HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-10-01, Page 51CTOBER 1, 1920. bbers tubbers handy at this season. .eep your feet dry and. con - le life of your shoes. Rub- st is small compared to the 1r new stock of Rubbers has 'S BRAND, every pair of service, A complete assort - and a perfect fit for every Is per pair. $L15 and $1.25 - low heels, per pair • • 41.0 .. ... ......$1.50 anti $1.75 pair .. . . $L85- '1.1&, $1,25, $1.35 and $1.00 cents appers and red rubber soles, —$5.50 and $6.00 Thi ITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL eemmeemoie ir parts so well we will not at - apt to particularize. Suffice it to r the music was of a most splendid I appropriate character and both ighted and edified and with the E.-. stirring discourses given by Rev. McLean, the services were all Le could be desired, while the irch, beautifully decorated as it was -,11. grain, fruit, flowers and veg- Lbles, bore evidene of the rich rvest gathered, and the taste dis- Lyed by the ladies of the congre- :ion in so nicely arranging the -...orations. The collection was a Fy liberal one and the services will Lg be remembered as one of the Ltt in the history of the congrega- n.—On Monday last an open meet - was held in the Methodist ehurch der the auspices of the Women's aistian Temperance Union, and a :endid meeting was held and much' jOyed by all attending. The pro.. amme was given. by the sister lodge Zurich, who turned out in large mbers, and gave a most splendid isical and literary Programme 7oughout, holding the closest atten- n of the good sizeti audience pres.- t. it was the opinion of all that • raembers of the Zurich Sister lion were thoroughly alive to the od cause of temperance and the tterment of conditions for carrying -4.140....geedeerork that has yielded od results in past years, while ir fine programme stamped therm splendid entertainers in speech, .1g and readings. Mrs. F. Wickwire, President of the Society, presided er the meeting very ably and ex- ssed the appreciation of the meet - r: for the fine programme and the -piration given by the Zurich mem-. rs. — Mrs. T. Murdock spent the ,ek end with relatives in. Lucan.— e Craig brothers, writing home mt Moose Jaw, where they have for several raonths, report the ,13s as very good and being well-- -ested.—A number from the vil- e on Tuesday last attended the eral of the late Mr. Peter MeTag- of Exeter, and •formerly of the -nship of Usborne.—Our business n report trade as very good. ---,k iu your old Irit bag and We will sN•ve you I banish foot worries r.,t* your family ill find 174 „ . .0igs eese oCTWR 1,1920. ".••••••• - STAFFA Notes.—The Hibbert School Fair -held here Monday, was a decided sue - cess in spite of the rain. The indoor show ofvegetables and fruit was -excellent' and the other sports were all keenly contested for. All that is needed is more suitable quarters for holding the show to make it one of the best educational features possible It was a shame to see those school children contesting for a prize in • giving an address standing on the door steps, crowded and Jostled by crowds passing in and out of the • hall: Now is the time for our tovniship fathers to get busy and prepare a by-law to submit to the people in January and have a suitable hall built to accommodate such a fair as the schools of Hibbert are able to put up.—A temperance meeting was held hi the hall Tuesday night, when arrangements were made for circu- lating petitions next week through the township to have the Canadian Temperance Act repealed. --Mr. and Mrs. Carr, of Le Roy, N. Y., have returned home after spending a week with Mrs. Carr's sisters, Mrs. Jeffrey, McVey and Hotham. Mrs. Hotham accompanied them back in their motor car.—Mr. Arthur Treffry and Miss Ethel Spearing, of Stratford, spent Sunday here, visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien.—Miss Margaret and Doris Lawson spent the week -end with their sister, Mrs. O'Brien. SEAFORTH MARKETS • Seaforth, Sept. 30, 1920. Eggs, per dozen' ..,.......57 te 58c Butter, per lb 50 to 55e Potatoes, per bag $1.00 Hogs, per cwt. -:$20.25 Wheat, per bushel $2.45 'Oats, per bushel 70c Barley, per bushel $1.20 Flour, per cwt $7.80 to $7.90 Bran, per ton ...... ......... .$60.00 Shorts, per ton $70.00 GRAIN MARKET • Toronto. Sept. 28.—Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 • Northern, $2.55%; No. 2 Northern, $2.51%' • No. 3 Northern, $2.46%; No. 4 wheat— $2.34, in store Fort William. Manitoba Oats —No. 2 C. W, 73%c; No. three C. W., 70c; No. 2 feed, 66%c, in store Fort William. Manitoba Barley—No. 3 C.W., $1.11%; No. 4 C.W.- $1.05%; rejected 96%c; feed, 94%c in store Fort William. American Corn— No. 3 Yelrow, 11.65; nominal track Toronto. prompt shipment. Ontario Oats—No. three white, 68d to 72c. Ontario Wheat—No. 2, Winter, Per car lot, 82.30 to $2.40,, shipping points, according to freights. Peas—No. 2 nominal. Barley—$1.15 to 11.20, according to freights outside. Buckwheat — No. 2, -nominal. Rye—No. 3. $1.75, nominal, ac- cording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour —$14.40 new crop. Ontario Flour—$10.30 to $10.40, bulk sea -board.. Millfeed—Car lots —Delivered Montreal, freights, bag included —Bran, per ton, $54.50; shorts, per ton, •$59.50; good feed flour, 13.60 to $3.75. LIVE STOCK MARKET Union Stock Yards, Toronto..September 28. There were over eight thousand head of sheep and lambs on the market and it wae surprising' that values for the lambs )1eld steady. The best sold from 13% to 14c per pound. Vents were steady with good to choice at from $18 to 119 per cwt., but sheep were 25 to 50 cents weaker. Packer -buyers bid $20.25 f.o.b. for hogs, but outside buyers paid more and the market was about firni at last week's closing quota- tions. Tile receipts were 206 carloads with, 5,155 rattle, 499 calves, 1,797 hogs and 5,002 sheep and laarthe. Fred Rowntree bought 30 milkers and springers at from $115 to $165 per head. The quotations were: Choice heavy stem. 114.00 to $14.50; good heavy steers, 118.50 to $18.00; butchers' cattle. choice, $12.00 to $12.50; do., good, ;11.25 to $11.75; do., medium, $9.75 to $10.00; do. .common, $7.00 to $8.00; bulls, choice, $10.00 to $10.50; do, good, *9.00 to $9,25; do., rough. $6.00 to 18.00; butchers' cows, choice, $10.00 to $10.50; do., good, 18.75 to $9.25; do., ecaramon $6.25 to $7.00; stockers, $7.50 to $9.50; feeders. $10.25 to $11.00; canners and cutters, $4.50 to $5.50; milkers, good to - thole% $100 to 1165; do.. common and meds Wm, *65 to 875; lambs, yearling, $4.15 to $10; do., Spring, 813.75 to $14; calves; good to choice. $17 to $19; sheep, $8 to 18.25; hogs, fed and watered $21.50 to 821.75; do., weighed off cam, $20.50 to $20.75; do., f.o.b. er.