HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-11-19, Page 1R1,I92.. 4 New inter Coats that you' .iii dm .i er RS! ce to tell you If you don't n t larantees you avish's Furs of Quality. irs to you, and bis faction will as i'om "Fur- value Fur-tialue and "c cl Flo not buy. ad separate that you gr. Whether cheapest you now. A visit YLISH if TS f r for Fall great demand comfortable, d wearing, good ling Winter Un - wear is best met 11 our ie ling, ular makes: 'E:4 tl " ' E� lT H 'TAN l) FIELD'S Misses rl t tz? 1'E, n s Un - In the H tt r - Value " ti -,rd Makes. 'Ei r r 4 at all the ar prick steps, •tile' at 35c and to the high cl j Lees.. 3 STORE -a- a.-a,smaitaert, 141111 .1111111F.11.1111 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR l WHOLE NUMBER 2762 f SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER -12, 1920. Greig Clothing Co.. Makes Another Step Down inPrice's Our winding -up -business sale forces another step down in prices of all Clothing and` Furs, for Men, Women and Boys. The fact that Heavy Goods have not been moving out fast enough to assure a com- plete clean-up by the time our lease expires, forces us to mark still lower prices on our immense Stock of Winter Garments. ALL GARMENTS. HAVE TO GO, AND GO THEY SHALL Beautiful Fur Sets $15.00 to $35.00 Boys' and Youths' Overcoats ...$8.50, to $15.00 Men's Overcoats $18.50 to $35.00 Mackinaws ...:. $6.08 to- $14.98 Fur Coats $25.00 to $60.00 Fur Muffs .... ..... -.........•$5.00` to $50.00 Fur Stole Wool Mufflers - $L35 to $2.48 Sweater Coats $2.78 to $12.48 Men's Dress Winter Gloves 98c Men's Heavy Tweed Trousers $4.98 Caps ALL CHRISTMAS FURNISHINGS FOR MEN AND, BOYS PUT ON SALE PRICES. 0 �bV. $1.00 to $2.48 Special Notice After thirty years of continued mercantile business in the Town of Seaforth, during which period we have conducted many big sales, we have positively decided to retire from mercantile .business, and in so -doing this Last Grand Final Sale shall eclipse all former efforts in every respect greater volume of goods offered, as most of our new Fall Goods have been passed into stock as we °could not cancel Fall orders. Prices are slashed as never before. alt goods must We have terminated the lease of our store and be sold. The Greig Clothing Co. ALL -MACHINE WHEAT ON THE BIGGEST FARM IN THE WORLD Years ago a prophet rose up and said; "The day is at hand when .farming will be done on a factory basis. The horse shall disappear and the mule will be preserved in the Smithsonian Institution as a rare bird. The hired man shall be no more.. Machines operated by experts will produce the bread. of the nation." We laughed heartily over the words of the prophet. Later on, we grinned at the- false alarms which* purported to show that the factory age in agri- ipast year, 30,000 .acres were in wheat, culture had actually arrived. What half spring and half winter, and the if every other farmer did own a car, rest im flax and oats. Included in the a tractor or a motor truck; the equine, total were about 10,000 acres in irri- tribe was still with us and nobody had ated land along the Big Horn River, seen the mule enthroned on a museum handled by twenty-seven tenants. pedestal as a historical object! These men came down from the The other day in Montana a magi drought -stricken section of Northern named Campbell, who produces grain Montana. All are white men except in trainload lots, said to me:• I am one, a lap, who had about 1,700 acres not a farmer." and stood to make $10,000 profit for "What are you, then?" himself; He probably made about "I am a wheat manufacturer,". he four times as much for the company, replied. but, like others, he was financied by That he was not playing on words and had a very favorable oppor- or boasting wasedemonstrated by a unity compared with tenants else - personal inspectio`"n of his operations. where. He had a factory the size of an out- Anybody ;night wonder how it is doors. Climate and soil were his raw ossfor a man to farm 200,0 materials. Neither hired men nor acres whenible they are separated in thei00r work animals were employed—only major portions by an extreme dist- machines and .experts to run them. ance of •some 300 miles, as between Night was turned into day. Output the Crow Reservation near Hardin was almost standardized. So many and the Fort Peck Reservation near machines equaled so