HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-12-24, Page 5►CEMEER 249 1920, We nk Y ianklou for splendid sup- nd patronage this': year---- ncerel 'elvish � s Christmas e the bright - your history, ed by a New happiness, ltinent and .os erity, 1 COMMERCIAL HOTEL ou All Xmas iii as,ure the �t Christmas. Ili of unsur- for you r efforts be rti4. DECEMBER 24, 1920. SEAT RTR MARKETS Seaforth, December 23, 1920. Eggs, per dozen 68 to 70c Butter, pet', 50 to 52c Wheat, per bushel ....... , ... $1 70 Oacs, per bushel .... 50c . liar ey, per bushel . .... ' ... , .. '_135c 131 -an. per toil .. , .., .. •• $40.0(7 Shorts, per ton ... ..... Potatoes,,.,..'...$45.25 per bag ... , .. . Q6$.1,25 Fleur, per cwt........ $5.60 to • .00 per cwt. ..... .......... $15.00 BEAN - MARKET Te onto. Dec. 21. ---Canadian, hand-picked, 'bushel, $3.75 to $4,20; primes, 13.00 to 13.60; japans. 9%e; 'Limas, California Limas, 12%e. Madagascar, 1034.c; DAIRY ,MARKET • Toronto. December 21. --Cherie, new large, 26 to 27e ; twirls, 27 to 28c; triplets, 28 to 29e; old, large, 32 to 36e; do., twins, 82% to 333(c. Butter—Fresh dairy. -choice, 49 to 60c; creamery, ands, 65 to 68c ; Rr.est. 58 to 61e. Margarine -35 to 87c. Egge- . No. 1, 69 to 72c ; selects, 76 to 78c; new laid in cartons, 86 to 90c. POULTRY MARKET :-s Tonto, December 21, --- Live Poultry-- Sp. ing chickens, 32c; ge'e, 20e ;, roosters, 16.e; fowl, 18 to 27c; ducklings, 25e ; turkeys, 36 to 38c. Dressed Poultry --Spring chickens, 2a to 30c ; roosters; 26 to 27c; fowl, 25 to 2`' ; ducklings, 32c; geese, 30c;�turkeys, 52 ,to "e; squabs. doz., $5.60, GRAIN MARKET '": ;onto, December 21. ---Manitoba Wheat, Y.Y. 1 Northern, $1.88%; No. 2 Northern, $1 eine, ; No. 3 Northern, $1.81 ; No. 4 les -eat, $1.6.t.\. Manitoba Oats—No. 2 C.W.. r2.7,07; No. 3 C.W., 49%e; ; extra No. 1 feed 4..'; No. 1 feed, 47asec ; No. 2 feed, 443ge. I4' la itoba Barley --No. $ C.W., 90c; No. 4 W., 80c; rejected 67c; feed, 67c. All of ohove in store at Fort William. Arneri- ear Corn— $1.15, nominal, track Toronto, p =mot shipment. Ontario Oath—No. 2 white s 0 to 53c. Ontario Wheat --No. 2 'winter, eilaa to $1,90 per car lot; No. 2 spring, $1.80 to 11.65 - shipping points, according to freight. Pea:. ---No. 2 nominal, $1.75 to $1.$0. Barley— :8S to 90c, according to freights outside. Buck- echeat---No. 3. $1.00 to $1.05, nominal. Rye —No. 3, $1.50 to $1,56, nominal, according to freights outside. Manitoba Flour,—•$11.10 -too patents; $10.60, Government standard. Ontario Flour --$7.75, bulk seaboard. Mill - feed Car lots—Delivered Montreal, freights, baee included-... Bran, per ton, $38 to $40; tsherta. per ton, $42; good feed flour, 12.75 to 33.00. BIRTHS :'reenple.-- -In Tuckersmith, on December seta. to Mr. and Mr,. Robert Dalrymple, s .laughter. Chiselhurst, on December 8th, Mr. and Mrs,- A. Cornish, (nee Miss dean Hill, of Bruceeldl, a eon. Css. -In Clinton, on 'December 10th, to Mr. and Mr,.. M. T. Corlees, a son. • In HensaIl, on December 11th, to . and Mrs. Robert Munn. a daughter. MARRIAGES ata•-sn3n - Caldwell. --- At Dunn Avenue Pree- ::r an church, Toronto. on Dec. 16th, by A. Logan Geggie, Mae M. Caldwell, Londe,boro, to Thomas W.- Herman, son f Mrs. E. Herman, of Clinton. • T , titer --Colley. - -• On Wednesday, December :'an, at Toronto, by the Rev, R. Newton yell, Dorothea Margaret, eldest daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galley, to James ;. •Kiie Inkster, eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. i. Inkster, of Goderich. Jennison—•Ireland.—Tn Hersall, on December vth. William Francis Jennison, to Susan 5-Iyrle Ireland, both of Grand Bend. DEATHS M:T ran.-- In Toronto, on December 18th, 'Allan Murdo Murray McLean, aged 21 year's. Fie-nee—In Cro a rt , on December 20th, Jceeph Fisher, aged 62 years. •Clark.—In Colborne township, on December :Oth, Sarah V. Hawkins, will-. Cf George F. Clark. ip • her 66th year. 40o-once—In Clinton, on December 12th, Grace Aileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ]:.owns, aged 1 years and 6 nionthai. t: aachan.