HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-10-29, Page 122, 920, d sr Viyella shrinkable Flannel for both outer and under wear —will give the utmost Satisfaction.,. 'TY -FOURTH YEAR WHOLE NU1MBER2759} o sew for then e = are taking a deep- in ee - in consequence of r is showing marked e`quantities of ma - SEAFORtit,. FRIDAY, OCTOBER: 29, 1920, • BIG SPECIAL- DRIV ON WINTER COAT FOR MEN,BOYS AND WOMEN OUR GOING -OUT -OF BUSINESS -SALE gives every buyer of a Coat the opportunity to secure •a Coat t less than manufacturer's cost. Our Coats are all new and we give a very large assortment to choose from. Hundreds of New Coats for Men, Wonien and Boys for Winter wear, which were made for us during the Summer months and only - recently put into stock. All MUST BE SOLD. Men's Ulsters and Belter Overcoats $18.00 to $30.00 Young Men's form fitting and Belter Overcoats... 418.00 to $28.00 Boys' Belter and Ulster Overcoats Boys' Mackinaws Men's Raincoats `Men's Sheeplined, Men's Mackinaws Men's Suits Boys' Suits Women's Beautiful Coats Rich Fur Sets ranging away below wholesale prices..$10.00 to $75.00 JERSEY CLOTH OVELTY PLAIDS VELOURS of exclusive dress t lengths, and a very - and designs. TINNING SKIRTS yard nufacturers are mak-- "s of popularity, then favor during Fail but next season as well. ipe effects, alternat - dten plaited to many c. and wool materials. $10.00 to $18.00 $7.00 to $12.00 $9.98 fur and collar smocks $14.00 to $18.00 $12.00 to 115.00 ,$118.00 to $34.00 .4..►....$5.00 to $14.98 $15.00 to $35.00 Special Notice After thirty years of continued mercantile business in the Town of Seaforth, during which period we have. conducted many big sales, we have positively decided to retire from mercantile business, and in so doing this Last Grand Final Sale shall eclipse all former efforts in every respect—greater volume of goods offered, as most of our new Fall Goods have been passed into stock as we could not cancel Fall orders. Prices are slashed as never before. -- We have terminated the lease, of our store and all goods must be sold. _ The Greig Clothing Co. RANGE IN PRICE i0 A YARD buy serge but you could not the newer colors for. Fall es a wide range of Blues and rt; always wanted, Navy Blue cured such a wide range, but hat these serges were bought ahead, and we have not the :e cost would be higher and in as goo; -1 dye. Serge is to Or Fall. The serges are of a range from 38 to 54 inches. stored or fine French weave. SCHOOL DRESSES 'ARD ty serge and poplin, although fying service in the case of cost is exceedingly moderate. A:.rl only in navy blue, king's the Childrt ex's School Dresses =lrezi's dresses and worthy of fres and poplins in navy, to 51.50 a yard. Scotch tar- *re -aplenty. These are both $1,50 *o $2.25 a yard. G YARNS P. K. YARN This yarn is the de- ght of every person who h'{, used it. It beautifullys ftan and u r . Shades: - Line::. Blue, Lave- E1 ,. American r Beau - :' 3`l, t` ? a �� Green, r, Pink, Copen- G gen. 0 1 d Gold, White, 2a ° d! an 1 Oz. Skeins -35c each. i s F y Llk STYLE STORE aid pecial otic We are in a position to accept . orders for e at Hot Air and ..Hot Water Heating Pumps and ' in Piping p Eave Troughing Metal Work Ready - ead Roofing Bathroom Plumbing, including Pressure Systems:tg Leave your orders at once. Estimates cheerfully given. I have had over 30 years' - experielie% in all kinds of buildingwhich enables me to plan your proposed bath - Nom and furnace work, etc, The Big Hardware H. EDGE 1 t DOES PROTECTION "PROTECT" Varna, October 25, 1920. The national policy as originally conceived was mainly for the ptfrpose of protecting our infant industries from unreasonable competition emen- ating from foreign countries and con- sisted of levying a tax on goods im- ported into,' Canada from abroad. This policy was aimed more particu- larly at the U. S. A., whose business then were very aggressive and who on account of their proximity to our borders, were able to place their goods in this country on a' very favorable basis and competed successfully with , our manufacturers in all lines of en- deavor. Now this, theory of protec- tion as prepounded by Sir John A. McDonald seemed a good thing to a country just getting" h to its first "long` pants," and there is no doubt that the Premier in introducing it believed it would work out to the benefit of the countryat large e and the manufacturers in particular. Af- ter forty years of practice the benefit to the country in general is question- able and to the manufacturers in par- ticular a "howling success." , When we ask the question .Does Protection "Protect"? we mean does it shelter our manufacturers' - from i American competition and keep the home market for our own business men? In answer to this question we need' but refer to a full page ad. which was placed in the daily papers. some time ago. It rangy something like this: Canadians Patronize Can- adian made goods and keep Canadian workmen busy. Signed C. M. Ass. Now, is not that ad. a pitiable admis- sion