we passed looked'af,tis " Meanwhileshe--piekedup, some -ver:r ' Y 64 times when the wind is not blowing wiiK
ment on what I used to be as yon remember funnily, and a gqod many of ti , � Nothing,Amy-,about46pis there?" he before I leave," she once said to me. I
me VI iern looked, strange expressions, or inade them up, 1- a�ske(L "I told him I wanted it real, and am expected to kiss seven women and child. great vigor from some point, of the compass.
r - Of course there were a few exceptionn to
I disgusted. I suppose,.-we,we en't a very don't know which. I suppose you know he obeyed orders. - I think it's the ugliest ren and thank each one separately for her this
I was glad to answer in, the �affirmative. pretty'pair, but the meaner anybody lookea how young konea,- general rule of quiet weather with
n a beauty ; 9 � I get-,:&, .-notion here� an& ,thing of the. kin& on the-4a,ed'Of the earth ; kindnes.Q to me ; then I shake two masculine
Cherriten never could have bee thetighter I held Chick and the iighter-she another'one Jtni�,b aoi&6, - tb6m,; tq-� 'I nAdr. wyself ,up to 1ocik"iliat way, and I extreme cold, and when they had to be en -
I . hands and Bay something agreeable,and then dured they were simply terriblm Ear one
he was born of very l;iad stock, according to held me. She seemed to know, somehow, gether . � - - &h a t- - "'w'", rso 'rfive` lab&tthink I'64e;dl-il &y-A'bl'&Self a bit. But each.of the nine people says good -by three !Y
his early accounts of -himself and .Jib bad . J% a- gro e a r �
, - when 1-w--ai-Wing -made't'o feel bad, bless would thin of. One day, when she was what do you suppose happened when times before I get off. It really exha morning the thermometer showed us S
usts 68 degrees below zero, bar, as it wasltcawlam
Urge features undee�,'a 'small brow, -but the her 1-'--she.'s%`ehn ibat- iia� ever since. At about six y ars Id, she paralyzed me by Chick learned the story of that picture? md.� I wish I could walk out of the door
, �
old dominant e9ores � 66a of la*1e9sue- . 0 .
entirely departed . Be had last I got to the asylum and rang the bell,, saying : - I Why, she put this curtain before it the very and say, I Well, good morning' and I e we paid no attention to it but harnessed our
and there was a healthful and then'. I thought to myself that in al I I I Now, papa, I'm going to ta . 0
ke -you ,in next day; *he said it was to be her Shrine. them take the rest for nted, or let 1v dogs and loaded our sledges for the dgy�s
gra me journey, which was to be an exceediE,rly
glow in his eyes and cheeks which 'told of minuteor two I'd have seen the last of her., hand. I think you need a mother's- earv:'� Rv6ry -ffi,gNt since then, before going to her write to them what was to
good physical habits. liewasasweildressed Well, Sir, what di Li be said. " short one to a place where the Eskimos
id I.do bat ta,ke to. my� She was as good as her word; she's had me own room, she kneels before that picture to - 'T'he last kiss between the dcareat of
as any man in the ear, and he wore good heels and run as if- the police weiii after� m'e.' in h--nd ever since. I thought I'd made a say her prayers. I kneel beside her; that I thought they could get food for ourselves
clothing with the air of a man acciistomed. friends is fi&ble to be a very automatic affair
to that sort of thing ; he was _ n 1, suppose,you den�t know how that feels? great improyement in, myself in the first is one of the many -habits she's taugu-pp,. if taken atThe hour of departure, in thq and aog. We were just ready for the start
- eatlY gloved No? Well, it puts wings on the feet of th6 iwci tfig ' of ourij acquaa 1, ,
or, e years. -ptouci' ;4 lint- �aud Dvnot a bit �4haniexlC!Ut' when a sharp wind sprang up, and it felt
; I ,40, midst of anxiety over trunks, satche s, um.- like a score'of
- --me up 0 shl- If "V- b -
� om- brellas and tickets.
