HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-10-22, Page 54 As swell as any young 8 season. iifskiu with wing tips and of good Fall weight, per ss. ..............$12.00 till . a favorite for young e new Browns and Blacks last with Goodyear welted 0, $9.00, $9.50 and $10.00 ast with Neolin or Panther - ..... E and $9.00 e toe last with Goodyear eels, per pair $8.50 to $10 Fviceable, Dark Grey Felt $2.50 COMMERCIAL HOTEL lbs. $7.75; 2, 1,060 lbs. $7.75; 2, 87G 16.60; 1, 1,864 lbs. $6.50; 2. 1.100 lbs- " 2. 1,120 lbs. $6.25; 1. 1,200 lbs. $5.25; lbs. $5.25; 1, 740 its. $5.25. Bulls -- 0 The. $6.25. Lambs -Choice. $11.50; bunches (extra choice) at $12; culls, $10. Sheep -Choice, $6 to $6.50; heavy' $5,50; culls, $2 to $4. Calves -Choice s $19; good. $16 to $17; common, $19 La. Hogs-F.o.b., $19:25. quotations were: Choice heavy steers,. 10 to $15.00; good heavy steers, $12.50 1.09; butchers' cattle, choice, $12.00 to do.. good, $10.50 to $11.50; do:,: m 0.00 to $9.00; do.. common, $6.00 00; bulls. choice. $10.00 to $10.50; does 59.00 to $9.25; do.. rough, $6.00 to butchers' cows choice. $9.50 to $10.011; ood, $8.25 to $O,00; do., common $6.09 00; feeders, best, $10.25 to $11.25; do. se., $9.75 to $1.e.25; do., 800 The., $9.09- .-0; 9.09."0; do., common. $7.00 to $8.50; can,- i_nd cutters, $4.50 to $5,50; milkers„ to choice, $100 to $165; do., eommoa medium. $65 to $75; lambs, yearling., to $10.00; do., Spring, $11 to $11.50: i, good to choice, $18.00 to $19.50; sheep to $7.00; hogs, fed and watered. $19.26; Teighed off cars, $19.50; do. fo.ob., $18.25; th=., country points, $13.09. plendidly tailored and 'fee. 5, GO robe 13 BLOCK, SEAFORTH. s A FIT Fog EVERY ,FOOT Inark--aild it serve tit fE appreciative s ui- this town who like :Infill in 8hoe leather. you an opportunity to - Club 13tqs onf. r OBER , 1920. ME HURON i1 ON EXPOSITOR CHISELHURST Notes. -Mr. W. Elder had a fine steer killed, during the storm of last week. - Silo filling is completed in this section, the weather being fine for the job. The nutting of the corn was a hard, slow task owing to the flattened condition in which the recent storms left fit. Mr. and Mrs. Mooney and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nickolls, of London, spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. J. Fitzgerald. - Mr., Wilbert Parker has returniedl after spending some time in the West. -The young son of Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Chambers had the misfortune to break his leg. -Mr. and. Mrs. T. Leeming, of A IcKillop spent a day recently at the home a Mr, and Mrs. J. Varley. 1 SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, October .21, 1920. Eggs, per dozen 60c Butter, per lb. 55c Potatoes, per bag $1.00 `Wheat, per bushel $2.45 -Oats, per bushel 70c Barley, per - bushel ....... ...$1.20 Fleur, per cwt. ........$7.80 to $7.90 'Bran, per ton ' $60.00 •Skorts, per ton...... ....... . $70.00 Hogs, per cwt. $19.25 BEAN -MARKET Toronto; October 18 --Canadian. hand-picked bushel, $4.76; primes, $3A5 to $8.50; Japans. $4.75 to $5.00; Limas, Madagascar, 11. to 12c; California Limas, 12 to 18c. DAIRY ,MARKET Toronto, October 19. -Cheese -New, large, -28 to 29c; twins, 29 to 80c; triplets, 29% to 30%c; old large, 33 to 34c; • do., twins, -83% to 3414c. Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 49 to 60c. Creamery prints, 60 to 64c. Mar- •garine-•86 to 38c. Eggs No. 1, 61. to '66c cartons, 71 to 73c; selects, 68 tq 69e. - GRAIN MARKET Toronto, Octo. 19.= --Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern 12,45; No. 2 Northern, . $2.44%; No. 3 Northern, • $2.34%3 ; No. Wheat, $2.28%., in store Fort William. Manitoba 'Oats -No. 3 C. W., 73c; No. 3 C. W., 67%e; extra No. 1 feed, 67c; No. 1. feed, 6 6c; No. 2 feed, 63c, in store Fort William. Manitoba Barley -No. 3 C. W., $1.20; No. 4 C. W.. $1.17, instore Fort William. Corn -No. 3 yellow, $1.30• nominal track. Toronto; prompt shipment. Ontario Oats No. three white 64 to 68c. Ontario Wheat -No. 2.. Winter, per car lot, $2.05 to $2.15; No. 2 Spring, $2.00 to $2.10; shipping points, ac- cording to freights. Peas- -Number 2' nominal; Barley -$1.10 to $1.15, according, to freights outside. Buckwheat - No. 2, nominal. Rye -No. 3, *1.65, nominal, ac- cording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour -$12.50. top patents ; $12.00 Government standard. Ontario Flour --$9.09 bulk, sea- t board. Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered • Mon- treal, freights, bag included -Bran, per ton, $40; shorts, per ton, $45 ; -good feed flour, $3.25. BIRTHS Dungey.