HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-09-10, Page 8• T:; ID3ToR SE '' 3 8 R 1 2O. TRY Specials in our Meat' Department ,VEAL PORK MUTTON BEEF `= BOAS ST STEAK. ETC. o r GGyernm. t inspected Xera tl are killed nd handled in s sanitar way, and ou will always be a oust mer of o S. AND A FULL E OF UP -TO TE G ' s CERIES. MESH IIAIR ' BUTTER ALWAYS IN STOCK. hone 58 Dorsey ani. MacKinnon "Phe Big Store on the Corner" Photograph Enlargements Before ordering enlargments from &gal1t , call in and see our: work and riles. We sell Frames and Glass to fit Convex Pictures at a very reas- onable pa i c e. Headquarters for Amateur Finishing. D. F. BUCK Portrait Photographer SCHOOL REOPENS TUESDAY W `CAN SUPPLY PRACT ALLY EVERTHING Y IU NEED-AT SCHOOL 'THE RAP. ACOTT'S WALLPAPER STORE Opposite Expositor Office ' STRATFORD, ONTARIO. FALL TERM FROM AUGUST 31st The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. e have competent, experienced instruc- tors. We give thorough courses in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments, and we assist graduates to positions. Write now for our free cata- logue. 1). A. ,McLACHLAN, Principal. LF IDALY Jeweler a n d Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ' ONT. 1 Piano Tuning Have an expert tune your piano. It don't pay to allow any fellow who claims to understand it to; io it, and probably ruin your piano tor render- ing its beautiful tone afterwards. I will have ap expertftuner here in September and any melees left at my store will get piroperd attention. I have for sale 2'eautiful 6 Octave Organs, 1 Square, Piano, 1 Upright Piano, second 'Aland, at Bargain Prices. GIVE US A CALL. J. E. HUGILL Opposite Daly's Garage 1. The Square Deal Music House Whose 216 THE RON'EXPOSITOR Ilia n [ne. here. s Mary Curtin has returned to Stratford: to .resume -.- her duties as teacher in St.. Johne e - DISTRICT MATTERS $500 Reward /As there has been a re - ort, maliciously circulated relative to a supposed gov- ernment inspection of our store, which might tend to injure our business, we wish to state that there is no ground whatever for the statement. The store was, never inspected and the whole story is. absolutely false and without the slight- est vestige , of truth in it. We make this public denial out of the spirit of fairness to ourselves and , to prevent our friends from being mis- lead by a damaging report of this kind. We further offer $500 reward for evi- dence that will lead to bring the person who is, the author of this report to justice. STEWART `BROS., Seaforth. Local Briefs.—A11 the school's re- opened on Tuesday with a large attendance at each.—Mr. R. E. press - well who spent the past m. th in town, left Monday aftern o ons for Denver, Colorado. ---Capt. Pol rd and Mrs. Pollard, of Calumet, s ent a few days here with Mr.- and ii rs. R. L. Clark and other friend's.-- and Mrs. Robert McKinley returned Saturday from a trip to the West.— Mrs. Jas. Watson and MissMarion are visiting friends at Sarnia and Windsor. —Mrs. H. J. Hodgins and family, of Toronto, who have been spending the summer here, have returned to their home. They .were accoimpanied by Mrs. G. E. Henderson.—Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen have returned from a motor trip to New York.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Port Colborne, are visiting at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Smith.— Mrs. S. Gidden, of Harlock, spent the week ends with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh.—Mr. W. J. Habkirk, of De- troit, spent Labor- Day at his home` here.—Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson, of St. Marys,,, spent the week end with relatives here.—Mrs. James Mc- Intosh, John street, is" spending a few -dFays with friends in Toronto.— Miss Hazel Thompson has 'returned from her home in Listowel to resume her .position as milliner in the J. Mactavish store.