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The Huron Expositor, 1920-10-01, Page 1
ER 0 00000000 (300 a o 0 It is a, 3 0 pleasure 0 0 to show 0 0 the New 0 0 Fashions. 0 0 0 00000000000 pening -Morrow T. 24TH, '.PT. 25TH en Waiting For tEED ©f refined smart effects you Isn't that a splendid coin - advantage of having expert merely do they aim to fall suggestions such as their. 11 apes eady for you to select in:mhig. If you prefer ve your hat trimmed =ally for " you you'll find ady with a large line of rimed shapes and plush elvet and ribbon and y mount trimmings. mined shapes at . $2 to $1:O itumn Wear in OATS FURS we? Of course, they're ion of stiffness. But that gng can give is there. for you to see and try ['OATS $15 TO` 85. Now Shown Coat ings <,l! the beautiful materials pleasure with you. They Seen in years. The e perfectly bewitching. appeal to your sense of CISH €KYLE STORE i FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR WHOLE NUMBER 2755 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1920. McLean Bros., Publishers $1.50 a Year in Advance Extraordinary Bargains At Our Gong -Out -Of Business Sale. Men and Women who come here for their. Clothing Requirements are simply saving twenty-five to fifty per -cent on , every. pur- chase they make. With us it is not a ques- tion of profit, but a quick cash. turn on 'all goods in stock, and there are many thous- ands of dollars worth yet to be disposed of including: Men's and Boy's Suits $18,00 to 840.00 Men's and Boy's Overcoats .. $ . y �5oo to $35,00 Rain Coats for Men and Women $5. to $12. Women's New Winter Coats ....$10, to $35. Men's Sheep Lined Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Boy's and Men's Underwear, Mackinaw d Wear, Coats for Boy's and Men, Women's Beautiful Fur Sets, Coats, Sweaters, Stockings g and Sox, Overcoats and Smocks, Work and Fancy Shirts, Work and Dress Gloves, Men's and Boy's .Caps. And most all lines of Mer- chandise usualjy sold by a store of this' kind. All purchases at this store during g the closing out sale means many dollars saved to every buyer. Special Notice After thirty years of continued mercantile business in the Town of Seaforth, during which period we have conducted many big sales, we have positively decided to retire from mercantile business, and in so doing this Last Grand Final Sale shall eclipse all former efforts in every respect—greater volume of goods offered, as most of our new Fall Goods have been passed into stock as we could not cancel Fall orders. Prices are slashed as never before. We have terminated the lease of our store ani all goods must be sold. The Greig Clothing Co. r pecial Notic We are in a position to accept orders for Hot Air and Hot Water Heating and Piping Pumps Troughing Ease g _ g Metal Work Ready Roofing Bathroom Plumbing, including Pressure Systems. 4.4 Leave your orders at once. Estimates cheerfully given. I have had over 30 years' experience in all kinds of hu.ilding which enables me to plan your proposed bath- room and furnace work, etc. The Big Hardware H. EDGE 1 SEAFORTH FALL FAIR For the first time in a number of years ideaP weather prevailed on both days • of the annual fall fair of the Seaforth Agricultural Society, held on Thursday and Friday, of last week, consequently there was a large attendance on Friday. The- display 'Of exhibits in the indoor department this year, with the exception Qf