$20.50 to $20.75; do., do., country points, $20.25 to $20.50. g BIRTHS Drover.—In McKillop, on September 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drover, a son (John Elwyn.) Downey.—In McKillop, on September 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Downey. a daugh- ter. Feeney.—In Hibbert, on September 26th, to Mr. and Mrs: Martin Feeney, a daughter. Murray.—In General Hospital, Stratford, on September 18th, to Dr. R. S. Murray and Mrs. Murray, of Mitchell,_a son. Gray.—In Hibbert, on Sept lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Alma Gray, a daughter. Pretty.—In Egmondville, on September 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pretty, a daughter. MARRIAGES Bowie—Thompson.—At the Manse, • Bruce - field, on September 29th, by Rev. W. D. Mcintoeh, Miss Katherine Thompson to Mr. • James Bowie, of Kippen. Hill—Wright—At the Manse, Brucefield, on _ September 29th, by Rev. W. D. McIntosh, Miss Winnifred Wright to Mr. William Duff Hill, both of Brucefield. Ferguson—Fulton.---At the home of the bride's mother, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A., on September 21, Mr. Robert W. Ferguson to Miss Ida May, daughter of the late James and Mrs. Fulton, all of Brussels. King—Black.—At the home of the bride, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A., Brussels. on Sept. 22nd, Mr. Alex. King to Miss Kate Black, both of alnrris township. Burns - Coward. - In St. Thomas, on September lith. 1020, Dr. Walter A. Burns to Miss Florence Coward, of Usborne. DEATHS • Wileon. —At Oakville, on Thureday, Septem- ber 23rd, Mary Elizabeth Lumsden, wife of Lieut -Col. Alexander Wilson, formerly of Seaforth, in her 61st year, McKay.—In Egmondville, on Sunday, Sept. 26th, Mary Elizabeth McKay, in her 17th year. Brown.—In Londesboro, on September 19th, Moses Brown, in hie 51st year. Rollins.—I Exeter, on Sept 19th, 1920, William Rollins, in his 82nd year. IN MEMORIAM Note.—Items under this head will be charg- ed 80 cents per siegle verse and 25 cen4-flor efte/1 additional verse. In proud and loving memory of Pte. Clarence C. N. Westcott, No. 654116, 161st Battalion, transferred to 47th Battalion, Frence, yilled in action on September 29th, 1918, at the Battle of Salley. near Cambria: Rest on, dear Clarence, rest, the fight is o'er The victory won. the guns are stilled. In freedom's name ye fought and fell For righaeousnese, your blood was shed. He sleeps not in his native land But 'neath a foreign sky, Far from them who loved him best, But in a heroe's grave he lies. 2755x1 Mother, Sister, Brothers. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKay, of Egmond- • wieh to expraes their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness and expres- alone of eympathy from neighbors friends during the illness and since the death of their beloved. daughter. • .5' 1 IMPORTANT NOTICES AUCTION SALES WOR SALE.—SIB BRWDSOWS FOR A; -sale with litter at foot, about' two weeks." old. Apply to ALEX SPARKS‘ I4. R. No. 1 Seaforth, Ont. ; Phone, 14-286. • 275512 , VALVES FOR tiALE. — TEN SPRING calves, Durhabss. _Phone 46 on 14:e BrUS sets. ARTHIJR WARD, Lot 20, Conesesion 18, Grey. • 2755x3 REGISII,RED SHEEP FOR SALE—ONE .5••• two year old ram, two yearling rams,. and some ehoiee ram lembe and ewe lambs; also some breeding ewes. Apply to WM-: CHARTERS, Mill Road. Phone 12 on 18/. 2754x8 ..11•••••••1111110•MMININMS PEVERAY HEUPER.—CABIE ON TO LOT 80, Concession 4, Tuckersmith, Mill Road, about September 18th, a 2 year old heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and Paying charges. G. R. McCARTNEY. 2756x2 "WORSE FOR SALE.—ONE GOOD QUIET '"'-a driving pony, 10 NMI old, oleo set of new harness. Phone 20 on 286. JOHN Mc- MILLAN, Lot 80, Concession 2, McKillop, at Rentboro. " 2754-tf PIGS FOR SALE. --SEVEN SMALL PIOS A. six weeks old, also one four year old heavy* adraught mare and three year old heavy eeldint Apply. on Lot 80; Commotion 2. Tuckersmith, or phone 10 on 614, Clinton. CLIFFORD CRICH. 2744-tf 'STRAY STEER.—STRAYED FROM THE premises of the undereigned. Lot 14, Concession 4, Tuckersralth, Mill Road, about a month ago, a red yesr old steer, Any information leading en its recovery please phone 5 on 187, Seaforth. THOMAS LANE. 2755-3 NOTICE Mr. Staples of the Rural Credits Commis- sion appointed by the present Government, will address a meeting of the 'U. F. 0, in Carnegie Library Hall, on Wednesday even- ing. October 6th. Non-members as well as members should attend this meeting. Any- one wishing to secure their supply of feed- ing molasses for winter use, should place their order with the Secretary at once. Mem- bers who are unable to attend a meeting should bear in mind that only those in good standing will be entitled ,to participate in the profits of the stores of the United Farmers' OR -Operative Company, Limited. T. G. SHILLINGLAW N. R. DORRANCE President. See.-Treau. 2755-1 . AUCTION' SALES A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements.—Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Concession 13, McKillop, on Friday. Oc- tober 15th, at 1 p.m., the following property: Horses -1 driving mare with colt at foot Cattle -2 cows due to calve in .;April, 1 newly calved cow, 2 farrow cows, 1.