HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-01-21, Page 2...................... IAN AF1" NO THE FRENCH 00169( ihD i1n&- ike , -ARIL , ustl1i W --S- fowls 1 -m AGWOULTUPLAU V033 to make thein Berna"', 1741 -thin Anher& Millions a, --d Nearly a �Ll ewe. They. nee4. no - . &Any Fruma maiww, we-easure Trlbe�that Rom 'found - ' - .- Thousand.Years Ajitz. -but what can ba Ail Abandoned Farms. y -overy farm and what would gg�tij son Af, 0 W A124FOUght Us Way to the 40a. waste Otherwise. ThW.-Ssylum' for -4hio Alpine wayfarer An official pamphlet issued by the state -[The Prairie Farmei. onw:-Wee ago two men OV4 lip"to The French Congo �ountry is five dineir k dr at it (7,000 feet aboyb-the sea level) is said tQ -he 0 6. Lo-* the size of France. &overnment of Massachusetts hows t Out -of the annalsaf patholegy I the NorthiWeiternSavings Baukin$ It is believed -th have been foundid A. D. 962 by St. Bernard entire number of abanioned oi partially -no respectorof perso" -box 4tof the wagon contains 8,000,000 people, and nore. �hau and', lifting in old si*p -0 of Menthon, whiLe, according to some an. abandoned farm in that Co—onwealth, as And silk or sitin. or broadcloth half ofthem are Pah -is De Bra=% thorities, -it rose -a century earlier undet ported to the Secretary of the Board, to Reducing, Farm Expenses. H19-nomore-influence, with -me entered the bank. Opening the... box, t, ownsi - Than�, a wdilth,of r . es of the calk them, or Fans, as Du made 906. , The largest number, 256, re - in Most farm revealed to the at6nish.eA e3 harlemagne. Neither saint nor emperor i3 ers are coming to see that * .- ­ - I , ', -0 -M Brovih -nalha has!: ps -1 its, 90. them known. Those who know them b Worcester unty. The only other coun- order to make their business profitable t poyees. hed of don � likely to mako good his claim, as the arc. I -W- for the woman 4 d 40 sav t, ties with more than a hundred are Bark- 49Y pieces. When ifie money was Ac heir name is properly'FangL They are hives o( the. h9spice have been completely must reduce expenses or -raise better NftO runs around bare -headed: was found iiiamouit to abbodrs"31 fi- bi farthe m6st "mirkthle pe6pte hi W�dst- lie conflagrations. shire, 146, and Franklin, 103. Eighty- i Or thin shod - eir Africa. 1 The Mirror and Fanner sa disir6je& in tw6 succeiii yothatthiskprob- the way I pe a man event brouiht out a s which tory acres is the average area of ibandoned bly one thing, if not the one thing, 'but 0 Oat Bat like -oilier Clifistain institutions. it which of The Fangs lord it over every people they h farms, upon which there are buildings, and every farmer is thinking about - Itis atur. fee hftt a romanm aq?u�d;uitiidly a pagan predw-essor. Thq n -1i id- - th t city a meet. Years ago they swooped down upon - - on the - e pot, bui 87 acres the average area of those *ithout al, and in one sense desirable. But study.. air is of me; For: many years there v, M a Romans, self sain i it a Andas a microbe incubator man named John R Holman,, Hement1here �the coast natives from the interior just temple to the Penine Jove, and that in turn building& Ths average vidne of the farms ing how to practice a reasonable economy Imay ground it, the hordes of barbarians with buildings is stated to be $894, and sn�rithoat fear before the war and bought solh4k, nvaded - western abably the beat thing to do. save C Th occupied the site of a still earlier shrine ol those withour, $561. Official reports about To -Ofsucc I contradictio% an unsettled portion of -the ciy, d there Europe. ey are Among the greatest can- iMrbv starving animals is That I am beyoud competition I prehistoric antiquity. . the rbandoned farms of Vermont and New fe the poorest kind rve got a corner on the built a small frame houw- He.marrifid a -00n nibals in existence. One of the most care- The truth is, the Alpine passos were in Hampshire hwe also already been made by of economy, like saving seed and �ro ving Human system at present, fter, a&-ihe couple' being very., ecottoinIcal ful studies made of the Fangs is that of the common use from the remotest ages-thq only a fraction of a crop. Shall less Lelp And Fin working it anAlged to save enoujh money tObUild a Rev. P. Lejetme, a missionary, who hms Christian world theBoards of Agricultareof these States. be hired ?'That depends upon the Forallitsworthl treadingtbe same routq There were � only 406 of them in Vermont the armer to properlycare for al)ility of I snd the doctors doi ble- two-sthry brick house. TheY lived- lived among them -for some years. In most which has been trodden by the Romans, last spring, and a good many of these have his stock Are having a'picnic, in on�j part of the house- with their son. books and records they are r7eferred to as the whoalso availed themselves of the track and cultivate his soil 'with less help, not