HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-01-14, Page 5ownship from ing the. O 1%7'o t by five feet 1, which NEEDS ONE, Ont., for prices and r1 ALL REMIUM w or old. of TWZ W. Thousands of preparation. Its s a highly valued ishan and• be moat Canadian history. .ibuas contains 13 cresting scenes in of Sir John, and lmirers of our late portraitures. DIST. Sfr John and Ithplace of Sir is of Sir John sit of Sin -John's published; The on: ocestpfed by F.inals of 1837; aee at Ottawa; Ottawas show• Body Lytag fa'ses Of-Parlia- on fasting in Eastern Bloch. th Funeral Pro. City nail. Kings. as it appeared leached Kingston Catiaratyal Cense. from his Thous - 'of Westminster sial. Serviee was ► which a ISemo- 'asd's'est3tedral. aper. and suitably nor that • will be a miser to be great. PIKE for one year his year. �nes Block,) • hVes, Cutlery. y. - np Goods NE48N6failleD NEWS CA,THER1/1113., ,. CULLED OUR ERCILAGESAND-Bcjrr.R» DowN la GAZETTE REAPERS. a-coupie-ef-week AfJ=11I�St eutertainme tt;;sbe was presented with as ring as a farewell: gift by her pup-Re.' HURON. She requested Some one in the audien Mr. and Mrs. Thos: Bell, of Wingham, to putt the ringonone of hear finger 'l ut celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary no one volunteered, Thi was a:.lites of their marriage on New Years = eve. boys -one of her -pupils, who - had sue. of Among the guests was Mr. W. O. Reid, .his: legs broken during:the-summed and of Seaforth, who acted as groomsman Mies Hay expressed a desire for this for Mr. Bell. Early in the evening Bell's little fellow to put the ring in its -place. Factory Band serenaded them and the I have a great deal of sympathy for employees of the factory presented Mr. _" said she, "for he has had his . leg and Mrs. Bell with a handsome silver broken, andlhavehadmyheartbrokelt." fruit epergne. On the same evening The boy with the broken leg did' not they psesented Mr. Cooper, a fellow em- toe the mark, and then Miss Hay- ea. ployee, with a silver cake -basket. Mr. pressed a willingness to have Dan Sin - and Mrs. Cooper were also celebrating Blair put the ring on her finger. Dan their silver wedding. was_presennt but had refused Lobe chair - their stepped forward, monkeyed The early year has commenced its with the ring alittle -while, and.thea. relentless work. There died in Clinton proceeded to put it on one of the fingers on ,lan>aary 2nd, 1898, Mrs. Mary Scott, of the discarded lover. He feared that aged 73 years, wife of librarian Mr. Jas. he put it on the engagement finger he Scott. Also on the same dap Janet> would be rendering himself liable for an Mitchell, aged 07 years, wifeof Mr. Alex. action at law, but Miss Hay wanted it on H. Ewing, of Clinton. Mr. C. Cruick- no other digtial, and there was con- shank, a long time resident, died on siderable sparring and finger handling ab : vi date, aged 55. Mr. Henry Mason, for a time. At last somehow the ring of Tnekersmith, died same day aged 45. got on the right finger and the proceed - A flag floated from the staff of Fair's ings terminated. It is said Miss Hay mill., Clinton, on Wednesday Jan. 6th, has given Dan back the $200 that he in honor of the marriage of Mr. James 'paid her. - Fair, jr., which happy event took place in Londesboro that afternoon, the bride BRUCE. being Miss Dewar, daughter of the The barn belonging to Murdoch Mac - deceased school Inspector for East donald,Hincardine township, wasbnrned Huron. to the ground last week. Thefire re The total number of births, marriages suited from a lantern being upset by and deaths registered in the township one of the horses. of Hallett for the year ending the 31st The newly. appointed Lieut. -Col. of Dec., 1891, is as follows :--seventy-six the 32nd Batt., J. H. Scott, is the. births, seventeen marriages and thirty- youngest Cola in the Canadian service.: three deaths. . He is only 83 years ofage. Mr. H. Davis, of Wingham, received There has been very little snow on 1, word from an old and well-known.Wing- the Bruce penlnsnla'so far this winter, hamite, Mr. W. J. Blatchford, now re- ^much :to the detriment of the lumber-' siding at Cortez, Colorado, informing :men: him that Harry, aged eight years, the On Saturday .last, while engaged in only child of Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford, - sllnniing cars at - Walkerton,Mr. Wm. had died on Dec. 28, 1891. y .Hoed, brakesman, son of. Andrew Hood, The other evening while Mr. James of Harriston, met with a very severe ac - Quigley, of'Hullet, who had been visit- cident. It appears he was in the act of ing friends in Ashfield, was driving, uncoupling two cars, .. the. coupling : bolt: home, he met with a bad accident. A. had neiheadand he was tryingto force broken culvert allowed the rig to drop it up from the bottom with his hand, into the creek beneath, and he had his -when,unfortunately he slipped, as it will leg brokenin two places. Ile will like be remembered a sleet was falling, .and ly come upon the township of Ashfield before he could extricate himself from for damages. - his perilous condition, two wheele of a heavily