* heifer; supposed to be in calf, 6 steers rising 3 years old, 1 heifer rising three, 5 steers rising two, 3 heifers rising two, 7 spring calves. Pigs -9 young pigs 6 weeks old, 1 brood sow, 2 store pigs. Implements -1 fan- ning mill, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 wood rack, 1 gang plow, 1 walking plow, 1 horse hay rake. Timber—A quantity of standing timber consisting of maple and elm; 80 rods of rail fence, all of which will be sold without re- serve. Terms of Sale :--Timber and eails, cash. Other Chattels --All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount of 5 cents on the dollar allowed for cash on credit amounts. THOS. M. IRVINE, Pro- prietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. • 2765-2 A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND I-mplements. Thomas Gundry has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 31, Concesaion 13, McKillop, on Thursday, October 14th, at 1 -o'clock p.m., the .follow- ing: Cattle—I cow with calf at her side. not in calf; 8 cows supposed to be in calf; 1 (tow 6 years old, due to calve February 17th; 2 cows rising 5 years old, due to calve first week in May; cow 5 years old, due to calve last of March; cow rising 4 years old, due to calve in .April: 2 cows rising 4 years old, due last of March; cow rising 4 years old, due—March 7th; 7 yearlings com- ing 2 years old; 3 heifers, 4 steers, 4 head coming 3 yeara old, 3 heifers and 1 steer. Implements—I hind roller,. 1 spring tooth cultivator, 1 drill, Noxon make; 1 big gang plow, rolling coulter; 1 gang plow, Teas - water make; 1 b1nder on trucks, 6 foot cut, in good repair; 1 cutter, hair ,fork rope and fork, slings, chains, all in goiod repair; car for wooden track, four tree. Wheels belongs to binder; wooden: axle; puler, 2 logging chains, 2 crosscut saws, 1 crow; bar, 1 double - tree, some forks, some bee xes and other articles too numerous to mention. Every- thing will be sold as proprietor has sold his farm. No outside stock allowed. Terms.— All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes. Five per cent. off for cash. Everything must be settled for on day of the sale. ROBERT BETTS, Proprietor; T. Gundry, Auctioneer. 2755x2 A UCTION SALE- OF FARM STOCK AND ."- Implements. Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 35, Concession 2, McKillop, on Wednesday, October 20th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow. ing: Horses -1 aged brood mare supposed to be in foal to Glenrae, 1 draft mare a years old, 1 general purpose horse good worker single or double, 1 two year old filly, 1 one year old gelding. 1 colt 4 months 'old: Cattle --3 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 tw years old heifer supposed to be in 1 calf, two year old steers, 'I one year olds, 2 spr ng -calves, a number of hens. Imple- 4 mentse---le Massey Harris 'binder 6 foot cut, 1 Massey arris mower 6 foot cut, 1 manure spreader, Massey Harris cultivator, 1 Massey Harris steel roller, 1 horse rake, 1 seed drill, 1 double ,riding plow, 2 walking plows, No. 21 Finery. r1 Massey Harris root pulper, wagon, set bob- sleighs, 1 scuffier, 1 set har- rows, 1 single buggy, 1 double buggy, 1 cutter, 1 cutter pole, 1 hay rack, new stock rack, gravel box, 1 set of '2,000 lb. scales, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 DeLaval cream separator No. 12, 1 churn, 1 set of double harnees, 1 set single harness, 1 set plow harness, 3, collars, 1 string bells, 1 wheel barrow, 1 grass seed sower, 1 corn planter, a quantity of lumber, slings and ropes, 50 grain bags, 2 set Whiffie.trees, sythe, neck - yokes, 3 logging chains, a quantity of hay, 1 extension ladder, 1 ladder 24 feet, 1 sugar kettle, 1 kitchen table, 6 kitchen chairs, 2 bedsteads, dishes, -crocks and other articles too numerous to mention. Positively no re- serve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms—Everything under $10.00, cash; over that arnount 12 months' creal,S on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. per annum allowed for cash. Hay and fowl, cash. JAMES McGILL, Proprietor; Thee. Brown, Auctioneer. 2755-3 , UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements.—Mr. C. W. Robinson iias been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 21, Concession 12, Hibbert, 23 miles east of Chiselhurst on Wednesday, October 13th, at 1 o'clock sham, the following: Horses —Mare 6 years old with foal and in foal, Percheron filly 4 years old, matched team of Percherons rising 2 years old. Cattle— Registered Shorthorn. (149071) due to calve in May, 3 cows due about the time of sale, cow due in November, cow due in April, 2 cows due in May, 1 heifer with calf at foot, 3 two year old -steers, 3 yearling eteers, 2 yearling hetifeti3, 4 sPrinfil calves. Pigs— Sow due in November, 9 shoats. Implements —McCormick binder, Frost & Wood -mower, steel rake, spring tooth cultivator, Frost & Wood disc, Coulty & Scott seed drill, bean scuffier and puller combined, Deering manure spreader, set of harrows, :nuttier, land roller, walking plow, set of bobsleighs, wagon, Clin- ton fanning mill, set 2,000 Hs. platform scales, No. 12 DeLaval cream separator, 2 acres of mangolds and turnips, a quantity of corn and sorgum, set double breeching harness, set of backhand harness, buggy, light wagon, :cutter, cutting box, wheelbarrow, root , pulper, stock rack, hay rack, gravel box, ! wagon box, extension ladder, stoneboat. grain bags, logging chain, whiflidtrees and neck - yokes, car, rope and pulleys, sap pan and buckets, iron kettle, forks, hoes, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Everything under $10, cash; over that amount 12 'months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. per annum allowed for cash. CHAS. TREFFRY, Proprietor; C. W. Robinson. Auc- tioneer. 2755x2 HE HultMEXPOSITOR SALE op FARM STOCK AND Implements.