apples, was a very light one, and if it had not been' for the displays madby some of the_ town merchant', the hall would have had a very bare appearance. ` The outdoos show, how- ever, was good, some very fine stock, especially in .the horse classes, being shown, and the competition was -keen. One of the best features of the fair this year was the large tent,, fill- ed with exhibits of all kinds made by school children, while the parade, headed by the Citizens Band, from Victoria Park. to the Agricultural Grounds, in which both rural and town schools participated, was worth going a long way to see, and was witnessed by . a large crowd of peo- ple. The prize of $5 given by Mr, J. F Daly for the best represented school was won by No. 3, Tucker smith. In the drill competition the Hag presented by Dr. Mackay was won Lys Scaforth public school,. while No. 10 school, Tuckersinith, carried of the, «econd prize, a case of books, given by Mr.' W. R. Smith. The first prize, a flag •given by Stewart Bros„ for the best appearing school in. the - parade, was also won by Seaforth, the second prize, a case of books do- nated by . Mr. John Rankin, going to No. 1, Hullett, The demonstration of tractor ploughing by the Bell Engine Com- pany with the Waterloo Boy tractor and Mr. J. F. Daly with the Ferdson -tractor, judging by the interest they aroused and the number of people who followed them all afternoon, was another of the chief attractions. The Seaforth Citizens' Band gave an ex- cellent programme of music during the afternoon while the horse races, as always, were followed with great interest and resulted' as follows; 2:30 Pace. Nile Boy Jim Hal Tom Wilkes 111 223 332 ' 2:18 Pace. Trampfast 1 1 1 Gentry D. Forest 2 2 2 Repeater 3-`3 3 The following is a list cessful prize winners: HORSES Agricultural—Brood mare with feel by hex side, Jahn Dale; foal of 1920, John Dale, Robt. Wright; filly or gelding 3 years old, John Dale, lir. Moir; filly or 'gelding, 2 years eld, John Dale; filly_ or gelding, 1 year old, John Dale; team in harness, W. A. Dale, Wilson Hawkins; sweep- stakes, John Dale. Heavy Draught -Registered heavy draught brood mare with foal by her side, James Carlin, T. J. McMichael; foal of 1920, from registered mare, Jamen Carlin, T. J. McMichael; brood mare with foal by her side, Dr. Moir; foal of 1919, Dr. Moir; filly 3 years old, W. A. Dale; filly 2 years old, James Carlin; filly or gelding 1 year old, T. J. McMichael; team'in harness, John Dale, Geo..Penhale; sweepstakes, Dr. Moir. General Purpose—Team in harness, George Thompson, J. Colclough, Dr. Moir. Dominion Bank Special, John Dale. Judge—A. B. McPhail, Galt. Roadster -Brood mare with foal by her side, W. H. Rattenbury, T. J. McMichael; foal of 1920, T. J. Mc- Michael, W. H. Rattenbury; filly or gelding, 3 years old, John Hey, Jr.; filly or gelding, 2 years old, T. J. Mc- Michael, Geo'. 'Thompson.; single roadster in harness, John McKinley & Son, Harry Horton, Jas. J. Hugill. Carriage—Filly or gelding, 2 years old, George Thompson; single carriage horse Wm Taylor; carriage teem, John Hey, Jr, James Carlin. Haigh's Special, J. McKinley & Son. Judge—Robert Wilson, Seaforth. CATTLE Shorthorn—Heifer 3 years old, Robert Winter; heifer 2 years old, W. G. Broadfoot. Grades—Best dairy cow, Jas. Dick; heifer calf, calved since last Sept., John Lane, Dan Munroe. Jersey—Best cow, :Robt. Winter and 2nd; heifer