With the doctors - . r part Pahouins. This, however, is the name at) - been taken up since thid time. There were forgetting the necessary help for,the life- Getting all the gate money I John F.: Holman, Jr., and the other F plied to them by their enemies. The wo;d made by the Aborigines. At the highest 1,4492 of them in New Hampshire two years partner who has charge of the hou However rm not in it they rented out. A few yiw-s later the, point the tutelary deity had his place of ago but hundreds of buyers have gone to sebold. For built another building inthe.rear., Holmanis Pahoui is synonyawas with savage or thief - worship, and this was served by the local The necessary work must be done without and and is perhaps a fitting designation of the 'itate &ad made selections from them And I don't care a ouss wife died about i'twienty year! agop priesthood, who rendered assistance ro th the overworking anyone -for the health and Whatl'utherefr. al years, liter.,his go, married who iuvaded all the vall within these years. - There are said to be - ort of the family are the in ?L�,-Tq ft"40, sever n -sad left race of cannibals eye distressed or ailing traveler abi receiv far fewer abandoned farms in Connecticut, comf ain things him. Holman' -moved'to the rear dwelling, of the Gaboon territory. e for which the farm should be run. Whe Anifthere's no telling the tWo The single tribe of the Betsi FanW, votive tributes in return for it� good offic-2s, U How many have found out coca ying only one room. tween Maine and Rhode Island than there were in running it fails to accomplish this, it The existence of a temple of Jupiter on tht Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hamp- is In the past few weeks. b gs- was an old shed, which they had, cording to Do Brazza, numbers over 2,000,. spot, with its staff of priests, is well known, shire in the early part of this year. In time to stop. The necessary fertilizers It's a cold day formeily used for a smoke house, This hed 000 souls. Tbeir'most important villages and the relies that have turned up near it should be applied. It -is throwing away When 1 get left are from three to ten miles miles back fro some of the Southern States the antaunt of labor and money not to And we are noFhaving Holman was observed. to, watch closely, Jwt in attest, its uses to have been similar to those land that has been abandoned or tbeit has Expenses cannot' be applyi them. Many cold days this'winter, no one paid any'attention to this. Holma estimates that the present hospice. lain untilled for years is very great. A re- . -reduced in this Hence- was ka;wn to be wealthi and* it was sup- along the Ogowe River from Lambarene- to /of way without incurring greater loss. This But why multiply words I I is -money - in a A discovery of importance has just beel ued by the Virginia Board of Agri- know me, posed'that-he had h' bank, but Nydole there are 200,000 Fangs. But all made in its vicinity -a bronze statue says that in that State there are 16- would be farming in the wrong directiori- And if you don't you can learn be had a friend, 'Charles.- Kern, who­'kne* rivers forming a network through the out -e excellent preservation of Jupiter himself, OW,000 acres of land suitable for crop grow- to lose instead of gain. There can be no All You want to know different, as the old man had often. spoken try are in the possession of this raw. They 4 BY reference to the families says the London Lancet. Its artistic value ing which are not tilled and which are a legitimate reduction of expenses when loss to him of his distrust of banks. are divided into three principal tribes, is ver great ; its height forty centimeterk is to folloi---�.38peetally if it be greater than Which, and in which y burden to the owners. 11 Most of this land," 31 have worked I Mr. Holinan.became ill About three weeks whose taialects differ widely from one an. At the same time other treasure trovo the reduction. But where there- is lack of Mighty -few of them ago, and his son and daughter-in-law were other. It is easy to see. however, -thac theic we are assured 11 is for sale at low prices, means, wh&t cannot be cured must be. endur- Don't-rocognize me sooially, was brought to the surface, including e and all of it would produce splendid crops Andourso-me sent for.' They nursed him uintil he died on lang"ges came not long ago from a oom- I ed. Still it may be possibI6 to 'increase the 14th inat. Three days . before he died he men source, and that the emigration of large measuring sixteen centimeters, also of finti ta to in ustrions farmers." As it, is For all the crimes in the calendar I number of medals and a statuette of a ho:k pr the amount of product at the same tim- e. told his son to send.for Mr.. Kern, ;rhom he bodies of the great tribe produced marked in ir inia so it is in the adjacent State of