HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-07-02, Page 57LY VW 'OOT Toes tiling better for your Boys alidays than .FLEET -FOOT d cool an the feet and are )te the reasonable prices: -- :t -Foot brand—with honey - i.45 and $1.75 Feet-Foot—with heavy Red 11.75 and $2.00 lest-Foot—with heavy Red er pair $2.50 Brown, $1.25; White, $1.45 E FOR GROWNUPS, TOO - e Ideal Footwear for the and Women are here. rubber soles and solid heels, $2.50 to $3.50 rbite rubber soles and solid .. $2.75 to $3.50 to soles and heels, per $2.50 to $3.50 les and heels $2.50 $2.00 COMILUCIAL num Sorry to give better kH since our sale 'r of Huron County F grabbing the bar- forced to lock our anti' those already as our stock lasts you promptly and offered. Each day and putting on the which, for Iack of show before. during the week ie inconvenience of kND CLOTHING Lie,Hensal DOORS EAST BANK. rioN SIE time a good r seashore. est take along and a have for you.. Our Club B . ,st knocking a- mer trunks are of the rateri- s been looking theme They OTT AI} SHOES OF COM MERCE. JULY -2, 1920. SEAFORTH MARES S. Seaforth, July 1st, 1920. . Eggs, per dozen Butter, per 1b. Wheat, per bushel r+01ts, per bushel Earley, per bushel $1.70 Flour, per cwt. ........;7.80 to $7.90 Spring Wheat, per Musket .$1.90 Bran, per ton •.. .. d. •. e. •.s VFW Shorts, per ton $70.00 Potatoes, per bag + $3.50 Hogs, per cwt ;19.00 ONTARIO BEE • DISEASE ACS' r swomemelloomlaw The Ontario Legislature has pegged an set to the effect that any person or persona buy- ing or selling bees, hives, combs, or, appli- 47c ane -meat have an inspector's certificate or i; liable to a fine of $100.00 or two montes :150e2 in prawn. Every €nspector has the authority to enforce the act according to law. 2742-1 GRAIN MARKET" Toronto. June 29. -Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 Northern. $8.15; No. 2 Northern, $3.12: No. S Northern, 23.08, in store Fort William. Manitoba OatsNo. 2 C. W.. $1.311 ; No. $ C. W., $1.31%; extra No. 1 feed. $1.31%; No. 1 feed, $1.31; . No. 2 feed. $1.30, in *lore Fort William. Manitoba Barley—No. 3 11.81 ; No. 4 C.W.. $1.62} instare Fort Maim. American Corn—Ne. 2 yellow, $2.40; nominal track, Toronto; prompt shipment. Oatario Oats—Nominal. Ontario wheat--No.1 Winter, per ear lot. 12.00 to $2.01; No. 2, do.. 11.28 to $2:01; No. S do., $1.92 to $1.93, f. o.b. shipping points;; according to freights. -Ontario . Wheat -No. 1 Spring, per car Jot, 42.02 to $2.03; No. 2 do., $1.98 to • $2.01; No. 3 do., 11.96 to $2.01. f. o. _b. shipping points, according to freights. Pes—No. 2, -•tl$.00. Barley—Malting, $1.87 to $1.89. see . cord€ng t6 freights outside. Buckwheat—Ne. 2, nominal. Rye—No. 3, 12.20 to $2.25. ac- cording to freights outside.- Manitoba Flour Government standar, 114.85, Toronto. -On- tario Flour --Government . standard, $13.00. nominal. Miilfeed--Car dots Delivered Mon- treal freights, bag included—Bran, per ton, $54; shorts, per ton, $61; - good feed flour, 18.75 to 14.00. Hay—No. 1 per ton, $30 to $31: mixed per ton, $27.00, track, Toronto. .Straw --Car lots, per ton, 11.5 to *16, track Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKET Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June 29.— For the first time in many weeks close upon five thousand head of cattle were 'for- ward for the opening of Monday's market, and naturally with --such a heavy /rug' at this ,season of the year the general quality was low, and common to fair quality cattle predominated. The buyers first busied them- selves among the good to choice killers, which they purchased readily at prices steady to 25 cents weaker tha nat last week's close. For the fair butchers the demand was not so active even after values had been cut 50 , to 75 cents. When it came to cleaning up the common stuff the trade was decidedly slow and a dollar lower. The best cattle marketed included one 1,320 pounder. steer, for which Dunn and Lsvuack, Limited, secur- ed 17 cents per pound, twenty-eight head of steers, which averaged 1,200 pounds, sold by the United Farmers, at 163 cents per pound, and fifty head of 1,100 pounder steers, dis- posed of by Rice and. Whaley at r 417.40 Per hundred pounds. Quini< and Hisey also sold one heavy steer at 17' cents per pound. McDonald and' Halligan one straight load at *16.30 per hundred pounds and Sparkhall and Armstrong 47 head of light to handy -weight steers at 161/4 cents per pound. Numerous other loads and -small bunches of good to choice killers cashed in from 315 to 316, and fair butchers from $14 to 314.75 per cwt. While good fat cows were barely steady so far as prices were concerned thereowas a decline in the demand. Common to fair cows were decidedly draggy and from 60 cents to a dollar weaker. Bulls, which did not vary in price much last week, met a steady trade. The only change in quotations for small meats affected Iambs, whioh were a shade easier this morning. Odd extra choice lambs cashed in at 20 cents per pound, but the :ge'neral range of quotations for top stuff was from 181/ to 19 } , cents per pound. Top Teals sold as -high as 17 cents and best light sheep up to 91 . cents and to 10 cents per pound for a few particularly choice sheep. Hogs were strong at $19.75, fed and watered. The receipts were 252 carloads, with 4,728 -cattle, 850 calves, 1,748 hogs and 1,246 sheep and lambs. Hog receipts, 954; $20.50 has been paid for select lots on account of former con- tracts. Mixed lots eastern hogs containing large percentage of sows and roughs with few, if any, selects, have been sold at $17 to $19. Quotations :—Off car weights, selects *20 to 820,50 ; sows, $16 to $16.50. The big offering of light cattle gave the stocker men inneed of common stuff plenty to work among, and a fair trade was register- ed at values all the way to a dollar lower than last Thursday's quotations. Milkers were only a very moderate trade owing to light supplies. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers. $15.50 to 316.00; good heavy steers, $15:00 to 315.25; butchers' .cattle, choice, 115.00 to .$15.501 do., good, $14.25 to 814.75; do., medium, $12.50 to $13.00; do., common, $11.50 to *12.00; bulls, choice, 312.50 to 813.00; do., good, 311.25 to $11.75 ; do., rough, $7.50 to $8.00; butcher cows, choice, 312.00 to $12.50; do., good, $11.25 to $11.75; do., common, $7.50 to 38.25; stockers, $9.25 to 311.00; feeders, $11.00 to $12.50; canners and cutters, $6.00 to $6.25 ; milkers, good, to choice, $100 to $165 ; do., common and med- ium, 365 to $75 ; springers. , $90 to '1165 ; iambs, yearlings, $12 to 313; do., spring 316.50 to $17; calves, good to choice, 316 to $17; sheep, 36 to $10; hogs, fed and 'watrede, $19.75; do., weighed off cars, $20 ; do. f.o.b., 318.76; do., do., country points, 818.50. BIRTHS ` Dorsey.—In Seaforth, on June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey, twins, boy and girl. McMann.—In Harper Hospital, Detroit, on June 12th, to Dr. and Mrs. George M. McMann, a daughter. Deem.—In Toronto, on June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deem, of 180 Haslam Street, a daughter (Myrtle Dorothy)'. DEATHS Dorsey.—In Seaforth, on June 21st, the in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey. McMann.—In Harper Hospital, Detroit, on June 12th, Patricia, infant daughtr of Dr. and Mrs. George M. McMann. IN MEMORIAM Note. Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verse and 25 cents for each additional verse. In loving memory of James Parish, who died a year ago, July 4th, 1919. Friends may think that we forget thee, when at times they see us smile ; But they little know the sorrow That the smile hides all the while. Yet again we hope to meet the father, When this day of life has fled, There in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell teals are shed. - 2742-1 Children. IMPORTANT NOTICES SALE REGISTER On Thnredae, July 8th, 1920, at 2 o'eloek p.m., on Lot 17, Concession 11, McKillop, Horses, _Cattle and Hogs. James S. Smith, Prop.; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. NOTICE All stock, implements and farm products on lots 21 and 24, 3rd con- cession township of Hibbert, belongs to me, and all persons, are herreby notified not to buy or, receive anything from these farms without my con- sent. 2742-3 JOSEPH NAGLE. News of Interest to Music Lovers . }ss THE CECILIAN CONCERTP11IONE HAY FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF'" Sweet Clover Hay for sale cheap. Apply to R. GARROW, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 9 on 21k6. 2735 -ti TWAY FOR SALE. --I HAVE ABOUT 27 Al acres of hay for sale, on Lot 14, Con- cession 2, Tuckersmith, L. R. S. Apply to W. M. DOIG, L.L.B., Suite 5 Stevens Build- ing, Port Huron, Michigan ; or to R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 2741-2 TEACHER WANTED.—QUALIFIED PRO- testant teacher for School Section No. 6, McKillop. Application stating salary and ex- perience will be received up to July 15th. FINLAY McKERCIIER, Secretary, R. R. No. • 1, Dublin. 2742-2 QECOND CLASS TEACHER, PROTESTANT, male or female, for School Section No. 6. Stanley. Duties to commence September lest. Apply stating salary and experience on or before July 15th, te CHARLES PILGRIM, Varna, Ont. 2742-2 HOUSE FOR SALE.—IN EGMONDVILLE six room frame house, hard and soft water, over an acre of land, with good orchard, and all kinds of small fruits, situated mase to main road. Convenient to stores, ekurches and school. This is a most comfort- able house, and is in thorough repair. There is also good stable and hen house. Apply to JOHN RANKIN, Broker, Seaforth, or 2r32 -RS. ROBT. HAWTHOINE. "THE CHOIR INVISIBLE" Do not be misled by agents telling you they have - something just' as good. We have NO agents, on the road, and therefore `suggest that you call in. and hear this machine played. Our Gramophone record exchange is proving very popular and isa saving of nearly 50 -per cent. in your record expense bill. Any musical instru- ment in stock played for -your ap- proval. Music repairs a speciality. R. J. Wegg Seaforth Song Shop AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF ,HORSES, CATTLE and H Thomas Brown has been in- structed to sell by Publics auction on Lot 17, Condestion 11, McKillop, on Thursday. July Sth. at 2 p.m., the following: Horses—Two general purpose brood mares with foals by _their side and"bred again, 2 general purpose geldings one year old, 1 two year old filly general purpose, broken to harms., 1 general purpose 4 year old gelding broken to harness. Cottle—One Shorthorn Durham bull 10 months old, 1 two year old heifer Shorthorn, one year old Shorthorn heifer. These cattle are i11 registered; one fat cow. Hoge -Ten bogs weighing around 100 pounds. The whole will positively be sold as the proprietor is over stocked. Terme—Cash or six months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent. JAMES S. SMITH, Proprietor, These. Brown, Auctioneer. ° TENDERS WANTED Tenders for constructing a cement bridge on the Pryoe Drain,- sideline , 20 and 21. Concession 9, McKillop, and also for repair- ing the cement bridge on Concessions 18 and 14, Lot 23, will be received by the under- signed until July 6th at 7 o'clock p.m., when Tenders will be opened at the clerk's office, Leta 24, Concession 7, McKillop. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.' M. MURDIE, Clerk of McKillop, 2742-1 Sesforth, P. O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ellen Bannerman. Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to .the Statute in that behalf that all persons - hay- ing claims against Ellen Bannermlan, who died on the 16th April, 1911, are required on or before the 20th July, 1920, to send : full particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitors for William Bannerman, Admin- istrator of the estate of .the deceased, and that after the said 20th July, 1920, the Administrator will distribute the assets of the said deoeased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that ,the Administrator will not be liable for the said assets to any person 'of whose claim" notice shall not then have been re- ceived. Dated the 28th June, 1920. P.ROUDFOOT, 'KILLORAN & COOKE, Sesforth and Goderich. 2742-3 Solicitors for Administrator. WhoWants an Imitation? UULD you call on your local mer- chalt and ask him for "imitation" sugar, or raisins, or coffee? Would you ask him to sell you a pair of shoes made of something "just as good" as leather? Or a suit of clothes "made for" a man, whether or not it fits you? Get the' Genuine `• International Repairs When you need re- pairs --for your 1 H C Farm Equipment, buy the genuine re- pairs. See that this 4 trade -mark - appears on each piece. Genuine 1 H C repairs are made from the original patterns—all others are copied from copies. Genuine I H C repairs are made of the same material, have the same finish, fit as accurately, and wear just as long as similar parts purchased with the, original implement or machine. We are the Authorized I H C Dealers There is one certain and infallible way to secure genuine I H C repairs—buy them from us. And remember that International service, rendered by us, can only be 100 per cent right when International machines are equipped with genuine International repairs. John A. Workman KIPPEN, ONTARIO. - 1 th�robred Imported Stallions The following pure bred imported Clydesdale and Percheron stallions,: which 'are all enrolled, inspected and approved, will stand for service this season at T:J, Berr yY 's Stables HENSAL' L, ONTARIO wmiNWIIMEWWIA CUMBERLAND - STEEL Clydesdale [221791 Enrolment No. 6608 To insure $20. Form A 1 COMMODORE Clydesdale p591] (14633) Enrolment No. 1681 Form A 1 To insure $15. KING THOMAS Clydesdale [9214] (12125) Enrolment No. 1866 - Form A To insure $15. COL. GRAHAM (92551 (12193) • Enrolment No. 1370 To lame 1414. JABOT Pereherna (31391 (34214) Enrolment No. 1869 Form A. 1 insure $18. Form 1 e' - NOTICE Notice ib hereby given that side -line 20 and 21 in the Township of McKillop, from the front of Concession 9 M the front of concession 10, is closed for public travel until further notice is given.. By order of the McKillop Council. M. MURDIE, 2740-8 , Clerk. FARMS FOR SALE . FARMS FOR SALE. -- I HAVE SOME 4hoice farms for - sale in the Townships of Uaborne and Hibbert; all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, We)odham, Ont. 2658-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE.—GOOD FRAME dwelling, stable, hen house and one-half acre of land, oorner lot, conveniently atu- ated on west side of Centre Street in the village of Egmondviile, which will be sold cheap and en reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electric light, and the property is in first clans condition. Good garden and fruit trees. Possession given promptly, For particulars apply to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. • 2728-tf RAI LVV,AY GRANO T:RUI`I\ SYs'r M LORD MANSFIELD . . (21161] (110113) - Vol. 29, B.C. S. B. Passed Enrolment No. 1134 Form 1 stand for the Iaprevement if stock this season, as fellows: Mondry.-Wf2i leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan, for noon; then to his` own stable for night Tuesday.—To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then west to Allan Rom°, concession 10 McKillop, for one hour; then to his own stable for night. Wednesday. —To Frank Mahar's, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's .Hotel, Dublin, for night Thursday. To Joseph Nagle's for noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtiss's, 1 miles out of Seaforth, for noon; then by way of Rox- boro to William Anderson's, Lot 29, Con- cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday.— Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms --To insure • foal. $18. Jasses Evans, Proprietor and Manager. Bsschweid. Ont. MAKWIRA Approved Enrolment No. 8267 Form 1 (15938) VOL. XXZIII Monday.