HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-01-14, Page 1[erit. VOL. I. J. A. TUCK, M. D. MEMBER of College of Physicians and . Sur- geons, Ont. GORRI E, ONT. LTG e to reduce JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Burgenn GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member. of Ontario Veterm- ary Association. O' Residence : Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STEED, Go$BIE, ON?. Fl. W. .eL-L{ la is ractca aior. C+ RRIg, 1T ., TUURSDAY ' We understand the publish era, Messrs:; Cooper&Co.,have received testimonials from such experts as the school *vec- tors, as well as some of` the leading teachersofthe county, and we believe they have a map worthy the support of our people. The price is $3.50, and considering. that the sale is limited to the county the cost is low, compared: withmaps of a similar size -which sell at a high price,. and have the entire, continent as a market. . Mr. Jno , : Schafer, of Mayne, met with a peculiar and painful accident on Monday of last ..week which will. keep him . f r pm'work for some`" time While picking ;the elrarge-from a; cartridge the powder suddenly exploded;'.parts: of the shell tearing -through' his --..hand ;and al- most severing one or two of the fingers.. The bullet -Could not be -found, but fortu- nately, , did : not injure anyone. Dr. Spence, of Fordwich, was called in and hopes to be able to save the fingers,. which were .almost torn off. Graduate, with Diploma, of . the f amok Cincinnati Cutting School, Commenced business on JAS. McLAUGHLIN, ISSUER. OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses required. Office: -At my Residence, GonmE• MISS O'CONNOR, BEGISTEBBD TEACH OF PLINO, ORGAN 6c HARMONY Also fainting. Residence --Methodist Parsonage, Gorrie. ., MISS GREGORY, (Late of Harristonj DRESS ANTLE MAKER. APPREN tires W Rooms over W. S. Bean'r•' Store. s 8�h,leo da , ��� � Irl GORRIL� In the premises just vacated by Mr. Bradley, Baker. Ts HAVE bad a long experience as a tailor and 1 cutter in the very best shops. and feel; cont dent of being able to give perfect. satsfactian to all who honor me with their patronage.ALL WORK WARRAN*RD: Measures taken and clothes eat for parties -Om wish to make the garments up at home. Repairing Promptly Doge. Tour Patronage -;Soffits{ A. W. GIS ` Mr. Frank Davidson, of the 9th con:,. near here, is quite sick at present.' Mr Mee, who hves about three miles east of here, on the 9th' con:, has been very ill the last month, but is now :slow- ly recovering. We are pleased to learn that the sing- ing class have secured Mr. Skilling to teach them a second term, and that a large number of new voiceshave joined. Dr. Tuck was called to Mount Forest by the death -of his mother in that town, which oceurred on. Saturday -morning last. The funeral took place on the following Wednesday. , The profound sympathy of this eonimUuity goes out to Dr. Tuck in his affliction. •`_ ` • There will be service in the .Baptist Ohurch, Gorrie, ' on Sunday Jana 17th, in the afternoon at 2:30 and; in the evening at 6:30." The subject . in the evening will be, "Short Beds and Nar- row Blankets." ; A lecture:: entitled ;'Woman is to be given at an early date GNU 1R jthe Pastor in aid of the organ fund. j Annual Meetingof-the. Howick Mutual. bt. Edgar. returned last: Thurs• annually, I have resorted to what No. ;7 Fordwicho sider reliable means to ascertain the MARKET REPORT, Tuesday. Jan. !, amount$, and find that my anticipaio r ,[$e�o�t-ed for the GersTTs by Woeon ,- est are but Vmith when. I find that ji 81 : andwhite wheat, perbush... s0 ee to 0 90 is the'sgm,to at has found its .may :Sprung wheat : u ' ... 8 tothe Treasurera township whose so duty and right it is to receive all moneys belonging to the municipality.. The The ground is once more covered with town hall was erected in the pear , we o 1 again hear the ' i i :g in the„year 1886, $24.50, and in the y- 1889, $31.31, found its way to the areas- firer of the township as rent for - the The$amers seem to helms), draw - town hal These two - sums semi trill- - gram' wood and loge. -ing td. one, and especially so when I A large number of people are com- think. of the years intervening in which ;Plainly of a bad cold, which is some - there is. nothing receiared, . - ; if thing -similar to la