embarrassed by it. 4-wa i�if,Aiinj to wl�iat, � Ahe pii P � ' t I . - bad t6id 1nbL---'-' e li��hl-�`8he'slc � razors cutting the face. H -ad
aven, and carried a stick without seeming ls�dest tiairip in the city. Away I went till , I
I � I got out of sight 6f,thatIbiffaijig . lthai� She began to go to school, and nothing in !11 the wind arisen a little sooner we would not
a se I j 9 . Ai1cir our American system of paying our
She did it all.'� he said. l7e could see walked slowly, for I wasn't any too strong would do butthatshe and I -should-- study "'Robert has come to tea, papa." - have thought of starting, but as we wery all
that I was looking bird over. lljwi�hyou'd myself, not havip 8 respects to the hobtess before leaving a large ready and the distance short we coneltded
. arc V-- '16 �'Izfi", besides having. I think that trick of ma ' ,Then he said to.me, 11 Robert,is ward or embarrassing ; and I rejoice to see into the old camp. We kept the dogs at a
,let me come to see YOU, Wh iver -;your � abo ,& had anything to eat for the lessons together. Now that he's older, "All right, Chick, I'll be there in a me- entertainment, nothing could be more awk
b= � wen��-- ft - king school children . merit. 1. to go ahead rather than unload and go back
� plw- of business is, -and tell You'the wholq ., --k' ' k�. Y ; �,Si ,
- wki 4AWI& in-olass; rooms live, fiokir%� ar da , qud, then -in,V at it giving way to the more graceful Old
story. I'm sure �ou'd enj4i h � , ,y ., emp)oybr'4-sofi, 4nd f dhd'.df -,thc -A�e- - good round trot and ran alougsii5e of the
eai ing i t. 11 Without intendinj`�o I went clown to aft,43� at-hbr�# tivb or th�e`e -houis afti�*drd 'i6iingfello*s'alN� -71'� ' b "' � nbtici � � iii5i- World f, bion of, a quiet exit.
' ' - -' � , V6 een ng in - . s I
. Besides, it's a story you'd like to tell your the river, and on the shady side- of the is rank brutality, but in the old tin-es4t'was, 9** for more than ten years, -for he is Very few people know how to make their sledges the whole distance; and when we
wife, if I'm not greatly--Mjstaken� ,Tim,t ju Lber heap where Iused to sleep nights. great fan to me to get her lessons wit&h W ..
. . IT er' al*& reached the*snow house of some Riturevetro
- yo with his father. He saw Chick one adheuxaft,pr a formal call. Many a delight- Eskimo it was as welcomle a refuge as'if it
- every day that n ys gone `Xwwr warm *&ther, and the air from the and then recite to her, while she looked as day �irhen she came in to ask me for some- ful vi it'6s been spoiled by a teilious leave -
through what I have-%nd got as much good water freshened um I tried to think, but I gra"Ve as a cagv_f-ull of owl , and gave me, ez�, - had been a first�class hotel.
6 .r thing, and he lost bi&, hea"t -,Wee and takin I
it as proi �- marks, and4re� " . g- When we reached the end of our journey
out Of I - Ckm't you come along witli us tumbled asleep, and when I wokp up it w ' DfS, and coiir' ,tions, - , wai&d me to take biT&, iome ""e some I have seen callers rise to go and felt
� -ev . . I egain looked at the thermom�ter and
and see how I live -how She lives,, too? beeause Chick, -was patting my face- the portcards,ank' 'erythizilftbat the teacherk evetni I k iew sonriethin ---'61'ft't'he sor t, so keen had been the plea- found it indicated 55 degrees below zero-
ip * - 11R t., t genuine regre
��,- �� � - - �,, -, . -g,
Maybeyoumay run against some of the ounni 'g young one! I don't see how she at school gp�*04. - '�'�-` . � - 1. --`Q`ha#* . I M-ep'' �fth some-
, f rl., Ix I cot
. g �- �� - �-Ik ,J- nsome'ti -1 sure of the visit; but before the door closed
other boys that we used to work with- brought herself to do it. My fa,ce isn't " 'Twaf4oughi thohgb, wherr"491 t 41 4 Z- that is, it bad grown 13 degrees warmer
- �s . e Zgo. 7- lif "' '
- I s�� - I 11 �p in
� I �A, as she upon them I have felt tempted to give the during the time we were out, altbough it
you'll meet next in a bi Much to,speak -of-now-, but, tbea—Well, further al6riji;ik'put nifffito fraeficiiis 4nd t tnq N-, iFO I told �hffi I - Weill I a gentle push, so laborious and fingering
never know who 9 . . , - i waid- to be .',ai '- ' k'
. - -- P 2;, . � � ,- , -1 � � - - a
city like this, &rid I'd like you to pass the never mind. I sat y egran th='- gram mar. Z,Lp, d. An e I,-,!.,- t d b . _�. J 5 - seemed to us it must be at least 30 degrees
h � p u y g�h 11, iM A - - t to have a have 1�een their adieux.
. - �- ' , , 40 1406 41 4. 4- at �J 4 dz �ii
-Wel , - ' ' , W- _j - W- -,
'I d �t me -'Z; t thd It JR-akran 4 -- � i,K&i4A&ijA-- he old ` - ELLA WHE LER IN ILCOX.
