HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-07-23, Page 5JULY 23,1920. ce• iohvear the season. Nothing so dainty fortable for a woman to wear aths ,as a pair of our White bite Footwear offers: generous oxfords, Colonials and Pumps. ,ion to correct fitting. sigh cut styles `with Spool or d soles per pair $8.50 white rubber soles and caiWaS per pair .... long vamps and with Spool or td soles, per pair...... —$3:25 long vamps, Sport heels and ..$2.75 R ! f ECIAL Feather soles and rubber soles and r soles and heels, Sport heels, heels, white Special Sale $2.49 tlQTN )SITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL t as remedy was generally a drink of Fquor. One thing, indeed, the mem- kers of his household could not make Lim understand was that he could tot secure any more of it. To him his is the strangest thing that ever tappened. "Rope" was his pet nalne or whiskey, and whenever members ►f the family went to town before klay 1st, 1916, he generally order d nore "rope." It was always a stim llant for hini.. Obviously, he was a great care, u Mr. and Mit. to nit n lI I�Iyt n, as well as ;he children, saw to it that every ping possible was provided for the Yo1* fort of "Old Tom.' g I •:errFair `ON ISM Mal IMO lltol8 C - .,TU•A.L AND LIVE E WESTERN ONTARIO LND ATTRACTIONS ition on the Midway E. TWICE DAILY ks. Two Special Events BIM MEI MINN NMI PIM -IMF. of all kinds. MED EVERY MINUTE t 15c. Auto and Driver $1.00 an -. the • Secretary A. M. Hunt, Secretary. • MIN NNW r JULY 23, 1920. TEE .HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, July 22, 1920. Butter, per lb. 50c Eggs, per .dozen Potatoes, per bushel $3.60 Spring. Wheat, per bushel $1.90 Wheat, per bushel . $1.95 Oats, per bushel $1.10 Barley, , per, bushel $1,70 Flour, per cwt. $7.80 to $7.90 Bran, per ton $60.00 aborts, per ton $70.00 Hogs, per cwt. $20.44 52c BEAN MAAHET Detroit, July 20.-43e$ns. immediate and Lrampt ■ ipment, $7 per cwt., shipping points imas 17q per pound. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, July 20.—Eggs—Selects 80 to BUS No. 1, 67 to 58e. Butter --Creamery prints, Sa to 88e; choice dairy prints, 49 to 010: ordinary dairy prints, 45 to 47c; bakers', e86 to 40c ; oleomargarine (best grade) 84 to 88c. Toronto creameries are paying for churning" 'cream 57e per pound fat f. o. b. shipping points. '—Nominal. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, July 20.—Live Poultry—Buying Prices delivered Toronto: Hens. 'over 6 lbs., 22 to 840; hens, 4 and 6 lbs., 28e; hens, . un- der 4 lbs., 25c; spring chickens, 25 to 40e; chickens, milk -fed, 80 to 85c; roosters, 28 ducklings, spring 80e turkeys, 36c. Dressed Poultry—Hens, over 5—lbs., 32 to 34c; hens, 4 and 5 lbs. 28c; hens, under 4 lbs., 25e; spring chickens, 60c; chickens, milk -fed, 85 to 40c; roosters, 25c; ducklings, spring, 85c; turkeys, 46c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, July 20.—Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 Northern, 83.15; No. 2 Northern, $3.12; No. 2 Northern. 18.08. in store Fort William. Manitoba Oats—No. 2 C. W., $1.203/4; No. S C. W., 21.173/.s ; extra No: 1 feed, $1.16%; /No. 1 feed, $1.153/1 ; No. 2 feed. $1.1234 in store Fort William. Manitoba Barley—No. 8 G W., 21.78%; No. 4 C W , $1.463 ; rejected, 41.413/4: feed, $1.411/., in store Fort William American Corn Prompt shipment. No. 8 yeellow, track, Toronto, $2.30 nominal. Ontario OatsNominal. Ontario wheat–No.1 Winter; per car lot, $2.00 to $2.01; No. 2, do., $1.98 to 12.01; No. 8 do., 11.92 to $1.98, f. o.b. shipping points, according to freights. Ontario Wheat—leo 1 Spring, per car lot, $2.02 to $2.03; No. 2 do., $1.98 to 12.01 ; No. 3 do., $1.95 to $2.01, f. o. b. shipping aointa, according to freights. Peas No. 2, nominal. Barley—Malting, $1.84 to $1.86 ac- , cording to freights outside. Bud icwheat--No. 2, nominal. Rye—No. 8, 12.20 to $2.25, ae- eording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour Government standar, $14.85, Toronto. On- tario Flour—Government , standard, $12.90, n ominal Millfeeed—Car lots Delivered Mon- treal freights, bag included—Bran, per ton, 1154; shorts, per ton. 161; good feed our, 48.75 to $4.00. Hay—No. 1, per ton, 231; mixed per ton, 527.00, track, Toronto. Straw—Car lots, per ton, $15 to $16, track Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, July 22.—Cattle, receipts, 8,500; shipping 25 to 50 cents lower; handy, strong, shipping steers, $15.50 to $16.25; butchers, 39 to $15; yearlings, $15.50 to $16.50; teifers $7 to $12.50; cows, 58 to . $10.50; bulls. $6 to 5101 stockers and feeders, $6 to $10 ; fresh cows and springers, $65 to $150. Calves, re- ceipts, 2,000; steady, 86 to $18.50. Hogs, re- ceipts, 6,400; 15 to 25c higher; pigs, 50c higher. Heavy $16.50 to 517; mixed, $17.15 to 317.35; yorkers; $17.25 to 817.40; light yorkers, $16.50 to 517.25; pigs, $16.25 to $16_50; roughs, $13 to $13.25 ; stags, $8 to 310. Sheep and Iambs, receipts —2,000. Lambs, 8 to 516.50ff1 yearlings, $7 to $13; wethers, 59.50 to $10; ewes, $3 to $9; mixed sheep, $8.50 to $9.50. Montreal, July 20.—Cattle, receipts, .1,390. There was a fairly good demand for cattle at prices fully as strong as those paid last week. Common cattle were of better quality and a large percentage of sales were being made at prices ranging from $8.50 to $10. Good steers were selling up to $14.50 and top cows 512. Quotations—Butcher steers, good; $12.50 to $14.50; medium, . $10.50 to 312; common, $8 to $10; butcher heifers, choice, $12 to 514; medium, $9.50 to $11.50; common, $6 to $9; butcher cows, choice, $10 to 512; medium, $6 to 59; canners, $8 to $4.50 ;'s cutters, $4.50 to $5.50; butcher bulls ommon, $5.50 to $8. Calves, receipts, 1,430. 'There were very few milk -fed calves on sale. The most of the calves were light grass calves from the East and were being sold at 36.50 to 58 per hundred, packers quoting $12 for fairly good 'lots. Good veal, $11 to $12.50; medium, $6 to $11; grass, $6 to $8. Sheep, receipts, 2,177. Small lots of good Jambe were sold up to $16. Small poor lambs $12. Offer lower than these were made on account of lambs being 'wet. Ewes, $7 to $9; lambs, .good, $15 to $16 ; common, $12 to $14. Hogs, receipts, 1,851. Not many ' hogs were sold. A few small picked lots being weighed up at $21 and mixed lots from $17 np. The market was reported strong. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, July 20.-- Notwithstanding 0.—Notwithstanding the fact that the offering was comparatively light for a Monday's market, drovers and commission men ;'.ailed to prevent the buyers knocking another 25 .cents oft values for good cattle and cutting. Prices: far the common butchers a further 50 cents. A feature of the offering was the decided scareFty of choice killers. J. B. Shield and Son r.'a_keted 12 heavy steers at 15',;,• cent aper wound. McDonald and Halligan one straight load of handy -weight steers at 16 cents per pound, but outside these very few. cattle cashed in over 15 cents. The big per- centage of the butchers sold from $12 to round $14 per hundred pounds, and some common stuff was most difficult to market. The general quality of the cows was equally 'Poor and met prices 25 to 60 cents under those which ruled the trade at the close of last week. Bulls were about steady ,and moderately active. The much-needed filip to the stocker trade did not arrive this morning. Farmers are too busy just now taking in their hay crops to pay much heed to cattle, but with values easing off gradually the improvement cannot he long delayed. It is not likely that there will be much call for common light stockers. Milkers and springers were active and firm, with good -quality cows forming the chief demand. H. P. Kennedy, Limited, sold 12 loads of cattle—Butchers, good, $14 to $15; fair to medium, $13.25 to 513.75; cows, $7 to 511.50. J. B. Shields and Son sold: Butchers - 12, 1,340 lbs. $16.50' 24, 990 lbs. $12.90; 5, 1,160 lbs. $15.25. 