grippe. any money has been tioei any • kr. Geo. Robinson has returned from person '. it , did not _ - the Manitoba and speaks well of 'the west, Treasurer at the time of . . i ow, to which he intends returning in the sir, itis, somewhat of a delusion to me spring. tp ascertain who it ,Is -rents this Mr. Waters has taken charge of the building to be used, f or the ! OCs.: en- senior department of the Fordwich terteininents t ` r nen y held school and has a large number of schol- 'withru•its gig; I s e I e*ceedingly ars attending. - obliged -if you eonld solve;..this delusion Mr. Thomas Downey. has returned ce from the west. Peas Oats.. .Barley Pork. 29 so 40 45 515 5 25 The nineteenth annual meeting of the • day, frein Huntingdon, Que., where he members of this company, was held in has been for some time past attending the Township.Hall, Corrie, on " Friday at the bedside of his aged :and infirm afternoon, January 8, 189E From the father, He intends shortly to again Directors' Report and Auditors'"Report comniencethe purchase of horses for the the following statistics may be taken : old country market. Last season ; he' During the past year' 1234 policies were before each service secured a purchaser, in the firmer Wat- issued; granting.insurance for $1,783,106. METHODIST.—Remises at 10:30 a.m., and 830: son Bros., of Scotland, for all the `horses There are 2722 policies in force, cover- m. - orange -m , at 2:30-p. m. rev 2rlr he ' uld b he expended no less making the angel illE111112111111111 on ENNELL'S OTOGRAFS OR ORTUNATE OLKS. CHURCH DIRECTORY.- ENGLIS13.-=Services at Fordwieh, 10:30 a.m.; at (4orrie, 2.20P. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p.m. Rev. T. -A. Wright; Incumbent. 'Sunday School,. one hour and a quarter- Torrance, pastor.. Sabbath School at -2:30, P t J. R. Williams, Superintendent. - 19DESBVTERIAN. Servicesat.Fordwieh at 11 r a.m.; at. Currie, . 2:30 P. m.:. Bible . Class' at Fordwieh in the evening. Sabbath School at C:orrieIl5p.m.Jas McLaughlin, SUTiintendent. B APTIST.—services in .Gerrie; at -i :30 and 8' p. in. Rev. J. A. Osborne, pastor. \ ANTED -A' good girl to do housework. Ap ply at -this office. co buy, so ing insurance, for $3,922,625 ; an increase a surer than $30,000 in horse -flesh in -tliis=y-section. Breeders will be glad to learnthat he is "on the war -path" again; Mr. D. Haragan is very successful in Howick, contracting for planting Hedge Fence next spring. Since the first of December he has contracted -about 2500 rods, which shows that the enterprising SMALL servant girl wanted for lighthouse-: people of Howick are coming • 'to the work m a family of three. Apply at this, front, * at once commencing a system o�Ce' ,of fencing which will be perfectly stock _ S. T. FENNELL, m= ._ Q(idi. • t'' ,1` Capillary . Abridger. Harstute: Vegetator. rig. Nei. This- m' Lt� ewers or Meat -Axes Medi came and sit down ; cum IVet GORRIE MARKET REPORT. Fall wheat, $0.8'1 G $0 90 Spring wheat 87 90 " Oats so @ S0 Peas - . 514 @ .:59 08 44. 45. ' 15 ig " ie cos 16 TQ " 10. " syr 8f_ 5 2540 5:40. Yr.emt, Barley< Butter Eggs Tallow. Perk.. Local Affairs. Gree�ia�/ Mills. er Cent. er Cent. er Cent. er Cent. er Cent. r Cent. WroareDtar, Ont. ROBERT BLACK, PROP. FITTED UP. WITH HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. - � RST -CLASS FLOUR FROM— t, needs he best. us be ab - that it ce we datthe goods regular ale and. e °fit. MANITOBA W ei ERT. . a. - Highest Price paid for Grain. Chopping.Doae. 'ROBERT BLACK. HAre bought out the Above business, late- ly canted on ;by -Mr- Geo. Horton, is pre- . p�arad' ib fnfniah the ptfbTic with bhe. FESU._sEu, lint; PURL, Al1T660., LANK Itgfl SAUS*GE� ALWAYS" Ill HAN& rtforlug toad aousidersbie experience *Attie busi- kiss-Feer confident of giving the best of sates faction to all :w'bohonor mewiththeirpatronage- Meat delivered free to alt parts of the Village. Otte -wagowgaeesto Wroxeter, every Mone dayF, Wlrednefide at:d Saturday ; and-laFordwtebz, evert 'Aim:1 y_Mid-Friday. Highest cash. price 'aid:. for' suitable tat ani *cls: No finer jewelry _in the market, or at closer cut prices, than at W. Doig's, Gerrie. + Mr. P. P. Aylesworth is lying quite ill, at his home just south of Gerrie, at present, with la grippe. The snow stornns'last" week have left excellent sleighing in this 'section and as a consequelree bis'ness has much improved. kr. W. Cooper, of Clinton, was in town on Tuesday evening, in the in- terests of the new map of the county which he has lately had published. An elegant display of fine ladies' and gentlemen's gold and silver watches, beautiful .plate, chains, rings, etc., at the GorrieJewelry Stole.