1- --- - " , - '-ChiA'i2X1-� in ,p - andb � Wneithe - sin , I � - , colder. I told the Eskimcs who I -ad been
�&- &long 1hat Cherrited-lin't what he �mg ; y lap and G" Of all = I I b5� t d "Wl r
used to be, and that he couldn't go back if as hard as if she was wondering what was there. She had to study it, and what her m an iokr ise .to hold his to6gue. I .made a - with us that it was much colder, as sbown
he tried. We get out the next streo -but -On MY mind. At last I said to mvself, little head could take in I wasn' clean t�&t Of it, but the old man didn't by the instrument, before we started than
3) _ -
one. Then he b6nt over the girl and �siid Old man, sometimeii.y4'teltrW t6- flunk at, so I sweated my way through it, scare worth a cent; he sad his own parents "
, �k-jp a
" Chick 'rm t - - ' q , Superstitions About AnimaJs. it was when the wind was at its highest,
V " 11 Bloggs In' do but somebody �J*46L -600-lek it e I - ' 6 -- but from tbei incredulous glances at cach
Yi -9 to coax Mr. . � 2'��'� - and I tot fractions into mybead sosolidly had come ever as einigraps, andsohad the
come in a few Oiiuitei'� Can�t li bo 'th� - r
, , ,'j�a he� � %I at C64d A�k more grub f�r it'than that I've never been able to get them out ancestom of every family in the United It is unlueky to kill a stork, a robin, or a other they wondered how we could be duped
I .
me V I.. � - I - .- -, ; - I -� YDT16nia- �. SV; � � - 4 States. As to me having been a tramp, he swallmr. According to, a Swedish legend by such ideas directly against our coamion
- - I -"Osi -you keep this tiring ? again, though I wish I could. -
The'. , the stork hovered over ' ar Saviour, as He sense and personal observation. They
TO a woman,`emiled�aad aded her ?TJaWt4-' Jkocidi lo4king asa dbg--I was 11 In the course of time I was troubled made light of it. The fact was, as he a,c-
iu*iialllin- Cheri 's. As I had hall an talkingof howshOlooked tben-fand it'll about Chick. Maybe'twas because she was knowledged, hchad seen was clying on the cross, crying 11 styrhe !
i - Chick himself,andhe might believe our statements that the world
hour to spare befdre my own dinner -,time J, make more troubl ' styrke!" (strengthenye! strengtheiiye!), war round and turned over everyday, with-
mted '- . ek'so nobod '11think of mine that I thought her a great deal better would be delighted if his boy could persuade .
11884 ., and within ten minute * Y out the polar bears sliding off the slippery
, S wam seat- hookinjit!" Then1s�kdrIF4 t ob�! t d
I ic I - - voV and smarter than an other ebild.ren I saw, her to make a match of it. Chick did no an from this it received the name of styrk, '
- - -WAA 01i � ! - _;� " t - --; - .
YA �?- I or stork. There is a similar Scandinavian
AW -1 � ' 61i 6 room aa I ever, had seen think of the-nol-ion, Phi ., and that she ought to have better chances understand it for a long time, though the
- iat �P 41 e* -fit up icebergs when it was upside down. Simply
I l6gend with respect to the swallow, which because the white man had told them so,
anywhere, and Clieniten-'and I were begn. both- Arms�i��'60' Great r ! Wild and better company. The man of the family young fellow came very often. Whenitdid
'ling to bum some very good cigars. hoises couldn*t have dragged her from me we lived with died, and his wife was pretty come over her she tried to back out -said fluttered above the 'cross - crying, I I svale ! but nothing would persuade them that when
"Well, "said my host, Proceeding at once af4r that. But what was I to do? I old and had no family, so I told her that if she.never would leave mo, and all that sort 'evale!" (ch�erup! cheer'up!). . There are they felt perfectly comfortable and warm
� to business. " I needn't go over old times hadji�t any hom e -and I -didn't know bow she'd keep house'for me we'd move into a' ofthing. I told her she might'always count two legends with respect to the robin -one loading the sledge it was colder than when
� :V61�y - soop�, �gh-o � might- A.et -, . that as the Saviour was toiling up the hill their arms and legs were frozen and their
.- � il.much' I5ra&a'PrettYtOu9hJOt-,when � - I - � �- _h F.gry'. . ag*ni better neighborhood. I'd hire a little flat upon me being around. Then she dida braver Cal
you Q� me �4ncl 1 g�t al)oidt t - I Besldes�� �;I iw�s all ��g&" instead of apartments in a tenement hous of vary, a robin flew down and plucked noses " nipped " by the frost. I tried to
' -- fi - � � . . en, �tnnes I 11 �-. , Z `� I " . sider,� Wqi�elf. e, thing still -she brought the young fellow in
