HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-09-10, Page 3MIOW
R 10
avings Depart-
epart)0 or more are
very customer.
a Zurich
`fly. October 4th
!Id I lli
ble expansion .gin the
Siriess manufacturing
iucts and ice cream,
,r period, indic.tes_
product for which
constant and grow -
Deg -an izeci
row=De anizeci marketing
ornpiete and modern
and progressive
r circular describing
. cumulative Pref -
of this Company
'us of Common Stock.
26 1CtNG ST. E, _
111111111 11111 1 111
Ini$ete Banklng Fadllhttes
Our organization provides conk,
plate facilities r rendering
dent Banking ervice.
Children of all ages—whether it be
the new-born babe or the growing
child—have to be constantly guarded
.as tot their health. Upon the good
:health of the little one largely de-
pends his strength and usefulness in
after years. Baby's Own Tablets are
the ideal
sof all age
• thorough I
ly guarana
ter other
.may be
with perf
Suits. T
bowels an
me medicine for childre
They are a gentle
xati.ve which are a
ed to be free fro
rmful drugs
ven to the
t wet
opia s
ngest child
beneficial re -
r action on the
ach `they banish con -
indigestion; break up
tcolds and simple fevers and make
teething easy, Mothers, you can make
roll'little vales well and keep them
well by just keeping a box of the
Tablets at hand and by giving an
occasional dose to the baby to keep
his little bowels regular and his
-stomach sweet. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
•cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The famous cedars of Lebanon were
;ahn•`ost wholly destroyed during the
world war, according to a writer in a
San Francisco periodical. The trees
date back to the earliest times. They
were historic during the wars of Sen-
nacherib, 608 years before Christ, as
described in the psalms of David.
Pliny, the Roman historian, ' claimed
their wood to be everlastin'gly dura-
ble, and the Arabs believed the trees
-to exist for all time. Timbers un-
earthed in the ruins of ancient Assy-
•ria have been found practically, un-
changed after 2,000 years and more.
In olden `times the oil from the trees examination of a portion of one of
was used as a cure for leprosy, and it NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE these tubercles will show large num
was ,used by the Romans to preserve hers of tubercle bacteria present..
their manuscripts. An attachment for sewing machines Individual trees to wave a fan is the invention of a These tubercle bacteria are „the
-were- often 42 feet in circumference Texan. cause -of the disease. They are so
and 90 feet in 'height, with a wonder- The finest all steel steamship ever small as to be altogether invisible
without the use of a high power
-fully beautiful spread of branches, built in. Argentina was launched a
Durin'g the late -war the Turks cut microscope. They are not the same
few weeks ago. _
them down. for fuel for locomotives One of the best known imitation variety as thgqse which souse tuber -
and then the opposing forces -Con- culosls in hui`aan beings.
tinned their destruction for fuel andleathers with a .wide range of uses Birds suffering from the disease
is made from cotton.
other military purposes. High_ schools in New- South; Wales glue off large numbers of the bacteria
Vented milliner. _Charles II. might
have made a competence in a chemi-
cal laboratory, and Peter the Great
.in a -carpenter's shop. Napoleon
would have been ,an accomplished "Jana 12, i 2 0.
leader -writer of the "big druid" -type; "Dear 9ir,Will you kindly roves -
Frederick the Great an admirable ' tigate this fowl and• let me know i.
stock -keeper to a penurious . firm. What le the matter and how to treat,
Prince Henry, of. Prussia, might have tlieni -Out of 160 birds I have lately
' flourishedas :a commercial traveller, lost aver a doyen. Some of them
and George III. as a farmer. James went lame on the start, some in right
. I. was another journalist -and so foot and some in left, and some Net-
ueton. WPM arOun¢ without, being lame.
1 have hold all my old hens and have
now 120 pullets and thirty last year's
WHY IS THE S. 0. S. -THE pullets. They started this in early
WIRELESS DISTRESS SIGNAL i fall. Thanking you in advance,
Yours respectfully,
• .. rt
Examination oil this pullet showed
it to have been suffering from ad-
vanced tuberculosis. The liver,
spleen- and intestines were all badly
tubercular. The • iairnediate cause of
death had been the rupture of a large
blood vessel: in the liver due to the
development of tubercles.
Tuberculosis results in consider-
able financial losses to the y days of the wire- tion and heavy mortality in the Socha
Duriiigr the` man,• due to decrease in egg produce
less it was seen }that one of the
greatest uses of the new invention {where it is present.
The disease is chronic rather than
would be to announce the presence i acute. That is, it does not cause
of danger at sea -to enable a ship, . death suddenly, but takes time to de -
hundreds of miles from land d •and velop, usually causing the bird to
off the beaten track of navigation. ' gradually lose flesh, turn pale
to call ' for assistance. A .number around head, become listless, mopy,
of experiments were nfade, such and frequently lame, while egg -lay -
words and phrases as "Help!" ing is reduced to a minimum.