—Will leave his own stable, • Stafa, and go west by the 8th concession to James Hills' for noon ; then south to the Cromarty Line and east- to his own stable for night. Tuesday. --South by the Centre Road to Jas. Ballantyne's, Usborne boundary, for 120013: then east to Farquhar and west on Thames Road- to Wes. Armstrong's, for night. Wed- sfiedsy.--South to Elimvilie and east to f Winchelsea to John Deibridge's for noon; then south to William Brook's for night. '!Curs - day. --South to the 10th Concession of Blan- chard and east three miles and then north to William Thompson's, Jr., Lot 6, Concession 9,' for neon; then north to the Kirkton Line and wet to Kirkton at Taylor's Hotel for night. Friday—North to G. Pridhant's for neon; .then west and north to John Hamnil- ton's for night Saturday.—North to Mac. Gray's, 7th concession of Hibbert, for noon; then west to the ventre Road and south to Staffs to his own stable, where- he will re- main until the following Monday morning, i Terms -To insure a foal, $15 John Livingstone, Preprietor and Manager Staffs', Ont. ' The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Care on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant ...... Depot Agent BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terms to insure, $15. Monday,—Will Ieave his own stable. Bruce- field, rucefield, and go west to the second concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, for_;noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's., for night. Tuesday.—By way of Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel .for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Rost to the Goshen Line to Arthur McOiinchey'a; for night. Wednesday.—By McClymont's side road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm. Foster's, for noon; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Stanley, for the night. Thursday. North to the Bayfield road to his own stable .for noon; remaining until the following Friday' morning. Friday.—To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and north to the 2nd concession H. R. 8., Tuckersmith. then west to James Carnochan's, for night. Sat- urday.—West by Broadfoot's bride, then south to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and- Manager. POPULAR STALLIONS The following popular stallions will stand. for the improvement of stock this season as follows: KING KAY - Enrolment No. 629. Form 1 {130291 Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, 114 miles west of Winthrop, with exception of Friday from noon till night when he will be at W. Cud- more's sale stables, Main Street, Seaforth. Terms -512.00 to insure. _ 2739-8 EARL 0' STANLEY THE GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION (18890) - Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form 1 Terms to Insure 112. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Brucefleid, where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE [2145] (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 864 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Bene- field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon ; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday.—North by way of sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg'a, for noon; then north to James McMillans, 6th concession, Goderich township) for night. Wednesday.—By way of Jewel's corners and Benmiller to W. Hill's for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to Hohnesville at Harry Sweet's for night Thursday. --By way of 16th concession to A. Townsend's, for noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Rotel, Clinton, for night. Friday.—South by way of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce - field, for noon; then west 114 miles and south 114 miles to John Murdock's for one hour then to his own stable for night. Saturday.—South 21/1 miles, and east 14 miles to Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. Terms—$15 to insure. The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per- mitting. William Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brucefleld, Ont. RANTIN ROBIN (21685) PURE BRED CLYDESDALE Enrolment No. 6597 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 24, Con- cession 4, McKillop. - Ternns, $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1921. 2786x12 Percy Smith. Manager. GOLDEN GUINEA [20738] Enrolment No: 5275 Form 1 Tuesday.—Wall leave his own stable, Huron Road, three miles west of Seaforth, and go to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for noon; then, by way, of Huron Road and Holmesville to Oscar Tebett's for night. Wednesday.—By way_ of Maitland concession to John Durst's for noon; then to Benmiller and Huron Road to Wilmot Heackes' for night. Thursday.— To the seventh concession, Goderich Township, to Fred Pickard's for noon.; then to Harold Graham's, ninth concession, for night. Fri- day.