HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-12-17, Page 1as 1920:
a --
l *` r: -•dal' t � c °�Gecon--
S .1 tri
al former prices
tiled, this sales
E rec1 in many in-
worth at whole-
;nit that stead-
:en is is second
merchandise that
re dur-
�' 4 •. t dd ol l a.i. s e
.:tr to the
lit I`IUSS it.
Wonderful Display of Xmas Goods
a'tyGreig Clothing Company's
Closing -Up -Sale
When you run into a display of brand new Christ-
mas Goods such as we have on Display right now
and at the Sale Prices prevailing here, shopping
ismade easy—easy to find what you want, at Easy
Prices. -
Silk Knit Neckwear, Silk Knit Scarfs, Fancy
Pullover Sweaters and Coat Sweaters, Fancy
Shirts, Sox Caps, Underwear, Handkerchiefs,
Pyjamas, Over at Suit,Fur Coat --Hundred§
of others to choose fro.
A Mackinaw Coat, 'Warm Stockings, a Cap,
Ties, Gloves, Shirt, Suit, Overcoat, Sweaters and
Pullovers, Fancy Mitts.
set ° of Furs, Handsome Coat, Muff, Wool Knit-
ted Jacket, Silk Scarf.
DandyCoat Sweaters, Wool Sets, Coats, Set
• - itand light color Furs.
Think of the Joy you bring to the heart and in-
cidentally the comfort to the body of the happy re-
cipient of any of these.
After thirty years of continued mercantile business; in the Town
of Seaforth, during which period we have conducted many big sales,
we have positively decided to retire from mercantile business, and in
so doing this Last Grand Final Sale shall eclipse all former efforts
in every respect --greater volume of goods offered, as most of to r
new Fall Goods have been passed intostock as we could not cancel
Fall orders.
Prices are slashed as never before.
We have terminated the lease of our store and all goods must
be sold. f
The Greig -Clothing Co.
He died for us, can we foreswear
The price he paid so nobly there,
When we the sweets of freedom share?
He died fed us, should we not be
Stainless in soul and honor, free
From aught that dins the Yietory?
H. Isabel Graham.
- The December session of the county
Council .opened in the Court House,
Goderich, on 'Tuesday, with all the
members present except Mr. Richard-
son, ,who was absent through the
death of a relative.
- The Warden briefly addressed the
Council dh matters that would be
dealt with at this session, such as
consolidating the 'general by-laws and
the -Good Roads By-laws; a separate
home for thetaged or infirm who are
capable of paying; for the ' improve-
ment of the burial plot of the late
Dr, Dunlop, first . Warden of the Dis-
trict of Huron, and providing for a
neWe flag. ,
The following communications were
read by the Clerk and referred to
the several committees i .
From Hon. F. C. Biggs with refer-
ence to -civil liability to traffic on
the roads and the large amounts
claimed and paid for damages. The
Minister -enclosed a proposed amend-
ment to Section 460 of the Municipal
Act to meet such cases.—Referred to
Special Committee.
From the Women's Institute, of
Bluevale, with reference to their right..
to a -share in patriotic ` grants.—Re-
ferred to Executive Committee.
From the Secretary of East Huron
Teachers.' .Institute with reference to
appointing a Dental Inspector for
the schools of the county, and a grant
for free dental' treatment for needy
children. ..
From several Women's Christian
Temperance Unions with reference to
more privacy for female prisoners at
our jail.—Referred to County Prope1r-
ty Committee.
From the Eastern Canada Motor
Truck Co., of Hull, with reference.
to their truck and requesting the
opportunity of their factory repre-
sentative giving details, Referred to
Good Roads Commission.
From Proudfoot & Killoran -with
reference to the Skimings estate and
their price charged for board and
care.—Referred to House of Refuge
From Frank J. McQuaid, of Mc-
Killop, inclosing an account for the
removal of one Annie Zeigler, 'an
indigent insane person, to the asylum.