-. Special attention given to repairing. Large quantities of wood have been hauled to town within the .past week, dry stovewood being eagerly snapped upt $1:50 per cord, the execrable roads ; lately having nearly created a wood famine. A tea-meeting:will be held at Orange Hill on Friday- evening -of . this !week in -connection with the Methodist Sabbath School` ' at that place. 'The- :Gor'rie Methodist choir, as well as a number :of friends from here will be'present. We are pleased to learn that the Rev. Mr. 'Wright is recovering nicely from has recent serious illness. For several days he was so low that the bell on the church, which: adjoins the parsonage; wasnotrung He 1s new- so ;:far im .Proved that he :expects topreach to his 'eongregation-again.next Sabbath at, the usnathonrs, when, no doubt, he Will. be -::greeted by large aIIdienees We had resolved to keep silentcon- proof;durableand irnamental. Farmers of the. Surrounding townships : should Iso avail themselves of this opportunity. Haragan intends to call on every rm ar-;i 1:th s.sectien,this;winter, can- vas an vass,u Turnberry. next : week, and should do an immense business 'with this beau.tif ul hedge fence. s.' Mr. Levi :. McDerinott left flus- week to take , position in a `drug store, in Brigden, ,Ont. For the past two years he has boon connected with McLaugh- lin's : drug and book store here, during which time he has proven himself to be possessed of sterling -business qualities and rare genialty. On Friday evening last a large company of young people gathered at Mr. N. McLaughlin's to give hini a farewell party and on the following (Saturday) evening his bache- lor friends gave an oyster supper in his • honor at Allison's restaurant, ''where a pleasit time was spent in speeches, song and toasts. All classes regret, Levi's departure while extending hearty Wilms for his future prosperity. • r On Wednesday evening next a rare musical treat is promised in the concert to be given; : in the town hall by the Gorrie Musical Society. There will be about 50 voices, in the choruses, while trios, duets and solos of a high order will also ` he rendered. The Gorrie orchestra will also take partin 'the en- tertainment. The concert is •under the- management of Mr. John' Skilling, who has few superiors, even in 'professional ranks, as a teacher of, music. and voice culture. Under his training the S ety haa.:vastly 'improvedduring the past few menthe, and. -some excellent musics *ay ,be looked Mr.- Tickets of admission, 20 eta. Encourage:the young: people by -giving them a crowded house. In another column will be found the advertisement of the Cooper County:: Map of Huron, a copy of -which,- adorns. the walls of - the . GAZETTE :sanctum. Typographically it 1s -perfection, the, litl ograpbie.work 'and::imounting being. of the highest j ype : of the art,.; .. It wall: be a welcomemapin offices and business places, 'and- the enterprising publishers have one on approbation in nearly all of the. 190 ©r :'oven .public schools in the county. All the roads, concessions and of 802 policies and . $514,231, in the amount insured over last year. The available premium_ note capital after deducting all assessments levied thereon is $183,276.36. The losses paid have amounted to 65,783.33. The claim• of John Curtis, Wallace, for barn and ' con- tents destroyed by fire on the 21st of December has been adjusted for $2,000. The claim of Hugh Thomson, Turnberry, for damage to.dwelling house by light- ning and :the claim of Matilda J. & T. C. Rogerson; Morris, for dwelling house. and contents destroyed by fire are still unsettled The cash balance on hand is $3,010;25, unpaid assessments $872,40. T-otal-liabilities$2;071.89. The:retiring Directors, Messrs Jas. Edgar and Wm. Douglas Were re-elected. The hoard for the present year being : James Edgar, Wm. Douglas, Ono.R, Miller, Robert Scott, Edward Bryans, and Wm.. Mc- Hereher. Sec.