HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-08-27, Page 6MUST 27, 1920. mommow. lather soles, per pair6.50 English last with Neolin $7.50 the new English last with ..... . - .. 48.50 to $10.00 t, Newlin Soles and rubber ........ ... . .$8.50 t, leather soles, Goodyear - . 48.50, $9.00 and $10.00 eat round toe with leather 1,7.50, $8.50 and $9.00 oe„ Neorin soles and rubber $8450. 1.1 11 TN COMMERCIAL HOTEL arkably smart for one of that age. rs. Ohs and daughter, Miss tie, have returned from the West are once more numbered among good residents, and their many ids are pleased to see them back n. -Miss Ida Ortweri, of Pigeon, iigan, was in. the village this Ic ,visiting her relatives, Mr. and . J. W.-Ortwein and son, Milton. iso P. Moore, who was here for a -, has returned to London. She accompanied home by her nephew, imie Simpson, whc has since re - Led. -Mr. and Mrs. William Hog - of London, former residents of village, was hr,re recently spend - a few days. -Mrs. Wm. Buchanan ntly very pleasanily entertained Lunber of her lady _friends. plendidly lailored and $55, 60 robe " BLOCK, SEAFORTH. noes )01 Shoe trade vkfith money and experi- [„ School Shoes- ans anothf.lt- pair .in rtied Prins eem- hat always tJis the Shoe St6r. c'an ad- Slytev-L.,-;-- best Lat are '',:e to WC • !•"„1:11:i -;, • •?est noes no AUGUST, 27,, 1920.- SEAFORTE MARKETS Seatorth, Augnst 26, 1920 'Butter, creamery 68c Eggs, per dozen - 620 Potatoes, per bag $1.25 to $1.50 Spring Wheat, per bushel ....-. 41.90 Wheat, per bushel ,11.95 Oats, .per bushel . $1.10 Earley, per bushel $1.70 Flour, per cwt. ... . . ...17.80 to $7.90 Eran, per ton ..... • .. .460.00 Shorts, per ton $70.00 flogs, per cwt $19.00 BEAN MARKET Toronto, August 24. --Canadian, hand-picked bushel, 14.00 ; primes, $3.25 to 18.50 Japans, 10 to 11.c; Limas, Madagascar, 12%c. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, August U. -Dr tied Poultry - Spring- chickens, 40c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 28 to 32c z ducklings, 36c;. turkeys, 46 to 50c; squabs, dozen, *5.50. Live Poultry -Spring chickens, 35e; roosters, 25c ; fowl, 28 to ‘82e; sducklings, 30c; turkeys, 40c. DAIRY MARKET' Toronto, August 24.--Cheese--New, large, 'el to 29e; twins. 271/4 to 29%e; trIP- leta, 27 to 28c; old, large. 88 to 34e; do., -twins, 331/4 to 84 1-2; Stiltons, old, 85 to 88 new, 38 to 34c. Buttere--Fresh dairy, choice, 49 to 50c. Margarine -35 to 89c. Eggs -No. 59 to 60c; selects, 64 to 65e. Ittonno- GRAIN MARKET Toronto, August 24. -Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $2.74 ; No. 2 Northern, *2.71; No. 3 Northern, $2.67 ; No. 4 Northern, $2.62; No. 5 Northern,- $2.42; No. 6 Northern, $2.22 in store Fort William. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W., 06c; No.- 8 C. W., 98%c; extra No. 1 feed, 93%c; No. 1 feed, 984e; No. 2 feed, 84%e, in store Fort William, Manitoba Barley lio. 8 C.W.. $i.89; No. 4 C.W., $1.83 re- flected $1.17; feed, 11.17. in store Fort "Williarn. American Corn -Prompt shipment. "No. 3 yellow, trac, Toronto, 52.00; nominal; 'Ontario Oats -No. 8 white, 80 to 85e. On- tario Wheat -No.- 2 Winter, per car lot, 52.50 to 52.40, shipping points, according to freights. Peas -No. 2, nominal., Barley - 11.35 to $1.40, according to freights outside. -Buckwheata-No. 2 nominal. Rye -No. 3, $1.75 -nominal. according to freights outside. Man- itoba Flour -Government standard. $14.85. ''Toronto. Ontario Flour -Government stand- ard, $12.00, nomirial. New Flour -$10.40 to $10.50, bulk seaboard. Millfeeds-Car Iota -- Delivered Montread, freights, bags included - Bran, per ton, $52 ; shorts, per ton, $61; good :feed flour, 53.75 to $4.00. t LIVE STOCK MARKET 'Buffalo, August 24.