—Miss Nellie Pryce is visiting friends in Toronto this week.—Miss McGuire, of Clinton, is - the guest of Miss Mary Chittenden. —Miss Martha Reid has been spend- ing a few days with Miss Belle For- syth in Tuckersmith.—Miss Maizie Purcell is visiting her aunt and sis- ter iii Toronto.—Miss Margaret Ire- land, formerly of ,Egmondville, is visiting friends in Seaforth. — Mr. Robert Bell left Tuesday morning for Toronto Exhibition, where the Bell Engine Works' have a large exhibit. —`Messrs. J. M. Best, W. E. South- gate and) Keith McLean returned Tuesday from a very successful trout fishing ' trip to Eugenia Falls.—Mr. Harold Stark, who was spending his vacation here, has returned to St. Thomas. Mrs. A. C. McLeod, of London, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Reid, returned to\ her home on Saturday.—Mr. •Charles Sills was on a business trip to King, kora this week.—Mr. and Miss Brown of Galt, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. Miss Rae Govenlock, of Egmondville, left on Saturday for St. Catharines, where she 'has accepted a position. For Sale.--Seven-roomed frame house, .wood sed, good stone cellar, electric lights and on the staff of one of the schools t water inside. Apply to Mrs. John there.—Mr. Arthur Porterfield has arwick. Seaforth. 274241 returned. to Kitchener after spending r Bicycles.—How about a bike for your boy. a few days at his home here.—Mr.Ie wants one.Jr,ve several bargains new bikes. Gulin and see them. Daly's and Mrs. E. Chamberlain are visiting snags. 2751-2 friends in' Toronto and Niagara Falls. .House for sate.—Good frame house with —Mrs. A. F. Cluff spent Labor -Days. fair sized barn and acre of land, and plenty with relatives in. Woodstock.—Mr. W. Laing, .of the Bank of Commerce, Exeter, spent the week end at his home here.—Mr. Milton Chesney, of Orillia, spent the holiday at the home of his mother here.—Mr. Ray Me- Geoch, of Toronto, spent the week end at his 'home in Egmondville,— Miss Hazel Reid left on Thursday to spend two weeks' holidays in To- ronto.—Mr. George Israel is spend- ing a, week in Windsor.—Miss Nellie McMichael spent the week end with friends iv Toronto. — Miss Norma Jeffrey has returned from a three weeks' visit with friends in Cleveland. —Mr. E. Umbach is spending a few holidays at his home in Waterloo.— Mr. Russel Bristow, of Toronto, and Mr. Leslie Bristow, of Kitchener, spent the holiday at their home here. —Messrs_ Garnet and Alonzo Chap- man, of Bridgeburg, spent the:•week end at their home here. Mrs. Robt. McGee and son, Jack, of Wingham, are visiting at the home of Mrs. William Sclater. Mr. John, Forsyth, of Toronto, spent Labor Day at his home in Tuckersmith.—Mr. W. Plant and son and Mr. D. H. Stewart and Miss Edna Stewart motored to Acton for the week end.—Messrs. Dalton and Reg Reid, of Port Colborne, spent, the holiday with their mother here. Mr. Jack Hinckley left on Monday to accept a position on the staff of the Galt Collegiate Institute. --Mr, and Mrs. 'Carley, of Brighton, were visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. W., A. Crich and other friends here this week.— Mr. Gordon Dick, of the Dominion Bank, Wingham, spent the holiday at School.—Mr, arid' Mrs. W. J'. Shan- non, of Underwood, spent the . week end with Mrs, D. Dorrance:--Mr. and Mrs.- Melvin Scott and son, Robert, who have been visiting . at the home of his parents, Marand Mrs. A. Scott, returnedl. to Edmonton on, W edneaday. and Mrs, William Deent have - returned from Toronto.,—Dr. Larkin is in Toronto this week attending the annual conference of Knox College, Alumni Association, at which he :will be a speaker, ---Mr. and Mrs. W. Gil- lespie, • of Brussels, spent Labor Day at the home of his parents, on James street. --Mr. John Mactavish was in Toronto this week. -- Miss Phemia Cowan has accepted a position on, the staff of the Pembroke Collegiate In- stitute and left on Saturday to as- inine her new duties,—Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferguson motored; to Toronto on Saturday.