HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-10-29, Page 2'THE HURON EXPOSITOR Hunting Season Cartridges for shot guns, 10 and 12 gauge, in stock. Extra sizes should be order- ed rdered early. We have a special price ° for smokless car- tridges : 22 short d ...: 35c box 22 long 40c box Thermos Bottles, one pint size $1.85 Thermos Kits, quart bottles,, lunch box and grip . , $9.00 Flashlights ... $1.25 to $2.75 Camp Grills .. . $1.75 Game Traps, 3 in 1 Oil, Cleaning Rods, Sharpening stones and Knives. CHEMICAL CLOSETS purchased some government Chemical Closets which we are able to We offerreasonably; just the thing for $4.75 Oak Grained Fancy Chemical Closets $10.00 Sani-flush for cleaning porcelain closets, per can .... 45c Rubber Door Mats; ech ........ $1.50 Rubber stair treads, save the wood and paint, each ... 50c X1.50 Winter months Dusthill Cedar Mops 4 Dozen Spring Clothes Pins 25c Axle Grease, 3 M. pail 45c Buggy Whips 25c to $1.25 Halters r • Rubber 'lap rugs, government stock ; $ Toilet Clippers, Special $3.00 Butcher Knives, Sheffield goods 65c to $1.00 $1.75 to $1.90 A. Sills, Seaforth 'HE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. BEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS J. Connolly, Goderieh, President Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President T. E. Hays, Seafgrtla, Secy.-Treas. AG >E 1TS Alex, Leitch, It. R.1No. 1, Clinton; Ed. �'hle, ea S forth'- John Murray, C. P. R. TIME TABLE GUELPH & GODERICH BRANCH TO TORONTO A.M. p.m. Goderich, leave 6.20 1.30 Blyth 6.58 2.07 Walton 7.12 2.20 Guelph 9.48 4.53 FROM TORONTO• WATER�R�M SMY tical Pointers About. Install- i`tia SIaitab:e Equipmnt. f Putting Rttnni ng Water In the Home and the Barn ---How to Develop the Natural , Water Supply - Several Systems Suggested. (Contributed by Toronto.) Ontario Do eprtment of Ag IN penning this short article the writer desires to stress two main points in regard to this subject, . first, the need and importance of securing an adequate and permanent supply, and, second, the installon of suitable equipment for getting the water "on •tap" in house and stables -and about the lawns and gardens. In regard to the supply of drinking or hard water, it may be said that of late many of the old shallow wells of the Province have been failing ser- iously, thus. indicating that the water - table is not as high as .it used to be. It is to be hoped that this is only a temporary condition' and that' maiiY of these wells will soon become ser- viceable again. However, the shallow well can seldom be relied upon abso- lutely, and so as a rule it' iS wise to sink such wells deeper. This usually means drilling. Sometimes there is good reason for abandoning the old well altogether and choosing a new site. A careful survey of the existing wells of the district in respect _ to depth, supply and character of the water will usually prove useful in re- gard to the advisability of drilling, also a knowledge of the nature, depth and dip of the underlying strata or rock formation may help too: Instru- ments, for locating underground water, so far as our experience goes, have not been a success in this Pro- vince, although much is claimed for then is some other countries differ- ing widely from Ontario in.geological formation. Some individuals " claim that they can, locate underground water by means of a forked twig from such trees as cherry, plum, and hazel, and because we have • known good wells to be found in this way, and because prominent scientists have given the matter considerable`. atten- tion in recent years, we are not in- clined to pooh-pooh the idea. In some cases old wells go dry because the water veins feeding the well have become clogged. If so, a charge of dynamite in the bottom will effect a remedy. Sometimes an old dug well will supply -plenty of waster for all time it it is dug a few feet deeper, or if the formation is sandy or grav- elly (fine) for some depth below the bobottoma special filter may be• sunk Toronto, leave 89..3010 56.30.10 into a water -bearing layer of sand or f 12.03 9.04 12.16 9.18 12.28 -9.30 12.55 9.55 ncy, ,rncefield, phone 6 on. 137, Seaforth; Guelph, arrive JW. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jar- Walton ninth, Brodhagen. Abu DIRECTORS W�'`lIiam lural, No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewiesr Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas. Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Rtbert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth. I Blyth Auburn Goderich Connections at Guelph'Junction with 1 Main Line for Galt, Woodstock, Lon- don, Detroit, and Chicago, and all in- termediate points. G. T. R. TIME TABLE Trains Leave Seaforth as follows: 11 a. in. - For Clinton, Goderich, Wingham and Kincardine. - 5.53 p. m. - For Clinton, Wingham, and Kincardine. 