But I ain't saying a word. workmanship. These are now the property o th ro * a and the other States as"fat Often a little more labor may change the 1 S#P�Ply imade. administrator of bis estate which*was dialeetiedifferences. of the, monks and will attract to the hos. balance from a loss to a gain. This is a Let her -"Gallagher. ghtL to amount to about $10, o know any- -to keep them in west as Arkansas. It is these Southern th ON of real There are very few whites wh public more able point to carefully consider. A few dollars, estoaute. When he waa alone with1is'sou he thing of their language. The difficulty of i States that send out the loudest invitations laWthan the proper recipients of their put into the right kind- of fertilizer Often A Rogue In the Breast W Your Coat. told him -that he *ould.not only.reoelve all its construction, the indistinc w th e to faming immigrants who possess at least a tnew 1 -kindn as. small capital. may bring in many dollars at the harvest. COOrted sweet Shelah for siven years an- the property, bat also -some money which -which it ounced, the nasal tone in A labor-sFaving machine or tool may make he would find b 4 8ad to relate, the revenues of the mon. over y digging in thTolh shbil.. which the are uttered, and the execs- astery, heavily drawn upon by the travelerl that possible which would be impossible And ylt meweet Shelah was ever arover; The son did not putmach confidence in this, sivii swiftness of speech of the Fangs, have Diseases of Shcep�, without it. Study to do things at the right I coorted an night, are I c oorted all dAY9 thinking -his father's mind Nas unbal- discouraged most whi me (from 16,000 to 20,000 annually) who aro An' y1t sweet Shelah had never a way; _ that. to n who have tried themselves )n his bounty, are diminishin , If sheep are well cared for, very little time as well as in the right way. Failure in I coorted her 'early, I coorted her late. anced from his illness. The father died to master the language. A small dictionary the contributions left by these comfortabIgy trouble from disease occurs. TheAmerican either of these points may substitute loss Siven days in the week, an' wished they were three da3 a later, and was interred -on �: the of their tongue, however, has been made by Cultivator's, veterinarian says that no &ni- for gain. A few rods of ditching dons eight- ac-ommodated guests being miserably below at I 16th. Father Lejeune. He said he found the task hat, in the majority of cases, they can mal is so difficult to handle, when attacked odd spells may tarn a worthless patch into But't was always, Barney, ery difficult, and frequently he was on the by'some disease as the sheep, and loss of a productive one. Really, the end to aim Go Way, Mr. Holman, Jr., then spoke to Mr. V, afford. Theheroism of themonks should Get along wid your blarney, Kern of what his father had tW him, and point of abindoning it in despair. He could be remembered b appetite an iscou ement so rapid- at is judicious expenditure, and not parsi. There's a rogue in th I e breast o'your coa'." Mr. Kern idviseditim to look forthe m6ney. find no interprefer among them who could y the well-to-do holiday visitor. They begin their -career at the age ly when the animal is taken down that haste monious economy. Holman refused to do this -at first, buZ, was translate their speech or his own. The and im diate action is necessary to save Wheriver she went I was sure to be there, of 18 or 19. After fifteen years' service thelife. Our very changeable climate makes AV each wedding -an'. wake Pd love an, tr, finally persuaded-,- and last -Tuesday. the -two Fangs would not take him seriously; and the evere.. climate has made old men of spare: gii him much misinformation. Finally then HOW TO TREAT LA GRIPPE, men began digging in the shed. 'They had VO L - For eigb sheep diseases very disastrous,in the fall and coortedher waking, I coorted her dream- dug over almost all Of th . e ground, and the he -found some Fang children who ha:d t or nine mouths out of the winter seasons. %nd one must take good prp- lug, taken service in.white factories along t twelve they see none but the poorest way. I coorted her'arnest, I coorted her seeming, - son was,about to give up, when Kern spied he ventive measures to keep the health of the Some Advice, by 0gowe and bad learned the Mpongue Ian- farers, when the cold is intense, the snow Eminent NeNt york 17coorted her'4tifig, I eoorted her drimiking. a corner in which was heaped a p Is of'rags. lying deep, the danger from the storms in. flock up. The different,4breeds have differ- Doctors. An'. begor by, me, sowl I coorted bar wink- They OGIumenoed1b remove the rags, when guagd. The priest obtsined a large vocibu- d fearfuL Th,-ir ole companion cessant an ent susceptibilities, and while some are very ing. suddenly Kern: uttered an exclamation and lary fr4ptbese children. are the dogs, whose keen scent has guided easily attacked and killed by disease, there The physicians of New York -are urging But% was always. are other breeds that appear to be oompara- their patients and their- friends to tak�'the Go way, Bar . ney. drew forth an iron Dot filled with silver The adult Fangs decline to learn any other them to the snow wreath under which the tively hardy underthe most adverse cir. greatest care of themselves during it along wid your blarnoyi half dollars. Bineath.