calf, J. R. Govenlock. Holstein—Bull any age, J. R. Archi- bald; best cow, R. Johnston, J. R. Archibald; bull calf, R. Johnston, J. R. Archibald. Bank of Commerce Special—Rich- ard Johnston. Judge—Harry Smith._ of the sue - SHEEP Shropshiredown°s—Aged ram, W. G. Ross, Wm. Rinn; shearling ram, W. -G. Ross; ram lamb, W. G. Ross; ewe having raised lambs in 1920, W. G. Ross, Win. Rinn; shearling .ewe, W. G. Ross; ewe lambs, W. G. Ross, Wm. Rinn, Lincolns—George Penhale took all the prizes in this class. Leicester—Wm. McAllister, & Son tock all the prizes in this class. Juoge—James Dorrance. _ ;:PIGS Tamworth—D. Douglas & Sons took all the prizes in this class. POULTRY Barred Rocks, cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, J. McCullough and 2nd; White Rocks, cock, hen, cockerel and pullet. D. Douglas & Sons and 2nd; Buff Rocks --cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, 3. McCullough; Silver Grey Dorkings (c), Wilson McCartney, J. McCullough; (h; cr, and p), J Mc- Cullough, W. McCartney; Black Breasted. Red Games, (e, h, cr, and p) Geo. gtephenson and 2n1; any other variety games (h.attd p),Geo. Steph- enson and 2nd; any oter variety Game Bantams (c, h, er. and p), J, McCullough; Spangled Hamburg (c, h, cr and p), J. McCullough; Silver Laced Wyandottes (c and h), 3. Mc- Cullough; White Wyandottes (c, h, cr and p), J. McCullou'g ; Rhode Is- land -Reds (c, h, or and , J. McCul- lough; Bronze Turkeys, Old Tom, old hen, young Tom and young hen—W, G. 'Broadfoot; any other variety Tur- keys, old Tom, old hen,'E. & R. Snow- den; Toulouse Geese, old gander, old hen D. Douglas & - Sons; -Bremen geese, old gander, old hen, E. and R. Snowden; Pekin ducks, old drake, old duck, D. "Douglas & ' Sons; young drake, young duck, D. Douglas and Sons, E. & R. Snowden; White Leg - horns, single comb (e, h, cr and p), D. Douglas & Sons;. biggest and best collection. of pigeons, Wilson Mc- Cartney; any other variety rabbits, young doe, J. McCullough; any other variety rabbits, young buck, J. Mc- Cullough; Silver Campains--(h, cr, and p), J. McCullough and 2nd. Judge—Wm, Yule, Fullerton, FRUIT Collection of apples, 12 varieties, - Geo, Laithwaite, J. J. Hugill; 6 nam- ed varieties winter . apples, George Laithwaite, H. Crich; four. named varieties fall apples, V. Terryberry, H. Crich; plate: of Baldwins, H. Crich; W. G. Broadfoot; plate of King of Thompkins, J: J. Hugill,.- Wm. Cam- eron; plate of Northern Spies, CM Laithveaite, H, Crich; plate of Rib- ston Pippins, J. R. Govenlock; plate of Golden Russett, G. Laithwaite, V. Terryberry; plate of Westfield. Seek - no -further, V. Terryberry,;11. Crich; plate of Wealthy, Wm. Cameron, H. Crich; plate of Pewaukee, Herbert Crich, G. Laithwaite; plate of On- tario, G. Laithwaite, Wm. Carneron; plate of Wagner, G. Laithwaite; plate of Roxboro Rusetts, W. F. Fothering- ham • plate a of Gravenstein, William m Elcoat, Herbert Crich; plate of Duchess of Oldenburg, G. Laithwaite, H. Crich; plate of Cayuga ted Streak or Twenty ounce, W. Cairteron, W. G. Broadfoot; plate of Spttzenburg, A. Elcoat, J. R. Govenlock;; plate of Fameuse or Snow apple, 0. Laith- waite, J. J. Hugill; plate of Colvert, J. J. Hugill, J. R. Govenlok; plate of Mann, J. A. Murray, G. Leith- waite; plate of Benheim Orange, Wm. Elcoat, 'H, Crich; plate of Maiden .Blush, J. J. Hugill, H. Crich; plate of 12 Crab apples, red, G. 