HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-07-09, Page 2_ .. ..
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11 - by the neighboring farmers, who
. ]i3,'r+:!1DINGi. - 11 charge that children undergo slow G
(t .
- ----THE p f their religious F
:, y` starvation as art • o .
I k. , _,- reftilly, W( est Rooks anti 1100ove DERFUL 1, ing, th lony is
train' eco a wan and
W sa• Bedford, the .Brain. - spiritless shadow of what �t was when tt e o son -
I . -
t IF t -
.,"v`ixen Ilscon said, "Reading ffiak� the of fanaticism binned high
av�t Vols T
:tit- a' full pian," he used. the word among' its membership, says the New RICO in 1$55
1 . ,
IflE York Tribune. , 0
. "Rill" • in ti` sense of "stuffed full. CAP►LAND RESERVE $00091
11 _';
r5 1.�
a k6 . ` t3 con was pleading for discriminate •wpmIt ' is predicted -that no more Over 120 Braaiches
need no introduction; second -growth
. , ..,, pa, fes' hes self was a .dis- graves will be ci'ug in the cult s
•'... "
handles, ferrules "that do not hurt the ntit reaflin (��m tton �+�g j u® �Qi burying ground next winter, when SAVINN{�K B�1Li3S CHARACTER, -Start to Bave
;{; orb, 1natln�, reader. ua Y g t� Uo� 1!1 Yliiitii tl Reie
,, hand, correct lift and ,tines of- the' is not essential to the making a! a the bitter cold of Maine "mortifies
,Systematic saving strengthens character by inducing self denial
iit_finest steel., well r ad than. fi�Q�# ,�,�,'�� �i the flesh's of •the fasting faithful: and creating independence.
Pitch Forks etre ferrule, each. $1,4Q Th etnost profitable reading of "v They will have scattered, !Ao The easiest method of saving k by�dePositig a certainorfoa
Pi p back to earthly
Pitch Forks lain, each , ..... $1.20 books is usually done at slow speed. . bo 3 and of porde,
To those suffering with I1rdsgtstton, of your earnings regularly III THE MOLSONS I3AlNI. Wntii t�
Pi , vays- and 'works. Shiloh is a scant
Hay fork pulleys knot passing large Tliere ' is an art of skimming that Tv � ,, Cvw:sti�aliore, ,dict �- one hundred miles from-- Portland additiog of interest at current rates a. substantial sum is- soon acquire&
3; when mastered gives the reader ' Small acco$nts reeev the same attention as larger ones --
if size, each • ....#. • . • . $1.00 cream at low coat. But this method NrruowsHesdackas Nes Axki a, Kul
• . with. its half dozen buildings enc
fl - Pulley Hooks, each • . • .....15c efficient courteous service `fO all.
> Paris Green, per ifs... _: • .......70c is to be •cultivated only as a means ney� Troxbl�; ,Party sn some thirty little farms that eRm-
o€ gathering material for specific put••e ,Fal other skin prise the �Iniversity _ of Truths' BRANCHES IN THIS DISTRIOT
- it Slings, sling. chains, and long fibre pons. There is a reading; that it s� „ }
,#!-sr.#,i�es gives Koine of "The Holy Ghost and Us" Brucefield St, Marys KixktoII
Manilla hay fork Rope. wisely pursued, gives one a general � Society. Frank Weston Sanford,
prompt r�aliaf and a speedy Exeter Clinton Hensall Zurich
F view of world•facts past= and present, blue -robed prophet, has held a
e . BUY EA>E�14Y to AVOID SHORTAGE and this kind of__ reading calls tar recovery �►heo =tie tcgstment is .strange mystery over his band for
f t a 'caref til selection of books and de- le
Luthfnlly iollo+med. twenty years, A year ago 500 poop �
liberation in their perusal .,
�, Fr�ril-o-or,t"*sfJFearh'atscsne were "sheltered from 'the
g ; + Our couhtry and- age is -blessed
made F-apataining the world in this Community. 4,131"
r - • - - . • with large library facilties, and with were according to Federal author- .
