HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-07-23, Page 3TULY 23 1920. 1855 RYE $9,000,000 =nehes as Bank RVICE ed in a small way, have now assistance and co-operation of where your interest will be Biters. S D sna r Kirkton ensall - Zurich Stomach Disorders There are no remedies or med „nes so effective for the treatment n' the various Stomach Disorders Hacki'ng's Heart and Nerve emedy and Hacking's Kidney and iver Pills. This we know, from tate Kperience we hove- had from these separations. and from the know- ;dge we have of the action and iedicinal effect of the different rugs and herbs that go into the cinpcGiiaon: c f these two 'wonderful sinedies. The Ar_.'ipetstte may be either exalt erated, ,oeeerted,diminished or en - rely lost, thew preparations will store it. Thr Lir :!tion may be Zther Acute or ° `brook or the levies supplying sae Stomach may e defective or t le -1 -re may be Gas on Fie Stomach dui to Fermentation or- ieccffnpoaition of i cods; no matter hat the tro.,To may, be tihis treat - :lent will tones lip. ;he organs Of the atire sj stem a=n.I bring 'back the iorious good health that you so such desire. Pain after Eta::/.e Vomiting, Grad - al Loss of Flesh and Strength, 3yspeps&a and Seteemia are some of he Syrazaerae .._ > omach Disorders hat Arai, els.- el F ar When you use •lackin._s :,. i:° - . .; • Ct effect a cure, rowever . as essential as" he= rias:t <- _id anyone- who, as -bee- oats ., any length of *ne c * to be cured a S esxes sof Hack- s .. Remedy and =z' and Liver `zone! trial - Be acking's Remedies are sold in by E. UMBACR,Phm., B. Jr Granulated Eyelids, -our Eyes inflamed by expo- suretoads. Dalt and. Win& 'eyes�quickly relieved by Morino Ne lvy+egesteily. NQSmarting, just Eye Comfort. At ur Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle. r hook, el the Eye free write bis trine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. SINCE 6187a i1Jo ii- a $TQi 3 7GHs EVIDENCE If Success of Hacking's [eart and Nerve Remedy nd, Hacking's Kidney ud Liver Pills n.. Fullarton, R. R. 1, Listowel: "I doctored for eight years for omach Trouble and Pains , all raugh my body. got no relief untie used Hacking's Heart and Nerve emedy which fixed me up all right_ used Hacking's Kidney and Liver its along with the Remedy." rs. H. Hinchcliffe, Wingham: °,i was on the point of a complete ervous Breakdown, could not sleeps plan my household duties, suffer - with my Heart and my. Nerve id clatters could do little for me_ [ter taking the first box of Hack, -'s Heart and - Nerve Remedy 1 iproveci so much in health that I lutinued with a G box treatment tel am able to -return to my work Gall renewed vigor." r. Richard Jones, Doon, Ont.: "I have had Paint tevSer my Heart ✓ soiree time and tried d ell sorts of medics and have besa to four dif- rent doctors and F' dd get no re - I took- one box of Hacking's art and Nerve Remedy and felt ,se much better. I took another rbox :i have been able to work again. -fore I tock year r--c-r_edy I could a work far -weeks a:.. - a time, the die was so greet." These are only a far of `the many itimoniais that come be us voifun- ifly an -i I am sure that you too 11 et benefieL' remits i you will it give them a fair trial. Buy them am your dealer. Iisriz ` on Hack W s- Eaekirie's Remedies are sold in (firth by E. U IBA Cd, I'hm., B. X 23, 1920. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Make,Use of Your-,Pastiue Have you good pasture going to *ase ? ' If so, increase your -herd and make. use -of it. This Bank makes a special feature of loans' to farmers. - Have a talk - with our local manager. - Ti1E DOMINION B%NK . SEAFORTH BRANCH, R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. RED HOT DAYS - • - HARD ON THE BABY July—the - month of oppressive lest; red hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely hard on little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentry, 'bolie and -cholera infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles or if they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of *such aid to mothers during the hot summer as is. `Baby's Own Tablets. . They regulate . the bowels and stomach, and an -oc- casional dose given to- the well child will prevent summer complaint, or if the trOble does come on suddenly -will banish it. The