that protection does not protect, for if it did so there had been no, need to ask the buying public to patronize Canadian -made goods. Then why this urgent appeal to sup- port home industry? It was because Canadian and American goods were being sold over the same counters at the same price for similar quality of goods and were thus in direct com- petition. . Two theories can be !advanced to account for - this condition: 1st Can- adian Manufacturing Companies are Back Numbers; 2nd, Canadian Manu- facturing Companies are taking ad- vantage of the tariff to enrich them- selves hem selves at. the expense -of the con- sumer. When American 'goods start on a race with Canadian ones, the Ameri- cans are handicapped. A tariff load of 25 to 35 per cent. is :hung on their necks and extra' freight charges tangle up their feet, yet they arrive in our towns and successfully com- pete with our own merchandise. Canadians are as intelligent, re- sourceful, energetic . and inventive as anyne and they are not afraid of Amer, can •competition, either in Can- ada or in any part of the world. Then what is the trouble? It is simply this: The extra money that the Can- adians can tack on to their goods, the equivalent of the dutyand freight, appeals to them. This getting some- thing for nothing touches their hearts and - they withhold not their hands. That is why we have to' pay as much for Canadian as we 'have for American goods. The man who buys American goods pays toll to - the Canadian Government. He who buys 1 "Canadian -made goods" pays' toll to some member of the Canadian manu- facturing companies and through the avarice of' these men protection as "Protection"' has , lamentably failed ar d the workers pay the shot. F. W. It is our intention to run articles on the Tariff Question by the above writer once or twice a month during the winter, and we invite a full and free _discussion of ' this question through the medium of this paper, Our only request is that all replies be kept strictly to the subject matter of the article.—Ed. Note. APPRECIATION 6 We feel it our duty to express our greatest appreciation to the people of Seaforth- and the surrounding country for the confidence in THE REXALL STORE which''was so prominently displayed in mak- ing our `recent One Cent Sale the howling success which we are so proud to report. - Over One Thousand Five Hundred individual purchases were made in THE REXALU STORE during a period of three days. This, we believe, represents a purchase made by every home in Seaforth and country for a goof many miles around. We are proud to xeort this success because we earnestly believe every purchaser is a 'SATISFIED CUSTOMER. This has been our. aim because we realize the importance and necessity to serve and please you in a way that will make for your continued confidence and good will."EVERY CUSTOMER A SATISFIED CUSTOMER," - not only during a Sale but for 365 days of every year. We know our Customers are satisfied because with every pur- chase goes this Guarantee --"Satisfaction or Your Money Refunded." have it. wantyou to v youand we to cion Y It belong For pure, fresh, potent Drugs, Drug Store Sundries, Toilet Articles, High Class Stationery, Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, Neil- son's and Liggett's Candies and careful guidance in all your pur- chases, place you confidence in THE REXALL STORE E.9 T MBAC f1 P. H. M. B. PHONE 28. Ever try Mary Anne Candies? SEAFORTH. A taste and you want more. equalled for six years, and this came on October .13th, , since which time, at intervals, we hag experienced copious showers. All danger is 'now' past and thousands feel - thankful and breathe easier for the providential escape from the fire monster. The United States is nowt in the throes of a presidental election and politics are - at fever heat. I don't think that either of. the two possible presidental candidates, Senator' Hard- ing, Republicak, or Governor Ciox, both of Ohio, are of the best presi- dental timber. I think better ma- terial could have been selected out of the ranks of either party, but the bosses and leaders of both parties probably want presidents whom they can dictate to and handle and, do their bidding. They don't -want Men. of the late Col. Theodore Roosevelt or President Woodrow Wilson stripe, whom they could, not bas. - The `League of Nations seeins to be the main plank`' in the Dentoeratic plat - A LETTER FROM DULUTH Dear Expositor: We . are all again breathing much easier up this way. Forest fires for some time previous to October 13th, were again threatening the surround- ing country around Duluth and Superior. Considerable damage was reported -in some localities. People were commencing to flee from the burning districts. Settlers, volun- teers, home guards and others by the hundreds were fighting the fires day, and night and in most cases were holding them in check. One fire on the Wisconsin side, was advancing six miles wide. A dense canopy of smoke overhung the entire district, and even at times