I `.::.1.� . psnLaoi� apples,
1.books so plentiful as to induce a medieinnl las of a l sties, alt more ox less starved and $ay, �Sorryl we've got io go slow with
...I . ,, ° • habit of too rapid and thoughtless o�g� figs ltd, pMneA4 combined frozen. ammunition."' , ■ a H EUMAT1
4wm - I r�
'` ��... , readiaig. Some recreation books may with valuable tooaes and antiseptics. The building of "Truth" is the
be read rapidly and lightly, read but He indulges III more than clic fierce Tliia y twat l�hs aa�iaa
. •;.
Wo a box, 6for$2A trial size, 25c. main meeting place. Scattered near outburst against. the censorship and whonNhwusnsii�
' ; once, and no harm done.
, I ` f e books th t de the `reader .A t -all• dealers or sent postpaid by by are the buildings of "Bethesda," the policy of hiding the truth: gri<ndias ps. stud I'llt�
- But the a. "Hosanna," "Mercy," and "Chit- "It would haves been better to let
�, power are the books that bear close Frsit-a-tii�e(d Lianited, Ottawa, Ont.s of Joints getsl
'PRESERVING KETTLES dren." In a .Prominent positions the people know mare of the Muth ofht it *itis
study, and , are 'worth reading again the beautiful home in which Sail- what was happeniri in, France and
white r ' and again. le be "
ford once lived. Twenty years ago Flanders--7the t;euth of tragedy, in- T' `ernplet9 n"S" sl ' and
;` � bf beautiful three -coat blue and Special extra heavy galvanized tubs These books should, if possIb , DUBLIN
are the kind that lasts. - Sanford, a Free Baptist minister of stead of careful camouflaged eon- >, Ek:�
tf w with wringer attachments in three in the readers own library. r These
l $i.Q4 to $2.75 are backs with which the reader is Notes. -The social on Mx. Darling's Topsham,, Me., annou[nceki he had inuniclues, hiding the losses, ignoring �'tQ9ti` .
,_ i ,sizes ' �`
2.00 2.25 and $2.50 pleased to live. It adds to one's in- lawn on Friday last was a grand sue- been "appointed to a 'great thing the deeds of famous regiments,
I f-terest in good reading to have them cess financially andr socially. Mitchell for the Lord!' And the community all the drama of that early fighting 9�iHpSalliS
` gat one's command and near the read- Brass Sand was in attendance and was started. Followers gave up their by a, deliberate screen of mystery, ; Hot
Ing lam As one should take a long played many old and favorite airs wealth to establish the colony. -They though all was known to the ehemy � Temyleton's R'heu •tiv rnal
k.,, y p hoofs ur=n the evening. The ladies of lived according to Sanford's teach- '�" solea brig €ez to# kq joy,
F.; - time to read such' books, so s during It was fear of their own people, not j re ef, and permanent ri,_ .4
- thought in their St. Mary's church showed that they inngs, denying themselves most of rules of the censorship. I s tn. They are recon- -the
is he take• time and g Y '
11 -1t - - selection. A careful "reader might find are siert cooks and caterers. Good the comforts of life and refusing "The men came b ek (from lege) incudes% 1sY dc�,et<r u and
with a curious kind of hatred of sold by renabtez u �sts r
�. • • one hundred such'books in a lifetime. i.ce cream and perfect strawberries medical aid, believing doctors ems- everywherefor*IA#>az,
, , If the reader will cultivate early in with the lightest cake that one, could saries of the devil, «- England, because the people there • r write to 'Templetons,
14 , {,4a sig st. �P., mrvnto81
,•, ,�
,, ;, life the habit of putting into con- wish for was uickly served during Sanford embarked on a God sent seemed so callous to their suffering, ,Marled as here on rt+-
_, _ . _ . a densed form, in his own words as he the evening, and the pies were eager- mission" around the worlds on •the so utterly without 'und(erstand ng, so ` ,, -, ~ rem
reads the substance of each page, , especially the men. Coronet, a vessel bought' by' the col- ' y ,pared the ceiyi of yr
$e damned cheerful. The 'll
- . .._.._.
