HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-01-21, Page 5e Township from faulting the. ft lip• Ia 0 N, feet by five feet iced, which iN NEEDS ONE, Ont., to for prices and 'M .ALL PREMIUM dors seobi. et �� Its preparation. its isCsa WAITalued �� post nadiaa Albans Ceetaias irri seams of Sir Jobe, sail admirers ot ear late Z+iNT sir Jelin and -" ett Sir .Sir Jelua f Sin AMA's publiebeil*itec[; by et 11131 eine sit Ottawa; attars. spews e•di Whig in of Perna. feramtiqiis Funeerai=1 Cit. es =oar/ Caterwaul front kis /bean. est Westminster Service was whieb era Cathedral. sad suitably that will be a wises to be great. PIUS for one year • is year. • .11 Block,) p0 IE11td "l$ 11EE#[IE Exci wONsexb Bo 'GAZETTE RsA3► : HURON: On Wednesday last Mr. Wm. McIn- tosh, of Sinop, delivered to Mr. J. H. McDougall, of Seaforth, a ewe; two years old, that weighed 235 pounds. -It was sold at four cents per pound. Mr. John Swartz, who has:condueted the River Hotel, Bayfield, with . great success, has leased the -hotel fora terns of years to Mr. Glazier, of Dungannon: The new proprietor, who is well spoken of takes possession on the first of March. Mr. Swartz, has purchased an hotel in Wingham and will remove to that town. Huron County Council will meet to transact business in the Court -House at Goderich, on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1892. An immense Sunday School conven- tion is shortly to be held in Wingham. Three hundred delegates are expected. The deaths within two days of Messrs. Wm. McLean, Earnest Malcomson and A. E. Pridham, of Goderich; aroused the sympathetic feelings of the community considerably. The Farmers' Institute for West Huron will hold meetings in Clinton, on the 22nd and 23rd of January. The Farmers' Institute for South Huron will hold meetings at Kippen and Hensell on the 21st and and 22nd respectively. At each of these institutes practical ad- dresses will be delivered by :some of the hav been� ob g - m: the 28 b ?--.enable bin --to be present -ti Itr: i$ spec ed. sa that I, H, 'Davies, '. of Pnince'Ed wars >Islau4 one of the best speakers an&ablestmembt sof the House of Connnons *Mix Present. present. The following -gentlemen have iati ated their -intention to be present Richard cartwright, Dd P., Wait. _LLanderkvn, :.-M. P., _-Joseph' Tarte, "M P. P.;and _many other _able speakers including. prominentReformera in this and adjoining counties. The, demonstration will begin at 1 p. m;, on the 28th by a reception, after which there will be a procession; accompanied by the Mount Forest and Arthur brass bands. Dinner will be served at 2:30, p. m., in the Arthur town hall: Aft r dinner there will be held -a short meet- ing of the Reform, Association of North Wellington for the election of officers, etc. At -6 p. m. a public meeting will be held in the town hall to be .addressed by above gentlemen. Arrangements have been made with the C. P. R. for reduced rates from all points to Arthur for the demonstration. Parties going by rail will parohase single fare tickets to Ax thur and procure at the same time from the ticket agent a standard certificate receipt., This certificate will have to -be signed by the secretary of the Associa- tion and then on being.presented'to the ticket agent at Arthur he will issue a return ticket at one-third regular fare. Professors in the Ontario Agricultural The trustees of the Methodist church, College, and others, on topics that are Harriston, decided a short time ago that of interest to the, farming community, at .the end of the year, the pews would and as all the meetings are free, 'they , be thrown open and re let, andin accord- • should be largely attended. _ • ance with this arrangement the meet- There were registered with the town Ing for reletting was held on. Tuesday 'clerk of Clinton, for the last half of 1891;' evening, when, there was thei.: largest 21 births, 7 'marriages and 9 -deaths. number of applications for pews in the Mrs. Owen Hitchcox, the lady tem'r. history of the 'church. • The:number of perance lecturer, of Paris, commenced. a applications was about- 25 per. aeiit: series of lectures in Wingham lastweek. greater than last y4ar. Mrs. Hitchcox is above the average -tem- At about one o'clock on Tuesday perance lecturer and always speak! afterngori last, Miss ,Murray, ;$ -yonng fearlessly and convincing:, In Wingham lady who had been. attending the. High she was greeted with full., houses,. • The Schoch at -Harrisston, died after three taledge was signed by 295 .persons- days`iilnese. The sad event was most' The Clinton New : 'rci says ::The :unexpected as shehad - attended: school other morning -while a: gentleman, was so„1;12,'Irhnrsday, and to all -appearances purchasing a ticket at the station, he W8 . in her usual health.,The father =of dropped a WO note on- the -floor fro_n a ° deceased, who resides near:Rollin, came roll of bills, lie niusthave been thinking nF on Saturday and remained by thebeil • he was going to extract_teeth. and that side. of his daughter until the -end -cage •; he bad hold of a large one The riots Theremainswere Mien 'to the tam* was picked up in the waiting room 'lfy residence on Wednesday and were € u Thursday28t€1 in Bir. Reynolds, bus driver, who handed it -foIliwed'by the teachers : and pupils of A-- to the station agent. The money was: the High School, about 200 buumbei subsequently handed to the dontist,4ho7=40 theA T..l station. Winter -moods at - very gratefully handed over $1 to,Mr.