-Treas., Wm. S. McKer- cher. -The meeting,_which was a very agreeable one, was then brought to a close:... corning tire`growth of the GAZETTE,as lots, are 'distinctly numbered. The; self -bragging has become:so common` townships are easily distinguished as amongst ne class of :, journals of the co loringis varied and of desirable d- words and sub=' : a - :s. "=Ev -"town,, village and" post :date; But`with kind- s n hade cry. ns and fiattaringiettersreaelui"g Ace is prominently.shown, .also :an ei- ne , ost`offices.:in the nearly :e/cry: davit' { "liiaaT�etical-list-of Chep , frorn-all;��riar� p >.. • -returns . , .. our thankful p m still County. The �,latest census returns -is hard to keep h_;town township, natter. We :� try our- best t �� .give the population of each ship, nrnsl merit the godd will; :town, and "incorporated village. The 1Y184�iiDS � _ sxpiesseil towards it anfl:worthy-f the; min-imeasu res 4x5, 1s varnished and. unexpected n 1tn -reoejying motor *linen and -black woodxoliers of nine, or -if you would :give this'apla in. your valuable and interesting journal, so that. perchance, if you . should feel yourself inadequate for the task, some of the many readers of the GAZETTE might feel themselves in. a position to *form mie and 'many others on this matter. -,Should any person give me, and others who would like to have it, information through the Gazarun it will be gly_-and thankfully, reciived. In conclusion I wish to ray that I have just reason to believe that the sum of $7 is paid . annually to the care -taker of the hall, and if'so this for six years would amount to $42, thus the township has been : befited by< the magnificent sum of 613.81: Now, Mr: E-dt ', ibave:this: in your hands, hoping tohear�somet 'n interesting in -the �ar� e, I remain yours: ...�. A County Sunday. Scheel' Covnetion. Editor .Gazette :—I think it was in your last issue that you set forth the matter: of .holding a Sunday School Con- vention.* on-ventionin the Township of Howick. I hope that your words may bring forth a hearty response from the Clergy and Sunday School Teachers of Howick. We ought to : have a convention in either Gorrie or Fordwich, as these seem to be central. points. These local Sunday .School. Conventions, I feel, are.betterfor the practical work among our average teachers than even the County Conven- tion can be. ' How few of our Sunday School Teachers are able to attend the County Conventions ! How many would attend the local 1 We held one in Wrox- eterthree years ago. It was, exceedingly well attended and the papers read were admirable. • It was alt., and much more than:a county convention could . have been to the locality. Let us have a Howick Sunday School Convention, I say, by all means. We haveas fine a class, of children and .teachers in How- iek as are to be found anywhere, what- ever you may say Cf the-clergy,i and we may have a first-class convention if we will, I am preparedto help it along in every possible -way 'I can. Yours faithfully, T. A, :WRIGHT. The Bectory orae, Janf 12th, .1892. . Y Iaforrna.tion 'Wanted Editor Gazette :—I have for some time held an idea that news vendors are ve e a dais of men who know ',almost every- thing, but not absolutely everything. Now;sir, be ,this as it may, I wish to say thatsoine things are very perplexing to me and one in particular, of which I am u w'abont: to wrlte Iwith a number of my fellow. citizens and ' ratepay in theL. nnu iiclP gf _the. township. of Howisik ' 'have ;conceived the= idea that,'. said :municipality was -receiving annually a considerable sum of money for *'lie use of the Township Hall, and lA order to discover thg ,gtbutreceiyed Rev. Mr. Bauld gave a very able mis- sionary.address on Sunday evening last, in the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Caswell, of Listowel, was also expected to speak hat failed to put m an appear- ance and so disappointed many. There has been a large amount of grain shipped from Fordwich this last while and prices are still high. Mr. Levi McDermott, 'has been visit- ing friends in town. He left for Lamb - ton County on Monday last. Rev. Mr. Livingstone, of Listowel, is expected to give a lecture on "The Imagination," this eveningT4t:< _The C. P. R.corapanyhay -*slid a large elevator emit • h shad/then be. :uie7l .pork. Blackwell, of -Wingham, was in town -last week. Rev. Mr. Cameron