ly sought by all
Bald b E.Smibacb, Seaforti. ` Mas
wfll find that its mastery the book Rev. Mr. Roba�•ts, •their pastor, from ony: He returned to Portland and smiling women in the .streets. They 9
oils Hangers and track insure : as he reads it. If he will with pen Mitchell, was in attendance all even- purchased another boat, - the King- desired that profiteers should die by
'' .Trolley g - t � , $
in good neat hand, write poison gas. They prayed God to g , o4
�r � WINDOW SCREENS a door -against the strongest wind or or pencil, ing and at 11 p,m; the band closed don, and• the two vessels set sail on et
3t€ ,. storm. . this summary on the margin of the their part of the programme with another trip. The Kingdbm was the Germans to senil Zeppelins to Sou
..£ leaf as he goes along, he will have , « Y_ i
'-1 The hot nights, the flies aTidi mos- God Save Our King," -A number of wrecked off the coast of Africa and England -to make the people know , Jr.
a' :l i enable. Tr a Hangers, per pair ........... $2.00 mastered the ` book for life. For pupils writing Normal entrance the Coronet picked up her pas- vrhat war meant " 4 ter.
i quitoes make life m s Y
mod Track, ilex foot ........:... w ....25c after that Brat reading, all he need to thought the paper on geometry was sengers. Strange tales came of ;Over there in Flandlers': 6fiiCIg�o i
;l screen for a re . Y • , , , • , 25c do to renew his acquaintance with
I.4 is , PRICES 45c to 90c Brackets, each .... out of the question for children aged other ships •being signaled and asked "That Invisible Man was wielding
l the book "is to follow his marginal sixteen. When a man is teaching a for food. anford's only son riled a scythe which had . no me y for11
;, i � notes. Few other methods will put subject for years he sometimes be- of privation and the Coronet return- - B j
unripe wheat, "Rihat'�t like . .
}_ •
i. the reader oq such friendly" terms comes -too severe when setting a -ed] to Portland. Eight of hercrew here?" Its hell, .. The devils
SPECIAL VALUE IN BINDER TWINE FOIL C SH BUYERS. with his boolks, or give him such eon • a for children. Why not give had died of scurvy and Sandford was blow up mines to make things DRups:
;. S'yQPS
LONG FIBRE PURE MANILLA, 654 FEET T� THE POUND. fldeace in .his own knowledge o! the job to a woman next year? --'fie sent to Federal prison for seven worse."
- . . what the book contains. read in this are delighted to note that Miss Vera years. Ile took up his activities In the autumn f of 1915 hat slow - " the
He who has learnpd to but now resides in Boston and terrible which shattered\so many ; = f tioi
Si Eckert, of Manley, has secured . a again, Sr.11
fashion has a wellspring of entertain-
�r, _', good school in No. 1, Logan, for next working on a "new great Thing" he hopes:
i i i y "Seafort meat as ,pure and refreshing as he to d � hoo trustees are to be co announces, Jr.