11.03 p. m. - For Clinton, Goderich, 6.51 a. m. -For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and points west, Belleville and Peter- boro and points east. • 8.12 p. in. -For Stratford, Toronto, Montreal and points east. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE Going North a.m. p.m. London 9.051 4.45 Centralia 10.04 5.50 Exeter ... < 10.18 6.02 Hensall 10.33 6.14 Kippen • • .... • , 10.38 6.21 Brucefield 10.47 6.29 Clinton 11.03 6.45 Londesboro 11.34 '7.03 Blyth 11.43 7.10 Belgrave ............ • 11.56 7.23 Wingham .. 12.11 7.40 Going South A.M. p.m. Wingham Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Brucefield ......... Kippers Hensall .. , ....... Exeter Centralia ... > .. London .,....• ,.� 7.30 3.20 ... 7.44 3.36 ... 7.56 3.48 8.04 3.56 in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of ... 8.23 4.15 Morioaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. ... 8.40 4.34 While it is well known that Aspirin ... 8.46 .- 4.40 means Bayer manufacture, to assist the ... 8.58 4.50 public against imitations, the Tablets of 9.13 5.05 Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped 9.27 ' 5.15 with their general trade mark, the .. 10.40 6.15 "Bayer Cross." OTHER TABLETS NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Genuine Aspirin If yon don't see the "Bayer Cross" on the tablets, you are not getting Aspirin -only an acid imitation. The "Bayer Cross" is your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over nineteen years and proved safe by millions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for ;fain generally: Made in Canada. Handy tin box .s of 12 tablets -also larger sized. "Bayer" packages can be had at drug .stores. - Aspirin is the trade mark (registered. WE ARE EXCLU.S1VE AGENTS FOR WE INVITE HOUSEHOLDERS GENERALLY TO CALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF THE5E FINISHES. EVERY PRODUCT GUARANTEED FOR QUALITY" AND SERVICE. 11. EDGE, SEAFORTH, ONT. CASTOR IA Par Wants sad Waren. W Woo Im Mop Bore1 Sws rb. $igostme ct Raga. admits. Soothe; Beals -Keep your Eyes Strong and Healthy, If tbeyTire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, UR Inflamed or Granulated,, use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists in Canada. Write for Free Eye Book. Markle Company, Chicago, [l, • gravel with good results: It is well to emphasize the value of a good spring. If one exists reasonably close to the buildings it may be made to supply thein with water if certain condition obtain. In every farm home there should be a large cistern either in the cellar or just outside the cellar wall and below the ground for stor- age of rain water. This water can be used for washing purposes, bathing. andflushing the closet. A large cis- tern at the barn and connected with the eave-troughing thereon, will sup- ply a large portion of the drinking water for the stock in the rainy per - $UFFERED DAY • the men - doing their night work by flashlight. This was the first of four or five such trains which passed through Vancouver during a period of a, year AND NIGHT, and a half, the details being as fol- lows: February, 1916, $46,000,000; , J August, 1916, 450,000,000; January, 191'1, $117,000,000; August, 191.7, $50,040,000. The Tortures of Dyspepsia Relieved By "Fruit-a-tives" • Liras BRAS D'ox, C.:B. "1 was , a terrible sufferer from ,Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I had pain after eating, belching gala constant headaches and did not sleep well at night,- Finally, a friend told me to try"Fruit-a-lives",. In a week, the Constipation was. corrected and soon I was free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling that accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous". ROBERT NEWTON. 50e. a box, 6 for$2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers - or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. . RAINBOW SERVED AS TREASURE SHIP Two seemingly unrelated items ap- peared recently ins news despatches which recalled- an hitherto unpublish- ed and romantic story of the war. The, scene centred ins Vancouver, but under censorship rules the story could not be published at the time. • The two items were these: A Reuter despatch in which Mr. No- vitsky; former assistant- to the Min- ister of .Finance in the All -Russian Govermnent, hinted at the huge amount of gold which was shipped through Vancouver during the war, including 60,400,000 pounds from Vladivostok. A statement of the sale of . the obsolete Government warship Rainbow to a Seattle firm. Both Mr. Novitsky and the Rain- bow'.were central figures in one of the most interesting incidents of the war so far as it affected Vancouver. The firstshipment of Russian gold amounting to about $45,000,000, ar- rived here in February of 1916. It was in the form of bullion encased in boxes about fifteen inches long, six inches wide and three or four deep. It was loaded at Vladivostok for transfer