HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-11-19, Page 8S Seasonable Goods Mitts, Gloves or Gauntlets for Men and Boys, lined, made of Horsehide, mule skin or buckskin .... 50c to $3.00 BLANKETS Jute, Kersey or Duck, limed, with or without stay -ons, quiiltedand bound. Price .. , ...... . . ..$3.00 to $7.00 English Wool, '80-x80, each $9, to $925 Robes, Canada's best makes, inelud- inf Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Artie rubber lined. TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS M. Broderick'S Harness and. Leather Goods Store Opposite Commercial hotel Look Here Men TRE HUJRON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTE Bazaar. and .Supper THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25th at ST. THOMAS' SCHOOL HOUSE Aprons, Dresses, Caps, Handker- chiefs, Towels, Sweaters, Dolts and numerous articles suitable for Christ- mas presents. SPECIALTYS The Supper front 5.30 to 7.30 p.nt. The Lady with the Thousand Pockets The Rummage Sale. Afternoon Tea 15e. Supper . 35c. THE HURON EXPOSITOR could be easily avoided, if the fors were carefully read and their provisions complied with, `The following points . 'should 'be observed by those making ,.applications 1. Certificates asked for - must be sent in as required, It will not do to say you can furnish them if wanted or that somebody has seen them. These certificates must be ob- tained, except original mar- riage certificates, from the Registrar General, Toronto, for which a charge of 25 cents is made. Municipal'clerk'a certificates will not do, neither will copies taken from church registers, by ministers. Medical certificates of incapacitation or insanity must also The Bander -The annual' meeting of the Seaforth Citizens' Band was held in their rooms last week, when the fol- lowing officers were appointed for the coining year; President, Walter W. Robinson; Vice -President, T. G. Scott; Sec.-Treas., G. T. Scott; Managing � Committee, E. D. Reid, Wni. Hoag and M. McLeod; Leader, Wm. Free- man. The band is one of the best musical organizations in the county, and the past season has been a very successful one, while next season promises to be the best of its history, as twenty new members have already joined and practices will be held each Tuesday evening during the winter. Egmondville Notes,+ --Rev. S Mc- Lean, preached in Toronto last Sun- day. -Miss Grey, who has been in New York for some months, return- ed home last week. -Misses Ellen and Mildred Prendergast, of Chicago, came home to attend their father's funeral, the late John Prendergast.= - Mrs. H. Mason leaves here on Monday "next to spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. R. Oke, in Toronto. Mess Iva Harris, of Brussels, spent the week end with Mrs. John Love. - Mrs. McLean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, are at the Manse. Mrs. Thomson is quite ill, but we hope to hear of her convalescence soon. -We are sorry to learn of Mrs. Jos. Wal - lace's continued illness and hope for a speedy recovery. -Mr. Robt. Beatty, who has had a severe attack of broncitis,. is, we are glad, able to be around again and teaching as usual. -Mr. Ernest Berating, of Toronto, was visiting for a few days at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Hlldsolb.-Mrs. Garnet Habkirk has returned home after spending a wee;: with her sister in Norwich. - Mrs.. George Habkirk, of McKillop, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. James Hudson. MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS 12 and 15 inch Leathers Tops At $6.50, $6.00 and $5.50 a Pair. Boys' Sizes 1 to 5-44.50 a Pair A cut in price of $1.0Q, $1.50 to .$.00 a Pair. . mas 0 church interior has been almost en- Breit changed, resulting in a model 71' Do your Shopping early this , year and avoid the rush at Christ- , mas time. • You] have more time now to look around, and the lines are more complete. me will putot away anything y Y until called for. A BOOK or BOX OF STA- TIONERY is greatly appreciated. Thompon's SEAFORTH be included. 2. pet your municipal BOOKSTORE - - clerk or some one used to filling legal documents to do the writing and have a J. P. if possible, take your declara- tion. Don't get some relative or in- terested person to do . either the fill- ing or the witnessing or taking your declaration. 