Tablets are, - sold• "by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from "The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,- Brockville, Ont. s THESE CAPS CAN BEAT THE BANNER WHEN IT COMES TO GETTING THE "LIVE" NEWS ABOUT SICK POULTRY A 1Study of Bacterial Diseases of Chickens. Diagnosing Tuberculosis, Cholera; Typhoid and White Diarrhoea of Fowl --How - to • keep These Trott. bles From Spreading -- Radical Treatment Suggested.' (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) UBERCULOSIS---Judging b the number of tubercula birds sentto us for exam- ination from different places we conclude that tuberculosis of do- mestic poultry is widely ' spread in Ontario., - - • In live fowl it is difficult to -detect the disease 4in its early stages. As the disease advances, however, the there is a fog or not, At night the. following develop. symptoms are liable to lights are lighted automatically. The ship, gives • its position every fifteen 1. Emaciation -- Notwithstanding minutes or every hour by radio auto- matically back to the control stations the fact that the affected bird's appe- on land.,, The ship is , propelled 'by tite keeps good, the bird will ire - means of electricity, and the propel- quently get thin until eventually it leis. can be started and sppe an stopped d the ship steered at will from the dis- becomes little more than skin and tent land station. . - - bone. This symptom, however, flees "The same thing is true and will be not always occur; `some birds will realized on land where freight trains remain fat • even in the advanced can be sent without a crew for long distances Over land. In• this case, ,stages of the disease, bit such -birds too, the train is propelled by electric- will be very mopy and inactive. ity in the usual way. All other func- 2. Paleness. — The: unfeathered tions are fully automatic. parts of the head, around.eyes and "These things may' seem like wild ,mouth, the comb and/ Wattles, become and extraordinary dreams to -day, but they are not wilder than 'wireless 'it- pale and dull, and though the eyes usually remain bright.and Clear; they self was thirty years ago, which could not even- then be imagined." lack life and fire and are often closed. The feathers become dry and lack' the 410. THE MOTOR DIGEST lustre of health. 3. Listlessness.—!affected birds French West Africa has 250 motor gradually lose their vigor and become vehicles. - - listless amt inactive, being inclined to The Urnted" States is 50 days ahead mope around and lie dpwn when not in the production of gasoline. - - feeding. , is in touch with Motoring in Great Britain has ex- 4. Lameness.—When the disease Listoweltsidto-day perienced,a rapid recovery since the attacks the bones and joints lameness -the outside world as never before. war. oecurg. Lorenzo Thompson, Carlyle Hems Norway, has a Price Control Com 6. Egg laying is frequently reduc- irel and Dick Oke have rigged up mission regulating the sale of motor ed to a minimum; wireless outfits and are having the vehicles. After death if the bed is opened time of their lives. Highwa s are so congested in Chi- `up tubercles will be found. which ap- sensation of having 33 1-3or' cream colored spots Imagine the cage that raffia; moves only per year as white "live" come thousands of rn-les l or lumps 'tin liver, spleen, intestines, news cent. of t time. P through the air in a few seconds and Of the 147,812 physicians in the and may also occur in lungs, bonen delivered firsthand right at your United States, no less than 100,000 and other tissues. These tubercles are door! And that's the kind of dope I masses - of dead tissue which have the boys are getting. own motor cars. son was at the key -Mexico has been the dumping been produced by the action of the Lorenzo Thomp board of his instrument last night when reports started to come in from the big wireless station away down ` .a>t Arlington, Virginia. He hunted up , a, more experienced hand at the job, Roy Allen, an ex -army" operator, and the line they received included time signals, ship news, convention re- ports, U. S. Navy press news and ball game reports. The Banner would be inclined to handle some- of the "hot" dope, but South Austral a has note than measures. quickest, . ear to be some restrictions/ 7,300 motorcycles, which are