-Cattba-receipts, 3,200; -good heavy strong to 25c higher; common steady,: shipping steers, 115 to *15.75; but- chers', $9 to $14: yearlings. $15 to 116; ' heifers, $6 to $11.50; cows, $3 to *10; bulk, '$6 to '$9.50; stockers and feeders, $6 to $9.50; fresh, cows, and springers, good active, cont- •mon slow, $65 to $140. Calves -Receipts, 1,700; active; 50 cents higher; $6 to $20. 'Hogs -Receipts, 8,000; fairly active and eteady; heavy, $15.50 to $15.75; roughs, $1275; stags, $8.00. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 3,000a. active, Iambs and yearlings 50c higher; others steady. Lambs; *6 to 514; yearlings, 56 to $$9.50; wethers, $7.50 to $8; ewes, 53 to 57 ; nixed sheep, 57 to $7.50. Montreal, August 24th. -Cattle receipts, 1,200. There were very few cattle on the market. Sales of butcher cathe were to the lowering of prices on last week's market. Sales of butcher cattle were moving slowly at an advance, of 75c or more per hundred, bulls and common thin cows about 25c high- er. There were no good cattle offered, $9.75 -was paid for a load of fat cows and common steers averaging in all 935 pounds per head. No sales were made over this figure. The manager of the West End Yards stated that fifty "Holstein cows were being shipped from his • yards on Wednesday for Belgium. He has been authorized to offer space from Mont- real to Belgium at $60 per head, this to in - chide feed and attendance. Quotations :-Butcher steers, medium, 58.50 to *10; conunon, 56.50 to *8.50; butcher heifers, medium, 58 to $9.25; common, $5 to $7.75; butcher cows, choice, $8.50 to $9; medium, $5.50 to 56.50; canners, 53 to 54 ; cutters, 54 to 55; butcher bulls, common, 55 to $6. Calf receipts, 616. The best lot of calves was selling up to $13. The demand was fairly good. Good veal, $12 to $13.00; medium, $9 to $11; grass, 56 to $8. Sheep -Receipts, 2,864, •Lambs have been sold in car lots at $13. A few selected young • ewes sold up to 58. Quotations :-Ewes, 55.50 to $7.50; lambs, good, $12 to $13 ; common, 58 to 512. Hogs -Receipts, 1,409. Local butchers were paying 50 cents over last week's prices. The most general price was $20.50. The hogs being offered are too light. Quotations :---Off car weights, selects, 120.50 ; sows, 515 to $16.50. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, August 24. - There was a little better tone to the cattle trade so far as niedium to choice killers were concerned, but there was still practically no outlet for the common, thin stuff. After their •experiersce of last week, drovers- were very cautious in their week end dealings and the total cattle offering this, morning was limited to 1,425 head. Good to choice quality killers were still scarce. One load of 1,180 pound steers shipped by A. Whitham, of Port Elgin, to Corbett, Hall and Coughlin, cashed in at $14.50. Dunn and Levack sold one straight load of heifers which averaged 990 pounds - at $13.50, and the 'United Farmers one load of 1,180 pound steers shipped- by per pound. Other loads of butchers cashed in from $12 to 512.50.. For top quality cattle, average values were round 50 cents stronger than at the close of last week, while medium to good killers were 25 cents firmer. A lot of the common, light steers and heifers were un- sold. Fat cows and their numbeds were limited, were from 1A to 1/4 a cent higher. Good bulls were steady and in fair demand. •Common cows an dlight bulls were extremely draggy. Stockers and feeders were barely a moder- ate trade round last week's values though In senses where feeders wanted advanced cattle they paid :a little better prices. There was a fair, steady market for good milkers and springers. A. light offering of small meats resulted in a, stronger market for everything except heavy sheep. Top Iambs sold up to 514.50 which was a dollar higher than last week. Good to choice veals were a good 25 cents higher with $18.25 the bestprice. Light sheep firmed half a dollar, and while the general top price was $7.50, a few cashed in at 8 cents per pound. No hogs were sold at the packer -buyers Price of 318.75 1. o. b. offered for Saturday's loading, and the final settlement will likely show the trade for to -day at least steady at $19.25 f.o.b. and 520.25 fed and watered. The receipts were 91 carloads with 1,425 settle, 423 calves, 765 hogs and 958 sheep and lambs. H. P. Kennedy, Limited, sold on deck of iambs. 