—Referred to Executive Committee.
From J. C, Hume notifying the
council. ;of . the -.resignation e of Mr
Andrew Porter as Trustee of 'the
Goderich Collegiate Institute. ,Re-'
ferred to Education Committee.
From H. R. Sharp, Secretary of
the Clinton Horticultural Society,
asking a grant.—Referred to Execu-
tive Committee.
From A. S. Crystal, of Goderich,
with reference to his inspection of
the boiler at the House of Refuge.—
Referred to House of Refuge Com-
Santa Claus.
is making ready for his annual
trip. Come and see the samples
he has Deft with us.
Dolls Skates
Sleighs prums
Toys of every description
Special Prices
Also see our stock of Practical
Xmas Gifts
We have sorplething
for every rnembe� of the family
The Bi.g Ijardware
report as soon as possible.—Carried.
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and
Elston that the County Clerk, Reeve
Young, of Colborne,and Deputy
Reeve Clark, of Goderich, be a com-
mittee to look into and recommend
re the burial place of lidajor Dunlop.
Moved by Messrs. Young and Neeb
that the matter of furnishing the for
culverts for approaches to. private
property on the Good Roads System
be considered and reported on at the
meeting by the Good Roads Commis-
sion.2. Carried.
Mokred by Messrs. Elliott . and Mc-
Quaid that 'the investigation of the
matter of prohibiting heavy trucks
or wagons with heavy loads iii the
late fall or spring, be, referred to
the Special Committee.- darried.
On .motion of Messrs: Webb and
Mitchell, the coencil adjourned until
nesday morning.
The following commitnicatiors were
From • the sec.-treas. of Park Hill
high school re cost of Huron - pupils
and enclosing the account.
From the Board of Education of
Owen Sound re the same, ---Both were
referred, to the Education Committee.
From the village of Wroxeter in-
closing an account for removal of an
insane person to' -the asYlum Re-
ferred to Executive Committee.
Under the head of inquiries the
matter of borrowing money wait -taken
up and fully discussed.. The general
opinion prevailed that the expendi-
ture should be kept within the cash
available, without borrowing. It
was pointed out that municipalities
should not be allowed to exceed the
estimates in their expenditures. The
conclusion was that a limit should
be set in the expenditure of patrol-
The large increase in cost of labor
and material was largely responsible
for-- the expenditure being so 'largely
in excess of estimate. Mr. McQuaid
brought up the matter of the munici-
palities fronting on " the Provincial
Highways, paying ani extra tax. It
was, explained- that •the county will
be assessed the additional 20 per cent.
but that the property bordering on
said lines would be expected to re-
compense the county by extra assess-
Moved by Messrs. Beavers and La-
porte that the Warden and Treasurer
make the ,best arrangement possible
with any one bank for the purpose
of borrowing money for current. ex-
penses.—Referred to Finance Com-
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Webb
that clause No. 14 of By-law No. 18,
of 1919, be repealed, and the follow -
herefore. ,Re'iad be-
tween - concessions 20 and 21 in the
township of Stephen from the north-
erly limit of lot 10 to the southerly
limit of said township. thence east-
erly along the boundary between
Stephen and McGillivray to road be-
tween concessions 18 and 19, connect-
ing with Good- Roads System of the
County of Middlesex._Referred to
Good Roads Commission. .
Moved by Messrs. Trewartha and
tiler that the road known as the
This ,splendid big phonograph in ma-
hogany or famed oak cases, fitted with
double doors, record shelves -and cas-
tors. Universal tone arm enabling
you to play all makes . ,of reeordik.
Height 46 inches, width 20 inches,
depth 21 inches.
From Gladnnan and Stanbury, bar- B
•risters, with reference to 'a claim for. B
$200 damages for auto accident pre- Sy
ferred by Francis Reider, of Stephen. c
—Referred to Good Roads Committee.
