The Huron Expositor, 1920-10-15, Page 3►BER I5 19 20. s Bank ',000.000 es Ln CHILDREN Ent for a child in .ges him to save. iai first thousand at all Branches, DISTRICT Kirkton Zurich eTI 'ITIES OF' WOMEN king among the women in Ja- a very common sight. iatry is one of the best pay- ofessions for women in Serbia, y -six per cent. of all the higi' teachers in the United States amen. my -four per cent. of the farm in the United States assist in rid work. "Cold in the Head" acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. e subject to frequent "colds in the dill rind that the use of HALL'S LItH MEDICIN1 will build up the I, cleanse the Blood and render_ ;:tis liable to colds. Repeated at - of Acute Catarrh may Lead, to C Catarrh. US CATARRH MEDICINE is internally and acts through the on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- lius reducing the inflammation and n, normal conditions, Druggists. Circulars free. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. '3E "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! ! Don't risk your material. Each pack. age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into . old garments, draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no other kind—then perfect re- *•ults are guaranteed even if von have never dyed before. })ruggi-t has "Diamond Dyes Color Carel"--IG rich colors_ I SPICE t870�` Hard Ear Oil €zess, Stops Head Noises feat in the ears, but is aek of the Ears, anti in - F• Nostrils. Has had a sale since 1907. 1:. Umbach and Arthur Ent�a.rio. the above druggists. anufacturer ye., New York City. \I ter rw ii es confidently. Lan tic the reci- ist as she wants - xture that pro- and candies, ?;redients, is an [p homes where parts fineness— AT LANT:C ineness ATLANTIC SUGAR .REFINERIES, LIMITED 68 OCTOBER 15, .1920. Victory Bond Interest War Loan Coupons and Interest Cheques maybe cashed or deposited at any of our branches. Deposit yourVictory Bond Wetted in our Savings Departmlit anti earn interest thereon. THE DOMINION, .BANK SEAFORTH BRANCH, •- R: M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES; FOR REM: -- 'GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS The Fall is the most severe sea - .eon of the year for colds—one day is warm, the next cold and wet and un- less the mother is on "her guard, the little ones are seized with colas that may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets ' are mothers' best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laacative, keeping the! 'bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent colds, or if it does come Fon suddenly their prompt use will relieve the baby_. The eTablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from. The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NO INCREASE IN PRICE Notw ithstttinding the enormous in- crease in the cost of production, over three times previous? to war prices, that great weekly, the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, haye decided to accept 'renewals and new subscriptions at the old rate " ($1.50 a year) from all who remit before re-elected. For several years he sat December 1st, 1920. This should be as .an independent, although in the good news to readers of that big meantime the United Socialists had weekly. The Family Herald, has been come into existence and - as Millerand vastly improved and is beyond doubt had many friends among its leaders y the greatest value in .nespapers. he easily could have been reinstated had he cared to be. x.. TABLETS" In 1909 Millerandagain entered a Cabinet, this time as Minister of Pub- lic Works under Briand, and the fol- lowing year had to face the great rail- road strike:_ This problem was dealt with by Briand, himself and Viviani, three former Socialists, and they solved it, as may be recalled, by noti- fying the railroad men to report for military service on the daythey con- templated striking, the military ser- vice to consist of running the trains. This ruse frustrated the strike and evenin the Chamber the Socialists declined to condemn Millerand and his colleagues for action that prole; ably averted a revolution. Neverthe- less, they formally expelled him from a party to which he had long ceased to belong. Prep that 'day to this Millerand has shown stronger tend- ency -toward conservation. His pa- triotism has never been questioned, and shone brightly" through the war 'and after it. She only thing left for his enemies now Jtto predict that he will wind up as a reactionary or a dictator. Rousseau Government was formed, Millerand was included as Minister of Commerce. He was the - first avowed Socialist to . enter a French Cabinet, and his action in accepting office exasperated a lot of his Social- ist friends, who deemed him a trait-, or to the cause. It - is understood* however, -that Millerand had .previ- ously consulted Jaures, the Socialist leader, and obtained his sanction. For a tithe he remained a Socialist under a cloud, but the position was one that could -not endure, and eventually Millerand broke definitely with his old party. The issue was one of military expenditure. Though" Germanyand other European coun- tries were increasing their arma- ments, the French Socialist chose this moment to fight for a great re- duction in the French military bud- get. Millerand vigorously supported the Government, although he was not then a member of it, and eventu- ally