many bushels of Poplar. One man must manage and wheat. So much capital required to personally oversee • he must inspect the acre. Every element of manu- everyth g himself at frequent in- facturing cost computed to the frac- tervals, no matter how excellent a tion of the cent. The only uncertain staff of subordinates he may have. factor that of climate, and this hard- On any, large-scale farming - easter- ly more so than the variables in other prise, however compacts the area, industries. distances must be great and the means It 1poked as if the old prophet was of covering them by railroad quite nigh;, after all, vindicated in his inadequate, Here is a vital problem such favision, and deserving of that bears greatly on the ;success of suctribute as a grateful nation the agriculture of the future. might care to award him. Trouble As important as any machine to is there are too many -candidates for the rewards of "I told you" so," and cultivate and harvest crops is the -ma- anyhow, there is no/use pandering to chine that wili� swiftly trarispdrt the our prophets. Let them stay in the boss from place to place, Do not almanac er/tire vast tract of 200,000 acres will be in cultivation by the end of five years, "leaving the other five years till the Leases expire to make some .„ c sm �d 'on axe d money in." This may be a general financial statement. Prob- ably, there will be generous dividends when all accounts are balanced up. It is a ten-year enterprise, and the gains or losses of one season are compar- atively unimportant. If we could all work and think in ten-year periods the world would be richer and gray hairs fewer. Of the 52,000 acres in .crop this eCiai N�tic position are a in to accept orders for tiand Hot Water Heating Hot Air Pumps and Piping p Eave Troughing - Metal Work Ready 'Roofing Bathroom plumbing, including Pressure Systems. Leave your orders at y once. Estimates cheerfully given. havhad over 3' S0 -ears' experience, in all -kindsI e buildingwhich enables me to plan your proposed bath- room ad furnace work, etc. The Big Hardware H.EDGE laugh, kind reader, at something that Now this story of industrialized seems obvious. This is a serious agriculture may be complicated for matter, and flivver is not the answer. . thepine nonessential Any kind of a car will not serve on unthinking by aspects, including bigness ;and ;the the long-distance, incessant -speed in of New York mil- - trips over rough country roads. There financial backing lionaires. Size, above a certain point, roust be a car built for travel andhaving pep to shade -the gait of ex - and dividends to wealthy backers press trains. I have ridden in such make not a hoot of difference to any- body. an up-to-date farm machine and not- ed when we stopped after a thirty - . "I would like to see those financiers this enterprise," observedmile /run that the hood in front was go broke on ou plastered with dead grasshoppers, a thoughtful radical "and at the same butterflies and gaudy -winged insects. time I would like to see this enter- The' farm manager at the Wheel told prise succeed as a demonstration in power ' farming. It is the greatest nes that within the` last 't renty: ur experiment ofrts kind' in the world hours he had covered 500 miles and pbeat the railroad schedule exactly one feed and indicates how�the world will ee �Y This was no joy ride, -but a itself, mechanically and co-operative-- trip of inspection. ly, in the future." t Qnat mythe own responsibility I dict Let us keep in mind this main issue thfast cars now used preon big —the scientific and prabtical value of farms .will soon make way for faster ,the. Montana demonstration in power vehicles -airplanes. At present the farming. Our Department of Agri - insurance companies object to air - culture has an eye upon it. ,Hungry lanes flying; over wheat fields because Europeis looking hopefully toward 11 of fire hazard, and when you have a it. Thousands of small producers million dollars of insurance on your may learn something from the tom- wheat you must naturally defer to the plete tryout of machinery on the' land. prejudice of the insurance company. A couple 4f year ago, a sung man But the airplane is needed in large- scale agriculture, and it is going to named Thomas D. Campbell, who was experienced in growing wheat ona be used before long. cmnp large scale, wrote to President