—Mrs. Lawson and son, of St. Paul, Minnesota,' are the guests. of •Mr. and_ Mrs. Syd. Deena. --Mr. and 'Mrs. John Robb and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robb and daughters motored over from Detroit and spent the week end with Mr. Jas. Robb and Miss Robb. Mrs. William Dale left on Tuesd;'ayr for the westi—Mr., John Reinke and Mrs. L. Reinke' have -re- turned from a visit with friends in Chicago. -Mr. Patterson, Sof Wood- stock, is a guest at the home of his daughter,' Mrs. A. F. Cluff. Mr. Patterson was a resident of ;Seaforth fifty yearn ago.—Mrs Lonney Kenny and bride, of Hamilton, were visiting friends in town thisweek. They were friends in town, this week. They were married . in the former city on Friday last, and their friendlsextend best wishes for a happy marrieds life. They will make their home in Hamilton: iMr. Thornton Howard has been laid up for a week with a sprained' knee. —Many friends here will extend con- gratulations to Mr. and -Mrs. F. S. White, of Chilliwack, . B. C., on the arrival of a son in their home. Mrs. White is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rabb, former well known resi- dents of Seaforth. --- Mr. and- Mrs. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Brown and son, of Brantford, spent a few days this - week at the horde of Mr. Robert Forrest in Egmondville.—Mr. W. Smithers is spending a few days in Toronto this week,—Miss Alva Graves is visiting with friends in Toronto this week.—Miss McNair, of Brus- els, is a guest at the home of Mr. d' Mrs. M. McPhee.—Mr. W. Bolton and ' Miss Dennin, of Rochester, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton—Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and family, of Egmondville, spent the week end in Toronto.—Miss Florence Laidlaw has returned' to Toronto.— Miss B. Ballantyne, who spent the holidays with her father and. sister. has returned .to Waterloo.—Mr, Thos. Dickson and Mr. J. R. Scott and son are attending the Toronto Exhibition this week.—Mr. and Mrs. James Hays are in Toronto this week.—Dr. Mary Cowan, who was spending the holi- days with her parents here, returned to Toronto on Thursday.—Miss 'Madge Stewart, of Stratford, spent the week end at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews and children, of Goderich, are here visiting his mother. —The Seaforth Orchestra have been engaged for the social evening in the Separate school hall on Thursday evening next.—The semi-annual con- ference of the Huron Presbyterial will be held' in Bayfield on Tuesday, September 14th. There will be a morning and afternoon session. Din- ne* will be served by the Bayfield Auxiliary at 25 cents. - 4-, Watch for the Fair Day. Large kitchen range Motel. L. G. Weir. Epworth League • Tea Room 2750x1, for sale at Royal 2751x2 For Sale. --.Coal heater with oven, also Istove pipes, and kitchen cupboard. ripply W. Thornton, Jarvis Street. 2752-1 ;, Dancing every Wednesday at Jewitt'; 'new 1!avillion from 8.30 to 12 p.m. "+ Fords, Fords.—How about a good used Ford. "We have five touring cars, $250 to $500. t aly's Garage. 2751-2 "Mrs. O'Connell will resume her class in piano and singing.' Pupils are prepared for Ir7,endon Conservatory. 2751x2 Be sure you see J. Warren Kerrigan in a "-`.Burglar for a Night," at the Strand Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. It's worth while. -. 2752x1 For Sale.—Good driving mare, also Massey - arm cream separator, 500 tbs. capacity. R. Govenlock, North Main Street, Sea - 2752 -2 the Tile For Sale.—We have on 'in'nd 6 inch cement tile ; also on order. R. Frost & Son, e fortes. hand 8, 4 10 and 12 Contractors, 2750x3 of',hard and soft water. Situated two blocks weilt of Merner's Flax Mill, Seaforth. Apply o4ohn Powell, Harpurhey. 2751-tf Home For Sale.