HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-10-08, Page 5Eggs, per dozen ..........58 to 6Qc � AUCTION SALE O • FARM. STOCK AND` IjtARMB FOR 01 -- I HAVE SOME Butter, per th. , ... , ... , .. "iii + - A in►plementa. Mr. , Thos. Brown has been dwics farms for salt in the Township - In the !s1$1100tate 4f Gilbert H;may Meyn : n instracW to sell by public auction on Lot of Usbarne and 8ibberk all well built and )Infos t e . Potatoes, per bag , , . , .......I ROO zFING � . Sate et the Towtlsldp of gall former. 7, cession 18, McKillop, on Friday, Oc- impraped, on wy terms of payment. TI�OMAS - Wheat, per bushel .. - ......... $2.46 deesonaL ' ocher 16th, at 1 p.m., the following property: C.dJ�ON, Woodham, Ont. 2858.tf SAVE,` 50c bats, per bushel ..... . .... . . . .. 70C Horsea...1. driving m re with colt at foot. - a.+ " '" Barley, per IIzushei ... . , . « , . , 1.20 •.�,^• •- - Oat -I" - -owe due to talus in April, 1 'WARM FOR SALE. --LOT 84, 'CONCESSION `mewl 1 ed 0 , 11ppers told feet, shoihd have a pair year. We have a splendid ble for house wt.*-ar during with fur tril ming$ KOsy plainer felt slippers with. ` onably pried. Brown or Gray with. fur .....................$2.25 o and: Red Kid leathers mit, per pain...... .$1..90 d, Brown'and and Grey with ... .....$1.2 ani $1.50 , With thick felt soles and ..........' 1.50 and $1;.75 y, with felt sols covered 'r ....... < ..... %$J 5 1 • "it! rE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Or two, with her mother and, ler before going t0 " Stratfo� e she has relatives,. Miss Hog_ Os dwelling property on Queev t looks much improved, watt 3t new verandah. while a new iation with cement walks still ,er add to the appearance and ort of the premises:—Our grail houses have , had the look of a during the past couple of weeks runded as they leave been with s and people as the grain had coming in by, the wholegale.- 11aul's Anglican. choir assisted ill service of praise in the sister ,e of Staffa on Sunday last, where giving and harvest hon, ser - were held,—Miss IMa.yme Swan, rucefield, spent a sew clays recent-- rith Miss Florence Bonthron---- a large number from this -=ricin- attended the fair af., Kirkton on mesday last:. Aendidlyr tailored and. ce. �ube " Flour, per ewt. ........$7.80 to ,� NOTICE Is ,here o ea v cow, 2 farrow tows, 1 iteg 8 1, Tuckeratnith, on Huum Road, 100 acres to by given supposed to be in c lf, 6 steers rising 8 >tttrsoant to the of grass land, No, 1 grade. Spring an the Tait, Ilei > .. ► ............ 40 Statute in•. that behalf years old, 1 heifer ing ,three, 6 steers tb -all bersoar hav- land and river `runs through, No broken 1.00 $1!Olts, pQ1" b0A .. .........Q, Ing claims adaitlst=Giilbert IAltchie McMichael rising two, 8 heifers rising two, 7 spring land. Apply to _JAMES GILLESPIE. who died on Ag et 4th, 1990, are reiquired ori calves, ,Pigs =8 you pigs 6- weeks old, 1 . 2762x4 -ii $Ops, per CWC .... .. . . . ......:j',1i0 oz before the $iYth dalrOctoheer 1820 brood sow. I� 2 store bi Implements ---1 fan- JL I�: per roll• �. send to R. 8, ;$`, of the will of ning mill, 1 pair bo lelghs, 1 wood rack, 0 I MARK. the said deo+�Mei, full particulars of their 1 gang plow, 1 walk ng plow, 1 horse hay ARM FOR BALE. -200 ACRES, BEING '' pt claims; and atter the said 116th day of Oc. rake. Timber•=�-A qua ity, of standing timber Lots 8 and 4, Concession 4, Huilett 1, prom T'�ronto, Oct 5.--M ba wheat -No, 1 Caber, 1920, the said Executor *U distribute consisting of maple aid efts; 80 rods of rail Township, in good state of cultivation, Lame Shipment ' Northern ;2,24 No2 - . Northern 12.21 the wets of said deceased among the persons fence, all of which w 11 'be sold without re- stone house and two bank barna with stabling t No. .3 Northern, $2.18%; No. 4 Wh emitted;thereto, having x�ard only to claims Berve. TermO, of Sal : _Timber and rails, underneath. Estate of the late Gilbert Mc- j2.06� . in store Fort William. -M,anitoba Oats of which they shill then have had not$; -e, cash. Other Chatte All sums of ,$10.00 and Michael, For particulars apply to. CHARLES - . ITo. 2 C. W.. 70%c; No. 8 C. W.. 67 a; am the said Executor will not be liable+ for under' cash; over that amount 11 months' G. McMICHAEL. 2750x10 ' .,extra No. I feed. 66%c; No. 1 feed, 914: the said assets to any yeegpa �. whose claim 'redit on approved Joint notes, A discount . .- .�,"r..,.,,,.,,.,— No. 2 feed, 62%0; its Attire- Fort William. notice shall not then have been received, 9t 5 cents on the dol r allowed for cash on ARM FOR BALE. -LOT 33, CONCES- 4 O.Wba Barley -No. 8 �.W., $1.06%; No. g. L BAYS, credit amounts; THO M. IRVINE, Pro- cession 8, McKillop, containing 100 acres ,,____ - ���,, �_V ! C.W., $1.01%; releotted, 02%o; feed, 90%0, Ilseeaw 'wad BoWter, prietor; T. Brown, A stoner. 