&he found another language. If they engage L- trade they.speak buried traveler has o often been rescuei this try- There 'a a rogue in the breast o' Fang. If they have any controversy with and broaFht to life --dogs like that nobla Yourwat-" Ond containing silver dollarsi, - A third pot curnstanees. Asa general rule, however, mg weather owing to a third annual visit of was anoiber tribe tile fine-wDoled breeds are much more hardy that deadly influenza, which has been given I coorted her standing, I coorted her setting. . found unaerneath this. containing. $5. . they will discuss the merits of 11 Barry,' who saved forty men in ba' time Wherever an'wbin wu a chance love- to get $2.50, and 41 gold pieces. The money was the case only in the Fang tongue. It is and who now carefully staffed, adorns the in the United States than the coarser wooled the name grip." They urge everyone to in: mildewed itli age',,and afteii it had 'been absolutely necessary for missionaries and brethren, owing to the closer texture of their be on the watch for the intruder, in order I coorted her riding, I coorted her walking. wi W museum at Berne. I coorted her thinking, I coorted her talking, taken to the ban , oonsiderab.le.trouble as merch4nts.and even other negro tribes, if hooft, while the latter are more subject to to throttle him at first eight. A Press to- th to make headwa I-coorted her smiling an'frowning an' wreath- had in counting it. y and get on with the attacks of the gadfly, and the many ited several eminent 'physicians th e ine. N%gii, learn their language. The to EmIR Iratta. -lie hole o'me coat I coorted her breath troubles, which it inflicts. "b their advice as to the beat method it A HEART *F�:.SHUMOMS. commerce of Gaboan is in their hands. They Emin Pasha inust be admitted to be ont -dealing with the malady when it first ap., jute The preventive measures for sheep of troubles axe good sanitary surrounding and pears. 'gu'-t t was alw ays, supply ivory to white traders. If a of the most resting figures on the panor, Go way, Barney, Parnell's grave Kept Covered With Floral merchant understands their language busi- ama of this final decade of the century, good diet. None of the breeds will thrive Take the influenza bv the throat and GetaJong wid your blarney,, Tributes. ness-is speedily transacted. If he talks There issomethingin,ourdmagination whi6 very well on low, wet, marshy grounds, shake the I ife out of it aE once," said Dr. Thera7s a rogue in the breas o' coaL" A recent visitor to Mr. Parneirs grave th i rli an interpreter it sometimes.takes your real nor can they endure Wet weather in the Lewis Delafield. "Don't stop 0 argue Icoortedin'new.c . loth% I coor writes: All-around for a radius of fifty -or- days to complete a sale. always makes eager and inquiring repoDsl ,ted in.old. open air long, without contracting some with it a moment. How would I advise. a I cookted *id brass, an. .1 coorted wid-gold; a hundred yards the grass is trodden --dow'u.. The Fangs havea saying that ',;the Fan tothe chord which he and his kind touch. corning, 1. Poorted wid-batitiff w oh rained in disease. Sudden changes of any kind will patient to do this? Well, that is a question, I coorted wid a. 9 and -few hiitoriW44stauces i1i which men t; On tfij�,*ee hillock in ilte center, finced:,hr is --he.- who kills the elephant; the white in The oin t t o habits, mental affect them eeriously,-and hence our climate somewhat hard to, answer.- Theconditions I coorted wid lighting, I coorted wid b'atin& 'nglish -the brogue along 1. Be- -with the, most primitive of hedg6 stikesoand- is an el4h�nt. " which is their ay of saying is Often bad for them A sud Jen change in of the patients are rarely the same. Iwou)d. 1coorted,wid-h fu andphysical, of civilization have passel ing, protected by ropes, more sugge4tive-of tphat that. the white man is rather stupid. This over to the Orient and submitted to its mys, the food, temperatut* of the body, or a- chill say, generall�y speaking, go to bed and -send An'by Peter an'Paul I co6rt6d *Id' cusshig,- one would fancy a prize-'rmig'to,bet ISAM: expresses their opinion of many of the trad of any kind will very often prove fatal. foradoctor. Suppo ewe can't afford that? But't was always, ers terious influen i always wis enclosed space of ten yards