� -worse biA ye'lr f o - . - a thorn- from His temple, ani a drop of explain to them the effect, of the wind, but
r ve or six years. I,-reldel�IDWed,',"seeiiig%oodiiiJ �� ith2cbrfictren and she and Chick could live like ladies. here, showed him this picture and tol(f him -
I gof , W I
taken in by the police three or four times begging in the streets and b,t the ferries; as She took to the notion for she bad good the story of it. Bv the.- merest chance I blood fell -upon his breast and turned it red. they said they had known the wind to b!ow
and by rights ought to have SPZnt most o' for that, I'd done begging o in her, and her manners had always happened, into the roo TIjeA"ek is that the robin carries dew to them off their feet in aninmer and not freeze
I f 11 my own ac-, stuff in just then, and- . -
MYtilne in jail.. Father and mother'both, count Mau and many a time', Ind g9t p been a mile above most of the folks in the and "- . refresh sinners in hell, and the heat of the them a -particle They said they knew it
, -
A I p
, I 116"i - ' � - I li� � I ' ' "4 '&yA I flames scorched its feathers red -a much seemed colder w n the wind blew, but that
dic&, ha"7t-114 idends, �whlcb *u� 'godil igenoug 'tdF%quebz&8uJ1j& to- et bc.use where we'd lived, though it's a great Well? " more comforting legend than that which iie
fOrthe friends, JL wasloafer,thief,wharf rat, �drunkom So -I ;went to the- ,nearest ferry mistake to suppose alltbe pocirare rough - Well, Robert threw his arms around her, was because it actually was colder, and
,- - �, ascribes -to the malignant jay the t&sk of here they stood firm in the belief that we
fighter and everything else that was -bad - I ana"wat6bed D�Y -I'aiies's" anii stood on the and coarse. We came here five or and instead of seeming embarrassed when
, -
Wiese tough-th4tiother fellows of my. ' - side of the -,crowd ,whera. the., polideman aw me he spoke up as manly as -you -' �
I - � - - - six years ,ago. I've worked up to be lie s � c;�ri7xn; at - icks to bell every Friday to feed were wrong.
so Own ' foreman in a pretty big business,, pi thb;flames and torment the wicked. If one
kind - woill Stand me,- 4' 'it last I had to wi"'i and 6ld o6:w,v�'li�at-�- �ft fetc6& a ease, and Said:- When the thermometer wasat 71 degrees
, �e I
'' ' - , -, ,
Rock by myself. My boarding jioose-was good many,�-df the worn;n, Y was astonish� and though I can't make m : I Thank you, Mr. Cherriten. 11 I kills 4 wren ke will break a bone before the below, the cloudless sky in the viainity of
)umber heap, and sometimes I was he d ed at what I took in from one single boat- show of myself I stand well with everybod r i .;oat. It is also unlucky to kill a the Bun hanging low in the southern horizon
� . . I . Y ' That's about all'there is to the storv. Yea 8 ,
out of even that by gangs of boy - � ozen -ful a -ad -1 didn't wait for any more,. but puti., that knows me, and Chick has any number You're welcome to tell it to -any of the .Old marten.- - Many animals possess the power assumed a dull leaden hue, tinged with a
- ..
against ci;m - out for a shanty I knew of whera-they Sol& of nice friends whom she's slowlypicked up boys if you meet any of them. I wish you'd of curing''dis6ases. Three hairs taken from brinwosh red, looking something like the
"At, list I W61 on the, tr%inp-'fh ' CoffeQ and �4,ke , the cross " of an ass, that is the mark skies of cheap chromo lithographs. At
. a. Wand milk and ,th at school and church, and she takes pains to come to the wedding; I'll send you an ` -
, ,%�-, sort of I in .running up the back and out au right angles night the stare glitter like diamonds, and
I'd get to some placp, where Qug"t thing-, and'19`A-�?m�Vhic- - make all of them understand that her vitation. If you, want to see the happiesi -
- � -1 wasu't known I ate I I k a goo&A'ea before� papa -Over the shoulders, will cure whooping fairly seem on fire with their unustml brilli-
to well. A gocd'&Q of tim-- I folio, -auythi Myself - The �woffiiih- lh�tl is the greatest nartest, dearest, funniest, mat there, though, look at me -not at� the
me wed .
the -railroad tracka;ar, most ttamps 4 AM � . cough. but the ass will die. This cross waa
_ and -ran'the place.zwas,a rough Creatuie tbat7 best man in th 4orld. Some of them have bridegroom." - ancy. Should you pour water on the sur-
- - � , . �
one day 1 -reached a place Wh - could bufs*4r aij-A ' if - " `�V- i - ns of the same kind about their own . ,believed to be the cross of Christ impressed face of the ice it greet& Von with an as-
. train -had been wrec�k6d-bal ere I " . MP- he madt her Mad; OPn`1O - .up — - .