3. Only a widow or a 'mother- whose husband is permanently incapacitated or aninmate of the asylum for insane, and who has at least two children under 14 years of age, and who wishes to make a home for them, should apply. 4. Ap- plications must be made in duplicate, one for the local board and, one for the 'general board at Toronto. Both must be sent with all the `certificates or documents to 'either Rev. -E. R. Garrett, secretary, Hensall, or Geo. W. Holman, chairman, Goderieh. 5. All statements made will be verified by a goveriiment inspector, who will visit the home- of the applicant to confirm the facts as recorded in the application by a personal investiga- If you hurry your size will be here. A GENUINE BARGAIN HURRY ALONG THE CASH SHOE STORE Opposite Expositor Office w Photographs for Christmas It's not any too early to think Christmas Gifts now. Photographs are going to be great demand this tear for ,Xmas Gifts judging by the orders that we are already finishing for X as. You can please your ,far -away friends and also the ones at home by giving thein a good Photograph of yourself and family. We only make one class of work - THE BETTER CLASS Our prices are reasonable. Call in and see us about a sitting. Amateur•' Finishing - Picture Framing of in D. F. BUCK Photographer, Seaforth. 4 .F DA Jeweler a n d Issuer Marriage SEAFORTH - LY Optician. Licenses ONT. tion 6. The members of the local board receive no pay for services rendered and rely upon those making application to do all in their ppwer to make their duties as pleasant as possible by furnishing them with all the facts and documents required. Ass For Sale: A comfortable hoose on James Street. Apply to J. Rankin, or Phone 18 on 160. 2766-tf Oatmeal. -Try our Purity oat meal, 4lbs. for 25c. W. E. Kerslake. Phone No. 6. -Flour.-Try us - for high grade Manitoba flour, $6.25 per cwt. W. E. Kerslake, Phone No. 6. Follow the crowd to The Redford Store for - bargains in all kinds of woollen sweaten8, scarfs, sets and mitts. 2762-tf Wanted. -Good cook, highest wages, house- maid kept, two in family. Apply to Mrs. Wurtele, St. Vincent Street, Goderich. 2762-1 Linseed meal, oil cake, and mollasses meal, all at prices away down. W. E. Kerslake. Phone No. 6,• 2762-1 _ Wanted. -Wheat, oats and peas. 'Highest prices paid for these at the Seaforth Oat Meal Mill. Atlas Cereal Co„ Ltd. 2760-tf Maid Wanted. -Light work, family of two. Highest, wages. Apply to Mrs. R. M. Jones, Goderich Street. 2762-1 For Sale. -Jersey heifer, over six months Old, and nine young pigs, five weeks. Dict. L. G.""Vangmond, Seaforth, Ont. 2762x1,* For Sale. -A number of codkerels from Guild's special pen of bred -to -lay . Barred Rocks. W. H. Golding. 2762-1 SPECIA 18-INCHCENTRE PIEC1--28e This is one of our many Christmas Specials. SEE OI' P STOCK OF Fancy Chip , Dinner Sets, Glass Sets, Dolls and Toys ----all kinds; Shaving Sets, Books, Baskets, Stationery, Graniteware, Soaps, Hosiery, Underwear and Small- wareL G. W. V. A. Notes, Thursday, NQ- vember 25th, will be the occasion of the second, stag euchre given by the G. W. V. A. Club. Commencing at 8.30 p.m, sharp, play will continue until 11 p.m., and followed by a "Dill pickle lunch," should prove one of the most enjoyable events of the season. Remember this is not a memo hers affair, but is open to all players in town, desiring to spend a pleasant evening. A fee of twenty-five cents. to cover lunch expenses will be made and no further invitation to be pres- ent should be necessary,-. so keep the date open and be there. -The ladies' day has been changed from Thursday to Wednesday; hours are from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Judging fromthe attendance last Wednesday the ladies are to be congratulated on their organization. Basketball, bridge and . bowling seemed quite popular, and the Executive hope the ladies of the Auxiliary will make even better use of the club properties. -The juvenile haceyists must be at the club house 6.45 p.m. and must leave for home• 7.45. The juniors will have the remaining part of the even- ing, under the direction. of Mr. Chas. Holmes -The 'Masquerade Dance last week was a most successful affair. The many and varied costumes added color and beauty to the whole affair, while the music as provided by the colored orchestra leftnothing to be desired. Let's go to - I-Tugill'.: Music Store; he sells that good old: Bell Piano. The tone is so beautiful and the ac- tion is so