--In Grey township, on December 15th, Lizzie, daughter of the. late John and Mrs. Strachan.. IN MEMORIAM . Note.—Items under this head will be chars - .0 50 cents .pe; single verse and 25 cents for osch additional verse. Boiton. In Loving memory of Mary Rebecca, who was called to rest December 21st, 1918. 'We think of thee in silence, No eye may see us weep; 8::t deep within our hearts concealed, Thy memory we keep. Peaceful be thy -rest, dear Beeca, It':. sweet to breathe thy name; ; In life we loved thee dearly Ir. death we do the same. Z 7 6',x1 Father, Mother and Sisters. IMPORTANT NOTICES •"- Apply _SALE.• -A CAR SOF CEDAR POSTS. Apply to W. .1. DUFF, Bluevale. 2766-2 f GOOD FOR .SALE.—I HAVE STILL CON- `' siderable dry wood for sale, piled up near the house on Lot- 14, Concession 2, 'roc ersmith, and will be there during the h.riaiay- week. Parties wishing the same will pa aese call or phone 20 on 93, Iiensall - Cen- tY:.:. W. M. DOIG, L,L.B. 2767-1 �t)lt SALE. -•-A 5 -HORSE, POWER LISTER gasoline engine complete, made in E_ng-; Ta ee of choicest material and hest workman - ..p of any engine .sold in Canada. it 'is in € =•'d condition and can Ise purchased for netely half the price o` new one. JOHN ELDER, Hen. -all, Ont. 2766-1 j;tt'.E() FOR CATTLE.— HE UNDERSIGN, .1 has stabling and straw or fifteen or twenty head of cattle. till sprirw. Also good fairs' horse for sale, a years old and sound, o:_-"gh 1,350 pounds. GAIRFIELD Mc- anICHAEL, R. R. Seaforth. Phone 4 on Cad., Clinton. 2765x3 URFST H@MME STOCK: FARM SHORT- horns.—To avoid inbreeding, we will sell V, .ple Lad, our present herd sire, fully e .,aranteed. Roan Sceptre by Imp. Gallant 3 .•pture now heads the herd. Terms-.--- Gatie:•s, $2; puire bred., $5, payable January Iet, 1921. In Yal,,¢¢''kshires _ we have at the hc•a3 of the herdyflvleadow Brook Hero, a first prim London winner. Terms—$1.50 payable at time of service. For sale, one young sire, fat for service; White Wyandottes, just a few >.•nrg cockerels . left at $2 each. JOHt' HAY, It, R. `d, Kippen. 2766x? r MAIL CONTRACT •.ALED TEEDERS, addressed to the Post - a c ,r. General, will be received at Ottawa e. noon, on hriday, the 7th day of January, l -'f. for the conveyance Hiss Majesty'a Mails •i proposed contract for four years, 1a aeee per wet•k on the route Seaforth Post an! •and Street Letter' Voxes, from the I e • :es:a er Gee:cral's P'Icasure. ••:r•ted notices containing further informa- €: . as to eonctrtions of proposed Contract r,. bc• seen and blank forms of 'fender may c•• c.i,tainecl at the Post- Offices of Seaforth, I,.'f•rar,dville, St. Colurnban, Clinton, and at 11IIc•F' of the Post Office Inspector, Lon - CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. F•,: t -,!lice' Tin4 jeetor's Office, Lee ic•n. 26th November, 1920. 2764-3 TREAT HIM BETTER THIS YEAR Treat him better this year; ;we can help you do this. Try a -pail of Dr. Hess' Stock Tonic' and give him some of our good hay and oats and Bran, and he will sure do his bit for you. We also have a good quantity of Salts, Sulphur and Salt- petre on hand. Give us a call, WE EXTEND THE SEASON'S GREETINGS, W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET PHONE 77 NOTICE In the matter of Donald E. MacKinnon, of the Town of Seaforth. Grocer, authorized assignor. Notice is hereby given that 'all book ac- counts owing to the above named Donald E. MacKinnon, or toe the recent firm of Dorsey & MacKinnon, are assigned and now .held by the undersigned, and are' payable to the un- dersigned only. - Dated at Seaforth the 22nd day of De- cember, 1920. THE IMPERIAL TRUSTS CO., O1"0CANADA, 15 Richmond Street West, Toronto., 2767-2 Authorized- Trustee. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the Estate of Donald E. MacKinnon, auth- • prized Assignor. NOTICE i -r hers.