- Revnolds. The chalices are that if the reser had been in Chicago or Vote likr place his $10 would have gone .,up smoke. PERTH. - - The customs turns for the month'," December at the port of Stratford -are as follows :—Free goods, $9;787 dutiable • geode, $9,147; duty .odllected, $3,046.13 Exports; $105,926. If you are troubled with a Cough, Cold; P. C. McCarthy shot a bear in Strat- Sore Throat, Hoarseness 'or Bron. ford, Monday; The bear was::the same one that was raffled at the Windsor a crista, take short time ago. The hide is said to be worth $15. The executive committee of the Perth ChOrokee County Sunday School Association have decided to hold a convention in' Snug. , church, . Stratford, on February.- 24th and 25th. A local executive committee ,- consisting, of the pastor and one lay can from each church (excepting the' Coll- gregationat church, where two laymen - `U FOR g • were appointed. _ The Listowel furniture -factory is now in operation. 4 " number; of the olid. hands of the Hess, firm have - already returned to town, and men are tieing taken on as fast as their services .:are required. Among those _ who have re- turned to town are J. Wood, R. H. Dow- ney, R. Stanley, T. Ainley and others.. The factory will be in full blast in a short time. The annual -meeting . of..'the- Elma District L. O. L. was -held in the orange hall, Listowel, on!Tuesday, 12th just, There was agood representation present frozreach lodge in the district. The following officers were elected." for the ensuring year: W. D. M, Bro.,E; .M. Alexander; D. D. M., Bro. - G. McKee; D. Chaplain, Bro.. S. S. Rothwell -;1 R. Sec., Bro. R. Stanley; D. F. -Sec.,-. Bro. Thos. Later t Treas., Bro. D. Welch D. D. of C., Bro:, Young Coulter : I>x Lecturers, Bros. G. -DixonaottJ.:Bailey It was. unanimously decided too ceebrate_ the 12th in Iiistowel, '< _ WELL GTO)$ One day last weep Mrs: Shstufliu's dogs were caught -worrying :Mr. John Waimea sheep;"near Har_riaton. When, discovered toay'l sildcec one sheeya wjirried`hom ' Weare pleased tokuowthit- thedamage- was settled~ for by Mrs. `S no itlr 04a d1p , c € a p 1r:iouttok r_ barn.: This remedy is not a -universal :panacea. for all diseases, but the public ,may rely upon iters being unequalled for the cure : of an TBRoAI and,Lirxe diseases, for which "onlyit m recommended. N A bottle conta aing4 doses -.for 25 Cent-: The f heapest and, Best ;onghri eine in the Market, - ,Foil Sale. at tie . Cost for Cash. Bargains in. all Lines Wh le taking Stock. r- 0-0J3iiern Q, FOR AXES, - FOR :X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE. 0 ji CLEGG. llison's G..00HY STO±.b T\, IS THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries; Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and everything in that line. *000000 FANCY GOODS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ET`yC�.., IN ENDLESS VARIETY. 004000 arriston Bread kept - constantly on hand. A. CHOICE LINE OF •. Confectionery, Biscuits, Cakes and• Pastry in Stock, Ex)erx V&riei' o Canned - Good, SANTA CLAUS Made a Half -Hour's Call at ALLISON'S —The other day, and now our shelves are Loaded with CHILDREN'S TOYS, CHILDREN'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BEAUTIFUL ALBUMS. (a large Stock.) BEAUTIFUL VASES. ALL KINDS OF DOLLS ENDLESS rNOVELTIE .. CONFECTIONS. lII:rL�Il�TRY. This department it replete in Every Respect, and is in the char' of a first-class Milliner. Produce taken m E change. ENURED TO - 18 PACES THE WEEKLY GLOBE i`02 1892 AND BALANCE OF 1891 ONLY ONE DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. NO . FAKESt: NO CHEAP BOOKS t NO JACK-KNIVES ! SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS ! 'BUT £. TRIM; WHOLESOME ,FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. t Coinmencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOB* will cbnta n` sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretoe,racng it the largest and best family newspaper in e Will be devoted to making it BRIGHT, and INTERESTING.in all its departments. ore nada. ectal ains w rMoRE t'iyys.P +FAMIri.::?.. taken with its Agricultural Pages, and F'L ''DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE B 5CRISEI WHOSE` ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 11t DE EMB;1, I t�2, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SENT THEM UNTIL LOS! 07 18 OR TItE;OITE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. 15 months of a f6 -page for $ I every one Who -subscribes now. TED I,N_ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. gess { T E G LO B E, TORONTO. and influence is -Solicited For uro SG e 0