f ano-4-em'giant -I'd heard-lfef�do it, but She, -W, �!A- 'it: fathers, but Chick makes no allowances, for � u n the ani al when Christ rode into tonishing cra,ckling noisi, and irk putting your
' hour befo , hea I I � I PO M
f 4114 lot of peOpie kitted. Alw - re likq� other,folks,and'sh any one, although I've tried to teach her. Jerusalem on the back of an ass. Another foot on it tums instantly as white as mar-
� . ybe yen *oii,t - e told.- me, "'Was-% . Whereleoglass Oomes From. -
*Havelit* but -1-virw - --- shaifiel'dian'twtake-bettije - ' ' that children have a right to their,own cipin- Sure Cure for whooping cough can be ob- ble.
so low down that I meu,are-6f my-ohill -
* on thelower " . ions ia family matters of that kind. The best - isinglass comes from Russia - tained by asking and following the advice Sometimes when breathing this exti-emely
�vent lir6wlinj about the rock -1'rYc4)ild,'- The M�re xo;; cit�ft made ,, ' P i - I -
-had been -1 ver, felt bgf�Tq. sto - � .
: aldeW the road� to SU -1 if apything me feel -well, . S�- j,d ne� Well that ought to be the end of the where it is obtained from -the glant,sturgeon 7of a man riding -a pieba, d horse. cold air my tongue would feel as if it were
- Z" i, -- .�, - - - v � .1 1,
36it , m - 6 effier'2w'ara d �iU dit I Ii�-��`z-�.; � . ezing in my me
I I MO " -th e- *r6ck -that I' cO@d Steal. ioldhert khelm- ry, but it isn't, All the years Chick and which inhabits the Caspian sea and the riv- '" � -1 uth, but I could readily
- Well,- something had rolled down there and Youngster had run clown S ime in ap I had been together it had never occurred to ers whi--h run into it. This fish often gr I
( pq4r a
, _4UM, Owe cure this by breathing through my nose for
.W been- o,v but if I could get ikstarted ri me that she didn't know there v asn't any to the length of twenty-five feet, and from ; - ' ft" and Wido*' iu Ire1and. a few minutes. You will naturally asit,
. erlooked- �y th� peopler that . - � I jot X thought I en us. I'd bee its air -bladder the isinglass i . I I � N - �- - � - -
*hre sbarching.' "I - " Vek TW-�,u relationship betwe ,p careful is ared. . It I '; othing-UlMore -likely to perplex the 11 Why not breathe through the nostriis all
. W&, - 6' sciiieiiii - `6di& - --1-' ijaiiW4 �1`�Wa� that I
- �
I .;4it�-vas--Ohi&�.----'Sh-i�-was Ojai abou- - -- ., me , She toia-2me, wh'�'.fel not to tell other people anything �tout the is subjected to many processes ore bein - Z,ngWh visitor to Ireland than to find Brig- the timel" as you have so often heard advo-
t11 - I � I I P994KV0i itts6ihe*e
--1, -- -
A � d - - with w -h#- hioupy was lett from - , �"*Or,dsused there in a different sense from cated- The air, however, is so bitterly cold
1,04 t a year �iiw Clot thes * , - - 'V,- way I came by her, for I was afraid there ready for sale, but the Russia a, * -*
sitgris;an ' � � � �
ilt-7 and'shabby as the I 'Fd-1)4�6�il - .- A-1 li�i�T-1 1-16 . of being 11 J W *hat in Which he has been accustomed all his that it becomes absolutely necessary to
en" Ju 9=-9 !W,�-the-.u-srlal i - " d .. f b - e ,
40�*as iiIiiint ��, di ' ' i - what' ,,g avtheierfy,�au s e giv might be a law of some kind by which some- hasthereputation of being _ �
talj�th . .
I -,;kti:�f4u4d.-tier,V�ancl--.ihe didh't400-k it a cleaning-inp4or Me in the-jvv kitehm body might take her away from me. There greatpainam its-ptepara- . - d in the ,,Mi ',W 6i - th One of the best-known breath through the mouth. Also the nose is
-1 - - - --- -- � ' � _ � - e1h.
h . -ag.j - �- ", - - .
'i - ' , S was no reas Ot �r 'ti he rival.' 40*00, p4haps, that could be cited is tne wore liable tofreezewhen breathing through
44, t -better46r a�cut or tw hehihd tle shop,q S&Ij, , g%ai 1' she Dn why they should so d world's markets it has pir
. �
� - , bon - head. ,& i ' .