Wilson The Montana farm project is d'ivid- tliat if he could lease some govern- ed roughly into units of about 10,000 acres each, of which half is cropped anent laird reasonably he would pro- in Pro- duce considerable wheat, for which low. yearly and E Eachhe unitst hasti s serma- there was urgent need in that mar - chine outfit and staff of operators time. There was a lot of Indian land under a foreman. Mr. Campbell took in Montana available• me to visit two of these camps. Ciimpbelt, being refereed by the We saw first Unit No. 1, which is President to Secretary Lane, modest- about ten miles south .of Hardin, a ly asked for 20,000 acres. Why not make it 200,000 acres?" countered group of simple little buildings on a Mr. Lane and suggested to the aston- ished applicant that he need not worry about the necessary capital. A lease was drawn up and approved by all governmental authorities whereby the Indian owners of the land were to receive better rental than they ever did before. The lease runs for ten years. During the first five years the Indians will receive one-tenth: of the crop, and this share will increase to one-fifth of the crop during the sec- ond five-year period. All buildings, fences and other' improvements be- come the property of the Indians at the expiration of the lease. The In- dians had formerly received a maxi- mum rental of fifty cents an acre, and now their minimum was hardly less than two dollars an acre, with a pos- sible maximum of eight dollars or so an acre. The young man went, to New York and saw J P. Morgan, who told him quit offhand that he could have $5,- 000,000 5;000,000 to launch the Montana Farm- ing Corporation. Just like a story book. Five millions right away and more when he needed it. To be sure Mr. Morgan shared up the enterprise with a number of fellow magnates. They did' not go into it as a sure - thing bonanza, but as an even -break project to increase food production, so we are assured. Mr. Campbell, a dazed young man of thirty -sic, found himself president of a 42,000,000 cor- poration and head of the world's greatest power farm. The first year of active develop- ment was 1919. Camps were estab- lished, machinery bought, roads built and wells drilled. Fencing of three strand barbed wire, which now amounts to 200 miles in -length, was started. Some 41,000 acres of land were plowed and' put in crop. A drought hit Montana, and practically all the crops in the state were a fail- ure, However, the new enterprise had a better crop than others, show- ing that up-to-date scientific methods in dry farming do count. In 1920 the acreage was increased to 52,000. Next year 60,000 acres ani figured on, and it is `expected that the One Week Phono gra Special This ,,splendid big phonograph in ma- hogany or fumed oak cases, fitted with double doors, record shelves and cas- tors. Universal tone arm enabling you to play all- makes of record. Height 46 inches, width 20 inches, depth 21 inches. With 40 Records For $168 as a factor of' great, importance. On the larger units it seems almost ade- quate for a manufacturing enterprise, Among other equipment you see a power drill and also a power hammer, A lot of blaeksniitb_ing is . required, especially in sharping plow points, two or three dozen of which may get dulled in a day's work. At the larg- er headquarters, such as at Hardin, there is carried a line of hardware and separate parts which would equip a good-sized store. The men who tinker round what used to be the farmyard are certainly unlike the old-time farm hands in all respects. Not only do they toy with the intimate mechanism of mammoth machines, but they have no particular reverence for the things they handle. They even show an iconoclastic spirit. A pairof them climbed on the hurri- cane deck of a giant combine and be- gan criticizing the manufacturer's• or inventor's 'layout of the upper works, and they planned how to shift a thingunmajig from bow to stern, ii could imagine that sometime these fellows would be entirely remodeling , or crossbreeding some of the mechan- isms so as to produce a new, agricul- tural animal, so to speak. Mr. Campbell 'was certainly a busy 1 man when I met him. .13e had .to .be ' in many distant places at once, and generally got -there. The wheat" har- vest had just started,- and he figured on turning out about a million bushels of 'grain in the next