to the mind at Ottawa, and came across the Pacific in a big Japanese warship, with Novitsky in charge of the treasure. - The treasure warship never came into harbor. Far out at sea .off Cape Flattery, in a half gale, the warship was met by the little Rainbow and the precious freight transferred be- tween the heaves of the rollers. The most elaborate measures of secrecy were observed and it was three o'clock of a morning dark and wet, when. the Rainbow nosed her way to Shed One on the C. P. R. Docks there. - Awaiting her here were Mr. Peters and Mr. Vickers, head of the foreign department of the Dominion) Express Company, who came out especially from Montreal to superintend the transfer of the bullion acro the continent. A. specially selected crew of trusted men had been warned to be on hand for special duty and marched down to the wharf after midnight under special 'guards, and without any information of their duty or destination. Awaiting the Rainbow was a train of coaches disguised as a silk train .with five special express cars. On each of these cars was loaded $9,- 000,000 worth of gold. Four men, armed heavily with rifles and revolv- ers, received the cargo from the sail- ors. Each car was then: closed, the doers heavily barred - and guard mounted. The guards stood equal shifts throtighout the journey. A telephone system connected t h e whole train and when any of the sentinels wished to pass to the diner or tro any other car they did - so only on release from the official car to the door -keepers. These doors were never opened when the train was at a standstill. No -guard was permitted to show himself at the windows in passing through towns. The train, at night, ran in absolute darkness, iods. - It is very essential that the supply be . ample and never failing, and when this is assured steps may be confidentially taken to install water .;s°stems in order to have the water convenient about the house. The second point, namely, the dis- tribution of the water supply, is a very big one, and one about which a good deal might be written. Space will permit only the very briefest treatment, hut but if more details are re- quired write the Department of Agri- culture, Toronto, Ontario, for Bul- letin No. 267, entitled "The Farm Water. Supply and Sewage Disposal," or the Department of Physics, 0. A. College, Guelph, will gladly advise regarding any problems received by let ter. (1) If the well be shallow, that is the level of the water 'is never more than 25 feet below the surface, or say the level of the -pump cylinder, the purup may be located, inside the buildings instead of dir '' ty over the well. Greater convenience would be the result of such a change. (2) A small water tank in the at- tiof the house will In at- tic oke it possible to install plumbing fixtures, as sinks, bath and closet in the home. (3) Better than the attic tank sys- tem is thecompressionsystem. A strong steel cylindrical tank is locat- ed in the cellar or some frost -proof place, water is pumped into it from well or cistern against air pressure which forces the water to all pointe where it is required. The pump may be operated by hand or better by gasoline engine, windmill, or electric motor. (4) If electricity be available the compression system can be operated automatically and the storage tank made so sinall that the water is drawn fresh from the well instead Qf from a large storage tank, (5) If a good spring exists on ground. level - with top of house or higher, a pipe under the frost -line be- tween spring and house is practically all you need in order'to have the spring water . on tap. (6) If not high enough for a grav- ity system the spring may possibly be advantageously located for installing a hydraulic ram which will pump the water to a tank in house or stable or trough in yard. It is worth while having pure and cool spring water always on tap about the buildings. The fall would be a good time to put in a system so that you will not be obliged to carry water another winter. First be sure that your sup- ply is ample for all requirements, and then go ahead with the install- ing of some suitable water system, and do not forget that we are anxious to help you. -R. R. Graham, 0. A. College, Guelph. London chorus 'girls lay claim - to having the 'smallest ankles of any women in the world. STRANGE FATES OF SUBMARINES Now that the war is over, informa- tion previously held secret is being released,` and no doubt as time passes we shall hear many stories of hap- penings at sea which will surpass the wildest flights of fiction. There is material for a literary tatir de force in the first combat between submar- ines. This tools place in the summer of 1915,.when an Austrian submarine and an Italian submersible sighted each other simultaneously. Both at once dived, and began to manoeuvre for the under -water "weather gage." To an observer above the only