JMW-Uce�7 Bur I i -h ;-- I � - � her wi�s as'V,o&ai berev�r& A T. �. ,butpeople are always fearful about the' AZi t deal is made alone- the Amaz 116044i sense: in which -the word "boy" is it These freezings of the nose and cheeks
� - e Was- scimebocl.v , k W B 7 1 11 I- - - . � 0
'e youna C�,ck pj,t4� ,, �, ,-t, 1, er,11t*-.1v1s oker - One day 'when I was I � ps- In - - I .
ut �,,, , -11 Z-- 31 - treasure you know. but it is very coarse and int" i -
&1f&3,P----fSVAA--t&-ix6V0iX and -he I - . her i inst rri,q A tAe i S1 ex,104 And- used b ein"g-In, fact, equivalentsto the English are very common affairs- in very low tem -
dull -dw-1. I iid:jim�
- I -for thei refining of liquors in '
F g eir co- , y" " . - - ,hick - ed - ially when the wind blows.
- - 4- , Wh -��babk.l 'Th I I Y; 111 91 ' L--- 4'iWlelof " :- A young man is a "boy" until
-��--`66, . - ey"c"ke- 'Foula- a peratures, espec
se ler, bfit,;& -- ' . rT -gain or is us
L -, _ e ,#-h' ed to 9 [sick at home, and lying in bed, and V
� - uldn t be eern 1-m tint wav . isat on my be i ;,. . The adulte ti 4' - d is�� h - * ,
W. "-- i 1-�,Uck Money, JUdging by the cliflWa ed * fil ' �,"(Uham6ruj�f -
Z Its side saying loving and funny lar purpose ra on 0 -900 The Eskimo care these frostbites by simply
4* me to � I - 1 e is married; and, though less widely, "girl"
I I &- S=A1�a1-F1- � . ,
- - .1 - � - , -s-, It t - iwi -
- I Ir - - 4A stand the p - - I i titte - thing L; r - In's, Stin
06thes but th � OU 4A gs to cheer me, and looking like the inglass J#fthtlie -inferior kinds can alwt - -'-' ' aflar way to denote a spinster. taking the warm hand from the reindeer
!�,". r, Swee j em I - .1 Oy useid � I I
I 1�9 - , �, -, - , rice, o � Y-IrMocert ,11 t
ilk& j4": - U46. I -- , - . t- angelic hearted thing she is, she be detected, by- placing samplea -in - beilffi - Toa-4ifoieigullear it sounds ludicrousto bear mitten and Y%,bbing the affected spot. They
� I 11 - wa - -4 - y -, --,t filk, A",-Andl wain justl � -I i � � - 9 -
� - , - -.�---� - � 1� an aw I -
I - I - - I f eIff. " � � . -- - � � . �.
� - zi - fi-nd thq: em . I _ t� - . � I I $- I
��VV 41, f Waldni ' _ - , .I !suddenly said:� I water. The best idiglass will dissolv& �0- Way.hatted -man or woman spoken of as knOw'nOth of rubbing frost bites with
i� �� - OWL -As, --"��,Go�-'- '- � 99 f I never knew a father and daughter completely, -leaving -no visible g4W---',):or 'a "gui-13" but to one accustomed snow, and Vatarticle Could not be used in
I , I I - he. ' I . f � I I - . residiinin 4-0
iew I coiddFie I- l- th--e" . - - 44i40jqu4Hn-a-- i - I
She �aake etA o ke. ts p ii funny that while the inferior variety Will show threade , , e-�colhitry
-y I � --man � t�-A",-��-';�, �
I -'and-if yOu-sti6k`to-.,jUt,V -tfien 'Ma"' Ilook a unli I' 06 t �ely - , aing is Clear. an Arctic Temperature, where the snow, if
women that-. ahe,d been . with- were both &me and be of a dark col4ri - � - f`1 'u, - ..th'e fuller mea
,�---- I how M14.qliiuP,A�Jt�1.4,a!a-aitd-Wd,va V& ofteu 41 "It I -- - f . ..... v.y the idea of youth -
, �,
-- - * -- -
I limc �3.80
id 41
LO d
� . , - M..., . las-b'Tv rent expression
- . - , � --- --- - - , i t - � . � �, � - - .