'C, Dale, Win. Elcoat; plate of Itlicscl,_ :island Greening, J. J. Hugill, H. Crich; plate of FaIlaw t r, H. Crich, W. T. Fotheringham; plate of Blenheim Pippin, Wm. Cameron; plate of Fall. Pippin, A. Elcoat, Wm. Cameron; plate of St. Lawrence, T. Livingstone, Wm. Elcoat; plate of Canadian Red, A. Elcoat, H. Crich; plate of McIntosh. Red, H. Crich; plate of Talman Sweet, V. Terryberry, W. G. 'Broadfoot; Stark, J. J. Hugill: Judge—John Cardno,, Pears—Plate of Flemish Beauty, G. Laithwaite; plate of Duchess of Agouline, G. Laithwaite, Cardno `Bros.; plate of Beurre :Clairgeau, G. Laithwaite; plate of " Louis Bonne de Jersey; G, Laithwaite; plate of Bar- lett, G. Laithwaite; plate of Seckel, H. Crich. Peaches—Plate of Early Crawford, Laithwaite. Plums—Plate of Lombards, G. Laithwaite; plate of Pond's Seedling, J. R. Govenlock; plate of German Prune, G. Laithwaite; plate of any other variety, G. Laithwaite, ' - Grapes—Plate of Moore's Early, G. Laithwaite; plate of Niagara, G. Laithwaite, H. Crich; plate of Con- cord, q. Laithwaite, A. Elcoat; plate of Deleware, G. Laithwaite; plate of Rogers No. 1.5 (Agawan), G. Laith- waite; plate of Rogers No. 4 (Wilder) H. Crich, G. Laithwaite; plate of Rogers No. 9 (Lidley), G. Laith- waite; plate of Rogers No. 52 (Salem) Crich, G. Laithwaite;; plate • of any other variety, W. Elcoat, George Laithwaite; best collection of grapes, G. Laithwaite, H. Crich; le sket of apples, H. Crich, J. J. Ht�igill. Judge—John Cardno. DAIRY PRODUCTS Twenty-five pounds butter in crocks or tubs, J. J. Hugill, Robt. Campbell; 5 pounds table butter sufficiently salt- ed, Robt Campbell, G. C. Dale; , pound rolls or prints (5 lbs.), J. J. Iiugill; most neatly arranged plate of butter far table use, Geo. Turnbull. Judge --J, Hotham. Tem pounds honey in comb, E. Haberer; 10 pounds honey in jar, E. Haberer; collection of honey, E. Haberer; loaf of home-made bread, E. Haberer, G, McMichael; -loaf of 'baker's bread, Cardno Bros; half dozen home-made buns, G. McMichael; collection of fancy baking, W. G. Broadfoot; best lemon pie, G. T. Turnbull; best apple pie, G. T. Turn- bull, W.. G. Broadfoot; best pan of buns, G. Brownlee, Jr.; maple syrup, Robt, Campbell, Rob Roy Milling Co. Special—Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Judges—Mrs. J, Archibald, Miss B. Stephens. Best jar of catsup, home-made, E. Haberer, W. G. Broadfoot, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Half bushel Irish Cobbler early pot'aoes, G. 0. Dale, A. Elcoat; half bushel any other variety early pota- toes, J. A.. --Murray, C. Hohlbein; half 'bushel Green Mountain late potatoes, James Dick, J. A. Murray; half bus, any other ,variety of late potatoes, Jas. Dick, Wm. Cameron; 3 heads winter cabbage, C. Hohlbein, G. T. Turnbull; 3 hears fall cabbage, Thos. min Don't Miss It Samuel Goldwyn and Rex Beach present MARY ROBERTS RINEHARTS famous story Dangerous Days:11 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday —at the— Strand NO ADVANCE IN PRICE Coleman, G. T. Turnbull; 4 cauli- flowers, W. G. Broadfoot; 6 table parsnips, Q. T. Turnbull; 6 table car- rots, stumet rooted, James Dick, E. & R. Snowden; 6 table carrots, long, J A. Murray, Wm. Cameron; 6 long blood beets, J. J. Hugill; 6 turnip blood beets, James Dick, E. and R. Snowden; 12 tomatoes, red, E. and R, Snowden; colIectien tomatoes, four varieties; 3 each, W. T, Fotheringham; 6 ears sweet table - corn, Jas. Dick, J. A. Murray;6 ears