orso, eliher wa. omit mission remain aw Understanding these points one is prepared Can we aff'ord to pay funeral expenses, then ? Uo way,'Bafxio, aries they meet. - A German tr&- remain curiously vivid spots of color on tht Get-41ong wid, your blarney, Within this is the gave- itself ---large and derliving at Lbnibaxen% on the 0gowe River historical page. There is as much of th( to prevent many of.the di es, which are No one can tell to what a seemingly slight Tbores a; rogue in the breast W, your coat.ri r aised. All around are wreaths and crosses, some yesrs. ago began to study the Fang dramatic in inins fez as there is in hil ki i g off the, flocks in every seetion. Tha attack will lead. Keep your feet dry- niost of them fresh, and bright flowers and language. Now nearly all the Fang rubber most recent indirect advieds to the Berliner diet also is very impor t, and roots appear Keep your circulation good. Be careful of I coorted sweet Shelah ior siven years an, over, foliage, but some of an artificial kind that land ivory dealers . flock to him, and he con. Then I swore by the saints I'd helah give - Tageblatt. It is haxd to guess whether hil to & eat tial to the good health of your habits and your digestion. Do n over; seem popular with many, but which, I con. trols the larger part of the irade, to the great 0 ot the &Is. Salb and water need t remarkable journey back to his Equatorial a be submit yourself to exposure, and, as I said The rogue in me coat I'd never found out; fess, find no favor in my eyes. The ground disadvantage of merchants who have not his Province was more due to the whisperings ot taken into the system"in small quantities before, go and ask some one who knows what It Shela herself had not turnet, me about; within the ropes has been neatly sodded attainments. -in me breaab, very often, and both should be kept near you need in the way of medicines. Do not The darlint vourneen is the rogue Wissmann or 6 the promptigs of a second AzVbjrthesivenparlsheatherdshoshaUm - andthese mementos-I�cuunted seven Othertribes-try to concealthe faetthat nature that grew stronger the f urther I theflocksat all times. In all things the do that most foolish of all things, wait for Au'now't is, 4 -qight of them -are all arranged 'neatly :1 they are cannibals. I he Fangs are proud of was led away from what our modern worill flock -master must study the natural needs the attack to wear away and cure itself." Come woug, Barney, 'order, the artificial affairs underglass it. If one asks them why they have left the considers the present serpent of old Nile, and desires of his breeds to. make the most Dr. Alfred Loomis said: -"This, talk Never mind your blarney, in of them 'T is 18helah. thaiVii-hid in yourcoat, already alluded to forming th6 'four flanks. land of their fathers and invaded this region semi -barbaric independence. Probably both and his coulmou-sanse will then bout grip makes me angry. I do -not be- '-Jennie E. T. Dowe, in con for Janus Just as I Arrived. a large package ftom near the sea, they simply reply, 11 We came canoes were at work. The easy, diploma. tua A7. e measures. lieve in the so-called disease. I have been Mri. Parnell, at -Brighton, was brought- by here to eat" Yet they believe in aGod who tic view to take of Emin is that he is a the diseases of sheep are caused in practice quite a number of 'years, and "Teamster Jim. four ladies. It was, iddressedin -tilie'same -governs all things. They believe that thieves spectacled German freelance, making by rasi , which are multiplied rapidly in ever since I began we bave had. the same It alnt jest the storyi pargo . n, to tell in arowd. hand -writing as the immortelle car&l on and amuo'ine are. punished in eternal fire. geographical discoveries and raising consid- a flock, and others are infectious. ' When kind of inflitenia to deal with. Colds may like this, matronafroWnIn.ale L , which is inscribed My love, my huabland, They ave made some progress in the forg- orable of a dust on that much desired Brit- such diseases appear isolation is the be a little more prevalent because of the Weth the virtuous in king! From your broken'-heartedwife." inig, of iron, bat are not nearly so advanced great cmd- Y J previative of its spread. The liver -rot is warmth and dampness of the weather, but in' the gigglial miss, At ish 11 open road " from the Cape Colony to the ood oid deAcon amoddin, fit time weth the.foot of the graveplacbd there -the in their arts as many less active, &eute, and the Soudan, all in the interests of Teu. cause(t- parasites, and with, the decay of we have no new disease to deal witk. . if big patient -snores, prOW011slye I learned, ww a large heart powerful. tribes. They are constantly en- toni thefiye�ryrhp affentett a superiority . and Teutonic hinter - sheep communicate the you have what is commonly called the. grip An'the shocked aleet of the: capital sta&inl measuring about, eighteen inches b -disease to others -that feed on the same pas- now I should ad in the same way I away through the doors. y two jaged in war with neighboring villages of land. But this is far too superficial a vise you. feet, 'and composed entirely of growing their own pe le or with the tibe of the man whom the impious a am ng summing UP iure.