nc leaving his old flock to "Otir men were never dry. They -
Ff f s s S has a mind to naake it, He can con- f
• gratulated on their choice. shift for itself. were wet in their trenches and wet �0n Have $I$�h� Vei
f; : J verse at pis own pleasure with ache f, d in their dugouts. They slept in :soak-
----- Who is the present leader of the .� Eu
! greatest minds of earth at their , - 'r9a�aure �� u�� Edi
1. which ich is better than having met them SIMPLE REMEDIES FOR BURNT cult is a .matter of uncertainty and elot}es, with boots full of water,lene
I i - p and they drank rain with their tea
a C. P. R. TIME TABLE : in the living flesh, for thin they were HANDS _ perhaps of unimportance in view of $►e Gar9yllz
E MCHILLOP MUTUAL its impending fate. When a come- and ate muds with their `bully,' ander Btu
J GUELPH & GODERICH BRANCH not airways at their best, The motorist working around -his spondent of the Tribune visited endured; it all with the philosophy of
I FIRE INSURANCE • CO, . Rending may` be edification or dis- car is apt to burn his hand on a hot
TO TORONTO r ere Shiloh a few days ago, a' man named `grin and beat it!' and laughter as I When the Blood Pressure la much '�'
i sfpation, according as one mast exhaust pipe }tnless very careful, if TO
_, -' the art of it, or lets the practice of J�ohn Gilmore seemed' most eompet hear them laughing in those places ewe normal There is always the
q, : }. �` HEAD OFFICE--SEAFORTH, ONT. 4 working on a hot motor. The most °
i a.m` p.m. g d covering for burns is "'t to answer his tgeestories told between explosive curses. dn�er :rulrture a blood vomer,
If overhelm him. generally use v g denied several of h s At the Somme it seemed at first most frequently in tie Brain arts
=s ;: OFFICERS Goderich, leave 6.20 1.30 g q Y
. • ; t icric-acid gauze. This is ordinary that so much heroic effo t had ended producing a stroke, or in the Kid- `
li,Goderich President Blyth ................ 6.58 x.07 On -Mon. p about the members, but admitted11
zt . "I J. Connolly, Walton sterile gauze which has been Batu- in failure; • ne :, p 9 g , 1
............. 7.12 2.20 that it would take an unusua} y P roducin Bri ht's Diseaw
Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President Wa On-Mun, -the common script o! rated with one-half to one per cent. Victory..: Weil, we had gained' One should uartl_aga•n,st over•eze9r- ,�
t ft Y ,
Guelph ..... . ........ 9.48 , 4.53 healthy, aged -person to exist on
yt t' Jr. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secy.-Treas. Korea, is altogether different from solution of picric -acid: It has this
TS the language of either China or their rations. He asserted that the .some ground and many prisoners, and SrIoII or excitement and flake -11
Y AGEN FROM TORONTO advantage -it is clean and ready for n1embers live absolutely according -here and there some guns. But as I HACKING'S %* the
?' i
Japan, possessing an alphabet of its -,
t Leitch R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed. use. Mbisten the picric -acid gauze to the Bible, but since people have stood by Montauban I saw that our -;
Alva, Murray,oronto, leave -...... , . 8.10 6.10 own, which consists of 26 letters,>!i,
eaforth John y, wish clean water and put it over the lived in many various ways, ac- line was a sharp salient, looped around HEART Ahl? NERVE REMEDY
'� € Hinchle S
y' 13 Seaforth• Guelph, arrive ........ 9.80 6.30 On-Mun was at first despised because ►,
eld hone 6 on 7, , burned surface. Over the gauze place cording to the Bible, there was not Mametz village and to Frieourt... tb .dissolve the Uric Acid deposits raj
, 'li 1 Bra efi ' P Jar- Walton .. 12.03 9.04 it was so easy that even
- Goderich • R. G. • • - • - • • • • • • • women a layer of absorbent cotton, then ap-
�� - J. W. Yeo , 1 rn it nn a month sa s the - much information to be 'gathered Oh God had we only made another' t±hatt form in '#she• Veins and A,i>t�'i'les, � .. Mi
'_f. Blyth ................ 12.16 9.18 cotild ea y
roc�ha en, ply, a ban a to. hold in lace. Car from his remark. It is obvious salient after all that monstrous ef- making :them hard and brittle. Th€s �: r Ba
month, B g a Auburn . 12.28 . ,9.30' Detroit News. The scrip is ascribed von, oil w 'iga is a mixture of equal fort , remedy its a wonder; it builds lip the i, *f'
DIRECTORS I ' ' ` ' - ' ' ' ' • ' ' enough that the surviving members ? ��
} 1,, Goderieh ... 12,55 9.55. by Korean annals to th year 1447,
• • • • • • • • • parts of, lime water and' linseed oil,. mortify the flesh. They cannot be Failure on failure. The_ first use
1, ; { ' 'am Rinn No. 2, Seaforth; SohnJ when - the King of Korea, resolving is often used and is very good. It is entire system by Puiwfying the I
., WORM , - , classed with so many of the new cults of tanks, from which so much had 4 an
i vies Brodhagen; James Evans, Connections at Guelph Junction with to assert his independence by :ban- Blood, StrengtLenimg iilie H nils
,., Benne e u of Nines writs as applied as follows: Take a piece of founded by some hyprocrite who �, p
en Gunton• Jas, Main Line for Galt, Woodstock, Lon- doping th , se C e tig been hoped, this, too, failed. fi producing a nFox�maldkeadthy ;St
Beechwood; M. McEwen, , sterilized gauze large enough to gathered about him a band of degen �_ Ali
oderich• D. F. McGregor, don, Detroit, and Chicago, nd all in- the official medium of correspond- g The troops Who had( been buoyed c3on�diiaon a! the NeiSves.