76 poenda, at 141,i cents per pound, and one load of butchers, 1,100 pounds, at 512 per hundred pounds. Dunn and Levack sold: Butchers -17, 990 $1.2.75.; 14, 888 lbs. $12; 21, 990 lbs. $13.4: 8, 850 lbs. $10 ; 2, 1,065 Tbs. 510; 3. 1,03lbs. $8.75. Cows -1, 1,110 lbs. 58,50; 1. :lee lbs. 58; 5, 804 lbs. $7.75; 1, 1,120 las. $6.00. United Farmers. Limited, sold: Butchers --20, 1,000 lbs. $13 ,• 21, 1,080 Ibs. $12; 1, 1,0e0 flea $12; 1, 620 tbs. $12; 1, 810 lbs. 510.- 1, 910 lbs. 510.15 ; 9, 930 lbs. $10.50; 5, 5450 114e. 510; 1, 690 lbs. 510; 1, 860 lbs. $10.50; -1. 710 lbs. $10 ; 1, 840 lbs. $11 ; 1, 820 Ita. 510. Cows -1, 950 lbs. $7 a 1, 1,310 Ma. ; 1, 9:0 Tbs. 510. Bulls ---1, 1,620 lbs. 56.75; I. 1.300 tba. 56.75 - Rise and Whaley sold Butehere--10, 1.180 L1 .25 • le. 1,183 Ibs. $11.25 ; 24, 900 lbs. 12; e.1.0 lba. 59.50; 4, 725 lbs. $3; 7, 30.50; 5, 910 tbs. $12-50- Cows - 2. 1 ,i.:0 lbs. $11 ; 1, 970 lbs. $7,50 ; 1, 980 th • 39; 2. 990 lbs. $5. Bulls -1G, 1,030 las. '0. Calves- 1, 320 lbs. 515; 8, 135 lbs. 3'7; 20, 143 10... 516; 7, 183 tbs. 516.50; 3, ;as 11,1. 517 ; 13, 150 lbs. $16.50; 10, 145 ra. $16.50. Lamb --47, 90 lbs. 514.50; 6, 74 las. $11.50; 9, 80 The. 514.50. Sheep -- 2 in:, lbs. ae; 3, 140 lbs. $7.50 ; 1, 155 lbs. J. (1. Shield; and Son saki: Butchers -25, 7 104its-4. 512.23. Cows -1, 990 lbs. $5.00 ; 110 $s.75; Calcea- -3, 495 "-•• 114e. 513; 1, 140 tbs. $16.50;s1, 140 tbs. sI0 Tbs, $12.50. Lambs -77, 5,420 :10 44 ; 5. 360 lbs. $13.75. Sheep -2, 390 - sa ; 2, 220. lbs. $8.50; 1, 110 lbs. 57 ; 595 ' - 1 springer, $115. " aria tt. Halland Coughlin quoted: Choice 1( raai •teere: 314 to 314.60; choice butchers, 1 ' t $13.50 ; good butchers, $12 to 512.50; 4 1 -;? Medium butchers, 511 to 511.50; common butchers, 19 to 510; choke cows, 89.50 to $10; good cows, $11.50 to $9; medium cows, 57 to $6; common stem. 86 to $7 osnueres 14to $F; heavy bulk, $9.60 to 111; butcher bulls, $7.50 to 59; choice sheep, *1 to 88; heavy sheer,. $6 to $6.50; lainbs, 118.50 10 $14.25; calves, $17 to 818. McDonald and Halligan sold: Butchers - 10, 1,140 Ms. 518; 15, 905 Ib.. 811.70 ; 3, 1.000 lbs. $11,50; 2$1 640 lbs. 18.26. Crows - 1, 1,160 lbs. $10.25 1, 1.100 Ms. $9.75; 1. 910 lbs. 16; 2, 1,190 Ms. $9.50; 1, 1,100 Ib.. 58; 2, 1,000 lbs. $7. Pu1ls--5, 795 tbs. 16.75; 2, 450 Ms, 16. Calves -1, 190 lbe. $19; 4, 216 lbs. 57.50; 5, 510 lbs. $8 ; 2, 176 lbs. 518. taraba-69, 70 lbs. 514; 26, 67 Ms. $10. Sheep -22, 160 $7.501 9, 109 tbs. 54.60. Quinn and Hisey sold: Cows -5, 1.070 Ms. 18.60. Bulls -6, 1.040 me. 56.85; 2, 805 lbs. 56.50; 1, 1,440 lbs. 17; 1, 450 Res. $4; 11, 580 lbs. 56.15; 2, sheep, 110 lbs. 54: 1 shee , 210 Ms. $6.60 ; 8, shoo, 160 lbs. 15.''; calves, 16.50 to 518.25. Lambs, 17 to Snarl:hall and Armstrong sold: Butchers-, 25, 880 lbs. 512. COWS -5, 1,020 1bn. $8; 4, 860 lbs. $4.90; 1, 750 lbs. $4; 1, 880 Me. 56.50. Bulls --1, 890 lbs. $6.25; 1, -1,570 lbs. $9; 2, 1,185 tbs. 88.75; 1, 870 Ma, 56. The quotations were: Choke helm 1110001% $14.00 to 414.50; goodheavy steers, $111.50 to 518.15; butchers' cattle, choice, $13.00 to 118.50; do., good, $12.00 to $18.00; do.. medium, 510 to $11.00; do.. common, 17:50 to 59.00; bulls, choice, $10.00 to 511.00: do., good, $9.00 to 59.50; do., rough. $6.00 to $8.00; butchers' cows, choice, 110.60 to 511.50; do., good, 59.00 to $10.00; do. common, 16.50 to 17.50; stockers, 19.00 to 811.00; feeders, 111.00 to 1112260; canners and cutters, 84.50 to $5.50; r0iiimpi, ge_Oit *b°1"0 1100 .t4 08614104 &Mtn& iaal 05 to 415; lambs, yearlings, 18 to 59.50: do., Spring, 1612 to 114.50: calves:, good to choice, 516 to $19.25; sheep, 18 to $8; bags, „ fed and watered, $20.25; do., weighed oft t cars, $20.50 ; fas.b.i 519.25; do., 'dq„ country „Pointe. 