�- Healthy sheep should he kept off pas- would have done ten years ago bad you come shamrocks Upon this lay &,green silk whom they OP e 0 But then it's a story that bavpenoc� an! every his intruded. They are satis- Easter un rto.ok in its bragging, n world 4e tures that, have been grazed by shee to me and told me you had a cold. word of !Vs true, -thereon- fir fiedith� othi g else than complete mas- advertisin p suffer- badge with a harp embroidered ingfromthiadisease- Sheep -ticks and scab Go to your room and cure it. Don'b An'sometimes-we can't he 8 P Across tery g, ng IP taftiu' Of the gold, and-tbe initials "Gi or-elikewise, communicated from one to the expose. yo - things tliat we sometimes do; - of theoil. They eat their prisonera.. safe from his disquieting and illegitimate urself. Keep your skin pores open, An'though rod society coldly shets its doors and tinder the heart was & seventeenth men who are killed in battle, unfortunates situation in the Equatorial Province and other. -Vrhm they are allowed .'to, run. up youroonditions good and the temperature ea - ontij '.' O&Mata' Jim.' -Century rapier -evidently an old heirlochn� whointhey catch straggling in the Woods, ar, and against each.oth4i. �'Foot-rot is largely due ofthe body in & good condition," rin thinktul theres lots worse people thet'sbet- and-aboatauil around were sashes inter- and boatmen of tribes with whom they are hi home to Europe from -Vanzib' T to wet-, marshV'grounda ani,uncleanness of Dr. E Bradley aiiii The- greatest care ter known, than him twined between two , boughs of at war. who, bowing his head in patient, deep dks. the boola., Jff these am -attended to there is should be exercised as soon- as you feel the I mind t . he day he was I mar . ried and I.dan ced formed the mantling,.as itis termedin bde� dain let Mr Stanley " tb under by "and then most of the soldiers now emplbi- retraced his is, 410 Beed of the disease spreaing� Colic -and firsi symptionts.., It -would be'impossible to atthpwedcun, t6T.: aldq tihe baibkgr.Q d Con. steps through Uganda. Very -briae. bweet awe, daughter Upon a card attached to an -aft - he.whole.' :ed -by the French Government in -their likplyhourged those steps the faster for Ving a good prescribe anypbeific medicines in. a general dosed the ,.-.-d�vst-rtmUencanbeavolited-bygi ' 1"11 this exo6ediniji go. possessions are Fangs. They have proven Wissman's s gei; of what might be of Ben McGrew.' diet awrecommendedi-and si�)idii4,oudden, way.. The condition,of the health of patients artistic trophy W68 writt�n u th Z �hmgea is the fo6d. I mind how they set Op housekeepin' two themselves bravo and eastiv disciplined. done for the F! r=d, but 'the oriental, ear a to weigh; is is- never alike in any two cam. some the -younf, poor, 7 fools, When �11:he - Glo�erament is enlisting a large'num. fatal tic disdain of Mr. Stanley was there infinewA ittaeU, the head, 1 in others * the -When Jim 9 only sha torwas a heavy truck an' It staunch they be or vile. her Of them to man the vaxious stations. four Kentucky mules. allthesame. How far Emin isdiscommod- throatand then, again, the kidneys, the liver Shall we forget the sacred debt' They form the most of the escort of every WiMet Feed for Pe d We owe, our, Moth.e. ing the British East Africa Company and or the stomach may be attacke Take the ing party. Quite a number Of Her Majesty's Foreign Office, or how far' About this time while you are proviaing greatest care. of yoi Well, they lived along contented,- weth their. French exploi. rself in all cases. Do not thbm -were killed in the unfortunate Cram iomfortable'quarters for- year fowls is the submitDUr6e1f-t0dM 'hts k L yourbody An! a baby dome, an! twice they ousar's Notable Frien a his acts will at need be adopted or disavow - I voiiiaa every year pelelpedition. Cannibals themselves, they ed by -the German.Government it is of course come in pairs time, to, proide proper feed for , winter. warm but do not ove:rbgeat;it.!ePHy When Pius IX sat -down to dte, says a Till tho'house was hill of children, weth their writer in Chamber's Journal, L 111bea' 0: --Me were eaten by the cannibals who killed the hard to say. The story that he has been You.should keely a barrel or barrels in the the slightest attack be' careful, atove an shoutin'and a 0 nch r, Muy, on the Mobangi. The fighting with an English force that has bam andgranarywhereinyon can throw the things of your digestion. . Hot foot haths, An! the'r sWgln' an' laughin, an' Z;;int. made in- with th"L soup, mounted h I -. op y bt 'brav�ly in France's recent war Marched northward from I'ganda to in. cleanihWirOmAkeflOor VAnger and other hot lemonade and good, hard'rubbin the: bedlam Wethin its -walls.' him, And dumbly and decorously c n have L f until.l.he Pontiff had finbbe-d his meal. t1he.