—By way of Telephone Road and Lon- don Road M Newman Garrett's for noon; then to his own stable, Huron Road, for night, where he will remain until the fel- lowing Tuesday morning. Terms to insure, $15. G. W. Nott, Proprietor and Manager EMPEROR McKINNEY No. (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No. 4075 , Approved Form A 1. Will make the season of 1920 at his own stable, Lot 8,- Concession 4, Tuckersmith, at $13 to insure a mare in foal. Will meet mares from a distance. For further partf[culars apply to Charles Riley, Owner; phone 7-136 2787-tf DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enrolment No. 5275 Form 1 rTRAVELLERSI. CHEQUES Schoolof_Commerce Clint�n -. and Goderich - Vocational Training -School for this district,by Government appointment,and'under inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re -Establishment Dept., offers the following courses : - Business, Stenographic Secretarial, Civil Service Teachers' Training Cour se ' d Special- courses arranged for. students., The followingadvantages : Highly Qualified Teaching, Actual Busiess System of Bookkeeping, Credential Typewriting Test, Positions Guaranteed. School Opens Wednesday, Sept. lst, 1920 B. F. WARD, B.A.,. M. Accts ' - - Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist - Vice- Principal Phone 198 THE CANADIAN BANK WhoWants an Imitation? UULD you call on your local mer- chalt and ask him for "imitation" sugar, or raisins, or coffee? Would you ask him to sell you a pair of shoes made of something "just as good" as leather? Or a suit of clothes "made for" a man, whether or not it fits you? Get the' Genuine `• International Repairs When you need re- pairs --for your 1 H C Farm Equipment, buy the genuine re- pairs. See that this 4 trade -mark - appears on each piece. Genuine 1 H C repairs are made from the original patterns—all others are copied from copies. Genuine I H C repairs are made of the same material, have the same finish, fit as accurately, and wear just as long as similar parts purchased with the, original implement or machine. We are the Authorized I H C Dealers There is one certain and infallible way to secure genuine I H C repairs—buy them from us. And remember that International service, rendered by us, can only be 100 per cent right when International machines are equipped with genuine International repairs. John A. Workman KIPPEN, ONTARIO. - 1 th�robred Imported Stallions The following pure bred imported Clydesdale and Percheron stallions,: which 'are all enrolled, inspected and approved, will stand for service this season at T:J, Berr yY 's Stables HENSAL' L, ONTARIO wmiNWIIMEWWIA CUMBERLAND - STEEL Clydesdale [221791 Enrolment No. 6608 To insure $20. Form A 1 COMMODORE Clydesdale p591] (14633) Enrolment No. 1681 Form A 1 To insure $15. KING THOMAS Clydesdale [9214] (12125) Enrolment No. 1866 - Form A To insure $15. COL. GRAHAM (92551 (12193) • Enrolment No. 1370 To lame 1414. JABOT Pereherna (31391 (34214) Enrolment No. 1869 Form A. 1 insure $18. Form 1 e' - NOTICE Notice ib hereby given that side -line 20 and 21 in the Township of McKillop, from the front of Concession 9 M the front of concession 10, is closed for public travel until further notice is given.. By order of the McKillop Council. M. MURDIE, 2740-8 , Clerk. FARMS FOR SALE . FARMS FOR SALE. -- I HAVE SOME 4hoice farms for - sale in the Townships of Uaborne and Hibbert; all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, We)odham, Ont. 2658-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE.—GOOD FRAME dwelling, stable, hen house and one-half acre of land, oorner lot, conveniently atu- ated on west side of Centre Street in the village of Egmondviile, which will be sold cheap and en reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electric light, and the property is in first clans condition. Good garden and fruit trees. Possession given promptly, For particulars apply to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. • 2728-tf RAI LVV,AY GRANO T:RUI`I\ SYs'r M LORD MANSFIELD . . (21161] (110113) - Vol. 29, B.C. S. B. Passed Enrolment No. 1134 Form 1 stand for the Iaprevement if stock this season, as fellows: Mondry.-Wf2i leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan, for noon; then to his` own stable for night Tuesday.—To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then west to Allan Rom°, concession 10 McKillop, for one hour; then to his own stable for night. Wednesday. —To Frank Mahar's, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's .Hotel, Dublin, for night Thursday. To Joseph Nagle's for noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtiss's, 1 miles out of Seaforth, for noon; then by way of Rox- boro to William Anderson's, Lot 29, Con- cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday.— Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms --To insure • foal. $18. Jasses Evans, Proprietor and Manager. Bsschweid. Ont. MAKWIRA Approved Enrolment No. 8267 Form 1 (15938) VOL. XXZIII Monday.—Will leave his own stable, • Stafa, and go west by the 8th concession to James Hills' for noon ; then south to the Cromarty Line and east- to his own stable for night. Tuesday. --South by the Centre Road to Jas. Ballantyne's, Usborne boundary, for 120013: then east to Farquhar and west on Thames Road- to Wes. Armstrong's, for night. Wed- sfiedsy.--South to Elimvilie and east to f Winchelsea to John Deibridge's for noon; then south to William Brook's for night. '!Curs - day. --South to the 10th Concession of Blan- chard and east three miles and then north to William Thompson's, Jr., Lot 6, Concession 9,' for neon; then north to the Kirkton Line and wet to Kirkton at Taylor's Hotel for night. Friday—North to G. Pridhant's for neon; .then west and north to John Hamnil- ton's for night Saturday.