sign of this combat to the death, would have been two periscopes, darting hither and thither, and occasionally disap- pearing altogether. •$uddenlly there was a muffled explosion, followed by a great ,upheaval of water, oil and debris. An unlucky torpedo, probably fired at- random, -had struck the Ital- ian boat and blown in her hull. - Not. long afterwards another conflict pre- cisely similar took place, but this time it was the Austrian that receiv- ed the death -blow. Quite recently the papers printed - ani amazing story of the destruction of a German sub- marine in the Atlantic. It appears she had attacked a steamer, and the explosibn3 of the torpedo blew into the air a heavy metal -fitting, which fell with a crash on the submarine's deck and caused her to sink. This story was received with incredulity, but it may well have been true, for a parallel case is narrated in. the semi- official account of the Navy's ' work in the Arctic. It appears that a U-boat, after torpedoing a munition ship, rose to the surface to finish her by gunfire, but the first shell 'ex- ploded the vessel's cargo, and a large motor lorry on the upper deck was hurled into the sea, falling squarely on the U-boat and sinking her in- stantly. DF INTEREST TO WOMEN This is a Short Letter, But It Proves the Relia.;jaility of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. Bothwell, Ont. -"I was weak and run down, had no appetite and was ner- vous. The nurse who took care of me told me to tray Lydia E.• Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and now I am get- tingstrong. I recom- mend your medicine to my friends, and you may use my testimonial." -Mrs. W. J. Brady, R. R. 2, Bothwell, Ont. The reason why Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is so successful in overcoming woman's ills is because it contains the tonic, strengthening properties of good old-fashioned roots and his, which act on the female organism. Women from all parts of the country are con: tinually testifying to its strengthening, curative influence, and as it contains no narcotics or harmful drugs it is a safe medicine for women. If you want special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con- fidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter + will be opened, read, and answered by women only. Miss Sadie Isaacs, a blind girl stu- dent at the Central Foundation school, has passed the London University matriculation examination, doing her papers in Braille. After fighting for years for woman suffragge, Miss Alice Paul, prominent leader of the suffragists, finds herself without a vote in spite of the passage of the nineteenth amendment. Miss Paul is a citizen of the District of Columbia, and neither men nor wo- men have the suffragge right there. OCTOBER 29 192: t Incorporated 1855 he Mo1on-stBiflk Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The importance of a Bank Balance is not only its purchasing value, but the independence -which its possession gives. - - Deposits of One Dollar or more are welcomed at any of THE MOLSONS BANK Branches - Interest allowed. BRANCHES IN THIS DISTRICT Brucefield St. Marys Kirkton Exeter Clinton Hensall Zurich Wrist Pin Knocks. ---In attempting to confirm a suspected wrist pin knock, place the hand on the edge of the bearing and connecting rod while some one else knocks the motor slowly by means of the starting crank the switch being off. In, cases where it is impossible to reach the parts with -the, hand, short-circuit the spark plugs- one at a time while the engine is running slowly. This will- cause missing and any knock will be in- stantly audible. Of course, the one certain way to make the test is to remove piston and connecting rod and make a bench test, but- the methods suggested will save time. Speed Wrench. -Any ordinary speed wrench may be adapted to use in connection with all sizes of nuts by using it in conjunction with - a set of sockets. - A socket is selected the hexagon end of which fits the end of the speed wrench. In the other end a piece of square stock is inserted. By this means a speed wrench is ' adapted for use with any of a whole set of socket wrenches, THINGS EVERY CAR OWNER SHOULD KNOW Use for Split Washers. -Where crown burs . and cotter pins are not supplied in 'motor car construction, good, well -tempered split washers may be placed under the heads- of bolts to keep them from rattling loose. - Thermos Bottle Breakage. - The containers of thermos bottles fre- quently break from the jolt of the car, particularly in riding dyer rather rough roads, of which we have -many this year. If the bottles are placed with the top end downward, so that they will not move sideways, the breakage will be obviated. Battery Charging, -Never allow a naked flame to come near the stor- age battery while it is being charged_ or immediately afterward. Gauging Oil Level. -In cases where the motor