+i,y given that Donald E. 3taeKinnnn, of the Town of 3.•aforth, in the Province of Ontario. Groc-•r, did on the 20th day of December, 1920, make an authorized assignment to the undersigned. NOTICE is further given that the first meeting of Creditors in the above Estate will be held at the Office of The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, 15 Richmond Street, West, in the City of Toronto, Ontario, on the 7th day of January, 1921, at four o'clock in the afternoon. ' To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be ,lodged with the undersigned before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with the undersigned prior thereto. AND further ',take notice that if you have any claim against the Debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filedwith it the undersigned within thirty days from the date of this notice, for arom. anal • ,after the 'expiration of the time ffixed by subfitection 8. of Section 87 of ,thetald Act, The undersigned shall distribute the• acro - coeds of the Debtor's Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard 6nly to the claims of which the undersigned 'has then notice. Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of Decen - ber, 1920. ' THE IMPERIAL TRUSTS CO.. OF CANADA, Authorised Trustee. Proudfoet, Killoran & Holmes, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for said Trustee. 2767-1 NOMINATION MEETING A meeting for nominating a Reeve and four Councillors for the Municipality of the Town- ship of McKillop for the year 1921, will be held at school house No. 6, Lot.16, Conces- sion 8, on Monday, the 27th day of Decem- ber, 1920, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., and in the event of more persons- being notnI- nated than are required to all the several (Mice's, an election will be held on Monday, the 3rd day of January, 1921, viz: --Polling Division No,l—G. K. Holland's house, Lot 10, Concession L, Jas. Evans, D. R. 0., Thos. Moylan, P. C.; .Polling Division No. 2— James Hillena' house, Lot 25, Concession 4, J. McDowell, D. It, 0., Jas. IKillen, P. C.; Polling Division No. 3 --Leo McKny's house, Lot 10, Concession 12, J. Leeming, D. R. 0., J. Murray, P. C,; Polling Division No. 4— School House No. 7, Lot 26, Concession 12, A. MoGavin, D. R. 0., W. Somerville, P. C. M. MURDIE, 2756-22 . Clerk. • 0000 00000'0000 0 S. T. HOLMES O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking Parlors 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 Scott's. 0 Flowers furnished on O notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 in 0 0 0 0 short O• O 000000000 0000 0000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. O Embalmer and O Funeral Directors O H. C. BOX O Holder of Government 0 Diploma and License O Charges moderate 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 . -Night Calls. Day Calls O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 O O 0 0 000000000 0000 pO00 000000000 0 W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and ,Funeral '0 0 0 O 0 O Director 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 M. Williams' Grocery. Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished on short �. notice. 0 Charges Moderate O 0 Phone—Night or Day -192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nominations The annual meeting of the electors of the Township of Tuckeramith for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors .for the year 1921, will be held at Walker's Hall, Brucefield, 'on Monday, De- cember 27th, 1920, at 1 p.m. - If a poll be necessary, such poll shall be opened on Mon- day, January 3rd, 1921, at the following places and by the foll#owing officers: No. 1—Hills' Carriage Shop W. C. Govenlock, D. R. 0., John Reinke, P, C.; No. 2 --School No. '8, Snmuel McGeoch, D. R. 0., H. M. Chesney, P. C.; No, 3, School House No. 4, G. N. Turner, D. R. 0., George Layton, P: C.; No. 4—School House No. .3, D. M, Ross; D. R. 0., J. W. McIntosh, P. C. No. 5- School House No. 1, Robert Traquair, D.R,O„ Duncan Woods, i P. C.; No. 6, School House No. 9, William Sinclair, D. R. 0.; Alexander Sinclair, P. 0, Poll open from 9 a,m to 5 p.p., , 2766-1 • D. F. McGREGOR, Returning Officer. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF COWS. THOMAS Brown has 'been instructed to sell by public auction at W. Cudmore's Sale Stables, Main Street, Seaforth, on Tuesday, December 28th, at 1 o'clock p.m., a car load of choic Durham grade cows, some calved, with calves at foot, the balance to come in soon. Thesa are a real choice lot of cows, the best I ever handled, and if you require any you should not miss this .:fiance as I can sell at reason- able prices. Terms, --Four Months' credit. on approved joints notes. A discount of 6 -per cent. per annum for cash. G. T. TURNBULL, Propreitor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2767-1 CLEARING SALE. OF FARM STOCK, '3M- 'plements -and Furniture. James Jones. auctioneer -lhas received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 32, Coneessian- 3, Township of Loan, on Tuesday, January 4th, 1921, the following : Horsee--1 mare 6 years old, 1 mare 7 years old, 1 driver seven years old, 1 gelding two Years old, Cattle -3 cows due in March and April, 1 furrow cow, 8 steers and heifers ris- ing two years old, 1 calf. Hogs --11' store hogs one hundred pounds, 1 sow with litter. Hens—About 30 hens, collie dog. Implements ---Frost & Wood binder new, land roller, Daisy churn, pig rack, grindstone, scuffler, mower, horse rake, eream separator, manure spreader, riding plow; single plow, set dia- mond harrows, disc harrow, spring tooth cultivator, 2 lumber wagons, hay rack, set sleighs, cutter, 2 top buggies, rubber tire, 3 sets whit ietrees, pole and shaft, 2 seta double •harness, 2 sets Bingle harness, robe, horse blankets, Clinton fanning mill, 2000 M. scales, . beam scales, 3 dozen bags,•. scoop shovel, hay fork, car and. pulleys, set sling's, 2 ladders, about 20 tons hay, 300 bushel oats, some barley. post hole augur, root pulper, quantity of turnips, oil tank, 2 oak barrels, chains, forks, spades, shovels, axes, erose cut - saw, pails, and other articles usually found on a farm,. wire stretoher. Kitchen cupboard, 2 tables, 'kitchen chairs, extension table, wash stand, 2 rockers, eight-day clock, wash- ing machine, wringer. - Sale at one o'clock, sharp. Terme. All sums of 510.00 and, un- der, caeho over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. off for rash on credit amounts. No reserve as the, proprietor has sold his farm and is giving up farming. FRANK MEAGIIER, Proprietor; James Jones, .Auctioneer for Perth- and Huron, 2767-2 A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. Mr. Thos. Gundry, auc- tioneer, has Leen instructed to -sell by public auction on Lot 29, Concession 1, Huron Road, between Seaforth and Clinton, on 'Wednesday, January 5th, 1921, at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. the following stock anti imple- ments; I-furee -1 gelding 12 years old, 1 mare 13 years old, supposed to be in foal to Golden Guinea; 1 gelding, 5 years old, not afraid of autos, good driver, 1 mare 9 years old. Cattle- 1 milk cow 8 years old, due to calve January l.st; heifer, calved October 25th ; 1 cow due to calve in May, 1 cow 8 years old, calved June let; two year old heifer, calved October lst. ; 1 steer 2 years old, 1 heifer 2 years old, 4 yearlings, 3 spring calves, 2 . brood sows, a number of pullets. Implements. --McCormick binder, 7 -foot cut, in good repair; Frost & Wood mower, 1. Oliyer cultivator with bean harvester attach- ment, new ; hay rake,. 