HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-08-20, Page 54 t AUGUST 20, 1920. • cularly desire You to see these cut style with stitched tips and ,, per pair ..... $6.50 igh cut style with long vamps, files of good walking weight and <$S -5Q rut style with long vamps, i;xii- - liege heels, per pair $8,50 high cut style with, long vamps, welted soles and walking heels, x10.00 R77-1. ,SITE COMMERCIAL H ba, 56.00. Corbett, Hall and Coughlin quoted; Choice. u;.chers, 513 to 513.25; good butchers, $10.75 a 111.50; medium butchers. 58 to 58.50; amnion. butchers, 57 to $7.66; choice cows 3 to 59.50; good cow.;. 58 to $8.25; medium ows, 57 to 57.50; cx,mman cows, 16 tQ $6.50; annera. $4.50; heavy bulls, 510 to 511; ,utcher bulls, 56 to /7.24; choice sheep, $7.$(1 o 59.50; heavy sheep, 16 to $7; lambs, $18 o $13.50 calves, 517.50 to $1$.50. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers, 14.00 to 514.50; goad heavy steers, $13.50 o 513.75; butchers' cattle, choice, 513.00 to 13.50; do.. good, $I2.G0 to 513.00; do., aedium, 510 to 511.00; da., common, $7.SO o 59.00; bulls choice, ` 510.00 to 111.00 [o., good, 59.00 to 19.50; do., •ouglz. 4.00 to 58.o0; butch r::' cows, choice, 510.60 o 511.50; do., good, 59.00 to 110.00; do . onsmon, 56.50 to 57.50; stockers, 59.00 is 11.00 feeders, 111.00 to 512.50; canners and utters, 54.50 to 55.50; milkers, good to hoice, 1100 to 5165: do., common and med.- um, ted-um, 165 fin 575; spriagetu, 590 to 51655 ambs, yearling, 010.50 to 512; do-, spring, 12 to 113.50; calves, good to choice. 516.56 o 519 • sTteep, 53.&3 to 19.50; hogs, fed and katered, 520.2do., weighed off cars, 520.50; Ca., it, o. b., 5;:1..,15; da., do., country points, 19.00. 111111(1ltslflU IEl[iflt • A WOMAN e? ,nsibility ? 1r Misfortune? ur Estate `Immediately ? your Own? -a Good Livelihood. al Examination? I EXPOSITOR: OFFICE. 111 1111,S; NNW 611. 11.▪ 11111 soof in the year MEW SOME 0.▪ 111. .11 PIM WOW P OW fl <l l'I111111 l M1111l num l El l6l tnitr- store That ou Best;Best- of the best man- Ou are hard to re is the best Lys PLA . Cl es only SND PLACE t shoes and are a a OtI want. Orden than �t}die fa ' t i r FOOD f NK or ctr> • T AUGUST 20,1920. SEAFORTH MARK. Seaforth, August 19, 1920 Butter,per 55c Hogs, per cwt. $19.00 New Potatoes, per bag $1.50 Eggs, per dozen 58c Spring Wheat, per bushel $1.-50 Wheat, per bushel $1.95 Oats, per bushel .... k $1,10 Barley, per bushel . $1.10 Fleur, per cwt......... $7.80 to $7.90 Bran, per ton $60.00 Shorts, per ton $70.00 GRAIN MARKET Toronto. August 17. --Manitoba wheat-No.1 Northern, $8.15; No. 2 Northern, $8.12; No. $ Northern. 53.08, in store Fort William. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C. W., 06%c; No. 8 C. W., .913(4c; extra No. 1 feed, 94c; No. 1 feed, 90c; No. 2 feed, 85 e, in' store Fort William. Manitoba .Barley -No. 8 C. W., $1.42%; No. 4 C. W.,. 51.83%; "re-' laded, $1.14% ; feed, $1.14%, in store Fort William. American Corn -Prompt shipment. No.' 3 yellow, track, Toronto, $L95 nominal; Ontario DateL-Nominal. Ontario wheat-No.1 Whiter, per car la, 52.00 to $2.01; No. 2, do.,. 51.98 to $2.01; No. 3 do., $1.92 td? 51.98: R. o..b. shipping points. according to freights. Ontario Wheat -No. 1 Spring, per ear lot,, $2.02 to 58.98; No. 2 do., 51.98 to $2.01; No. 3 da, 51.95 to $2.01, f. o. b. shipping points, according to freights. Pegs -No. 2, notrdnat. Barley Malting, 51.25 to:51.30, ac- cording to freights outside. _ Bud t -Ne. 2, nominal. Rye -No. 3, 51 `5, ac- cording to freights outside. Manta ba Flour Government standar, $14.85, Te }to. On- tario Flour --Government standard, ' 512,50. nominal Millfccd Car lots -Delivered Mon - FALL TERM COMMENCES AUGUST filet The Central Bnsineas College of Stratford, which is recognized as one of the leading Commercial Schools in the province, reopens for the Fall Term on August 81st. Those inter- ested in - Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy course should write the College now for it free Catalogue. The Central cannot the de- mand made upon it for trained help. 2749-1 WANTED Punch and Shear Operators. - Rivetters. Stearn Hammer Operators. Woodworking Machine Operators. Machinists. General Help. STEADY WORK ASSURED Apply - SUPT. NATIONAL STEEL CAR CORPORATION, LTD., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS treal freights, bag included -Bran, per ton, In the Estate of Sarah Sane Lawrence, late $52; shorts. per ton, 561; good feed flour, of 'the Township of McKillop, widow, de - $3.75 to 54.00. ceased. - - DAIRY MARKET Toronto, August 17. -Butter, choice dairy, 55 to 60e; do., creamery, 65 to 70c; mar- garine, 1b., 37 to 40c; eggs, new laid, doz., 60 to 70e; cheese, lb., 40 to 45e. POULTRY MARKS Toronto, August 17. -Dressed Poultry -- Chickens, Spring, It,., 50 to 55c; fowl,. 