- A notice of claim from Mr. Sin- eh
clair, barrister, of Brussels, for dam- be
ages sustained by one Alfred Baker be
at Davidson's bridge oh the road be- .c
tween Morris and Grey townships.—
Referred to Good Roads Commission. .t
Claim of Capt. B. L. Monkhouse, si
of Toronto, for damages sustained to h
auto on Bayfield bridge to the amount in
of $129.85.—Referred to Good Roads n
i. sion. -
omm 5
From K. D. MacLennan re claim
for damages to auto at Johnston's i
bridge,- Lake Shore Road, amounting
Road and Roa
to S
to $6 6
Bridge Committee.
Request to the Highways Depart-
ment of Ontario for more prompt
payment on road construction instead
of the several months delay
T resent and setting out a scheme to r
be adopted to facilitate such.—Re- t
ferred to Special Committee. c
A petition to the Legislature of
Ontario to better equalize the repre-
sentation at County Councils and t
amending the 1914 statute to that
effect. Referred to Special Com-
'ries M
Enquiries, En
Under t.h<. Head of q ,
'ifthere was
Elliott asked
or way of preventing too heavy
loads being hauled over our roads at
certain times of the year. It was
pointed out the great injury being
done .to our roads by- heavy loads be-
ing hauled long hauls over cur roads
during wet seasons, when the roads
are easily broken through. It " will
take hundreds and thousands of dol-
lars to repair •the damage done 'in
ly. way to the' county roads ret
Mr. Young brought up the nat-
ter of the providing tile for the drains
or Glitches at the ingress to and
egress from farms .and other homes.
It was pointed out by Mr. Doig
that the Good Roads Commission in
1919 recommended and allowed 20
feet of tile by the county.
Mr. Trewartha was assured that.
the Engineer would furnish a state-
ment of the expenditures up to date
on the Highway System, during this
meeting of council.
Moved by Messrs. Doig and Doug-
las that the County Clerk and County
Engineer revise the Good Roads By-
law and report at the January meet-
ing: Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Cutt
that the Clerk and Treasurer be a
committee to revise and consolidate
the By-laws of the County, so that
they can be printed in book form, and
With '40 Records
For $168
We can only ask you to hear this in -
$2.00 A Year in Advance
McLean Bros., Publishers
Moved by Messrs. Douglas and Doig
that road No. 31 be extended south
between Turnberry and Howick to
connect with the Good Road at Wrpx;
eter. Referred to Good Roads Com-
Moved by Messrs. Tipling and
Beavers that• the north end of
Josephine Street, from the G. T. It.
tracks to the "B" Line, and the
south end of the same street from
the boundary between Morris and
Turnberry to Scott Street; of the
town of Winghanz, be added to the
Good Roads System, as these are
connecting links en the Good Roads
System of the County, and have farm
land on either side.—Referred to Good
Roads Commission,
On motion of It'iessrs. Doig and
Currie, the Council adjourned until
Thursday morning.
An' account of Stanley township
re taking an inmate to the House
of Refuge, amounting to $33.50, was
presented.—The account was referred
to the ,Executive Committee.
Mr. Trewartha brought up the
matter of admitting persons to the
House of Refuge and the wisdom of
the admission of persons of means
to the House.
Mr, Miller brought up the question
as to the grant on certain streets
in the towns. It was pointed out
that there was no legislation to assist
back streets in towns and villages.
. Mr, Young brought up • the • matter
of grants on Statute Labor. It was
pointed out that no grants would be
payable on the cost of labor, but
on the .test of material furnished.
