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The Huron Expositor, 1920-12-03, Page 5
— 111111h. Give otwear This (mas. you decide to give Foot- er among your Christmas AL,; USEFUL AND SER- nlfortable House Slippers ,f Handsome Dress Shoes r a pair of Moccasins or nuts. What Young Lady kts or a pair of evening dy to hell) you solve the ifShoes, Slippers, Pumps. �nd Overgaiters fee every �ispiay. Already many of thus avoiding the rush hrislinas shopping early. ce. ERCIAL HOTEL ore d to the >re in the Biock .INS IN livers, Ladies' Seta, Scarfs ereys,and tan wholesale ;, Men's and re and mirk' Dds that are ces and can at N'S hoes acs AL �S r DECEMBER, A, 1920. WvINGHAM 'Riad Stewart. Bros.' ad. ,u page0. "$. Court Case. A couple of local 'residents have bumped up against a 1 anis • 92f1 amendment to the game laws -ares considerable indignation is felt regarding the resulting court cases. Game Warden Brown, of Middlesex, appeared here on Friday and seized •a coonskin in. W. D. Pringle'$ tan- nery, left there by Miss Isbister, to be tanned for ° a ntuff. Mr. Pringle and Miss Isbister were summoned be- fore Mayor Gurney and T. Bennett sand each were fined $20 and taxed $6.70 costs. Proceeding with his search, the officer found in the pos- session of ,Harry Wardsmen a skunk skin, on which royalty had not been paid, and he, too, was assessed $20 and $6.70 costs. _ o HIBBERT Read Stewart Bros.' ad, on page 3. School 'Report.—The -following is the report of School Section. No. 7, Hibbert. Names arranged in order of merit. Those names marked with an asterisk missed one or more ex- aminations: Senior Fourth —. Edna 'Sararas, Donald` Hoggarth, Mary Mac- Dougall, Gladys Wren. Jr. Fourth— Mary ourthMary McKaig, Lloyd Hoggarth, son Brintnell. Sr. Third Greta Sararas, *Hilda Robins, Pearl Harris, =Girdv�=ood McKaig, *Vera Treffry, Leala Glanville. Jr. Third—Gordon Wright, Edward Chappel, Wilbert Glanville, Wilbert Chappel, Mae Brint- hell, Addie Douglas, *Willie Robins. Jr. Second—Ella Chappel, Victor Din- -lain, Buelah Glanville, Carter Kers- lake, Joseph Moyaert. First Class -- 'Earl Sararas, Agnes Wren, Jim Ven- rer, Frank Wright, Annie Douglas, Tomrny Brintnell, Dorothy Robins. Primer -- Audrey Dinnin, Euerard Kerslake, Charlie Glanville. --J. Me - Millen, Teacher. STAFFA Read Stewart Bros. ad. on page 3. School Report.—The following is the report of School Section No. 3, Hibbert, for November. The names are in order of merit: Sr. IV—Ada Miller, Vera Leary, Flora McDonald, Allan McLellan. Jr. IV—Howard. Leary,. Robbie . Miller,"°Russel 'Norden, AIlan Vivian, Harvey Hambley, Francis Chilvers. Sr. III — Fraser Oliver, Clara Elliott, Verna Drake, Henry Harburn. Second—Ada Elliott, Leo Perry: Sr, I—Marvis Drake, Cliff Miller, Robbie Vivian. Jr. First —Maggie Martin. Primer—Mabel McDonald, Margaret Drake, Marvin Harburn, Edith Tuffin. — H. Hay, 'Teacher. N tes. Miss Walkinshaw, Clinton, is " guest at the Parsonage.—The bazaar given by the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church was a decided success. The proceeds will be an- nou`iced next week.—On Friday night a debate will be given by the Epworth ague of the Methodist church. The subject will be "Which has the most 'inuenee, the pressor the pulpit?" —Next Sunday Sabbath School will `be held in the afternoon and church _service in the evening.—Mr. Stewart McVey is unable to attend college on account of illness.—The Ladies' Aid meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Fell on Tuesday, Deeem- •ber 2nd. SEAFORTH MARKETS" Seaforth, December 2, 1920. Butter, per 50 to 55c Eggs, per dozen 65c Potatoes, per bag $1.50 Wheat, per bushel $1.50 Oats, per bushel 40c Barley, per bushel 60c Shorts per ton. $43.00 Bran, per ton ............ $38.00 Flour, per cwt;. $5.60to $6.00. Hogs, per cwt., $15:00 DAIRY MARKET mento, November 30.