519.00, BIRTHS', MeBeath.-In Stanley, on August 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mclikath, a. son. Elliott -In Mitchell, on August loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Elliott, twins -eon and daughter. Houser. ---In Wingharn, on August 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Houser, twins, son and daughter, Taylor. -In Clinton, on August 13th,. to Mr. and Mrs. George R. Taylor, a daughter. McLean. -In Tuckersmith, on. August 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean, a daughter. MARRIAGES Stuart -McLaren. --On Tuesday, August 10th, at Niagara Falk. Ont., by the Rev. Canon Bevan, Fatima, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Robert McLaren, Mitchell, to Fred Ivan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stuart, Mitchell. DEATHS McQuade. -In Seaforth, on Saturday, August 21st, John Noble McQuade. McNab.-In Seaforth, on Saturday, August 21st, William John McNab, in his 8Ist year. Cudmore.-In Clinton, on August 17th, Elizabeth Cudmore, aged 58 years and 8 months. Thompson. -In Goderich, on August 13th, William H., second son of Mrs. Robert Thompson, aged 51 years #and 2 months. IMPORTANT NOTICES TEACHER WANTED. - A QUALIFIED -a• Protestant teacher for School Section No. 14. Stanley, Huron County. Duties to begin September lat. State experience and salary expected. Apply to HUGH Mc- LAUGHLAN, Secretary -Treasurer. R. R. No. 3, Kippen; Phone 2 on 86, Hensall. 2748-2 10$IGS FOR SALE. --SEVEN SMALL PIGS A' six weeks old, also one four year old heavy draught mare and three year old heavy gelding. Apply on Lot 30, Concession 2. Tuckersmith, or phone 10 on 614, Clinton. CLIFFORD CRICH. 2744-tf STORES AND OFFICES -FEMALE .HELP REQUIRE $75.00 to 5100.00 per month easily earned by you during spare time by submitting samples of Personal Greeting Cards to people whom you meet. Tremendous demand this year. Write for terms and sample.; - free. Carleton (Z) Publishing Co., 328 Spadina Ave., Toronto. . 2750-3 U. 0. MEETING The monthly meeting will be held in the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, on Wednes- day, September let, 1920, at 8.30. A full attendance is desired. T. G. SIIILLINGLAW President. 2750x1 N. R. DORRANCE Secretary. SHORTHORNS Wanted, a number of Registered Shorthorn Heifers, young cows and bulls. Must be good individuals. I intend visiting the Exeter district very shortly. Anyone with stock for sale write me by teturn to the ad- dress below. W. J. McCALLUM Stock Importer, Brampton, Ont. CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery, now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two - weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and seensor drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth •Ontario WILL=KILL MODE fliEsTHAN . • • •-....a.1.•VZ. • • • 843.13 W ORT4 or. ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores •CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO. During, the Canadian National Exhibition, August 30th to September 10th inclusive, the Grand Trunk Rail- way will operate a through coach be- tween Goderich and Toronto, leaving Seaforth at 6.51 a.m., arriving Park - dale 11.02 a.m., Toronto 11.10 a.m., returning leave Toronto 6,30 pan., Parkdale 6.42 'p.m. standard time. For further particulars apply to Grand Trunk Agents. 