—Thos. Brown has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 8, dontession 8 H.R.S., Tuckersmith. on Mon- day, Oetober 4th, 1920; at one o'clock p.m., the following lionseis—One driving horse. Oattle—One cotv due to calve March ist, tied 50 White Leghorn hens. Implements— One buggy, `I cutter, light wagon, set single harnese, lawn awing, cream separator, forks, lime, shovels and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. The whole *111 Posi- tively be sold without reserve 88 the pro- prietor has sold his farm. sTerms.—All sums of $10 and under, cash over that amount 12 months' credit will he given on furnish- ing approved Joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. all for cash. JOSEPH ATKINSON, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2764-2 AUCTION SALE OF 'FARM STOCK AND Isnplements.—Mr. Thos. Brown has re- ceived instructions to sell by Public auction on Lot 22, Concession 6, McKillop, on Tues- day. October 6th, at 1 p.m. sharp, the fol- lowing: Horses -1 Imported mare (Juno of Whitecastle) No. (19879) (23122) supposed to be with foal; 1 lilly rising 2, eligible for registration; 1 gelding rising 2, heavy draft; team; mare and gelding; good quiet driving mare, driving colt 2 years Old. Cattle— Thoroughbred cow 6 years old No. (154437) bred August 5th; Polled Angus cow due in November; good 3 year old heifer due Oct. 25th; 5., good, cows supposed to some in in the spring; 10 choice steers rising 3 years old; 8 steers rising two; 4 heifers rising 2; 1 good grade bull, 18 months old; bull calf, 10 months old, eligible for registration; 5 spring calves, also a number of hens. Im- Plements—Masseyallarris 'binder 7 ft. cut, nearly new; Massey -Harris mower, new; 2 - furrow riding plow, 2 walkieg shows, scuffles, 16 foot hay reek, wagon box and stock. ruck, gravel box, set of team harness, set of team breeching, set of single harness, hay fork and car, 160 feet of rope, some Pulleys, Chatham incubator, also some house- hold furniture and other articles too nuene, ous to mention, Terms—All sums of 110.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing approved Rent notes. A discount of 5 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash. No reserve. THOS.- O'R'OURICE, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2754x2 EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 82 head of Scotch and Scotei Topped Regis 'Mred Shorthorns, Horses, Sheep and Hogs.—William Nairn, auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction for Ernest Templeman, on Lot 9, Consession' 8. Tovrnship of Hibbert, 11,6 Miles east of Stela, and 6 miles south of Dublin station, on Thursday, October 7th, 1920, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, -the following Cattle— "Jealous Lad," (184684), horn March 10th, 1919, his darn is the good cow "Jessica," 10th. imp., (181029, sire, "Ringleader." 10 cows with heifer calves by their side, and bred again to "Jealouh Lad" and well along in calf; 4 cows with bull calves by their side and also bred again Sr above sire; 4 heifers rising 2 years old bred to the same sire; "Total Eclipse." (138360), male, red, born Sept. -28th, 1919, dam "Fanny R." (125177), tracing to "Fanny," imp. These cattle are in good condition, tracing to some of the beat known farnilies, and the most of these cattle are good dual purpose, the cows be- ing good milkers. Horses—Ond bay gelding agricultural 6 years old, matched pair of Percherons, 7 and 8 years old; aged mare, good in all harness. Sheep -4 pure bred ewes. Hogs -1 brood sow and litter. Positively no reserve as every animal offered in the ring mill be sold without reserve to the highest bidder, as the proprietor having no help is going out of the pure bred business.- Terms —Six months' credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent. straight off for cash in lieu of notes. E. 'TEMPLENIAN, Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. • 2754-2 UCTION SALE OF FARM STOLIC. AND •"- Implements,—Thos. Brown has been in, structed to sell by public auction on .Lot 11, Concession 5, Tuckersmith, (en Wednesday, October 6th, 1920, at 1, o'clock p.m., the following: Horses—One mare 6 years old, 1 gelding 3 years old, 1 farmers' driver re- liable single or dopble. Cattle --One cow due to calve at time of sale, 2 cows -with calves at side, 1 cow due in Nostember. 1 cow due in. March, 1 farrow cow, 1 heifer 2 years old, 6 two-year old steers, 4 yearlings, all good feeders; 3 spring calves. Pigs -1 sow to litter in December. Rens-120 white Leg- horn hens and pullets. Implements.— Massey-Harris binder, Massey -Harris mover, steel rake, 1 spring tooth cultivator, 1 Massey-, Hariss seed drill; Massey -Harris low down manure spreader, 1 disc, 1 set 4 -section diamond harrows, 1 scuffier, 1 land roller, 1 2 -furrow riding plow, 1 walking plow, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 Chatham wagon, new; 1 wagon, been used; 1 Clinton fanning mill with sieves complete; 1 platform scales, 2,000 lbs. capacity, 1 De Laval cream separator No. 12, nearly new; 150 cedar rails, mow of timothy hay, 30 stooks of corn, 15 stooks of sorgum, 1 acne of mangles, half acre of turnips, 2 bushels of timothy seed, 1 set double harness with breeching, 1 set single harness, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 round water trough, 1 wheel barrow, quantity of lumber. 