2755-2 of good land, 96 cleared, balance in wood. in store Fort William. American Corn- 27564 ,9.aforth. land; never failing spring supplies water YOURSELF THE JUDGE _No. 8 yellow, ;1.56.; nominal track,Toronto; AUCTION SALE O FARM• STOCK AND for stock in -summer; place fenced with wire :Prompt shipment. Ontario Oats -No. three Implements. Mr. Thos. Brown hos been and well the drained.. The buildings are all We ship on approval to any atation -white, 66 to 70c. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 instructed to sell" by ublic auction on Lot in good shape. Windmill at barn with pipes where there is an agent. Winter, per car lot, $2.20 to $2.30; No, 2 16, Concession 1. Hib , adjoining the vIl- and, troughs in connection. Two storey brick >f t, We save you AUCTION SALES lage of Dublin, on M day, October 18th at 5Qc to 1.0(1 a roll on Read Spring, 12,15 to $2.25; shipping Points, ae- house with furnace' in basement and soft y Roofings cording to freights. Peas- Number 2 1 6'clock, sharp, the following: Horses -One water in kitchen. Within -8 miles of Sea of guaranteed quality, black Percheron brood mare., 8 years old, 1 forth, % miles from school ; rural mail and xtominal. Barley -41.12 to f1.17, according AUCTION SALE OF FARM _ STOCK.- ..ASK FOR Yourself to be the judge to freights outside. Buckwheat -- No. 2 Tho gelding rising 4 yea old, well broken. telephone. Apply to ROBERT W. McMIL- F$Els` after inspecting _ ° Brown has been snstrnoted to - Cattle -Holstein cow istered, due to calve LAN, R. R. No. 4 Seaforth.. 2756-tfthe Roof- . Itye- Na, 8, $1.65, nominal, ac- sell by public auction on Lot 28, Concession in November, Holstein cow due in December, �Al�PLIS'S ing at our risk. Samples cording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour 11, McKillop, on Tuesday, October 19th, 1920, Holstein heifer due i November, Holstein --$18.40 new crop. Ontario Flour -=10.80 at 1 o'clock p.m-, sharp, the following:- rj ARM FOR SALE. -PART OF LOT 88, freer by mail, also free to $10.40, bulk sea -board. Millfeed--Car lots Horses -1 draft gelding 4 years old, 1 draft heifer due in April, Registered, 2 Durham and 84, Cdncessfon 4, McKillop, con- catalogue with rices and full ;-r- h if 8 ld h tee 8 gn F 1 1 e era years o rma- vered Montreal, freights, bag included gelding 2 years old. Oatt3a-1 cow 4 posts 2 ur ams rs Years taming 100 acres of choice land; 4 miles hoA, Sencd letter or post card, 'Send Brea, per ton, #7.50 ; shorts old, 2 yearling steers, 8 yearling heifers, from town of Seaforth mile from school; per ton, old, due to calve December 8th ; I cow due $8.50 to $8.60, to calve in Mar h ; 8 heifet+e 2 heifer calf, registered - teer calf. Implements rural mail and' telephone. There is about 4 P price of Read 554.60, good feed flogs. G years old, me fret samples and to calve in, March; 8 yefere steers 4 Year. -Massey.Harris binder Deering mower, bay g P y �i rake, Fleury plow, 18 acres of bush, The buildings are all in first- Roofing and particulars of Free De - ling heifers, 6 spring calves, 2 steers 2 yearn 8 drum steel r list, class eindition. Hard and soft water, also livery' Offer." . LIVE STOCK MARKET old. Sheep, -5 choice ewes. Terms of Sale.-- toot hay rack, root p per, 2 wagons, single furnace in house, also water system in barn. - - Union Stock Yards, Toronto, October 4th.-- 12 inontha' credit on approved joint notes._ sleigh with platform p, the above' are all -This farm is all well fenced with woven THE HALLMAY COMPANY, new; fa:nning mill, a titer, cutting box, wire, also thoroughly well tile drained and Limited, The quotations were: Choice .heavy siesta, A discount of. b per cent, allowed for cash. wagon, pair bobaleigha 2 seta ► f harrows, contains not one foot of waste land. Apply Factory Distributors, $14.00 to $14.50 • good heavy steers, $18.60 JOSHUA POLLARD, Proprietor; Thomas Paris plow, gang plc , brooder house with HAMILTON Bro n, Auctioneer. on premises or address THOMAS W. Mc- . CANADA. ' to 818.00 ; butchers' cattle, chaise, 112.00 i o l" 2766-2 two brooders set rope pulley stretchers, 2 MILLAN Seaforth P. O„ R. R. No. 2. :12.25; do„ good, (11,00 to ;11,60; do., set wire fence stretchers, 2 sets double 2766-tt medium, $ b�l to $9.'75; do,, common, $7.00 harness, 2' seta single arness, several chick to fB.QO ; bulls, choice, $10,40 to $10.54 ; brooders, coops, feeds , etc., forks shovels tio., good, $9.00 • to $9.25; do„ rough, MORTGAGE SALE. -UNDER AND BY FARM FOR SALE, -FOR SALE LOT 1, t>*** 0 O Q Q Q O 4 ,O 'O g and other small artic ea too numerous to $6.00 to $8,00; butchers' -cows, choice, $10.00 virtue of a certain Indenture of Mortgage mention, The