-AmazonsofDahomey. Father tercept" him requires much confirmation. more or b before retiring will 0 &481t Igdoal Of An'Jim, he teemed to, like it.--anhe`sp�nrau e Une believes the 'Fangs are capable of But, what is impossible to believe is that W Vften we thmbL-we d save. good. B for O� Thenif Lreceived its..own Mits mastei's be found whatever he has been doing he is in a pre- ress ewVs ate and dirty wheat, this we y no means wait d to.011re his evenin's at home i ation and that they w -i gath Iffe said -1 �ands' L and took I leave tfil.-the ame . hour w1heaiLirs am hu"g corn we or up taelf. it was full or MQ6 aW: light.an"peace mosbinefuI allies of the French in West arious situation. He has at leastahown f =In ar�una tibe O]Lih shelled from pit. to dome. X corn, of course Dr. Peekinan the Be t day. The demisi of.juss alarmed said'i The -slightest evi- ned-Ae church -the Afiim Several hundred Fang children are the centers of civnizatiou that it Is not Rejoi an! he used to pray that P _Opeii be should- be wi dirt, t mve donceof trouble shotild b6kt Once attended his heart migh vin sin- ing 810narY worth while to be alarmed about him. th bu we It for t be kept fL earn French in the rare business go for -s6 The stumblin*est kayin', but heads and hekfta h painfully :affected by, the loss of.his.old ta­ Stayat onie-andlet ou go- Out theri is danger of d t616vr When held,begini, iable every W-M�olt some or'. Our neigh- day. or so Use companion, but, his holiness seent to In a r.& e Procure a few everheatin ay,the.sanie,frout the -death wi um -W1 g. jetiing.youi-feek or -body wet long in that w care a bit - die About U thin tie He Had to Speak. oae=Uyfo1r._tbe Ed li. from.them 'an vIng In a&.tmoV BITRIED ALIVE. pro-. aura, & reabout-you Laday, had cared for of his secreta�y;.thij L amid George, with an eager, mr 0'vad k� [--the itinosih-d With, plinty of lime fo" L drivin! �wojjc and Cardinal An -A much -more W es, r 8&me tupok&tUML k ftysletan Interred While in a restless y his gaze, may I ask a tte 16--ol"fid. Of lay, over was 0 bt little time for Bounced eat I' the -Abbe Gal a ing y yo Am'growtu-iii6and L 4bi thc� st glils And -Tr vidence ofa Terrible Strugg favor of u7deri?% ff1K'P!t&SdwV4ear t ebam-.-tnaltea -digestion; d 'it L h' who declared big life at. N yst ta _ - unbearably dull but. for in the comm. They h3d sat in the darkened parlor for Itorm"'thot 1n, fhe. a nug have been com. ter or -'rhul"Wi- ro �r& -4y heads of thetwo old - folks was Jan.-Iiitelligence h as hours, in the eloquent communion of soul -dL W6 fo" ither will sejrvo�yo4 urpoas��WjDIL dviththchomeliest aniouship of, his two cats, of �suc va ue in. -k Z94111, Do crowne p L -eyes that. losing end' thr6iigh a sery -reae �616-day of a fearful accident that with Bout t no articulate sound to 'YOM P 'Ehl C ile to abcm4ulate- on '' ur bine to' my. stor ak �v esit it notalldvi, b* his, Y i an 1 ct d, _y? wen, 1P age. get rid -of cleansweep.of rose MW 4 'SW tabourrid hoviteaks, avillagein Bus give it I - ang d if itey'relivin'just But something - fmpiilled George to speak. -,household, vowing. Sh . Otild ban at a physician married, W of the his one g t "go anal -a rew -Ons were no r 01 On -4 - ovi -makes -on , M� _- re only:' H" 0Wy two of -the girls is siaa 1'V d It appears th �W ysis dead wlf.�M d if the practising -at that place recent - h ea" The longing that surged up from his very 'A. a it, at It q V;10- f er toejottib,te visk6riv -lidfirst-vo b Guest ani bapp'-y-'L an�' lost oto iwAuie ill, and all appearance died. 0, ub Covered came a' on ' 'heart must find expression in words. There - g o' exciaiuv on lebM which, fortunately b e will be th; very bestchristialls 11 know. t' it The_ was UY41ie ime imutil t_ L_ , 4catastrop e- prepared for burial eff, amen fore he had spoken. -10 099 alidad. -,not lu-b 'Ilia to: avert inch h' and con. igb I rodkow ni n comp n . y. . t filage cemetery, where it was e passing awa� th Voted&ieo -Ve 'e, "What lier it, Georgel" she whispered. A tit adw. ar� Y .1c 1dt9rrtd-"`- `Aw hou af r -the mour rs fTa "It may involve some sacrifice, darling. ishop. ronto§li Henjy, 116nd asyti ra to ne the cemetery some men eit - -fdrihne �4;=u 1061 �a Laura, it is for the best!" lj�; - Oh- y -Bateliepe-m toSur P TOX"G, 0119-m d o,-r.m-s6rry Eke t d ihi 'ik�fiblihopiL,aittlhg �6 W-hj$�U-Jtf GeorgeV she repeated in a 9 - kin. oethiir 8,9:tbf i6turc W"m uga ged about the grounds were valgkg#y� Ac th Goodby. Now, he looked