used all fective method is to kill oft all dis- there app to the "game." For instance, with - the year round for both business and eased birds and those that have. asso- out a license the boys are not allow- a dated with them and then thoroughly 4 ground of thousands of used automo- biles from the United States. One-third of the 7,558,848 motor ve- hicles registered in the United States poison given off b the tubercle bac- terium which gets lodged in the tis- sue wherever a tubercle %develops. The droppings from affected, birds are owned ,by farmers. have `large numbers =of these tubercle An improvement of 9,000 miles of bacteria in them so that healthy birds - highways is planned in the Province scratching and feeding with -tuber- of 'Nova Scotia. • + . cular birds soon .contract the disease in s. Parking of unattended motor cars from these contaminated dropp g on Fifth avenue and other main traf- • When once the disease is estab- fic streets is forbidden in New York lished in a flock it is di cult to era - City. - dicate except by the most drastic i -i` Theke t and most .ef- he re- ed to send and information they sive is not to be divulged. Young Thompson's equipment, with garages are listed to undertake min s oc the exception of one part, the. con- Fowl Cholera.. --Generally the first repairs. symptoms bf this disease is diarrhoea denser; is of his own manufacture.— The Bureau of Education illi Phila- in which the droppings will be thin Listowel Banner. delphia, Pa., employs large motor and bright yellow mixed with bright buses to transport crippled children I -green. The feathers get roughened BIG THINGS IN} CANADA to and:from public schools. dorstand on end, the wings droop, the • Canada has the largest grain mills The latest design in motor buses is head is drawn down tsvards the in the British Empire. the pay -as -you -enter kind, patterned body. The bird rapidly becomes weak f street cars Canada has the world's pleasure. clean up and disinfect the premises There are approximately 800 motor vehicles in' British Guiana. Foand start again -with new healthy • • ur , t k highest lift- after the ° newer type o s re 4 and drowsy. The crop Is usually des- r lock at Peterboro. capable of hauling 100 passengers.4 tended with food 'and apparently Canada has the largest 'buffalo herd The new French roads will have a paralysed. • The bird very !(over 4,000), and the largest elk herd minimum thickness of 4.7 inches tf thirsty. In acute cases becomesf the diseasevy -(6,000 to 8,000), in the world. Canada has the richest nickel and d high asbestos mines in the uorld. Canada has the most extensive sea fisheries in the world. - Canada has the longest bride span of its kind in the c. Montreal harbor hasd theat largest grain conveying system in the . world. Ontario's Hydro -public ownership is as a hundred million dollar proposi- tion, the largest public ownership -scheme in . the world. - Canada has one of the highest tides in the world -591h' feet—in Noel Bay, Bay of Fundy. Canada has one of the thickest known coal seams in the world -47 feet—at Stellarton, Nova Scotia. Canada has the largest combination elevator in the world at Port Arthur; capacity nearly 10,000,000 bushels. Toronto's Industrial Exhibition is largest in the world, based d attend- ance of over a million, receipts area. C. P. R. dam at Bassam, Alberta, is the largest individual project of its kind on the continent. Canada has the second largest tele- scope, at Victoria, British Columbia.Alberta is selling potatoes in San Francisco. concrete, and a massive conere e abutment on eachside ofthe high- way. Sentence- of the horse -thief, in the old days, ranged from eight years to hanging. In modern days, the auto- mobile thief gets a mild fine or a short confinement in jail. Motor laws in the United States make it impossible for- a driver to travel in his car across the continent without violating -as many rules as the number of States he passes through. - Tourists with automobiles may en- ter Japan by paying the required import duty with the understanding that it will be refunded if the car is re-exported by the owner within three months. WHAT RADIO MAY DO FOR US IN THE FUTURE Radio kinetics, is the science of operating machines at a distance by wireless waves. In this country yhn Hays Hammond, Jr., is