whole i11, -positively be sold Concession 11, Tuckeremith, containing to $10.00 da., good, $8.25 to $5.00 ; do., which will be produced on the day of sate, as the proprietor has old his farm. Terms 100 acres. There are on the premises a tit Q .common, $6.00 to $7.00: stockers, $7.50 to there -will he -offered for sale by public aue- O . S. 1 • � OLMES $9.50; feeders, $10,25 to $11.00 • canners and ton at the Queen's Hotel, in the Town of a Everything under. al it cash; over that bank barn 7ex80 'with stone stabling, silo, Gutters, $4.50 to #5.b0 ; milkers, good to amount 4 months' credit will be given on implement shed hen house and pig. pen all Q Funeral Director and s Seaforth, on Saturday, the 23rd day of Oc- ' O Shorthorn furnishing approved Joi t notes. A discount in good repair; eigbt-roomed frame house, I Sale- _ehoim $100 to $165; do., common and med. tuber, 1920, at 2 o'clock. p.m., by Mr. Thos, of 6 per cent, per annum off for cash. P. with hard and soft water. The farm is all O Licensed Embalmer O J ium, -565 to $75; lambs, yearling, $8.75 to Brown, auctioneer. All the estate and interest . . DILL, Proprietor; Th Brown, Auctioneer. cleared but eight acres of bush, 70 acres $10 do. Spring, of Robert Wilson in- and to the following O Undertaking Parlors in O , rig, $$19; to p. ;calves, good 2766'2 seeded down. Five miles from Hemall, five g #tt choice, $1'7 to fisc sheep, ;8 to $8.26; lands in the Town of Seaforth, namely;- U ogs, fed and watered,. $24.25 ; do., weighed Lot Number 138 and the southerly twenty- from Kippen and 8 miles from Seaforth, mile O $eattie Block, opposite The O 1 ' �'�'-�•M�+��� three feet of Lots 184 and 185 in Gouinlock's from school. Rural mail and phone. For OsitOr Oce.@81(1enC@ '© off cars. $20,50; do. f.o.b., (19.25 ; do., do. , UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND O ,country points, $20.25.' Survey of part of the Town of Seafort}s. A Implements. Thom Gundry tae been further particulars apply to WILLIAM 50 High Class Upon. the premises is erected a large barn. SINCLAIF R. R. No, 8, Seaforth, LO x 25$ Q Expo ito gt. O Osite Residence O5 . - - I lop Terms of Sale. The purchaser at the time of instructed to sell by ublic auction on Lot , pp ���� h��� 3i, Concession 18, M Killop, on Thursday, O Scott's. O o • $�'T`$,g sale will be required to pay down a deposit October 14th, at 1 o'c ock p.m., the follow- FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOT 25, ' -'Weoda.-In Seaforth,- on October 6th, 10.20, equal to ten per cent of the purchase money Concession 4, McKillop, containing 100 .. Ing: Horses -1 aged h tae, 1 mare: 30 years O Flowers furnished OIt short O to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wood, s eon, to the Vendor or his Solicitor, and shall pay old 1 mare 18 years old, 1 mare 6 years acres, there are on the - iwemisee brick . (Charles William), the balance of this purchase money to the house, two story, bank barn 20x60, with O , notice, O old. Cattle -1 cow, with calf at her side, Vendor or his Solicitor at the expiration of not in calf ; 8 cows s posed th be in calf ; cement stabling,; one barn 86x76 ; ninety • Most SeOtcl>r with Hl II_ ' t{3cott In McKillop, on Sept. 19t4, to Mr, thirty `days from the day of sale, and upon ' , the balance in hardwood bush. phone Night or Day 119 , g ass PedigivesS to be SOIL and Mrs. James P. Scott, a son (Arnold 1 cow 6 years oId, d e to calve February scree rest Id . payment of this purchase money, the pur- 'The farm: fa atI the drained and in a ood T t James). chaser will he entitled to a conveyance of the first th ; 2 cows rising 6 ears old, due to calve state of f cultivation. All seeded down sex- O O O O O O O O O O O * ti 111 ills Town ofClinton ,Qjj (jljA Bunking: In Hullett township, on September first week ,in May; co 6 icing old, due to 26th, to Mr. and Mia. Harvey Husking, a property and to be let into the Possession of calve lest of March ; c w rising 4 years old, sept about 16 scree. Water at hoes and daughter. the .same. Further particulars and conditions due to calve in Apr 1; 2 cows rising 4 barn, also a never failing spring, The Q O o' O O O O O O O O O O T of the sale may be obtained upon applies- property is two miles from Seaforth, rdral 1 Earle. -In Egmondville,` on September 27th, years old, due .last 'Jars, ; cow rising y a Tuesday, Oct. �%{• to Mr. and Mia. John Henry Earle, a Bon to the undersigned. F. HOLMBTED, 4 years old, due March 7th ; 7 yearlings tom• :mail and phone. Thta . is a good property O% T SOX CO O1 R• tit i.i 7 1 9 2 0 . daughter. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Seaforth, 6th ;nR 2 years old • 3 hei ere, 4 steers, 4 head and will be sold on terms to suit purchaser. W. day of October, 1924. 