10 -foot; International roller, 3 sections ; Massey -Harris 13 -hoe drill, new; 14 -disc Massey -Harris harrow, new; 3 - section land harrow, 1 walking plow, 1 rid- ing plow, 1 pig crate, 1 cutter, 1 wagon, hay rack, International cream separator} new; Deering 18 tooth cultivator with set of wide -points, 2,000 M. scale, Chatham fanning mill, - 5 -horse power Paige engine, new; cutting box, saw frame with 28 -inch saw, new; about 60 feet of 7 inch belting, sleigh, 2- double seta of harness, 2 seta single harness, set' new and hand -made with collar and hames, open buggy,- seated rubber tired buggy; number of corn stalks, bean straw, sheaf oats, and also a quantity of alsike seed, forks, shovels, chains, few household effects and other things too numerous to men- tion. If the weather should be stormy, the Kale will be held under cover. Terms.—All mums of *10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed off for cash• on credit amounts. Everything must be sold as farm is sold. GEORGE BEAUREGARD, Proprietor; Thua. Gundrv, Auctioneer. 2766-3 FARMS FOR SALE �j1RM FOR SALE.—•LOT NO. 2, NORTH -: boundary of Hay Township, 100 acres of choice land,a;; mile west of Kipper. For further particulars apply on the premises. HENRY IYISON, Proprietor. 2767-4 F —ARMS FOR SALE. I HAVE SOME choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf FARM FIR SALE.—LOT 34, CONCESSION 1, Tuekersniith, on Huron Road, 100 acres of grass land, No. 1 grade. Spring on the land end :i.er runs through.. No broken land. Apply so JAMES GILLESPIE. 2756-tf SRM FOR SALE.—LOT 30, CONCESSION „- 4, McKille p, containing 99at, acres of good land. There is a never -failing well at the barn with wind mill and large cement tank and piping through stables. It is all seeded with the exception of 85 acres which is plowed. There is a good bank barn 48x60 with stone stabling underneath, also a straw. and hay shen 30x70, with hen and pig house underneath. There is a good brick house and kitchen on premises, also hard and soft water in the house. The farm is all fenced with wire and well drained with tile. School is on the farrn, and is situated 3 miles from the town of Seaforth. Has telephone • and rural mail. delivery. Owner is desirous of selling on account of ill health. For fur-. ther particulars apply on the premises or address JOHN McELROY, R. R. No. 2, Sea - forth. 2762-tf HARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, in the Township of Tucker - smith, 3 miles from Seaforth, 5 miles from Brucefield and Kippen, convenient to school and church; 95 acres cleared, remainder in 1 maple bush. On this farm are excellent build-, ings and are in first-class repair; hard and soft water in the house and in' stables ; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. .This farm is thoroughly under drained and fenced and, in a high state of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way n first class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Cc cession 12, in the Township of Hib- bert, containing 100 acres; 80 acres cleared and thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the remainder is in first class maple bush. On the premises is a comfortable frame house and good barn 48x56 with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm is all -seeded to grass and is . in excellent condi- tion, having been cropped very little; situ- ated within 5 miles of Hensel!, quarter of mile from school. Thew is long distance telephcxre connection on both farms, also rural mail delivery. These farms will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser and on reasonable terms. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 12, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, or Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on -131, Seaforth. THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, 'Proprietor. THE HURON EXPOSITOR ,., 11 1 Canada Business Coilege - Stratford, Ont. - PHONE 621 - -L SERVICE COMBINED WITH COURTESY a . To Our Friends ' and C THAT we have a lower rate of tuition and a wider range of subjects? THAT there are one-half as many lessons in Gregg Shorthand as in Pitnanic? DO YOU KNOW THAT twentieth Century Bookkeeping is fifteen ' years newer than McIntosh? THAT we have twenty-five students . successfully taking these courses by nail? Agency Department: . , May this be a Happier Christmas Than any you ever knew; May the wishes ' you send to others Return tenfold to you; May the New Year bring but gladness, And as long as life endures, May your way be bright with sunshine, ood be * And all that's gyours. - 755-16 TORONTO, ONT. W. J. Finnigan. s—+ Notice to Contractors Pursuant to the requirements of - the Canada Highways Art separate sealed tenders, mark- ed Tender for Contract No. , will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Monday,. January 10th, 1921, for the construction of concrete structures -on the Provincial Highway es follows: Contract No. 241—Townships of Ellice, Hibbert, Logan and Fullerton. - Contract No. 242—Townshlpe of Mullett, McKillop and Tuckersmith. Contract No. 243 ---Townships of Mullett and Goderich. Contract No. 244 --Township of Goderich. The above culverts are on roads on which tenders for pavement were called in advertise- ment dvertisesment of December 9th, 1920. Plans and specifications may be seen on and after Monday, December 20th, 1920, ut the office of the undersigned, and at the office of J. A. Tom, Resident Engineer, Stratford, A marked cheque for $500.00 or an ap- proved Guaranty Company's hid bond must accompany each tender. A Guaranty Com- pany's bond for 25 per cent. of the amount of the contract will be required when the contract is signed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. McLEAN, Deputy Minister of Highways. Department of Public Highways, Ontario, December 17th, 1920. 2767-1 $8 to $12 PER DAY Auto tractor mechanics, vuleaniztng, $8 to $ 19., per day. Men wanted fill present de-, wand automobile mechanics, driving, tractor operating, tire vulcanizing, oxy-acetylene(( welding, storage battery electrical work. Practical training. Only a few weeks re- quired. Day and night classes. Write free catalogue. Big wages. Steady employ-' ment, HEMPHILL' AUTO and GAS TRAC- TOR SCHOOL, 163 King St. West, Toronto. 2763-2 CREAM WANTED We have olir Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can. of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH ' CREAMERY Seaforth - - - - Ontario CREAM WANTED We are in a position to pay high- est market price for butter fat and to render the best possible service. Our gatherers will take care of your cream regularly the year round. Phone Clinton, 145. We will appreciate your patronage. Clinton Creamery Limited. CLINTON - - ONTARIO 2761-tf FURS WANTED All kinds of Raw Furs, delivered at the Dick House, Seaforth. Highest Cash Prices. 2766-tf G. E. -HENDERSON, Licensed Buyer. GRAND TRUNfCSY'S .1 The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT Sr CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. For further- particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent 11 1 Canada Business Coilege - Stratford, Ont. - PHONE 621 - -L SERVICE COMBINED WITH COURTESY a 600- Acres of Nursery -•--Estab- lished 40 Years. THAT we have a lower rate of tuition and a wider range of subjects? THAT there are one-half as many lessons in Gregg Shorthand as in Pitnanic? DO YOU KNOW THAT twentieth Century Bookkeeping is fifteen ' years newer than McIntosh? THAT we have twenty-five students . successfully taking these courses by nail? Agency Department: Gregg- Shorthand : Pitmanic Shorthand - 20 Century Bookkeeping McIntosh Bookkeeping Touch ,Typewriting Secretarial Vocal and Piano„ Music - - 755-16 TORONTO, ONT. Tuition is $13.00 per month. Typewriters ;For Sale or for Rent. , LOREN HEWITT - - - - PRESIDENT. s—+ Notice to Contractors Pursuant to the requirements of - the Canada Highways Art separate sealed tenders, mark- ed Tender for Contract No. , will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Monday,. January 10th, 1921, for the construction of concrete structures -on the Provincial Highway es follows: Contract No. 241—Townships of Ellice, Hibbert, Logan and