W bored like, ate -rembled as Vith a vague fore- sam lez;: reckon thati X.118--wrO119 of themsevea;. tho.former 'star�p­"Vwhearing a su -,cession of the most d, look th voice t4i t ""rotel h t jfi�Lof. -the -ing. ed �-vuedrt -of coming disastei.' ppe! o- k0re� �TOWP- 8410 leceiv a oryo *6 sech boding L see a com-onp h 4bri,eks, which to all appearance 11ile austere the6loji A A fid You will believe me, dearest," he said, re an-Agizatiow, ecomling every hi almon: I r We, 1,94. ­iu'fikht,- -op ir wa W Ps t aW tEr t&j;k o ib-i6wly-filled g&ve. At first th gh-� ith -we: �. -a __ ­ � 66. -1 with, th t6b tA t Th moment ives;l thinking he ioo"a� uncqurfcriabli� noternstio butin a short -W more undiu�rolldble, that I am -sitin- e P -he did- not d" exettirned,apilthtydecid T r1eby act. ary-, Asked why, e,eaoy.� -haaL jDon t s w `fi -e matter. The earth wasL circumstances over h "' drivn. to ask it by' T you ee wv I hatl have pond- whieh hs,*4j�� no eentTol oaJh "-% th .4 from the grave, and the the cnifii4 ered1oug'overit -and am not acting from V iing -the cotlin Here to-the,manv a pon opei f Mgt notbe.di -9., stuibea." �Th­` A— at the doctor had been &live n eat'a-com bit -.tQ,-L . . . . . . 'What i4 &ied, but that behadsubse- dX11111t,99t., itan-pieferred,his. I NMI young, r, suffocafion. The body Aefeatie" o- id -keLMon mo exclaimed, vithquivering lips. wn --an yeti�� no is it -�I�jhe terrible agony endared a it yo ?W t ?I sk,, GeoT lib ViDi*-rathet:ilio�tk--int�rtiti'VM v.th­- -hk d en ei Darl%g," hi iudd, aid the wild, implor- h regained conscious- of his 'A self in his coffin. Helt I ing look in his face thrilled her. to the rhuman efforts to burst off The austot a�h yod t y nt the weight of the, eirth out. 7wold 1k Thi, no isr VW, ept O'peaL house aid then, frantic with the tiation It one impkisohOdman -,.bl feei AM% to the bone. He, had, ers A cftmk called at Mr. Cornelius Vander t jg n the agonies (if suf- avenue residence on Saturday h, an of Ahe: condudw bilVa F; U nal t "a" f -med the pa inst the A forehead against the ge who answereA -41ftbat he wished to proaure the dul- 11ho-1 ad the b -iraim- H -e was They were old I guess thr, from t silen"ce, mot in- i pleasing conscioll neei for making c It was delightfl ta� of the six b, oi to the lawn, with behind the dark fair smooth hair, regular features' objeet to one stv7le of beve cl;Aped on the ol she had been rew in themselves, t shown up by the Paul Forrest, i thoughtfully, wal features thin aim ed what he was. al manly man, with too well of himsel " Do you remei ruptly breaking t told me -before t kind going on " , with his hand to; man and a girl w. fro on the lawn lieve in love ; tha ing of which poet no existence, sa, Have y:)u change She listened wi Certainly nol Then how And again he i lawn. 11 Easily," H( 'where he looke( " Chrissie has fill of all kinds ever expected to , , fal and wu quite r came on the seen 'Viat she was pr that to have be. height of human rout of it alL " !I do,uot quit pause- " You did one Yes ; when I Tq lessf the �worl& is something in ii men and womei1 ever falling victi and you aiiother. Hester a-asente And that%briil to you to *ieud, and to: 6 piy tuetts. In rei foitable and hapi , ,, Yes V, said E do she felt that I their seat, Whiu was as cool Be if 1 simplest business, -disturbed her evj Will you bel suit eaebther, w, and our views a. What.,do YOU say; consideration, ox answer now?" ' 11 Lei me thint theh I will anew, shading her face --her eyes towards It was at this had called Chris with a laugh: ­ 11 Look at View the steps. Doj�t irg a quarrel There was 91 ludicrous that bo " Poor old For' lightly. 1,1 He's matter-of-fact .01 He's only thirty a cabbage. " The five =ivab head. It Very well,"A, a bargain. " "Of which I wered, pressting fingers. Soon after he eyes followed him his image as do Balow, on the was beiitigsaid. 41 There goes F be off, if I mean Good-bye, my si Then Ted sighl eyes in such a 1 Don't be a g4 "Howsevereyo Good-bye. Do yo Just one 1 'You 14 thattouch of red that I don't kn away. 32 They were ver, consequently tbe� Hesteroould hav made her shudde lip in contempt. If she had lifte have seen the gir in a close embrac Ted kissed the ed of a rosy re( Chrissie ran towz Her I ight feet f to a fun stop. , I Why, Rester approaching the, her natural- imp hand on her she like it. "I should be v, let me," she had c tically ; " but shc tanc6. I only rem and that was wh( I I Wrong? sai( ing. 1� Her voice was and wh�n she hac trace of her agita �'Cinriissie, I ha Christine turne 11 Bad news?" s heragion. 16 Neither bad r we to be bis wif6j! - M, -Hester ! dreamed, that yoi Hester rose sad "Don't be ror each other, of cou Thi i t s er --eizing -her. awa, with a looL fair faee. "Hester, dear marry him. You nevtv loved anvoic will nwet the i ' rig, yon. &I Ohid( aWaY On such a CID