Connolly, G , . cover the burned surface; -saturate erates who gratified their own ail- u with the hoe that at last 'the
R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; �. G. Grieve, termediate points. encs, invented an alphabet to suit p ' p Mrs, Wm. Morley, of 'Pahmex�s4
, , : the -gauze with Carron oil and cover
#- • Ro ertFerris Harlock• the special requirements of the petites at the expense of the ignorant machine gun .evil was going to be used quite a num3ber of boxes .pf
No, 4, Walton, b , , the burn. Dress=.with absorbent cot- and under the guise of some purer
' e McCartne No. 3, Seaforth. vernacular. scotched were disillusioned and de- Hackings Heart and Nei ye Rt;nedy `
f i erg y, _ •. ton and `cover with a bandage. Vase- form of religious worshi A 'greater
., i
r 1 The .Korean alphabet consists o! line sweet oil olive oil and, balsam g p' jested v�hen bhey saw tanks ditched and they(bent�ted her se maids a>�d I17
OTHER TABLES NOT 14 consonants and eleven vowels, in If thin sanity would appear to be the chief behind the lines or nowhere in sight -.
„ oil are all 'good, dress gs no g need of The Holy Ghost and Us she w so Flossed with Ir�em tea 0
t G. T. TIME TABLE analyzed by organs of speech, The when once main they had to trudge
t � Rh' better is at hand, dissolve some bi- she Tecommenc4a thein t o adl her *�'
Trains Leaves forth as follows: characters. are of an extredie simplic- Society. forward under the flail of machine- _
ea futon ollows ch carbonate of soda in sterilized water. friende who Heave 41ils trouble or •w•ho in
l t 11 a. in. Ford Cl ARMIN AT ALL sty, contrastly strongly with the corm Gauze wrung out of this and spread gun bullets from earthwork redoubts.
and Sincardine. ti - plea Chinese. The grammar is a STARTLING SECRETS OF WAR It was a failure in generalship to are all Tun dm'vai and Nervous- tl�
1 • Winghahn 9
L,1 6.53 m. -.For Clinton, Wingham, tremely flexible, the roots being in- over the burn will give relief. give away our secret before it could. •_O� "You must be sure #o et Hack- -'
_; f- P .variable like Chinese. There -are no T- NOW MADE PUBLIC BY WELL be made effective." Inp's:' M
if and Kincardine. Only Tablets �vkh "Bayer Cross" pronouns of the flist and second per- FREAK RELIGIOUS SOCIETY KNOWN WAR CORRESPONDENT The climax of the agony of our Constipation is one of the �ggi'sY
11.03 P• in• - For Clinton, Goderich,
I . son, the third, with relational par- - - armies seemed to have arrived when aftig .causes of H'lflh Blood Pressure..