The .Good Roads Commission re-
ported and their report was taken
up in committee, with Dr. Clark in
the chair. The report was adopted.
strument in our demonstrating room Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Tip -
to be convinced of the value we offer. ling that as the corporation of ,the
HEAR IT THrs WEEK. village of Exeter has completed the
construction of a concrete pavement
E; Umb ash Phm.B. on Main street and as the extra cost
1 of the same for a 20 foot "pavement
"The Rexall Store" over the grant given by the county
PHONE 28 SEAFORTH at the January session amounts to
$11,054:84, that a by-law be passed
granting the village of Exeter this
amount, the village to pay the county
the sum of t$6,632 raised by special
levy and the balance of $4,421.94 to
be made up by the Government
grant: Referred to Good Roads Com-
Moved by Messrs. Millar .and Tre-
wartha that the connecting link from
the Bayfield Road, Goderich township,
to the Main street in the town of
Clinton, be added to the Good Roads
system. --Referred to Good Roads
ayfield Road. between Clinton and
ayfield, be added to the Good Road*
stem. --Referred to the Good Roads
Moved by Messrs. Bolton oan Doi
at road No. 28, north,
extended 21/2 miles north to the
oundary.=-Referred to Good Roads
Sheriff Reynolds, as treasurer of
le Children's Shelter, asked permis-
on to speak to the council on be-
alf of additional assisth.nce to that
stitution. The sheriff spoke of the
eed of an increased grant as there
•ft and gg
- rdr a
as an overdraft, ,
the advisibility of the County assum-
ng the -control and conduct of the
istitution. The Warden assured the
heriff-that the matter would be dealt
with by the council.
-The Jailor's Report was submitted
aild referred to the County Property
Mr. Beavers asked for informs
egarding Fifth Class and Continua -
ion Schools. The Treasurer said the
ounty grant was double that of
the Legislative • grant.
Mr. Elliott required what action
he county was taking ' regarding
beep killed by dogs.
Roads Commission.
Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Cutt
that when the average attendance of
Fifth Class pupils as 8 or over, and
two teachers employed, that the coun-
ty grant be double the Legislative
grant, and in all other 5th class
schools the county grant be equal to
the Legislative grant as provided by
statute.—Referred to Education Com-
he would miss the pleasant meetings
of his fellow councillors.
Mr. Neeb brought up the expenses
of . the Good Roads Commission and
asked for the total expenditure this
past year.
Mr. Trewartha brought up the mat-
ter of accommodation for witnesses
and grand jury during court sessions.
These matters were fully discussed.
The Special Committee, re the
Dunlop. Burial Plot, presented their
report which was taken up with Mr.
Elliott in the chair. Reeve `Young
supplemented the report - by review-
ing the interest taken in this historic
spot and commended the action taken.
The reported was adopted.
The County Property Committee
reported and the report was taken
up in committee, with Mr. Webb in
the chair. The report was adopted.
The House of Refuge Committee
reported and the report was taken
up with Mr, Young in the chair. The
report was adopted. -
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Wallis
that the Treasurer prepare a state-
ment as to the annual _totals of pay
sheets for the Good Roads Commis-
sion for 1918 to 1920 inclusive, and
present the figures to the council be-
fore adjournment. --Carded.
Moved by Messrs. Armstrong and
Laporte that- whereas it is proposed
by the Minister of Public Highways
to designate additional roads through-
out the province as Provincial Coun-
ty Roads, in such manner as to equal-
ize, as far as possible, the subsidy
to each county, and whereas the
County of Huron is in many respects
one of the most important counties
in the province, - and whereas the
present mileage of Provincial High-
way within the county is twenty-
five and the mileage of Provincial
County Highway is forty-seven, and
whereas the roads of the County are
cheaply maintained by reason of
abundant supplies of gravel within.
the county; be it therefore resolved
that this council respectfully petition
the Minister of Highways to designate
as Provincial County Roads, the fol-
lowing county roads. or as many of
then; as the equitable adjustment of
the situation permits:-
ermits:-le—The Lake ShoretRoad from the
Larirbton county boundary at Grand
Bend northerly, along the County
roads to the southerly limits of the
town of Goderich and five the point -
of intersection of Victoria. street with
Gloucester Terrace in the town of
Gederieh, Westerly across the Salt -
ford bridge, : from the easterly limit
of the town of Goderich across the
Saltford bridge, northerly to connect
with Provincial County Road No. 51,
in- the County of Bruce..