1 stock rack, 1 16 -foot hay and sto4 rack combined, 2 logging chains, 2 set whifiletreete 36 grain bags,aap evaporator and other articles Terms—Everything under $10, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on furnish- ing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. allowed for eash on credit amounts. Everything must be sold as the proprieter has sold the farm. E. J. DINNIN, Proprietor; T.. Brown, "Alice 2754x2 eLEARING SALE OF THOR013RED DUR- hams, Farm Stock and Implements:— Mr. Thos. Brown has been iristructed to sell by public auction on Lot 12, Concession 6, Tuencersmith, on Friday, October 8th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses—One agricultural mare 7 years old, 1 agricultural horse 7 years old, 1 yearling gelding heavy draft, 1 driving horse. Registered Scotch' Topped Shorthorns—Rosebud 5th 119078 due to calve October 20; Seaforth Duchess 159767, due to calve April 20th; Queen of Fair- mount 101601, due to calve November 10th; Seaforth Lassie 5th 100590, due to calve April 19th; Loyal Duchess .110053, due to calve May llth; Snowball 152049 due to calve April 14th; Kitt 3rd 107607, with calf at foot; Rosebud 3rd 107412 with calf at foot; Rosebud 6th 140497, with • calf at foot; Maggie 100248; Kitt 4th 159767 two yeara old; Seaforth Duchess 2n4 159766, 1 year old; Maggie 3rd 166328 1 year old; Rosebud 10th, 166329, 1 year old; 1 yearling bull, 1 bull 10 months old, 1 bull calf 5 months old, 1 1 heifer calf 3 months old, 1 yearling heifer, 1 heifer calf 2 months old, 1 bull calf 1 month old. The cows are in calf to Import- ed Conqueror 107873-135874; all the yearlings and calves are from the same bull. Pedi- grees of calves will be furnished on day of sale, having been applied for. All Of the above animals are in good cenditiore trac- ing to some of the best families. A number of the cows are excellent milkers. Catalogues furnished on application. Grades—Cow due to calve April 25th, cow due to calve April 18th, one calf. Implemente—Xassey-liarris binder, McCormick 6 foot cut mower, side rake Massey -Harris cultivator, buggy, dise, manure spreader, rgot pulper, bean cultiva- tor, islet sower, double plow, seed drill, wagon and other articles too numerous, to mention. Positively- no reserve as the pro- prietor is giving up farming. The farms, if not sold, will be rented for pasture. Terms— Everything under $10.00, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit—on Pedigreed stack, all others 12 months on furnishing approved Joint notes. A discount of 50/0 per annum al- lowed for cash. THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2755-1 • MAIL CONTRACT SEALED reEeiDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will again be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 5th day of Noverliber, 1920, for the 'conveyance His Majesty's mate on a proprosed contract for four years, six times per week over Cromarty No. 1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster deneral's -Pleasure. Printed notices containing further in forma- tion as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Cromarty, Dublin, Staffa, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHARLES E. H. FISHER„. Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 24th September, 1920. 2755-3 NOTICE On and after October lst, 1920, our charge for chopping and crushing will be 160 per bag of 100 pounds each. Attention must be paid to bringing sufficient bags for heeding chopt as we will not furnish empty bags after above date. Highest prices paid for all kinds of grain. quantity of apple barrels for sale at $1.80 each. ROB ROY MILLS, LTD., 2754-2 Seaforth, Ont. MOVING PICTURE. TITLES .The possibilities. for the pro- fessional Moving Picture Writer with originality are unexcelled at present. Couple our Instructions in Moving Picture .Title Writing with your originality and make your own future. Our Series of • Letter Instructions on title letter- ifig will cost you TEN DOLLARS. •Previous knowledge of lettering not necessary under our system. Our descriptive. pamphlet regard- ing this profession, its possibilities and our system of instructing mailed free .to you on request. , Moving Picture Associates, Suite 202, 57 Queen St., West, - Toronto, Can, FARMS FOR SALE WARMS FOR SALE. — I HAVE SOME A' choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, sdl well built and improved, on easy terms of payment THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf e'p'ARM FOR SALE.—LOT 34, CONCESSION -1, 1, Tuckersmith, on Huron Road, 100 acres of grass land, No. 1 grade. Spring on the land and river runs through. No broken land. Apply to JAMES GILLESPIE. 2752x4 -ti VARM FOR S ALF1.-200 ACRES, BEING •A: Lots 3 and 4, Conmsion 4, Hullett Township, in good state of cultivation. Large stone house and two bank barns with stabling underneath. Estate of the late Gilbert Mc- Michael. For particulars apply to CHARLES G. McMICHAEL. 2760x10 a 1N1ARM FOR SALE.L-LOT 33, CONCES- ' cession 8, McKillop, containing 100 acres of good land, 96 Cleared, ':balance in wood- land; never failing spring supplies water for stock in summer; place.fenced with wire and well tile drained. ,TO bindings ere all In good shape.' Windmill,it Warn with pipes and troughs in connection. Two storey brick house with furnace in basement and soft water in kitchen. Within 3 miles of Sea - forth, res miles from school; rural mail and telephone. Apply -to ROBERT W.. MeMIL- LAN, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, 2755-tf *WARM FOR SALE.—PART OF LOT 33, A: and 84, Concession 4, McKillop, con- taining 100 acres of choice land; 41,4 miles from town of Seaforth, 1/2 mile from school; rural mail and telephone. There is about 4 acres of bush. The buadings are all in first- class • cindition. Hard and soft water, also furnace in house, also water system in barn. This 'farm is all well fenced with woven wire, also thoroughly well tile drained and contains not one foot of waste land. Apply on premises or address THOMAS W. Mc- MILLAN, Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 2. 2755-tf FARM FOR SALT.—FOR SALE LOT 1, Concession 11, Tuckersmith, containing* 100 acres. There are on .the premises a bank barn 70x36 with stone stabling, silo, implement shed, hen house and pig pen. all in good repair; eight-roprned frame house, with hard ana soft water; The farm is all cleared but eight acres of bush,- 70 acres seeded down. Five miles from Henan% five from Kippen and 8 milefrom Seaforth,enile from school. Rural mail and. phone. For further particulars . apply to WILLIAM SINCLAIR, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. 