-In Mitchell, on October 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dungey, a daughter. Carter. -In Morris township, on October 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carter, a son. Burns. -In Dublin, on October 19th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Burris, a son. Kerr. -In Clinton, on October 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr, twin daughters - (one dead). MARRIAGES • Stewart -Stapley. -In. Stratford, on Wednes- day, October 20th, by Rev. Mr. McDonough, of St. James' Church, James Stewart, of Seaforth, to Mrs. L. Stapley, of Stratford. Sloan -Kale. -At St. CoIumban Church, on Tuesday, October 19th, by Rev. Father White, P.P., Josephine Katherine, daugh- ter of Mrs. Thos. Kale, to James E. Sloan, both of McKillop., 'Diegel Ritz. -In Logan, on October 6th, Miss Idora Marie Ritz, to Mr. Henry L. Diegel. Cottell-Laing.-0 Fullerton, on October 6th, Miss Ella Irene Laing, to Mr. Thos. Cottell, of Russeldale. DEATHS McCartney. -In Tuckersmith, on October 13, Robert McCartney, aged 77 years, 2 months and 10 days. Oke. -In Goderich Township on Monday, Oc- tober 11th, Adelaide Oke, aged 6 months. Kelly. -In Brussels, on October 10th, Jane McMidhael, widow: of the late Wm. Kelly, of Morris township, in •her 84th year. McQuarrie.-In Brussels, on October 1.0th, Peter McQuarrie, .in his 59th year. Ford. --In Usborne, on Friday, September; 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ford, a 'daughter, Ina Joy. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. William Dillon and family, of Logan, "wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown to them in the recent sad bereave- ment of their dear son and brother, hramie -Dillon Insterted by Father, Mother Sisters ai:d Brothers.. 2758-1 SALE REGISTER On Tuesday, October 29th, 1920, at one o'clock p.m., Concession 2, L.R.S., Tucker - smith, farm stockand implement. Mrs., E. Walters, Proprietress ; T. Brown, Amt. On Tuesday, October 19th, 1920, at one o'clock p.m., on Lot 23S- Concession 11. Mc- Killop, farm stock. Joshua Pollard, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Saturday, October 23rd, at 2 o'clock Sone, at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, Estate and interest$, Robt, Wilson, Prop. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 1000 Eggs In Every Hen New System Of Poultry Keeping -Get Dollar A Dozen Eggs -Famous Pool- tryman TELLS 'HOW "The great trouble with the poultry busi- aces has always been that 'the laying life of a. hen was too short" says Henry Traf- ford, International Poultry Expert and Breed- er, reeder, for nearly eighteen years Editor of Poultry Success. The average pullet lays 150 eggs. If kept the second' year, she may lay 100 more. Then she goes to market Yet; it has been scientifically established that every pullet is born or hatched with over,. one thousand minute egg germs in her system -and will lay them on a highly • pro- tttable basis over a period of four to., six years' time if given proper care. How to work to get 1000 eggs from every hen; how to get pullets laying early; how to make the old hens lay like pullets • how to keep up heavy egg production all through. cold winter months when eggs are highest; triple egg production ; make (slacker . hens hustle; $5.00 profit from every hen in six winter months. These and many other money making poultry secrets are contained in Mr,. Trafford's "1,000 EGG HEN" system of Poultry raising, one copy of which will be sent ah'.olutely free to any reader of this Paper who keeps six hens or mare. Eggs should go to a dollar or more a dozen this winter. This means big profit to the poultry keeper who iret3 the eggs. Mr. Trilfford tells how. If you keep chickens and want them to make money for you, cut out this ad and send it with your name and address to Henry Trafford, Suite 296 N, Tyne Bldg., Bingham- ton, 2�` Y., and a free copy of "THE 1,000 EGG $7N" will lie sent by return mail. IMPORTANT NOVICES OTICE. WE WILL START OUR CHOP• Ping Mill on Friday, October 22nd, run- ning Ttfeulay and Fridays of earls week at Weida, 15o per g. Large sacks. charged extra. SRUSE .. B1tOS. 2757.2 VALVES FOR SALL -- 'TEN SPRING calves, Durhams. Phone 46 on 14, Brus- sels. ARTHUR WARD, Lot 20, Concession 18, Grey. • .9765x8 LEARN BARBER TRADE. • FEW WEEKS required. Good wages. Sure employ - aunt. Write for catalogue and full particis- lam MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 198 . Qu.Bn Street East, Toronto. 2758.4 1 STRAY STEER. -STRAYED FROM THE premises of the undersigned, Lot 14, Concession 4, Tuckersmith, Mill Road, about a. month ago, a red year old steer. Any iaforedation Beading to its recovery please phone 5 on 187," Seaforth. THOMAS LANE. 27554 , PIPING 'FOR SALE. -ABOUT 400 FEET of one -inch galvanized, piping with couplings, also about 400 feet of % galvan-" ized sucker rod. To be sold on Saturday, October 80th, at 4 p.m. VIM. ARCHIBALD, Secretary of S. S. No. ' 5, Tuckersmith. 2758-2 Fj OR SALE, -THAT ' VERY DESIRABLE property situated in Egmondville, occupied by the late -John Cameron. The property is in a first class state of repair, hard and soft water, good cellar with concrete :floor, good orchard. This is a splendid bargain and must be sold to close the estate. Apply to GEORGE CAMERON, Executor, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. 