400k the-IcilleiL Vdit ku&W%00�3 ,q 4e haven't a single featuTe m common. Pve of fibrous tissue - utended it is loose, is like sand, or, if in mass, like
P, - --�,, - - ---- lli�� 00 - , � .. � A60 � I& - I -began almos brown. � - - - granite rock. Another thing 'Ao Eskimo
- � 11 ,, .. I _- �Ukzu "I �R , ,� -- - A)een noticing it a great deal Since I I . �ksq -a diffe is used
W6, -41 an - everyt - 7 ac J-� - �PDZWU, 1 r., --- - , " I - �
� -14 - , , -"35 1W , - - - -- . 1-1 I . ��,A I � `-ii -wee P
I -1 �
1-111 . z & -that -t wine, - -a a go Aostudy drawinge'- , � I - - I I . I I mlllli� - chap," a "gossoon " a always used was snow to quench the thfrst�,
� �. , - ,.e-- ",-it � elie-,hin , -- ment, and then -I don't ' � I which most Arefte writers have condemiDed
Mute to d* one t � - ri"an � -- � -
i6�folkslo - "WAS T*oulir tak too ,�itaeal
- - 1. I . . . . . a I s, I thought a me I � midi".46�,,J r
. I me fril 14 1 . - - I k - t - . . one more gTOWn, "a lump of a
6&' . - , I ., � ted 1141f,41d � �, ladu. --T
-,so, -another., r tr1qd to,, - I � - . AetonWbg Intddgeneei, - � - " --1&,t% - -as hurtful. My Eskimos used it at all tom-
�,; , � " � -- - I I- 11 W"filla'Affth,'her a *hue anclu 1[ would have done it if I hadn't bderi .,' � . . , . I 1, ., io% Equally
mw- --hi t -1 . k6� a . - ' . � - , % piiiWve designat
- ` - -- . 1, a I -
, ' - - of �tht , . , , r=Z,�Vrd I have never seen any -tad
u - n~d i ---h -, �, - � , _
W" SWim-01i 4�TWe,dft k and weAk and babyish -I tbld her, f116 "Do you knaw,,Fwed nut a More intelligible, is the
" ,.4,2 - ii�� , -, ko. 8, mew�dtleI . -- - I � I , wl - day ,M#,)huCh
� - id 1. i � I -Aw- , � % - I_ ,,�,-,- ry w. a � a n- Mouth it, is te - - I It
, ?
-- � � FM 1A. - ,9,e
I -..---I- & afteiwe%. -- , I : (Aft4dow. id
.1 -f I , �� tory of our first, meeting - day 211 4 LbAted W * ow in Ireland is not, a
iii�6thor--i4eii�*hv-i�y-�-�,bD-Umn. -,�twri and h th use. I . .
�� I L .� � .- �r�.aia - - 1, � 1. - - . ''. ;- z, _,u - - �
,� -Z -1 � �- 2 -n611:V!4Wh : Van- Rd afterward. L -I- I . ., so 1118075 er-. I I 1, - . � I - � . I - -- a I �
t - -W - - I 11 - �, `- � i 11 � - . - ��- , - * ine. It is a word of - - -
- , - Beim a" ,th-.-----, JET,
k "-4 t�� - her1l", - It bidkei her it W I h A81W -�-3 I r
- , P -+U;.". -� �; 4W,R- - v-�--, -
-,.c �L ., � �
- A�w M -- I I too, but it-brolaghtinerm Vout a Aun- 441 have no ideaw, Cha-wl 11 I I -1 - - � - I -
, - �� �4&w �1- � -- .. , o� 1, - �� - I
- �- ---�- � `-- = thor - . � - IM WON`, , ,---'� -h � ' ' - - d is, seldom need by itself, Daughter -No. -he didn'tpv"m -!%
I -, -- - ,- - ; X- � i- - -- tft .1 --k -than it, hid� - , t .1p 3 1
-1 � : � ��� c � 1-:"�� -- � .. -. fre&-iin;ea mere � , -Opo- - '41 We - y . dav ,of GOP"— denoted by _ exact
��- - .,�-�, PITA9 .101T�
----= - -�-;� ,- �.:-,- - - -- ��' 1-- .-- - ". -- , W1 AT� 0 �� , - -4�" 't p ? - , 11, perhap on knaw, wh , , affixed "man'
- �-,'-,- �,� -�� - � -1 � I is at up
I 7+hlii��- ,- -, - -I--- -- ; , P I - , I - - --
I -
-, - - 7,'�.: wvx% � .A -e I I
I � :��`----��r�,��,,:�. - - �, , - � 4-t - d- Wen�` 631 4"� - 8, I - - � , , -� -0
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� � --%;4-'Z -- - ,� -- . � --- �. I Ja -4 Iff, - I �Wq i In - t - - - . ,uwidow.man"andetwidow- but he blew rings of teltacco smoke kh the
� , - � jkjv-,� ltr��i�` - � � ��
I I ii�t4 - - ". ; - I 1-4-
I 1. ... --U- �' .� I - . ha- ' - - WX �� � : �irememb ri7wed.-butliA " ---- I ... y use. -[Londou Tit�. air, so he must have been thinkisS id eno -
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. .0artous Snecz
, -,
- .�- You will find th
- ��
- 'More intelligent
� 'olude these Ju&u
� .The Japanese can
province, and it h
�, - to these shores,
-- visited the neigh b�
11 - Columbia the-,, foi
near the vestiges i
I that one wreck of
12,000 pounds ot t
I Whalers are said I
t,ered wrecked ai
eastern Pa,cific, a
that in 1834 remn
Japanese and a ca
on the coast South
ing less than all t
� ruiderless ethnolc
tion upon the Jal
.- are so far from pr4
agree with Capt-.