2. --Main Street in the village of
Exeter from the northerly limit of
the corporation - -southerly—to Mill
3.—In the village of Blyth, Queen
Street, from the northerly limits of
the village to the Canadian Pacific
Railroad, and from McConnell Street
to the southerly limit of the village
and the Clinton road from Queen
street westerly to � the westerly lim-
its of the corporation.
4.—In the town of W ingham, the
county bridge over the Maitland
River on Josephine Street, known as
the MacKenzie bridge.
5. --County Road No, 12, from the
northerly limit of the town of Sea -
forth, northerly to the southerly lim-
it of the village of Brussels, adjoin- -
ing Morris township and from the
intersection of Turnberry street with.
the Grand Trunk Railroad, through
the corporation of the village of
Wroxeter; thence easterly along
county road No. 29, to the easterly
limit of the Township of Howick;
thence northerly along the boundary
of the Townships of Helmick and Min-
to, to the village of Clifford.
6. --The road between the . town -
from ships of Hay and Stephen r
Lake Road easterly, extending across
the village of Exeter, through. the
township of Usborne, along the
easterly Thames Road to the
of the township of Usborne,
7.—In the township of Colborne,
County Road No, 25, from the Lake
Road easterly to County Road No, 27,
thence northerly along rod No. 27
to the southerly limits of - the town
of Luckiaow.
8.—In the village of Hensel], the
London Road, from the southerly `
limit of the ccyrporation to the north-
erly limit of the corporatioiT
The figures presented - by the
Treasurer in response to the notion.
of Messrs, Neeb and Wallis. were as
follows: 1918. $708,00, 19i9,$1,720 :
$1920, $2,425.
After singing the National Anthem
the Council adjourned.
The County Engineer presented his
report which was read by the Clerk,
and ordered to be printed in the
Mr. Laporte brought up the matter
'p111111111e. of the equalizing the expenditure of
the different municipalities under the
Highway Improvement Act, and
suggested a committee be appointed
to report on the matter. •
= It was decided to ask the Engineer
to prepare a statement showing the
different inunicii alities' expenditures
as sodn as possible to be forwarded
to the different members of the Coun-
ty Council.
The - second report of the good
Roads Commission was presented.
The report was amended in com-
mittee by the Commission substitut-
ing a recommendation t6 the incom-
ing council to consider the advisibility
of purchasing two trucks, instead -of
the last clause of the report which
was conside• ed indefinite,
The repot of the Education Com-
mittee was presented with Mr. Cutt
in the chair. On motion of Messrs.
Laporte and McNabb clause 4 was
struck out and the report was then
Christmas Gifts -
That Last.
• And with Xmas only two
weeks away, you will be inter-
= ested to know that we never
before were able to secure so
• excellent an assortment of Fei
Xmas Gifts and at such reas-
onable prices. We suggest
• for your consideration:
• Ladies' Diamond Ring..$25.00 =
F. Ladies' 14k gold Pearl a
E Necklet , . .. 9.00
— Ladies' 10k Gold Pearl —
• Brooch 4.00
• Ladies' 14k Pearl Rings 2.50 = adopted as amended.
• LaSetts
Iary ManicureThe Financial Committee reported
Setts v 4.50 = and the report was taken up with
Fe Ladies' Gold mounted ^ Neeb in the chair. The report
Watermen Pen ... 3.50 = t was adopted.
Solid Gold Cuff Links.. 4.00. The Road and
e Committee
Solid Gold Pearl Tie Pins 2.00
= Gold Filled Vest Chains 2.00 E Mr. Moffatt in the chair.. The re-
Gent's Gold Filled Watch 15.00 = port was adopted.
• Gold Filled Wrist Watch 12.00 The. Executive Committee reported
with • But, better still, visit our and their report was taken up,
, = shore and• see the entire stock r Mr Wallis in the chair. - The report
was presented and taken up, -With
E of Christmas Goods.
Every afticle positively guar-
= anteed.