the programme was put through. In 1904 a branch of the Socialist party definitely expelled him. This did not -disturb Millerand, for he re- turned to his constituency and was "VITAL Made a New Man Out of Him. I was run down, had no energy, no eine seemed' to know what was the matter with me, I longed to feel the same as my friends felt, always 'bright and cheery. I had no ' ambi- tion to do the things I wanted to do. I heard of Vital Tablets, and since taking them I am a new man. My nerves have been set right, and I can tackle anything. I feel ten year younger. I - can sleep and eat as never before. I want to recomfnend Vital Tablets to 'everyone. (Signed) R. E. Mooney, Vancouver, B. C. If you are run down, tired out, no life, graspthis opportunity, ge to your druggist and procure Vital Tab- lets, they are only 50 cents per box, :you will feel $50.00 better. We have thousands of testimonials along the same line as the above. We will guarantee that Vital Tablets will do the same for you as they have done for Mooney and others, If you are tunable to obtain them at your drug- gist, write to the Scobell Drug Com- . pany, Montreal. These will be mailed to you, on receipt of price. •CHERQUERED CAREER OF NEW PRESIDENT Alexandre Millerand, President of France, has had ' a political career that would have been impossible ex- cept in France, where politics is run under different rules to those - pre- vailing elsewhere. Whenever anyone becomes Premier or President it is al- ways related that as a boy he had formed the ambition. In this respect Millerand's career is quite orthodox. He determined to become Premier and afterwards President. So he did, but' the vow to .become President loses in probability when it is con- trasted with the reports that Miller- and became President against his wishes. When he finally consented to accept the greaser honor it was because he had resolved to reassert the authority of the office, and to continue the conduct of foreign af- fairs. Under the constitution this is a right and duty of the President's, but never before has it been -exec-, cised so freely as the new President promises toexercise it. French politicians are - all either journalists or lawyers, and M. Mil- lerand entered public life as a law- yer. It was his good f eune to be entrusted with the d 'nee of sev- eral miners accused f strike vio- lence, and the case attracted 'general attention. It was due to his ovbn brilliant gifts that the defence was so strongly presented, and 'at once the young lawyer was; marked 'as a rising man. The case . also aligned him with the Socialist party, and he entered the Chamber as a Socialist . after having had five "years of valu- able experience in the Paris. Muni- cipal Council. He identified himself with the anti -clericals of the day, and was prominent in an organiza- tion whose purpose it was to prevent boys and young men falling under the influence of the church. Curi- ously enough, when he' became Pre- mier a short time ago, we find the clericals rejoicing in his election, so far had he travelled in forty years. Re had not long sat as' a Socialist member when the spilt which seems essential to Socialist politics divided the group into Marxians and moder- ates. Millerand was repelled by the Marxians' doctrine and identified himself with the moderate. camp. In 1896 Millerand drew up the charter of Reformist Socialism in France end Fabian Socialism in England, which aims constitutionally and gradually to establish -a state Social- ism opposed to revolutionary Social- ism. In 1899, when the Waldeck - NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE The fibre of a species of hemp na- tive to the Azores has been found : useful in paper manufacture. The' handle of a new fly swatter is tubular and collects dead insects un- til they can be destroyed. - Manganese is found in. Japan in three forms, some'of it being 90 per cent, pure in its natural state. A combined table and chair for children can . be folded into a space only four inches thick for storage. Although Brazil is known to have 180 varieties of snakes, less than 10 per cent. of them are venomous. A new figure of a horse for car- rousels goes through all the motions of a bucking animal as it is moved'. One Swedish railroad has found the use of peat for fuel so practical that it is planning to abandon coal. - Drinks can be quickly mixed at home with a new crank operated machine intended to be clamped to a table edge. Two Swedish engineers have in- vented an.electric machine for clean- ing boilers that works somewhat like a drill. RHEUMATIC PEtPLE Can Only Find Relief - by Enrich- ing the Blood. Rheumatism is a disorder of /the blood. It attacks people when the blood is overcharged with acid and impurities, thus setting up inflamma- tion in the - muscles and joints. Wet weather or cold weather may start the tortures of rheumatism, but is not the cause. The cause is in the blood and the blood only. Victims of this milady have every reason to fear the first dull ache in the limbs and joints, followed by sharp pains through the flesh„ and muscles; these are the symptoms of poison in the blood which will shortly leave the victim painmacked and' helpless. There is only one way to cure rheu- matism, and that is through the blood. Liniments, hot applications, and rubbing may give temporary ease, but cannot possibly root the trouble out of .the system. That can only be done by the rich, red blood which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills- make. This new blood drives out the poison- ous acids and impurities, and ' the rheumatism disappears. If you are a sufferer from this painful malady begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink' PilleI and see how soon the pains and stiffness of the joints fade away. leaving beh .nd new energy and new health. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at .50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE ,ITUROK,EXP.PSITOR STEWART'S" SELL IT 'FOR LESS MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS II WE PREPAY THE CARRIAGE Stupendous Showing of Women's Coats. Special A :O COMPRISING. A TREMENDOUS ARRAY OF DELIGHTFUL GARMENTS IN AUTHENTIC MODES FOR FALL AND WINTER, OFFERING UNLIMITED VA- RIETY IN MATERIALS AND COLORS; THE SPECIAL FEATURES ARE: -- Extraordinarily Low Prices—Entirely New Designs --Thoroughly Reliable Cloths, and Dependable Makes Many months of careful preparation and economical buying have made this great display of Coats an even greater achievement than any previousshowing. Materials have in many instances been bought at special prices and mi ade nto styles emulating the *most expensive imported models, And the prices have been fixed at a very small margin over cost of labor and material. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that only with our buying power and our favorable connection with such reputable firms as Northways, Continental Exclus- ive Cloak Co,, etc., is it possible for us to offer you this Magnificent Display of Attrac- tive Coats at Such - Reasonable Prices. Fine 4 -ply pure Scotch fingering yarn, absolutely all wool, thoroughly scoured— in light, medium and dark grey—a beautiful yarn for home knitting; clean, warm and durable. PRICE 50c. Women's Hose -Space will not permit of a detailed description of our Fall and Winter Hose, but we can assure you that the same sterling value and re- liable merchandise *ill be found in this department. Men's Warm Underwear' The enviable reputation of this store' as a leading under- wear store was never more clearly demonstrated than this season. In spite of the tremendous advances, through early buying we are able to sell you standard Makes at prices that are so slightly advanced that it is hardly noticeable. Wool --$1.50 to $5.00 Fleece -41.25 to $1.50 Don't Miss This Display Women's Suits for Fall and Winter The suit designers have excelled themselves this jseason and instilled into these popular priced Suits; all the beauty and attract- iveness of the most exclusive and ` expensive garments. You will be delighted = with their becoming appearance and tempting prices. PRICE—$25 to $651 Furs - Furs Reasonable Prices You will be agreeably sur- prised when you look at our stock of rich, luxurious fur ruffs and muffs, and learn thedecidedly low prices we are asking for them. Every wanted . fur is here and we guarantee every piece of fur we sell. COME EARLY AND -GET FIRST CHOICE. WE BOUGHT EARLY —WE • BOUGHT FOR CASH AND ARE SELL- ING - AT PRICES YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS. r . A Grand Display of Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys An Enthusiastic Showing of an Immense Assemblage of Clothing for Fall and Winter Wear in which Variety of Styles, Materials and patterns are a prominent fea- ture, and Attractive Pricing Predominates. Latest . Overcoats For Men and Boys Filled with cozy comfort and attractive appearance are these new Winter Coats., The leaders are Belters, Waistlines, Slip-Ons,Ulsters, Chesterfields. They come in bright- attractive color- ings for the boys and young men and the more sombre but none the less pleasing cloths for the quieter dress- ers. But the one greatpoint we ,are emphasizing is the REASONABLE PRICES. No matter what price you wish to pay we can give you the best value- at that price. PRICES Boys ...... .. $8 to $15 Men $15 to- $35 ID • a, Stylish Suits - For Men and Boys Just a glance at thegreat tables of New Suits loaded with attractive values ' you cannot afford to -miss would convine you that you only serve your own best inter; ests when " you come here . For in addition to the ad- vantage that you derive from making your selection from this immense stock of the most reliable makers. there is a dollars and cents reason why you should come here. - We can very easily convince you aloifg both lines when you call. PRICES 4-M Boys ... $5 to $19 Men ... $10 to $45 Silks and Satin -s Soft Lustrous Weaves and Beautiful. Colorings. A delightful assemblage of silks and satins arebeing showin this Fall, comprising taffetas, messalines, faillies, crepe-de-chenes, - satin-de- chenes, and last, but not least, the season's special favorite satins—taupe, bur- gundy, beetroot, browns, pinks, navys black and white. Women's Underwear All the • reliable brander-- Standfield's, P e n m a n' s Turnbull's and Watson's, are here in all the wanted weights at prices that few will equal and none will beat, a Winter Caps Every new idea in cap- dom finds first expression in this store. The tremendous selling we do requires a con- stant supply of new arrivals, bringing with them " every new style and attractive pat- tern. We. can best meet your wants, as we carry the 'stock and can give you the - greatest variety to- choose from. " PRICE -75c to $3.00 Stewart Bros. Seaforth C