ladened car.'passed over his left PERTH. .leg crushing' it -in a most shocking man- George Hayden has sold the Grand ner. He' was at :once. carried to the Central hotel, in Listowel, toBaker Bros., house of Mr. cobhrane, section ' boss, of Fergus, who have already taken *here- medical aid. was soon summoned possesIon. and:it;was.tailnd necessary to amputate Milverton council was re-elected by the ligrb-Gbout eight inches above the acclamation. knee. unfottunate.youngwman died About $500 worth of silverware cloth on Tuesday afternoon. etc., was stolen = from a .Jew ;)edlar at Tralee village a: couple weeks ago. Listowel had another mysterious fire on New Years eve, by which a black-_ damaged. d wagon shop was badly (�0ll �� �11d .. Golds. U g L1 Efforts are being made to hold a mon- ster celebration at Listowel on the Twelfth of July next. -:O: A radical change has taked place in If you are troubled with.a Coogn, Cold, the Ehna council as a result of the election. Mr. Cleland, the old reeve, Sore Throat, Hoarseness or Bron- has been literally snowed under by Mr. chitis, .take Thos. Lnox, whose majority is about 90. A like fate has also befallen Mr. Loch - head, whose twenty odd years in the . council has been terminated with a rush.- s of 100 or more adverse majority, Mr. W. J. Tughan is his successor as 1st deputy - reeve E. W. Hammmend was elected 2nd deputy -reeve by acclamation, and the councillors elect. are S. S. Bothwell and Jas. Bray. Such a verdict against the old heads of the council has not been known in the history of the town- ship, and is the talk of the neighborhood. The complete figures are not yet to hand.—Standard. WELLINGTON. Maryboro has re-elected its old . reeve, Wm. Long, by a majority of 316. # the_ race for the deputy-seeveship, Alex. Hamilton defeated the old deputy; 'Mr. Corbett, by 1 vote. Mount Forest lead a lively - tussel ..at the municipal elections last 'week; over the mayoralty, ending in the re-election of Mayor Colclough by a large majority: The houses in Harriston are to offciaUynumbsred shortly and a busi- ness directory of the town published. Mr. Wm. Follis,of the 6th con., Wal- lace, has sold his farm to Chas. Walker, of the same township, for the sum of $7,800. The farm et -insists of 150 aacres, anzs one of the best in a tiin The buildings are commodious and son= sist of a large two-storycottageof white brick. The barn is ` a new bask ham and is also one of the largest bt the township. Mr. Folksintends retiring from farming; after being identified with the township for 3O ram The Grand•. Valley ,' gives some further intei$sthlg details otthe broken engagement between- ldsk € a Col- beck Scheid—teacher and 'Han c L a Luther former,'rivrt m- - - herokee Cough Ba1Sam. This remedy is not a tmiversal; panacea for all diseases, but the public mayy. 'rely upon itas being unequalled -for thecure of all ;THROAT and Luxe diseases, for which only It : Is • recommended. Abottle containing48 dose's. for 25 cents. The . Cheapest and ;Rest - Cough Medi- in the Market, Try &;Bottle, For Sale at the Drug. Store,. DRUGS & BOoKS This space belongs to Cam Stock -Taking. GO --IE, ()Mfrs FOR ATES FOR X -OUT SA FORp ��GLS�, FOR «43S, - F PAMIS FOR -GROCERIES. FOR GOODS. PRINCES RIGHT. -CLL AND BEE. G±O C HJY £3TOP- H, IS THE PLACE FOS _ Pure Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and everything: in that line. - FANCY GOODS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETC., IN ENDLESS VARIETY. - 00 0 Harriston Bread -kept constantly on hand. A CHOICE LINE of Confectionery, Biscuits, Cakes and Pastry in Stock, &ex Vrie?' ofgannet; Gooch . SANTA CLAUS Made a Half Hour's Cali at ALLISON'S —The other day, and now our shelves are Loaded with CHILDREN'S TOYS, CHILDREN'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BEAUTIFUL ALBUMS. (a large Stock.) BEAUTIFUL VASES. ALL HINDS OF DOLLS. ENDLESS NOVELTIES. CONFECTIONS. This department it replete in Every Respect, and is in the charge of a first-class Milliner. Produce taken in Exchange. ENLARGED —TO - 16 PAGES -THED OVIILY WEEKLT GLOBE ONE is`OR 1892 DOLLAR $ALANCE OF: 1891 THE WLOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADL NO F,NAES 1 NO ' Ofl AP BOOKS 1 - NO JACK-KNIVES t SCISSORS OR OATOH PENNY OFFERS l WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Connti 'neing with the issue: of 7th October Tun WEEKLY .in siceen pages instead of twelve pages as it the largest and best family newspaper in ,n 1 ort will be devotedto making it BRIGHT, {READABLE,' it ROTE ' attd INTERESTING in all its departments. SpeCi `pats pili be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and II*. -sr DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 3i =50=14':1891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SENT THEM UNTIL CLOSE OF I802 FOR THE ONE YEARS. SUBSCRIPTION. S15 months of a I 6 -page for $ I to every one who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED: IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms,. address T H E GLOBE, ToRoNTo. Your patronage and influence is Solicited For ash Jluroii Gazette. i:.