"Come at Once," "Imminent Dan'gpr," , :To be sure, however, that such a
and the ,like, but all of these were condition of birds in a !lock is due
too long, and there Wag Ioo etali like i r .,.: , dint p rY i
lihood of their be`ing.. fogged in trans -zu • _ ,.,,:in.,
m e • �� Ida Ti �' =• o
mission. It was finally found that the them. The bird should' be killed and
letters "S. O. S." could be snapped opened up. If tuberculosis is present,
out in a clear, unmistakable manner, the liver and spleen will be spotted
flashing their way across hundreds . with white or cream -colored spots
of miles and registering the fact that , varying in size from a small pin head
the ship which sent them was in great- to a pea or bean, and in number from
peril. Accordingly they were inept- a few to thousands. These are the so-
porated into the wireless cone=, -not called tubercles, each one a mass of
as an abbreviation. but as a symbol dead tissue that has been killed by
which could be picked up and under- '. the aotion of the poison .secreted by .
stood even when atmospheric condi- the tuberculosis bacteria which have
tions rendered it difficult to transmit developed there, These tubercles are
any other message, frequently found on the intestines
and in the lungs and bones as Well as
in the liver and spl"een.. A microseof ie
Pullets Having Tuherculoss Are
Common in Ontario..
The Disease Chronic Rather Than
Acute-- Symptoms Described--
.. The Birds Should Be Killed 00
and Destroyed.
(Contributed ba bhtarto Department of
Agriculture, Toronto.)
UBIDRCULOSIS in chickens
is very common in Ontario,
There is not a county in the
Province from which we
have not received .for examination
henseither dead of,. or suffering
from, this disease. Almost invariably
a letter accompanies such birds grat-
ing that deaths are occurring in the
flock at irregular intervals, the birils -
usually getting thin and lame before
death. The following Is a sample let
ter received' .
Various explanations of these let-
ters, ranging all the way .from ,"Save
Our .Ship" to "Suspend Other Ser-
vice," have been made, but as a
matter of fact, the - signals have no
significance othtr than that of a
hurry -up call for help. They are
, not the abbreviations of a phrase,
but merely a clanger ' signal, to be
used only when the ship which
sends them out is is in imminent per-
il of being lost.
teach the Japanese languages on the in their droppings. Other bird in
+ same basis as French. the nook scratching around and feed -
ABOUT FRESH EGGS AND 1 A new bath room convenience is ing with such birds pick upr the bae-
COLD STORAGE a tube that sterilzes and protects a gat
with their feed and grit and
brush from- dust. est infected. The bacteria are ab-
toothThe food which the hen' eats some- According to an Italian scientist asnd getd into they system thewithe foodn;
'times affects. the flavor of the egg;. it ,� and circulated in blood and -
also affects color of the yolk, which fuliels for motorved yg vehiclesas is the coming lymph streams iintil they get located
in the tissues, more particularly the
takes on a deeper yellow tint when An, electric fan has been invented'
fiver and spleen, where they rapidly
the hen has eaten an unusual quantity that is small 'enough to be folded and multiply and secrete their poison.
of grass or other 'green food, says the carried in a woman'surse.
p This acte on the tissue immediately,
Food and Markets, New York. Be- In addition to its other minal around them, pausing it to die and
cause the hens are in better physical wealth Spitze'nbergen has been foMid turn white and thus become a char-
. -condition during the spring, the eggs to contain petroleum deposits. ' ecteristic tubercle. I
laid at that time are apt to have a A patent has been issued for a full ; , When this disease is found in a.
firmer interior structure andke-ep sized baby coach which can be fold- . flocir"it is advisable to kill off all the
better than those laid later in the ed and carried under a persons' arm. birds. Then those birds which on
year. ' Large deposits,- of rich copper ore examination do not show evidence of
No egg which has been held for near the surface of the ground have the disease may be used as food.
even a short time is quite as good, of been discovered in Northern Finland. Those that show the disease- should
be destroyed by burning or by bury-
ing deeply in quicklime. I
The entire premises in which the '
birds have been kept should then be
1 well scraped, cleaned and thoroughly
disinfected by the application of a
Sure Sign That The Blood is disinfectant wash or spray, as quick -
Watery and Impure.lime, zenoleum, cresol, etc. The rune
1 should be well covered with quick-
lime and then ploughed .in deeply.
course, as one which is freshly laid.
But an egg forty-eight hours old that
has lain in a wheat shock during a
warm July rain or has been gathered
by the farmer's wife when it was wet
and dirty and then kept in a warm
kitchen would probably be swarming A
with bacteria and be unfit for food,
while another egg kept for eight.°
months in a first-class cold storage
room would be entirely edible and fair- : People with thin blood are much ' Even after such. treatment it would
ly good quality. The promptness with more subjected to headaches than full- ' be preferable to establia'h new runs
which an egg reaches the consumer blooded persons and the form of on fresh ground and then re -stock
after it has been laid is no guarantee anaemia that afflicts growing girls i Prem flocks that are known to be
of its quality unless it has been handl- 1'h thy.
is almiost always accompanied by • ••, • Anyone suspecting the disease in a
ed properly while in transit. -headaches, together with disturbance fl
of. the digestive organs. Soak and wishing to have the ease
Whenever youhave constant or : determined, should send a suspected
KINGS WHO MIGHT HAVE recurring headaches and /pallor of ; bird, s. `her alive or dead, express
the face, they show that the blood ' proi.l d, to the $acteriologlc De -
LIVED BY THEIR TRADES is thin and your efforts should be di- pertinent, O. A. C., Guelph, when an
When Charles V. abdicated ` his rested toward built ng up your blood. examination and report will be made
throne and retired to the monastery A fair treatment with Dr. Williams' ; at epee. ¢n illustrated bulletin deal-
i"n4 with his disease may be had ea
of Ste. Juste, he amused himself by Pink Pills wtll do 'this effectively,a'' ap !kation to the Department n
trying to learn watch -making. and the rich red blood made by thei.