thirty days or so. Of *heat alone;, averaging 'over twenty bushels an ,acre, there would be td%vard three-quarters of a million bushels. All the 'crops would amount m value to something over $2,000,000. Suppose it should hail to -morrow! A hundred thousands dollars might be lost in an hour. Cut now? But there are green patches. Wait? How about that hail? Also a question what to do with a million bushels of grain and only storage space for a small fraction of the crop. Well, two railroad presidents had answered Mr, Campbell's wire and said they would try to have enough ears on the spot to shift the golden flood to the ele- vators. Imagine Farmer Campbell ---Tom for short, as everybody calls him -- streaking it all over the state of Montana at harvest time. From camp to camp he scoots, stirring, enthusing, planning, conferring,, pushing and consolidating action. machines and n ;: axe shifted from one camp to another. A train of great caterpillars -travels across country night and day, plods up hill and down dare, even crosses shallow rivers. and repeats the but they epic of the war taimk in the new, small one-story buildings a peaceful conqu t ©f Naive_ ate . abdolutely clean, sanitary, weeny Some of the wfeat premised to lighted and fly -proof. Let me repeat, yield forty bushels• to the acre. Quite fly -proof. There is a .`separate little a few hundred acres were like, that -- building for washing purposes. It a weedless, thick, heuyy growth of has a battery of porcelain brains withgrain with big fat kernels. No fer- hot and cold water and a string of tilmzer, no enrichment or irrigation— shower baths in separate comport- and forty bushels to the acre! But meets. The hot water is obtained by it seemed more wonderfulyet to be= means of a solar heating system on hold a field of volunteer heat—self- the roof, which consists of black- sown from last year on ground meant painted water pipes under glass. for summer fallow this year promis- Pressuxe is obtained by a gravity ing 15 to 20 bushels an acre. Some tank, the water being pumped from a credit for good yield is due to seed well by gas engine. The grub build - selection. A sizable- plot is devoted ings are models of Dutch cleanliness to 'propagating a variety of Burbank from kitchen to dining xoom. They twenty-dbllars-a-bushel wheat. ' This are all fly screened, each kitchen has plot is carefully rogued and the wheat its ice box, and a good and plentiful heads are hand picked. Most of all line of rations is served on agate- the varieties used are bearded. . The warehired man's objection to handling I h. ad' better fare in the camps I bearded grain does not apply where I, visitedthan in any hotel in that vicin- all machine methods are employed. ity. It was potluck --same thing for Westood on a commanding butte everybody. Fresh vegetables and and saw a great panorama of irrgat- fresh meat, classy preserves, good ed land in the Big Horn Valley, 40 butter and high-grade coffee are in- miles of crops, gold and green, to the eluded in the menu. Cake and dough- edge of dim mountains at the end of nuts happen frequently. Four meals the horizon, all parts of Mr. Camp- s day are served in the rush season. bell's farm dornaine He thanked me here for the loan of my field glasses, which saved him a ten -mile trip of inspection. Let us add to that air- plane needled by the big farm a power- ful . telescope- with tripod. And we might complete the outfit with a port- able radio set. Ceres can make bet- ter -use of these tools than Mars. What is the man power required on this modern mechanized farm? On the present basis of some 50,000 acres —and the same proportion is expected to hold for greater acreage-abogmit 120 men are employed on :all jobs thr- ing the working season with an addi- tion of eigity men for the brief peak of the harvest. Roughly, this means one man to 400 acres—one man with machinery produces in 'a favorable season 8000 bushels: of wheat worth upward of $17,000. Foremen and a select crew of en- gine operators are employed the year round. The rest of the working force have an eight-month • season with a guaranteed monthly wage of $75.00 to 8125 and board, with added bonus. The engine operator's bonus, apply- ing to all who stick through the seas - 's to cents a Mile -for every work- in mile. A month is twenty-six We can only ask you to hear this in- strument in