was oppressive to breathing in this cityand still much worse nearer the scenes of threaten- ed conflagration. The woods and ground were as dry as tinder. The dead standing and fallen timber, caus- ed by the terrible fire of two years ago, was almost as dry as could be. and afforded ready material for a tee endous conflagration, which migit have equalled or surpassed in results the terrible holocaust of death, suffering and destruction caused by the " one occurring on October 12th, 1918. Had the dry spell continued 8n4 a strong gale arisen, the burning fires would have got beyond control and a terrible disaster occurred and probably a great part of this , city would now be in ashes, with hundreds of lives lost, to say nothing of the other fire -threatened districts; their cities, towns, villages and settle- ments. People were simply living in fear and terror and many a silent prayer and wish was offered for. rain. Providence intervened; their prayers were answered; the heavens opened and a rain of cloud burst pro- portions fell and which had not been Britain and her colonies would have a preponderance of voting power in the League and all such misrepresen- tations and subterfuge to defeat' for the present at least the ratification of the covenant of the League of Na- tions by the United States Senate. In conclusion my forecast is Hard- ing wins in, the preeidental race and Mat this mightly Republic will eventually join the great family of the League of Nations then those living watch the -Millen-tura • Dawn. Robert McNaughton, Duluth, Minn., Oct. 21, 1920. EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION The annual convention of the Gode- -rich District Epworth League was held in Blyth on Tuesday, October 26th. Although the weather was most disagreeable,. the convention was a great success. The District. Presi- dent, Mr. F. S. "Savauge, of Seaforth, presided for the day. da The morning session was devoted mainly to the election of committees and registration of the various Leagues. Eleven Epworth Leagues throughout the district were represent- ed and se splendid` report of the yearts work was .given by delegatigns , frons each League. Seaforth was repre- sented by 'a delegation- of ten. - The invitation from the Nile delegation to have next year's convention at Nile was accepted. The afternoon session consisted of two splendid addresses given by, Rev. W. H. Graham, of Stratford, and Rev. H. D. Moyer, of Goderich. Mr. Graham spoke on Christian Steward- ship and Mr. Moyer on Our Social Italy's views when war-torn Europe, wall being reorganized. A heavy vote Will also coxae from those who have suffered severely from the "high cost of living." Rightly or not, many think the federal -authorities have not done 'or tried to do their duty in sup- -pressing the. terrible profiteering which has been rampant `through this country, So they think and say we will vote for a change of administra- tion, it can't be any worse anyway. The• Democratic "tandidate will have the support of those who believe in the ratification of the League. He is for and outspoken on this subject. This Covenant the grandest document - since the dawn -of the Christian era framed by those four great states men—Premiir Lloyd George of Great Britain, Clemencau, of France, Or- lando, of Italy, and President Wood- row Wilson, of the United States, and having for its object the prevention of future wars and a repitition of the late carnival of death, bloodshed and STRAND --- MONDAY TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY THE BIGGEST SHOW ON EARTH "Jinx" is one of the liveliest pictures that you'll ever have the pleasure to see. It is the best Mabel Normand picture yet—better than "Mickey," better than "Upstairs," and that's going some! SAMUEL GOLDWYN PRESENTS Mabel Normand in °`Jinx" By : Shannon Fife. ONE OF OUR SPECIALS ALL SEATS 15 CENTS STRAND form upon which they will stand or fall. It would seem that Senator Harding was formerly in favor of the League with reservations. At a late speech at Des Moines, Iowa, he has entirely repudiated it in any shape or form, and apparently by so doing has seemingly lost the support of hundreds 'of thousands of voters, who had taken it for granted that if elected he would favor the ratifica- tion of the Covenant of the League of Nations with certain reservations. In the Republican party are leaders who wish no league, others with res- ervations. These parties are hard to cement and Harding is sitting on the horns of a dilemma. He will get the support of Wall Street and the big moneyed interests generally, the Ger- man vote of those who were adverse to America's entry into the world war, also a heavy Scandinavian vote, pretty much for the same reasons. Italians will give Harding a heavy vote because they are sore' and peev- ed at President Wilson's determined - stand he took on the • Flume and Adriatic question in oppositions to $2400 A Year in Advance McLean Bros., Publishers t argument left for those who oppose Ireland's