6.51 a. m. For Stratford,. Guelph, are Genuine Aspirin tidos, serving for both.- D0011IED Philip Gibbs, well known as a war E
Toronto, OxillSt North Bay d after months of heartbreaking effort, and iii is advis�ahie tri rise Hackings V
I- l_. Many Korean works are written in "The Holy Ghost and Us" Society, Correa ondent who saw . the whole
points west, Belleville and Peter- as strange cult as ever weathered. strugglelin Frames in "Realties nf" oust as the German front was cracks Kidney and Liver Piles to drive tint
I Chinese and Korean upon alternate g aing on the Somme: the Poisons th�alt generate in the'
bora and p is east. o the ridicule and antagonism of an 'un- War" gives his uncensored v,,pres- > « � V
11 } Q pages for those who can read only At the very time when the moral tlri, These tnvA PL"ana go
- ; 3.12 p. rn,-=FoAtratford, Toronto, o A o one or the other. Those who are frie'hdly world, is facing complete dis- cions of the greatest conflict in his-
' Montreal and points east.. - ^VIEcite illitelate lea the more im ort- integration by reason of the stern tory and of the behavior of the of the German soldier was lowest and v,.all together and you slfiould 7nty w ' :j B
4 AND BRUCE , British soldier in it It is a book when the strain on the high command few (boxes from your dealer t+o-lacy.
bONDON HURON ant chapters by' ear. p order• issued by American Federal au- was .'greatest the weather turned= inng�emefl, It�wel, +(fat.
, Land
, V Going North a.m. p.m. Q tliarit es. Devote?es of the faith have which is written with passoin o es their favor and gave them just the
Children In Russia. been commanded" to eat. That is, emotion • it stirs the heart and ch k breathin s ace the desperately Hacking'.= Remedies are sold i
l London . , . , . .... • • 9.05 4 45 - they have bee ordered to feed he thxoatit "fascinates and is intoler- g- p y p
It is said that only local Societe t needed, 'The ground became a Seaforth by E. UMBACH, Pltiu., E.
Centralia .. ......... 10.04 5.50 their children, Kith means that able,,17 like that tearable fresco of the
I 10.18 6.02 1f you don't see the "Bayer Cross" in Russia nationalized women by '
Exeter on the tablets �, g the inbst till, the soil and no lou er ' t p Yet amore terrible even° than the
*, d �10 4 I �V��
IF • . , .. 10.•33 6.14 you err not �ettin edict• but Lieut. Kliefoth who has y g great master in the Sixtime Chapel. q t1
ly „ Hensall lived in Russia under the Lenine re- san subsist on the meagre rations It is, at the same time, an epic .o
i � Ki en , , , ...... 10.38 6.21 Aspirin -only an ,acid imitation. prolonged and blpody battles of the
t pp The "Bayer Cross" is your only way gime, declares that Bolshevist thea- specified by the rules of their re- our race, for it sets forth for future Somme were the 1917 battles about t'
s Brucefield .......:... 10.47 6.29 , li io
of knotrin� that ou are �ettin� "emime rtes would abolish the .family as a g zr, Deserted by their founder generations what our soldiers sof- -
.11.03 6.45 '
g �'pres. 6�a1l111i1t� Yelfw>i!•
Clinton �' Y r ` and re eatedl
•0 Aspirin, prescribed by pliysicians for bulwark of conservatism,. according repeatedly .complained against fered and achieved in words that of-
�ndesboro .......�.... 11.34 7 3 � The losses in man of these bat- Eyes inflamed ��21
7.1 over nineteen 3 ears anti proved safe by to the RoC'ftester Poat-E press, To r ten burn with flame. Iles amounted almost to annihilation avretoBss,'psttandR►1s6
Yd Blyth , • • , , , , ....... 11.43 0 millions for Headache, Neuralgia. C`o1.dg, that end trainloads of •children have Ono does not blame. A - writing -
x; := to many battalions, -and whole divis- ; quickly , , , . 11.56 .7.23 dZheumatism J umbago, Neuritis, incl for been sent out of Moscow and placed man who was an observer and re- V
Wingham • 12.11 7.40 1 ions lost as much as :fifty per cent. Irsj=1+ieSsrEi. ,
' • • • • m, ,m• pain generflily. Made in C"anada. in country communal schools. No re- corder, like myself, does not sit in of their strength after a few days in' •post Eye Comfort. At
t Going South a. p Handy tin boxes ,of 12 tablets -also co: d is kept of the names -of the chil- judgment.- He has no right to judge. action. -Napoleon said that no body Your Dru ' to or by al LrMc per Bottle-
i W ngham -7.30 3.2U IaT er sized "B t er pack -ages es can be dren, where they have been sent or s
i ' g t Y P� g OF
He merely cried out, "O God' O God!" of men could lose more than twenty- For nNtc si ti0 Ey! free write
x' .4 3.36 SUFFERING
�. , _ Belgrave ............. 7 4 . had at drug stores. who their parents were. They are • in remembrance of all that agony five per cent of their. fighting Nottsie Eye iiemsdY Cos Cbica�.