2767x$ AUCTION SANIES AUCTION SALE OF FARM .STOCK AND Implements. Thos. Brown has been in- structed cted to sell by public auction on Lot 17. Concession 12, McKillop, on Monday, Oc- tober 26th,' 1920, at 1.80 o'clock- p.m., the following: HORSES -1 horse 8' years old, mare 7 years old, black driver 9 years, a good third horse. Cattle -Cow due to calve in December, cow due to calve in April, cow due to calve in May, dry cow in good shape, -milking cow, two yearling steers, yearling heifer, 4 spring calves. Pigs. -2 pigs about. 175 pounds each; 2 dozen young hens. Im plemenls.-Peter Hamilton cultivator, seed drill, disc harrow, horse rake, .walking plow, gang plow, 3 -furrow; wagon, set 8 -section harrows, rubber tired buggy, hay rack, gravel box, set sleighs, flat rack for sleighs, wheel barrow, galvanized pig trough 6 feet, set team harness, 2 dozen grain " bags, 100 bushels of seed oats, O. A. C. No. 72; Blue Belle cream sepiagator, churn, cook stove, and numerous other small articles. Terms -All sums of $6.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. ARMOUR DUNDAS, Prot.; Thos. Brown, . Auctioneer. There will be sold at the same time and place a grass farm with a good house and stable, the property of Edward Price, being Lot 13 . and . part of Lot 12. 2758-1 A UCTIQN SALE OF' FARM STOCK, Barns and implements. Jas. Jones, of Mitchell, has received instructions: from Dr. Lloyd Moffatt, to sell by public auction, .as the proprietor will grab$_ his entire farm in the future, at Lot 15, Bfiryfield. Road, Stanley, 1/4. mile east of Varna, at 1 o'clock, on Fri- day, Nov. 5, 1920, the following: Horses. - 1 agricultural team. Cattle. -1 cow, freshen early part November; 1 milking heifer, 5 2 year old heifers, 2 will freshen soon ; 1 2 - year -old heifer, calf by side; 1 yearling heifer; 2 three year old steers, 6 two year old steers, 2 yearling, steers. Swine. -Eight Shoats, 6 months old. Poultry. 75 White Leghorns. Implements. -(Purchased new in 1918)-1 Massey -Harris, side rake, 1 Massey - 'Harris hay loader, 1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 Oliver bean cultivator, 1 steel roller, 1 set bob sleighs, 1, light wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 set of single harness, 1 set of double harness, 2 collars, 1 block and tackle, 1 De Laval oream separator, 1 churn, 8 hanging lamps, roots, turnips and mangol'ds. Barns. -One driving shed and poultry barn, 24x56, new roof and plate; 1 horse stable, 26x56; 1 grain barn, 36x56. Terms :-Everything 'under* $10 cash ; over that amount 12 months' (except barns, 6 months') credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 5 Der cent. per annum allowed for. cash. DR. LLOYD MOFFATT, Proprietor ; James Jones, Auc- tioneer. 2758-8 CLEARING SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. Mr. Thos. Brown, Auc- tioneer, has beeneinstructed to sell by public auction on Lot 13, Concession 8, McKillop, 3 miles enet of Winthrop, on Thursday, Oc- tober 28th, at 1 p.m. sharp, the following; Horses: I aged team of working mares, 1 working ;Hare 6 years old, 1 driving horse 9 years old, good roadster, quiet and reliable, good single or double; 1 matched team of F ercheron colts, aged 2 and 3, weight about 3,000 lbs. Cattle. -1 young cow due to calve in ,,March, 1 cow due to calve in June, 1 farrow cow '4 years old, 1 young cow freshened about two months, 2 young cows due to calve in November, 1 young cow to calve in December, .3 steers rising ,2 years, 6 yearling heifers, 4 spring calves, -1' fat pig. Fowl. -15 thoroughbred White Rock pullets, 20 well-bred Rock pullets, 50 year- old hers, 3 geese, 20 ducks. Implements.- 1 new. Massey -Harris binder, 1 new hay rake, 1 new hay loader. 1 Deering mower, 1' Deering cultivator nearly new, 1 seed drill, 1 set of iron harrows, 1 new walking plow, 1 three-quarter wagon, 1 farm truck, 1 scuf- fler, one Devereaux steel tire buggy nearly new, 1 Portland cutter, 1 set heavy team- ing harness, 1 set single driving harness, 1 set of plow harness, 4 new horse collars, 1 gravel box, spring seat, about 100 second hand cedar posts, about 15 cords dry maple wood, about 600 bushels of oats, 200 bushels of barley, 15 tons mixed • hay, 5 tons sweet clover hay, 10 tons good oat straw in mow, 5 bushels of timothy seed, 10 bushels of sweet clover seed, 15 bags potatoes, fanning mill, whiffietrees, and a lot of other articles too I numerous to mention. Terms. -Grain, hay and hogs and all sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes. Six per scent. per an- num off for cash. Positively no reserve as :"everything must be sold as proprietress is giving up farming at once. MRS. SUSAN ROSS, Proprietress ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2,759--1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. ' Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction, on Lot 20, Concession 10, McKillop, on Friday, Oc- tober 22nd, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: HORSES -1 mare 7 years old, 1 horse 6 years old, 1 driving horse, quiet and reliable. Catte; Registered Shorthorns -- Blanche 93774= with twin bull calves at foot; Welcome .145048= with heifer calf at foot; Rosemary =160702= due to 'calve in April ; Belmont =167380= due to 'calve in May; Countess =145049= calf at foot; Actress -157$81=, due to- calve in April; 1 heifer calf =168242= 1 month old; 1 bull calf =144444= 11 months old; 1 heifer calf -168241= 6 -.months old ; 3. bull calf 144448= 4 months old. Grade Cattle: - 2 fresh cows, 1 cow 5 years old, 1 cow due to calve in April,. 