2768-8 coming 8 years old,, $ heifers and 1 steer. For further particulate apply on the premises Q Embalmer and O & , - 1. 6 spring calves, Piga 10 pigs 2 month and or address R. R. No. 5, Seaforth, or phone e clo6 tri _ Sl1ap MARRIAGES � a half old, 3 fat pigs quantity of bay. 11 on 236. C$CIL OKE. 2752-tf Q' Funeral Directors O �' '� �' Implements I land r iter, 1 spring tooth Smith -Middleton. -At "Mount Pleasant," LEAKING AUCTION SALE " OF SECOND cultivator, 1 drill, Nox n make: 1 big gang FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 26 O H. C. BOR O Offered for •Ou Goderich township, on Sept, 29th, by the Hand Cars, Trucks, Tires, Accessories. and Lot 27, r appralsl 1n�'Odxtl0n SOmf�, - plow, rolling coulter ; 1 gang plow, Teas- Concession 11, McKillop, O Holder of Government . O 1 1 Rev. A. L, G. Clarke, ,of London, Helen $10,000 stock to be; cleared out. Jas. -Jones, water make ; 1 binder n- trucks, 6 foot cut, containing 125 acres. There are on the - cows with calves y in good repair; • 1 cutter, hal fork rope and premises lar Diploma and License O a'tOUt, tllt�IBZiGC IXl Calf ' ilvtBQ Holt, youngest daughter ai the late George Auctioneer, has received instructions from g p , y large' brick house with slate roof, O p Middleton and of Mrs. Middleton to Arthur the undersigned to sell by public auction at fork, slings, chains, all in good repair; car cement cellar under whole' house, hard and few Well bred Scotch Balls Lewis Smith, of ton. - the McLaughlin Garage, Mitchell, on Satur- for wooden track, fou true wheels belong,- soft w_ ater in -the house, furnace. Thee house O Charges moderate O ®� breeding a9f). J'olinson-Johnstor{ Blyth, on --Sept. 15th, day, October 9th, the following: Cars -One to binder, wooden axl ; pulper, 2 logging is '� good as new. Bank linin 62x64, with Q Flowers furnished On short O by the Rev. R. 1T. McCormick, Margaret B., Overland touring, model No. 83; 1 Overland chains, 2 crosscut saws, 1 crow bar, 1 double- engine room and line shafting Into bora I��T second daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. William Touring, Model No. 90; 1 Overland Roadster, tree some forks some bee boxes and other and large cement tank, with straw shed. O notYCe. O . Write for Catalogue to J. Johnston, to Oliver M. Johnson, of To- Model 4, year 1920; 1 Ford Touring in Rs M.P',Se&{}1`tl good articl too numerous to mention. Every. 86x46, 2 implement houses and garage; large ionto, son of Mr. Oliver Johnson, of Gode- shape, 1914. Trucks -l- Ford car built over thing will be sold Mit p oprietor has sold his cement pig pen, All clear except 10 acres O Night Calla Day Calls O rich, into truck, 2> tons ; 1 Studebaker built over farm) No outside std k allowed. Terms.- of good hardwood bush. Al} tile drained ; all Q Phone 175 Phone 43 O - a FergusonlFulton. : At the home of the into truck, almost new chasis, 11/2 tons, 1 All gums of $10,00 a d under, cash, over woven • wire fending ; school on the premises, Capt. T k bride's mother, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A., Imperial two -ton truck. .Acceasortes.-Shack The farm is' situated four miles from Wal- "4°f Frank that amount 12 month credit on' approved O O O O O O O O O O O O O v 1A LtCtq)lBers ;, on Sept. 21st, Mr. Robt: W. Ferguson to absorbers, new lens, pumps, Jacks, tire putty, ton, and six miles from Seaforth; rural ` W7 Robinsoniss Ida May, daughter of the late James patches, greases, oils, top dressing, spare tire ]Dint notes. Five per cent off for cash.. G. 1 t , i� r. Elliott Fat hogs and hay to be cash. Every- mail .and phone. This is one of the best and Mrs. Fulton, aAl of Brussels. covers, horns, fan belts, springs; axles, thing must be eettl for on day of the farms In Huron County, and sdill be sold on 000* O O ODO O O O O O - - -1ohnston-Clark--At'the home of the bride's bumpers for Overland No. 4-10, and other sale, ROBERT BETTS, Proprietor; T, easy -terms. For further particulars apply S OORMLEY parents, on September 22nd, by Rev. R. A. accessories too -numerous to mention; every- Gundry, Auctioneer. 2756x2 on the premises .or address R. R. No. 4, 0 �%� O _- _._._ Lundy, Mr, John Alfred Johnston, of Varna, thing that a motorist requires. 'Tubes, Tires, Walton, or phone -14 on 284, Seaforth Cen- _ to Miss Florence Jessie, daughter of Mr. Etc. -Thirty 30 x 3% plain nobby groved and tral. JOHN G. GRIEVE. 