truck develops chronic oil- ing trouble it is very important to ascertain the exact level of the lubri- cant in the case. It is a simple mat- ter to have two gauge pet cocks in- serted in the case, one above the other. By this means, a positive knowledge of the oil level may be had, whereas any oil float is likely to stick and give a false reading. Spring Breakage. - Breakage of springs on motor trucks is usually caused by one of the following: - Overloading, badly rusted leaves, clips too tight, spring not properly fastened to the axle, and because the shackle is inoperative, due to a broken shackle bolt or stiff shackle. Standard Tires. -One of the potent arguments against buying a number of trucks of different makes is the difference in tire sizes that is usually involved. The 'deal condition v I ton for the truck fleet is a singletire size for all vehicles, and every operator ought to guard against multiplicity of tire sizes in his fleet. Fuel Conservation. -Truck oper- ators should make it an invariable rule that engines must be stopped when the truck is standing at the loading platform or making an ex- tended stop elsewhere. Unless the drivers are watched they will keep the engine running to avoid the trou- ble-of rouble-of cranking up, and in the aggre7 gate these small wastes of fuel a- mount to a considerable item. Old Wick is Good Scrubber. -That old round wick from the oil stove that your wife usually throws away when it burns too short, if slit in half and laid flat, makes an excellent scrubber for the motorist to use in working the grease and grime ut of his hands. If kept soaking in e cupboard in a tin with enough kero- sene to keep it always moist, the wick scrubber is available whenever needed. It soon cleans dirty hands. The old wick will stand the hardest usage without wearing out and saves the wife's dainty towels. Keep Inner Tubes Soft. -A prom- inent tire manufacturer says that an excellent way to prevent hardening of inner tubes when they are stored , for the - winter is to place them in 1 hot water once a month or six weeks. They should be immersed for just a couple of minutes and should then be carefully dried and plartly inflated before being hung up agail1 This treatment serves to keep the rubber pliable and soft, "Cold in the Head" L is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh, Those subject - to frequent "colds in the - - head" will find that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the; System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated at-, tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead tG' Chronic Catarrh, -- - HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE 1r -- taken internally - and acts through t1i Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- tem, thus reducing the inflammation j restoring normal conditions, All Druggists. Circulars free: F. J. Cheney . &- Co.. Toledo, 01110. DON'T DO THIS Leonard Ear�0i1 Relievs Deafness, Stops Head Noises It is . not put in the ears, but is Rubbed in Back of the Ears, and in- serted in the Nostrils. Has had a Successful sale since 1907. For Sale in Seaforth, Ont., Canada by E. Umbach and Arthur Sales Company, Toronto, Ontario. Proof of Success will be given by the above druggists. THIS SIGNATURE ON° YELLOW BOX AND ON BOTTLE. Manufacturer 70. Fifth Ave., New York City. Send for the ',antic Library -3 new Cook -books on Cake -mak- ing, Preserving, Candy -making and Desserts. Sent TREE for a Red Ball trade -mark, cut from a sack or from the lop panel of a Lanticaarton. l'iritefor it today. is DID helpn}ake it, didn't I? Now there are i two cooks n our family, aren't there, Mother And see how light the cake is! 1 told Harold I creamed the butter and sugar, and he said 1 wasn't big enough. He didn't know1 used Lantic; Tell him I did help make it, Mother." LANTIC SAVES TIME in the preparation of cakes, puddings sgs and sauces, in the cooking of preserves, in the making of candy, in the sweetening of beverages. 8B ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED - MONTREAL because it's in 2 «arn#Ci 5"!b. Cartons - 10, 20 twit(/' 100 M. . Always the same rich, full -flavored tea. Sold only In the sealed air -tight Red Rose Carton. - No preach the M Bev. S day p -The the b Bight, Brodg ging'. Mrs, days Mrs. spendi- tome, -Cool, day w. W. L Ilolida Christ past t ' Lonsb BAB One Tablet' keeps trial c *rivai 'TheT laxati ".lid s out eo endsi ing .- e 'Salus writes "Tabs . never *They satisf. ~mend` ones." .cine gents Medic .AND One was t clown t fa 'tain t being 'light •contei beean 'form autob 'been • CaTni Was 'rich, 'benef may some] Pectic :also -negie into value that -roan marl rich Th in pi -eves bis to rE that I al' pose ness his him busi able+ afllu enol writ gov< the lor- :r t chili cow fatl line gra meati wwea line V ery and ted pos wo Thi txpc Uri Ca biro text La orj en' • ea cel col .Ai