our demonstrating room to be convinced of the value we offer. HEAR IT THIS WEEK. E. Unibach, Phm.B. "The R.exall Store" PHONE 28 SEAFORTH by the light of the moon—meaning electric headlights which are used in frequent night work during t busy season. The farm camps have been called the best in the world, and, after see- ing them, I guess, it; is pretty nearly so. There is nothing fancy about the :,82,00 A Year in Advance M1cLean Bros., Publishers With all due respect for the clever, loyal and able men of the Montana enterprise, the meat of this story is ;machinery. The world knows pretty while it can d'o bileis well what men : comparatively in the dark regarding the ' practical performance of ma chhtery, at least in large-scale agri- culture. Popular assumption to the contrary does not alter the fact. The real test of the machine is not in a laboratory, nor yet on a small home- stead, but in the vast,spaces of the West through considerable periods of time. As the Great War gave the show -down on many vaunted Military devices, so the. big farm supplies the ultimate answer as to the capacity of agricultural machinery. According to general experience hitherto, the machinery for produc- ing wheat and other small grain costs' about fifteen dollars an acre. The Montana enterprise has scaled down this figure to twelve (Toilers and fifty cents an acre, which on the entire tract involved spells a saving of half a !million dollars. In contrast to the machine system, the cost of horse farming is estimated at seventeen dollars and fifty cents' an acre. The difference on the entire tract amounts. to ene million dollars in favor of machinery. One large tractor, for each 1,000" Acres of land is figured by Mr. Camp- bell as the basis for lits equipment. He has actually at present 76 trac- tors, but they are of various sizes end altogether they approximate to. the, basis indicated. "Large' means forty horse power on the drawbar,: and this size of ,.tractor is held most economical There are seven combine - harvesters, one of them self-propelled.._ They are supplemented with batteries of tractor -drawn self -binders. Then there are quite a few of the. newfangl- . ed shock loaders, -eight of the largest, size threshing machines and ninety. wagons of 200 -bushel capacity for hauling purposes. - Whether self-propelled or hauled by a big "cat"'tractor, a combine travels at about two miles an hour. The 'grain is delivered' in a, wagon hauled alongside. Averaging 60 acres apiece a day, 7 machines will cut and thresh" 420 acres daily. By working long shifts they can account for 3,000 acres a week. Each of the machines . is -equal to three eight -foot self -binders and one twenty -eight -inch threshing machine operated during the sane time. It futhermore- displaces twelve horses for the self-bindrs, 16 horses for hauling` and working the thresh- ing machine and the labor of 25 men. Only four Tien are required to oper- ate the mammoth harvester. If we include interest tom. i Stment and depreciation, the combine saves one- half of the old-style operating cost. Each machine is worth about $10,000. Hall a dozen self -binders are hook -- ed up to one large tractor. A tractor- drawn shock loader comes along which picks up and piles the sheaves on a wagon with extra large racks, twelve by twenty-four feet in size. One of these outfits is equal to twelve men wielding pitchforks and sweat- ing hard. Two power -drawn shock loaders, six rack wagons and ten leen will do the work of twenty-eight horses and thirty-two leen. knoll amid endless rolling wheat fields The only trouble about the culinary with a distant view of a long line of ; department is to ward off the too.- buttes whose carved hollows were fill- frequent visits of apprejeiative Indians ed with purple light toward sunset. from the nearby Crow Agency. They Equally striking at the camp was the want to see how their land is being absence of !animals and of hired men.,' worked by the- white man's devil ma - There was not even a dog in sight, to ' chines and also to sample the white say nothing of a horse or mule. No man's tasty fodder. Seriously speak - horny -handed laborer fussed round a ing many of the Crows are educated, barnyard or toiled in a field. Instead, highly intelligent, farm with modern there was a group of keen -eyed men in overalls, snappy and alert chaps engaged in dissecting the anatomy of a monster caterpillar tractor and its giant consort, which was a combined harvester. 