2751x4-tf 'Elam FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOT 25, •11-. Concession 4, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises brick house, two story, bank barn 20x50, with cement stablings ; One barn 36x75; ninety acres. cleared, the balance in hardwood bush. The farm is all tile drained and in a good state of cultivation. All seeded down ex- cept about 15 acres. Water at hors and barn, also a never failing spring. The property is two miles 'from Seaforth, rdral mail and phone. This is a good property and will be sold on terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply on the premises or address R. R. No, 5, Seaforth, or phone 11 on 235. C$CIL OKE. 2752-tf FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE, LOT 26 and Lot 27, Concession 11, McKillop, containing 125 acme There are on the premises large brick house with slate roof, cement cellar under whole house, hard and soft 'water in the house, furnace. The house is as good as new. Bank barn 62x54, with engine room and line shafting into barn and large cement tank, with straw shed 35x45, 2 implement houses and garage; lame cement pig pen. All clear except 10 acres of good hardwood bush. All tile drained; all woven wire feinting; school on the premises. The farm is situated four miles from Wal- ton, and six miles from Seaforth; rural mail and phone. This is one of the best farms in Huron County, and will be sold on easy terms. For further particulate apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 4, Walton, or phone 14 on 284, Seaforth Cen- tral. JOHN G. GRIEVE. 2753 -ti -IPARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6. in the Township of Tucker - smith, 3 miles from Seaforth, 5 miles from Brucelleld and Kippers convenient to school and church; 95 acres cleared, remainder in maple bush. On this farm are excellent build- ing's and are in first-class repair; hard and soft water in the house and in stables; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly. under drained and fenced and in a high state of cultivation. never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way a first class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Concession 12, in the Township of Hib- bert, containing 100 acres;- 80 acres cleared aed thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the remainder is in first class maple bush. On the premises is a comfortable frame house and good barn 48x56 with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm is all seeded to grass and is in excellent condi- tion, having been cropped very little; situ- ated within 5 luiles of Hensel], quarter of mile -from school. There is long distance telephogee connection on both farms, also rural mail delivery. These, farms will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser and on reasenable terms., For further par- ticulars applY to the proprietor, on Lot 12, Concession 6, Tuekersmith, of Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 131, Seaforth, THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. la— a., 1 • .4 1,— - 10000000000000 0 0 S. T. 110LMES ' Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer - Undertaking Parlors in Beattie Biotic, opposite The Expositor Office. Residence Goderich St., opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 000-0000000 00040044<> 40—(Z-040 0 000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License • Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short - • notice:, Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHEAT PARTICIPATiON CERTIFICATES Leave your certificates with this Bank and we will collect i for you the final payment which will probably be authorized by the Wheat Board about the end of October. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 - SEAFORTH BRANCH: J. G. MULLEN, Manager. 0000 000000 W. S. GORMLEY •40, * Embalmer and Funeral 0 al1111111111H1111111p111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111MHIIIIIMMIll Director INN MIN 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 8M M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished -on short 0 notice. - • Charges Moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 0 0004000000 0 o o 0 WANTED Punch and Shear Operators. Rivetters. Steam Hammer Operators. Woodworking Machine Operators. Machinists. General Help. STEADY WORK ASSURED - Apply SUPT. NATIONAL STEEL CAR CORPORATION, LTD., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. • STRATFORD, ONTARIO. FALL TERM FROM AUGUST31st The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. We have competent, experienced instruc- tors, We give thorough courses in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments, and we assist graduates to positions, , Write now for our free cata- logue. D. A. ,McLACHLAN, Principal. WINDOWS &DOORS ozss to suit your ePeldaas. Feed with glass. Safe drs. livery guaranteed. • Write for like Lie IP). Cut down fuel +Amore • bills. Insure wintes amigo. The NALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited KAMM. FACTORY DISTRIMUTORS CANADA FOR SALE Fordson Tractor Good as New, 12-25 Cleveland Also new 12-25 Waterloo Boiy Tractors, for immediate delivery. THE ROBT. BELL E. & T. CO., LTD., SEAFORTH, ONT. • CREAM WANTED , We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay yen every two weeks, weigh, salnple and- test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us, or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMBRY Seaforth Ontario GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTVIM The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars. on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough - to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send_ to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. a - NAME INN • E. ADDRESS • • -• • • • • • • • = ▪ Date Born day of in the year........ INN 1 17111111111MM111111111111111111111111111111111,21111111111111MUM110111111111MIIIMMI117. Why Art Clothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly tailored and trimmed. !you pay a moderate price. • $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 •"My Wardrobe" MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFORTH. • - NEW= Waterloo Boy Tractors • 12-25_—. WILL PLOW 8 TO 10 ACRES PER' DAY. TRACTORS AND PLOWS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVER!' Al SEAFORTH. ALSO 1 FORDSON, 1 12-25 CLEVELAND..1 8-16 AVERY. FIRST CLASS CONDITION FOR 'IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. • ALSO A NUMBER OF KEROSENE AND GASOLINE SMALL pow,. ABLE ENGINES. SEVERAL REBUILT STEAM ENGINES AND THRESHERS. NSW, THRFSHERS FROM 20 INCH UPWARDS. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., LTD WE WANT a reliable agent for every un- represented district, to sell- our well known Fruit and Orna- mental Trees, Shrubs, Etc. , Good Pay—Exclusive terri- iory Rights. . Our agency is valuable under present conditions. 600 Acres of Nursery—Estab- lished 40 Years. - Write for particulars to Agency Department. PELHAM NURSERY C., 755-16 TORONTO, ONT. ............... • MAIL CONTRACT SEALED reEeiDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will again be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 5th day of Noverliber, 1920, for the 'conveyance His Majesty's mate on a proprosed contract for four years, six times per week over Cromarty No. 1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster deneral's -Pleasure. Printed notices containing further in forma- tion as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Cromarty, Dublin, Staffa, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHARLES E. H. FISHER„. Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 24th September, 1920. 2755-3 NOTICE On and after October lst, 1920, our charge for chopping and crushing will be 160 per bag of 100 pounds each. Attention must be paid to bringing sufficient bags for heeding chopt as we will not furnish empty bags after above date. Highest prices paid for all kinds of grain. quantity of apple barrels for sale at $1.80 each. ROB ROY MILLS, LTD., 2754-2 Seaforth, Ont. MOVING PICTURE. TITLES .The possibilities. for the pro- fessional Moving Picture Writer with originality are unexcelled at present. Couple our Instructions in Moving Picture .Title Writing with your originality and make your own future. Our Series of • Letter Instructions on title letter- ifig will cost you TEN DOLLARS. •Previous knowledge of lettering not necessary under our system. Our descriptive. pamphlet regard- ing this profession, its possibilities and our system of instructing mailed free .to you on request. , Moving Picture Associates, Suite 202, 57 Queen St., West, - Toronto, Can, FARMS FOR SALE WARMS FOR SALE. — I HAVE SOME A' choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, sdl well built and improved, on easy terms of payment THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf e'p'ARM FOR SALE.—LOT 34, CONCESSION -1, 1, Tuckersmith, on Huron Road, 100 acres of grass land, No. 1 grade. Spring on the land and river runs through. No broken land. Apply to JAMES GILLESPIE. 2752x4 -ti VARM FOR S ALF1.-200 ACRES, BEING •A: Lots 3 and 4, Conmsion 4, Hullett Township, in good state of cultivation. Large stone house and two bank barns with stabling underneath. Estate of the late Gilbert Mc- Michael. For particulars apply to CHARLES G. McMICHAEL. 2760x10 a 1N1ARM FOR SALE.L-LOT 33, CONCES- ' cession 8, McKillop, containing 100 acres of good land, 96 Cleared, ':balance in wood- land; never failing spring supplies water for stock in summer; place.fenced with wire and well tile drained. ,TO bindings ere all In good shape.' Windmill,it Warn with pipes and troughs in connection. Two storey brick house with furnace in basement and soft water in kitchen. Within 3 miles of Sea - forth, res miles from school; rural mail and telephone. Apply -to ROBERT W.. MeMIL- LAN, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, 2755-tf *WARM FOR SALE.—PART OF LOT 33, A: and 84, Concession 4, McKillop, con- taining 100 acres of choice land; 41,4 miles from town of Seaforth, 1/2 mile from school; rural mail and telephone. There is about 4 acres of bush. The buadings are all in first- class • cindition. Hard and soft water, also furnace in house, also water system in barn. This 'farm is all well fenced with woven wire, also thoroughly well tile drained and contains not one foot of waste land. Apply on premises or address THOMAS W. Mc- MILLAN, Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 2. 2755-tf FARM FOR SALT.—FOR SALE LOT 1, Concession 11, Tuckersmith, containing* 100 acres. There are on .the premises a bank barn 70x36 with stone stabling, silo, implement shed, hen house and pig pen. all in good repair; eight-roprned frame house, with hard ana soft water; The farm is all cleared but eight acres of bush,- 70 acres seeded down. Five miles from Henan% five from Kippen and 8 milefrom Seaforth,enile from school. Rural mail and. phone. For further particulars . apply to WILLIAM SINCLAIR, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. 