2750-3 FARMS FOR SALE '1RIARMS FOR,SALE. -- I HAVE SOME dhoti:6 farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf FM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES, BEING Lots 8 and 4, Concession 4, Hullett Township, in good state of cultivation. Large stone house and two bank barns with stabling underneath. Eetate of the late Gilbert Mc- Michael. For particulats apply to CHARLES G. McMICHAEL. 2750x10 FARM FOR EIALE,-7-FOR SALE LOT 8, Concewsion 8, H. R. S., Tuckcersmith, Sor.tainirg 100 acres all pnder ttulAy4ipn, There are on 'the %valises lc - Omfortable frame house and bank .barn with stabling underneath, % mile from school, 5 miles from town of Seaforth and b miles from village of Hensel'. All well fenced and drained. Rural mail and phone. For fur- ther particulars apply on the premises or address R. R. No, 2, Kippen, JOSEPH ATKINSON. 2748-tf PARM FOR SALE. -226 ACRE FARM AT Winthrop, lliron County, Ontario. Level and rich caly loam and in best state of culti- vation, on leading gravel road about 6 miles south of Walton, \C. P. R. station, and 5 miles north of Seaforth, G. T. R. station. Good frame house, bank barn, 84x60, stabl- ing underneath and stone foundation, other outbuildings. Splendid well with windmill attachments and. large boiler plate watering tank. Property of the late R. H. Govenlock. Phone or write J. R. GOVENLOCK, Sea - forth, Ont. 27494 James W atson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated . in the - Town of Seaforth, Terms reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Office for paitticulas, HAY FEVER and ASTHMA Conquered by the World's Only Two - bottle Remedy. Don't suffer a minute longer. Send to -day $4 -32 -day treat- ment. Trial size 25c, and guaranteed. W. K. BUCKLEY, Mfg. Chemist 97 Dundas- St. E., Toronto. 2748-4 FERTILIZER! Use Fertilizer for your Fall Wheat; it will pay. Wheat is worth more money how than dur- ing the war and will be for some time yert. . Grow wheat not only for the need of it, but for the money there is in growing it. Use dry and fairly, rich land and it is as sure a crop as any you can grow. .Use a light •coat of manure, if you have it, and a hundred and fifty or two hundred pounds of a good balanced fertilizer and you will get better results than from manure alone. If you have not manure use a little more fertilizer; it will ripen earlier and help it to fill better. Acid phosphates give good re- sults on clover or manured land, but it uses up the humus that should be spared for the next crop. A balanced fertilizer is generally the most profitable. Fertilizer is dearer than it was but not nearly as dear as wheat in proportion. All registered brands guaran- teed. I have different brands and will be pleased to sell you what you think will suit your land best. JAMES COWAN, Phone 219. Seaforth. TILE HURON:EXPOSITOR TED' Punch and Shear Operators. Rivetters. Steam Hammer Operators, Woodworking Machine Operators. Machinists. General Help. STEADY WORK ASSURED Apply SUPT. NATIONAL STEEL CAR CORPORATION, LTD., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sarah Jane Lawrence, late of the Township of McKillop, widow, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against Sarah Jane Lawrence, who died on the 16th July, 1920, are required, on or before the 6th September, 1920, to send to Messrs. Proudfoot, Killoran and Cooke, Solicitors for'Matthew A. Lawrence, of Ed- monton, Alberta,' and. Annie C. Lawrence, R. A. No. 6, Seaforth, Executors of the will ef the said deceased, full particulars of their claims; and after the field 6th September, 1920, the 'said Executors will distribute the assets of said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of 'which they shall then have had notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for The said assets 10• any ;veva Of - who Se 04101 notice shall not then .have been received. ' PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE. Voderich and Seaforth. Solicitors for said Executor. Dated 16th August, 1920. 