easy, any child can play it, and the . price is right, although it may cost a little more than some of those strongly advertised cheaper lines. Musicians tell us the Bell is the best bo on the market to -day, taking eve. i hing into consideration. So, it is ou duty to have a demon- stration. I x you can't call on him, have him call on you. He also sells Phonographs, Sewing Machines, and Cream Separators, and he will be at the Seaforth Fair with his exhibit gf goods. Look him up. If writing ad- dress J. E. HUGILL iF'HONE 216 BOX 229 This is a real Variety Store, and it's Christmas shopping time. BEATTIE BROS: "The Fair." Phone 129. auditorium, which has been finished J and decorated in excellent- taste, The cost of improvements to the church and manse for this year,will be about $3,800. The Sunday services, which were largely attended, were conduct- ed by Rev. Jas. Wilson, of Daven- court Road Presbyterian Church, To- ronto, while the musical part of the service rendered by the choir of the church was indeed excellent. The Sunday offering for the improvements fund amounted to- $347.03 and an ad- ditional $488.20 was replized from the Monday night dinner and enter- tainment, or total proceeds of $835.23. The speakers at the enter- tainment were Reve. McIntosh, Bruce - field; Ferguson, Winthrop; Brown, Edwards and Larkin, Seaforth. The musical artists were Mrs. O'Connell, Mrs,. Close, Mr. John Scott, Harold Ward, Mr. Gerald Stewart and 1 Master Jimmy Stewart, all of Sea - forth; Miss Hams, Walton, and Mr. Earl . VanEgmond, Egmondville. The , Egmondville choir gave three num-1 bers. The accompanist were Messrs. Ben Johnston and Earl VanEgmond. The people of the church are to be congratulated on the success of the re -opening and on the fine spirit that The party who took the large black parasol off Mr§. Mulchay's parlor window on day of sale, please leave it ,at The Expositor Office and avoid exposure. 2762x1 Oatmeal. -Try our Purity oat meal, 4tbs. for 25c. W. E. Kerslake.. Phone No. 6. Anniversary services will . be held in Caven Church, Wigthrop, on Sunday, December 12th. There will alsobe a fowl supper and enter- tainment on the Monday evening following, December 13th. Fuller particulars, will be given later. 2762-1` Miss Annie G. Govenlock, graduate Teach- er's Course, LGodowesky Method, Canad,ian Academy of Music will re -open her classes in piano and theory. Pupils will be . pre- pared. for Canadian Academy and Toronto Conservatory of Music .examinations. Studio, North Main Street; Phone 103. 2762-4 Death of Mrs. Edward Devereux.- One evereux:One by one the pioneers of, the Huron tract are passing, and this week we have to .record the death of another, in the person of Mrs. Edward. Devereux. The deceased, whose, maiden name was Margaret Dorsey, was born in Ireland about eighty-two years ago, but came to this country with her parents when she was very young. About sixty-three years ago she was married to Mr. Edward. Devereux, settling. on the farm on the Huron Road adjoining that of her parents, and resided there con- tinually until - her husband's death 7 years ago, since which time she has made her home with her daughter, in Detroit. Mrs.. Devereux had always been a very robust woman until this spring, when, finding her health fail- ing, she returned to the home-ef her son, Mr. Louis Devereux, where she passed away on Wednesday' niorniing, - having all the surviving members with her, they being Messrs. Louis on the homestead; Frank, of Seaforth; Miss Tillie, of Detroit, and Mrs. (Dr.) Carney, of Durand. She was of a particularly kind and charitable dis- position, which 'won for her many friends and was also a devoted mem- ber of St James' R. C. Church, and had all the .consolations of her faith in her last moments, being faithfully attended by the pastor, Father Goetz. The funeral took place on Friday morning to St. James' Church, where mass was sung by Very Rev. Dean McManus, of Port Huron, a particular friend' of the family. Interment was nude -in St. James' cemetery, the services at the grave being conducted by Rev. Father Goetz. Mothers' Allowances. -The County Mothers' Allowance Board met dur- ing.,the past week in Seaforth to ad- just claims under the act. Some fif- teen in all were dealt with, and most` of these had! to be returned to the makers of them, as they were in most cases imperfectly filled in, improperly certified