' ° iculture, Toronto.—Prof. D. H.
After some time, he remarked one pills. will remove .the headache. / ,1 Af rJones, O. A. College, Guelph.
day: "What an egregious fool must ' More disturbances to the holth
I have beeen to have squandered so are caused by their blood than most Ithe Weeds.
much blood and treasure in an absurd people have any idea of. " n your i P
attempt to make mein think alike, blood is impoverished, t.. nerves Do not neglect to cut weeds on
when I cannot even make a few suffer from lack of nouris .o' nt, and , roadsides, in fence corners and waste
watches keep time together." you may be tr u led wi insomnia,{ places. And do not allow weeds to go
The tale seems singularly to the neuritis, neura gia or atic'a. Mus- . to seed in hoed crops. A well-cared-
tioint, in, view of the ex -Kaiser's re- cies subject t strain : re undern'our- 1 for hoed crop will rid the field of
ported attempt to master the art of ished -and yo ..may : ale muscular i many weeds, but a neglected hoed
the tailor, for it .is unlikely that he rheumatism or 1 'bago. If your , crop is a "nursery for weeds and a
will establish fame in that sphere. blood is thi ands : ou begin to show sou cep the iattai ination for every
Early after harvest cultivation
Other princes have made or play- symptoms o . of these disorders,
ed with similar amusements. King try buildin u the blood with Dr. 1 willdestroy many annual and
Edward used to say -;that if her were Williams P Pills, and as the annual weeds, such as False winter,
dethroned he could still matte a liv= blood is restored to its normal con Corn Cockle and Wormseed Mustard.
ing AS a cobbleir. His brother, the dition every symptom of the trouble "Plough shallow inzimseetely atter
Duke of Saxe -Coburg aimed a little will disappear. There ire more harvest and harrow and cultivate
higher, for he could have obtained a people who owe their presentstate frequently. By shallow ploughing the
position in a theatre orchestra among of good' health to Dr. Williams' Pink weed seeds are kept near the surface
at least the second violin. Louis. XVI Pills than' to any other medicine, and and by the frequent stirring of the
like Charles V., spent much time over most of them do not hesitate to say soil they are made to sprouts, and
the mysteries` of watch -making. so. .havin
, g sprouted they are easily de -
Queen Victoria could have designed You can gest Dr..Williams Pink bavind by further cultivation.
Christmas cards. Frederick, Prince Pills through any dealer in medicine
stroyeof Wales. would have been in gre-at or by mail at 50 cents a box or six A phonograph cabinet has been in -
request for cracker mottoes. George boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' -vented into which small machines can
IV., would have been one of the MecjJicin'e Co., Brockville, Ont. be set to masquerade as costlier ones.
s ,,
Seaforth's Greatest Clothing Store Is Supberly
to Serve You ---This Year more th;an ever.
Here for Men's and Boy's Clothing.
No matter what price you wish to pay for your Suit or Over
Coat you" can always get the best value at that price right here.
We handle nothing but the very best makers' best makes. Every •
garment is good, honest, . come -back -and -buy again clothing.
Dollar for dollar you get more style, better quality, neater fit,
better lined clothes here than you will find in any . store in the
County. And — last but not least -we stand behind every,
garment we sell with our personal guarantee. Come and see
Price --$10 to $45
We never allow any store to undersell us. You can always buy here with the assurance that
you are getting maximum value and minimum price.
UNDERWEAR — Standfield's, Turnbull's, Penman's, Watson's, these makers representing the
very best in Underwear manufacture are yotir guarantee for absolute satisfaction. Every
weight and quality is represented. PRICE $1.50 to .$5.00
CAPS --Stylish, becoming, comfortable, these are the points that recommend our Caps but the
real attraction is the reasonable price. PRICE 75c. to $3.00
SHIRTS AND TIES—The Christmas Ties and Shirts are arriving and what beauties they are.
There is an extra effort all along the line in Christmas furnishings. Come ind hook them
over. P ICES --Ties, 50c. to $2.00, Shams--�I.O to $4.00..
Women's Winter Coats
These are not ordinary garments, but are made in strict
keeping with advanced styles. Their very appearance is sug-
gestive of cozy comfort and refined taste.
You will be delighted with the many new ideas that find
expression in these new garments.
Price $25.00 to $ 75.00
For the benefit of
Summer visitors we
have decided to accept
orders in our Millinery
Department from now
Stewart Bros.
For the benefit of
Summer itors• we
have decided to accept
orders in bur Millinery
Department from now