1 heifer calf 1 year old, 1 Holstein cow due to calve in April, 1 heifer calf, 1 steer 2 years old, 5 steers coming 2 years old;' 1 steer calf, 1 calf 4 months old, 3 young calves. . Pigs -One sow with litter 1 month old, 2 hogs about 150 lbs. Hens :-- A number of' Rhode Island Red pullets and roosters. Implements -1 steel roller, 1 spring tooth cultivator, Frost & Wood ; 1 Massey - Harris drill, 12 hoe; 1 Sharp hay rake; 1 Deering binder, 7 foot cut; 1 Massey -Harris mower, 6 foot cut; 1 pea harvester, 1 disc harrow, 4 -section harrows, 1 -Oliver riding plow, 1 2 -furrow plow, 2 walking plows, 1 scuftler, 1 hay loader, Massey -Harris, 1 fan- ning gmill, 1 set 2,000 lb. scales, 2 wagons, 1 sliding rack, 1 wagon box, 1 stock rack, 1 gravel box, 1 stonebeet, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set double harness, 2 sets single harness, 2 sets whiffietrees, horse blankets, grain bags, 1 set sleighs, 2 robes, oak tongues, ladder, 1 grindstone, chains, 1 25 galn; 1 milk 1e;c, 1Melotte tank, r 2� can, 26gallon churns, 1 sap pan, 1 sugar kettle, sap buckets and spites and 8 creamery cans, 1 stove and some household effects. A _quantitee of oats suit- able uitable for seed; also a quantity of mixed grain and some turnips. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes. 4 1 per cent, allowed for cash. Grain -6 months' i time. Everything roust be sold as the pro- prietor has sold his farm. ALEXANDER" KERR, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 7 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. Mr. Thos. -Brown has been instructed to Sell by public auction on Lot 42, Concession 2,, West End Tuckersmith, on Tuesday,. October 26th, at 1 o'clock, the fol- lowing: Hones, --1 bay driving mare five years old, 1 sore! driving mare 8 years old. Cows. -1 cow 8 years old due to freshen May let, 1 how 7 yeas, due to freshen in May 1 cow•,6 years, freshend September let; 1 cow 4 years, supposed to be in calf; 2 steers 2 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 years, 5 yearlings, 4 spring calves. Implement. -1 set double harnerie, 1 set single harness nearly new, 1 top buggy nearly new, 1 open buggy, 1 demo- crat, 1 disc harrow, 1 Deering cultivator, 1 Deering drill; 1 Oliver riding plow, 1 Fleury plowa 1 scuf ier, 1 low wagon, 2 cutters, 1 nearly new, 1 robe, 1 rug, 1 oilcloth rug, 1 Hamilton incubator, 1 Imperial Oxford cook stove. Terms: -All sums of $10.00 and' under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit on furnishing ' approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. off' for cash. MRS. EDWARD WALTERS, Proprietress; Thos. Brown, Auc- tioneer. ugtioneer. 2 275/12 MORTGAGE SALE. -UNDER AND BY virtue, of a certain Indenture of Mortgage which will be produced on ,the day of sale, , there will be offered for sale by public auc- tion at the Queen's Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on Saturday, the 28rd day of Oc- tober, 192,0, at 2 o'clock p.m., by Mr. Thos. Brown, auctioneer. All the estate and interest of Robert Wilson in and to the following lands in the ' Town of Seaforth,. namely: - Lot Number 188 and the southerly twenty- three feet of Lots 134 and 185 in Gouinlock's Survey of part of - the Town of Seaforth: Upon the premises is erected a large barn. Terms of Sale, -The purchaser at the time of sale ' will be required to pay down a deposit equal to ten per cent. of the purchase money to the Vendor or his Solicitor, and shall pay the balance of this purchase money to the Vendor or his Solicitor at the expiration of thirty 'days from the day of sale, and upon payment of this purchase money, the pur- chaser will be entitled to a conveyance of the property and to be -let into the possession of the same. Further particulars and conditions of the sale may be obtained upon applica- tion to the undersigned. F. HOLMSTED Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Seaforth, 8th' day of Octo,er, 1920. 