claim, are to -day seeking greater security for England in a distraught Europe by proposing, not the overthrow of the republican idea on the American continent,, but closer and more friendly relations between the two severeign° and- independent countries. This cannot be attained so long as the Anglo-Irish conflict continues. The road to peace between the Republic established by Washing - tont which it and the country from separated, was frankly conceded. by England when she granted formal recognition to the -American Repub- lic. The way to peace between Eng- land and Ireland follows the same beaten track." _ Fine words indeed! •The circular, however, fails to state that the very ones who cry loudest for freedom are responsible for the "reign of, terror in Ireland", of which Mr, Crawford speaks. If he_ and his Irish friends could see fart�.er• than the ends of their own noses, Ireland would now be en- joying as great a measure of freedom as any other part of the British. Em- pire. ` "The way to Anglo-Irish peace is to �A zi to the same as was the way g -. Ainericann peace," says the convention call, There is no analogy. The Am- eriean'`s were one in their desire for Ireedom. Ireland is not. If Ireland, north and south was one for freedom, she would have it now. But England,- whose ngland,.whose sense of freedom is even larger than Mr. Crawford's will not abandoir Ulster to the sure oppression and bigotry which he so sternly condemns. The attack made on the press, pul- Work. The conference plan for 1921 pit, government and university .in the was outlined by the district president article from The Statesman whielt ' and 'a model Epworth League service you have published may be allowed, was held with most appropriate mus- to pass as "vapid inanities" to which ical selections. The summer school , reference is made. -Yours truly, at Goderich was discussed and a com- J, H. Fisher. mittee to act in conjunction with com- mittees from the other three north- ern districts was formed. The above is a criticism of art e roan vh itis was'opened he Stat s The evening session article from T , with a song service and the introduc- appeared in The Expositor of two tion of the officers elected for the weeks ago under the heading "Where coming year. A very inspiring ad- Canada Fails," considered by us and dress was given by Rev. P.' S. Dobson, by many of our readers, who have of Alma College, St. Thomas, on Self- commented upon it, as one of the Government, also a number of ex- ablest and most cleverly written cellent musical selections were fes articles that leas appeared, in any tures of the service. The convention newspaper or periodical in Canada was closed after very fine tribute this year. There is no doubt that being paid to -the officers of the past Mr. Fisher's article • will find favor year for their splendid work. in the eyes of some people, more par- The officers elected for the coming titularly in a. section of Toronto to year were: Ho.nary President, Rev, which he evidently belongs, IAA for- S. Anderson, Clinton; President, Mr, tunately, to the great majority oa. F. S. Savauge, Seaforth; lst Vice- our readers and to the people of Can.. Pee-sident, Mr. E. Kilborn, Blyth; 2nd ala generally, his statements will be Vice -President, Miss Errat, Zurich; taken, to use his own words, as "vapid 4th Vice -Pres., Mr. F. Schwantz, inanities." If Mr. Fisher would read Holmesville; 5th Vice -Pres., Miss E. the editorial article from The Mane Mooney, Goderich; Secy. -Treasurer:, chester Guardian, that great English Mrs, C. Martin, Seaforth; Conference Daily, whose integrity as a peoples' Representative, Rev. Foster, Varna; newspaper,, has never _been question - Sunday School Representative, Rev. ed, which appeared in the same issue AstE. Mtllson, Auburn, of The Expositor, he will find that T— -- this same opinion is widely held on. A CRITICISM FROM TORONTO the other side of the Atlantic as well. Editor, Huron Expositor: ---Ed. Note. destruction, when for nearly four years liberty and fr,edom for all civilized nations and peoples trembled in the balance, and it was not until over 9,000,000 soldiers and sailors of the Entente Allies had paid the su- preme sacrifice and over 20,000,000 were wounded, millions cripples for Iife, was Germany and her brutal Allies brought to their knees to cry for mercy. Have the millions who were killed and the millions wounded died and suffered in vain. Seemingly they haveas far as the United States stands in the' eyes of the world to- day. Remember these dead and wounded represented the choicest of manhood's flower. When President Wilson returned from Europe the sec- ond time the certain ratification of the covenant was merely considered a question of time, but owing to a gang of Republican Senators, led by Sena- tor Lodge, and who for the sake of party politics, hatred and jealousy of President Wilson, they managed by all manner of camouflage causing dis- trust about foreign entanglements and alliances, claiming also Great GIRLS WANTED In