7, 990 lbs. 514.75; 1, 1,010 lbs. $12.50; 5, '890 lbs. $14.40. Cows -10, 1,000 lbs. $12; 2, 1,115 lbs. $12.50; 1, 990 lbs. 55.50; 6, 1,000 lbs. $10.75; 8, 1,080 Me. $9, 2, $12.60 each; 2, $12.50 each; 2, $12.50; 1, $125. Calvert, 470 lbs. $101 1, 160 lbs. $16,•60 ; 8, 710 lbs. 511.60; 2, 420 lbs. $16. Lanus -6, 460 lbs. 217; 20. 1,700 $17.25; 11, 750 lbs. $17 � lbs. $17; 50, 8,690 lb., $1 .26;'-$8, 2,490 Ib.. 60. Sheen --6, 840 lbs. $9.60; 1, 100 lbs. 15 ; 4, 460 Ibs. $8; 2, 190 lbs. $9. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers ---10, 986 lbs. $9.50; 8, 996 lbs. 17.50; 1.' 1,160 lbs. $18; 2, .1.080 lbs. 112; 8, 1,006 Ibis. 114.76; 1. 1,080 roe. $11; 4, 1,105 lbs. 111. Boha- 1, 1,480 lbs. 511.50; 2, 1,125` lbs. $11. Cows —2, 860 lbs. $5.50; 2-, 1,160 lbs. $11; 4, 1,080 lbs. 511.75; 6, 1,040 lbs. $9.50; 1, 760 lbs. 59, 50. Lambs --14, 76 lbs. 517; 1, 60 ibs. 115. Calves -1, 180 lbs. $16. 4, 196 ms.' $11.60; 2, 110 lbs. $8; 2, 167 Ms. $12;_ 15, 180 iba. 316. Sheep -160 lbs. $9.60;1. 160 lbs. $9. United Farmers' Limited sold: ' Butobere —2, 1,040 lbs. 114; 8, 940 lbs. 1111 7, 940 lbs. 313.75; 8, 920 lbs. $12; 8, 810 lbs. *12; 7, 800 lbs. $18; 4, 810 lbs. $18; 2, 780 lbs. $11.50; 6, 800s. $18.50; 1. 740 lbs. $18; 1, 810 lbs. $1250; 1, 840 lbs. $12.60; 6, 860 lbs. 518; : 19, 820 lbs. 512.50. Cows-- 8, 1.010 lbs. $14; 1, 1,220 lbs. $18; 1. 1160 lbs. $12.50; 1, 1,280 lbs. $11.50; 1, 1,000 Me. 111.50; 1, 880 1be. $11.26; 1. 1,190 lbs. $10; 1, 1,110 lbs. $1.0; 1, 1,200 lbs. $11; 1, 1,240 lbs. $10; 1, 1,280 lbs. $11:50; 1, 1,040 lbs. $11; 1, 920 lbs. $11. Bulls --1, 1,550 lbs. $18; 1, 1,220 lbs. $10; 1. 1,010 lbs. $10.60. McDonald and . iHalligan sold:. Butchers -- 20, 1.026 '8.. $16 14, 1,080 Me. 114; 12, 950 lbs. $14.50; 16, 775 lbs. 510.60; 2, 845 ibe. 118; . 15, 726 lbs. 512. Cows -9, 1,215 Ms. $12:90. 4, 1,106 Ibe. $12; 1, 1,010 Ms. 510.50; 2, 1,26 OMR. $12.25; 16, 1,050 Ms. $11.601 1, 960 lbs. $10; 4, 976 lbs. $12.50.' Bulla -1, 1,760 lbs. $1.1.40 ;, r, 1,080 lbs. 19. Corbett, Hall and Coughlin quoted: Choice heavy steers, $15.76 to 316; heavy steers, $15 to $15.25; choice butchers, $15 to 815.25; good butchers, $14.50 to $14.75 mediuiht but- chers, $18 to $18.50; common butchers, $12 to 812.50; good cows, $11.25 to $11.50; medium cows, $10 to $10.50 ; common cows, $6 to $7; canners, 55; heavy bulls, ';12 ; butcher bulls, $11 to $12.50; choice sheep, $8,50 to 59; heavy sheep, $6.50 to $7.50; lambs 517 to $17.50; calves, $17 to $18. Quinn and Rises!' sold: Butdl els-15, 1,025 Tbs. $10.50; 7, 807 .tbs. $9.50; 2, 870 lbs. $8; 1, 780 lbs. $13:50; 2, 67.5 lbs. *10.00. Cows -1, 1.820 lbs. $12.50; ' 1, 1,040 lbs. $10; 1, 990 lbs. 87; 1, 840 lbs. $5.50; 1, 1,280 lbs. $11; 1, 1,340 lbs. $10; 1, 1,070 tbel $8. Bulls -1, 910 tbs. 58; 1, 1,110 lbs. $9.00. Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Butchers —7, 885 lbs. 513; 2, 795 Ms. $10.50; 2, 1,080 Ms. $9.75; 23, 850 lbs. $11.75s 4, oxen, 1,286 lbs. 88.50. Cows -2, 1,140 lbs. 811; 1, 980 tba. $5. Bulls -1, 1,680 lbs. 810.50; 1, 1,190 Ibs. 810; 1, 1,020 lbs. $10.50. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers, $15.25 to 315.50; good heavy steers, 814.75 to 815.00; butchers' cattle, choice, 814.50 to 814.75; do., good, 514.00• ,to 114.25; do., $11.50 to $12.00; do., • common, 58.00— medium, $11.50 to 512.00 ; do., common, 88.00 to $9.00; hulls, choice, `$10.00 to 512.25; do., go9=d;s $9.50 to $11.00; do., rough, - 16.00 o$8.00 butcher cows, choice, $11.50 to $12.25; do., good, $11.00 to 111.25; do., common,: $6.50 : to $7.50; stockers, 59.00 to 211.00; feeders, 111.00 to $12.50; canners and cutters, *5.00 to $6.25 milkers, good, to choice, $100 to $165; do., common and med- ium, 365 to $76: springers, $90 to $165; lambs, yeitrlings, $12 to $18; do.; spring $16.50 to $18; calves, = good to choice, $16.50 to $18; sheep, $6.50 to 39. DEATHS Ferguson.—In McKillop, on July 18th, Jessie Ferguson, wife of the late John Ferguson, aged 60 years. Lawrence: In McKillop, on July 16th, Sarah ., Jane Foster, widow of the late William James Lawrence, aged 76 years, 4 months and 9 days. McIntosh.—In Constance, on July 20th, William M. Miffntosh, aged 86 years. ;Executor's Sale of Farm The Executor of the Estate of William Scott, deceased, will offer for sale at auction on Thursday, August 12th, 1920, at 2 o'clock p.m., Lot Na. 16, Concession 4, in the Town- ship of Stanley. For particulars ANDREW SCOTT, Brucefield. Executor. 2745-3 see posters or apply to W. BRYDONE, Clinton. Vendor's Solicitor. FERTILIZER! Use, :Fertilizer for your Fall Wheat; it will pay. Wheat is worth more money now than dur- ing the war and will be for some time yet. Grow wheat not only for the 'need of it, but for the money there is in growing it. Use dry and fairly rich land and it is as sure a crop as any you can grow. Use a .light coat of manure, if you have it, and a"hundred and fifty or two hundred pounds of a good balanced fertilizer and ybu will. get better results than from manure alone. If you have not manure use a little more fertilizer; it will ripen earlier and help it to, fill better. Acid phosphates give good re- sults on clover or manured , land, but it uses up the humus that should be spared for the next -crop. A balanced fertilizer is generally the most profitable. Fertilizer is dearer than it was but not nearly as dear as wheat in proportion. All registered brands guarani- teed. I have different brands and will be pleased to sell you what you think will suit your land best. JAMES COWAN, Phone 219. Seaforth. rt• L An, , 1 "'�� F/ rgtri ;-aiicnw ,a .4tk. WANTED! 30.000 HAVESTERS $15.010 to . Winnipeg Plus Half a Cent per mild beyond. Return, Half n Cent per mild to Winnipeg, plus $20.00. Special accommodation for Women.' New, comfortable onlonist cars of latest design. Through Service. Box Lunches. • EXCURSION DATES from ONTARIO Aug. 9 and 16: Toronto and east thereof.. Aug.. 11 and 18: Toronto, North, we st and South thereof. Leave Toronto 9.30 p.m. Po. tickets and information apply nearest Canadian National or Grand Trunk Agent, or write General Passenger Department. C. N. Rys., Toronto. 90 a0**o*****oo0 O• S. T. HOLMES 0 - Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 ' Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, , opposite The O Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St,, opposite Dr. 0' Scott's. . O Flowers furnished on 'short 0' notice. O Phone Night or. Day 119 0000000000 000000000 0.000 0000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer: and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX • Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate. Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day .Calls Phone 175 . - Phone 43 James . 'W at son GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms ' reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Office for .particulars. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate et Ellen Bannerman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the. Statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against Ellen Bannerman, who died on the 18th April, 1911, are required on or before the 20th Ju1yi, 1920, to send full particulars of their clali ns to the undersigned Solicitors for William Bannerman,,, Admin- istrator of the estate of the deceased, and that after the said 20th July, 1920, the Administrator will distribute the assets of the said deoeased among the persons entitled- thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the Administrator will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim` notice shall not then have been re- ceived. Dated the 28th June, 1920. 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0000 Pli;OUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, 0000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 000000aoo Embalmer and Funeral Director - .. Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams'' Grocery Store. Main Street Seaforth. - Fiowers furnished on short notice.' Charges Moderate 0 Phone -Night, or Dap -192 .O 000000000 0000 IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR• SALE.--fEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: We have a good supply of good sound fence and anchor posts. Apply to AMENT BROS.. Brussels. 2748-4_ $ AY FOR SALE: A QUANTITY OF t Sweet Clover Hay for .sale cheap. Apply to R. GARROW, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 9 on 286. 2785 -if WANTED.—PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR School Section No. 2, McKillop. State salary and references. Should be in not later than July 27th. Apply to the Secretary, JOHN McELROY, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2748x3 PIGS FOR SALE.—SEVEN „SMALL PIGS six weeks old, also one four year old heavy draught mare and three year old heavy gelding. Apply on Lot 30, Concession 2, Tuckersmith, or phone 10 on 614, Clinton. CLIFFORD CRICH. 2744-tf FOR SALE.—THREE SECOND % HAND 7 foot and one six foot Massely-Harris binders, carrier and truck, in first class work- ing order ; 1 driving mare 7 years old, sound and reliable, and several good second hand buggies, rubber tires and steel tires. A. E. BRUNSDON, Massey -Harris Agent, Sea - forth. 2745-2 CONSULTING ENGINEERS The. E. A. JAMES' Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Schools. Public Halle Housings,Factories. Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees :—Usually paid out of the money we save our clients NOTICE Notice is hereby given • that any person or persons who dump stones, old iron, glass,tt brush, logs, weeds with ,clay attached to them or other rubbish on the roads of the Munici- pality of McKillop, will be prosecuted as the law directs. By order of the McKillop Council. M. MURDIE, July 7th. 1920. Clerk. 2743-3 DEBETNURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has Memorial Debentures amounting to 56,000.00 for sale, payable in from one to fourteen years with interest payable an- nually. Debentures run from about $250 to $550 each. Offers will be received for one or more from any person wishing to show their appreciation of the sacrifice made by those who lost their lives in the Great War from this district and at the same time increase their income *from money they may now have in the bank or P. O. Savings. For further information apply to the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON. Treasurer, 2744-3 Town of Seaforth. FARMS FOR SALE 1 ARMS FOR SALE.— I HAVE SOME choice farms for sale in the Townships of 'Osborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved; on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 8, Concession 8, H. R. S., Tuc#cersmiili, containing 100 acres all under ::ultivation. There are on the premises a com':ortable .frame hotise and bank barn with stabling underneath, ' mile from school, 5 ;Hiles from town of Seaforth and 5 miles from village of Hensall. All well fenced h and drained. Rural mail and phone. For far. ther particulars apply on the premises or address R. It. Zfo. 2, Kippen, JOSEPH ATKINSON. 2743-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf, that all persona having claims against the estate of Jane Smith, of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, spinster, are required, op or before the 28th day of July, 1920, to send by post prepaid or deliver to J. M. Best, Seaforth, Ont., the solicitor for the trustee of the said estate; full particulars of their claims duly verified bk' affidavit, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, Ont., this 8th day of July, 1920. J. M. BEST, Solicitor. for Marion Smith, the trustee of the said estate. Seaforth and Galeria:. 2742-3 Solicitors for Administrator. POSTPONED Auction Sale, The auction sale of Mr. James S. Smith, advertised for July S'sth, has been postponed until Friday, July 23rd, at 2 p.m. T. Brown, JAS. S. SMITIH, Auctioneer. Proprietor. GRANDTRUNKsYet The Double Track Route between - MQNTREAL, TORONTO, • DETROIT & CHICAGO • Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal . day trains... For furtlfer particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent oi' C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. • W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant ...Dem Agent sumuummunstuussimsmilimmuummumummuuummiumsummut i ARE YOU A — - DIMM — - .—. - - MED .▪ 11111 IMO — 4 - EME MEI mi — - - Ent MID DE▪ O E▪ n - INN - IMP imm MOMO MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the' Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? ' Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enpugh to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough- to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to ' S. C. COOPER, 1 Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. - BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. e NAME ADDRESS - Date Bairn day of in the year - I• 0.▪ 1 • 111111111111111111111111111I11-111111 111111111111121111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 s - - - On - - - Ammm IMO im▪ a mom M▪ IN ema - - E on • immO inn - - INN d= POPULAR STALLIONS The following popular stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows; • I MAKWIRA Approved Enrolment NO. 8267 Form 1 (16938) VOL. XXXIII Monday.—Will leave his own stable, StafIa, and go west by the 8th concession to Nunes Hills' for noon; then south to the Cromarty Line and east to his own stable for night. Tuesday.—South by the Centre Road to Jas. Ballantyne's, 'Osborne boundary, for noon; then east to ,Farquhar and west on TInames Road to Wes. _ Armstrong's, for night. Wed- nesday.—South to Elimville and east to Winchelsea to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to William Brock's foi night. Thurs- day.—South to the 10th Concession of Blan- chard and east three miles and then north to William Thompson's, Jr., Lot 6, Concession 9, for noon; then north to the Kirkton Line and west to Kirkton at Taylor's Hotel for night. Friday.—North to G. Pridham's for noon; then went and north to John Hamil- ton's for night. Saturday.