`I 1, Blyth 7.56 3.48 As iriri is the trade marl: registered forbiddeli to write home, and are _
Yt P t and waste of splendid boys who loved strength in an action without being
Londesboro .......... . 8.04 3.561 ,n Canada), of Bayer Manufacture, of known by numbers instead of names life and died( broken in spirit. Our men lost double - -
MEN 3Clinton 8.23 4.15 1 11 lonoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. in the institutions where they are m p that :andN more than double, but kept - ..; `---------•--
� • • - • • - - - here are ictures of most. of the _ .Brucefield 8.40 4.32 i lisle it is well known that irin placed. Did the world ever see before i p generals. Of ' Iyord Haig, Mr. Gibbs their courage, though in some eases
a body'of demented doctrinaries so
Bippen , , .. $.46 • 4,40 � ineasis Bayer manufacture to assist the a :,
� .... .... says: they lost their hope.
s_ - ! Hensall .............. 8.58 4.50 l public against imitations, the Tablets of determined. to break with the past ']`Kia Letter Tells How It Ma "He was'intensel sh .and( reserv-
Y y y Generally the men in the trenches
Exeter . • ... 9.13 5.05 Byer Company, Ltd., will be stamped and build a new order on fantastic f
• - • • • • • _ ed, shrinking from publicity in a and the officers, Eco, regarded the staff a
I Centralia -
9.27 5.16 N,t their general trade mask, the crazy notions of their own? be Overcome --All Mothers g and the "br ss hats" with dislike. G.LiftoffComs • a
I i.ondon .......... . ... 10.40 6.15 "Bayer Cross." morbid way, and Boldin himself
No Place for Ladies. Interested. aloof from the" human side of war. H, Q,� sal one officer who had fought ll
• He was constitutionally unable to sine 4 "lived in a world of its Doesn't hurt .a bit and Preezonw
1. The temptation to walk on the thin '.11
•, - �, make a dramatic gesture before a own, roseeolbred, remote from the
crust over hot lava 'seems, to be al- _ Toronto, Ont: - I have suffered since
most as strong as the longing which I was a school 1.girl with pain in my left multitude or to say easy, stirring ugly things of war. Occasionally ' €>nllr >t f'
I' little boys feel far trying new ice, side and withoramps, things to officers and men whom he they visited the trenches as society14
"Two young ladies," reports the Hilo growing worse each reviewed. folk go slumming, and came bhek � 1.
Tribune, "stepped into a volcano cre- year until I was all Of General Currie, the great Can- proud of having seen a shell liurst,
vice and were rescued somewhat run down. I am a adieu soldier: having braved the I=ce and dirt."