as to signature, or certificates asked for not su$plied. This is very unfortunate, as it causes a great deal of unnecessary trouble and delay, and The doors, windows and wood work were manufactured by Cluff Bros., Seaforth, Mr. John.McCaa, Egmond- vilie, was architect °and had general oversight of the work. Mr. James McKay, Egmondville, was carpenter, painter, etc., arid, along with Mr. Mc- Caa was general manager of con- struction work. Messrs. Cu&more and Taylor, Hensel, did the brick laying, and -Mr. Howard, Egmondville, the plastering and decorating. The Death of Mrs. Brine. -Since our last issue we have to'record the death of one of the old pioneers of this county in the person bf Mrs, Brine, widow of the late Joseph P. Brine, of Harpurhey, which :occurred ':on Sunday' morning last, the 14th inst. Mrs. Brine was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw, and she was born in Ayrshire, Scotland. She cane to this country with her parents and the rest of the family in theearly fifties, and went to reside upon the farm in McKillop, after- wards known as the Black farm, her parents shortly after moving to Turn - berry. In 1855 she was married to the late Jos. P. Brine, of Harpurhey. Af- ter the death, of Mr. Brine, which occurred in 1902, Mrs. Brine and her family removed to Seaforth, where they have since been living. Mrs. Brine was a woman of untiring energy and. rugged constitution and attained. to a great age. Until the last three or four years she was able to take an active part in every day life, but increasing age compelled her to take a well-earned rest. While she was. able - to sit up every day, she was unable to -take any part in the day's work, and about four months ago she was compelled to take to her bed, where she was confined to the day of her d'eath. We are pleased to know that during that time she never suffered any pain and en- joyed the most vigilant and attentive care of her daughters who survive her. Mrs. Brine in her day led a very active life, and! she had the faculty of making and keeping' last- ing friendships. It may be truly said of her that she was a good daughter, an affectionate wife, a lov- ing mother and a good , neighbor. Mrs. Brine leaves behind her to mourn her. loss a son and four, daughters ane! two sisters besides numerous grandchildren and great grandchil- dren. The funeral took place from her late residence on Tuesday, and was very largely attended, by her immediate relations and old friends and acquaintances, the service being conducted by Rev. F. II. Larkin, D.D., and Rev. T. H. Brown. Interment was made at Harpurhey cemetery. IMINOW 1 is evident in the congregation. Local Briefer --The first cutters and sleighs made their appearance for the season on: Saturday last, and the sleighing leas been very good this week. -Dr, R. Martin, of Stratford, will conduct anniversary services in 'the Seaforth Presbyterian church on Sunday, December 12th. .- County Clerk G. W, Holman, of Goderich, was in town on Saturday. He was attend- ing a meeting of the "Huron, County Mothers' Allowance Board, of which he is chairman. -Mrs. Barker, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the guest of Mrs. M. Y. McLean. -Miss Folli', of Grand. Bend, is a 'guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C, Brodie. -Miss Annie Govenlock, who has been spend- ing same months with relatives in the Western Provinces and at the coast, returned home last week. -Mr. John McNaughton, of London', Was in town on Tuesday. He came up to attend the funeral of, the late T. J. Marks; at Bayfield, Rev. . F. II. Larkin will have for his subject next Sunday evening the "Unknown War- rior." -Mr. Ed. Mole was called to Auburn. on Saturday, owing to the serious illness of his father. Mr. John L, Smith met with a painful accident on Monday. While carrying two pails of boiling'water, he slipped and fell, scalding his arm from the shoulder down. -Owing to the great increase in their . electrical .business Reid Bros, have taken another bro- then Mr. Dalton Reid, of Port Col - bonne, into the firm. -A box social and dance under the auspices of the Holy Nanie Society,. wil lbe held in the Separate school hall on Wednes- day evening next. -Mr. and Mrs. George Ridley and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilkie, of St. Marys, spent Thursday of last week in town, the guests of their cousins, the Misses McIntosh. - Mr. William Kruse, of Egmondville, received a fine deer this -week, which was shot by his son, Harry, in the Parry Sound District: Mr. ',Arnold Westcott visited his another here over Sunday. -Mr. Morse, of Flint, Mich., is visiting friends in town. -Mr. F. L. Downey, accountant at the Do- minion Bank, spent Sunday., at his home in Toronto. -Mrs. A. E. Bates, of Irricana, Alberta, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock.-Mrs, W. Hart, who spent the summer in Scotland and France, has returned home.- Special services will be held in the /Salvation Army Hall on Monday evening next, when Mrs. Staff Capt. Maltby, formerly in charge of the Army in Seaforth, will speak. -Miss Alexander, of Winnipeg, is visiting at the home •of her brother, Mr. A. Alexander, -Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Habkirk, of Dunville, were called here, last week, owing to the serious ill- ness of Mr. W. Habkirk. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes and daughter, of Toronto, are spending a few holidays with friends in; town. -Mr. and Mrs. Grenfell, of Thorold, were in town a few days this week. -Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams, of Stratford, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Wil- liams' mother, Mrs. Boyd -Mrs., Flett and children, of Grimsby, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Habkirk, John street. -Mrs. Watson is visiting relatives • in Clinton this week. -Mrs. W. Mc- Naughton and daughter, of Tucker- smith, have moved into their new home on Market street. Mr. R. Blanchard, of Nelson, B. C., is visit- ing, at the home of his `uncle, Mr. Henry Cash, at Roxboro. -Mr. Mc- Gee, pf Toronto, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw, last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott and Mr. and Mrs.. Birchen, . of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Brine Scott, of Toronto, and Mr. D. 5, Scott, of Hamilton, were here Amismase DO IT ELECTRICALLY • Why not be enthusiastically and electrically happy. Light your home with the NEW WHITE MAZDA. Keep your home clehn with the Apex Vacuum. Do your washing with the Keibs Electric. Make your toast and coffee and do your ironing, The HOT POINT WAY. Get a Majestic Heater, 1$11.50.'., Compare our prices with city prices`'an,d you will buy in Sea - forth.. Do it by Wire and the Electric smile comes automatically: Egmondville Church Re -opening. - The re -opening services of Egmond- ville church on Sunday and Monday, Nov. 14th and 15th, were a unique event in the history of this historic congregation, which dates back to 1843. During the summer the west- ern wall of the church was removed and a three-storey addition to the church erected. The lower story con- sists of a western vestibule and a cellar for coal and wood; the second! story serves the purpose of an as- sembly room and cloak room for the choir and a roomy vestry, while the „;third story is.an alcove and a location for a large pipe organ which will be installed some time in the future. The lower story is of cement and the two upper stories of solid white brick made by Kruse Bros., Egmondville. ?21rn ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES & SERVICE R03. pHONE 121 • EAF'ORTH.O.IsNT PRINCESS NOW PLAYING ROBERT WARWICK in • THE FOURTEENTH MAN -A Paranllount-Artcraft Picture from the stage play, "The Man From Blankley's." - Among others in the cast, are Bebe Daniels ' Walter Heirs Norman Selby (Kid McCoy) Sylvia Ashton'. A romance of social intrigue, ntriguie, Bo- hemian gayety, devil-may-care ad- venture. THIS • WEEK Eli MON., 'TUES, & WED. SELZNICK PICTURES present "ELSIE JANIS Premier Commedienne of the Ameri- can Stage, in •her first photoplay- THE IMP 4 t - If you Phone or Mail an order to this store it will receive prompt - attention. THE PRESENCE OF "Jack Frost" MAKES BUSINESS HUM AT MatTAVIS'S We are constantly getting Merchandise by Expiess to keep the stocks compete. 