—Good frame house situ - on North Main Street, Seaforth, bese- t and furnace, hard and soft watey in kit ten. This property is in first-class Bondi - n Proprietor is going to Toron. ante.- For particulars .apply to J. Sea'gxth. Auction sale of household goo day, September llth, at 2 o'cl- of : Walnut sofa, wa nut roe miscelalneous articles, smal poles and picture fr es, a sideboard, glass cupb table, bedsteads, was dishes, 1 large piece - .f linoleum, washing machine, tubs and numerous small articles, also a number of fowl. Terms—Cash. Geo. A. Sills, Proprietor. /2750-1 Fordaon Tractor Demonstration at( Western just been eek of Len- a practical Tractor be- possibl way, such as eshing and practically on a average farm. ek from .9 to 12 to re - Bell, 2786-tt on Satur- k, consisting ing chair and tables, curtain 1 corner settee, ard. solid oak dining nds, bed room Fair Sept. 11th -18th. Plans has completed whereby during the don Fair on each and everyd demonstration showing Fords ing utilized -in every plowing, discing, th every implement usec Each morning of fa, a practical demonstri ing, etc., will be h building where we w you to the demonstral r w tion` of plowing, dise- ldf Call at the Ford I have cars to convey Ion. Everyone interest- ed in tractors are especially invited to attend. Daly, Ford Dealer, Seaforth. 2751-2 Kinburn vs. Seaforth.—On Friday evening, September 3rd, on the Re- creation Grounds, Seaforth; an excit- ing game of football was played be- tween Kinburn and Seaforth, the _latter winning by 3 to 0. This score does not indicate that the play was •at all one-sided. For the first half the play was very close, no goals beings scored. Early in the second half some nice combination play by the Seaforth forwards resulted in a fine goal being scored by Consigney, This Scop{ When in. need of any' of the follow- ing 'School - Slt,ppIies, remember we carry a complete stock: --- Scribblers E - ` rcise Books Note Boo ap Pads Slates Slate; Pencils Watercolo paint Brushes , assess Art Gum Eraser Pencils Blotting ' a r Pen Holders Rulers. School Bags icroecopes ucilage Paste an Fountain Pena Thhonpsoni s BOOKSTORE . -. SEAFORTH Odd White Cups JUST ARRIVED 120 Dozen White Cups a Saucers and odd., Cups. Supp led nu*. MANY N LINos. RRIVI:NG Steel Be . - r_other- lines for trim WHEN el fGO SHOPPING GO TO BEATTIE BROS. "'the Fair." Phone 129. was followed up by a strenuous effort . on the part of the visiting team to even matters. The ball; however, was kept well within the Kinburn goal area, and from a well placed corner kick Hinehley headed a splendid goal. 'The last few minutes of play found the Seaforth team pressing hard, re- sulting in a third goal being rushed through. The Kinburn boys play good football, and can take a defeat like good sportsmen. Saturday night will see a battle royal between 1 1 Tuckersmith and Seaforth -for the: Crawford Cup, and no one: should miss seeing this game, timed for 6 p.m., sharp. Death of John Jordan.—The death occurred at the . home of his sister, Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Jarvis Street, on Thursday morning of Mr. John: Jor- dan. Mr. Jordan, had been an invalid for a number of years and his death, was not unexpected, although he had only been confined to bed for the past week. He waa the youngest son of the late Peter Jordan and. was in his 36th year. Besides his sister, Mrs. Stewart, he is survived by one brother, Mr. Peter Jordan, of Winnipeg. The funeral will be held on Friday After- noon,' interment being made in the Maitand!bank cemetery. G. W. V. A. Notes. --The dance held in the Club Rooms Friday evening last was successful in every way, the Imusic ea supplied by the orchestra being excellent. Monday evening quite a number enjoyed the couple. of hours, dile to the kindness of our musicians. One fe*ture of these weekly affairs, which is to be regret- ted, is the late arrival of most of the (lancers and the consequent short time left before closing. An earlier attendance would be much .a.ppreciat- ted. This Friday our orchestra is engaged to play at the Ford picnic in Brussels. Good music is apparent- ly appreciated and it speaks well for the work of our players. We ant, oto tell you he cost is slightw Brighten your home/with plenty of light.' When rd icon discover- ed the ince desce he lit up the highway to' ''y apps ss for millions of people.