2756-8, AUCTION SALE OF PURE BRED REG- "- Shorthorn Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Swine. The undersigned, on account of his law practise requiring all of his time and attention, has decided to rent his farm and sell his entire stock by public auction at Lot 14, Concession 2, L.R.S., Tuckersmith Township, 114 miles east of Kippen and % mile south, on Monday, November 1st, 1920, at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following prop- erty, namely: Horses. -I registered Clydes- dale mare 9 years of age, Lady Oswald (86082) supposed to be in foal to "Com- modore", 1 five year old gelding', 1 yearling colt and 1 suckling filly, both sired by "Com- modore." Cattle. -One red cow, Pie Crust 2nd (104401), calved January 24th, 1918.. This has been the best paying cow I ever owned and she is now supposed to be in calf to St. Patrick (115826) ; 1 red cow calved September 12th, 1912, Laura Dutchess 4th (124982), with red bull calf (Tannahill) at foot; 1 red cow, Flora Macdonald (122706), calved October 1st, 1916, with , heifer calf at. foot (Lass 0. Gowrie) ; 1 cow, red with some white, "Mary , Queen of Scotts," (131289) calved May 8th, 1917, with red heifer calf at foot (Jessie Flower of' Dumblane) ; High- land Mary (121981), roan, calved August 26, 1916; 1 red heifer Maggie Lauder (141376), born October 5th, 1918; 1 red heifer, Bonnie Jean. (162336), born November 26th, 1918 1 red heifer, Isabella (164049), born Sept. 27th, 1919; 1 grade cow 9 years of age,_ an excellent milker ; 1 large fat steer ; 1 -year-old grade heifer, 1 2 -year-old grade heifer. Sheep -Tw,o Leceister ewes 2 years old, 2 year old Leceister ewes and ' 8 lambs, also 5 pigs. Terms of Sale. -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 3 months' credit given on furnishing approved bankable joint notes. A discount at -the rate of 6 per cent. per 'annum allowed for cash on lieu of notes. W. M. DOIG, -L.L.B., Proprietor; C. W. Rob- inson, Auctioneer. 2758-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- plements and Household Effects, on Lot 23, Concession 6, Usborne Township, •on Thurs- day. October 28th, 1920, at 12.30 sharp, the following: Horses. -Draft mare 7 years old; driver 6 years, good in harness; driver 3 years. Cattle. -Pure bred, Shorthorn Susy Beauty 2nd, No. 108201, due in November; Burnside Bud No. 102462, with heifer calf at foot; heifer 2 years old, and a yearling heifer, Grades, -Heifer due in November, 2 cows in December, cow in March, cow in. April, 8 cows in May, cow in June, farrow cow, 1 two year heifer, 3 two year old steers, 3 one year old steers, 8 one year old heifers, 2 spring calves. Implement. -Deer- ing binder 6 foot; McCormick mower 5 foot,, hay rake 10 foot; side rake and tedder com- bined, Massey -Harris ; Dane hay loader, hay rack' and sliding rack combined, Massey - Harris 13 -hoe drill, nearly new ; •Massey -Harris cultivator ; disk harrow, land roller, Clinton fanning mill ; cutting box, Furthers' Friend rifling plow, 2 walking plows, 2 set diamond harrows, scufller, root pulper, set scales, ex- tension ladder, short ladder, 2 wagons, wagon box and stock rack, set sleighs, top buggy, 2 open buggies, cutter, 40 gallon steel drum, 40 rods woven fence wire, 100 feet of rope, 2 sets double harness, set single harness, quantity 3 -inch tile, 13' acre of turnips, dinner bell, also Collie dog. Household Ef- fects. -Couch, wash staid, side ' board, kitchen table, six kitchep chairs, wood cook stove, hanging lamp, 2 bedroom lamps, Daisy churn,' meat chopper. Also chairs, shovels, hoes, forks and other articles. Terms. $10 and under, cash ; over that amounts 12 months' credit on approved joint notes.. 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. ROBERT K, HORNEY, Prop.; 'C. W. Robin- son, Auctioneer: P. Coates, Clerk. 2757-2 CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, 'and 'give you -an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth - - ' - - Ontario James Watson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated `" n the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars, GRAN O TRUNKTM" M The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & . CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service... Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. --LOT 84, CONCESSION 1, Tuckersinith, on Huron Road, 100 acres of grails land, No. 1 grade. Spring on the land and river rune through. No broken land. Apply to JAMES GILLESPIE. 2756 -ti FARM FOR SALE. --LOT 88, CONCES- cessiofi 8, McKillop, containing 10Q acres of good land, 96 cleared, balance in wood- land; never failing' spring supplies water for stock in summer; place fenced with wire and well tile drained. The buildings are all in good shape. Windmill at barn with pipes and troughs in connection. Two storey brick house with furnace in basement and soft water in kitchen. Within 8 miles 'bf Sea - forth, % miles . from school; rural mail and telephone. Apply to ROBERT W. MnMIL- LAN, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2755-tf FARM FOR SALE. PART OF LOT 83, and 84, Concession 4, McKillop, con- taining 100 acres of choice land; 4% miles from town of Seaforth, % mile from school; rural mail and telephone. There is about 4 acres of bush. The buildings are all in first- class cindition. Hard and soft water, also furnace in house, also water system in barn. 'This farm is all well fenced with woven wire, also thoroughly well tile drained and contains not one foot of .waste land, Apply -on premises or address THOMAS W. Mc- MILLAN, Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No, 2. 