Fred S. Savauge
It was the opinion1of the council r
to the county n
Y sY
Jeweler, and Optician
hat he present system was prefer-
posed and that the by-law as at r
present was in the best interests of — Phone 194. Evenings 10. E
sheep breeders. = - Issuer Marriage Licenses.
The - Warden presented to the The Store with the Xmas Stock
County Council for the use of future
wardens, an old relic, in the shape of(Iiillllllill{!@111111111111111111111111111111111i
a Iignum vitae gavel. The presenta-
tion was received with applause.
Moved by Messrs. Tipling and
Beavers, that we make a further grant
of $500 to the Children's Shelter.—
Referred to Executive Committee.
Moved by Messrs. Clark and Young
that the portion of the main highway
from Maitland bridge on the east to
the county jail on the west, which
lies opposite to lands used for agri-
cultural purposes, be added . to the
Good Roads System: Referred to
Good Roads Commission.
Moved by. Messrs. McNab and Mc-
Quaid that road No. 19 be extended
1 id Miles north of the 2nd conces-
sion of Grey township, to meet the
County Road from Listowel to Wing-
ham.—Referred to Good Roads Com-
Moved by Messrs. Currie and Pur -
don that the road between,eoncessions
8 'and 9 in the township of West
Wawanosh commencing at road No.
20, going westerly to road between
lots 18 and 19, then northerly to
the village of St. Helens,: then west-
erly to road No. 27, be designated
as a county road.—Referred to Good
_ Duff's Church, Walton
was adopted.
The Special Committee reported
and the report was taken up with
Mr. Currie in the chair. The report
was adopted. -
Moved by Messrs. Laporte and Tip -
Will be held on
at 11. a.m. and 7 Pan.
Rev. Dr. Larkin -will Preach.
Special Music. Special Offering of $500
the Choir, by assisted
by talent from Seaforth and. Brussels,
Miss Jessie Alexander
of Toronto
Canada's Best Entertainer
Addresses by Clergymen
All Welcome.
Admission 35 and 25 Cents.
Rev. R, A. Lundy, Pastor.
ling that the Treasurer, Clerk and
County Engineer - be appointed a
Committee to report as soon as pos-
of g
matter q
the expenditures of the municipalities
in the county on the designated roads,
and that they add interest as per
by-law adopted by this council.—
Carri ed.
Mr. Stothers, the County Agricul-
tural Representative, was present and
spoke on the various matters per-
taining to his work in the county,
and suggested that the council might
encourage stock .judging among the
young men by offering prizes in addi-
tion to those offered by the Province.
The House of Refuge reports for
the past,
year weredistributeda among
the members of the council and will
be printed in the minutes.
On motion of Messrs. Neeb an
Clark the council adjourned until
Friday morning.
After the minutes of Thursday's
meeting were read, Reeve Doig, of
Howick, and " Reeve Mitchell, of Us -
borne, stepped forward and presented
the Warden with a kindled worded
address and a beautiful gold headed
cane. The Warden briefly thanked
the Council for this kindly . remem-
brance and assured them , "that his
association with the members of the
Council and officials had always been
of the most pleasant nature and that
County Engineer
The report of the County Engineer
was as follows:
During the summer of 1920 much
important work has been carried out
by the county with good results.
still Grand Bend- bridge is in
an 'unfinished conditionalthough the
abutments are completed and pre-.
iterations are well under way for the
erection of the steel. It would ap-
pear, however, that this bridge will
not be finished until the sprin.; of
1921, which condition is due to the
failure of the steel and' concrete con-
The Buckingham bridge in - the
township of Ashfield has .been com-
pleted. and is a fine structute, as well
as the Sanders Bridge. These bridges
have been built under very trying
conditions, but they have been a.
source of contention and trouble for
some years, and I am pleased to
report that they have been el}inpleted
and that the type of design and work-
manship leave nothing to be desired
from the point of economy and every
(Continued - on page 4)