who wrote that "
. . lian, type, the sooi
their type the bet
The coast Ind.
and their dugout,
second best ir raci
men. With a p
. made tool, like an
of which a blade ig
of bone, these na
the heart of a grea
outer si,5es into th
-the log is proper] y
water, and then di
have heated in a fi
boat so that they t
fit in the cross- bar
preserve its shal
sometimes sixty fe
whaling and long
They are capable
salmon or oolacha
these people, who
catch -sufficient in,
teriance throughou
an idea of the sm
those waters by th
>ets were used the
or i=Ldle-fish, wer
by v a :mplement f
foot pole with sp-.
swegi among the
lboat� were speedi
that were impale4
Mon. sea -otter, ot
1. and deer (or c
and still are the
� of Ulm Indians. I
and the pelto, to
party, and ate what
votmll. Now the
or fijh for them in
or loaf the rest of I
they still fish and E
are yet as their fat
coast Indians are si
atleast the white r
I and'vices. They I
� in houses ; they w(
little there was tha
. them has vanished
than their own exi
and they -are now
What Mr. Duncan
litla-especially in
parately-has not I
the reservation at )
still see one of h
" ,
they prefer, -mau�
sad arranged for e -
� 4uently for a laxit,
one can hold the w�
. T*Y are a traeta
kindly to the rudir
I � I �Vork, and to co-ope
as the plains India
and whiskey. The
.� mentally inferior tl
carve bowls and 8
and their heraldiepJ
shapen, however il
ThJy still Make th,
�. carve little ones for
they make more s'
than for wear. TW
rushes and cedar b,
Ifloor-cluths, and cai
they were more proi.
than most Indians
longshore career ol
greatlyto be wonde?
I - El Dorado, " in Har
- I
-I' A 'Womau Oz
A white woman ci
tral Asia for the I
. - This plateau is dist
. �- l(iftiek in the worli
- 16,OOD feet above tj
. lap by mountains rii
I � amd covered with snI
. hospitable a region �
Mane latitude. Mai1
cross the Pamir, ,a
4 owing to the -rarity
1)ossible to kindle en
-:- -his food. The regioi
.1 leffering great diffien
., i est of travellers, bul
wife, tourists in e
game, crossed it, n
stonres of the hardab
Crowing the plate
found it half covered
And ice. Tbey wer
the fine views of bigi
that met their ja
Vellers have alwa�
Nigh winds that F
Mr.' and Mrs. 0
� MmPelled to cirl'
� in very deep and PI
" to keep the
tents down. In pl�
- solutely no fuel, al
� -firew(ijd to Cook thei
with fifteen men in tl
they had travelled f,
eight of them had d
the hardships of the �
in the Chinese Settle,'
. 40me days their h(
breaking'through th('
- Ulaile progress very 4
1 1 - - They descended fr
; 7 --,. --�-Jlwl
: �. Uis.of the Upper I
r�!��,--Jlave,very rarely seen
[-,.�W,, -11 -11 .
� a- - g through that
�AM�-Q�'-=Tb R'established a g1l
, -,,�-,
I - v4
-, Z - , Ysician. A sick m4
`� -1`0-U-Sled. She thoul
- -
: -,
� , --
.1�-,, -, advertised pills woull
!,- �
-.-- I . iit the same time do
7�� -1 - IsVe him a couple. I
�,� -- - one, and the fame�
�,�- , , �
�-.L�11 - c -through the country.
,�-� ,Xyi8 besieged by poor -
I - -
*_L -ions to test the Inar' I
- --- Carried with her.
47-��-L - ,
�,�J� -
M- * A eure for lumbago
- - -03*hkin ,loth, Such ,,,,,
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�3�m-,�- �-- tes'a lady) but of
�-' J�Aciei
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,y large** -46OVI
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,- �`� -- - with a fiannel
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I.. ��7 Vivk1l, rid of
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