2755-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 1, Concession 11, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premi¢es a bank barn 70x36 with stone stabling, silo, implement shed, hen house and pig pen., all in good repair; eight -roomed frame house,, with -hard and soft water. The farm is all cleared but eiight acres of bush, 70 acres seeded down. Five mites from Hensall, five from Kippen and 8 miles from Seaforth, mile from school. Rural mail and phone. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM_ SINCLAIR, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. 2755-tf 'WARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 26 i and Lot 27, Concession 11, McKillop, containing 125 acres. There are on the premises large brick house with slate roof, cement cellar under whole' house, hard and soft water in the house, furnace. The house is as good as new. Bank barn 62x54, with engine room and line shafting into barn and large cement tank, withstraw shed 35x45, 2 implement houses and garage; large cement pig pen. All clear except 10 acres of good hardwood bush. All tile drained ; all woven wire fencing ; school on the premises. The farm is situated four miles from Wal- ton, and six miles from Seaforth; rural mail .and phone. This is one of the beet farms in Huron County, and will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply •on the premises or address R. R. No. 4, Walton, or phone 14 on 284, Seaforth Cen- tral. JOHN G. GRIEVE. , 2758 -ti FARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, in the Township of Tucker - smith, 3 miles from Seaforth, 6 miles from Brucefield and Kippen, convenient to school and church ; 95 acres cleared, 'remainder in maple bush. On this farm are excellent build- ings and are in first-class repair; hard and soft water in the house and in stables ; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly under drained and fenced and in a high state of cultivation, : never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way a first class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27,, Concession 12, in the Township. of Rib- bert, containing 100 acres ; 80 acres cleared and thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the remainder is in first class maple bush. On the premises is a comfortable frame house and good barn 48x56 with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm is all seeded to grass, and is in excellent condi- tion, having been ' cropped very little; situ- ated within 5 miles of Hensel!, quarter of mile from school. There is long distance telephajie connection on both farms, also rural mail delivery. These farms will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser and on reasonable terms. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 12, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, or Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone <14 on 181, Seaforth, THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW; 'Proprietor. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' S. T. HOLMES 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer O Undertaking Parlors in O Beattie Block, opposite The O Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. O Scott's. 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 O 000000000 0 00 0000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice. • Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0000000.-00 0000 0 0 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W. S. GORMLEY O 0 Embalmer and Funeral O O Director O O Undertaking Parlors Above 0 O M. Williams' Grocery' Store. 'X> O Main Street, Seaforth. O O Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice, O O Charges Moderate O 0 Phone -Night or Day -192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'O O O 0 ORMWINYVTSS eSDOO/GS our . 175' + to suit y la openings. Fitter With sines, Safe des. li.ny guaranteed, Write for Price Luc curt down fuel bilk louse winter co.foit. The HALLIDAY COMPAN' , Limited HAMILTON FACTORY DISTIU.0T0115 CANADA MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 19th day of No- vember, 1920, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails on a proposed contract for four years, 6 times ' per week, over Seaforth No. 4 Rural Route, from the 'Postmaster General's Plea- sure. Printed notices containing further in for- mation as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the post offices of Seaforth, ,}agmondville, Clinton, Brucefleld, Dublin, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Lon- don. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 8th October, 1920. 27574 t -MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 19th day of No- vember, 1920, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, 6 times per week, over Seaforth aro. 2 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Plea- sure. Printed notices containing further informa- tion of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Seaforth, Egmondville, Brucefield, Clinton, Dublin, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 8th October, 1920. 