bruised. Greater care is necessary in children's nurse,and - "He cut clean to the heart of things, The closing pages of the book, warn
assess Grt��'.S�S Or tea. �sr <. a Iwas ached at times ruthlessly like a surgeon, ands as I us that •we are "racing to the rocks," . , -
` rambling through the Kilauea crater, 11•. that I wad unfit for watched -that man immense in build
.Another Hilo lady was visiting the > > marching to anarchy, if we do not re- �e
r I 11
9e �E'. La i � r work. I tried sev- with a heavy, thoughtful face and form, and that � "it will o hard= with
crater after nightfall with a party ofd, al doctors and a- stern eyes that softened a little when g „
_ friends and they were walking along , the government of England, if it t
Lanka is British grown tea from Ceylon 6 hill a safe trail when she suddenly sank tent medicines, ut he smiled, 'I thought of him as Oliver establishes a "new imperialism upheld
f was onlyxelieved for Cromwell. b t
ower of ' ns.
i � l up to Nei; armpits in a crack which y p
i- €gardens• opened beneath her feet. a short time. Some « `
the choicest rases are blended, making an This real estate agent (as he was
o€thedociorswanted before he took to soldiering} was un-
g 1 to pperform an oiler-
exquiste flavor, a tempting aroma, a color A New Problem. I ation, but my father okijected. Finally doubtedly a man of strong ability, What is reputed to be the most
The Son -Now, dad, don't start .a I learned through m mother of Lydia flee from those trammels of red tape beautiful string of pearls in exismnee ; -
,charms. The price is moderate. I , rumpus.` I'm in love,with one of the E. Pinkham's Ve etable Com ound and tradition which swathed) round is owned by Princesss Carmin.ati of I -
L Lookfor this package. sr, many of our own leaders.'
girls in the mill. The Dad -Well, and how thankful I am that I tried it. Italy.- They are large, flawless and.
i' p g 1. what's the trouble?' Are you afraid I am relieved from He gives .a grim account of what � c
y pain and crams perfectly matched. ;
E ' cramps, happened when ,our army was short `
;- M, BRAID & CO, I you can't support her in the style and feel as if it has saved my life. You pp � Mrs. Afta A. McKinley, personal � ;
to which she is acpustomed? - mayuse myletter to help other women, of shells and of high -explosive shells: ,representative of Senator Robert L. ,
Y'ancouver, Cciada -_ as I sin only too lad to recommend the "Those were ghastly days for 'gun- ( V,rh
Y g Owen, of Oklahoma, in his campaign your fingeml 'Folz can lift at I'L
(' 3- x Btartecl as a Cabin Boy. medicine. "-JEAN KENT, 42 Blamford per off'icexs, who had to answer tele -1 for Democratic nomination for the spy %rd corn, sof=• of earn beiween l`
Lord Glanely who to -day is one of Ave., Toronto, Ont, Phone messages calling for help from Presidency, is a descendant of the °> and the hard skin from
3 {° j � '„ .r Girls who are troubled as Miss Kent battalions -whose billets were being =sotto of feet,
the largest shipowners in the world famous Shoshone Indians, and is the
£' ►-1' and the possessor of a fortune esti- was should immediately seek restoration . shelleed to piecres by Long-range j first and only woman to act as a per- ' A t 3' bottle of Freezone eases l 4
t ¢ to'health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham s howitzers or engineers whose death at any drug store; apply s, few €lroP
: i� . Mated at many millions, began life : Ve stable Com ound. ( ,conal representative of a° Presidential
P I by German field guns, or from a upon Il,e corn or callus. Instantly l
as a cabin boy. I aspirant. Mrs. ,McKinley was born -
Those who need.special advice may ; brigadier who waan t d( to know, plain- ! stopa hurting, then shortlg yea lift that
V I write toZ rdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co, tively, whether thea allery could not °n the Shoshone reservation near Des bothersome cOrn or flue right off, ram
L n Mass. These letters ;Moines. Her grandfather was a and all, without one )sit ®f min or sere-
.; - Germany has a greater number of(confidential), Lynn, deal with a certain, gun which was p
women wage earners than any other will be opened, read and answered by a enfilading a certain trench and piling thesqadaughter
and her grandmother was nem, Truly! No ixumbugl
.1111. woman and held in strict confidence. the daughter of a noted warrior,
}R`_ country in the - world. up the casualties. It was hard to I
i -
f -