—Cheese, new large, 27 Ia. '9:4; twins, 28 to 29e; triplets, 281h to 29% old, large, 32 to 33e; do., twins, 121,4, to 3316z. Butter—Fresh dairy. choice, 49 to 50c. Creamery prints, .2nds, 65 to 58c; finest, 58 to 61e. Margarine -35 'to 37e. Eggs—No. 1, 66 to 68c; selects,- '71 to 78e; new laid in cartons, 85 to 90e. • GRAIN MARKET Toronto; November 80, --Manitoba Wheat No. 1, Northern, $1.87; No. 2 Northern. $1.84; No. 3 Northern, $1.80. Manitoba Oats Ne: 2 C.W., 58e; No. 3 C. -W.. 521/2c; extra No. 1 feed, 51e; No. 1 feed, 49e; No. 2 feed 46e. Manitoba Barley—No. ' 3 C.W., 93e; No. 4 C.W., 78%c; American Corn—$1.05, nomi- nal, track, Toronto, prompt shipment. On- tario Oats—No. 2 white, 45 to 48c. Ontario Wheat—No. 2 Winter, $1.60 to $1.70 per car lot; No. 2 Spring, $1.56 to $1.60, shipping points, according to freight. Peas No: 2, y nominal. $1.75 to $1•.80. Barley -78 to 83c, according to freights outside. Buckwheat— No. 3, 85c to $1.00, nominal. Rye—No. 3, $1.45 to $1.60, nominal, according to freights outside, Manitoba Flour—$11.10 top patents ; $10.50 Government standard. Ontario Flour ---$8,,00, bulk seaboard. Miilfeed—Car lots —.Delivered Montreal, freights, bags included —Brant per ton, $38. to $40; shorts, per ton, $40; gobd feed flour, $2.75 to $8.00. BIRTJLS Nolan.—In London, on November 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan (nee Lizzie Kraus- kopf), a son—Dennis Joseph. Wigg.—In Clinton, on November llth, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg, a son. Scott.—In Hibbert, on November 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Scott, ,a daughter. Moore.—In Hibbert, on November 21st, ` to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, a son. MARRIAGES Eellermann—Jackson.—At Dashwood, en No- vember 17th, by Rev. W. J. Yaeger, Mrs. Jackson, of Walton, to Mr. George Keller - mann, of Dashwood. • Mugford—McDonald.—At Knox church Manse, en. November 22nd, 1920, by the Rev. R. C. McDermid, John Wesley Mugford and Pearl McDonald, both of Goderiah. Penhale--Down.—At the Methodist Parsonage, Ws;Corbett, on Wednesday, Nov. 24th; Ws; Ella Ray Down, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Down, of near Grand Bend, to Mr. Russell Gordon Penhale, son of Mr. George Penhale, of Stephen. DEATHS Habkirk. — In Seaforth, on November 26th, 1920, William J. R. Habkirk, iri his 21st Moear. rrison In Seaforth, on November 28th, 1920, Mrs. John Morrison. Howson.—In London, oh November 21st, Rev. W. G. Howson. formerly pastor of Batter- bury street church, Clinton, in his 70th year. Currie.—In Hibbert, en November 21st, Agnes McDougall, widow of the 1af. John Currie, aged 84 years. 2 months and 26 days. • NOTICE The nett regular meeting of the Hibbert Council will be held on Monday, the 6th day of December, at one o'clock p.m. Pathmasters are requested to have complete reisarns for gravel used in their respective beds in, on or before the date of this meeting. 2764-1 JAMES ' JORDAN, • Clerk. IMPORTANT NOES: TEACH i WANTED.—FOR SCHOOL SEC - tion No. 10, Tuckersmith, holding or 2nd class. eertilieate. Duties to commence January 8rd. "Apply stating salary, experience and qualifications. Applications received to December 1$th. Experience preferred. W. A. WORKMAN, Seeretary-Treasurer, R. R No. 2. Kippen. .2264-3 P RMEgS+c ATTENTION.—MAKE MONEY lW`inntter in m mour nths in are time during the "Old RFall e - liable" Fonthill Nurseries" This is the re- construction period of orchards and a time Ow big business i fruit and ornamental !nursery stock, seed( potatoes, etc.- Liberal commissions, handsome free outfit, experience not necessary. STONE 8r WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. 2764-1 1'OR SAID: THAT VERY DESIRABLE` property situated in Egmondville, oce6pled by the Iate John Cameron. The property is in a first-class state of repair, bard and soft water, good cellar with concrete- floor, good orchard. This is a splendid bargain to andGERGE be sCAMERON, tExecutohe r, R.R.pp.. No. 8, Seaforth. 2761-tf MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 7th day of January,, 1921, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails on a proposed contract for four years, 12 times per week on the route Seaforth P t Offce and Street Letter Boxes, flom the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank 'forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Seaforth, Egmondville, St. Columban, Clinton, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Lon- don. CHAS. E. 11. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post office Inspector's Office, London, -,26th November, 1920. 27'64-3 WHAT SHALL I -GIVE? Why give something perishable for a Christmas pres9nt, that can last at most but an hour cit a day or a week, when the imperishable is under your hand? And if, 'among these imperish• - ables, you chose_ The Youth's Com- panion, your gift has this special qual- ity: the newness of the gift, its fresh- ness, is not at once exhausted. A jewel, a picture, or a piece of attire affords no. surprises after the first inspection, bet The Youth's Compan- ion brings unsuspected delights and untested sources of pleasure and hap- piness with every succeeding weekly number. And every one in the fancily, of every age will see to it that the good things are shared. The 52 issues of 1921 will be crowd- ed with serial stories, short stories, editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Sub- scribe now and receive:: 1. The Youth's Companion -52 issues in 1921. 2. All the remaining issues of 1920. 3. The. Companion Home Calendar for 1921. All the above for $2.50. 4. McCall's Magazine for " 1921, The monthly authority on. -4:fashions, $1.50 a year.' Both publications, only $3.50. THE YOUTH' • COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. • New subscriptions received at this aide. FARMS FOR SALE 1WARMS FOR SALE. -- I HAVE SOME dhoice farms for sale in the Townships of Osborne and Hibbert:° all well built and improved, on easy terms of payrhent. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf 1i ARM FOR SALE.—LOT 34, CONCESSION 1, Tuckersmith, on Huron Road, 100 acres of grass land, No. 1 grade. Spring on the land and river runs through. No broken land. Apply to JAMES GILLESPIE. 2766-tf FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 38, CONCHS - cession 8, McKillop, containing 100 acres of good land, 96 • cleared, balance in wood- land ; never failing spring supplies water for stock in summer ; place fenced with wire and well tile drained. The buildings are all in good shape. Windmill at barn with pipes and troughs in connection. Two storey brick house with furnace in basement and soft water in kitchen. Within 8 miles of Sea - forth, a4 miles from school; rural mail and telephone. Apply to ROBERT W. McMIL- LAN, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2755-tf FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 1, Concession 11, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a bank barn• 70x36 with stone stabling, silo, implement shed, hen house and pig pen, all in good repair; eight -roomed frame house, with hard and soft water. The farm is all cleared but eight acres of bush, 70 acres. seeded down. Five miles from Henaall, five from Kippen and 8 miles from Seaforth, mile from school. Ruralmail and phone. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM SINCLAIII., R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. 2755-tf 1i ARM FOR SALE.—LOT 30, CONCESSION 4, McKillop, containing 99l4 acres of good land. There is a never -fail$ g well at the barn with wind mill an4 Thrge cement tank and piping through stables. It is all seeded with the exception of 86 acres which is plowed. There is a good •bank barn 4800 with stone stabling underneath also a straw and hay shed 80x70, with hef and pig house underneath. There is a good brick house and kitchen on premises, also hard and soft water in the house. The farm is all fenced with wire and well drained with tile. School is on the farm, and is-situated3 miles from the town of Seaforth. Has telephone and rural mail delivery. Owner is desirous of selling on account of ill health. For fur- ther particulars apply on the premises or Orth. ddress JOHN McELROY, R. R. Not ,2 -tea - FARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, in 'the Township of Tucker - smith, 3 miles from Seaforth,convenient 6ales from to school Brucefleld and Kippen, and church ; 95 acres cleared, remainder in maple bush. On this farm are excellent build- ings and are in first-class repair ; hard and. soft water in the house and in stables ; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly under drained and fenced and in a high state of cultivation, never having been heavily crepped. This is in every way a first class and up-to-date farm., Also Lot 27, Concession 12, in the Township of. Hib- bert, containing 100 acres ; 80 scree cleared and thoroughly nnderdrained and fenced, the remainder is in 'first class maple bush. On the premises " is a conffortable frame house and good barn 48x56 with stone stabling also good well with windmill. This farm is all seeded to grass and is in excellent condi- tion, having been cropped very little; situ- ated within 6 miles df Hensall, quarter of Haile from school. There is long distance telephone connection on both farms, also rural mail delivery. These farms will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser and on reasonable terms. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, on Let 12. Concession 6, Tuckersmith, or Seaforth. P. 0., THOMR. AS G. So. 4, HILLLINGLAW, Propphone 14 on 181, rietor. $8 to $12 PER DAY Auto tractor mechanics, vulcanizing, $fA to $12 per day. Men wanted Oil present de- mand nd auto mo bile neons ni tractor • driving, tr for operating, tire vulcanizing, oxy-acetylene welding, storage battery electrical work, Practical training. Only a few weeks re- quired. Day and night classes. Write free catalogue. Big wages. Steady eniploy- rnent. HEMPHILL' AUTO and GAS TRAC- TOR SCHOOL, 163 King. St, West, Toronto. 2768-2 TELEPHO N E YOUR ORDERS x'er 'TEE t---7-1 11-----t----1 1 Phone us your orders for Flour and Feed. We always aim to give you the est Quality . at the Lowest:. Prices. • Oilcake and Linseed Meal are away down in price. W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET- PHONE 77 o 0 0"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 Funeral Director and .0 0 Licensed. Embalmer 0 0 • Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 0 _ Expositor Office. , Residence 0 O Goderich St., opposite Dr. O O Scott's. O O Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. O 0 Phone Night or Day 11'9 .0 000000000 000 000 0000000000 0 W. T. BOX & CO. 0 0 Embalmer and O ® Funeral Directors O 0 H. C. BOX 0 O Holder of Government 0 O Diploma and License 0 0 Charges moderate 0 O Flowers furnished on short Q 0 notice. , -0 0 Night Calls ay.Day Calls 0 0 " Phone 170 tf-fr Phone 43 0 000000000 00O 0000 000000000 O W. S. GORMLE , 0 O Embalmer and Funeral 0 0 Director O Undertaking Parlors Above 0 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 0 ' Main Sheet, Seaforth. •— O O Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O Chargee Moderate 0 © Phone—Night or Day -192 O 000000000 0000 McKILLOP COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the Township flf McKillop will meet in the Carnegie Library Hall, Sea - forth, on Saturday, December 4th, in the afternoon. 2764-1 M. MURDIE, Clerk. ORMWINDO! S &DOORS SIZES to suit your openiw a. 'Forel with gloss. Safe &s- livery o—livery guaranteed. Write for Price L.id tOJ. Cut down fuel bills. Insure winces eoasfoR° The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited HAMILTON IACTORT IDI/TIIIRUTOH CANADA NOTICE. ''TIE Huttoi EXPOSITOR When you buy from us We Save You Money. f Five Roses Flour, per cwt.' .. $5.75 North Star Flour, per cwt......... ....... 5.75 Granulated Sugar, per cwt................. 11.50 Rolled Oats, per 90 pound bag ... 4.75 Nine Boxes of 1Vlatches .. ......... 1,00 Five packages` Seeded Raisins.... 1.40 Two tins of Maple Leaf Salmon... • 1.00 Boys' Underwearper garment......... .60 'Five pounds of Currants ..... ...........-. .95 Eight plugs, Master Mason Tobacco... 1.00 Cash and Carry Values for Saturday only. W, Finnigan 0 The Richer Man 'ric mea twenty-dollar-a-weean Wit, Bas a savings account, is richer than the fifty; dollar -a -week man who spends all he• makes. Money in the bank' is your best insurance against emergencies. THE DOMINION BANK SEAFORTH BRANCH, - R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FORS RENT. ' sismommummusimommemommx HALTERS OUR OWN MAKE Doubled and Stitched Leather Halters $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 First-class Shipping Halters $1.50 Fancy Russet Leather, doubled and stitched, brass trim- med .. .... ..... $2,50 $2.75 $3:00 B14ANKE '8= '•`° ' Ute, Fancy Patterns, 40 or 60 inch lining, shaped( with or with- out 5A stay ons $3.00 to $6.75 I�1 AND GLOVES—For IMen' and Boys. ade of. Horse hide, Moe skin and Buck skin, lined, warm. ists ....50c. to $3.00 6 Fancy Kid °and Mocha. Lined Gloves .....:. $1.75" to $3.00 Black Astrakan Mitts and Gauntlets, rubber interlined, horse hide faced $2.00 to $3.00 RUGS Neat Canadian Wool, 54x62 43.75 to $8.00 Fancy English Plush Rugs, all sizes .. • .,,. $6.06 to $25.00 ROBES IVllanitoba, Saskatchewan and - Zero, rubber interlined Buffal . Robes, suitable for autos or cutters, Canadian -made BELLS. Fancy Brass, 4 bell, back chimes. $3.40, $3.50, $400 Shaft straps, each 40c. to WO Fancy Red Strap, Centennial or Dexter Bells, 30, 40 or 50 bells, each CLUB BAGS. ` Genuine Leather Club Bags, leather or cloth lined, in Walrus or Oak grains $7.00 to $20.00 SUIT CASES. Fibre, Keratol or Leather, with or without straps, from $2 to $16 We still maintain our high standard Harness, for buggy or team work, made of No. 1 Union Oak Leather, at most reasonable. prices. $3.25 to '$6.00 Broderick's