field corn, T. Coleman, J. A. Murray; collection of corn,' J. A. Murray; 6 stalks fodder corn, J. A. Mdrray,r W. T. Fothering- ham; 12 onions from seed, W. Cam- eron, G. T, Turnbull; 12 onions from Dutch sets, V. Terryberry, G. T. Turn- bull; peck red onions, Wni. Cameron; peck of -onions, white or yellow, G. T. Turnbull, W. G. Broadfoot; two muskmelons, J. A. Murray; 2 water- melons, E. Haberer, 3. A. Murray; 2 citrons, J. A. Murray; -2 vegetable marrow, W. Camefon, G. McMichael; 2 mamonth squash, J. A. Murray and 2nd;2 pumpkins for pies, J. A. Mur- ray, G. McMichael; 6 winter radish, J. A. Murray; 3 cucumbers, . E. Haber- er; quart butter beans, G. T. Turn- bull, T:' Coleman; quart white beans, W. T. Fotheringham, W. G. Broad - foot; 6 sugar marigolds, W. J. Beattie, A. Elcoat; intermediate mangolds, A. Elcoat, W. J. Beattie; 6 Swede tur- nips, W. -J. Beattie, J. A. Murray; white sugar beets for factory, G. T. Turnbull; red or orange' field carrots, Wm. Cameron; largest squash, J. A. Murray; largest pumpkin, E. Haberer, J. A. Murray; collection; of garden products, E, Haberer. '.Judge—Joseph Atkinson, DOMESTIC C TI AND OTHER MANUFACTURES Set single harness, M. Broderick and 2nd. FINE ARTS Oil Painting—Landscape, Mrs. 3. Howrie; marine, Mrs, 3. Howrie flowers, Mrs. J. . Howrie.; portrait,' Mrs. J. Howrie. Water . color — Landscape, R. J. Wegg; marine, Robert Winter, J. J. Merner; animal life, - Robt. Winter, J. J. Merner; figure, J. J. Merner. Crayon—Portrait or figure, Mrs. J. Howrie; pen and ink sketch, Mrs. Howrie, R. J. Wegg; any subject, Mrs. Howrie; painting on china, Robert Winter, Mrs, Howrie; painting on' panel or pla,cque, Mrs. Howrie; col- lection of hand painted china, Robt, Winter, Mrs, Howrie. Judges --Miss N. Hartry and Mrs. J. G Laing. Asters, 6 varieties, G. T. Turnbull, W. D. McLean; asters, best collec- tion, G. T. Turnbull, W, G. Broad - foot; basket of cut flowers, G. T. Turnbull and 2nd; best collection of annuals, W. D. McLean and 2nd; best collection of Sweet Peas, W. D. Mc- Lean; hanging basket of flowers, G. T. Turnbull; best and largest collec- tion of pot flowers, G. T. Turnbull. Judges—A. Scott, Robert Jones, • LADIES' WORK Lace' Maltese, Mrs. Howrie; Lace Netting, Mrs. Howrie; Lace Tatting, Robert Winter; Lace Honiton, Robt, Winter; Lace Point, Mrs, Howrie; Lace Knitted, Mrs. Howrie, -Robert Winter; embroidery applique, Mrs. Howrie; embroidery Montmellick, Mrs, Howrie; embroidery eyelet, Miss Stephens, Mrs. Howrie; embroidery Wallachian, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Stephens; embroidery cross stitch, Mrs. Howrie; embroidery hardanger, Mrs. Howie; embroidery punch work Mrs: Howrie; embroidery cut work, Mrs. Howrie, embroidered shirt waists, Mrs, -Howrie; Sembroideredr side -board scarf (white), Mrs. Howrie; embroidered sofa cushion, Mrs. Howrie; embroidered linen table cloth in white, Miss Stephens, Mrs. Howrie; embroidered linen centre and 2 end pieces in white, Miss Stephens, Poultry Wanted All kinds of poultry *''''wanted at the Kinburn Store to be delivered every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Highest Prices HALL & CO. CONSTANCE Mrs. Gibson; embroidered linen tray cloth in white, Mrs. ' Gibson, Mrs. Howrie; embroidered linen centre piece, 12 in. -to 24 in., white, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Howrie; embroidered centre piece, 24 in. to 36 in., white, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Gibson; embroider- ed centre piec, silk for dining room table, Miss Stephens, Mrs. Gibson; embroidered centre piece, silk, 1for other room, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Gib- son; 'embroidered table runner for other room, Miss Stephens, Mrs. 