—North to Mac. Gray's, 7th concession of Hibbert, for noon: then west to the centre Road .and south to Staffs to his own stable, where he will re- main until the following Monday morning. Terms—To insure a foal, 515 John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager Staffs, Ont. EARL 0' STANLEY USE GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION (18890) Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form 1 Terms to Insure $12. Will stand -for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Brucefield, where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. RANTIN ROBIN (21685) - PURE BRED CLYDESDALE Enrolment No. 5597 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 24, Con- cession 4, McKillop. Terms. $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1921. 2786x12 Percy Smith, Manager. GOLDEN GUINEA [20738] Enrolment No. 6275 Form 1 Tuesday.—Will leave his own stable, Huron Road, three miles west of Seaforth, and go to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, foe, noon; then by way of Huron Road and Holmesviile to Oscar Tebett's for night. Wednesday.—By way of Maitland concession to John Dozers for noon; then to Benmiller and Huron Road to 'Wilmot Haackes' fors night. Thursday.— To hursday.To the seventh oonceseion, Goderich Township to Fred Pickard's for noon; then to Harold Graham's, ninth concession, for night. - Fri- day.—By way of Telephone Road and -Lan- don Road to Newman Garrett's for noon; then to his own stable, Huron Road, for night, where he will remain until the • fel- lowing Tuesday morning. Terms to ° insure, $15. G. W. Nott, Proprietor and Manager LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [21567] (160303) Vol 29, B.C. S. B. Passed Enrolment No. 1784 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as follows: - Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan, for noon; then to his own stable for night. Tuesday.—To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, ;for noon; then west to Allan Ross', concession 10, McKillop, for one hour; then to his own stable for night. Wednesday. —To Frank Mahar's, concession 8, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday.—To Joseph Nagle's fer noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtin's, 11/2 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then by way of Rox- boro to William Anderson's, Lot 29, Con- cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday.— Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms Te insure a foal, $18. James Evans, Proprietor and Manager. Beechwood, Ont. KING KAY Enrolment No. 529 Form 1 [13029] Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, 11/4 miles west of Winthrop, with exception of Friday from noon till night when he will be at W. Cud- more's sale stables,' Main Street, Seaforth. Terms—$12.00 to insure. 2789-8 BLACON'S .SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terms to insure, $16. Monday, Will leave his owls stable, Bruce - field, and go west to the second concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's., for night. Tuesday.—By way of Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey's. for night, Wednesday.—By McClymont's side road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm. Foster's, for noon; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Stanley, for the night. Thursday.—North to the Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; remaining until the following Friday morning. Friday. To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and north to the 2nd concession H. R. S., Tuckersmith, then west to James Carnochan'a, for night. Sat- urday.—West by Broadfoot's bride, then south to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE (2145] (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 354 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday. --North by way of sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg's, for noon; then north to James McMillan's, 6th concession, Goderich township, for night. Wednesday.—By way of Tewel's corners and Benmiller to W. Hill's for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to Holmesville at Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday.—By way of 16th concession to A. Townsend's, for. noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Friday. --South by -way of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce - field, for noon; then west 13/4 miles and south 114 miles to John Murdock's for one hour, then to his owp stable for night. Saturday.- South 231 miles, and east 11,4 miles to Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. Terms—$15 to Insure. The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per. witting. William Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brucefield, Ont. EMPEROR McKINNEY No. (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form A 1 Will make the season of 1-920 at his own stable, Lot 8, . Concession 4, Tuckersmith, at 313 to insure a mare in roal. Will meet mares from a distance. For further partficulars apply to Charles Riley. Owner; phone 7-136 2737-tf DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enrolment No. 5275 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable. Huron Road, 8 miles west of Seaforth, and go by way of Huron Road and Seaforth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon; then north to Jerry O'Hara's, for night. Tuesday: To Snell Bros., Kinburn, for noon; then is Andrew Flynn's, for night. Wednesday, To Ezra Durat's, Base Line, for noon; then by way of Summer Hill and 16th concession to James Ferguson's for night. Thursday.—By 'way of Enron Road and Cut Line to Eld. Yoe's for noon; then by way of ninth concession to Robert Cliffs for night. Friday.—By way of Bayfield Line and 2nd of Stanley to James Jackson's for 1noon ; then to Fred Pepper's, west End Tuck- ersmith, for night: Saturday.—By way of the second concession to Broadfoot's Corner, I then to Elcoat's Corner and Mill Road to Dave People's, for noon.; then to his own stable for night, where he swill remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. Nott, Prop., Dominic Reynolds, Man. FBKBYMA!LH, Regular saving will soon show a hand- some balance in the depositor's account. It may be difficult for you to come to the bank always when you want to deit. Send in,, deposits by mail --they will as carefully handled as though you handed them over the counter. /Th. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL E � $115,,000,0(X) ,�QO flt3 RESFUND $i 5, ± . toreThat ou Best. of the best man - you are hard to .ore is the best ay. . ►'. PLACE es only )ND PLACE 1a it shoes and are a t what you want. larder to fit than d in our stock of ivabie shape and leather. We fit 1'• feet to shoes. l COTT - GOOD SHOES RANK GF COM MERCK. 1111111±; 111111 1111111 1111111 1111111' 1111111 1111111 IIIIIII r JULY 23, 1920. TEE .HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, July 22, 1920. Butter, per lb. 50c Eggs, per .dozen Potatoes, per bushel $3.60 Spring. Wheat, per bushel $1.90 Wheat, per bushel . $1.95 Oats, per bushel $1.10 Barley, , per, bushel $1,70 Flour, per cwt. $7.80 to $7.90 Bran, per ton $60.00 aborts, per ton $70.00 Hogs, per cwt. $20.44 52c BEAN MAAHET Detroit, July 20.-43e$ns. immediate and Lrampt ■ ipment, $7 per cwt., shipping points imas 17q per pound. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, July 20.—Eggs—Selects 80 to BUS No. 1, 67 to 58e. Butter --Creamery prints, Sa to 88e; choice dairy prints, 49 to 010: ordinary dairy prints, 45 to 47c; bakers', e86 to 40c ; oleomargarine (best grade) 84 to 88c. Toronto creameries are paying for churning" 'cream 57e per pound fat f. o. b. shipping points. '—Nominal. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, July 20.—Live Poultry—Buying Prices delivered Toronto: Hens. 'over 6 lbs., 22 to 840; hens, 4 and 6 lbs., 28e; hens, . un- der 4 lbs., 25c; spring chickens, 25 to 40e; chickens, milk -fed, 80 to 85c; roosters, 28 ducklings, spring 80e turkeys, 36c. Dressed Poultry—Hens, over 5—lbs., 32 to 34c; hens, 4 and 5 lbs. 28c; hens, under 4 lbs., 25e; spring chickens, 60c; chickens, milk -fed, 85 to 40c; roosters, 25c; ducklings, spring, 85c; turkeys, 46c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, July 20.—Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 Northern, 83.15; No. 2 Northern, $3.12; No. 2 Northern. 18.08. in store Fort William. Manitoba Oats—No. 2 C. W., $1.203/4; No. S C. W., 21.173/.s ; extra No: 1 feed, $1.16%; /No. 1 feed, $1.153/1 ; No. 2 feed. $1.1234 in store Fort William. Manitoba Barley—No. 8 G W., 21.78%; No. 4 C W , $1.463 ; rejected, 41.413/4: feed, $1.411/., in store Fort William American Corn Prompt shipment. No. 8 yeellow, track, Toronto, $2.30 nominal. Ontario OatsNominal. Ontario wheat–No.1 Winter; per car lot, $2.00 to $2.01; No. 2, do., $1.98 to 12.01; No. 8 do., 11.92 to $1.98, f. o.b. shipping points, according to freights. Ontario Wheat—leo 1 Spring, per car lot, $2.02 to $2.03; No. 2 do., $1.98 to 12.01 ; No. 3 do., $1.95 to $2.01, f. o. b. shipping aointa, according to freights. Peas No. 2, nominal. Barley—Malting, $1.84 to $1.86 ac- , cording to freights outside. Bud icwheat--No. 2, nominal. Rye—No. 8, 12.20 to $2.25, ae- eording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour Government standar, $14.85, Toronto. On- tario Flour—Government , standard, $12.90, n ominal Millfeeed—Car lots Delivered Mon- treal freights, bag included—Bran, per ton, 1154; shorts, per ton. 161; good feed our, 48.75 to $4.00. Hay—No. 1, per ton, 231; mixed per ton, 527.00, track, Toronto. Straw—Car lots, per ton, $15 to $16, track Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, July 22.—Cattle, receipts, 8,500; shipping 25 to 50 cents lower; handy, strong, shipping steers, $15.50 to $16.25; butchers, 39 to $15; yearlings, $15.50 to $16.50; teifers $7 to $12.50; cows, 58 to . $10.50; bulls. $6 to 5101 stockers and feeders, $6 to $10 ; fresh cows and springers, $65 to $150. Calves, re- ceipts, 2,000; steady, 86 to $18.50. Hogs, re- ceipts, 6,400; 15 to 25c higher; pigs, 50c higher. Heavy $16.50 to 517; mixed, $17.15 to 317.35; yorkers; $17.25 to 817.40; light yorkers, $16.50 to 517.25; pigs, $16.25 to $16_50; roughs, $13 to $13.25 ; stags, $8 to 310. Sheep and Iambs, receipts —2,000. Lambs, 8 to 516.50ff1 yearlings, $7 to $13; wethers, 59.50 to $10; ewes, $3 to $9; mixed sheep, $8.50 to $9.50. Montreal, July 20.—Cattle, receipts, .1,390. There was a fairly good demand for cattle at prices fully as strong as those paid last week. Common cattle were of better quality and a large percentage of sales were being made at prices ranging from $8.50 to $10. Good steers were selling up to $14.50 and top cows 512. Quotations—Butcher steers, good; $12.50 to $14.50; medium, . $10.50 to 312; common, $8 to $10; butcher heifers, choice, $12 to 514; medium, $9.50 to $11.50; common, $6 to $9; butcher cows, choice, $10 to 512; medium, $6 to 59; canners, $8 to $4.50 ;'s cutters, $4.50 to $5.50; butcher bulls ommon, $5.50 to $8. Calves, receipts, 1,430. 'There were very few milk -fed calves on sale. The most of the calves were light grass calves from the East and were being sold at 36.50 to 58 per hundred, packers quoting $12 for fairly good 'lots. Good veal, $11 to $12.50; medium, $6 to $11; grass, $6 to $8. Sheep, receipts, 2,177. Small lots of good Jambe were sold up to $16. Small poor lambs $12. Offer lower than these were made on account of lambs being 'wet. Ewes, $7 to $9; lambs, .good, $15 to $16 ; common, $12 to $14. Hogs, receipts, 1,851. Not many ' hogs were sold. A few small picked lots being weighed up at $21 and mixed lots from $17 np. The market was reported strong. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, July 20.-- Notwithstanding 0.—Notwithstanding the fact that the offering was comparatively light for a Monday's market, drovers and commission men ;'.ailed to prevent the buyers knocking another 25 .cents oft values for good cattle and cutting. Prices: far the common butchers a further 50 cents. A feature of the offering was the decided scareFty of choice killers. J. B. Shield and Son r.'a_keted 12 heavy steers at 15',;,• cent aper wound. McDonald and Halligan one straight load of handy -weight steers at 16 cents per pound, but outside these very few. cattle cashed in over 15 cents. The big per- centage of the butchers sold from $12 to round $14 per hundred pounds, and some common stuff was most difficult to market. The general quality of the cows was equally 'Poor and met prices 25 to 60 cents under those which ruled the trade at the close of last week. Bulls were about steady ,and moderately active. The much-needed filip to the stocker trade did not arrive this morning. Farmers are too busy just now taking in their hay crops to pay much heed to cattle, but with values easing off gradually the improvement cannot he long delayed. It is not likely that there will be much call for common light stockers. Milkers and springers were active and firm, with good -quality cows forming the chief demand. H. P. Kennedy, Limited, sold 12 loads of cattle—Butchers, good, $14 to $15; fair to medium, $13.25 to 513.75; cows, $7 to 511.50. J. B. Shields and Son sold: Butchers - 12, 1,340 lbs. $16.50' 24, 990 lbs. $12.90; 5, 1,160 lbs. $15.25. 7, 990 lbs. 514.75; 1, 1,010 lbs. $12.50; 5, '890 lbs. $14.40. Cows -10, 1,000 lbs. $12; 2, 1,115 lbs. $12.50; 1, 990 lbs. 55.50; 6, 1,000 lbs. $10.75; 8, 1,080 Me. $9, 2, $12.60 each; 2, $12.50 each; 2, $12.50; 1, $125. Calvert, 470 lbs. $101 1, 160 lbs. $16,•60 ; 8, 710 lbs. 511.60; 2, 420 lbs. $16. Lanus -6, 460 lbs. 217; 20. 1,700 $17.25; 11, 750 lbs. $17 � lbs. $17; 50, 8,690 lb., $1 .26;'-$8, 2,490 Ib.. 60. Sheen --6, 840 lbs. $9.60; 1, 100 lbs. 15 ; 4, 460 Ibs. $8; 2, 190 lbs. $9. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers ---10, 986 lbs. $9.50; 8, 996 lbs. 17.50; 1.' 1,160 lbs. $18; 2, .1.080 lbs. 112; 8, 1,006 Ibis. 114.76; 1. 1,080 roe. $11; 4, 1,105 lbs. 111. Boha- 1, 1,480 lbs. 511.50; 2, 1,125` lbs. $11. Cows —2, 860 lbs. $5.50; 2-, 1,160 lbs. $11; 4, 1,080 lbs. 511.75; 6, 1,040 lbs. $9.50; 1, 760 lbs. 59, 50. Lambs --14, 76 lbs. 517; 1, 60 ibs. 115. Calves -1, 180 lbs. $16. 4, 196 ms.' $11.60; 2, 110 lbs. $8; 2, 167 Ms. $12;_ 15, 180 iba. 316. Sheep -160 lbs. $9.60;1. 160 lbs. $9. United Farmers' Limited sold: ' Butobere —2, 1,040 lbs. 114; 8, 940 lbs. 1111 7, 940 lbs. 313.75; 8, 920 lbs. $12; 8, 810 lbs. *12; 7, 800 lbs. $18; 4, 810 lbs. $18; 2, 780 lbs. $11.50; 6, 800s. $18.50; 1. 740 lbs. $18; 1, 810 lbs. $1250; 1, 840 lbs. $12.60; 6, 860 lbs. 518; : 19, 820 lbs. 512.50. Cows-- 8, 1.010 lbs. $14; 1, 1,220 lbs. $18; 1. 1160 lbs. $12.50; 1, 1,280 lbs. $11.50; 1, 1,000 Me. 111.50; 1, 880 1be. $11.26; 1. 1,190 lbs. $10; 1, 1,110 lbs. $1.0; 1, 1,200 lbs. $11; 1, 1,240 lbs. $10; 1, 1,280 lbs. $11:50; 1, 1,040 lbs. $11; 1, 920 lbs. $11. Bulls --1, 1,550 lbs. $18; 1, 1,220 lbs. $10; 1. 1,010 lbs. $10.60. McDonald and . iHalligan sold:. Butchers -- 20, 1.026 '8.. $16 14, 1,080 Me. 114; 12, 950 lbs. $14.50; 16, 775 lbs. 510.60; 2, 845 ibe. 118; . 15, 726 lbs. 512. Cows -9, 1,215 Ms. $12:90. 