25 to 40e; chickens, roasting, 45 to 60c; ducks, Spring, lb., 40 to 50c; turkeys, Ib., 55 to 608. Live Poultry -Chickens, Spring, 40 to 45c; chickens, lb.. 32 to 40c; roosters, M-, 22 to 27c; fowl, Ib., 35 to 40c; ducks., Spring, lb., 30 to 85c. BIRTHS Townsend, -In Egmondville, on August 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Townsend, a son. McCa3lum. In Hallett township. on 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCallum, a daughter. MARRIAGES Hall -Kent. -At Parkdale, on August 7th, Miss Catherine Kent to Mr. Chas. H. Hall, of Constance. Dickson -Cook. -In Toronto, on August 5th,, by the Rev. J. C. Balfour, Ruby D., younger daughter of the Iate 11, W. Cook, of Clin- ton. and of Mrs. Cook, to Roy Dickson, son of Mr. Henry Dickson, of Toronto. McLeod -McKay. -At the Manse. Kippen, on Saturday, August 14th, by Rev. Ur. Aitken, Mr,• Kenneth McLeod, of Parkhill, to Miss Evelynne McKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric McKay, of Tuckersmith. DEATHS. Martin. --In Brussels, ore July 30th, William Martin, in his 84th year. Brearly.-In Seaforth, on August 6th, John Brearly, of Mitchell, aged 38 years. • Cameron. --In Hensall, on August 6th, 1920, Janet McDiarmid, widow of the late John S. Cameron, aged 74 years. IN MEMORIAM_ Note Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verse and 25 cents for each additional verse. billing. -In fond and loving memory of Edward Cecil Diking, No. 654310, 161st Bat- talion, who died of wounds, August '23rd, 1918, aged 25 years. Into the field of battle He bravely took his place; Fought • and died for his country, And the honor of his race. He sleeps not in hie native land, But 'neath a foreign sky: Far from them, who loved him best, But in a hero's grave he lies. 2749-1 Father, Mother, Brothers and Sister. IMPORTANT NOTICES rrEA.cfrg . WANTED. -- A QUALIFIED Protestant teacher for School Section No. 14, Stanley, Huron County. Duties to begin September 1st. State experience and salary expected. Apply to HUGH Mc- L.A.UGHLAN, Secretary -Treasurer, R. R. No. 3, Kippen; Phone 2 on 86, Hensel!. 2748-2 pIG8 FOR. SALE. -SEVEN SMALL PIGS 'six weeks old, alse one four year old heavy draught mare and three year old heavy gelding. Apply on Lot 30, . Concession - 2, Tuckersmtth or phone 10 on 614, Clinton. CLIk'FoRD 0RICH. 2744-tf CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and teat each can of cream carefully. and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario Notice. Flax Pullers anted Per1 ..AcI'e "' $25 c Forester, Mitchell Ont. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against Sarah Jane Lawrenoe, who died - on the 16th July, 1920, are required, on or before the 6th September, 1920; to send to Messrs.- Proudfoot, Killoran and Cooke, Solicitors for Matthew A. Lawrence, of Ed- monton, Alberta, and Annie C. Lawrence R. R. No. 5, Seaforth, Executors of the will of the said deceased, full particulars of their claims; and after - the said 6th September, 1920, the said Executors will distribute the assets of said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets. to any person of whose claim' notice shall not then have been received. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE. Goderich and Seaforth. Solicitors for said Executer. Dated 16th August, 1920. 2749-8 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 17th day of September, 1920, for the conveyatlee A,is Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week 'over .Staffa No. 1 rural route, from the 1st day of January, 1921. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the poet offices of Staffa, Dublin, Hensel!, Kippen and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Lon- don. . - CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post "Office Inspector's . Office, London, 6th August, 1920. 2748-8 GRAND TRUNK WsTer.: • The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGOO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains;. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug. 28 -Sep. 11 "The Greatest Annual Event on Earth" Where the Nation shown its best finished product of the Mine. Fisheries, Forest, FFactory, Studio and Laboratory for . Exhibition. Comparsion, Instruction and Eacouragaeent Pageantry on a Massive Scale. Incomparable Music. Fine Arts, Applied and Graphic Arts International Photographic Salon. Demonstrations daily by Northwest Mounted Police -- Two days :,01 sensational automobile racing. !Mile-a-ritin'utc mdtol boats and water sports: Electric show. Atnerica's beak Live Stock Poultry, Tractor and Farm Machinery Display kkr ernment Exhibits and Detuomstratiorn. And a score of other Special ' A ttra.c tions 42nmi Consecutive year -1 ,20 1,000 • Visitors in 1919. JOHN G, KENT, General Manager. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Notice to ex -members' of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. NOTICE is hereby . given to all con- cerned that ex -members of the Can- adian. Expeditionary Force who are entitled to and who require post -discharge dental treatment must submit their applications to the District Dental Officer at the Jleadquar- tete of the District in which they 'reside on or before lst September, 1920. Applications for dental treatment received after tat September, 1920, will not be considered. (Sgd.) EUGENE FISET, Major General, Deputy Minister, Militia and Defence. Ottawa, August 8, 1920. , ` FARMS FOR SALE - FARMS FOR SALE.- T HAVE SOME *toles farms for sale in the Townmhips of Uaborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham,Ont. 2658-tf Nunn FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOT 2, ;,Concession 8, H. R. "S., Taekersmith, containing 100 -acres all under ::ultivation. There are on the premises , a comfortable frame house and bank barn with stabling underneath, 1,6 mile .from school, 6 miles from town 'of Seaforth and 6i miles from village of Hensel!. All well Tenced and drained Rural mail and phone. For fur- ther particulars apply on ,the premises or address R. R. No. 2,, Kippen, JOSEPH ATKINSON. 2743-tf ARM FOR SALE. -2254 ACRE FARM AT Winthrop, Huron County, Ontario. 'Level and rich caly loam and in best.state of culti- vatien, on leading gravel road about 5 miles south of Walton, .'C. P. R. station, and 5 miles north of Seaforth, G. T. R. station. Good frame house, bank barn, 84x80, stabl- ing underneath and stone foundation, other outbuildings. Splendid well with windmill attachments and large boiler plate watering tank, Property of the late R. H. Goveniock. Phone or write J. R. GOVENLOCK, Sea - forth, Ont. - 27494 • , • THE RAN EXPOSITOR 0000 040"000.0.04 O . S T. HOLMES O Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer . O 0 Undertaking Parlors in. 0 o Beattie B1oek, opposite The 0 O Expositor Office. Residence 0 O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 O Scott's. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 000000000 0000 0 0000 000000000 W.. T. BOX' & CO. O Embalmer and 0 Funeral Directors O H. C. BO% 0 Holder of Government 0 Diploma and License O Charges moderate O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. O Night Calls" Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 00.0000000 0000 0000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o W. S. GORMLEY _. 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral 0 O Director 0 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 O M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 O Main Street, Seaforth. O O Flowers furnished on short - 0 0 notice. o Charges Moderate '0 Phone -Night or Day -192 0 000000000 0000 Spreaders Wanted WE .HAVE STARTED SPREADING. Men, Women, Boys and Girls wanted. For further particulars apply to CANADIAN FLAX MILLS, LIMITED Mill Office, Huron Road, Seaforth. P.S.