'Gib_ son; embroidered pin cushion in white, made up, Mrs. Gibson; em- broidered bed linen, 1 sheet, 2 pillow cases, 'Miss Stephens; embroidered bed spread, Miss Stephens; embroid- ered doilies, 1 set, 4 or more, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Howrie; embroidered luncheon set, Mrs. Gibson; embroid- ered tea cosy, Robt. Winter; embroid- ered handkerchiefs, 4, Mrs. Howrie; embroidered towels, 1 pair, Miss Stephens, Mrs. Howrie; crochet and braiding combined,... Mrs. Howrie; crochet work in ' cotton, 3 pieces, Robt. Winter, Mrs. Howrie; crochet doilies, 1 set, 4 or more, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Gibson; crochet luncheon set, Mrs. Howrie; crochet towels, 1• pair, Miss Stephens, Robt, Winter; crochet centre piece, in white, Mrs. Howrie, Robt. Winter; crochet underwaist yoke, Geo. Brownlee, . Jr.,, Mrs. Howrie; crochet work on ladies' other underwear, Mrs. Howrie, Robt. Whiter; Boudoir cap, Mrs. Gibson; fancy apron, Mrs; Howrie; patch or piece quilt, R'obt. Winter; slumber robe, Robert Winter; bedroom slip- pers, Mrs. Howrie; set table. mats, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Gibson; hemstitch- ing, Robt. Winter; Drawn work, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Stephens; knitting two pieces, Mrs. Howrie; plain sewing, 3 pieces, Miss Stephens; baby jacket in wool, Mrs. Howrie; baby dress, long, Mrs., Howrie; rag mat, Geo. Brown- lee; Jr., Mrs. Howrie; woollen shawl, - G, T. Turnbull; crochet table runner, R. Brownlee, Jr.; darning on towels, MTS. Gibson; crochet bootees, Mrs. Gibson; crochet sideboard scarf, Robt. Winter; splasher, Miss Stephens; embroidered pillow slips, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Gibson; crochet centre and end pieces, Robt. Winter; • Ecru centre crochet, R. Brownlee, Jr.; fancy bag, Mrs. Gibson; hand beaded fire screen, Robt, Winter. Judges—Mrs. E. J. Christie, Mrs. R. Welsh, Exeter. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Vegetables—Six Swede turnips— Ethel Cameron, Donald Dale; 6 gar- den. carrots, Lance Norris, W. T. Fotheringham; 6 marigolds, Lance Norris, W. T, Fotheringham; six parsnips, Mildred Turnbull; 6 garden beets, Stewart Dale, Margaret Eaton; 6 largest onions, Mildred Turnbull, , Ethel Cameron; 6 best tomatoes, ripe, Lance Norris; 2 citrons, W. T. Fotheringham, Ethel Cameron; two cabbages, Mildred Turnbull, Ethel Cameron; 12 largest potatoes, Ethel Cameron, Lance - Norris; pumpkin, Jean Stewart; wheat, Margaret Eat- on, E. Pugh; nasturtiums, Milderd Turnbull, M. Mellis; asters, Thos. L. Brown, MiIderd Turnbull; Roses, Ed- ward Rankin, Jeam sluff; Bouquet, any variety, M. Mellis, Mildred Turn- bull; tea biscuits, Margret Eaton; light cake, Gretta Merner, Jean Stewart; apple pie, M. Mellis, Anna Sutherland; scene, group of trees, Margaret Eaton, Walter Eaton; rail- road scene, colored, M. Mellis and 2nd; drawing of apple, Margaret Eaton, M. Mellis; illustration, 3 Bears or Little Red Riding Hood, M. Mellis, Margaret Eaton; map of Township, Annie Broom, James Hart; map of Huron, Stewart Dale, Donald Dale; Map of Ontario, Elmer