4, 1,106 Ibe. $12; 1, 1,010 Ms. 510.50; 2, 1,26 OMR. $12.25; 16, 1,050 Ms. $11.601 1, 960 lbs. $10; 4, 976 lbs. $12.50.' Bulla -1, 1,760 lbs. $1.1.40 ;, r, 1,080 lbs. 19. Corbett, Hall and Coughlin quoted: Choice heavy steers, $15.76 to 316; heavy steers, $15 to $15.25; choice butchers, $15 to 815.25; good butchers, $14.50 to $14.75 mediuiht but- chers, $18 to $18.50; common butchers, $12 to 812.50; good cows, $11.25 to $11.50; medium cows, $10 to $10.50 ; common cows, $6 to $7; canners, 55; heavy bulls, ';12 ; butcher bulls, $11 to $12.50; choice sheep, $8,50 to 59; heavy sheep, $6.50 to $7.50; lambs 517 to $17.50; calves, $17 to $18. Quinn and Rises!' sold: Butdl els-15, 1,025 Tbs. $10.50; 7, 807 .tbs. $9.50; 2, 870 lbs. $8; 1, 780 lbs. $13:50; 2, 67.5 lbs. *10.00. Cows -1, 1.820 lbs. $12.50; ' 1, 1,040 lbs. $10; 1, 990 lbs. 87; 1, 840 lbs. $5.50; 1, 1,280 lbs. $11; 1, 1,340 lbs. $10; 1, 1,070 tbel $8. Bulls -1, 910 tbs. 58; 1, 1,110 lbs. $9.00. Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Butchers —7, 885 lbs. 513; 2, 795 Ms. $10.50; 2, 1,080 Ms. $9.75; 23, 850 lbs. $11.75s 4, oxen, 1,286 lbs. 88.50. Cows -2, 1,140 lbs. 811; 1, 980 tba. $5. Bulls -1, 1,680 lbs. 810.50; 1, 1,190 Ibs. 810; 1, 1,020 lbs. $10.50. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers, $15.25 to 315.50; good heavy steers, 814.75 to 815.00; butchers' cattle, choice, 814.50 to 814.75; do., good, 514.00• ,to 114.25; do., $11.50 to $12.00; do., • common, 58.00— medium, $11.50 to 512.00 ; do., common, 88.00 to $9.00; hulls, choice, `$10.00 to 512.25; do., go9=d;s $9.50 to $11.00; do., rough, - 16.00 o$8.00 butcher cows, choice, $11.50 to $12.25; do., good, $11.00 to 111.25; do., common,: $6.50 : to $7.50; stockers, 59.00 to 211.00; feeders, 111.00 to $12.50; canners and cutters, *5.00 to $6.25 milkers, good, to choice, $100 to $165; do., common and med- ium, 365 to $76: springers, $90 to $165; lambs, yeitrlings, $12 to $18; do.; spring $16.50 to $18; calves, = good to choice, $16.50 to $18; sheep, $6.50 to 39. DEATHS Ferguson.—In McKillop, on July 18th, Jessie Ferguson, wife of the late John Ferguson, aged 60 years. Lawrence: In McKillop, on July 16th, Sarah ., Jane Foster, widow of the late William James Lawrence, aged 76 years, 4 months and 9 days. McIntosh.—In Constance, on July 20th, William M. Miffntosh, aged 86 years. ;Executor's Sale of Farm The Executor of the Estate of William Scott, deceased, will offer for sale at auction on Thursday, August 12th, 1920, at 2 o'clock p.m., Lot Na. 16, Concession 4, in the Town- ship of Stanley. For particulars ANDREW SCOTT, Brucefield. Executor. 2745-3 see posters or apply to W. BRYDONE, Clinton. Vendor's Solicitor. FERTILIZER! Use, :Fertilizer for your Fall Wheat; it will pay. Wheat is worth more money now than dur- ing the war and will be for some time yet. Grow wheat not only for the 'need of it, but for the money there is in growing it. Use dry and fairly rich land and it is as sure a crop as any you can grow. Use a .light coat of manure, if you have it, and a"hundred and fifty or two hundred pounds of a good balanced fertilizer and ybu will. get better results than from manure alone. If you have not manure use a little more fertilizer; it will ripen earlier and help it to, fill better. Acid phosphates give good re- sults on clover or manured , land, but it uses up the humus that should be spared for the next -crop. A balanced fertilizer is generally the most profitable. Fertilizer is dearer than it was but not nearly as dear as wheat in proportion. All registered brands guarani- teed. I have different brands and will be pleased to sell you what you think will suit your land best. JAMES COWAN, Phone 219. Seaforth. rt• L An, , 1 "'�� F/ rgtri ;-aiicnw ,a .4tk. WANTED! 30.000 HAVESTERS $15.010 to . Winnipeg Plus Half a Cent per mild beyond. Return, Half n Cent per mild to Winnipeg, plus $20.00. Special accommodation for Women.' New, comfortable onlonist cars of latest design. Through Service. Box Lunches. • EXCURSION DATES from ONTARIO Aug. 9 and 16: Toronto and east thereof.. Aug.. 11 and 18: Toronto, North, we st and South thereof. Leave Toronto 9.30 p.m. Po. tickets and information apply nearest Canadian National or Grand Trunk Agent, or write General Passenger Department. C. N. Rys., Toronto. 90 a0**o*****oo0 O• S. T. HOLMES 0 - Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 ' Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, , opposite The O Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St,, opposite Dr. 0' Scott's. . O Flowers furnished on 'short 0' notice. O Phone Night or. Day 119 0000000000 000000000 0.000 0000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer: and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX • Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate. Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day .Calls Phone 175 . - Phone 43 James . 'W at son GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms ' reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Office for .particulars. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate et Ellen Bannerman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the. Statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against Ellen Bannerman, who died on the 18th April, 1911, are required on or before the 20th Ju1yi, 1920, to send full particulars of their clali ns to the undersigned Solicitors for William Bannerman,,, Admin- istrator of the estate of the deceased, and that after the said 20th July, 1920, the Administrator will distribute the assets of the said deoeased among the persons entitled- thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the Administrator will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim` notice shall not then have been re- ceived. Dated the 28th June, 1920. 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0000 Pli;OUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, 0000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 000000aoo Embalmer and Funeral Director - .. Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams'' Grocery Store. Main Street Seaforth. - Fiowers furnished on short notice.' Charges Moderate 0 Phone -Night, or Dap -192 .O 000000000 0000 IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR• SALE.--fEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: We have a good supply of good sound fence and anchor posts. Apply to AMENT BROS.. Brussels. 2748-4_ $ AY FOR SALE: A QUANTITY OF t Sweet Clover Hay for .sale cheap. Apply to R. GARROW, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 9 on 286. 2785 -if WANTED.—PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR School Section No. 2, McKillop. State salary and references. Should be in not later than July 27th. Apply to the Secretary, JOHN McELROY, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2748x3 PIGS FOR SALE.—SEVEN „SMALL PIGS six weeks old, also one four year old heavy draught mare and three year old heavy gelding. Apply on Lot 30, Concession 2, Tuckersmith, or phone 10 on 614, Clinton. CLIFFORD CRICH. 2744-tf FOR SALE.—THREE SECOND % HAND 7 foot and one six foot Massely-Harris binders, carrier and truck, in first class work- ing order ; 1 driving mare 7 years old, sound and reliable, and several good second hand buggies, rubber tires and steel tires. A. E. BRUNSDON, Massey -Harris Agent, Sea - forth. 