All Departments Experience Not Necessary BEST WAGES BOARD ARRANGED FOR Write or Call AVON HOSIERY LIMITED STRA.TFORB, ONT. In your issue of October 15th you print an article from The Statesman, the organ of Lindsay Crawford, president elect of the Self -Determina- tion League for Ireland in Canada, prominent in the public eye through their activities in Ottawa over the 'week end. Under the guise of being a champ- ion of tolerance and freedom the journal compares the authorities of Toronto with the bigots and barbar- ians of Japan, because they refused to allow this city to be made the scene of a shameful orgy of sedition by prohibiting the Irish -Determina- tion League' Convention. Masquerad- ing under the fair naive of "States- man" the article hopes to convince the unwitting into the belief that the twin goddesses. of freedom and tol- erance have been set upon by oppres- sion and intolerance and bludgeoned into silence. The article does not say that the reason for prohibiting the convention, of the Irish Self -Determination League in Toronto was because this city would not be confounded with the friends of murders of policemen and . government officials in Ireland. No, it covers it all up under the black charge of barbarism, oppression, in- tolerance and bigotry. Unfortunately the Statesman's hu- manity does not extend across the Atlantic, but stops short this side of the ocean. In order that your read- ers may have some idea of what lies back of Mr. Crawford's and the Statesman's howl for free speech, they have only to turn to the account of the Convention at Ottawa in any of Monday's dailies. Here are a. few excerpts from the Clarion call for the convention which Toronto forbade, ap- pearing over the signature of one Lindsay Crawford, Provincial Presi- dent: "The reign of terror in Ireland— due to the violation of her solemn aims call to --iS a l d byan En war England—is all freedom -loving people, irrespec- tive of race or creed, to support the just and reasonable claim of Ireland for freedom to determine her own form of Government, without inter- ference or dictation from outside, To the Irish race,. particularly,that call conies with irresistible insistence, There can be no peace anywhere in the- world so long as this right of Self -Determination is denied by force of arms. In every country where the Irish have found a house the agi- tation will be carried on until tte- land enjoys the name measure of rreedom that England for a thousand years has claimed for herself. "Those who raise the question of England's defence, which is the only TUCKERSMITH West End Notes.—The farmers here are taking advantage of the fine weather and are getting the potatoes and roots gathered in,—Miss Turner attended the Teachers' Convention at Winghain last week.—Messrs. F. Townsend and Frank Crich motored to Toronto last week, --Miss McQly- mont, of London, visited her sister here this week.—We are glad to re -- port that Mrs. Amos Townsend is able to be around again after a very severe illness.—Mr. Robert White and son Bert, returned last week from the West: Mrs. E. Walters had a sale of her stock and implements on Tues- day and intends moving to Clinton this week. She and her fancily wilt be much missed in the neighborhood.. GODERICH Death of II. J. D. Cooke.—Death removed Thursday morning cif last week one of Goderich's most respect- ed citizens in the person of Henry J, 11 Cooke, of the law firm of Pratt - foot, Killoran & Cooke, The 'deceased: who was in Ms 50th year, was born in Goderich, the son of the late Major Cooke, and after a high school educa- tion entered the old law firth of Gar - TOW & Proudfoot, and- after being called to the bar practised his pro- fession, in Hensall. About ten years ago he went to Toronto, coining to Goderich in 1915. He was aprorni- nent and lifelong • Conservative, being returning officer in the last election. He was interested in all public af- fairs of the town, also a member of the tower council. As a citizen he was an unusually kind-hearted and kindly disposttioned mean. Besides his widow wee daughters survive. The funeral took place Saturday af- ternoon f-ternoon from St. George's Church. Over 100 Masons under whose aus- pices the funeral was held, were present, Including many from Bewail Lodge, of whieh lodge the ,eased was a former member. A number of prominent citizens of Hensall were also present to pay their last re- spects. iThe Huron County' Bar As- sociation also turned out in. a 'body and representatives were present from all parts of the county, also the of- ficials. St. George's Church, -of which the deceased was a prominent mem- ber, was well filled with citizens ,of the town, the full Church of England service being rendered by the cbtdr . and the rector,- Rev. Mr. Rte, who also took the service at the stave - side. The floral tributes were Sonny. The pallbearers were Messrs. Galloww, Parsons and Mitchell, of - Maitland Lodge No. 83, and Messrs, Bonthront MoDonald and Hemphill, of HensalI Lodge, A. F. & A. M.