Beattie, Donald Dale; Song of Little May, M. Mellis and 2nd; bird house, Andrew McLean and 2nd; Song o f April, Margaret Elgie, Edward Rankin; The Maple, Gertrude Webster, Margaret Black; noxious weeds, named and mounted, School Section No. 10, Mc- Killop; collection of injurious insects, Murray Savauge; collection of leaves, School Section No. 10, McKillop; collection of native woods, W. T. Fotheringham, games Stewart; hand made apron, small, M, Mellis; halter, Stewart Dale, George Campbell; handkerchief, plain hemmed, M. Mel - lis, Erma- Broadfoot; best dressed doll, M. Mellis and 2nd; best dressed fowl, Donald Dale; muffins, Erma 'Broadfoot, -Margaret Eaton; brown eggs, Stewart Dale; white eggs, Stewart Dale; souvenir handker- chief, Jean Stewart, Irene Patter- son; baby's wool sweater, Irene Pat- terson, Jean Stewart; child, s wool sweater, Gretta Merner, Mildred Turnbull; Chinese dog George Charters. Judges. Mrs. Alexander, A. Scott. ZURICH FALL FAIR HORSES General purpose ---Brood mare ac- companied by foal, J. A. Manson &' Son, Hy, Volland, Jr.; foal, J. A. Man- son & Son, Hy. Volland, Jr.; 2 year c,ld° gelding or filly, H. Volland Jr., R. McLinchey; 3 year old 'gelding or filly, W. McDonald and 2nd; span in harness and wagon, G. E. Thompson, W. Decher; sweepstake, Wm. Decher, -Agrieultu al—Brood mare aecon-= panieehby foal, Dr. A, Moir, J. Mc- Kinley & Son; foal, Dr. A. Moir; 2 year old gelding or filly, J. McKinley & Son; 3 year old, Dr, A. Moir, J. McKinley & Son; span irn wagon, 8. McBride, G. Penhale; sweepstakes, S. McBride. Roadster—Brood mare accompanied by foal, Wm. Decher, J. Decher, Jr.; foal, 5, ,Decher, Jr., W. Decher- 1 year old gelding or filly, Wm. Dec ler, J. Decher, Jr.; 2 year old, C. Truemn- er, G. E. Thompson; 3 year old, 3. Decher, Jr., J, Hey; span in wagon, 3. Ortwein; buggy horse hitched, J. Decher, Sr., 3. McKinley & Son, Ed. Restemey-er; lady driver, J. Deeher, Sr., F. Taylor, J. McKinley & Son. .ot,. Carriage -=-Foal, J. A. Manson & Son; 1 year old, Geo. England; 2 yr. old, -G. E. Thompson, W, Thiel; span in wagon, J: Hey, Jr.; single horse in buggy, 11. R. Neeb, A, Koehler, J_ McKinley & Son: CATTLE Registered Durham ---Cows in milk or in calf, R. M. Peck, Beattie Bros. and 3rd; yearling heifer, R. M. Peck and 2nd, W, McAllister & Sons; 2 year old heifer, W. McAllister & Sons, R. M. Peck, Beattie Bros,; bull calf, 1920, R. M. Peck, We McAllister & Sons: heifer calf, 1920, W. McAl- lister & Sons, R. M. Peek, W. Mc- Allister & Sons; 1 year old bull calf, J. P. Rau; sweepstakes, W. Me Allis ter & Son, Other than pure brei—Cows in. milk or- in calf, O. Surerus, 5, Dei- trch; heifer calf, E. F. Klopp, W. Blaekweli; yearling heifer, J. Pfaff and 2nd, 0, Surerus; 2 year old heifer, 3. Park & Son, J. Pfaff and 3rd; fat cow or heifer, O. Surerus, Beattie 'Bros.; 2 year old steer, 3. Pfaff an& 2nd; yearling steer, J. Pfaff anti 2nd; steer calf, W. Blackwell; h- . ,stein. COW, Rev. Meyer; sweepstakes, 0. Surerus; herd of cattle, grade, J. Pfaff; herd of Registered Durham, R. M. Peek, W. McAllister & Sons, SHEEP Leichester, Wm. McAllister & Sons took all prizes. Lincoln, G. Penhale took all prizes; fine wool, shearling ram, J. A. Manson & Son; aged ram. F. Weeks; shearling ewe, 3, A. Man- son & Son, F. Weeks; ram lamb, P. Weeks, 5. A. Manson & San; eve lamb, F. Weeks, 3. A, Manson & Son; ewe having raised lamb in 1920, F, Weeks, J. A. Manson & Son; fat sheep, any class, G, Penhale, W. Mc- Allister & Sons. HOGS Berkshire—Aged sow, J. Hey, Jr.; aged boar, J. Jr.; spring sow, wi J. Manson & Son, - Tamworth—J. A. Matson & Son took all prizes. Yorkshire --Aged 'sow, W. Black- well. POULTRY Pair of Hamburgs, J. McCuiloeh & Son; Barred Plymouth Rocks, 3. McCulloch & Son, J, Thiel; chicks, J, McCulloch & Son and 2nd; W. Ply- mouth Rocks, W. B. Battler & Son, 'T. Mittleholtz; chickss, T. Mittleholtz; m Light Brahas, Dr. MacKinnon J. Thiel; chicks, Jul. Thiel, Dr, MacKin- non; Black Minorcas, H, Truenmer; chicks, H, • Truemner, W. 13. Battler & Pat, Rocks,McCullough u" u:. h Son; Pa , J. t IcC llo g Son; chicks, J. McCulloch & Son; W. Leghorns, J. Thiel; chicks, Rev, Meyer; Buff Orpingtons, G. K. Far- well; chicks, G. K. Farwell; Black- breasted Red Game, W. B. Battler & Son, ,Andulusians, W. R. Battler & Son; chicks. W. 13. Battler & Son; White Wyandotfes, J. McCulloch, Dr. MacKinnon; chicks, J. McCullough & 2nd; Silver .Lace Wyandittes, 5. Mc- Cullough; Rhode Island Reds, J. Me.. Culloch, Dr, MacKinnon; chicks, J. McCullough and 2nd; Campines, Mrs, Metcalf, W. B. Battler; chicks, 3. McCullough and 2nd; Anconas, Mrs. Metcalf; chicks, Rev. Meyer; Ban- tams, 3, McCullough & Son, W. B. Battler & Son; chicks, 3. McCullough & San; 5; 0, Dorcans, J. McCullough & Son; chicks, 3. McCullough; pair Pekin ducks, E. Snowden;_ Rouen ducks, W. B. Battler & Son and 2nd; ducks, any variety, E. Snowden, Hy., Clausius; Gees e, H. Clausius; Troulouse geese, W. B. Battler; tur- keys, E, Snowden. GRAIN AND SEEDS Bushel white fall wheat, C. Truem- ner, W. Blackwell; red fail wheat, G. Clausius, Alf Reichert, W. Blackwell; 6 rowed barley, M. Rader, W. B. Battler & Son; white oats, 0, Truem- ner, H. Steinbach, W. B. Battler & San; small peas, G. Clausius, C. Truemner, A. Reichert; rye, W, B. Battler & Son; half bushel alsike, H. Steinbach, 0, Klopp; timothy seed, H. Steinbach, G. H. Pfile; small 'white field beans, W, Smith, M. Rader, C. Truemner; eol, .grain in heads, H. H, Neeb, R. Geiger, F. Keegan. HORTICULTURAL Collection of apples, F. Keegan, T. Snowden, 3, Pfaff; plate of 4 varieties fall apples, F. Keegan, 3, Pfaff, P. Deichert; plate of winter apples, 3. Pfaff, F. Keegan, C, Truemnere plate of 5 King apples, A. John- ston ohnston & Son, A. Reichert; snows, O. Koehler, J. ° A. Smith; Northern Spies, E. Rader, 3, A. Manson; Bald- wIns, E. Kiopp, J. A. Manson; R. I, Greenings. P. Deichert J., Pfaff;, Spitzenberg, J. A. Smith, F. Keegan; Can, Reds, E. Rader, J. A, Manson; Ribson Pippin, A. Reichert, 3, Pfaff; Gfiden Russets, T. Mittleholtz, P Dsiiehert; Ben Davis, W. B. Battler & Son, J. Pfaff; Swam, F. Keegan, W. Smith; Wagners, W, B. Battler & San, K. Rader; Manns, W. B. Battler & Son, F, Keegan; Wolf River, F. Keegan., J. Pfaff; Alexanders, F. Kee- gan, Ed. Reichert; Maiden's Blush,. K. Keegan, W. Smith; Blenheim Pip- pin, F. Keegan, C. Truemner; Pewaukee, F. Keegan, W. 13, Battler & Son; Colverts, G. Clausius, F. Kee- gan; 20 ounce Pippen, J. Pfaff, F. Keegan; Talman Sweet, T. Snowden, W. R. Battler & Son; collection of russet apples, F. Keegan; colleen of fall' pears, F. Keegan; meter pears, F. Keegan; fall and v'r, 4 varieties, F. Keegan; Barlett pts, T. Johnson, E. Snowden.; Flemish Beauty, F. Keegan; Clapp's Favorite, Mrs, G. Hess, plate of 6 peaches, A. Hendrick, E. Rader; 12 prunes. Mrs,° (Continued on gage 4) •