2757-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gilbert Ritchie McMichael, late of the Township of Hallett, farmer: deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against Gilbert Ritchie McMichael, who died on August 4th, 1920, are required on or before the 25th day of October, 1920, to send to R. S. Hays, Executor for Salicitore of the will of the said deceased, full particulars of their claims ; and after the said 26th day of Oc- tober, 1920, the said Executors will distribute the assets of said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for 'the said assets to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. R. S. HAYS, Executor's Solicitor. 2756-8 Seaforth, NOTICE The undersigned will buy all kinds of good live Poultry every Wednesday forenoon during the season Will pay the highest market price. We have awell selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, also General Merchan- dise, all of which we are selling at a Bargain comparing with the price of same goods elsewhere. Any shoes or goods not just the latest, will be sold for what they will bring. My accounts are now ready. Kind- ly .call and settle and oblige. Yours truly, G. K. RI:ALAND, October 5, 1920. Beechwood, Opt. FOR SALE T8 Fordson Tractor Good as New. 12-25 Cleveland Also new 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractors, for immediate delivery. THE ROBT. BELL E. & T. CO., LTD,, SEAFORTH. ,ONT, WANTED Punch and 'Shear Operators. Rivetters. Steam Hammer Operators. Woodworking Machine Operators. Machinists. General •Help. STEADY WORK ASSURED Apply SUPT. NATIONAL STEEL CAR CORPORATION, LTD., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ROOFING 4J SAVE '50c to 1.00 per roll Prompt Shipment YOURSELF ME JUDGE We ship on approval to any station where there is an agent. We save you 50c to $1.00 a roll on Ready Roofings of guaranteed quality, yourself to be the judge after inspecting the Roof- ing at our risk. Samples free by mail, also free catalogue with prices and full informa- tion. Send letter or poet card, "Send me free samples and price of Ready Roofing and particulars of Free De- livery Offer." �+ THE HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited, Factory Distributors, HAMILTON, CANADA. ASK FOR * FREE SAMPLES WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Leave your certificates with this Bank and we will collect for you the final payment which will probably be authorized by the Wheat Board about the end of October. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - . $ 15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH: J. G. MULLEN, Manager. IIIIIIIU 11IIIIIII1111t111111MhU111111U11111111tit11)i111it1111U1i1IilUiU1111ul i OM IMPINV IIMM OS MIN C 111111.1MIR MOB all ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? Thenslipthis advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. 'COOPER, EMI Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. IMP NAME Inn ADDRESS Date Born day of ... in the ye r....... , S. • i11t111II . .......+....a. S IMMO1 NMI Oaf S •'si1111111111111111111111t1111UU1111111111111.11111l7t11III11U11i111111111111JIiIi1111111 111111iii111 IMO a S ONOS S MIS COM IMO S S The Safest Investment in Canada Victory Bonds VICTORY LOAN BONDS, AT PRESENT PRICES, ARE .ABSO' LUTELY IN THE BARGAIN CLASS Your Choice of Five TAX FREE Maturities: Due Price and Yield Interest c/o 1922 98 6,37 1923 98.,. ...... 6.15 1927 97 ......... 6.00 1933. .•..•• 96,50 ........ .. 6.88 1937 , .... , , ...... , 98 5.68 ,a .,e TAXABLE ISSUES 1924 97 6,27 ° 1934 93 6.25 - The supply available is limited. Prompt action is urged. delivered free of all delivery or brokerage charges. WRITE, CALL OR TELEPHONE Bends R. S. Hays, - Seaforth, Ontario NEW Waterloo_Boy_Tractors WILL PLOW 8 TO 10 ACRES PEP DAY. R IMM- - I PLOWS READY FOR DELIVERY A TRACTORS AND F ED TE DE X SEAFORTH. ALL ALSO 1 FORDSON, 1 12-25 CLEVELAND, 1 8-16 AVERY. IN FIRST _CLASS CONDITION FOR IMMEDIATE" DELIVERY. ALSO A NUMBER OF KEROSENE AND GASOLINE SMALL POST-. ABLE ENGINES. SEVERAL REBUILT STEAM ENGINES AND THRESHERS. Nl e THRESHERS FROM 20 INCH UPWARDS. -0' THE ROIL. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., LTDs r-, WE WANT a reliable agent for every un- represented district, to sell' our well known Fruit and Orna- mental Trees, Shrubs, Etc. Good Pay -Exclusive terri- tory Rights. 41 . Our agency is valuable under present conditions. 600 Acres of Nursery --Estab- lished 40 Years. Write for particulars to Agency Department. PELHAM NURSERY C., 755-16. TORONTO, ONT. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 19th day of No- vember, 1920, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails on a proposed contract for four years, 6 times ' per week, over Seaforth No. 4 Rural Route, from the 'Postmaster General's Plea- sure. Printed notices containing further in for- mation as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the post offices of Seaforth, ,}agmondville, Clinton, Brucefleld, Dublin, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Lon- don. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 8th October, 1920. 27574 t -MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 19th day of No- vember, 1920, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, 6 times per week, over Seaforth aro. 2 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Plea- sure. Printed notices containing further informa- tion of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Seaforth, Egmondville, Brucefield, Clinton, Dublin, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 8th October, 1920. 2757-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gilbert Ritchie McMichael, late of the Township of Hallett, farmer: deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against Gilbert Ritchie McMichael, who died on August 4th, 1920, are required on or before the 25th day of October, 1920, to send to R. S. Hays, Executor for Salicitore of the will of the said deceased, full particulars of their claims ; and after the said 26th day of Oc- tober, 1920, the said Executors will distribute the assets of said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for 'the said assets to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. R. S. HAYS, Executor's Solicitor. 2756-8 Seaforth, NOTICE The undersigned will buy all kinds of good live Poultry every Wednesday forenoon during the season Will pay the highest market price. We have awell selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, also General Merchan- dise, all of which we are selling at a Bargain comparing with the price of same goods elsewhere. Any shoes or goods not just the latest, will be sold for what they will bring. My accounts are now ready. Kind- ly .call and settle and oblige. Yours truly, G. K. RI:ALAND, October 5, 1920. Beechwood, Opt. FOR SALE T8 Fordson Tractor Good as New. 12-25 Cleveland Also new 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractors, for immediate delivery. THE ROBT. BELL E. & T. CO., LTD,, SEAFORTH. ,ONT, WANTED Punch and 'Shear Operators. Rivetters. Steam Hammer Operators. Woodworking Machine Operators. Machinists. General •Help. STEADY WORK ASSURED Apply SUPT. NATIONAL STEEL CAR CORPORATION, LTD., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ROOFING 4J SAVE '50c to 1.00 per roll Prompt Shipment YOURSELF ME JUDGE We ship on approval to any station where there is an agent. We save you 50c to $1.00 a roll on Ready Roofings of guaranteed quality, yourself to be the judge after inspecting the Roof- ing at our risk. Samples free by mail, also free catalogue with prices and full informa- tion. Send letter or poet card, "Send me free samples and price of Ready Roofing and particulars of Free De- livery Offer." �+ THE HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited, Factory Distributors, HAMILTON, CANADA. ASK FOR * FREE SAMPLES WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Leave your certificates with this Bank and we will collect for you the final payment which will probably be authorized by the Wheat Board about the end of October. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - . $ 15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH: J. G. MULLEN, Manager. IIIIIIIU 11IIIIIII1111t111111MhU111111U11111111tit11)i111it1111U1i1IilUiU1111ul i OM IMPINV IIMM OS MIN C 111111.1MIR MOB all ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? Thenslipthis advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. 'COOPER, EMI Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. IMP NAME Inn ADDRESS Date Born day of ... in the ye r....... , S. • i11t111II . .......+....a. S IMMO1 NMI Oaf S •'si1111111111111111111111t1111UU1111111111111.11111l7t11III11U11i111111111111JIiIi1111111 111111iii111 IMO a S ONOS S MIS COM IMO S S The Safest Investment in Canada Victory Bonds VICTORY LOAN BONDS, AT PRESENT PRICES, ARE .ABSO' LUTELY IN THE BARGAIN CLASS Your Choice of Five TAX FREE Maturities: Due Price and Yield Interest c/o 1922 98 6,37 1923 98.,. ...... 6.15 1927 97 ......... 6.00 1933. .•..•• 96,50 ........ .. 6.88 1937 , .... , , ...... , 98 5.68 ,a .,e TAXABLE ISSUES 1924 97 6,27 ° 1934 93 6.25 - The supply available is limited. Prompt action is urged. delivered free of all delivery or brokerage charges. WRITE, CALL OR TELEPHONE Bends R. S. Hays, - Seaforth, Ontario NEW Waterloo_Boy_Tractors WILL PLOW 8 TO 10 ACRES PEP DAY. R IMM- - I PLOWS READY FOR DELIVERY A TRACTORS AND F ED TE DE X SEAFORTH. ALL ALSO 1 FORDSON, 1 12-25 CLEVELAND, 1 8-16 AVERY. IN FIRST _CLASS CONDITION FOR IMMEDIATE" DELIVERY. ALSO A NUMBER OF KEROSENE AND GASOLINE SMALL POST-. ABLE ENGINES. SEVERAL REBUILT STEAM ENGINES AND THRESHERS. Nl e THRESHERS FROM 20 INCH UPWARDS. -0' THE ROIL. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., LTDs r-,