—North to Mac. Gray's, 7th concession of Hibbert, for noon; then west to the ventre Road and south to Staffs to his own stable, where- he will re- main until the following Monday morning, i Terms -To insure a foal, $15 John Livingstone, Preprietor and Manager Staffs', Ont. ' The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Care on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant ...... Depot Agent BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terms to insure, $15. Monday,—Will Ieave his own stable. Bruce- field, rucefield, and go west to the second concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, for_;noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's., for night. Tuesday.—By way of Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel .for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Rost to the Goshen Line to Arthur McOiinchey'a; for night. Wednesday.—By McClymont's side road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm. Foster's, for noon; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Stanley, for the night. Thursday. North to the Bayfield road to his own stable .for noon; remaining until the following Friday' morning. Friday.—To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and north to the 2nd concession H. R. 8., Tuckersmith. then west to James Carnochan's, for night. Sat- urday.—West by Broadfoot's bride, then south to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and- Manager. POPULAR STALLIONS The following popular stallions will stand. for the improvement of stock this season as follows: KING KAY - Enrolment No. 629. Form 1 {130291 Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, 114 miles west of Winthrop, with exception of Friday from noon till night when he will be at W. Cud- more's sale stables, Main Street, Seaforth. Terms -512.00 to insure. _ 2739-8 EARL 0' STANLEY THE GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION (18890) - Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form 1 Terms to Insure 112. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Brucefleid, where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE [2145] (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 864 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Bene- field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon ; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday.—North by way of sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg'a, for noon; then north to James McMillans, 6th concession, Goderich township) for night. Wednesday.—By way of Jewel's corners and Benmiller to W. Hill's for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to Hohnesville at Harry Sweet's for night Thursday. --By way of 16th concession to A. Townsend's, for noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Rotel, Clinton, for night. Friday.—South by way of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce - field, for noon; then west 114 miles and south 114 miles to John Murdock's for one hour then to his own stable for night. Saturday.—South 21/1 miles, and east 14 miles to Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. Terms—$15 to insure. The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per- mitting. William Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brucefleld, Ont. RANTIN ROBIN (21685) PURE BRED CLYDESDALE Enrolment No. 6597 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 24, Con- cession 4, McKillop. - Ternns, $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1921. 2786x12 Percy Smith. Manager. GOLDEN GUINEA [20738] Enrolment No: 5275 Form 1 Tuesday.—Wall leave his own stable, Huron Road, three miles west of Seaforth, and go to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for noon; then, by way, of Huron Road and Holmesville to Oscar Tebett's for night. Wednesday.—By way_ of Maitland concession to John Durst's for noon; then to Benmiller and Huron Road to Wilmot Heackes' for night. Thursday.— To the seventh concession, Goderich Township, to Fred Pickard's for noon.; then to Harold Graham's, ninth concession, for night. Fri- day.—By way of Telephone Road and Lon- don Road M Newman Garrett's for noon; then to his own stable, Huron Road, for night, where he will remain until the fel- lowing Tuesday morning. Terms to insure, $15. G. W. Nott, Proprietor and Manager EMPEROR McKINNEY No. (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No. 4075 , Approved Form A 1. Will make the season of 1920 at his own stable, Lot 8,- Concession 4, Tuckersmith, at $13 to insure a mare in foal. Will meet mares from a distance. For further partf[culars apply to Charles Riley, Owner; phone 7-136 2787-tf DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enrolment No. 5275 Form 1 1 CONSULTING ENGINEERS The E. A. JAMES Co., Limited -E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can.. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer• age systems, Incinerators, - Schools, Public Halls, Housings. Factories. Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fair—Usually paid out of the deny we save our clients James Watson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, - conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and ' possession given promptly. Apply at • my Office for, particulars. Monday. Will leave his own stable, Huron Road, 8 miles west of Seaforth, and go by way of Huron Road and Seaforth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon; thea north to Jerry O'Hara's, for night.. Tuesday. --To Snell Bm.., Kinburn, for noon; then to Andrew Flynn's,- for night. Wednesday. To Ezra Hurst's, Base Line, for noon; then by way of Summer Hill and 16th concession to James Ferguson's for night. Thursday. By way of Huron Road and Cut Line to Eld. Yoe's for noon; then by way of ninth concession to Robert Crura for night. Friday.—By way of Bayfield Line and 2nd of Stanley to Jamas Jackson's for noon; then to Fred Pepper's, west End Tuek- ersniith, for night. Saturday.—By way of the second concession to Broadfoot's Corner, then to Elcoat's Corner and Mill Road to Dave People's, for noon; then to his own stable for night, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. Nott, Prop., Dominic Reynolds. Man. W4 INTIME (Imp.) The Great International Winner . Registered in Canadian Percheron Stud Book No. 6219; in France as No. (83158) ; in Chicago as No, -87219-; in Columbus as No. "44105"; in French Draft as No. "20685". Enrolment No. 5460 in Form A 1 and Premium No. 66. Intime along with our four manes, received the Gold Medal at Toronto, 1919, awarded First Prize at Chicago at the International in the largest class of draft horses shown in - the world viz. 126 entered and 86 shown in the ring ; First Prize and Gold Medal at the Ohio State Fair in 1910, was Grand Champion same year at Ohio State Fair; First Prize and Champion Cup at the Columbus Horse Show in 1911 ; First Prize and Grand Champion at the Ohio . State Fair in 1911; Firat Prize in Champion Group at Chicago in 1910 ; First Prize given by the Percheron Registry Qo. in 1910 ; . First Prize at Mt. Gilead and Champion in 1911-12 and was never defeated in the United States and met the beast horses in the country; First Prize at Hensall in 1919-20 ; The Champion Mare at Toronto, 1919, is being bred to this horse; also the first prize, 3 and 4 year old. Wednesday.—Will leave his stable Wednes- day noon and proceed to Zurich at Walper's Hotel. • Thursday.—Thence to - Sam Heys, Blake, for noon ; thence to H. Neeb's, for night; then to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Wednesday. This horse has sired lots of ton geldings out of grade mares and last year one of his get topped the market at Pittsburg, weighing 2,150 at 5 years old. Intime is black with star, has a noble head, fine neck set on the best of shoulders, short back, good quarters, good legs and with the best of feet. To insure a' foal, $25 for pure bred mares, or $15 for grade mares, payable March lst, 1921. 11. C. Soldan & Sons, Owners, 2737x6 Hensall, Ont. - . f. W TRACTORS FOR SALE 1 8-16 Mogul Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold- Shapley & Muir tractor. 1 8-16 Avery ins good wording condition. The ROBT. BELL EN-. GINE& THRESHER CO., LTD. Seaforth - Ont. 11111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111 IOW IWO IWO IMW IIMI WWI OR - MI 01111 _s 1 S. T. HOLMES g Funeral Direetor and 3 Licensed Embalmer Undertaking g- parlors Ili . Beattie Block, ° oppedte = The Expositor Office Residence Goderic"k St„ opposite Dr. Scott's. WNW fit INV Flowers furnished on ik abort notice. Phone bight ar Day 119 /111111111111111111111i11fiiiiiltifiiift111tf1i110 W .Ta BOX iia Cos Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Hoider of Government Diploma and Licence Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day els Phone 175 Phone 43 W. SD GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Da* 192 hy Art lothes? Because they have Style. ' Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly tailored and trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price. $44, $45, $50, $55, $60 - My Wardrobe " MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SE .FO1 TH. -_tll11111111111111111111111111111111il11ilUB111111 1i111111111iltliit11ii11iiltti1111/11111 111 _ IMOSEMC NNW WWI 1.11 SSW sow 1.1 W. IWO MEN 111. 1.11 W. WWI W. WNW 3 WNW WWI c WW IMO Mon WRMIR OWN OWE Get Glasses for those - head aches OUR SPECIALIST WILL EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WNW few, luome Awl Olt .r[ WOO INNS WITH PROPER GLASSES , AT A REASONABLE PRICE. WWI 116 .WI WNW IF YOU ARE HAVING EYE TROUBLE, OR IF THE GLASSB$ 3 YOU ARE NOW WEARING. DO NOT SUIT YOU, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET SATISFACTION. Reid Optical Companv ,-. D AMR WNW fl., NOW1.6 IOW l HEAD OFFICE - - STEAMED D Seaforth Office over Umbach's Drug Store upstairs, mai 1111#140Z 11 a.m. till 6 p.m. . u11uH1111111111111iu11111111liuu1n111111111181111tull1IItMil 1 b -.3 - 111111111 iii mism211 rTRAVELLERSI. CHEQUES Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear -1 er to identify.himself and .1111 aZe readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. 82.4 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL ; - $15.000,000RESERVE FUND .. . $ 15,000,00 SEAFORTH BRANCH, j. G Millen, Manager. - 1 CONSULTING ENGINEERS The E. A. JAMES Co., Limited -E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can.. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer• age systems, Incinerators, - Schools, Public Halls, Housings. Factories. Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fair—Usually paid out of the deny we save our clients James Watson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, - conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and ' possession given promptly. Apply at • my Office for, particulars. Monday. Will leave his own stable, Huron Road, 8 miles west of Seaforth, and go by way of Huron Road and Seaforth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon; thea north to Jerry O'Hara's, for night.. Tuesday. --To Snell Bm.., Kinburn, for noon; then to Andrew Flynn's,- for night. Wednesday. To Ezra Hurst's, Base Line, for noon; then by way of Summer Hill and 16th concession to James Ferguson's for night. Thursday. By way of Huron Road and Cut Line to Eld. Yoe's for noon; then by way of ninth concession to Robert Crura for night. Friday.—By way of Bayfield Line and 2nd of Stanley to Jamas Jackson's for noon; then to Fred Pepper's, west End Tuek- ersniith, for night. Saturday.—By way of the second concession to Broadfoot's Corner, then to Elcoat's Corner and Mill Road to Dave People's, for noon; then to his own stable for night, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. Nott, Prop., Dominic Reynolds. Man. W4 INTIME (Imp.) The Great International Winner . Registered in Canadian Percheron Stud Book No. 6219; in France as No. (83158) ; in Chicago as No, -87219-; in Columbus as No. "44105"; in French Draft as No. "20685". Enrolment No. 5460 in Form A 1 and Premium No. 66. Intime along with our four manes, received the Gold Medal at Toronto, 1919, awarded First Prize at Chicago at the International in the largest class of draft horses shown in - the world viz. 126 entered and 86 shown in the ring ; First Prize and Gold Medal at the Ohio State Fair in 1910, was Grand Champion same year at Ohio State Fair; First Prize and Champion Cup at the Columbus Horse Show in 1911 ; First Prize and Grand Champion at the Ohio . State Fair in 1911; Firat Prize in Champion Group at Chicago in 1910 ; First Prize given by the Percheron Registry Qo. in 1910 ; . First Prize at Mt. Gilead and Champion in 1911-12 and was never defeated in the United States and met the beast horses in the country; First Prize at Hensall in 1919-20 ; The Champion Mare at Toronto, 1919, is being bred to this horse; also the first prize, 3 and 4 year old. Wednesday.—Will leave his stable Wednes- day noon and proceed to Zurich at Walper's Hotel. • Thursday.—Thence to - Sam Heys, Blake, for noon ; thence to H. Neeb's, for night; then to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Wednesday. This horse has sired lots of ton geldings out of grade mares and last year one of his get topped the market at Pittsburg, weighing 2,150 at 5 years old. Intime is black with star, has a noble head, fine neck set on the best of shoulders, short back, good quarters, good legs and with the best of feet. To insure a' foal, $25 for pure bred mares, or $15 for grade mares, payable March lst, 1921. 11. C. Soldan & Sons, Owners, 2737x6 Hensall, Ont. - . f. W TRACTORS FOR SALE 1 8-16 Mogul Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold- Shapley & Muir tractor. 1 8-16 Avery ins good wording condition. The ROBT. BELL EN-. GINE& THRESHER CO., LTD. Seaforth - Ont. 11111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111 IOW IWO IWO IMW IIMI WWI OR - MI 01111 _s 1 S. T. HOLMES g Funeral Direetor and 3 Licensed Embalmer Undertaking g- parlors Ili . Beattie Block, ° oppedte = The Expositor Office Residence Goderic"k St„ opposite Dr. Scott's. WNW fit INV Flowers furnished on ik abort notice. Phone bight ar Day 119 /111111111111111111111i11fiiiiiltifiiift111tf1i110 W .Ta BOX iia Cos Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Hoider of Government Diploma and Licence Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day els Phone 175 Phone 43 W. SD GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Da* 192 hy Art lothes? Because they have Style. ' Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly tailored and trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price. $44, $45, $50, $55, $60 - My Wardrobe " MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SE .FO1 TH. -_tll11111111111111111111111111111111il11ilUB111111 1i111111111iltliit11ii11iiltti1111/11111 111 _ IMOSEMC NNW WWI 1.11 SSW sow 1.1 W. IWO MEN 111. 1.11 W. WWI W. WNW 3 WNW WWI c WW IMO Mon WRMIR OWN OWE Get Glasses for those - head aches OUR SPECIALIST WILL EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WNW few, luome Awl Olt .r[ WOO INNS WITH PROPER GLASSES , AT A REASONABLE PRICE. WWI 116 .WI WNW IF YOU ARE HAVING EYE TROUBLE, OR IF THE GLASSB$ 3 YOU ARE NOW WEARING. DO NOT SUIT YOU, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET SATISFACTION. Reid Optical Companv ,-. D AMR WNW fl., NOW1.6 IOW l HEAD OFFICE - - STEAMED D Seaforth Office over Umbach's Drug Store upstairs, mai 1111#140Z 11 a.m. till 6 p.m. . u11uH1111111111111iu11111111liuu1n111111111181111tull1IItMil 1 b -.3 - 111111111 iii mism211