'These were certainly not hired hands, although they were em- ployees. They were employed not for the strength of their muscles but for the capacity of their brains. Each was an expert and was paid round eight . dollars a day besides board. Every other one was a college gradu- ate and could talk in foreign lang- uages and throw out chunks of culture without an effort. You don't find' such men at the ordinary employment agency. They are thoroughbreds who are more interested in the job than anything else and have no objection to working on Sundays, holidays, or machinery, and they have • the physiques of bronze Apollos. - The bunk houses at the camps are equipped with iron beds, and- the sheets and pillowcases are changed weekly. Naturally, the blacksmith shop, as found on every farm unit, looms up DANCE KIPPEN TOWN HALL TUESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 23rd, 1920 Ladies please provide cake or sandwich. Gentlemen - - - - - 50 cents GIRLSKWANTED In All Departments Experience Not Necessary BEST WAGES BOARD ARRANGED FOR Write or Call AVON _HOSIERY LIMITED STRATFORD, ONT, t in plowing, twenty acres a day is the average• for a tractor with eight fourteen -inch bottoms and soil pack- ers also attached. One hundred and twenty acres a *lay are disked with each =big caterpillar tractor of 120• horse power. It takes two and one- half gallons of gasoline and fifteen one -hundredths of .a gallon of oil. to, plow an acre. A strip of land sixty feet wide is seeded at one time by an outfit of five drills hauled by one. tractor. As a side line -to grain farming on a large scale, the Montana enterprise includes 3,000 head of beef cattle, and the number will be increased. They are grade Herefords; the herd is be- ing developed into pure-bred stock.. STAFFA Notes: The Methodist Church pur- poses holding a bazaar in the after- noon and evening, on Nov, 26th. The ladies are doing all they can to make this the event of the season. There ` will be several booths, tea, home- made cooking, plain sewing, fancy work, etc. Home-made candy, a lunch counter, a .fish pond and a pro- . gramme of music, readings, etc,, in the evening. Admission to the hall. afternoon and - evening, free.—Mrs. James- Miller entertained three brides and their husband last Monday even- ing. Mrs, Miller knows how to bring the young ,people together to get bet- ter acquainted. All enjoyed a de- lightful evening. A committee meet- ing eet ing was held at the parsonage on on, m n Monday evening for the purpose of arranging for a Christmas tree.— working days, Sundays paid extra at Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hannon spent the week rate, Engines are operated Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. eleven hours a day usually, but in Totham.Mr, and Mrs. LIMBO, a Ud rush periods the rule is from day- little Doris, of Stratford, spent the light to dark. Regular pay'and anile- week end with their daughter, Mrs. agebonus on a long day amounts to W. O'Brien. --Mrs. Alex. McDonald eight dollars. Add two dollars a day and her three little girls, of Seaforth, for the value of board and it equalsvisited friends here last week. --Mrs. ten dollars daily in totiirii, Last year Hugh Norris, Jr„ is convalescing there was a mileage bonus for all after a serious illness.—Mr. James distance covered beyond a fixed mini- Jeffrey, Hamilton, is at present visit - mum, But the Minimum was set too ing at the home of his brother, Wm. high and did not give satisfaction, —On the evening of Nov. 6th, Hon. whereupon the new system of -a flat Peter Smith addressed a large gatli:- rate for all mileage was adopted, erin'g of farmers in the township largely as the result of suggestions hall here He gave a brief sketch of made by the men. what his government had done since Tom Campbell drives his machines coming into power and explained hard, but when he deals with men about the -school teaebere pensions and lie gives them frequent smiles and the civil service pension- to the entire words of cheer. He has a habit of satisfaction of ail present. All were draping an arm round the shoulders well pleased with what their repre- of his chief lieutenants. It is good sentative had to say and 'invited brim medicine and all sincere. back again. ` i