2768-tf O Embalmer and Funeral O ` and Mrs. John Clark, of Walton. traction tread tires, 10 32 x 8-% traction tread' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND tires, 5 83 x 4 Goodyear tires, 2 30 x 8 Dun- , Implements. Mr. Thos. -Brown has been O . Director O . �i �j ARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, .LOT 12, lop cord tires, 2 80 x-8 Firestone cord tires ; instructed to sell by {public auction .on Lot _ _- 35, Concession 2, Mc illop, on Wednesday, Conceeeile 6, in the Township of Tucker- O Undertaking Parlors Above O _ DEATHS also a large stock of tubes; 2 top buggies in smith 8 miles from 5eaiortli 6 miles from ' Telfer. -In McKillop, on Sept, 24th, 1920, October 20th at 1 o cock sharp the follow.-Williams'good shape, general purpose horse 5 years � ' Brucefield and Kippen, convenient to school O M. WilliGrocery Store. O old, Come prepared to -.buy as we must have ing : ' Horses -1 aged brood mare supposed Margaret Ewen, beloved wife of William rae, 1 draft mare 8 and church; 95 acres cleared, remainder in Q Main Street Seaforth, O the money and you want the goods at bar- years be }n foal a Gle excellent build- ' Telfer, aged 76 years, 4 month and 24 � maple bush. On this farm are days. Igain prates• Sale commences at 1:80 oclock orkeros old, or ado purpose horse stood inns and are in ztrstalase repair; hard and O Flowers furbished On short O tI1111111iI11111111111I111I111I11111t11111i111111;UIIIl1lIIli11i1tillll[11I111I1lt1{lilltll11t11�L ble, 1 two year old y Bicknell. --In McKillop, on . October 6th, p,m, sharp, Terms. All some of $10.00 and soot water in the Crouse anti ` n atitbles ; • filly, 1 one year old g iding. 1 colt !' monthel r. 0 notice. O �. under, cash; over. that amount -12 months.' old Cattle -8 cows supposed to be in calf, � � +W I August Hicknell, aged 62 years• .9 monthswells, 1 having a wined a • e farm y O Charges Moderate O ARE YOU A and 17 days. credit will be given on -furnishing approved thoroughly ander drained and fenced and Joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent .will 1 two years old heifer supposed to be tri in a high state of cultivation, never having 331eaedeII.-ln Formic, British Columbia, on calf, 3 two year old q�teere, 7 one_ year olds � " September 21st, Arthur W. Bleasdell, • aged be allowed off far cash payment on credit d ' been heavily cropped. 'This is in every way O Phone -Night Or Day 192 � _ 6b years, amounts. No reserve as the proprietor has 2 spring calves, a n mbcr of hens. Imp1e• a first class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot - far too many cars on hand. Every article ments-1 Massey Harris binder. 6 foot cut, 1 27 Concession 12, in the Township of Hib- •Garrow.-In Cobalt, on October 2nd, Edward Massey Harris mower, 6' foot cut 1 manure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 40 1MAN OR WOMAN 3 Garrow, aged 12 years ' and 9 months. offered will be sold to the highest bidder. bent, containing 100 acres ,, 80 acres cleared Ago Ag., CHARLES DUNGEY, Proprietor - Jas. Jones, spreader, i Massey Harris cultivator, 1 Massey and thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the _ ., C 3 Auctioneer for Perth and Huron. 2756x1:- Harris steel roller, � .horse rake, 1 seed remainder is in first class maple bush. On E ' IN MEMORIAM , , drill, 1 double riding plow, 2 walking plows the premises is a comfortable frame hoagie WANTED No. 21 Fluery, 1 Massey Harris root pulper, and good baro 48x68 with atone stabling; i 7 AUCTION $ALE OF FARM STOCK AND wagon, set bob sleighot 1 scufAer, 1 set har. also good well with windmill. This farm is = Brave enough to Face the Future'? ` Note: Items under this head will be eharg- Implements, Etc. The undersigned has rows, 1 single buggy, 1 double buggy, 1 all seeded to grass and is In excellent condi- Punch and Shear Operators. 2 Big enough to Assume a. Responsibility? �• ., sed 60 cents per single verse and 26 cents for been instructed to sell by public auction at cutter, 1 cutter, pole,- 1 bay rack, new stock s each additional verse ' tion, having beery crapped very little; 'sora- Riv_etters. = Far-seeing encu,gh to Prepare for Misfortune? = Lot 35, Concession 4, Goderich Township, on rack, gravel box, 1 met of 2,000 ib. scales, 1 .. ated within 5 miles ,of Hensall, quarter of Ambitious enough to Increase our } "r Wednesday, October. 20th, commencing at 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 DeLaval cream mile from school. There is long distance Steam Hammer Operators: $'' Estate Immediately? am In loving memory of Pfe. Fred Skelton, o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -i geld- Separator No. 12, 1 churn, 1 set of double to}ephc$re connection on both farms, also _ Woodworking Machine Operators. a Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? S .killed in action October 8th, 1916: Ing T years old, 1 gelding 5 years old, I. coach harness, 1 set single harness, i set plow s, = . rural mail delivery. The., farms will M Machinists. Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. .,,,,, gelding 4 years old. Cattle -1 cow 6 years harness, 3 collars, 1 string bells, 1 wheel sold together or separately to suit purchaser ' - Bis king and country called him, old, due to freshen December 16th; 1 cow 8 barrow, 1 grass seed sower, 1 corn planter, and on reasonable terms. For further par- General Help.' Healihy enough to Pass a Medical Exanlillation ?an The call was. not in vain:. years old, due to freshen January 1st ; i cow a quantity of, lumber, slings - and ropes, 60 titulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 12, S'T'EADY WORK ASSURED Then clip this advertisement. - ' On Britain's roll of honor, 5 years old, supposed to be -in calf: 5 steers grain bags, 2 set w'hfUletrees, sythe, neck. Concession 6, Tuckeremith, or Seaforth P. O., o A l Fill ,in coupon and send to . - Z You'll find our heroe's name. 2 years old, 6 steers, 1. year old, 1 heifer 1 yokes, 3 logging chains, a quantity of hay, 1 pF yMW year old about b0 hens, 14 Leicester ewes. R. R. No. 4 or phone 14 on 181 Seaforth. . } extension ladder, 1 ladder 24 feet 1 sugar THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. sUPT• NATIONAL STEEL CAR �— Time carr heal. the broken hearted, Implements -Massey -Harris binder 7 foot cut, kettle, i kitchen table, 6 kitchen cbairs. 2 CORPORATION, LTD, HAMILTON, 'JI' S. C. COOPER, Time can make the wound less sore, McCormick mower, McCormick rake, Elmira bedsteads, dishes, crocks and other articles ONTARIO. Inspector Northern Life ' But time can never change the longing hay.; loader, Kemp manure spreader, Massey- too numerous to mention. Positively no re- = p For our loved one gone before. Harris fertilizer drill. Massey -Harris drill, serve as the proprietor has sold his farm. NOTICE = Assurance CO. _� Massey -Harris dise..steel roller, Frost & Wood Terme Everything under $10.00, - cash, over "' 0h, why do we pine for loved ones gone, cultivator, set of harrows, . Farmer's Friend that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing 4 C $O% K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. When we know our lose is their gain. riding plow, walking plow, gang plow, wagon, approved Joint notes. A discount of 4 ,per ,� ' S a BLOCK, REAFOIrM Try to say, amidst your sorrow, God knows best, "They will be done." 2766x1 Father, Mother, Brother and Sister. :. light wagon, buggy, piano box cutter, Port- land cutter, set sleighs, set long bunks, flat wood rack, two sets` ,double harness, one set single harness, hayrack, woodrack, wagon box, gravel box, cutting box, fanning mill, set of scales, wheelbarrow, root palper, grind- cent per annum allowed for cash. Hay and fowl, cash, JAMES McGILL, Proprietor; Thos, Brown, Auctioneer. 2765-8 - - - The undersigned will buy all kinds of 'good live Poultry every Wednesday forenoon during the season. Will pay the highest market price. , ,` • _. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. , NAME. , , , • + - F ................... ' ' ' M = ADDRESS ........................... - AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND - SALE REGISTER - "` atone, 40 sap pails, pig crate, 2 scutfiers, Implements. -Mr. C. W. Robinson -has been instructed to sell by public auction on we have a well selected stock of ' FAL$. TERM FROM .......... . — _ ' ' • "' ' — ' y� a7� + q e On Tuesday, October 29th 1920 at one . y, corn planter, porthole auger, bag holder, tet power horse clippers, sheep clipping attach- Lot 21, Concession 12 Hibbert, 211 miles Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Sh9es Rubbers, � Ont. ; .Phone 14-286. 2756x2 Date BOttl........ Sy Of ..... . ............ in the - ss clock p.m., Concession 2, L.R.S., Tuckers went, plate grinding attachment Melotte east of Chiselhurst, on Wednesday, October the following: Horses and, also General Merchan- AUGUST 31St . . . . year., ...... = Y r nevem-failing well; has 8 stalls - for horses, 80 head of cattle and 5 box stalls, smith, farm stock and implements. Mxu.� separator, hay fork, car, pulleys and hay 18th, at 1 o'clock sharp, d18e, all of which we are selling at TREff'FRY, Proprietor; C. W. Robinson, Auc-� 2755x2 = dela. ARTHUR WARD, Lot 20, Concession 18, Grey, E. Walters, Proprietress ; T. Brawn, Auct On fork chain, stove, washing machine, churn, -Mare 6 years old with foal and in foal, 'old, team Bargain' . comparing with the rice of p g p is known to be one of the beat in Huron MR 7111111UIIt111111111H111tiit1111ttUlllt1111111�'iilllll#Ititlt#d1111111111111111161i111111t11111Ii Tuesday, October 19th, 1920, at one o'clock p.m,, an Lot 28, Concession 11, Mc- quantity of wood, cedar poles and posts, used -Percheron filly 4 years matched of Percherons rising 2 years old. Cattle- same goods elsewl}ere. Any shoes