HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-10-08, Page 3F 0CTOB9R WE PREPAY THE CARRIAGE TEW ARTfS SELL ff FOR LIPSS MAIL R P1"E YOU11 ORDERS 8%ve- Time and. Bank id W.Or ry. or offieti, but busy day# make colleeflons difficult. IRE SOLD a es
rqsenmnches Mostfanexthave sales due, thom at some time. notes 0--r- le waiting to niarket Let us Imit after payments and credit colftections to cnsult with the Yom to account while you do your fanning. mts at all Branches. Wow in to do your bank1w, Cow%dt Mumer. C� 19 DISTRICr inues. Of! omen n . t - , very
n, knsall urich Kirkton N it 0 st Sm
ntel'estn dis Ita of art, New
TH E jk M- I K M.' BA - K o r , - - I -,g ys �_Q Ap and C __1 rrrr SEAFORTH BRANCK,/ R. M. JONES, Min�apr. 0 lick" -sries e tic, that SAFETY DEPOSrr BOXES FOR RENT. 0�.iascinatift OSITOR Wise 4 c6ilseivati. ly 'g"d re HURON V10, FJXP ied,- in- Charm- p -g., �ort. t 6, fe** p0 ation, coneal to know ftVan gel's food coke, remained dipti lo in DiSTRICT KATTERs the4tomaehl than, 494 fbod�cake� Of - coursei - time oAM. U, Tlot� )nard the sole, -Colfi-pletf of the dletik�r, INDIGESTION worth of a food. ic.ar U11 of Ottaw near What Mrs' flale, ACTIVITIES -OF_ WOMEN In the four years since suft4gd. - ,afness, Stops Head,Xois-es; Went into, effect only three women 4 put in the ears, but Is For years I suffered, oillt go a � candidates have been - elected- to tho,-;� Most of the Canadian legis"latures. Back of the Ears, and in- dyspept-ic can understand, mthe Nostrils. Has e 411h6st aeubR pains. hey wer Mary W. MeMahon-of Wilkes-Barre, Could ot keep lul sale smee 1907. than I could stand. 11 Pa, is the first woman- in Pennsyl- luy food down- life wa to y Umbath and Arthur s a burden vania fo have her automobile license Tablets revoked for viol t' driving Boxes of � Vital rules. 'e� a new wo an ternal the obove druggist-,. oy my fool., 'I am so'hap- of Eagles, ha -s postpone I for Year can now The National A Order arie, Fra MY tiloubyles aTe, all over. I wish ietion toward Tecognizilig subordinate I could tell every one who is troubled lodges of women. oe was about Vital Tablets. oldiest woman voter is t do more than to tell wh6 at hWe catino Anaiie, Stone, --age of 1. at in Vital; Tablets, the gr she will 'be YOU th eat has registered so have a g e� ee- Maiwafacturer -ftench- toftie. YOU life - saver- eligible to vote 'at the� comi have Ave., ew York City. .ir4re a Dyspeptic or if yo tion. W.,litae ttouble, vt a box to -day from The vote in.Poland Is— Pelee We or 6 without restrictions. for s qX or el'i yo dr du .t6 The 'Scobell Drug COW ion, equal secret and pr pany. Lior 'he Seven Wo aen now hold seats in i IPolish diet, -OLD WOUND IS MAGiN A WHY D6ES A IkLL BOUNCEA't the SM$ -iy Soh-p�7 of the, latest long aftL, .1 e- lnotion pietures woulids hey have heal il s�, Which rthur F. Hur ft- 'tile intimate- detailed is to Dr. A *iji -A a-urologi stud� o su;6h swiftly -,;r 7 P*,Acl , 'and s to OuY.'s. mbving objects to the impres;l. as a `,bullet or. a projectile b6int-fired froTii -the Inuzzle of a big giw�-�avee atient's mind, 'by thO �fiablda us to ee what t4kei',�,-olqce ap#e of. t110 T19=4 To 'he giound," and -tta the - 6AV��. of he, Pain Wbeh' -a ball strikes t ome b .e -pwar&. The' 'Ust, min 9 u 8"-poifecly spherkal up to -�#tA,.bat he ddntia0e f6 d hbL&-got' une gone b! a ball, WI -deb. is, the mo me4t' When' it -itrikes the floor, be, e be- -s' d, As% much *generhIlY -been --ascribed ed.. for the fraeti66'of -a'' e. -a TV' F9 ts r ow., said,Dr. 9 nsi o conti(eitw the obstruc 1� d e- Ming. invo ve- ro e s ace 'ec"' fo*% the ga of Sur but, b 61� .,when the y it$ pe)� Jt.--a-1*0skiPs _16riner sba 'Sui6h to� A _M4 e: '�Oijityl know 7eli#city (the ability ti) Totura --to �UdMdual, Wdela. ihat ar6- a' Jy to h&Oidi I",, be' A _� , - i