2745-2 CONSULTING ENGINEERS The. E. A. JAMES' Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Schools. Public Halle Housings,Factories. Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees :—Usually paid out of the money we save our clients NOTICE Notice is hereby given • that any person or persons who dump stones, old iron, glass,tt brush, logs, weeds with ,clay attached to them or other rubbish on the roads of the Munici- pality of McKillop, will be prosecuted as the law directs. By order of the McKillop Council. M. MURDIE, July 7th. 1920. Clerk. 2743-3 DEBETNURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has Memorial Debentures amounting to 56,000.00 for sale, payable in from one to fourteen years with interest payable an- nually. Debentures run from about $250 to $550 each. Offers will be received for one or more from any person wishing to show their appreciation of the sacrifice made by those who lost their lives in the Great War from this district and at the same time increase their income *from money they may now have in the bank or P. O. Savings. For further information apply to the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON. Treasurer, 2744-3 Town of Seaforth. FARMS FOR SALE 1 ARMS FOR SALE.— I HAVE SOME choice farms for sale in the Townships of 'Osborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved; on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 8, Concession 8, H. R. S., Tuc#cersmiili, containing 100 acres all under ::ultivation. There are on the premises a com':ortable .frame hotise and bank barn with stabling underneath, ' mile from school, 5 ;Hiles from town of Seaforth and 5 miles from village of Hensall. All well fenced h and drained. Rural mail and phone. For far. ther particulars apply on the premises or address R. It. Zfo. 2, Kippen, JOSEPH ATKINSON. 2743-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf, that all persona having claims against the estate of Jane Smith, of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, spinster, are required, op or before the 28th day of July, 1920, to send by post prepaid or deliver to J. M. Best, Seaforth, Ont., the solicitor for the trustee of the said estate; full particulars of their claims duly verified bk' affidavit, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, Ont., this 8th day of July, 1920. J. M. BEST, Solicitor. for Marion Smith, the trustee of the said estate. Seaforth and Galeria:. 2742-3 Solicitors for Administrator. POSTPONED Auction Sale, The auction sale of Mr. James S. Smith, advertised for July S'sth, has been postponed until Friday, July 23rd, at 2 p.m. T. Brown, JAS. S. SMITIH, Auctioneer. Proprietor. GRANDTRUNKsYet The Double Track Route between - MQNTREAL, TORONTO, • DETROIT & CHICAGO • Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal . day trains... For furtlfer particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent oi' C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. • W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant ...Dem Agent sumuummunstuussimsmilimmuummumummuuummiumsummut i ARE YOU A — - DIMM — - .—. - - MED .▪ 11111 IMO — 4 - EME MEI mi — - - Ent MID DE▪ O E▪ n - INN - IMP imm MOMO MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the' Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? ' Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enpugh to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough- to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to ' S. C. COOPER, 1 Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. - BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. e NAME ADDRESS - Date Bairn day of in the year - I• 0.▪ 1 • 111111111111111111111111111I11-111111 111111111111121111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 s - - - On - - - Ammm IMO im▪ a mom M▪ IN ema - - E on • immO inn - - INN d= POPULAR STALLIONS The following popular stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows; • I MAKWIRA Approved Enrolment NO. 8267 Form 1 (16938) VOL. XXXIII Monday.—Will leave his own stable, StafIa, and go west by the 8th concession to Nunes Hills' for noon; then south to the Cromarty Line and east to his own stable for night. Tuesday.—South by the Centre Road to Jas. Ballantyne's, 'Osborne boundary, for noon; then east to ,Farquhar and west on TInames Road to Wes. _ Armstrong's, for night. Wed- nesday.—South to Elimville and east to Winchelsea to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to William Brock's foi night. Thurs- day.—South to the 10th Concession of Blan- chard and east three miles and then north to William Thompson's, Jr., Lot 6, Concession 9, for noon; then north to the Kirkton Line and west to Kirkton at Taylor's Hotel for night. Friday.—North to G. Pridham's for noon; then went and north to John Hamil- ton's for night. Saturday.—North to Mac. Gray's, 7th concession of Hibbert, for noon: then west to the centre Road .and south to Staffs to his own stable, where he will re- main until the following Monday morning. Terms—To insure a foal, 515 John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager Staffs, Ont. EARL 0' STANLEY USE GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION (18890) Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form 1 Terms to Insure $12. Will stand -for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Brucefield, where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. RANTIN ROBIN (21685) - PURE BRED CLYDESDALE Enrolment No. 5597 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 24, Con- cession 4, McKillop. Terms. $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1921. 2786x12 Percy Smith, Manager. GOLDEN GUINEA [20738] Enrolment No. 6275 Form 1 Tuesday.—Will leave his own stable, Huron Road, three miles west of Seaforth, and go to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, foe, noon; then by way of Huron Road and Holmesviile to Oscar Tebett's for night. Wednesday.—By way of Maitland concession to John Dozers for noon; then to Benmiller and Huron Road to 'Wilmot Haackes' fors night. Thursday.— To hursday.To the seventh oonceseion, Goderich Township to Fred Pickard's for noon; then to Harold Graham's, ninth concession, for night. - Fri- day.—By way of Telephone Road and -Lan- don Road to Newman Garrett's for noon; then to his own stable, Huron Road, for night, where he will remain until the • fel- lowing Tuesday morning. Terms to ° insure, $15. G. W. Nott, Proprietor and Manager LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [21567] (160303) Vol 29, B.C. S. B. Passed Enrolment No. 1784 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as follows: - Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan, for noon; then to his own stable for night. Tuesday.—To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, ;for noon; then west to Allan Ross', concession 10, McKillop, for one hour; then to his own stable for night. Wednesday. —To Frank Mahar's, concession 8, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday.—To Joseph Nagle's fer noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtin's, 11/2 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then by way of Rox- boro to William Anderson's, Lot 29, Con- cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday.— Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms Te insure a foal, $18. James Evans, Proprietor and Manager. Beechwood, Ont. KING KAY Enrolment No. 529 Form 1 [13029] Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, 11/4 miles west of Winthrop, with exception of Friday from noon till night when he will be at W. Cud- more's sale stables,' Main Street, Seaforth. Terms—$12.00 to insure. 