Or The leading Commercial School , Killop, farm stock. Joshua Pollard, Prop.; and new lumber, plank, scantling, and square timber, pair stay rack sills, horse collate, Registered Shorthorn -(149071) due to calve not just the latest, "will be sold of Western, Ontario. We have :BARTERS, Mill Road. Phone `12 on 187. w, I T. Brown, Auctioneer, . ladders, whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, in May, 3 cows due about the time of sale, .goods for what they will bring. competent, experienced instrue- On Saturday, October 23rd, at 2 o'clock pan., at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, Estate and other articles too numerous to mention. cow due in November, cow due in April, 2 cows due in May, i heifer with calf at foot, M accounts are now read Kind- y y tors. We give thorough courses= g _ and interests. Robt. Wilson, Prop. Thomas Terms -12 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or 4 per cent. 3 two year old steers, 3 yearling steers, 2 ly call and settle and oblige, in Commercial, Shorthand ands 1777 1 Brown. Auctioneer. allowed for cash. There will be positively no yearling he�iferis, -4 spring calves. Pigs- Telegraphy departments;• and we - On Tuesday, October 19th, 1920, at one o'clock p.m., on Lot 29, Concession A, Tucker- reserve as the proprietor has sold his farms. ALBERT HARRISON, Proprietor; Thomas Sow due in November, 9 shoats. Implements -McCormick binder, Frost & Wood mower, Yours truly, assist graduates to positions. smith, Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. Gundry, Auctioneer. 2766-2 steel rake, spring tooth cultivator, Frost & Scott drill, bean G. K. HOLLAND, Write now for` Our free rata- , Rainey Armstrong, Prop.; Robt Luker, Auct. Wood disc, Coulty & seed logos. _ l UCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK, seu®er and puller combined, Deering manure spreader, set of harrows, stuffier, land roller, October 5 192Q. Beechwood, Ont. DO Ixt. „; ,A and, Impitnnents. Mr. Robt. Luker has walking blow, ret of bobsleighs, wagon, Clin- D. A. Principal, O EVE Y IWORTANT NOTICES been instructed to sell by public auction, on Tuesday, October 19th, 1920, his farm on the ton fanning mill, set 2rea is platform No. 12 Delaval cream separator, 2 _ ,MCLACHLAN, 3 • F0 `� Mill Road, 2 miles east of Brucefield, 4 miles Has scales, acres o and turnips, a quantity 0 iw from Seaforth, 72 mile from school, of corn and soxgum, set double breeching n and rg FOR SALE LEARN I3AIl8ER TRADE, FEW WEEKS rural route and telephone, It is known as harness, set backbend harness, buggy, light - , 11 required. Good wages. Sure employ- the old Brock farm, Lot 29, Concession 4, wagon, cutter, cutting box, wheelbarrow, root r, rnent W 't f r tel u d full ti Tu k mitt tom ed of 100 acres more er _.._._. tlaE=i�' rr���rl�---��,d it is serve t;1le tipIpr� ciativ( i in t1iis town vvho iik` ll`ort in shoe leather - z Ali Opn(l 'l:ET13lL, fir S I rr e o ea og a an par cu- Ian. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 198 c era less, of which is in good ood cultivateable condition, pulper, stock rack, hay rack, gravel box, wagon box, extension ladder, stoneboa4 grain V_ Fordson Tractor '- �lueen Street East, Toronto, 2766-4 There are about 7 acres of good maple and bake, logging chain, and neck- �y A T11 �,_,, - FOR SALE. --SIR BROOD SOWS FOR beach bush. The buildings Include a 6 -roamed i pantry and wood- house, including a kitchen, pulleys, s yokes, car, rope and pulleys, sap pan and buckets, iron kettle, forks, hoes, shovels and IJV Good as New. � soft silfll�'fIllli��? ' sale with litt<-r at foot, about two weeks' house, with hard and soft water in house; other articles too numerous to mention. y� a7� + q e old. Apply to ALEX. SPARKS, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, also a firstelass barn 90x50 with brick and Terms Everything under $10, cash • over 12-2J Cleveland - ° Safe dls,• � Ont. ; .Phone 14-286. 2756x2 stone foundations and cement flooring and that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing with �• ° ° o ---•-• •--. water piped throughout the barn from a - approved Joint notes. A discount of 4 per Also rico 12-25 Waterloo Boy liveryguscsatoed. ° '' o CALVES FOR SALE. - TEN' SPRING nevem-failing well; has 8 stalls - for horses, 80 head of cattle and 5 box stalls, cent. per annum allowed for cadh. CHAS. � Write for prke f3I calves, Durhams. Phone 46 on 14, Brus- can stall has good root cellars- under both gangways, TREff'FRY, Proprietor; C. W. Robinson, Auc-� 2755x2 Cut down fuel . Tractors, for immediate delivery. Lilt. Insum dela. ARTHUR WARD, Lot 20, Concession 18, Grey, The roof is galvanized sheeting. This barn totseer. �e ,� , winter �f„R. 2756x3 is known to be one of the beat in Huron THE ROBT. BELL E. & T. CO., LTD., The 64ALLIDAY QQMPANY, Limited - - EGISTERED SE E ,SHEEP FOR � SALENE Cour1H', finished inside with maple and Oak, An implement shed 68x26. Terms -Half 'cash HAMILTON FACTOR~ DIM15"oss CANADA ' two year old ram, two Y arling renis, and balance can be arranged to suit the. SEAFORTH ONT. , - and some ohoioe ram lambs an ewe lambs; -11110 some breeding ewes. Apply to THM. arm ill be sold subject purchaser. This f w ]. 