S re A .,an Y fn- ve 'hi d other _eXI
3 t force, itselfr,i., up� wotdi, -it7 Ob ndecl'if* ful C ts
becomes rou to oa od r PrACI DHOOD INDIGESTION �er_ or s tlm� inore Common Za' 0 *ld- left to hi 'tune th. Wo ea ke& 4- tke- vi %O IF T n he f or see' �Jp I % K atwes ami� you your r CHIL a bi ,*.e ,q .'stOneg,, PIDASeSS this t -%our v 14ealjg�,jli Xoun, ,les er dgl�e� but' d4tion- eason that these subst have -had.L1 gejous. to,.proter widely- used- in the manufaeture, the collection �t a YwaY. HarrY I can t; efy,fi,
h 11 hel kilids. 1 'ID -p, 0 of all FOR MEN iirtest garnitus that-t#e- cl eres m4 era iake the money, and I WOMPIN, h :T AnCl Soine of, i1i hit, lh�eM to r u 10 %men Oi 'ell .e"n g-,- i 011 of hor FACT- -.THA -T,. rMI-4fem
& �e ev -this trb:pb1b.. T4 ObAg _- 'W . .. �equai Babyji Own - T-00 -1. % ;�.- - . -8 ".g y Tr
Vr - * 11 9 M 6ed83 'Coa a. 1
-P. a! - me in the burn" eat home.' t t be, lhtle o 1)0 like ."Bube" R9 V, ball, arn -for -is �a -pert 5 bat
th., 'l-hoille- " with a 6rk . centre figbt1r-- --Wo ev t k h
hc It certainly takes less." dlaeaise. Fully ifte with. y' and eovekecJ,_*i coat of 6hilo C - . I the mv t .'ioot ese bide, are not nearly lao by men --,:h I -eat. by 365 days- ii 'have proved mal axid te h ou ".g in i THERE S NO G tly ftttenedp while� a � . - , . , `,- t - , - ing ries ball would have retainedi itj� sp�erical"11 -of beneft u Concerning- L. _9 'd os, d, TAIL110 01 al en after bilhif. At r distance. wiftest wer gT y sy 5D pea -own Tablets- witkout ft 1BRANDT19-M Ila A'VAOER 8 I)JOUS soon, a* A! b 4$My baby, wa$"A, from e com4t 4 Immaeuieit -C AW,
-4 T HEADA indigestich, set PR _N KNOW ION "her 'right an&, lit not be ou -!MOW tom - " § dealers or, by 'the V400 it' ni
-,*t, bvs re sold by, TOW mail, at 21 i%t& t Ry The M 0- Williams' Co Bro�kvf es Ont. Vhqj W s r 0an nervous or PIE IS PROVED To B19, 'T nly' those who. T
0 ANY.- the sUffering, DIGESTIBLE T some- tt a �strAgtch �an ea- )thixt: thnes 7.8 i Among the many varieties Y. Qu W -1w. the vietirds. - Noises been attacked on'the score of -lize, *4,�kony inere stands among -Pie ase. tli6 pal indigestible, &c., a; foo,d is unthought the distress. men, doetor§. and of, for it, only adds to d9n.e until thw STS the foemot. LU philosoph&-.�,- h; -T M 0, is on there is little a ve thQ. -attack pie it passes awayi -.01 W111 gainst the popular PastIme to e h ed r e zieafllY always Aches a orLM atj-�e, These istant pastry rel signal that to fteqadiAly Cak, the d a dMiger Are the symP-i omewhat, less likely. to form the pass unheaded. They 0 is 5 busv- objections from the toma of Ifi�ny maladies, such as, AnO tl�vol"Ok _t buttoll s9as, 'adhiect of tion, indigestion, etc., nse, V Physiologi .1 g"- 1% -hen od c critie, while puddings em*, 6d tho� hbad- .-Usually belong 'to, the immunes., or.' aiidv 'these are cur -gWgi, permanently. 