2749-8 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS( addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 17th day of September, 1920, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over Staffs, No. 1 rural route, from the lst day of January. 1921. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the post offices of Staffs, Dublin, Henault, Kippen and at the office of the Post Office Inspector Lon- don. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post Office 'Inspector's Office, London, 6th August, 1920. 27484 DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Notice to ex -members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. NOTICE is hereby given to all con- cerned that ex -members of the Can- adian Expeditionary Force who are entitled to and who require post -discharge dental treatment must submit their applications to the District Dental Officer at the Headquar- tsce of the -District in which they reside on or before 1st September, 1920. Applications for dental treatment feceived after 1st September. 1920, will not be considered. (Sgd.) ELYGENE Major General, Deputy Minister, Militia an.1 Defence. Ottawa, August 3, 1920. GND TRK RAI LW,AVRAUNSYST M The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, - DETROIT & CHICAGO rta Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night train! tind, Parlor tars on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent qr C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. • W. Plant Depot Agent 1.111111011111111111011111111111111111101111111111101111111111MMEIMINNIM11111111111112 The most Modern § and Complete I- Equipment .1...•11•11111 1...••••• counts for Much in Manufacturing. -its utility when combined with capable and progressive manage- ment is fully ,demonatrated by Willards Chocolates Limited, one of the largest and most successful manufactureis of chocolate prod- ucts and ice cream in Canada. We are offering 8% Cumulative P4eferred Stock of this Company with a 25% Common Stock bonus. Write for a copy of our circular describing this investment. DOMINION SECURITIEAS COEPORATION LIMITED HEAD OPTICEI TORONTO26 KING sT. E. MONTREAL ESTABLISH= 1901 LONDON, ENG., • • 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 000001 * S. T. HOLMES a i 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking Parlors in O Beattie Block, opposite The * Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 4 Scott's. 0 Flowers furnished on short notice.o 0 Phone Night Day 119 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000080 *Goo ooO*G0000 T. BOX & CO. ° Embalmer and * Funeral Directors H. C. BOX O Holder of Goverment 0 0 Diploma and License 0 O Charges moderate 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 000000000,0000 • • WHAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Bring your certificates to this Bank and we will collect for you the initial payment of 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL authorized by the Wheat Board. . THE CANADIAN BANK ' OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 ' RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH: J. G. MULLEN, Manager. . . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MMIIIIMM1111111111111111H *Goo GG,G000*Go 0 W. S. GORMLEY G 0 Embalmer. and Funeral 0 Director Undertaking Parlors Above 0 0 M. 'Williams' Grocery Store, 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished on short Q.