` After y ' . r of experimenting he has no' LI, the NEW LESS ]3 SMP You- have v been any other light likethi . .. i'lliant, yet with- out 'glare; and evenly dif- fused. They are s ;%= ble and satisfy- ing atisfying for every r m in your home. Come and Hee, them lighted. EID os ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Ee SERVICE T,H6 :?>}'+1m 121 SEAFF'ORTM;ONT. i1 1Q=I) - ,zVh,i_.n {"/'araiizouti t WEEK, = 4 $EPTlo MDER >tsstO ,®e � — fir:; ..ar,IMO MIN IlL7C_ilit:.ie 13C31E 11 1R - _ TO -NIGHT "MARGUERITE CL In ; "ALL OF A SUDDEN PEGGY" Ernes;,Denny's big st 'ge laugh- ing hit, plus the c rm of the _ lovelies ', girl- in pi ures. A pl y6arks' g with fun, charged itb,onfli dancing with all -of -a sudden rprises. AP, »= S OWING A Parsim$u kinnay, Briggs Comedy,<and a aramount Mag- azine. WE START AT 7,:45 p.m. SHARP ON SATURDAYS It will pay you to be there on time. K„ PRINCESS Strand Thursday—Friday—Saturday "CHARLES RAY" in "STRING BEAN A P ramount Pi ure--- Charlie ay in his pet role of the unary boy the kind of a pi Lure tha made—him famous Fu - interesting and sa sfacto in every way LS HOWING "SMILIl G'BILL PARSONS" in CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE"" —A 2 reel Capitol Comedy— Note:—NEW TIME • SHOW STARTS AT 8:15 p.m. New Strand =OPPOSITE POST OFFICE== How The Telegraph Is Used. in Toronto.—In a letter to The Expositor Mr. W. Somerville, a former well known Seaforthite, now residing in Toronto, says: "Some of your read- ers would be surprised if, they knew how much the telegraph is used, iri the big cities. As an example, one of the leading banks here filed. at my counter last evening five telegrams to points in the West, each containing -702 words, the total charges being 024.25. They were handed in at 6 p.m., with instructions not to beheld for cheaper night rates. I often think of the hours I was required to spend trying to boil down an eleven word message to ten words so as to reduce charges from 26c to 25c." w Egmondville Notes.—Mrs.. Lorne Pethick and children, who have been with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKay, returned to her home in Orillia on Saturday last.—Mrs. L. Reinkie is holidaying with friends in Buffalo.—Mr, and Mrs. Mark Cardiff and Mr. and Mrs. Elkoefi Cardiff and children, of Brussels, spent Sunday with Mrs. F. Robinson. --Mr. Ray Mc- Geoch, of Toronto, spent the holiday -at his home here.—Miss Margaret Ireland, of Bothwell, called on her friends here and all were glad to see her.—Dr. and Mrs. McCrea, of Brussels, were calling on friends here this week.—Miss -Mildred Prender- gast, and her nephew, Jack Molyneaux who have spent their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Prendergast, leave for their home in Chicago on Saturday, —We are sorry to note the serious illness of Mr. John Cameron, and hope to learn of his recovery soon.— Mrs. Gambier, of Calgary, is visiting Mrs, William Sinclair. McKILLOP The Council.—The next meeting of the McKillop council will be held at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, on October 7th at 1.30 p.m. All hav- ing business with the council should keep this date in mind. BRUCEFIELD U. F. O.—The U. F. O. shipped a mixed load of stock from Brucefield on Saturday last. 'On Saturlday, September 18th, they will ship a load of ..hogs. The highest price paid. Personal.