the greatest exponent. In France the science has been -developeci thoroughly by workers. In tife Radio Amateur News ' in (New York)- is an article by Capita e Mete, in which is a method of ringing bells by wireless waves -at a distance of more than fifteen miles. Tee great value of this s th at thip a s the wireless operator onone shon ip method of calling, the operatorne an- other, so that the latter need not sit with the receivers on his - head, but can wait -at his ease for the call. H. Gernsback, editor of - the Radio Amateur News, points out a few of the important things that can be ac- complished by radio kinetics. Among these are: - "By means of radio kinetics light- houses houses far out at sea can be operated at will. Buoys can be lighted and ex- tinguished. Freight steamers can be steered across lakes or even the ocean without having a crew or even a n board. single human being o lisp- these Pis "This already has been accomp ed in an experimental way. The boat any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 in this instance is protectedo from fromrThe Dr. cents a box oWilliams' Medicinr 'six boxes fore Co., lesion by means of a fog sounds every two minutes :whether Brockville, Ont.- - THE MAN WHO WINS• Is Always Full of Life and Energy —Failures Are Weak and Bloodless. Some men seem to have all the luck. If there are any good things -going these men seem to get them. They make other people do their will —they are leaders. If they are busi- ness men they are successful; if they are -workmen they get the foreman's job-. They have the power of influ- encing people. ' ' The same thing is true of' omen. Some have the 'charm -that makes men seek them out; other's are al- ways neglected. But this is not luck. It is due to a personal gift -vitality. Men and women of this sort are never weak,, puny invalids. They may. not are full of life and they be big, but g energy ` The whole thing' is a matter of good blood, 'good nerves and -good health. Everyone would wish to be like this and the qualities that make for vitality and energy are purely a matter' of health. By building up the blood and nerves, sleeplessness, want of energy, weakness of, the back, stooping shoulders,' headaches and the ineffectual sort of presence which really comes from weakness can all be got rid of. Dr. Williams' tP d Pills�e have made many weak, n vigorous and healthy, and many pale, .dejected girls and women, plump rosy and attractive, by improving their blood and toning up their nel ves. If you are weak, ailing, low- spircited or unhealthy, try• Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and note their speedy, beneficial effect. 11 through You can get -the bird dies in from one to two days; in other cases death does not occur for a week or so. Examination of the 'dead bird shows inflammation of the digestive organs, kidneys and mesenteries. Hemorrhages are found in the heart? blood vessels of the liver are con- gested. The ureters appear yellow from the yellow -colored urates which they contain. The disease is mostly spread , by .' importation of affected birds, 'birds returning from poultry shows, etc. Occasionally • a spontaneous outbreak will occur where no new birds are introduced to a flock. In such cases it is considered that the causal` or- ganism was present in the intestines of an apparently healthy bird that was resistant to the disease but that other birds in the flock net being rgg Blatant picked up the germs from a!!6 droppings of the affected bird and thus contracted the disease. Every - bird showing marked symp- toms of the disease should be killed at once and burned, care being taken that none of the blood gets scattered around as the bacteria that cause the disease will be numerous , in the blood. Fowl Typhoid.—This disease is Of- ten confused with fowl cholera which it somewhat resemisles. Diarrhoea, however, in this di ase is very rare. The bead of the bird becomes pale, there fs a rise in' temperature of about three degrees, the bird becomes drowsy and weak and usually dies in from two to ten days. Occasionally a recovery is made. Post mortem examination shows liver enlarged and congested and sprinkled with small gray spots; in- testines Tale, contents normal in con- sistency; heart pale with redspots; lungs normal; blood pale. This disease is considered to be a filth disease. Prevention is -he only known- treatment. The maintenance of good sanitary conditions is the best preventive.