- 0 notice. • 0 „.., - ... * Charges Moderate 0 '1 0 Phone -Night or Day -192 0 , 3 0000000000000 5 CANADIAN NATIONAL • EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug. 28 -Sep 11 "The Greatest Annual Event an Earth" Where the Nation shows its best finished product of the Mine, Fisheries, Forest, Factory, Studio and Laboratory for Exhibition, Comparsion, Instruction and Encouragement Pageantry on a Massive Scale. Incomparable Music. Fine Arts, Applied and Graphic Arta International Photographic Salon, • Demonstrations daily by Northwest Mounted Police Two days o sensational automobile racing. Mile -a -minute m )tor boats and water sports, Electric show. America's best Live Stock Poultry, Tractor and Farm Machinery Display f;oventmen t flat s and Demonstrations. And a score a! other Special Attractions 42414.1 Consecutive year -I ,201;000 Visitors in 1919. JOHN G. KENT, General Manager. 010 JIM 1110 ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN] 5 Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough - to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy en04glt to Pass a Medical Exainination? Then clip thli advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEA -FORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. NAME ADDRESS • • .. • . • • • • • • . ... • 11•10. 1E10 =. = Date Born... ....day of.. . in the year,....... l' = Sa 14111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MODIMMMI111111111111111111111111111111111104; z School of,* Commerce Clinton and Goderich Vocational Training School for this distriet,by Government appointinent,and under inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re -Establishment Dept., offers the following. courses : Business, Stenographic Secretarial, Civil Service Teachers' Training Course Special courses arranged for students. The following advantages : Highly Qualified Teaching, Actual Business System of Bookkeeping, Credential Typewriting Test, Positions Guaranteed. - School Opens Wednesday, Sept. 1st, 1920 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts - Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist - Vice -Principal Phone 198 • 12-25 h. p. -Two Speed -24 Hours a Day -Any Day y.s „seas., "l" Al..zoolt 1 ,,, 4:-..::-.:" ,. „ •*5 • musistl'issisos i 4) .4......___ ,,,,,,„ V; - ''''' ." '';g '-i-N94;..,,,i-Vvrz .....i.44%..1.. -..-g,,,,...-6.- • - 7 7 "fr.. ' "saaleSasTs-SAI WATERLOO BOY Is the "Boy" who can do the job of 10 horses and two trained horsemen with but to TfheeeW d"himaierloo Boy" is in. a class by itself as a successful- Kerosene Tractor. engine has a finer record for 'adaptability to all manner of soil conditions and for tion. With a three -furrow gang you can plow 8 to .10 ACRES on a hot day. READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT SEAFORD'. We keep service and see these Tractors and Plows, or send for catalogue. a gallon or two of kerosene No Tractor or belt -service ease and vecnomy.in opera - TRACTORS AND PLOWS ready t,,2 help you. Call Men. We have the following rebuilt Separators and Engines for immediate delivery; • 1-36-52 Monarch with 1,Vmd Stacker and Feeder. 1-36-50 Goodison with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1-32-50 Goodison with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1-,36-50 Filshie Favorite with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1-20 H. P. Case Simple Traction Engine. 1-20 H. P. Waterous :Simple Traction Engine. 1-19 H. P. Bell Compound Traction Engine. Also a number of Gasoline Portable Engines. all Tebuilt and ready for immediate delivery at very favorable prices. We also ma-nufacture new Threshers ef all sizes from 20 inch cylinder to 36 call and look over our stock. inch. If yrAl need a Thresher THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., LTD., SEAFORTH, ONT. 4