--Don't forget we pay every Saturday night. i Why rt lothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed, The all wool fabrics are splendidly tailored and 'trimmed. Yet your pay a moderate price. $40,, $45, $50, $55, $GO "My- Wardrobe MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFORTH. 15 School : of Commerce Clinton and\ Goderich Vocational Training School for this ditrict,by Government appointment,and under inspection by Soldiers' Civil ,Re -Establishment Dept., offers the following courses : Business, Stenographic - Secretarial; Civil Service Teachers' Training Course Special courses arranged for students. The following advantages : Highly Qualified Teaching, Actual Business System of Bookkeeping, Credential Typewriting Test, Positions Guaranteed. School Opens Wednesday, - Sept. lst, 1920 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts M. A. STONE, Coni. Specialist Phone 198 - Principal Vice -Principal • FERTILIZER ! Use Fertilizer for your Fall Wheat; it will pay. wheat is worth more money now than dur- ing -the war and will be for some time yet. Grow wheat not only for the need of it, - but for the money there is in growing it. Use dry and fairly;, rich land and it is a1s sure a crop as any you can grow. Use a 'light coat of manure, if you have it, and a hundred and fifty or two hundred pounds of a good balanced fertilizer and you will get better results than from manure alone. If you have not manure use a little more fertilizer; it will ripen earlier and help it to fill better. Acid phosphates give good re- sults on clover or manured land, but it uses up the humus that should be Spared for the next crop. A balanced fertilizer is generally the most profitable. Fertilizer is dearer than it was but not nearly as dear as wheat in proportion. All . registered brands guaran- teed. I have different brands and will be pleased to sell you what you think will ,suit your land best. JAMES COWAN, Phone 219. Seaforth. James W at -son GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars. AY FEVER ' and ASTHMA Conquered by the Wprlcs Only Two - bottle Remedy. t Don't suffer a niiauto longer. Send to -day ;I -42 -day int„ nienit. Trial size 25e, and guaranteed.. W. K. BUC.KLEx', Mfg Mania 97 Dundas St. E., Torrnto. 2748-4 12-25 h. p. -Two Speed -24 Hours a Day Any Day • WATERLOO BOY Is the "Boy" who can do the job of 10 horses and two trained horsemen with but a gallon or two of kerosene to feed him. - The "Waterloo Boy" is in a • class by itself as a successful Kerosene Tractor. No Tractor or belt -service engine has a finer records for adaptabilityto all manner of soil conditions and for ease and economy in opera- tion. With a three -furrow gang you can plow 8 to 10 ACRES on a hot day, TRACTORS AND PLOWS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT SEAFORTH. We keep service men ready to help you. Cat! and see these Tractors and Plows, or send for catalogue. We have the folowing rebuilt Separators and Engines , for immediate delivery: 1-36-52 Monarch with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1--36-50 Goodison with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1-32-50 . Goodison with Wind Stacker .and Feeder. 1-36-50 Filshie Favorite with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1-20 H. P. Case Simple Traction Engine. 1-20 H. P. Waberous Simple Traction Engine. 1-19 H. P.• Bell Compound Traction. Engine. Also a number of Gasoline Portable Engines. all rebuilt and ready for immediate delivery at very favorable prices. We also manufacture new Threshers of all sizes from 20 inch cylinder to 36 itch. call and look over our stack.. - If you need a Thresher { THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., LTD., SEAFORTH, ONT- • WhyNew .Ioney!' This year we are spending about ten million dollars to extend e system to accommodate new subscribers. • Year by year we must spend millions so that people requiring telephone service may be accommodated! Such huge sums of course cannot be provided out of our revenue. The only way of obtaining money in such amounts is from; in- vestors