4144PPedJr- -11 odd. affluent at least -receive tolerant considlera, &h0q, are more h UM The 6f we* ;he pudding and a ofton 4,�"Sigrk- why not 64 -k4d . 1" , 'e- T, - " t in e im - - 41 -so -ibf 'the pie—is ll - bloo;1 than 4US d "� __ _!_ � 'attribiiW_'. l§M0 1. the i�jjyy a number of tM b, eating. AceoidlftlY, erorlogists at the Jefferson jfi4io� ve, it. is a rMledy thit will ri re- -College, Philadelphia, -o. hloorl and ports J013 eoUrS "have e .nal of S_ -en, 'it fich, and, gastro M- Ob" �r -the American- Medi- ke,&. 40 best b� d e tbrou0i -,t e' -ome to h e. of d al Asso $1 , ra 1. ly � dim ng I? -tewmi ��ch has defense of pie by' actu the gastric response -and, analog thi - bJq It. -t�. - to it 4A the bl ' ood, on ally di -n th In, this way -W. healthy huma ous foods n the �pills kave. beoxi P anie of dio� 1wr - of a viriety Direct comparILSon, A r I tBry 'blood', O', nd, puddings TePre�enta- seise )1es. cakes a eum at ih �jsm, ind gee, ion, 7 e e e, -11L- th� LVenaff I - ba M y Th of A -e iiiiye We
Same per - - -ill' - I t 01i the S�a '? cqnd fave of American cUlinaTYa# _e MMUenZ ritage Our Ports, sons, indicate& that P109 t a of '0 S radly than ne'di #g$,.go thiq tolije treatment -w -',,were handled more uktrate sport e del, cakes, an d owe:
fte$- tbat� L :-an think best in terms tgo L' en" WO -r Ship'v For those who the jdlj�wl d"'b '-a' read�ly than either Arddu� IN , " I's i III h d puddings somewhat more C, A mg- case; Ont., and qilk Ou of statistics, R. .R. - No.: 6, SiMCOO, nderful-- lst erage, "Some -years. t ipplefiess thAt.,ft. Ac Y,7l cuation time of digestion much'run So. 'Id to the mew-.- 9 y it may be stated that the, av my dagghter, th Ifiarg gastric eva a Young ,girl of eleven* became very. t Ila -was -and mn and nerybU0. She r6 two hours -th of puddings A §idk bead- r�ne , d a" greatly with eigkteen fiinut -against two hours was troble ;.a -s�y inutes In uently with y0mitting Ma for pies; aches, 4nd re and twenty oWed in the wake spells, alid4althUkh we� li jus school, she two �-Minute hours and a. Avera -it flow ast and three ad from the wtth an average across the r ecord of giAg was not Abl ' to attmid. -She was ere medicinelall this time, :but it seas the highest total aeiffitieg, values w Over, of 0, pies off,did zot spem-to do her,aiiy goo '�% 'I t7 Id. or puddillks obtabsed from the' 90, and for cakes of 90. hfid� oftiD,U'Toad of Dr. Williams' Pink There is no occasion to report here P111e and iflially decided, to give m to her. By f�ctl6ns between the te',time s1te ad' se Ity yei-ars Canada the insignificant dist r ernect '-�,-nstard pie ad lemon meringue, AQ taken two -boxes Me nbe a natiol-1. efore the b I tkeir P864C b"vloz 'better, iChd b THIS-': ST GE WILU iliiust be admitt(e that tril finiglied, -she was-ag4ln 'A -a arch of-:-.hqa11 OPE aW _4,bas P%'so often regarded, As a qui re iz the bef a am at!MW _f the digestiv. tract, AY -.long time (from two. an�l a rather AV&- since seen sults. in Qtbler cases NOON. be and one three-qu x* to thre ch. The -to leave the stoma f Canadal ter hours)� Dr. Witiami;, Pink of pie,'gou. 6n get 4 additica of cream t oa ay dealer tion— Ila t1liough 0 unique AMerican combina 50 cents a bei or. six does -nof the burden of the 'i or y- mail at ent; and, the con- boxes for'$2,50 ft6in atomulf -to �'xtl Ins, Medicine Co., Broe4M l a pu, Anid ee$e like- lid 711 Z -
I P a r -n f F 11 M�;od
F m d