—Miss Marr McNaughton of Brucefield, and her cousin, -Joseph Lake, spent two weeks visiting the latter's sister at Cleveland, Ohio. They went with a car but she re- turned as far as Sarnia by boat. Mr. Lake remained at his home in Cleve- land. GODERICH TOWNSHIP • Serious Accident.—William Fuller; a young farrier of Goderich Township met with a serious accident which will lay him up for some time. He was on the roof of his barn making some repairs, when he lost his footing and fell to the ground. One of his wrists was broken, his nose partly cut away and • his upper lip badly cut, besides other minor injuries. CHISELHURST Notes.—Mr. W. Alexander and family, of Woodstock, paid a visit to the home of Mr. Charles and Miss Alexander.—Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cole attended the funeral of their aunt, who resided in McKillop.—The concert held in the Methodist church on, Monday evening last, was well attended. The audience was delight- ed with a fine programme rendered by Miss Walker, of Exeter and Mr. Andrew Boa, Ice cream was served during the evening. MANLEY Notes.—Mr. Peter Eckert and his sons, Joe and Stephen, are taking in the Toronto Fair this week. -Miss Rose Dorsey has taken charge of our school this week and it is expected she will open the new school house in a few weeks, which is nearing completion.—Mr. Charles Louis Brall, of Detroit, was a visitor in town dur- ing the week, but has returned to resume his duties in the Ford fac- tord. USBORNE Thames Road Notes.—Miss Mabelle McNaughton, of London, visited rela- tives here over the week end.—Mr. A. C. Whitlock, of St. Thomas, spent the week end at his home here.— Miss Pearl Cann, of London, spent the holiday at the home of her par- ents.—Mr. J. Ketchison, of Belleville, spent a few days with relatives in this vicinity during the past week.— Threshing machines are very busy these days. The grain is turning out extra well, so the threshing season will be a long one, • THE STORE THAT'S. BUILT ON QUALITY. THE STORE THAT SAV YOUES DOLLARS. ATTRACTIVE SHOWING OF NewFall Coats The New "ROGERS" Garments are representative Of those shown in New York to -day. They are sold by us. TESTED MATERIALS of quality enter into our Coats —cloth, lining, trimming and even down to the thread have to pass the 'efficiency test before being used. No wonder they are satis- factory. : : : : : : umummummmumumumummum • OUR COATS ARE EXCLUSIVE We neither sell or take special orders for any two of the better coats alike. This is -only one rea- son why our coats are so greatly Scores of Coats For Your Choice (Certainly a great Collection) Iindividuality is the keynote. Every Coat stands distinct from the others and from other makes, too, by its exclusive- ness. One great talking point is the fact that we do not sell two alike of the better Coats. Never before leave we been complimented so on the range of selection or the beauty of the style and materials as we are being just now. And in the Coats we sell, namely "Rogers" Coats, you can get not only one of the best manufactured pro- ducts, but what is said to be absolutely the highest quality gar- ments sold in Canada—or anywhere. POPULAR PRICES IN SMART FALL DRESSES MATERIALS OF— SILK, POPLIN AND SERGE Note.—No extra charge for alterations, if needed, on any of our Ready-to-wear Gar - The Vogue For Sweaty ee- ls Enhanced by the New Vireave:s and tyles New Sweaters have been developed this season and some women give a Sweater the piominence of a fancy blouse. Shown in both slip -On and coat models, Tuxedo and Norfolk coat style with youthful collars and pretty belts. Wool Sweaters in slip-on LITTLE SISTER WILL NEED A SWEATER and maybe needs oae this very minute to play out -o' -doors, or to wear to school these Autumn days. Mother will 'find none prettier or better value than these - wool slip-ov'ers or little coat models that have just arrived. Sizes are 6 to 12, Prices are *2.00 to $9.00. ‘-J. MACTAVISH Seaforth Anatiminem Lep I Iv roo