seeking profitable employment for idle funds. Investors naturally won't put their money into any enterprise that does not promise absolute security and a sure return. Now- adays security and a handsome return on investments are not difficult to find! Our problem then is, in spite of the high cost of everything we buy in both labor and material, to pay such a return to present investors --our shareholders -as will attract new money, This must be accomplished while, at the same time, keeping blit' service up to the highest standard. If the rate of return is not attractive, then the supply of new money ceases. This is the problem of telephone companies ev i7where, None of them has found any other solution,than to charge a fair and adequate rate to subscribers. THE' BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA • , WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES 6 Bring your certificates to this Bank and we will collect for you the initial payment Of 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL authorized by the Wheat Board. - THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $ 15,000,000 • RESERVE FUND - - $ 15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH: J. G. MULLEN, Manager. • - James W at -son GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars. AY FEVER ' and ASTHMA Conquered by the Wprlcs Only Two - bottle Remedy. t Don't suffer a niiauto longer. Send to -day ;I -42 -day int„ nienit. Trial size 25e, and guaranteed.. W. K. BUC.KLEx', Mfg Mania 97 Dundas St. E., Torrnto. 2748-4 12-25 h. p. -Two Speed -24 Hours a Day Any Day • WATERLOO BOY Is the "Boy" who can do the job of 10 horses and two trained horsemen with but a gallon or two of kerosene to feed him. - The "Waterloo Boy" is in a • class by itself as a successful Kerosene Tractor. No Tractor or belt -service engine has a finer records for adaptabilityto all manner of soil conditions and for ease and economy in opera- tion. With a three -furrow gang you can plow 8 to 10 ACRES on a hot day, TRACTORS AND PLOWS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT SEAFORTH. We keep service men ready to help you. Cat! and see these Tractors and Plows, or send for catalogue. We have the folowing rebuilt Separators and Engines , for immediate delivery: 1-36-52 Monarch with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1--36-50 Goodison with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1-32-50 . Goodison with Wind Stacker .and Feeder. 1-36-50 Filshie Favorite with Wind Stacker and Feeder. 1-20 H. P. Case Simple Traction Engine. 1-20 H. P. Waberous Simple Traction Engine. 1-19 H. P.• Bell Compound Traction. Engine. Also a number of Gasoline Portable Engines. all rebuilt and ready for immediate delivery at very favorable prices. We also manufacture new Threshers of all sizes from 20 inch cylinder to 36 itch. call and look over our stack.. - If you need a Thresher { THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., LTD., SEAFORTH, ONT- • WhyNew .Ioney!' This year we are spending about ten million dollars to extend e system to accommodate new subscribers. • Year by year we must spend millions so that people requiring telephone service may be accommodated! Such huge sums of course cannot be provided out of our revenue. The only way of obtaining money in such amounts is from; in- vestors seeking profitable employment for idle funds. Investors naturally won't put their money into any enterprise that does not promise absolute security and a sure return. Now- adays security and a handsome return on investments are not difficult to find! Our problem then is, in spite of the high cost of everything we buy in both labor and material, to pay such a return to present investors --our shareholders -as will attract new money, This must be accomplished while, at the same time, keeping blit' service up to the highest standard. If the rate of return is not attractive, then the supply of new money ceases. This is the problem of telephone companies ev i7where, None of them has found any other solution,than to charge a fair and adequate rate to subscribers. THE' BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA •