HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-12-03, Page 3SER 3, 1920. 3arLk •ich ttf poor quality, is not ca Ice for discourage- L -ss the campaign,. for :s hiring its effect on feeders alike; at least, r ,d by the ennouncement ders that they intend C the best of their cattle ieding, and wil! not de- itil they are fuly fit for 'here is no economy in races of cattle and it is ley should be got rid of ossible, though it is ob- meo* must be the loser sosal. As a matter of - dy who handles these le is more or less a of course, the first man. who offers the cattle "for sale at the stock .nks to the existence of eying their carcasses for period, t, e poorest of .ers are iibt a dead loss. period, when cash is b'e- .ce among the world's • a -:vent of a supply of is more than usually eentioned above, there is :omy- in canners and cut- LYglt cheap enough, they L return to the packers, s- may as a result obtain otherwise they would without. But, if all the e hands of the farmers notch quality, beef could at a cost that would al- beef beim secured at a nice by all. only the best cattle are .hie on the United States ?plies are exceedingly onsist chiefly of common act. it is stated with re - Chicago market, that •ountry restrains its im- h cattle to market, a new .4 is possible. Values at ere values have held up en most other markets, :eek at the lowest level year, except in the case id for a few prime steers. dispose of cattle of all re United States, is 4a lack of confidence in the beef prices and general tnaecy. It is hardy be- -. farmers on this side of make a halt of feeding n as bad straits financially -.ited States brothers, yet common cattle to jour retty strong considering dexnan . However, the ributed hint that farmers back on their best beef t attle is a good indication n:;cial ability and trust in for finished beef. ,rd Jar 1 Stops Head Noises the tars, , but is the Ears. and in- k ils. Has had a ...r_ce 1907. iexbach and Arthur above druggists. ,ufacturer .,. New York City. OV ()xt OIrt L!_ t sty at • t:.e tier stor or get t • vi:x13iaok . , I Lure '�.'"rn. ORM x• AFFA i AFFA D i • DECEMBER, 3, 1920. THE HUR4 .NEXPOSIT( )it Vonnirmomionupimiummimermoommow 4 STEWART BROS. • A_ '" ;: ' ,fir'_ � -`� }.�f) ( � is ,�.`µf. MSF {g� "I!"- 1 ' Jir +.�,1. � ,��' .. � - ' :.4�,if • 0 nmencin Terms Cash Only Extra Special, Men's Suits, Reg. $40 to $45, $29.95 Made of high-grade Fancy Wirst- ed, in guaranteed colors, in small, check and fancy patterns, regular price $40 to $45, sale Q price 129'95 e ay, S Dec, 3r No Need of Waiting for Lower Prices They Are Here ti THE REASON The unusual mild weather, coupled with the insistent public tlemand for lower prices, forced us to take this step, and having once decided, there will be no halfway measures, We have taken the bit in our teeth and P / pitched profits to the winds. We are going to run one, of our old-time Sales -a real sale that will measure up to everything that the wordsale means. Every Department will teem witlCBargains. Every article will be here ex ectin BIG reductions; w cut to the last cent. Come P g will not disappoint you: This Store has always had a record, for low prices. The Bargains are all the greater when those prices are reduced You will miss an opportunity ortunit of years if you miss this sale. We stake our business reputation on every reduction quoted. PP y you to know,to realize, to believe that Siis will be one of the greatest Merchandising events ever Wewant attempted. Come early. Come often; it will certainly pay you. A Sale at Stewart's is ALWAYS a REAL P, " SALE. Sincerely yours, STEWART BROS. MEN'S OVERCOATS. The very newest ` style; good patterns, excellent cloth. Regular to $45. Sale ��Q� Price7 Overcoats from $35 to $38. Sale Price ... .•• Overcoats from $25 to $35. Sale Price . . 25.95 1.9.95 MEN'S SUITS. Latest Styles. $45 Men's Suits for , $35 Men's Suits for $30 Men's Suits for $25 Men's Suits for $20 Men's Suits for 29.95 24.95 21.95 18.95 15.95 BOYS' OVERCOATS. Every Boys' Overcoat, Mackinac or Reefer in the store will be cleared without reserve.; 25 PER CENT. OFF. BOYS' SUITS. All New Styles, Norf olks, Waist lines or form fit. All sizes and patterns. Sale Price 20 PER CENT. OFF MITTS AND GLOVES. Heavy or fine Mitts, Gloves or Pullovers, .Men or Boys. 25 PER CENT. OFF unimpmmummummorummommowsumummoosToominiloommolimo No Goods on Approval Money Refunded If the Goods Are Not Satisfactory Extra Special. Flannelette Blankets Finest quality, light colors, with pink or blue borders, number . one stock. ;Sale prim.... Size' 72x84 Sale price . S2.99 Sts•• stay..• 04��2 s • $3.29 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Standfield's = all -wool, red label. Regular 69 3.50. Sale Price �i, Blue Label,.reg. 1 Sale . Price 3 • 9 Black Label. Reg. $4. Sale Price 3.98 Tiger Brand Regular$2:50 Sale Price 2.19 S Tiger! Brand, all wool, $2.75. j.39' Sale Price ... Heavy ribbed Scotia, $2. Sale 1 S� Price • Heavy Ribbed Penman's 1.50 S �" Sale Price 1. 7, Combination Underwear, all makes. ` 25 PER CENT OFF BOYS' UNDERWEAR. Fleece lined, good quality. Reg. 75c. Sale Price, 59c.. Boys' Wool, Turnbull's, REDUCED 20 PER CENT. Boys' -combinations. REDUCED 20 PER CENT. HATS AND CAPS. Men's Hats, stiff or soft, all colors, shapes and sizes.;, 20 PER CENT. OFF Winter . and Fall Caps, Men's and Boys' 20 PER CENT. OFF sMEN'S' ODD PANTS. Every pair of Men's Odd Pants , are unreservedly reduced by a straight dis- count of 20 PER CENT. OVERALLS. Peabody's or Snag Proof. Black or Striped. Regu- lar $2.75. Sale Price 2.39 Black DenimRegular $2.00. Sale 1 Price 1,• 17 Smocks. Reg. $2.75. Sale Price 2.39 Cottonade Stripe. Regu- lar $2.75. Sale Price 2. J7 MEN'S SOX. Grey Wool, rib or plain. Reg. 35c. Sale Price 29c 50c Men's Sox 39c 79c Men's Sox 59c $i Men's Sox for 89c Boys' Fine Worsted all - wool Hose. Regular $1.50. Sale Price.... . 99c BOYS' SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS. Every Boys' Sweater and Sweater Cost in the store is included in this sale at 25 PER CENT. OFF TAILORING DEPT. 20 Per Cent. Discount off on all tailor-made Suits, in. Tweeds, Worsted or Serges Leave your. measure Early. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. Men's Heavy Tweed shirts. Regu- lar $2.50. -Sale Price 1.� Black and White Shirts. Regular $1.50 Sale Price 1 •� Heavy Chambray, - black and white. Reg. $1.75. Sale price . 1. 07 MEN'S SWEATER cOA9S High Grade • Coats, in fancy checks and plaid§, pure wool English yarns. Reg. $9, $10, $11. Sale Price • ,,11.7a Work Sweaters, all colors and sizes. Regular, $4 to $6. Sale Price 95 • MEN'S FINE SHIRTS. Shirts all good ✓ patterns. Sale 1� Price • All High Grade Shirts. Reg. $3,50 to :3 Oo $4.50. Sale Price . WOMEN' BLOUSES. Every waist, voile, crepe or silk in all colors reduc- ed. 25 PER CENT. OFF SteWart Bros, SEAFORTH WOMEN'S COATS. Velour,Silverton Beav- ers, eau ers, Push, etc., all this year's new style. Reg. $25 to $30, j for 7.7 5 • Reg, $32 to $35, for Reg. $37 to $45, for • 23.75 28.95 DRESS GOODS DEPT. Dress Goods, Suitings, Coatings, Silks, Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chene, Satins, all fancy trim- mings, linings, .etc. Re- duced by 20 PER CENT.,DI COUNT CARPETS AND RUGS. LINOLEUMS, • An exceptional opportun- ity to get high grade floor covering. Sale Price v 20 PER CENT. OFF WOMEN'S SWEATER COATS. All new fine quality, per- fect garments. All the best makes. Sale Price 20 PER CENT. OFF MILLINERY DEPT. Half Prices Every Hat, Women's or Misses' or Child's will be reduced to HALF PRICE WOMEN'S SUIS. Serge, Tricotine,Cheviott, Broadcloth, all colors. Reg. $30 to 35, Ili 42 for ..•..• .•. • rt Reg. $37 to $45, for ..... , , ... 28.95 WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR. Penman's, Turnbiili's, Standfield's, Watson's - every known reliable makes. Sale Price 25 PER CENT. OFF STAPLE DEPARTMENT . Shirtings, Prints, Sheet- ings, Pillow, Cottons, Gingham's, Flannels, Flannelettes, Curtain Ma- - terials, Denim's Tickings, Table Linens, Towelling. , 20 PER CENT. OFF FURS. Coats,- Setts, Muffs and Ruffs. - 20 PER CENT. OFF DRESSES & ODD SKIRTS Serge, Tricotine, Silk and Poplin. 25 PER CENT. OFF WOMEN'S HOSE, Good Hose is a Hobby here. Buy all ypu want. 20 PER CENT., SEE THE SPECIALS SMALL WEAR DEPT. 20 PER CENT, of every, item. • �T- _--