preached in the Presbyterian Church Sunday last. Mr. Henry Shaffer; who has lived in town for the last three years, has moved back to the farm. The Masons of this place will soon- be able to take charge of their new hall It is expected they will give a grand banquet.. Mr. Jacob Moss has moved into town. Miss Cousins, of Teeswater, has been visiting friends in this place. Mr, Robert Elliot is down with grip. Mr. G. McEachan shipped a car -load of pork from here on Monday. Our. business men and shippers are The Board of Health. Editor Gazette :-..It-was advocated.by a member of the Council, - a few years ago, thatthe Board of Health _was an ornamental attachment to the bouncil, forced upon us by the Local Legislature, that should be dispensed ' with. Some three or four months ago that most drea4a, and fatal_ disease, diphtheria, broke -out in our township; olid already there has been three deaths, and others are now at death's door with this dis- ease. So far the Board of Health has not made the first move to prevent it spreading, or in complying with the law in such cases, they - have an occasional meeting, and hitherto the only material work they have performed that) could not have been done under the old regil- lations, is drawing their pay of $10 eat h. S re'y in ca e o!. an epi lemic like diph- theria, if they are useless, there appears to be some force in the statement that the Board is useless, and. should be done away with by the Legislature. Yours, etc. • RATEPAYER. Howick, January llth, 1892. Gleiifarrow. Mr. Peter McTavish and Miss C. Mc- Laren, of North Easthope, are visiting friends in Turnberry. Miss Jennie McDougall, who has been visiting friends here for some time, left Saturday for Stanley, where she intends staying for a short time before returning to her home in Kent. Mr. Will Nicholson, of Toronto, spent a few days this week, with friends on the 6th line. We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. McBurney are leaving our midst for a warmer climate on account of Mr. McBurney's health. We hope he may return greatly benefited. Mr. William Treacey, of Manitoba,` is visiting his parents, but we aresorry to hear that, he is very ill. Mr. David I: astings, of Hent county, is here on a business. trip His sister, Miss Jennie ,Hastings, intends. returning home -with a fan. Mrs. Richardson, of Harriston,- is visiting ber mother, Mrs. James Ander- son. - The sudden death; of Mlss Barbara Andcrsonhasaast a cloud over the com- munity and+iaused many to feel how uncertain life is. She " will -be greatly missed bra large circle of friends and acquannta =:. but more sb her near nce s, _ o.._ 3r relatives.; "`MIrs. Anderson and family have the syinpathy ' of the entire tom- s mtlnty�il their sad and saddenbereaie- menti, put to great inconvenience here because Fordwich is only a flag station. Surely 'this enterprising village is of more im- portance to the C. P. R. than to be thus slighted. The hiring of -a car often costs a trip to Gorrie or Harriston, and always much delay. The cost of putting in a telegraph instrument would be very slight, and our people would much ap- preciate the change. The sleighing is excellent and there is a lot of grain, pork, wood, logs, etc., finding a ready market here. Fordwich has not been slighted by Mr. "Grip." A large number are down with it. Among them being Mr. Chas. Mc- Laughlin's entire family. Our new temperance hotel is now in full running order,and in charge of mine host Young, with Mr. Chas. Roadhouse as clerk. It is neatly fitted up and ought - to do a good trade. Mr. Hooey has moved to town from his farm just south of Gorrie. Mrs. Waistell, from Caster, Mich., is the guest of her brother, Reeve Cook, at present. Messrs.Jas. Mathews, jr„ and "Raeph" Young; are thehappy owners of a bran ,new boy and girl respectively.. Our harness maker, Mr. Hogarth, is deing: a fine business of late... He is a splendid workman and is giving excel, - lent satisfaction. Mrs. Roe is selling out her furniture, etc. Mr. Newton, our popular auction- eer, will wield the hammer Mr. Thos. Downey, merchant tailor, has jest returned from Manitoba and re, commenced business in his cold . stand, opposite the post office. As of " old, he guarantees perfect fits, and invites thc. public togive him a call. 4 Oysters at Allison's. s