2789-8 BLACON'S .SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terms to insure, $16. Monday, Will leave his owls stable, Bruce - field, and go west to the second concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's., for night. Tuesday.—By way of Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey's. for night, Wednesday.—By McClymont's side road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm. Foster's, for noon; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Stanley, for the night. Thursday.—North to the Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; remaining until the following Friday morning. Friday. To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and north to the 2nd concession H. R. S., Tuckersmith, then west to James Carnochan'a, for night. Sat- urday.—West by Broadfoot's bride, then south to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE (2145] (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 354 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday. --North by way of sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg's, for noon; then north to James McMillan's, 6th concession, Goderich township, for night. Wednesday.—By way of Tewel's corners and Benmiller to W. Hill's for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to Holmesville at Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday.—By way of 16th concession to A. Townsend's, for. noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Friday. --South by -way of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce - field, for noon; then west 13/4 miles and south 114 miles to John Murdock's for one hour, then to his owp stable for night. Saturday.- South 231 miles, and east 11,4 miles to Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. Terms—$15 to Insure. The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per. witting. William Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brucefield, Ont. EMPEROR McKINNEY No. (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form A 1 Will make the season of 1-920 at his own stable, Lot 8, . Concession 4, Tuckersmith, at 313 to insure a mare in roal. Will meet mares from a distance. For further partficulars apply to Charles Riley. Owner; phone 7-136 2737-tf DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enrolment No. 5275 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable. Huron Road, 8 miles west of Seaforth, and go by way of Huron Road and Seaforth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon; then north to Jerry O'Hara's, for night. Tuesday: To Snell Bros., Kinburn, for noon; then is Andrew Flynn's, for night. Wednesday, To Ezra Durat's, Base Line, for noon; then by way of Summer Hill and 16th concession to James Ferguson's for night. Thursday.—By 'way of Enron Road and Cut Line to Eld. Yoe's for noon; then by way of ninth concession to Robert Cliffs for night. Friday.—By way of Bayfield Line and 2nd of Stanley to James Jackson's for 1noon ; then to Fred Pepper's, west End Tuck- ersmith, for night: Saturday.—By way of the second concession to Broadfoot's Corner, I then to Elcoat's Corner and Mill Road to Dave People's, for noon.; then to his own stable for night, where he swill remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. Nott, Prop., Dominic Reynolds, Man. i rhy. rt lothes? Because the have Style. le. y Ever. Suit s guaranteed. b The all wool fabrics are splendidly taiipred and " trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 4 My Wardrobe "- MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL IiLOCK, SEAFORTH. — ,4-441 School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich Vocational Training School for this district,by Government appointment,and under inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re -Establishment Dept., offers the following courses Business, Stenographic Secretarial, Civil Service Teachers' Training Course Special courses arranged for students. The following advanta: - es Highly Qualified Teaching, . L'7 � LS � g3 Actual Business System of Bookkeeping, Credential Typewriting Test, Positions Guaranteed. School Opens Wednesday, Sept. 1st, 1920 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts - - Principal M. A. STONE, Com, Specialist - -Tice-Principal Phone 198 FBKBYMA!LH, Regular saving will soon show a hand- some balance in the depositor's account. It may be difficult for you to come to the bank always when you want to deit. Send in,, deposits by mail --they will as carefully handled as though you handed them over the counter. /Th. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL E � $115,,000,0(X) ,�QO flt3 RESFUND $i 5, , SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. -�= . ii1!111111!11111an w i rhy. rt lothes? Because the have Style. le. y Ever. Suit s guaranteed. b The all wool fabrics are splendidly taiipred and " trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 4 My Wardrobe "- MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL IiLOCK, SEAFORTH. — ,4-441 School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich Vocational Training School for this district,by Government appointment,and under inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re -Establishment Dept., offers the following courses Business, Stenographic Secretarial, Civil Service Teachers' Training Course Special courses arranged for students. The following advanta: - es Highly Qualified Teaching, . L'7 � LS � g3 Actual Business System of Bookkeeping, Credential Typewriting Test, Positions Guaranteed. School Opens Wednesday, Sept. 1st, 1920 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts - - Principal M. A. STONE, Com, Specialist - -Tice-Principal Phone 198 - - - - ��e - .__ III r J 1111111. -�= . ii1!111111!11111an w lir ' c 111111 1111111±; 111111 1111111 1111111 1111111' 1111111 1111111 IIIIIII MEN,iiili:!! , WOMEN,BOYS AND GIRLS - WANTED TO PULL FLAX FOR THE CANADIAN FLAX MILLS LIMITED, EITHER BY THE ACRE OR- DAY. HIGHEST WAGES PAID, WITH FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE FIELDS. FOR FURTHER PAR TICULARS APPLY TO GEORGE DIXON MILL MANAGER at the Mill Office Huron Road Seaforth. . G 1111: III i1 1 11111 13. 1111 it al'I' hill II Ilii 0105111.111111111 gr_11 i rhy. rt lothes? Because the have Style. le. y Ever. Suit s guaranteed. b The all wool fabrics are splendidly taiipred and " trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 4 My Wardrobe "- MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL IiLOCK, SEAFORTH. — ,4-441 School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich Vocational Training School for this district,by Government appointment,and under inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re -Establishment Dept., offers the following courses Business, Stenographic Secretarial, Civil Service Teachers' Training Course Special courses arranged for students. The following advanta: - es Highly Qualified Teaching, . L'7 � LS � g3 Actual Business System of Bookkeeping, Credential Typewriting Test, Positions Guaranteed. School Opens Wednesday, Sept. 1st, 1920 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts - - Principal M. A. STONE, Com, Specialist - -Tice-Principal Phone 198