Leather Goods Store OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL i• i 1 CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared, to pay you the highest prices for ypilr cream, pay you every two weeks,: weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of. charge, and 'give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth - - - - Ontario STRATFORD, ONTARIO. NEW TERM FROM NOV. lst. 1 The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraph Departments. Grad- uates placed in positions. Stud- ents may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue. D. A. IVIcLACHLAN, Principal, Having taken over the Grocery and Meat Store, formerly carried on by Dorsey & MacKinnon, I intend to continue in the same business and will ' still handle all lines of Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna, Sausages, Canned Goods, Fresh Dairy But- ter, in fact everything usually found in ani up-to-date Provision Store. PRICES RIGHT D. E. MacKinnon Big Corner Grocery and Meat Store GRAND TRUNK s T -M The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto`, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent CREAM WANTED We are in a position to pay _high- est market price for butter fat and to render the best possible- service. Our 'gatherers will take care your cream regularly the year round. Phone Clinton, 145. We will appreciate your patronage. Clinton Creamery Limited. CLINTON - - - ONTARIO 2761-tf • f . WE WANT a reliable agent for every un- represented district, to sell our well known Fruit and Orna- mental Trees, Shrubs, Etc. Good Pay —Esclnsive terri- tory Rights. . Our agency is valuable under present conditions. 600 Acres of Nursery—Estab- lished 40 Years. Write for particulars to, Agency Department, PELHAM NURSERY C., 755-16 TORONTO, ONT. GRAND TRUNK s T -M The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto`, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent CREAM WANTED We are in a position to pay _high- est market price for butter fat and to render the best possible- service. Our 'gatherers will take care your cream regularly the year round. Phone Clinton, 145. We will appreciate your patronage. Clinton Creamery Limited. CLINTON - - - ONTARIO 2761-tf • f . _., FARMERS' NOTES Farmers with Sales Mites will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection._ The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- ing presentation, and payments will be credited to your account promptly. 89A Sales Notes supplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE • PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15.004000 RESERVE FUND • .. $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, 5 G. Mullen, Manager. JAMES WATSON GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars. WANTED Punch and Shear Operators. Rivetters. - Steam Hammer Operators. Woodworking Machine Operators. Machinists. General Help. STEADY WORK ASSURED Apply SUPT. NATIONAL STEEL CAR CORPORATION, LTD.), HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Mister Motorist Give your Batteries the attention they require. We take charge of them for the Winter and Guar'. 'aitee Satisfaction. REPAIR DEPARTMENT—At Your Service. Bring your car in and have it put in shape for the Spring. Expert repair work done on all makes ,of cars, and satisfaction guaranteed, or no charge. STORAGE ROOM FOR CARS. If you are looking for a place for the We we have it. . Tires, Tubes, Accessories on hand at prices that can't be beat. BROWN1S GARAGE NORTH MAIN STREET. , Look for the visible Guaranteed Measure Pump. hy rt Clothes? Because they have Style. ' Every Suit is guaranteed. The all ,wool fabrics are splendidly tailored trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $00 " My Wardrobe " MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFOni TL • and t711llimullll1111111111oo m11111onoml11t111111111111111I1111111f111111i11umtion C 00 OW O W MO MO OW WM WO MO WO IMO MO WOMU O W OW WO OW WO OM MMMO MO MO MO OM OM MM MOOM OMOW MOOW O M MO MO MO MO OM MM MO O W MO O M OM Wm Um MOWMMM ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOK K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR. OFE'ICB. ulli NAME� .:•a.aa.s.a.a: ADDRESS . . ..o e..aos..+oc+s.+..a,rt 4.,r.a EDate Born.....,..day of i.s....., a.... sOi`.. s s s,li" rAaay •, u111N111u1utiu111u1n11111111111nfNII IINIIIIUIRi *I111101011Nuul1 MO 1M MEM Mum MIR O MR Antor AVM W▪ NW Wiet W NW ONO IMO 111. UMW