Fullerton. - Contract No. 242—Townshlpe of Mullett, McKillop and Tuckersmith. Contract No. 243 ---Townships of Mullett and Goderich. Contract No. 244 --Township of Goderich. The above culverts are on roads on which tenders for pavement were called in advertise- ment dvertisesment of December 9th, 1920. Plans and specifications may be seen on and after Monday, December 20th, 1920, ut the office of the undersigned, and at the office of J. A. Tom, Resident Engineer, Stratford, A marked cheque for $500.00 or an ap- proved Guaranty Company's hid bond must accompany each tender. A Guaranty Com- pany's bond for 25 per cent. of the amount of the contract will be required when the contract is signed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. McLEAN, Deputy Minister of Highways. Department of Public Highways, Ontario, December 17th, 1920. 2767-1 $8 to $12 PER DAY Auto tractor mechanics, vuleaniztng, $8 to $ 19., per day. Men wanted fill present de-, wand automobile mechanics, driving, tractor operating, tire vulcanizing, oxy-acetylene(( welding, storage battery electrical work. Practical training. Only a few weeks re- quired. Day and night classes. Write free catalogue. Big wages. Steady employ-' ment, HEMPHILL' AUTO and GAS TRAC- TOR SCHOOL, 163 King St. West, Toronto. 2763-2 CREAM WANTED We have olir Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can. of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH ' CREAMERY Seaforth - - - - Ontario CREAM WANTED We are in a position to pay high- est market price for butter fat and to render the best possible service. Our gatherers will take care of your cream regularly the year round. Phone Clinton, 145. We will appreciate your patronage. Clinton Creamery Limited. CLINTON - - ONTARIO 2761-tf FURS WANTED All kinds of Raw Furs, delivered at the Dick House, Seaforth. Highest Cash Prices. 2766-tf G. E. -HENDERSON, Licensed Buyer. GRAND TRUNfCSY'S .1 The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT Sr CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. For further- particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent STRATFORD, ONTARIO. NEW TERM FROM NOV. 1st. The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario, Commercial, Shorthand and. Telegraph Departments. Grad- uates placed in positions. Stud- ents may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. FARMERS' SALES NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- frig presentation, and payments will be credited to your account promptly. 8911 Sales Notes supplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE .. PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND • $t 5,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, T. G Mullen, Manager. Merry Christmas To Everyone OVERLAND SERVICE ST -,TION CARS PAINTED BY EXPERT PAINTER We feel that we cannot permit Father Time to turn over the leaf of another year without express - ng our appreciation of the pleasant business rela- tions that have existed between ourselves and our customers, and we take this opportunity of wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosper - our New Year. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is at your Service. Gasoline Engines given special attenti , also repair work done on all makes of carp';. We Guarantee Satisfaction, BATTERIES. Your Battery, the most important part of your Car, and the most neglected ---we take care of your Battery and do repair work on same. Give it the attention it requires. , STORAGE FOR CARS. If you need a place to store your car , we have it. Kerosene lubricating oils, Standard and high test Gas always on had. BROWN'S GARAGE Look for the visible Guaranteed Measure Pumg. n11111111D1IH1111111111iHiUt111111 it11I1t111111211t111111ti11MHIMi11il1ililiiltllt IMH! OW O M OW O WWM C MO MIN MN OM ME OM WM MO MO MO MO W O WO O W OW OM OW OW MO OW OMMO ME MO OW O W I OE MO OM OW NM E M WM WM N MI NW MN IOW ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your EstateImmediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic -enough to be Making a Good Livelihood, Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? - Then clip this advertisement. Fill In coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BQX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. • NAME 1.1 ADDRESS .evile.,.,.,.... O IN E MI E Date Born day of JOE 4'.. cj .11 the Jeli.li':, •...'