—D. H. Jones, O. A. Col- lege, Guelph. Live Stock Chat. Calves of all kinds requite plenty of shade. The horses 'at hard work will ap- preciate the run of a paddock where they will be able to pick a' bit of grass.. A rest of a few weeks for the brood mare after foaling will benefit both mare and colt. The bull will give better service if allowed some exercise in a paddock every day. , For cleaning typewriters a thin, flat attachment for vacuum cleaners has been designed. STEWART'S SELL IT FOR LESS, I MAIL OR PHONE YOUR 'ORDERS j WE PREPAY CARRIAGE SPECIAL SHOWING OF WARM WEATHER GOODS see For Man, Woman or Child THIS STORE, TRUE TO ITS REPUTATION HAS MADE EVERY EFFORT TO MAKE AMPLE PROVISION FOR YOUR WARM WEATHER NEEDS. COME HERE WITH A CONFIDENCE THAT WE WILL SHOW YOU THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF THE MOST RELIABLE GOODS AT THE 'VERY LOWEST ` POSSIBLE PRICES. - New Summer Wash Goods Ourstock if WASH GOODS this season is a re- velation in cotton- goods manufacture. There is nothing . more beautiful than these dainty Wash Fabrics.. The many entirely new ideas, the variety and exquisite color schemes offer everyone !untold. possibilities for summer clothes for women and chil- dren. The striking feature however is that oi.r Wash GoQds will positively stand suds ' and sun. Don't miss this big display and remember that the PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOWEST AT STEWARTS'. Pretty Waists. ew Only the best and most select materials are em- ployed ed in making these new waists. - All the little, but important distinctive features that help - to make .p pp to a waist beautiful are attractively broughtout, the end that in these ,stunning models -you have richness and beauty at very moderate prices. Price $L25to $75O Boys Dressy Clothes. MANY " NEW STYLES IN' NORFOLK DESIGNS The Norfolk has • come back this year- strpi3ger than ever, and with it many ideas in pleats, belts, etc., all of which add materially to the general good appearance of the suits. The new suits have arrived. You will be delighted- with their beauty and well finished appear- ance and . the price will be equally' satisfactory. . PICE $5.00 to $15 Peab�dy' s ,Overalls $2,75 Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings I you would be correctly and economically gown- ed this Summer, you must visit our Dress Goods Department and inspect our stocks. You may choose with absolute certainty from this matchless array, knowing that every piece is correct and de- pendable. This store supremacy' in this department is generally -acknowledged bwomen who know. This season more than evewe are veryproud of , me t and take a special ecal dressgoods de our Part p pleasurein showing the goods. Call and see them to -day. Prices lower than you will expect to pay., New Corset Models The appearance of your new gown will be greatly improved if it has for a foundation one of Cromp- ton's Corsets. You will never know real comfort until you wear a Crompton. Our large and well assorted stock gives you the very great advantage of assuring you an absolute perfect fit. Price $1.50 to $5 Ready in the Men's Store ---Season's Nobbiest Suits. THE ADVANTAGE WE DERIVED BY ORD- ERING OUR MEN'S SUITSARLY LAST FALL IS CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED IN 'THE BEAUTIFUL LINE OF NEW GUARANTEED WORSTED SUITS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED. WE SAID GUARANTEED and that means a great deal in this time of substitution and increased prices in linings and pocketings, etc., etc. WE REPEAT GUARANTEED because we bought only suits made of reliable guaranteed cloths and we hand you over a positive guarantee with every suit we sell, but we also give you the additional advantage of buying your suits at very reasonable prices. Sizes 33 to 46 $10 to $45 New ,Shirts for the Hot Days There is a wealth of beauty in the Shirts. Plain or fancy patterns in black and white or colored ef- fects. All guaranteed to wash and wear to your entire satisfaction. Price $1.50 to $4.25 This Store will close Wednesday afternoon at 12.30. Stewart Bros. Seaforth This Store will close Wednesday afternoon at 12.30. s 9 •