2751x4-tf 'Elam FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOT 25, •11-. Concession 4, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises brick house, two story, bank barn 20x50, with cement stablings ; One barn 36x75; ninety acres. cleared, the balance in hardwood bush. The farm is all tile drained and in a good state of cultivation. All seeded down ex- cept about 15 acres. Water at hors and barn, also a never failing spring. The property is two miles 'from Seaforth, rdral mail and phone. This is a good property and will be sold on terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply on the premises or address R. R. No, 5, Seaforth, or phone 11 on 235. C$CIL OKE. 2752-tf FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE, LOT 26 and Lot 27, Concession 11, McKillop, containing 125 acme There are on the premises large brick house with slate roof, cement cellar under whole house, hard and soft 'water in the house, furnace. The house is as good as new. Bank barn 62x54, with engine room and line shafting into barn and large cement tank, with straw shed 35x45, 2 implement houses and garage; lame cement pig pen. All clear except 10 acres of good hardwood bush. All tile drained; all woven wire feinting; school on the premises. The farm is situated four miles from Wal- ton, and six miles from Seaforth; rural mail and phone. This is one of the best farms in Huron County, and will be sold on easy terms. For further particulate apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 4, Walton, or phone 14 on 284, Seaforth Cen- tral. JOHN G. GRIEVE. 2753 -ti -IPARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6. in the Township of Tucker - smith, 3 miles from Seaforth, 5 miles from Brucelleld and Kippers convenient to school and church; 95 acres cleared, remainder in maple bush. On this farm are excellent build- ing's and are in first-class repair; hard and soft water in the house and in stables; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly. under drained and fenced and in a high state of cultivation. never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way a first class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Concession 12, in the Township of Hib- bert, containing 100 acres;- 80 acres cleared aed thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the remainder is in first class maple bush. On the premises is a comfortable frame house and good barn 48x56 with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm is all seeded to grass and is in excellent condi- tion, having been cropped very little; situ- ated within 5 luiles of Hensel], quarter of mile -from school. There is long distance telephogee connection on both farms, also rural mail delivery. These, farms will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser and on reasenable terms., For further par- ticulars applY to the proprietor, on Lot 12, Concession 6, Tuekersmith, of Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 131, Seaforth, THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. la— a., 1 • .4 1,— - 10000000000000 0 0 S. T. 110LMES ' Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer - Undertaking Parlors in Beattie Biotic, opposite The Expositor Office. Residence Goderich St., opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 000-0000000 00040044<> 40—(Z-040 0 000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License • Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short - • notice:, Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHEAT PARTICIPATiON CERTIFICATES Leave your certificates with this Bank and we will collect i for you the final payment which will probably be authorized by the Wheat Board about the end of October. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 - SEAFORTH BRANCH: J. G. MULLEN, Manager. 0000 000000 W. S. GORMLEY •40, * Embalmer and Funeral 0 al1111111111H1111111p111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111MHIIIIIMMIll Director INN MIN 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 8M M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished -on short 0 notice. - • Charges Moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 0 0004000000 0 o o 0 WANTED Punch and Shear Operators. Rivetters. Steam Hammer Operators. Woodworking Machine Operators. Machinists. General Help. STEADY WORK ASSURED - Apply SUPT. NATIONAL STEEL CAR CORPORATION, LTD., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. • STRATFORD, ONTARIO. FALL TERM FROM AUGUST31st The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. We have competent, experienced instruc- tors, We give thorough courses in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments, and we assist graduates to positions, , Write now for our free cata- logue. D. A. ,McLACHLAN, Principal. WINDOWS &DOORS ozss to suit your ePeldaas. Feed with glass. Safe drs. livery guaranteed. • Write for like Lie IP). Cut down fuel +Amore • bills. Insure wintes amigo. The NALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited KAMM. FACTORY DISTRIMUTORS CANADA FOR SALE Fordson Tractor Good as New, 12-25 Cleveland Also new 12-25 Waterloo Boiy Tractors, for immediate delivery. THE ROBT. BELL E. & T. CO., LTD., SEAFORTH, ONT. • CREAM WANTED , We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay yen every two weeks, weigh, salnple and- test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us, or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMBRY Seaforth Ontario GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTVIM The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars. on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough - to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send_ to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. a - NAME INN • E. ADDRESS • • -• • • • • • • • = ▪ Date Born day of in the year........ INN 1 17111111111MM111111111111111111111111111111111,21111111111111MUM110111111111MIIIMMI117. Why Art Clothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly tailored and trimmed. !you pay a moderate price. • $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 •"My Wardrobe" MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFORTH. • - NEW= Waterloo Boy Tractors • 12-25_—. WILL PLOW 8 TO 10 ACRES PER' DAY. TRACTORS AND PLOWS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVER!' Al SEAFORTH. ALSO 1 FORDSON, 1 12-25 CLEVELAND..1 8-16 AVERY. FIRST CLASS CONDITION FOR 'IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. • ALSO A NUMBER OF KEROSENE AND GASOLINE SMALL pow,. ABLE ENGINES. SEVERAL REBUILT STEAM ENGINES AND THRESHERS. NSW, THRFSHERS FROM 20 INCH UPWARDS. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., LTD