.. WM ow ow — o ow VW Voi moir .00 mw mw i meme ver r vow ,i VW VWs MO MOOM ME MEOW MO MO ..r NW MO iii111muli1iIU1111illtltlilBlitit11111111##11111m111111511111i111ni1611( annonsei 1111iiltlil Why Art Clothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splend city trimmed. - Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 " My Wardrobe MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEASORTH. ft - WE WANT , - a \reliable agent for every un- - represented district, to - self our well known Fruit and Orna- mental - Trees, Shrubs, Etc. Good Pay—Exclusive terri- tory Rights. . Our agency is valuable under present conditions. 600- Acres of Nursery -•--Estab- lished 40 Years. Write for particulars to Agency Department: PELHAM NURSERY C., 755-16 TORONTO, ONT. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. NEW TERM FROM NOV. 1st. The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario, Commercial, Shorthand and. Telegraph Departments. Grad- uates placed in positions. Stud- ents may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. FARMERS' SALES NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- frig presentation, and payments will be credited to your account promptly. 8911 Sales Notes supplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE .. PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND • $t 5,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, T. G Mullen, Manager. Merry Christmas To Everyone OVERLAND SERVICE ST -,TION CARS PAINTED BY EXPERT PAINTER We feel that we cannot permit Father Time to turn over the leaf of another year without express - ng our appreciation of the pleasant business rela- tions that have existed between ourselves and our customers, and we take this opportunity of wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosper - our New Year. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is at your Service. Gasoline Engines given special attenti , also repair work done on all makes of carp';. We Guarantee Satisfaction, BATTERIES. Your Battery, the most important part of your Car, and the most neglected ---we take care of your Battery and do repair work on same. Give it the attention it requires. , STORAGE FOR CARS. If you need a place to store your car , we have it. Kerosene lubricating oils, Standard and high test Gas always on had. BROWN'S GARAGE Look for the visible Guaranteed Measure Pumg. n11111111D1IH1111111111iHiUt111111 it11I1t111111211t111111ti11MHIMi11il1ililiiltllt IMH! OW O M OW O WWM C MO MIN MN OM ME OM WM MO MO MO MO W O WO O W OW OM OW OW MO OW OMMO ME MO OW O W I OE MO OM OW NM E M WM WM N MI NW MN IOW ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your EstateImmediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic -enough to be Making a Good Livelihood, Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? - Then clip this advertisement. Fill In coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BQX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. • NAME 1.1 ADDRESS .evile.,.,.,.... O IN E MI E Date Born day of JOE 4'.. cj .11 the Jeli.li':, •...'.. WM ow ow — o ow VW Voi moir .00 mw mw i meme ver r vow ,i VW VWs MO MOOM ME MEOW MO MO ..r NW MO iii111muli1iIU1111illtltlilBlitit11111111##11111m111111511111i111ni1611( annonsei 1111iiltlil Why Art Clothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splend city trimmed. - Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 " My Wardrobe MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEASORTH. ft