'the __ :BARTERS, Mill Road. Phone `12 on 187. to a reserved bid. At same time and place a quantity of grain and feed, stock and :. - _ 2764z8 ESTRAY HEIFER. --(TAME ON TO LOT 20, Concession 4, Tuckersmith, Mill Road, about September 13th, a 2 year old heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges, G. R. McCARTNEY. 2756x2 ESTRAY STEER. -STRAYED FROM THE premi4ey of the undersigned, Lot 14, Conces.tion 4, Tuckersmith, Mill ' Road, about a month ago, a red year old steer. Any information leading tb its recovery please Phone .5 oil 137, Seaforth. THOMAS LANE. 2755.3 . DORSES AND IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE. Bas mare, flood to work and reliable to drive. Implements: Two wagons, 1 mower, 1 bug(M side rake, wagon scales, capacity 2,000 lt,c: ; fanning mill, root pulper, twin walking. ;xlozv, spring tooth cultivator, set 'wagon :;tiringr, cutting box. All the above articles will be priced reasonable, as the eicener has no use for them. Address Box 2• Egmondville P. O. Phone 18 on 160, Sed - forth, JAMES SPPOA7' 2756 1 Implements, consisting of: Horses -2 geld- ings, weighing about 2,000 tbs. , 2 drivers, 2 well -matched flllys, 1 year old past, and 2 years past. Cattle -4 milking cows supposed to be in calf, 2 steers rising 8 years, 4 steers and 1 heifer 'rising 2 years, 5 this year's calves. Implements. -1 Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cut, with extra knives; 1 cultivator and seeder combined, 1 disc drill, 1 bay load- er,. 1 manure spreader, 1 6 -foot mower- with extra knives, 1 roller, 1 hay rake, I disc harrow, 4 set drag harrows, 1. root pulper, 1 fanning mill, L Verity walking plow, 1 Verity riding plow, 1 double walking plow, 1 hay and straw cutting box, 1 buggy,. 2 'carts, 1 cutter, 1 set sleighs, 1 wagon, rack and box, 1 hand grass seeder, 1 stabler, 1 root sower, 2 sets double -harness, 1 De Laval separator No. 12, 1 set nearly new harness with breech. ink, 2 sets single harness, a Maxwell auto, 1818 model, also other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Everything $10.00 and under, cash • over that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing -approved Joint notes. A dscount • of 5 per cent straight allowed off for cash on credit amounts. RAINEY ARMSTRONG, Proprietor; Robert Luker, Auctioneer. 2756-2 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will again be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 6th day of November, 1820; for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails, on a proprosed contract for four years, six times per week over Cromarty No. 1 Rural ate, trona the Postmaster General's Pleasure. .. Printed notices containing further inti, forma- tion - as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank farms of Tender may be obtained at. the Post Offices. of Cromarty, Dublin, Sta'fYa., and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHARLES E. H. FISHER,.. Post Office Inspector. Post-Offlce Inspec'tor's Office, London, 24th September, 1920. 2755-8 WE WANT •, a reliable agent for every un- represented district, to sell' our well known Fruit and Orna- mental Trees, Shrubs, Etc. Good Pay—Exclusive terri- tory, Rights. . . , Our agency is valuable under present conditions. 600 Acres of .Nursery—Estab- lished 40 Years. Write for particulars- to Agency Departmexit. PELHAM- NURSERY C., 755-16 TORONTO, ONT. 100011 a k , W�� The Double Trak Waterloo Boy. . ractors Route between — 1 242*r F,.�W MONTREAL, TORONTO,, DETROIT & CHICAGO WILL PLOW S TO 10 ACRES PER DAY. TRACTORS AND PLOWS READY FOR M4RDIATELMMy Af Unexcelled Dining Car Service. SEAFORTH. . Sleeping cars on night trains and ALHO 1 FORDSON, 1 12-25 CLEVELAND, T -8-16 AVERY, JA& of FIRST CLASS CONDITION FOR. 1�EDIATE HELIY7 Parlor Care on principal day • ALSO A NUMIBER OF KEITOSiF AND GASi€LINE SMALL Al trains.. VOW - For further particulars apply to ABLE ENGINES.SEVERAL REBUILT STEAM ENGINES AND THRESHERS. NNW any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or THRESHERS FROM 20 INCH UPWA WO. C. E. Horning, District Pasiseager Agent, Toronto, Ont. THE RORT. BELL ENGII'�E & THRESHRR 001 ., x i + W. Plant ............. Depot Agent - r . . ! . -,<z o< r . - -. ..i.:. -.a........•: .. . ass; f; ;MEN