9' uc: PRINCESS New Strand THUR., FRI., SAT; "DOROTHY DALTON" in "OTH2R MEN'S WIVES" A Paramount Picture ALSO 2nd Episode of the great Mystery Serial "THE THIRD `EYE" EXTRA! Blackstone -Buckley Orchestra, of Goderich, every Monday and Thursday SPECIAL ATTENTION Monday -Tuesday -Wednesday "REX BEACH'S" .Greht Drama of the North "THE GIRL FROM OUTSIDE" See it and! you will agree with us that this is the Greatest Rex Beach Picture ever put on the screen.. Monday, with music by 5 -piece Orchestra, adults 25c; children 15c. Tues., and Wed., Adults 15c; Chil- dren 10c. Sirand =OPPOSITE POST OFFICE a. this week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. J. P. Brine. -Mrs. W. Morrow has returned from Detroit. -Miss Gertrude Cardno, of Milver- ton, spent Sunday at the home of her parents], Mr, 'and Mrs. G. P. Cardno,-Mr. W. Prendergast, of Toronto, was here last week attend- ing the funeral of his father; Mr. George Clark, of Constann, has been engaged as organist for St. Thomas' church. -Rev. Mr. Edwards . conducted anniversary services ill Kippen iota Sunday, last. -Mr. and Mrs. F. S, Savauge inotored to Lindsay last week. They were accompanied home by Mr, Savauge's aunt, Mrs. White- side. -Miss Edith Neelin has returned to Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. J. McNay returned this -week from •a visit with relatives in Hamilton. -The bazaar held in Mr. G. C. Bell's store on Main street on Friday last, under the auspices of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary was a great success. The tempting array of useful and fancy articles and home-made cooking met with ready sale, and the store was crowded all afternoon and evening. Tea was also served from 3 to 7 p.na. The Auxiliary wishes to thank especial, ly, those outside the Society, for their liberal contributions and also Mr. Bell, who gave the use of his store free for the bazaar. The total pro- ceeds amounted to nearly $410. Miss Alma Dalton spent Sunday witk Miss Hazel Thompson. JACK FROST has been blowing his icy breath over all the country. He will not do any material damage to this store's customers who take advant- age of its good merchandise and fit themselves out with seasonable wearing apparel. Well clothed per- sons can snap their fingers at Jack Frost. His on- slaught in their case only means brighter eyes, rosier cheeks, more spring to the step, good appetite, splendid sleep and all round joy of living. MacTAVISH .JACK FROST' FURS. -Nature pro? vides the animals with warm furs which humans appropriate to their own comfort and adorn- ment This store will help you in the transfer and will ask only a small profit for the service rendered, Fur Sets and Separate Muffs and Neck pieces. Make your selections while assortments are at their best. MacTAVISH 'JACK FROST' BLANKETS. ---Jack Frost can never get you if you take refuge bei tween blankets bought here when you retire. We have all -wool, all cotton and union makes at many different prices. The Flannelette Blankets we re- commend are $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 each. You can depend on their quality. You must see and handle our wool blankets to know their real worth MacTAVISH 'JACK FROST' SWEATER COATS. =--The Sweater Coat has come to be an almost, ab- solute necessity. We have a large stock of dif- ferent if-ferent makes and can fit any woman and the tin- iest girl, and the prices will please you. The color combinations this season are all that could be de- sired. MacTAVISH 'JACK FROST' . UNDERWEAR. - Mr. Man and Mrs. Woman, your Underwear is the nearest thing to you. See that it is right. Not too light, but soft, warm, absorbent, non -irri- tating, perfect fitting. Represented in our lines are such makes as Penman's, Stanfield's, Zenith, Watson's, Turnbull's. In every instance our prices are right. MacTAVISI 'JACK FROST' DRESS GOODS. - The question of the hour ! What for Winter wear? Come in and we will show you. Exclusive Suit Patterns, many Novelty . Suitings, Staple Wool Dress Stuffs, Plain and Fancy Silks, Velvets, Lin- ings, and so on. It is here that you certainty will find a fascinating display of Suitings and Dress. Fabrics. SPECIALS LADIES' COATS. -If you need any kind of a coat to complete your Winter wardrobe, come . here where the best showing of coats may be found and where the most attractive prices are quoted. DRESSES AND SUITS. -We have kejt up the as- sortment of Ladies' Dresses and Suits and right now in mid-season you will find a splendid range of styles right here. Our apparel is wonderfully popular. Come and see it. LADIES' SKIRTS. -Right now, the very day that you see this come and buy a new skirt. Take the hint. Special valuesawait you. You can al- ways use an extra skirt, So come and get one that you will like. J. MACTAVISH SEAFORTH'S POPULAR STYLE STORE